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Genealogy Images of History |
Updated:07/31/07 |
* indicates pictured
Y. C. Lab * - 1926 - Article entitled "The First Y. C. Lab Fellowship Goes to Albert F. Bird". Receives M.I.T. Scholarship as saved from this old American Magazine.
Y. M. C. A. * - 1918 - Service in France as pictured in this old American News Publication.
Y. M. C. A.* - 1919 - Library in Nice, France as pictured and written about in an American Pictorial Magazine article entitled "A Flashlight On Some Aspects of the War" as saved. The page is mint condition and is 11 by 16 inches.
YAGER, Erastus mentioned in "Henry Plummer's Horrendous Masquerade" article from old western magazine
YAKE, Ira A. * Private (Lexington, Michigan- WORLD WAR ONE Honor Roll – Died of Wounds)
YAKIMA INDIAN RESERVATION mentioned in "Tex Banta Mountain Man of the 1880’s", by: O. W. Banta, Submitted By: Wayne Spiller
YAKIMA INDIAN TRIBE, * - 1921 - Pictured are the Chief Minnick and Mrs. Bates of Tacoma, whose father was Governor when both signed the Treaty of 1855 as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
YAKIMA INDIAN TRIBE, * - 1921 - Pictured are the Chief Minnick and Mrs. Bates of Tacoma, whose father was Governor when both signed the Treaty of 1855 as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
YAKIMA INDIAN TRIBE CHIEF, YOWLACHE, * - 1928 - Native American Indian actor and former Chief of the Yakima Tribe pictured and named in pictorial collage entitled REAL INDIANS ARE NOW USE IN MOTION PICTURES which features real Indians in scenes from old movies as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine
Yakima Indian Wars, - 1865 era – Location: WA Territory. Named in story entitled “The Colville Indian’s Helen Toulou” by Thelma Kimmel which relates the story of pioneer days in the Fort Spokane area as found in this complete, seldom read western magazine.
YAKIMA INDIANS - 1855 Era - Pictured and Named in "Short Campaign of Lt. Slaughter" ( Lieutenant, U. S. Army, 2nd Battalion, 4th Infantry Regiment) --- who wanted to put and end to Indian fighting but died trying. As published in complete old, seldom found western magazine.
YAKIMA INDIANS * - 1860 era - Oregon, Washington on the Western Frontier. Named in the story entitled COLONEL WRIGHT'S BLOODY REVENGE which tells of the battle known as the Massacre of Steptoe Bluffs where the U. S. Army suffered the worst defeat of the Indian War and the resultant revenge the Army extracted as published in this hard to find and complete western magazine.
YALE - ARMY FOOTBALL GAME * - 1921 - Pictured is entitled THRILLING YALE - ARMY GAME which Yale won 14 - 7 showing a headlong tackle made by Jordan tackling McLaren of the Army, Wood of West Point carrying the ball after Aldrich's kick and Romney of Chicago was easily the star of the game against Princeton as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
YALE - ARMY FOOTBALL TEAM * - 1925 - Pictured and named in double page article entitled LONG RUNS and FRENZIED SCRIMMAGES FEATURE GRIDIRON BATTLES NORTH, SOUTH, EAST and WEST pictorial story headlined THE ARMY TAKES ADVANCING ORDERS as Buell makes a short gain against Yale which they lost 28 - 7 as saved from this old American pictorial magazine
YALE - GEORGIA FOOTBALL GAME * - 1931 - Pictorial collage of annual game which GEORGIA won by 26 to 7 over Yale as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
YALE - HARVARD - PRINCETON * - Yale kicker Captain Bill Mallory, pictured who made two field goals in the victories of Harvard and Princeton, making Yale Champion of the Big Three in 1923.
YALE - HARVARD FOOTBALL GAME * - 1922 - Pictorial collage of Annual game which Harvard won by a score of 10 to 3. 55,000 attended at Harvard Stadium at Cambridge, Mass. as pictured here with highlights of the game as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine. Two pages and back.
YALE - PRINCETON FOOTBALL GAME * - 1916 - Article with picture and text entitled "The Yale-Princeton Football Game" as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
YALE - PRINCETON FOOTBALL GAME * - 1922 - Article with picture and text entitled "The Yale-Princeton Football Game" in which Princeton beat Yale 3 - 0 as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
YALE COACH - JONES, Tad - 1925 * - Pictured in article entitled "GETTING THE KINKS OUT FOR DAYS TO COME" who is head coach of the Yale Warriors as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
YALE EXPEDITION * - 1870 era - Location; New England, NY, NB, WY, UT. Story of the first American specialist in paleontology .Professor O. C. Mars and his venture in search of old dinosaur bones as found in the rare and complete western magazine.
