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Genealogy Images of History |
Updated:07/21/07 |
* indicates pictured
WARREN and DUBOSE - Pioneer era - LOCATION, Fort Richardson, Jacksboro, Texas. Named in story entitled HOME BASE OF 6TH CAVALRY by Russell Jones of the Fort called "The Forgotten Lady of Frontier Forts which identifies units, officers and enlisted men who occupied this fort as found in this old and complete western magazine.
WARREN and DUBOSE (Government Contractors) - 1867 - 78 era. Location: TX. Named in story entitled "FORT RICHARDSON - THE WHITE'S MAN HOPE" by Louise Cheney who writes of the history of a U. S. Army fort in the pioneer country which only lasted 11 year but was one of the most important in our history as found in this old and complete western magazine.
WARREN WAGON TRAIN MASSACRE - 1871 era - TX. Named in story entitled DEATH ON THE BUTTERFIELD TRAIL by Stanley O. Shelton which tells story of The Warren Wagon Train Massacre near Salt Creek, Texas and of Chief Satank's incarceration and his taking of his old life while under arrest as found in this very rare and old Western magazine
WARREN BOY'S of Carson City Fire Department mentioned in - 1890 era true western story entitled "Early Day Fire Departments" by D. Cerneri - a History of "hook and ladder" fire stations and their competition around the west.
WARREN PRISON SHIP - 1850 era - Named in the historical true story entitled "Old San Francisco's Summer of Death" of vigilante uprising in San Francisco. Seems that gang with names of Sidney Ducks (Australians), Hounds, etc., weren't happy with status. Names Samuel Brannan as principal founder of the Committee of Vigilance which, in effect, returned peace and dignity to the city as published in this complete slick enamel pioneer magazine
WARREN, Billy * - 1917 - Rodeo Performer named in story with pictures of rodeo at the Drag A Ranch out of Datil, New Mexico listing old time cowboy and cowgirl rodeo stars as saved from this story entitled RODEO IN MAGDALENA
WARREN, Captain J. D. * - 1850 era - Named as among many in tales herein about Indians attacking ships on the Pacific Coast entitled "Bad Water and Bad Indians" as found in this rare western magazine.
WARREN, Charles Beecher * - 1923 - Pictured are dignitaries who have been conducting negotiations looking the resumption of diplomatic relations with Mexico saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
WARREN, Charles Beecjer of Michigan * - 1923 - Ambassador to Mexico and Chairman of the committee appointed to draft the platform pictured and named are Officers and Notable Figures of the Convention as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
WARREN, F. E. mentioned in - Early Wyoming History entitled "Joseph Maull Carey - Mr. Wyoming " by Joe Koller as published in old western magazine.Article covers the life and times of Carey, who has been elected as a member of the Hall of Fame of Great Westerners.
WARREN, F. E... - 1860 era - Governor of Wyoming Territory named in historical story entitled " Fort Laramie" , a Federal Army Outpost in Wyoming and the events that took place here and changed the outcome of the pioneer west as published in this rare of western magazine
WARREN, Francis E., Senator - 1900 ERA. LOCATION: CO TX WY - Named in story entitled "A TEXAS PLOWBOY IN WYOMING" by D. H. Mitchell as told to Jerry S. Wilcock of his and a companion Leslie Mitchell experiences as Texas greenhorns on the western frontier as found in this old and complete western magazine
WARREN, Frank - 1900 - 20 era. Site: Western United States. Named in history of Sheep Ranch in Montana entitled THE SHOOTING DOWN ON THE ROLLING M by Lee Nelson which tells the story of ranch hands John Fox and his experiences in the west as found in this complete western magazine.
WARREN, G. K. General (1885 MRS. HELEN HUNT JACKSON (RAMONA), Century Magazine, 1885)
WARREN, General - Demoted to Colonel. Brigadier General. "The Men in Command of Our Fighting Force". Saturday Evening Post 1901.
WARREN, George - 1890 - 20 era. Location Arizona. Pioneer prospector for whom the Warren Mining District is named in this story. When an old prospector came struggling into Fort Bowie in Arizona Indian Territory hungry and tired. Well, he had come to the right place cause three of the soldiers there had found some funny looking rock and wanted him to stake a claim. They shook hands, became a partnership and founded the THE QUEEN OF COPPER as here found in this western magazine by Dale F. Underwood.
WARREN. Henry, Captain - 1871 era - TX. Named in story entitled DEATH ON THE BUTTERFIELD TRAIL by Stanley O. Shelton which tells story of The Warren Wagon Train Massacre near Salt Creek, Texas and of Chief Satank's incarceration and his taking of his old life while under arrest as found in this very rare and old Western magazine
WARREN, Henry E. * (Ashland, Mass.) - 1935 era - pictured as one who received Lamme Medal of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers and the John Price Wetherill Medal of Franklin Institute and honored for his achievements in Electrical Timekeeping.
WARREN Homer W.,* - President, Detroit Michigan Chamber of Commerce pictured in TUXEDO TOBACCO AD * - 1913 - Featuring pictures and endorsements of famous Americans as saved from an old American Magazine.
WARREN, J. Collins, Doctor, - 1936 - Named in article entitled NINETY YEARS OF GENERAL ANESTHESIA as Doctors celebrate the event that made modern surgery possible as explained and saved from this old American News Magazine.
WARREN Jesse - Circa 1900 - Site: Stillwater, OK., Named in story of convicted murdererer Artie Blue who was sentenced to 45 years as featured in story entitled ARTIE BLUE'S DREAM - by Glenn Shirley who tells of a dream involved in the murder of Daniel Rising and the trial which captivated the citizens of this Oklahoma Territory town as found in this old, complete western magazine
WARREN, John Collins Dr., (Professor of Anatomy, Harvard Medical School), (1925 MASTODONS ON MANHATTAN ISLAND, National Digest, 1925)
WARREN, Katherine. * - 1931 - Pictured with her co-stars, VERA HURST AND JUDITH ANDERSON in a scene from AS YOU DESIRE ME, playing at Maxine Elliott's Theatre in the weekly featured IN THE BROADWAY PLAYS as saved from this American pictorial magazine
WARREN, William F., Reverend - 1850 era - Location: VA and Western United States. Named in story entitled THE REAL CALAMITY JANE by Kathryn Wright of Martha Jane Cannary - called Calamity Jane here and the life of this legendary figure on the pioneer front of the western United States as found in this old and complete western magazine
WARRICK, S. C. - 1918 - 22 - New Mexico - .Named in story entitled THE CHENNAULT PLANE CRASH. As a Flying Tiger, he was practically invincible but - at another time - another day. he was just a pilot of an old rusted Liberty Airplane who crash landed in the Gila National Forest as written up in this old, complete western magazine.