YALE FRESHMAN FOOTBALL SQUAD OF 1925 * - Pictured in article entitled "GETTING THE KINKS OUT FOR DAYS TO COME" as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
YALE UNIVERSITY ARCHAEOLOGICAL EXPEDITION to SOLUTRE, FRANCE * - 1924 - Article entitled "American Scientists Unearth Relics of the Stone Age" headed by Professor James Grant MacCurdy as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
YALE UNIVERSITY FOOTBALL SQUAD * - 1922 - Pictured and featured in "Football Squads Out For Practice.".
YALE UNIVERSITY FOOTBALL TEAM * - 1923 - Bill Mallory of the Yale Varsity is pictured and named as Captain of the football team as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine
YALE UNIVERSITY LACROSSE TEAM * - 1931 - Captain Winthrop Smith pictured and written about in article entitled "THE AIRPLANE SPIN OF WRESTLING MOVES OVER INTO LACROSSE" as he is pictured at the first practice session at New Haven as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
YALE UNIVERSITY ROWING CREW * - 1932 - Rowing crew pictured coming in second to the Washington Huskies in the National Intercollegiate Spring Championship at Marine Stadium, Long Beach, California. Cornell was third and Harvard fourth as pictured in this American Pictorial Magazine.
YALE UNIVERSITY VARSITY CREW * - 1931 - Pictured on inside cover entitled THE YALE EIGHT practicing rowing in the indoor tank at New Haven, Conn., as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
YALE UNIVERSITY Band * - 1922 - Article with picture and text entitled "The Yale-Princeton Football Game" in which Princeton beat Yale 3 - 0 as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
YALE-HARVARD TRACK MEET * - 1924 - Scenes from meet pictured in American Sports collage with winner of the 16-pound shot put with a distance of 47 feet, 1 1/2 inches and the Yale-Harvard Championship meet. 11 by 16 inches. Mint condition.
YAMAGATA *, Marshal Prince. Shown at the funeral of Marshal Prince Oyama.
YAMAMOTO, Rear Admiral Isoroku * - 1934 - Featured in text and pictured in article entitled "Japanese Naval Spokesman" as saved from "Footnotes on a Week's Headliners" by Omar Hite. Single Page is 9 3/4 by 13 1/4 inches. Excellent condition.
YAMANASHI, Prince * - 1917 - Collage of pictures entitled "Japan Still a Diligent Student of Mars"
YAMPA, COLORADO * - 1900 circa. Site: CO., Site of story of Charlie McKay entitled ONE DULL DAY by Fred Gipson (author of Yeller Dog) and his hilarious original tale of a run-a-way horse and wagon as found in this old, complete western magazine.
YAMPARIKA COMANCHES (Indian Tribe) "Lords of the South Plains" by Norman B. Wiltsey, history of the Comanche experience with horses and, according to U. S. Military officers became the best light cavalry the world has ever seen.
YANCY, Betty, Mrs. of Long Branch Creek - Circa 1900 - Site: Stillwater, OK., Named in story of convicted murdererer Artie Blue who was sentenced to 45 years as featured in story entitled ARTIE BLUE'S DREAM - by Glenn Shirley who tells of a dream involved in the murder of Daniel Rising and the trial which captivated the citizens of this Oklahoma Territory town as found in this old, complete western magazine
YANDA, S.*, referred to in "Comstock Country Land of Promises", historic article from old western magazine covering Virginia City, Sutro, Gold Hill and Silver City with lots of picture and map printed on slick enamel paper. Rarely found. Early pioneer days.
YANEZ, (1903 VENEZUELA history by PENFIELD, Youth Companion Magazine, 1903)
YANKEE - CLEVELAND WORLD SERIES * - 1921 - Pictured and written about in featured entitled STIRRING PLAYS IN THE YANKEE CLEVELAND SERIES along with Tris Speaker as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
YANKEE (26TH) DIVISION INSIGNIA * - 1919 - WORLD WAR I Insignia of Divisions of United States Army.
YANKEE (26TH) DIVISION OF WORLD WAR I MASCOT * - 1923 - Pictured entitled "STUBBY", War Hero, To Make Appeal To President Harding for a bonus for ex-service men. He is shown here with all his medals as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
YANKEE BLADE , steamship - CIRCA 1886 - Site : Pacific Coast - Named in article entitled "Hidden Treasure off the Pacific Coast" by Leo Rosenhouse. Story of the side-wheel steamer, Brother Jonathan whose Captain went to his death railing against greedy profiteers who overloaded us. Most of the passengers an crew died. Treasure in the hold has never been recovered as described in rare western magazine
YANKEE CLIPPER * - 1931 - Pictured with cut away diagram in a collage of photos entitled "THE FLAGSHIP OF THE AMERICAN AERIAL MERCHANT MARINE; SKETCH OF THE YANKEE CLIPPER.
YANKEE JUDD * - 1880 era - Western Frontier - Named in story entitled LIVER-EATING JOHNSON'S LAST TRAIL by Raymond W. Thorp. Story of one of the west's most heroic mountain men called the boldest Anglo-Saxon who ever lifted a redskin's scalp. Known to the Indians as Dah-plh-ek Absaroka as published in this old and complete western magazine.
YANKTON AGENCY - 1880 - 1910. LOCATION - DAKOTAS. Named in story entitled "The High Cost of Competent Mourners" by Mary Collins Rexroth which is a compilation of letters written by her great aunt, Auntie May or Mary Clementine Collins, a medical doctor and a minister in the Congregational Church called Princess Winona by the Sioux Indians she ministered to as found in this old and very rare western magazine.
YANKTON, AHNA SIOUX INDIANS - 1811 era - Location: MO, NE, SD. - Named in Western River Story entitled KEELBOAT MARATHON by Max von Kreisler who tells the story of Manual Lisa, a river boat captain in a race for the early fur industry on the Missouri River. His competitor was the American Fur Company headed by John Jacob Astor as found in this old and complete western magazine
YANKTON INDIAN RESERVATION * - 1876 era - Location: Black Hills of South Dakota. Named in historical story of Professor Walter P. Jenney, entitled "THE TREASURE MAP OF TOUSSAINT KENSLER" by Mildred Fielder, a young geologist hired by the United States Government to study the mineral content and promise of the Black Hills, as published in this rarely found and seldom read western magazine.
YANKTON mentioned in "Ben Ash Dakota Trail Blazer", by Joe Koller as published in this old western magazine.
YANKTON SIOUX INDIANS - 1890 - 1912 Circa. Site - Missouri, Dakota Territory. Named in biography entitled SAGA OF FREDERIC GERARD by Carleton Mays. Written of a legend who the author states could whip wild grizzlies, defeat 600 Indians, escape from the Custer massacre yet compassionate enough to tend the sick Indians as though they were his flock as found in rare and complete western magazine.
YANKTONANS * - 1833 - 34. Site: ND, France, Germany, Switzerland. Named in story entitled WINTER AT FORT CLARK, edited by Davis Thomas and Karin Ronnefeldt which recites one of the most important American Plains Expedition of Maximilian and Bodmer along the tribes of the Upper Missouri as found in this old, complete western magazine.
YANO, Thomas * - 1931 - First Japanese to join the University of Pennsylvania as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
YANOVSKI, Simeon, Lieutenant - 1780 era Location: Russian Territory of Alaska. Named in history entitled "Women of Culture in Alaska of Russian America" by Melody W. Grauman which details reports of the noblewomen and natives alike that made distinctive contribution to the survival of Alaska's first permanent white settlements as found in this rare magazine.
YAP ISLAND * - 1921. Pictorial collage entitled "Island of Yap Now of International Importance" includes map, native picture, Governor, and facts on the mandate under the Conference on Disarmament and Far East Questions.
YAQUI INDIANS - Mentioned in "A Curse Upon His Head" By: Norman C. Pierce, the story of the Mormon empire builder. Sam Brennan, of San Francisco. Rare
YAQUI, Old,* Storyteller of his Tribe - Mentioned in "Lucky Old Yaqui (Tall Tales of the Old West)" by Tom G. Murray. True and Untrue tales as told by great story tellers.. As published in this old rare and complete western magazine.
YAQUI, Rio ( THE WEST FORGOTTEN HERO - JAMES KIRKER, Old Pioneers Story Found in Western Magazine)
YARBOROUGH, (a cowboy), - 1928 era - Kansas to Texas location. Named in rare short story entitled Tom Gilroy's Fiddler by J. Frank Dobie, about friend of Dobie's whom he chose to write of his experiences as found in this rare, complete western magazine
YARBROUGH, Virginia, Miss * - 1926 - Pictured in article entitled "Who Wouldn't be One Of Her Flock" in the Virginia College May Day Pantomime, "The Shepherd At The Dance" as saved from this American Pictorial magazine.
YARDLEY, Shorty - Mentioned in "Happy Days and Happy Men" By: Frank B. Bryant. Story of Leesburg Mining Company in 1910 as written up in old Western magazine.
YARMOLINSKI, W. * Private (New York City– Honor Roll – Died of Wounds)
YARR, Tom * - 1931 - Pictured entitled THE CAPTAIN OF THE NOTRE DAME ELEVEN FOR 1931 as Centre on the Championship Team of 1930 as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
YATES HOTEL, SWEETWATER, TEXAS - 1900 era - Locations: Rodeo sites in the United States. Named in story entitled 55 YEARS A RODEO TRAMP written by William Cy Hancock as told to him by author Hackberry Johnson which is really a rodeo history from 1917 of the stars with personal photos of their acts, circus, wild west shows including a massive photo index with story after story of the old time Rodeo Stars of the old west as found in this seldom found, complete western magazine.