WARRINGTON,. Attorney mentioned in "The Three Trials of Killer Smith" article from old western magazine
WARRIOR - 8TH CAVALRY HORSE - 1920 era - Fort Bliss, El Paso, Texas. Named in story entitled "Garry Owen, The Pride of Fort Bliss" by Knowles-Peterson. Seldom found History of the best of the 5th Cavalry Horses with personal testimony by handlers as published in this rarely found History published in out of the way western magazine.
WARRIOR - British Ship lost as written up in "The Real Story Of Jutland" as published in 1926 in this American News Mag.
WARRIOR GUNSHIP * - 1904 - British ship named and written about in this history entitled EARLY AMORCLADS by Major C. Field of Glenmore, England with detailed text and pictures of the various type of armour used in the early days to protect ships as saved from this 101 year old American magazine
WARRIOR RIVER. * - 1914 - Author of article entitled THE BLACK WARRIOR RIVER LOCK AND DAM who writes that the "Cheapness of Transportation Secured from a Center of Production to Tidewater" as saved from this old American Scientific magazine.
WARRIORS TRACK FROM THE RIVER OF THE WEST Mentioned in "The Galland Voyageurs of Rupert's Land" By: Wayne Darwin
WARSAW, POLAND TOWN HALL * - 1922 - Pictured and written about following Polish President Gabriel Narutowicz article entitled POLAND'S PRESIDENT KILLED AFTER TWO DAYS IN OFFICE who was assassinated in Warsaw December 16 with history of the event as saved from this old American pictorial magazine
WARSAW, POLAND, * - 1927 - Pictorial collage and text of article entitled THE FAIR LAND OF POLAND AND ITS RARE FASCINATION with photos of scenes inside Poland called "THE KNIGHT AMONG NATIONS" as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
WARTHAM, Mr., Written up in, "Cullen Baker-First of the Gunfighters", By: Carl W. Breihan - Story of notorious Easter Texas Desperado in the 1880 era
WARWICK CASTLE * - 1928 - Pictorial collage entitled "SCENES OF BEAUTY IN THE WEST OF ENGLAND" including picture of Newquay, Warwick Castle, Beau Nash, Symond's Yat and the Coast of Devon: Torquay as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
WARWICK, Alden (Army Officer - Chief, Military District of Colorado in Denver - 1860 - 1880 era) mentioned in "The Bane of Thieves", by: Ralph McCarroll. Colorado's Militia General Dave Cook's story of his life as a frontier lawman as published in old western magazine.
WARWICK, Ike and Mrs. - 1850 - 80 - Location - Oregon. Named in story about Ben Wright entitled Good Man Turned Rogue" by Marie Schlotfeldt which relates story of one of the greatest of Indian killers. From the time he joined wagon train for Oregon, his name is mentioned as the heroes of a hundred bloody battles and the greatest Indian fighter the Pacific Northwest had ever known as found in this seldom found western magazine.
WARWICK, Jack * - 1935 - Pictured and written about in weekly feature entitled THEY STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD as saved from this old American National News magazine. he is cited in "Columnists - As They Seen Themselves" as being born in a log house in Marion County, Ohio. He took a job with Marion Star and then the Toledo Blade,
WARWICK, Robert * - 1921 - Pictured and named is star Robert Warwick as playing leading role in play entitled "IN THE NIGHT WATCH" as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine
WAS IT ANN YOUNG'S YELLOW ROSE? * - 1870 Era - DAKOTAS, TX, UT. Western story entitled "WAS IT ANN YOUNG'S YELLOW ROSE" by Georgia Earnest Kipple who tells the story of Jeremiah Chamberlin who claimed that he helped free the 19th wife of Brigham Young - Ann who he called his Mormon rose as found in this old and complete western magazine.
WAS TOM HORN TWO MEN * - 1861 era - Location: WY. Story entitled WAS TOM HORN TWO MEN? by Dean Krakel who reports on one of the most argued about trials in frontier history as found in this old, complete western magazine.
WASABAUGH, Frank - 1865 era - Location: DK Territory, MO, Named in story entitled NEWTON EDMONDS - TREATY MAKER OF DAKOTA reports on the life and times of Governor of Dakota Newton Edmonds who in formal clothes and silk hat, was fervently desirous of peace even it it mean losing his beautiful topper as published in this unique, old and complete western magazine.
WASATCH MOUNTAINS - Mentioned in "A Curse Upon His Head" By: Norman C. Pierce, the story of the Mormon empire builder. Sam Brennan, of San Francisco. Rare
WASATCH MOUNTAINS, mentioned in "Joseph Morris, The Seventh Angel" by Earl Spendlove, and the puzzling end of the Mormon's life (circa 1850) as published in this old Western magazine.
WASCO COUGH DROPS - 1830 - 1900. Location: NY, OR, PA. Named in story entitled "HEALTH OR MONEY RESTORED" by Brooks McNamara - a fascinating history of quack medicines and their promoters in the pioneer days of the old west as found in this old and complete western magazine
WASEDA - KEIO UNIVERSITY BASEBALL GAME IN TOKIO * - 1921 - Pictured are pictures of game which has stirred Japan into Baseball fevor in feature entitled HOW PRESIDENTS AND KING HAVE HONORED THE GAME as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
WASEDA UNIVERSITY OF JAPAN * - 1921 - Pictorial collage entitled "CRACK BASEBALL NINE OF WASEDA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN" which pictures and identifies players of Japanese team while on tour in the United States. Includes picture of H. Tamaka, call the Babe Ruth of Japan as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
WASEY, Jane. * - 1934 - Pictured and written about in weekly article entitled THEY STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD as saved from an American News Magazine. She has just held her first show of her monumental pieces of sculpture that have aroused great interest.