YATES, * - ( Member, Judiciary Committee of New York who will try the case of Suspended Representatives from New York Assembly) - 1920 - Pictorial Collage entitled "Socialist Members Barred from Seats in New York Assembly". 84 year old single page, 11 by 16 inches in good condition.
YATES, A. B. * - 1936 - Pictured as member of the Rowing Crew of the U. S. Naval Academy in double page article entitled "SPORTS OF THE WEEK" as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
YATES, Bruce C.,. - 1900 -30 era, Location: Montna, South Dakota. Homestake Mine Master Mechanic named in story entitled 'LIFE-LINES OF THE MINES by Mildred Fielder - the story of the invention of William J. Lilly who developed the Lilly Hoist Controller which was and is responsible for saving thousands of miners' lives as found in this rare and seldom found complete western magazine
YATES, Frank E., Captain - 1890 - 1930 era. United States. Named in story entitled THE TROUBLED LIFE OF A BICYCLIENNE as named by Weldon D. Woodson in life story of Annie Sylvester as one who received the Bicycle Club Title of WORLD'S CHAMPION TRICK AND FANCY RIDER as found in this complete old western.
YATES, Captain, Commander of 1st Division, – 1870s era – Location MT, SD, mentioned in “The Custer Story,” by Bill Judge who goes to great lengths to explain the reasons Custer lost. A revealing and thorough account based on participants in the action and comments of first men to follow the trail as published in this complete old western magazine.
YATES, M. Carroll ., * - 1880 era - (TEXAS RANGER LAWMAN) - Pictured and written about in story entitled "Ambush in the Chaparral", a story of the exploits of Texas Ranger Lawmen of Company C and the capture and killing of western outlaws as published in this old & complete western magazine.
YATES, W. B. * - 1936 - Irishman pictured w short description of his best seller, "Dramatis Personae" in featured article "Books And Their Makers" citing This Week's Best Sellers as saved from this old American pictorial magazine. Page is in mint condition
YAT-SEN, Sun, Doctor and wife * - 1922 - Pictured as the President of the Southern or "Secessionist" Government of China in article entitled "Men and Women of Importance in Four Continents" as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
YAVAPAI COUNTY, - 1870 - 1930 era. Sheriff George Ruffner, of Yavapai County named in western study entitled "THE TOWN THAT COPPER BUILT" by Harriett Farnsworth who is pictured on scene in seldom found, rarely read old Mining Story that needs to be rediscovered as found in this complete western magazine.
YAZOO CITY, MISSISSIPPI EPISCOPAL CHURCH * - 1933 - Article entitled "In the Wake of the Series of Tornadoes" as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
YBARRA, T. R. - 1926 - Named in story entitled "IT'S ONLY ONE OF THOSE LITTLE THINGS THAT HAPPEN AT SEA" , the story of the 1926 rescue at sea of the British Freighter Antinoe by Captain George Fried -- a true saga of the heroism and gallantry of the U. S. Navy as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
YE, Mon * (of China) - 1922 - Pictured in article entitled YOUNG PEOPLE OF MANY RACES TRANSFORMED INTO AMERICANS showing pupils of the Americanization School of Washington, D.C. gathered to speak the English language fluently and receive a liberal American education as saved from this old American Pictorial collage. Mint. 11 by 16 inches.
YEAGER, Dick - A Lawrence Raider - 1862 era. Site: Lawrence, KS. Named in story entitled THE DAY QUANTRILL BURNED LAWRENCE by an unnamed author who writes a decidedly negative narrative when Federal troops refused to protect Lawrence, Kansas from Quantrill Raiders as found in this old, rare and complete western magazine.
YEAGER, Dorothy Emerson author mentioned in "Deputy Marshal - Joe Morgan" - 1890 - 1920 era. True Story of politics and law enforcement in Dona County, New Mexico as published in this old rare and complete western magazine.. Article from old western magazine.
YEAMAN'S, Written up in, "Texas Cowman 'Shanghai' Pierce" By: Oran Warder Nolen- the true western story of one of the most famous cattlemen of the 1880 era
YEATER, John J. mentioned in "Harrison's Rendezvous With Fate" article from old western magazine
YEATMAN, Miss Georgina Pope * - 1924 - (Captain) pictures leaders of University of Pennsylvania Co-ed Polo Team, alongside Miss Ella Eaton.
YEATON, Franklin Second Lieutenant (served as Regimental Commissary of Subsistence) mentioned in "Sword of Revenge" by: Donald N. Bentz
YEATS, Gwyer, Mrs. * - 1924 - Pictured and identified as Southern Millionaire's Wife.
YEATS, W. B. mentioned in - 1902 - Article entitled "Maeterlinck's New Play "Censored" in London" as saved from this old American Magazine.
YEATS, W. B., * - 1916 - Irish poet named in article entitled 'IRELAND'S POET-PATRIOTS" who was one of leaders of the Irish poet's revolution. Quotes from his several books of verse and is called "the finest flower of the young Irish intellectuals and cites his role as Assistant Professor of English at the National University of Ireland. Much more as saved from this American Newsweek magazine..
YEE, Hip - 1850 - 70 - Location: CA. Named in story entitled Lookee, Lookee, No Touchee by John H. Harrison who tells of the story of a remarkable Chinese woman named Ah Toy and how she converted the west coast of the U. S. into a harem of slavery which captivated the pioneer of the west leaving many deprived of their gold as found in this rare, complete western magazine.
YELETA, TEXAS *. - 1870 -80 era. Location TX, NM - Texas Ranger Lawman Named in story of this great Texas Ranger Lawman, Jim Gillette and his exploits that made him respected by many and feared by the bad guy as published in this rare and seldom found complete western magazine
YELLOW ASTER MINE * - 1890 era - Location CA, NV, NY - History of the Yellow Aster Mine by Roberta M. Starry and the boss of the mine, Doctor Rose La Mont Burcham who bossed the Mine with a firm hand and made it successful as found in this old, rare, complete western magazine.
YELLOW BEAR (Chief of the Minnetarees) * - 1833 - 34. Site: ND, France, Germany, Switzerland. Named in story entitled WINTER AT FORT CLARK, edited by Davis Thomas and Karin Ronnefeldt which recites one of the most important American Plains Expedition of Maximilian and Bodmer along the tribes of the Upper Missouri as found in this old, complete western magazine.
YELLOW BIRD * - 1890 - Location South Dakota - Indian written about in historic story entitled THE TRIBE THAT DANCED ITSELF TO DEATH by B. Hale Pinot which tells of the strange and tragic steps to the Battle of Wounded Knee - the last of the Indian wars as found in this very rare and complete western magazine.
YELLOW BIRD * (WOUNDED KNEE - MEDAL OF HONOR WINNER WEINERT, Different Version of Wounded Knee found in old western)
YELLOW BULL, Chief - 1850 - 90 era. Location: KS MT, OR. Named in story entitled CHIEF JOSEPH - INDIAN STATESMAN by Stephanie Cooper Shulsinger of the Chief of the Nez Perce Indians who led his people in war and peace - courageous in battle - wise and patient in defeat as found in this old, complete, western magazine.
YELLOW CREEK, VIOLET RANCH - 1880 - 1920 era - Site Western Frontier of Colorado -Named in author Victor W. Miller's THE CROSS BAR RANCH ON PICEANCE CREEK - a story of roughin it in early frontier days in the snows of Colorado taking care of sheep, eating buckskin (deer meat) and trying to stay warm as told and experienced in this very rare western magazine.
YELLOW FEVER - 1865 era - Location: DK Territory, MO, Named in story entitled NEWTON EDMONDS - TREATY MAKER OF DAKOTA reports on the life and times of Governor of Dakota Newton Edmonds who in formal clothes and silk hat, was fervently desirous of peace even it it mean losing his beautiful topper as published in this unique, old and complete western magazine.
YELLOW FEVER * - - Early Pioneer America - Location: American West. Horse named in story entitled "THE SPANISH BARB" by Leo Gaudreau with photos courtesy of author who tells the history of the "American Mustang Horse" - its birth and breeding from beginning as found in this old complete western magazine.
YELLOW HAND - 1924 era - Location, CO, KA, NJ, NY, RI - Named in this great rodeo history entitled "On The Road With the K of C Rodeo" by Bill King, a rodeo sponsored by the Knights of Columbus of Denver that played it's first rodeo at the Narragansett Speedway, may 19, 1924. Names important stars and performers not usually mentioned on the rodeo circuit as saved and found in this unusual and western complete magazine.