WASGATT, Harold Clinton * Lieutenant, (Everett, Mass. -WW 1 Honor Roll - Died of Wounds)
WASH-TAY-LILY- PAPOOSE * - 1843 - 1922 era. Location: Nebraska, Montana, Oregon, South Dakota. Indian name of subject's daugher in story entitled THE RAYMONDS, SOUTH DAKOTA'S KA-KOOSH FAMILY as told to Mary Alice Brusha by Leana Raymond Cummings of a frontier family, friendly to Indians in South Dakota who survived the hard times caused by the Battle of Wounded Knee as published in this rarely read complete western magazine
WASHAKIE Chief Indian mentioned in "Pioneer Incident At Washakie's Hot Springs" article from old western magazine
WASHAKIE, Dick * - 1921 - Shonshone Chief shaking hands with Arapahoe Chief Yellow Calf, once bitter enemies pictured in article entitled OLD ENEMIES RECONCILED AT YELLOWSTONE DEDICATION as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
WASHAKIE, Indian mentioned in "Palo Duro, canyon of the dead" article from old western magazine
WASHAKIE,* - 1860 era - Shoshone Chief named in story of an heroic pioneer, John Gardner Tims who survived an arduous trip from England after conversion to Mormonism to Salt Lake City. Entitled "Jack Mormon", a true tale of the pioneer west as published in this complete and rare western magazine.
WASHBORN, Henry D., - 1840 - 1926 - Site: Western United States. Named in THE DUDE FROM LIMERICK, a true story written about the Earl of Dunraven, a wealthy Lord from England who just had to experience the thrills of our pioneer west. He wanted to meet Buffalo Bill, Texas Jack, Kit Carson and lots of Indian Squaws. And he did and this recites those events as published in a rare Western Magazine
WASHBURN UNIVERSITY * - 1890 - 1920 - Black Americana. Named in Biographical History of little known black American musician "Blind Boone" as published in this old and seldom read complete western magazine.
WASHBURN, Albert Henry.* - 1922 - Pictured in article entitled "American and Foreign Personalities Prominent in Recent News" photographed as Minister to Austria as saved from this old American pictorial magazine
WASHBURN, Albert, Mrs. * 1932 Pictured as wife of the new Minister to Austria.
WASHBURN, Beverly * - 1958 - Listed as member of cast of original Movie Ad of OLD YELLER displaying stars and scenes from mot popular movie based on the book by Fred Gipson as found in this complete collector's issue western magazine.
WASHBURN, Mrs., * - 1890 Era - Location: Oregon. Named in romantic tale entitled THE LOVE OF SIX-TOED PETE by Reno "Dad" Ingles about growing up in Carson Brothers Mill Country and the life of the loggers as saved from this hard to find complete, western magazine
WASHBURN, R. S., * Sergeant, U. S. Army (Bonner Springs, Kansas.) - 1919 - WW 1 HONOR ROLL - Killed in Action)
WASHBURN, Watson M. * - 1923 - American Tennis star defeated at the National Doubles Championship at Brookline, Mass. pictured and written about in this old American Pictorial of 1923.
WASHBURN, Watson M., * - 1921 - He and partner R. Norris Williams pictured winning Davis Cup Doubles played at Forest Hills, Long Island on September 3 as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
WASHINGTON BIRTHDAY PARADE, CLEVELAND, OHIO * - 1919 - Pictured and featured in article entitled OHIO'S WHITE AND COLORED TROOPS RETURNING HOME showing jubilant Ohio troops crowding the deck as their steamer transport Von Steuben docked at Hoboken, March 23 as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine. Mint condition. 11 by 16 inches.
WASHINGTON COUNTY, MISSOURI - 1880 ERA. LOCATION: MO, TX. Named in "Brush Country Doctor" by Oran Warder Nolen who tells tales of an old Texas Doctor J. W. Hargus and of his practice on the Texas Frontier as found in this old and complete western magazine.
WASHINGTON GULCH GOLD CAMP - 1847 - 1901 Era. Location Colorado, Ohio.. Story entitled FATHER DYER - THE SNOWSHOE ITINERANT by Harry E. Chatfield of a circuit preacher outfitted in buffalo-skin and snowshoes carrying his message over the gigantic mountains and deep gorges of the frontier west as here related as found in this complete western magazine
WASHINGTON HUSKIES * - 1932 - Rowing crew pictured defeating Yale in the National Intercollegiate Spring Championship at Marine Stadium, Long Beach, California. Cornell was third and Harvard fourth as pictured in this American Pictorial Magazine.
WASHINGTON HUSKIES * - 1937 - Lineup shown in "The Rose Bowl Game Starts New Year" against Pittsburgh.
WASHINGTON HUSKIES REGATTA CREW, * - 1931 - Pictured in article entitled THE WASHINGTON HUSKIES MADE A CLEAN SWEEP OF THE REGATTA: THE FINISH OF THE JUNIOR VARSITY THREE-MILE RACE as named in published feature as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
WASHINGTON MONUMENT * - 1931 - Fantastic aerial photo as super-imposed on the cover of this American Pictorial magazine and saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
WASHINGTON NATIONALS BASEBALL TEAM - LOCATION: CA, HA, MO, NY. Named in great story entitled BALL ONE OF THE FRONTIER by Milt Riske of baseball in the early days as featured story in an old western magazine
WASHINGTON SENATOR PITCHING STAR WALTER JOHNSON, - 1926 - Named as Washington Star of 1925 World Series in featured story entitled "ROGERS HORNSBY'S MOTTO: PICK OUT THE GOOD ONES".- winner of the National League Batting Championship as saved from this old American Newsweek magazine. Four pages
WASHINGTON STILL BUSTED * 1922 pictured in pictorial collage entitled "Baseball and the Turf--Confiscated Stills and Liquors", includes pictures and government efforts to enforce prohibition.
WASHINGTON TERRITORY VOLUNTEERS, CO. A and H. PUYALLUP RIVER - 1855 Era - Pictured and Named in "Short Campaign of Lt. Slaughter" ( Lieutenant, U. S. Army, 2nd Battalion, 4th Infantry Regiment) --- who wanted to put and end to Indian fighting but died trying.
Washington Territory, - 1865 era – Location: WA Territory. Named in story entitled “The Colville Indian’s Helen Toulou” by Thelma Kimmel which relates the story of pioneer days in the Fort Spokane area as found in this complete, seldom read western magazine.
WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY VARSITY ROWING TEAM, - 1929 - Named in article entitled "HOW COLUMBIA WON SEVENTY-TWO SHIRTS" in a three page report covering the race on the Hudson River Regatta which Columbia won after most of the other boats were swamped as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
WASHINGTON vs. U. S. NAVAL ACADEMY FOOTBALL TEAM * - 1924 - pictured before playing to a 14 to 14 tie with University of Washington at Pasadena as saved from a pictorial collage of photos of old American magazine.
WASHINGTON, Anne Broadhurst , 1896 - (2nd wife of John Washington) Pictorial genealogy entitled "Prominent America Families: The Washington's as it was presented in 1897 in a very famous American publication as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
WASHINGTON, Anne Fairfax , 1896 - ( wife of Major Lawarence Washington) Pictorial genealogy entitled "Prominent America Families: The Washington's as it was presented in 1897 in a very famous American publication as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
WASHINGTON, Annie Steptoe, 1896 - ( wife of Samuel Washington) Pictorial genealogy entitled "Prominent America Families: The Washington's as it was presented in 1897 in a very famous American publication as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
WASHINGTON, B. H. Inventor, Hannibal, Missouri (Directing the Blast in Furnace - List of Patent Claims-November 7, 1854)
WASHINGTON, Booker T. * (1899 MR. AND MRS. BOOKER T. WASHINGTON (RARE, Old Rare Magazine, 1899)
WASHINGTON, Booker T. * - 1915 -Memorabilia - Rare - Complete Issue - Mint condition. Story entitled Booker T. Washington Addressing A Public Gathering. Original only.
WASHINGTON, Booker T., * - 1934 - His former office boy, Arthur W. Mitchell pictured in article entitled THE FIRST NEGRO DEMOCRAT EVER ELECTED TO CONGRESS . Mitchell first served as Booker T. Washington's office boy as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
WASHINGTON, Booker T., Mrs. * (1899 MR. AND MRS. BOOKER T. WASHINGTON (RARE), Old Rare Magazine,1899)
WASHINGTON, Bushrod *, 1896 - ( Justice of the Supreme Court) Named in pictorial genealogy entitled "Prominent America Families: The Washington's as it was presented in 1897 in a very famous American publication as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
WASHINGTON, Charles *, 1896 - ( brother of George Washington) Named in pictorial genealogy entitled "Prominent America Families: The Washington's as it was presented in 1897 in a very famous American publication as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
WASHINGTON, D. C. POLICE DEPARTMENT * - 1920 - Pictured is Detective Sergeant F G Sandberg at work in the Washington, D. C. Police Department in what is described as a method calculated to revolutionize the art of identifying criminals by finger prints as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
WASHINGTON, D.C. * - 1933 - Article entitled "May Day Festival in America: The Festal Occasion of the Reds". showing Communists in America celebrating Union Square, Chicago, Philadelphia and Washington, D. C.
WASHINGTON, Elizabeth "Betty: *, 1896 - ( Sister of George Washington) Named in pictorial genealogy entitled "Prominent America Families: The Washington's as it was presented in 1897 in a very famous American publication as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
WASHINGTON, Emma * - 1923 - Pictured in article entitled HEROINE CENTURY WRECK, a colored maid who did remarkable work in the wreck of the Twentieth Century Limited when wrecked as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
WASHINGTON, Eugenia, Mrs. * Honorary Vice President. 1897 First Printing of Historyentitled "The Daughters of the American Revolution" by Carolyn Halstead.
WASHINGTON, Francis Peyton *, 1896 - ( J3rd wife of John Washington) Named in pictorial genealogy entitled "Prominent America Families: The Washington's as it was presented in 1897 in a very famous American publication as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
WASHINGTON, George *, 1896 - ( lst President of the United States) Named in pictorial genealogy entitled "Prominent America Families: The Washington's as it was presented in 1897 in a very famous American publication as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
WASHINGTON, George * President of the United States - Deutsch Amerika Tribute. 1916.
WASHINGTON, George Septoe *, 1896 - Named in pictorial genealogy entitled "Prominent America Families: The Washington's as it was presented in 1897 in a very famous American publication as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
WASHINGTON, George, President of the United States - 1864 era - Location CA. MA. Named in true story entitled THE PREACHER WHO SAVED CALIFORNIA'S SOUL by William Wingfield who writes that California was going the way of the Confederacy but a Boston preacher had left the Hollis Street Unitarian Church for a similar position in San Francisco and what he found there, disgusted him to the point of taking on the Confederate sympathizers and really, saving California for the Union as related in this extremely rare, complete seldom found western magazine.
WASHINGTON, Hannah *, 1896 - Named in pictorial genealogy entitled "Prominent America Families: The Washington's as it was presented in 1897 in a very famous American publication as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
WASHINGTON, Hannah Bushrod *, 1896 - ( wife of John Augustine Washington) Named in pictorial genealogy entitled "Prominent America Families: The Washington's as it was presented in 1897 in a very famous American publication as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
WASHINGTON, James, Colonel *, 1896 - ( Served in the Army of Charles I) Named in pictorial genealogy entitled "Prominent America Families: The Washington's as it was presented in 1897 in a very famous American publication as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
WASHINGTON, Jane Buffer, 1896 - ( lst wife of Augustine Washington) Named in pictorial genealogy entitled "Prominent America Families: The Washington's as it was presented in 1897 in a very famous American publication as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
WASHINGTON, Jane Champe, 1896 - ( wife of Samuel Washington) Named in pictorial genealogy entitled "Prominent America Families: The Washington's as it was presented in 1897 in a very famous American publication as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
WASHINGTON, John , 1896 - ( son of Reverend Washington) Named in pictorial genealogy entitled "Prominent America Families: The Washington's as it was presented in 1897 in a very famous American publication as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
WASHINGTON, John Augustine, 1896 - ( brother of George Washington) Named in pictorial genealogy entitled "Prominent America Families: The Washington's as it was presented in 1897 in a very famous American publication as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
WASHINGTON, Joseph E., 1896 - ( Congressman from Tennessee) Named in pictorial genealogy entitled "Prominent America Families: The Washington's as it was presented in 1897 in a very famous American publication as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
WASHINGTON, Jr., John Augustine, 1896 - ( last owner of Mt. Washington) Named in pictorial genealogy entitled "Prominent America Families: The Washington's as it was presented in 1897 in a very famous American publication as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
WASHINGTON, Kenny * U. C. L. A. - Halfback in All American Football Team's National Magazine Ranking. 1939
WASHINGTON, Lawrence, Major , 1896 - ( half-brother of George Washington) Named in pictorial genealogy entitled "Prominent America Families: The Washington's as it was presented in 1897 in a very famous American publication as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