YELLOW HAND - 1880 era - Western Frontier - Named in story entitled WHITE-EYE -- LAST OF THE OLD-TIME PLAINSMEN of Jack Anderson, the "White-Eye Kid * who was the eyes for Old Bill Hickok who was going blind. He was an Indian fighter, miner, and generally happy-go-lucky horseman. Includes best story I ever read about Calamity Jane I ever found. 5 Star old and complete western magazine
YELLOW HAWK - 1886 era, Location South Dakota. Named in story entitled "The Cow Business and Joe Kirley" by Bill Kirley w photos by author - the pioneer story of how subject help to settle the vast and sparse area of South Dakota as published in a complete and rare western magazine
YELLOW HOUSE CANYON mentioned in "One Man's Elusive Dream The Building of The State Capitol", by Beverly Daniel
YELLOW HOUSE CANYON, Lubbock, mentioned or described in "John B. Charlton, Cavalryman By Choice" by Fred Frank Blalock, a description of the last great battle in 1874 between the U. S. Cavalry and Lone Wolf's Indians as printed in an old western magazine
YELLOW HOUSE * - 1885 - 90 era - Named in this historyof the XIT Ranch, the biggest fenced-in Cattle Ranch in the entire history of the Frontier. The two owners were paid three million acres of land for building the Texas Capital as told in this complete western magazine.
YELLOW JACKET MINE, NEVADA referred to in "Comstock Country Land of Promises", historic article from old western magazine covering Virginia City, Sutro, Gold Hill and Silver City with lots of picture and map printed on slick enamel paper. Rarely found. Early pioneer days.
YELLOW JACKET MINING COMPANY mentioned in "Bill Stewart…Nevada's Silver Chief" article from old western magazine
YELLOW KID WEIL - 1910-20 era - Location US -Named ias World's greatest confidence man in carnival and circus history entitled HEY RUBE which covers the carnival tricks of stars who entertained customers with various tricks of the carnival trade. Includes names of little know rodeo star who performed their acts before the public as found in this complete western magazine.
Yellow Pine Basin, - 1900 era – Location: ID, MT, NV. Story entitled “Two Funerals For Al Hennessy” by Ernest Oberbillig who writes of the pioneer life of Albert Hennessy who founded mining claims such as the Meadow Creek Silver Mines as found in this rare, complete, seldom found western magazine.
Yellow Pine Hotel, - 1900 era – Location: ID, MT, NV. Story entitled “Two Funerals For Al Hennessy” by Ernest Oberbillig who writes of the pioneer life of Albert Hennessy who founded mining claims such as the Meadow Creek Silver Mines as found in this rare, complete, seldom found western magazine.
Yellow Pine Mining Company, - 1900 era – Location: ID, MT, NV. Story entitled “Two Funerals For Al Hennessy” by Ernest Oberbillig who writes of the pioneer life of Albert Hennessy who founded mining claims such as the Meadow Creek Silver Mines as found in this rare, complete, seldom found western magazine.
Yellow Pine, - 1900 era – Location: ID, MT, NV. Story entitled “Two Funerals For Al Hennessy” by Ernest Oberbillig who writes of the pioneer life of Albert Hennessy who founded mining claims such as the Meadow Creek Silver Mines as found in this rare, complete, seldom found western magazine.
YELLOW ROBE, Chauncy - 1894 - 1930 - Named in fantastic story entitled SHADOW WARRIORS: REAL INDIANS IN THE MOVIES w photos courtesy of the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences. Tells the story of the making of films entitled Ghost Dance, Indian War Council and The Vanishing American using real Indians who had fought in the wars..
YELLOW ROCK - 1880 era. Location OK, TX. Chickasaw Indian Chief named in story entitled "Red Stephens Was The Most Unlikely Horse Thief Of Them All" by Lee Homes is the story of the slickest hoss thief in the old west. Working as veterinary salesman by day, casing his target and rounding up a herd of stolen horses by night he was successful--for awhile -- as found in this complete and seldom read western magazine.
YELLOW WOLF - 1880 era. Location, Ft. Worth, Texas. Named in story as Waggoner's Secretary entitled RANCHERO GRANDE by William CX Hancock and Wylie W. Bennett, Sr. Covers the history of this Ft. Worth Horseman who was responsible for the founding of Texas Thoroughbred Racing. He and his brother set about to develop the greatest ranch in the west only to be foiled by a detested ocean of oil as published in this seldom found western magazine.
YELLOW WOLF - 1880 era. Location, Ft. Worth, Texas. Named in story as Waggoner's Secretary entitled RANCHERO GRANDE by William CX Hancock and Wylie W. Bennett, Sr. Covers the history of this Ft. Worth Horseman who was responsible for the founding of Texas Thoroughbred Racing. He and his brother set about to develop the greatest ranch in the west only to be foiled by a detested ocean of oil as published in this seldom found western magazine.
YELLOW WOLF, (Indian), " "Nine Years Among the Indians - 1870-79" by Herman Lehmann, who was captured by the Indians and learned their ways and fought for them against the Americans, Mexicans and Texas Rangers. Fascinating old pioneer history. Editor calls this the best of all "Indian" stories every written as published in two old western magazines.