WASHINGTON, Lawrence, Reverend, 1896 - ( Rector of Purleigh in Essex)) Named in pictorial genealogy entitled "Prominent America Families: The Washington's as it was presented in 1897 in a very famous American publication as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
WASHINGTON, LEGENDARY BULL * - 1890 Era - Location: Oregon. Named in romantic tale entitled THE LOVE OF SIX-TOED PETE by Reno "Dad" Ingles about growing up in Carson Brothers Mill Country and the life of the loggers as saved from this hard to find complete, western magazine
WASHINGTON, Lucy Chapman, 1896 - ( wife of Samuel Washington) Named in pictorial genealogy entitled "Prominent America Families: The Washington's as it was presented in 1897 in a very famous American publication as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
WASHINGTON, Lucy Payne, 1896 - ( wife of George Steptoe Washington) Named in pictorial genealogy entitled "Prominent America Families: The Washington's as it was presented in 1897 in a very famous American publication as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
WASHINGTON, Martha (First Ladies of the Land, National Digest, May 9, 1925)
WASHINGTON, Martha Dandridge Custis * 1896 - ( wife of George Washington) Named in pictorial genealogy entitled "Prominent America Families: The Washington's as it was presented in 1897 in a very famous American publication as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
WASHINGTON, Mary Ball, 1896 - ( 2nd wife of George Washington, mother of George Washington) Named in pictorial genealogy entitled "Prominent America Families: The Washington's as it was presented in 1897 in a very famous American publication as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
WASHINGTON, Mary, 1896 - Named in pictorial genealogy entitled "Prominent America Families: The Washington's as it was presented in 1897 in a very famous American publication as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
WASHINGTON, Mildred Thornton, 1896 - ( wife of Lawrence Washington) Named in pictorial genealogy entitled "Prominent America Families: The Washington's as it was presented in 1897 in a very famous American publication as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
WASHINGTON, Milly, 1896 - Named in pictorial genealogy entitled "Prominent America Families: The Washington's as it was presented in 1897 in a very famous American publication as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
WASHINGTON, Samuel *, 1896 - ( brother of George Washington) Named in pictorial genealogy entitled "Prominent America Families: The Washington's as it was presented in 1897 in a very famous American publication as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
WASHINGTON, Sarah, 1896 - Named in pictorial genealogy entitled "Prominent America Families: The Washington's as it was presented in 1897 in a very famous American publication as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
WASHINGTON, Susannah Perrine, 1896 - ( wife of Samuel Washington) Named in pictorial genealogy entitled "Prominent America Families: The Washington's as it was presented in 1897 in a very famous American publication as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
WASHINGTON, Thomas * Admiral 1919 - Appointed head of the U. S. Bureau of Navigation.
WASHINGTON, Von, Baron of Munich, 1896 - Named in pictorial genealogy entitled "Prominent America Families: The Washington's as it was presented in 1897 in a very famous American publication as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
WASHINGTON, William Augustine * 1896 - Named in pictorial genealogy entitled "Prominent America Families: The Washington's as it was presented in 1897 in a very famous American publication as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
WASHINGTON, William d'Hertburne, 1896 - ( American Consul, London and Canada) Named in pictorial genealogy entitled "Prominent America Families: The Washington's as it was presented in 1897 in a very famous American publication as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
WASHITA BATTLE in 1868 - 1870 era – Location: SD. Mentioned in “If Reno Had Attacked,” by J. S. Paul. Would Custer have been saved if Reno had attacked? This is a new twist to an old tale as published in this complete old western magazine
WASHITA RESERVE * - 1820 - 1890 era. Location - Anadarko, OK - Named in story entitled Captain Black Beaver (Se-ket-Tu-May-Qua - sometimes spelled Si-ki-to-ker) - by Glen Shirley calling him The Great Delaware, a much sought guide and interpreter. Honored by his tribe in that he was given custody of the famous treaty signed by William Pen and the Chief of the Delaware Tribe at Shackamaxson. as found in rare western magazine. Must read.
WASHITA RIVER - 1860 ERA - LOCATION - TX - Mentioned in story entitled "When the ‘Ironshirt’ Clashed with ‘Old Rip’" by Neil Coleman who writes that the Indian Chief "Ironshirt" struck terror into the hearts of settlers and cavalry men alike until John S. Ford "Old Rip" led his Texas Rangers against him as found in this old and complete western magazine
WASHITA, River, "mentioned or described in "John B. Charlton, Cavalryman By Choice" by Fred Frank Blalock, a description of the last great battle in 1874 between the U. S. Cavalry and Lone Wolf's Indians as printed in an old western magazine
WASHOE * - 1865 - California. Paddle Wheeler named in true history entitled "DEATH ON THE SACREMENTO" by Leo Rosenhouse - The discovery of Gold by the Forty-niners brought a demand for newly built and lavish steamboats and sidewheelers. Unfortunately, many of the boilers on these new boats were defective and here the author chronicles all the boats plying their trade --listing the ultimate explosions when caused the days of the paddle wheelers to became extinct as published in this rarely found Western magazine.
WASHOE (steamboat) mentioned in "Death On The River", by: Bob Young
WASHOE CLUB - 1914 era. Location: Western United States. Named in the history of the circumstances of the construction of the transcontinental telephone system by THEODORE N. VAILl which was completed across the United States on June 17, 1914 as reported in this complete western magazine.
WASHOE COUNTY FIRE COMPANY * - 1890 era true western story entitled "Early Day Fire Departments" by D. Cerneri - a History of "hook and ladder" fire stations and their competition around the west.
WASHOE INDIANS - 1850 Era - Named in INCIDENT AT TRAGEDY SPRINGS by Ferol Egan showing detailed map of a group of Mormons who, under orders from Brigham Young, were returning from California to Salt Lake when their scouts were murdered as saved from this old complete and rare American western magazine.
WASHOE SEERESS -1860 - 70 - Site: Nevada. Named in "Virginia City-Town That Wouldn't Die". A History of the rip roaring days of Virginia City and the intrigue and political in-fighting that occurred article as recorded in this rare, seldom found, complete old western magazine
WASJPE WAGON (FREIGHTER) - 1820 - 1880 era. Location: Western United States. Named in story entitled THE WAGON TRAIN BOSSES by J. L. Beardsley who writes of the grizzled bullwhackers and muleskinners and their trips in the early pioneer days as found in this original, complete, old western magazine.
WASHOE ZEPHYR - 1860 era - Virginia City, Nevada. Named in story entitled THE TERRIBLE-TEMPERED WASHOE ZEPHYR - the most villainous and persecuting wind that ever blew and it did nobody good as written in this old, complete, different western magazine.
WASSAN, Asfa Crown Prince (1936 ETHIOPIA'S EMPERORS & ITALIAN ROYALTY, National News Magazine1936)
WASSON, Reverend Doctor - 1907 - Named in article as pastor of the St. Thomas' s Protestant Episcopal Church about the visits of Miss Laura A. Smith entitled WERE THE CHURCHES CORDIAL TO MISS SMITH who investigated the welcome of churches in the New York, Brooklyn and Boston area as saved from this old American Newsweek magazine
WAT CHENG TEMPLE OF SIAM * - 1917 - Pictured in article entitled "SIAM, TE LATEST RECRUIT ON THE SIDE OF THE ALLIES" which states his Army is small but it's importance is vital in World War 1 controversy as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
WATARI, * Captain of the Japanese Army - 1919 - Pictured in article entitled A FLASHLIGHT ON SOME ASPECTS OF THE WAR receiving the Distinguished Service Medal are Secretary Baker and Allied officers so decorated as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
WATCH ME - 1890 - 1930 ERA Western Rodeo Horse named in the Autobiography of World's Lady Champion Bucking Bronc Horse Rider with pictures and names of stars of the Rodeo she performed with as published in this rare and complete western magazine
WATCHING THE ROUNDUP *, (postcard image), "The Cardboard Cowboy" by Cy Martin, History of old post cards with pictures of the best.
WATER FINALE of BETTER TIMES * - 1922 - Pictured is the elaborate and dazzling spectacle of the WATER FINALE in the spectacular production at the New York Hippodrome in article headlined STRIKING SCENES AND LEADING PLAYERS IN PROMINENT PLAYS as saved from this old American Pictorial Revue Magazine. Mint condition. 11 by 16 inches.
WATERLOO BRIDGE *- 1927 - Painting by Monet's included in story entitled 'THE KING OF THE IMPRESS0NISTS GONE" which tells of the life, times, work and death of Claude Monet as it was published and saved from this old American News Magazine
WATER SPORTS CARNIVAL OF THE POUGHKEEPSIE REGATTA * - 1935 - Pictured in SPORTS collage entitled TEN INDIAN CREWS as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
WATER WELL DISTRICT OF PICHER OKLAHOMA - 1920 era. Location: Oklahoma. Named in story entitled "HOW THE PICHER DISTRICT REALLY CAME TO BE" by Dick Wills as told to by J. F. (Jim) Robinson which tells of the discovery of what was to become the greatest zinc operation in the world as reported in this complete western magazine.
WATERMAN of the CINCINNATI RED STOCKINGS BASEBALL TEAM * - Third baseman shown in pictorial collage entitled "FAMOUS TEAMS OF EARLY DAYS AND NOTED VETERANS" and named as "the greatest team of their time, who went through a whole season without a defeat" as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
WATERMAN, Chandler * Private (Student from Columbia University, New York – Honor Roll – Died from Wounds, April 30, 1918)
WATERMAN, F. H. - Candidate for Assemblyman - 1800 - 1890 era. Site: California. Named in story entitled TAPEWORM, TICKETS & SHOULDER STRIKERS by Richard Reinhardt who writes of many of the shenanigans at the polls in California in the early days and those that participated as found in this complete western magazine.
WATERMAN, Waldo B. Airplane Designer mentioned in HAMMOND EXPERIMENTAL "FLYING FLIVVER" - Featured new article entitled " Seeking Ideal Flying Flivver" 1935.
WATERMELON QUEEN OF GEORGIA * - 1933 - Pictured is Miss Mildred Keefe in a pictorial collage as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine. Mint condition. 11 by 14 inches.
WATERS, George * - 1890 era - Fireman shown in Historical item entitled "Nozzle Boys In Union Suits" - a true story of fireman in the Black Hills, South Dakota area in pioneer days. Names and pictures area fireman, nozzle contests, in this rare and complete old magazine. Your grand-daddy might be here
WATERTOWN, MASS. HOOD TIRES AD * - 1919 - Old ad from National News Magazine of Hood Tire Company, Inc., Watertown, Mass.
WATKINS, Carleton E. (Photographer) - Late 1800 era. Location: Western United States. Named in story entitled MUYBRIDGE GAVE US THE MOVIES as told of the great pioneer motion picture inventor and producer Eadweard (Edward) James Muybridge who has been called "The Father of the Motion Picture Industry as found in this old and complete western magazine.
WATKINS, John, Mrs. - 1925 - of Madison, North Carolina named as owner in article entitled " MIDGET TAKES ADJORNING AN OLD ESTATE: BOXWOOD "" as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
WATKINS, Linda * - 1928 - Pictured as star of "TRAPPED" playing at the Forest Theatre in American Pictorial Collage entitled WELL-KNOWN PLAYERS IN BROADWAY PRODUCTIONS as saved from this old magazine. 11 by 16 mint condition.
WATKINS, Mary F. (Critic for New York Herald Tribune) - 1929. "The Duncan Dancers from Moscow" as published in National American Magazine.
WATKINS, N. W., COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY VALEDICTORIAN * - 1924 - Pictured is Frank S. Hogan, President of the Senior Class of Columbia University speaking at the Class Day in article entitled BRILLIANT SONS OF COLUMBIA where other dignitaries are pictured as published and saved from this old American Pictorial magazine. Mint condition. 11 by 16 inches.
WATKINS, T. H. * 1971 - Named in history of the Homestake Gold Mine of Lead, North Dakota with massive pictures by T. H. Watkins detailing the in's and out's of gold mining as found in this complete, rare, seldom found Western magazine
WATKINS, T. H. - 1859 - 1893. Site: Colorado. Author of story entitled "REQUIEM FOR THE FEDERATION" by T. H. Watkins who writes of the class warfare struggle challenging the power of organized capital in violent confrontation between miners and mine owners as found in this complete, western magazine.
WATSACATOVA, (Indian), "Nine Years Among the Indians - 1870-79" by Herman Lehmann, who was captured by the Indians and learned their ways and fought for them against the Americans, Mexicans and Texas Rangers. Fascinating old pioneer History. Editor calls this the best of all "Indian" stories every written as published in two old western magazines.
WATSON of the NEW YORK GIANTS PITCHING STAFF * - 1923 - Pictured in article saved from an old American Pictorial Magazine.
WATSON, Baxter - Referred to in History of the first Civil War Submarine to sink a ship. Recently discovered and saved from a watery grave, this story of the Civil War Submarine Hunley is entitled "The Sub That Wouldn't Come Up" by Lydel Sims containing fascinating accurate (and some inaccurate) information). Historical pictures and drawings.
WATSON, Edgar and Mrs. * - 1850 - 80. Site - Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas . Named in story entitled BELLE STARR, QUEEN BANDIT written by Vera Holding of America's most famous female bandit as found in this very unusual western magazine
WATSON, Editha L., - 1800's era - Colorado - Author of "Tom Tobin, Reluctant Hero" by Editha L. Watson, the story of Tom Tobin, who at great personal danger, collected outlaw's heads, guided explorers through the Rockies and found and rescued a couple of youngsters given up for lost as published in this rare and complete old western magazine.