Yellow Wolf, Chief Cheyenne - Mentioned in "The Duke of Maxwell's Grant" by Joe Koller, Lucien B. Maxwell was elected to the Hall of Fame of Great Westerners of National Cowboy Hall of Fame and Western Heritage center at Oklahoma City, OK.. As published in this old rare and complete western magazine.
YELLOW WOLF * - CHEYENNE INDIAN CHIEF - 1871 era - TX. Story entitled DEATH ON THE BUTTERFIELD TRAIL by Stanley O. Shelton which tells story of The Warren Wagon Train Massacre near Salt Creek, Texas and of Chief Satank's incarceration and his taking of his old life while under arrest as found in this very rare and old Western magazine.
YELLOWCAT - 1900 - 1920's. Location: West Central Texas - Horse named in story entitled COWBOYS FROM VOCA by Stella Gibson Polk which is really a chronicle of old rodeo cowboys from central Texas naming the small town rodeos, shows and carnivals they performed in. Great pictures. There is al an especially good index of great bucking horses they used as saved in this old and complete western magazine
YELLOWHEAD PASS - 1910-20 Circa - Named in autobiography entitled "He Lived With The Barrens" - the life experiences of John Hornby - relates his exploration of the Barrens inc. Great Slave Lake, Baker Lake, Great Bear Lake. Old complete western magazine.
YELLOWLEG DRAWING BY REMINGTON * - 1870 era - Location: Mexico, AZ, NM, TX. Frederic Remington drawing pictured in this historical story entitled SABRES AND COLTS by Malcolm Reiss of the old U. S. Cavalry on parade which tells of men of guts as they rode for glory on the old pioneer front as found in this very rare Western Magazine.
YELLOWLEY, E. C., (Chief of Federal Prohibition Agents) - mentioned in "The Battle of Rum Row" - bootleggers heaven in New Jersey in 1925. Featured article in American News Magazine.
YELLOWLEY, E. C., * - 1921 - New York man who has been appointed New York State Prohibition Director who will supervise the application of the Volstead law to New York City as pictured and written about and saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
YELLOWSTONE - 1830 ERA - LOCATION WASHINGTON, D. C., Dakota Territory, MO, WY. Named in story entitled "The Fatal Truth" by Glenn R. Vernam who writes of travels and experiences of Assininboine Indian Chief "Pigeon's Egg Head" or Wi-Ju-Jon who was caught up in U. S. Government spiel as found in this old and complete western magazine.
YELLOWSTONE COUNTRY, 1876 era. "Mystery of the Log Cabin Gold Mine" By: Mildred Fielder - Mining hunt of the Big Horn Expedition searching for the lost mine.
YELLOWSTONE EXPEDITION - 1870 - Location: MT, WY. Named in story entitled "Another Survivor of the Custer Battle" by Harry J. Owen who states that overlooked by history, there were some 140 horses that survived the famous 7th Cavalry massacre. Here he cites interesting facts and figures seldom found as published in this old, complete, western magazine.
YELLOWSTONE EXPEDITION - 1880 ERA. Location: Western United States. Wife of subject named in story entitled GENERAL DAVID STANLEY, FRONTIER SOLDER by Samuel Stanley who writes lovingly of this hard nose General David Stanley who twice tried to fire Custer. A very frank expose of Custer's weakness by this Medal of Honor winner as published in this old complete western magazine.
YELLOWSTONE EXPEDITION mentioned in 1876 era - Story entitled "Was It Only Custer's Folly?" by Carl W. Breihan published in old Western Magazine. Seldom found Custer story i.e. "the great Indian Campaign campaign of 1876, remains the most romantic, epochal, tragic, mystical and mysterious of all the rare conflicts known in the history of the world." Highly technical with controversial theories of battle.
YELLOWSTONE EXPEDITION OF 1873 * - Location DAKOTA TERRITORY, MT, WY. Pictured and named in story entitled Bloody Knife – Custer’s Favorite Scout by Ernest Lisle Reedstrom who reports of the loyalty of one half-breed Indian Scout who gained Custer’s respect and ultimately his death in fighting against Custer’s foes. It is an exciting story of his fights along the pioneer western front with actual pictures showing his friendship and respect from Custer as found in this seldom opened western magazine.
YELLOWSTONE EXPEDITION OF 1873 - 1876 era - Location: Montana. Named in story entitled WE KILLED CUSTER by Norman Wiltsey of RUNNING FOX, Indian brave's eyewitness report of The Battle of Little Big Horn who says "Our hearts sang when Custer let our women and children get away - now we could fight" as found in this old, complete, western magazine.
YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK - 1914 - Site: Yellowstone Park. Named in "The Last of The Stagecoach Robbers". by E. R. Rice. Story of Ed Trafton, the last of the Stage-Coach Robbers who found the perfect setting to pursue his dream and the old-timer just couldn't resist giving the New World a touch of the Old West as published in this old rare and complete western magazine..
YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK STAGECOACH SIGHTSEEING TRIPS - 1914 - Site: Yellowstone Park. Named in "The Last of The Stagecoach Robbers". by E. R. Rice. Story of Ed Trafton, the last of the Stage-Coach Robbers who found the perfect setting to pursue his dream and the old-timer just couldn't resist giving the New World a touch of the Old West as published in this old rare and complete western magazine.
YELLOWSTONE PARK - 1900 era - Location: Yellowstone Park, Montana and Idaho. Named in story entitled 'LAST DAYS OF THE PARK REINSMEN" - the story of Del Jenkins dubbed "The Mormon Kid" and his adventures as a Mormon settler on the Snake River where later he became one of the last drivers of stagecoach to tour Yellowstone as published in the very rare, complete, old western magazine.
YELLOWSTONE PARK * 1921 - Pictorial Cover and Panorama of various scenes of Yellowstone Park inc. Lower Falls of the Yellowstone River as seen from Point Lookout. Eagle Nest Rock - The Jewell Geyser, Great Hotel in Yellowstone Park Mammoth Hotel, Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone, Grand Canyon, Biscuit Basin, in Yellowstone Park. Balanced Rock in the Gibbon River. Black Warrior Geyser in eruption. Lava cone of Lone Star Geyser. Old Faithful/
YELLOWSTONE RIVER - 1876 - Location: MT, ND, WY. Named in story entitled THE EPIC VOYAGE OF THE FAR WEST by Norman B. Wiltsey who writes of the voyage of the Steamer Far West which carried the wounded survivors of the 7th Cavalry after the battle of the Little Bighorn as found in this old and complete western magazine
YELLOWSTONE, (River Steamer), (River Boat Steamer) referred to in "Steamers On The Big Muddy" by Carl Arp. history w pictures of the river steamers that sailed the Missouri River in pioneer days as saved from old rarely found Western magazine.
YELLOWSTONE (RIVER BOAT) - 1800 - 1900's era. Location: ID, MT, OR, WA. Named in story entitled "BLACK ROBES AND CIRCUIT RIDERS" by Gracey Roffey Pratt who writes that in the pioneer days it was thought that 'Sunday Would Never Cross the Mississippi" but a host of dedicated circuit riders and missionaries carried their message as relayed in this history written in this old and complete western magazine
YELLS, Sergeant - 1927 - Named in Story of exploits of Lawrence of Arabia entitled "Wrecking Turkish rains with Lawrence of Arabia" as published and saved from the Personal Glimpses Section of this old American News Magazine. Great pictures and text.
YEMEN * - 1917 Collage of pictures entitled "Province in Arabia That Has Been Wrested From Turkey.
YENSEN, Hans., Photo *, - 1931 (Svendborg, Denmark). Awarded first prize for photo entitled "UNDER FULL PRESS OF CANVAS" as featured in article entitled "WINNERS OF CASH AWARDS IN THE AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPETITION" as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
YEOMANETTES * - 1919 - Women of U. S. Navy as pictured and written about in an American Pictorial Magazine article entitled "A Flashlight On Some Aspects of the War" as saved. The page is mint condition and is 11 by 16 inches.
YEOMANS, Daniel S. * Wagoner, (Ridgewood, New Jersey – Honor Roll – Killed in Action)
YERBA BUENA mentioned in 1840 era - Story entitled "The Star of Oregon" by Patrick A. Hall published in old Western Magazine. A fantastic true story about the plan, construction and sailing of the fore and after ship named The Star of Oregon. Rare history of Oregon seldom found and rarely read.
YERBA BUENA, California Settlement which was to become San Francisco - Mentioned in "A Curse Upon His Head" By: Norman C. Pierce, the story of the Mormon empire builder. Sam Brennan, of San Francisco. Rare
YERINGTON, NEVADA * - circa 1910 = 1930. Site: Canada, ID, NV, OK, OR. Named in "FIRST KING OF THE BULL DOGGERS" by Milt Hinkle and Claude Keema who relate the life and times of this rodeo wizard with a rope who appeared at countless western shows as told in this old and complete western magazine
YERSHOFF, Vladimir, of the MOSCOW ART THEATRE * - 1923 - Rare Russian art article entitled FOUNTAIN HEAD OF RUSSIAN DRAMA is a preview of a limited eight week engagement at the Jolson Fifty-Ninth Street Theatre at which the company will present the highest in Russia Drama picturing great Russian artists performing in the highest of Russian Drama inc. KORNIEVA, MOSKVIN, LUZHSKY, VISHNEVSKY, BURDZHALOFF all pictured and as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
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