WATSON, Edward B. * Sergeant (Fallsington, Pennsylvania - WW 1Honor Roll - Died of Wounds)
WATSON, Edward, H., Captain - 1923 - Location: 213 Miles South of San Francisco, California. Commander of Destroyer Squadron 11 named in article entitled "Death of Destroyer Squadron II" by Ben T. Traywick who writes that after the helmsman got the word, the U. S. S. Delphy, experienced small sound like sand moving against the hull -- then a sharp grating of tortured metal followed by chilling reverberating bumps which ended in a hard crash and ended as the worst tragedy of the U. S. Navy history as found in this seldom found western magazine
WATSON, Edwin C., Colonel, Military Aide * - 1933 - Pictured with Maxim Litvinoff, the Soviet Commissar of Foreign Affairs . Mint condition. 10 by 14 inches
WATSON, Edwin C., Colonel * - 1936 - Pictured in article with extensive text in American Pictorial Magazine entitled CONGRESS PAUSES TO MOURN SPEAKER BYRNS, Speaker of the House of Representative and representative from Tennessee as saved from this American Pictorial Magazine.
WATSON, Ella - 1850 - 1927 era, Location: MO, OK, TX, VA, WY. Named in story entitled "FRONTIER LAWMAN" by William Gardner Bell who writes of the life and times of U. S. Marshall Frank M. Canton who, in later years, was on the side of the law and earlier was known as Outlaw Joe Horner, the "Lone Highwayman of Texas" as found in this old and complete western magazine
WATSON, Ella Cattle Kate mentioned in - Early Wyoming History entitled "Joseph Maull Carey - Mr. Wyoming " by Joe Koller as published in old western magazine. Article covers the life and times of Carey, who has been elected as a member of the Hall of Fame of Great Westerners.
WATSON, Hiram Inside Hanrahan's saloon mentioned in "Red Lightning Struck Twice", by Curtis Bishop
WATSON, J. C. - Ex-Premier of AUSTRALIA - 1927 - Named in story entitled Australia's New Made-To-Order Capital stating the early beginnings of the new Capital of Australia and mentioning the Duke of York who inaugurated the new Capitol as saved from this old American Magazine with land map of the new capital.
WATSON, Jack * - 1933 - Indiana Track Star wins as he runs two miles in 9 minutes, 29.9 seconds at the Big Ten Track and Field Meet in Evanston, Indiana as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
WATSON, James, Sergeant. * - 1918 - Fort Edward, New York - WORLD WAR I HONOR ROLL - Died from Accident.
WATSON, John, Reverend * (Ian Maclaren) of the KAIL-YARD SCHOOL * - 1907 - Article in old American News magazine recording the death of the founder, Rev. John Watson (Ian Macharen).
WATSON, Newt F. - 1870 - 1900 - Clerk of Gray County, Kansas named in "Fighting Man" , the story of Benjamin Franklin Daniels, westerner, lawman, Rough Rider (Troop K), Sheriff of Pima County, AZ., and Bent County, CO., Deputy Marshal of Cripple Creek, U.S. Marshal of Arizona, Assistant Marshall, Guthrie, OK but he was done in by publicity of his conviction and incarceration for attempted theft of government mules as published in this complete and seldom found old magazine
WATSON, Phil * - NEW YORK RANGERS HOCKEY TEAM - 1936 - pictured in "Big League Hockey, On the Ice and Off in Pictorial Magazine.
* - 1929 - Photos and story of the story, WIGHTMAN CUP RETURNS TO AMERICAN with pictures of winners and losers as it appeared of action in the Wightman Cup at Forest Hills, New York as saved from this American Pictorial Magazine
WATSON, R. S., - 1850 era - Named in the historical true story entitled "Old San Francisco's Summer of Death" of vigilante uprising in San Francisco. Seems that gang with names of Sidney Ducks (Australians), Hounds, etc., weren't happy with status. Names Samuel Brannan as principal founder of the Committee of Vigilance which, in effect, returned peace and dignity to the city as published in this complete slick enamel pioneer magazine.
WATSON, S.T. mentioned in "The Desperado With Nine Lives" article from old western magazine
WATSON, Sandy - Mentioned in "Showdown at Spokogee, I. T." by Samuel Cerro. Spokogee opened for settlement with a lottery for the $25.00 lots only to have business brought to a halt by the Brooks - McFarland feud.. As published in this old rare and complete western magazine.
WATSON, Senator (Georgia) * - 1921 - Pictorial collage which includes article entitled SENATE INQUIRY INTO WATSON CHARGES that many American Expeditionary Forces were executed without court-martial as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
WATSON, T. H. * Lieutenant. Raleigh, North Carolina- WW 1 Honor Roll – Killed in Action
WATSON, Thomas A.. - 1914 era. Location: Western United States. Named in the history of the circumstances of the construction of the transcontinental telephone system by THEODORE N. VAILl which was completed across the United States on June 17, 1914 as reported in this complete western magazine.
WATSON, Thomas E., * - 1921 - Pictured as Democrat from Georgia who took office as Senator on March 4, 1921.
WATSON, Thomas J. * - 1935 - Highest paid executive in United States as featured in the "Personalities" Feature of this American publication.
WATSON, Weston * - 1928 - Pictured in article entitled CHOSEN AS PERFECT TYPES OF AMERICAN CHILDHOOD were Weston Watson and Florence E. Duelk by Raymond Woog the "Children's Portrait Painter of France as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine
WATSON, Virginia * - 1931 - Pictured in a scene from the "AN AMERICAN TRAGEDY", playing at the Waldorf Theatre in the weekly PLAYERS FEATURED IN BROADWAY ATTRACTIONS as saved from this American pictorial magazine
WATSON, William - mentioned in KAIL-YARD SCHOOL * - 1907 - Article in old American News magazine recording the death of the founder, Rev. John Watson (Ian Maclaren).
WATT, Myron * Corporal (Youngstown, Ohio –WW 1 Honor Roll – Killed in Action)
WATT. Sa, - 1920 - 40 era. Location AR. Minority Interest owner of Casinos in Hot Springs named in this true story entitled "Hell In Hot Springs" by Frederick L. Collins tells of the lurid past of Hot Springs, Arkansas and the sins and omissions along Bath House Row as found in this rare, seldom read story as saved from an old American News magazine
WATTERS, J. N, * - 1924 - Pictured in article entitled "MEMBERS OF AMERICA'S TRACK AND FIELD TEAM: representatives on the American Olympic Trackmen team who will represent America at the Olympic Games as they leave New York aboard the liner America. Mint condition. 11 by 16 inches.
WATTERSON, Henry * -1922 - Former Editor of the Louisville Courier-Journal as pictured in article entitled "Eminent American Who Have Rested From Their Labors" as saved from an old American Pictorial magazine. Single page is 11 by 16 inches
WATTRON, Frank J., , * - Pioneer era - Sheriff of Navajo County, Arizona as named in story entitled "THE SECRET ARIZONA RANGERS" with listings of famous lawmen and their "outlaw" subjects. Many stories of captures, escapes, some funny and other tragic as published in this Special Issue of an old seldom found and rare western magazine.
WATTRONA - (Judge and Sheriff of Arizona Territory) - 1800's era. Site: AZ, NM. Named in story entitled "THE MAN WHO CLEANED UP ARIZONA" by Bradford D. Jones of the storied Arizona Ranger who is a legend in himself. Rare Western magazine. No date. Hard to find. Complete and in mint condition.
WATTS, A. P. . - 1880 era. Location, California. LITERARY AGENT Named in story entitled 'BRET HARTE BARD OF THE 49ERS" which states that every lover of the legendary wild west owes Bred Harte eternal gratitude because this "eastern dude" dug for gold, starved a little, laughed a little and rode shotgun guard on stagecoaches before he started writing about if for all the world to share as published in this complete and rare western magazine
WATTS, Clyde M. (Attorney) - 1861 era - Location: WY. Named in story entitled WAS TOM HORN TWO MEN? by Dean Krakel who reports on one of the most argued about trials in frontier history as found in this old, complete western magazine.
WATTS, Francis S., Mr., and Evelyn * - (of Washington, D. C.) - 1928. Winner of Cash Award for picture entered in "MOTHERS AND CHILDREN: THE PRIZE PORTRAIT CONTEST in this Pictorial collage. 11 by 16. Mint.
WATTS, George Frederick * - 1907 - Famous English artist's wife, Ellen Terry reveals facts of their marriage, in article entitled "FAMOUS FRIENDS OF ELLEN TERRY". Terry married Watts at the tender of age of 16 and poses for some of his more famous paintings inc. one pictured here "SIR GALAHAD" which, she states, posed so happily for so long that she did not realize the armor was so heavy until she passed out. Saved from this 100 year old American News Magazine.
WAUD, A. R., - DATE - Indian Wars - SITE - Colorado. Illustraor and Correspondent named in story entitled Triangle of Death by Col. Philip M. Schockley which was written as "The Kidder Episode" of tragic end to a mission gallantly attempted but by green officers whose first Indian battle was to be their last as Custer discovered and as found in this old Western Magazine
WAUK, - 1870 - 90's Site: Western United States. Wife of Indian Chief, Powder Face named in "We Never Grew Old In Garrison". by Marjorie Kutchinski, the story of Army Life of Lieutenant Frank D. Baldwin and wife in the pioneer days as published in this complete and rare western magazine.
WAUKEGAN, MICHIGAN * - 1921 - Scene pictured of law enforcement dumping 32,000 gallons of bootleg liquor being emptied from barrels as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
WAVEL, Field Marshal * - 1943 - British leader commenting on Brigadier Wingate and leadership of the epic edition into the heart of Burma's jungle in World War II as saved from this London News. Excellent condition. 11 by 14 inches.
WAVING GRASS, INDIAN PRINCESS - 1880 era - Western Frontier - Named in story entitled LIVER-EATING JOHNSON'S LAST TRAIL by Raymond W. Thorp. Story of one of the west's most heroic mountain men called the boldest Anglo-Saxon who ever lifted a redskin's scalp. Known to the Indians as Dah-plh-ek Absaroka as published in this old and complete western magazine.
WAY DOWN EAST * - 1920 - Pictured are of the stars of the film play of D. W. Griffiths, WAY DOWN EAST" with Burr McIntosh named in a pictorial collage as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine. 11 by 16 inches. Mint.
WAY, Albert butcher mentioned in "Harry Tracy, The West's Mad Killer" article from old western magazine
WAY, Frederick Captain, (1929 MISSISSIPPI WHOOPEE OF STEAMBOAT RACING - Featured Story - Major National News Magazine)
WAYMIRE, Floyd * - Pictured and named in story entitled RECOLLECTIONS OF BIXBY of early pioneer days in the Indian Territory citing descriptions and properties indexing property owners as published in this complete, old western magazine
WAYNAI, Louis * - 1931 - Pictured in article entitled 'THIS IS SAID TO BE THE LARGEST BIBLE IN EXISTENCE" which was build by this Los Angeles Carpenter and weighs 1,084 pounds as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
WAYNE, John - Movie star named in massive story entitled "MOVIE HORSES - THE TREATMENT AND TRAINING OF AS GOOD AS ACTORS AS HOLLYWOOD EVER PRODUCED" includes history of great horses in the movies as found in this very rare, complete western magazine.
WAYNE, John * - 1930 - 70 ERA - Location USA. Named in story entitled “Behind the Creation of the Lone Ranger Legend - Who Was That Masked Man?” by Sam Henderson, who describes and names those in the extensive research of creating the Lone Ranger, as published in this complete old western magazine.
WAYNE, John - (Story of Tom Tyler - alias : of Vincent Markowski) - 1920 - 50's. Location: Hollywood, California. Named in story entitled "Cowboy Strongman - Tom Tyler" by Glen Shirley tells of the history and times of this versatile actor who appeared as Captain Marvel after serving as a member of the Royal National Mounted Police and Champion Weightlifter of the U. S. Navy whose life touched most of the Hollywood greats as found in this very rare western magazine
WAYNE, John - 1937 – 64. Named in story entitled HERO OF OLD WEST MOVIES by Jim Hitt - a history of one of our most beloved figures. Actor, Governor, President, Legend – he was all things to all men – still idolized in death as he was in life as found in this old western magazine.
WAYNE, Maude - 1922 - Named as cast member of The Young Rajah". with Rodolph Vanentino in Rivoli Theater Ad
WAYNE, William S., Private First Class, Company E, 28th U. S. Marine Corps - 1945 - Site: Iwo Jima. Named in story entitled "The FLAG-RAISING ON IWO JIMA" by Richard Wheeler who tells the true story of a simple great photograph which has become an indelible symbol of the Marine Corps heroic fight for this Japanese Island. Names of all included in this great true story seldom found as published in this old American Hardback Magazine.
WAYSIDE INN., SUDBURRY, MASS.. *, 1933 - Advertisement in the New England Resorts Section of an old American Pictorial Magazine
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