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Genealogy Images of History |
Updated:08/09/07 |
* indicates pictured
23rd INFANTRY - (under Lt. Col. R. I. Dodge) - 1876 - Site: WY. Named in story entitled "BATTLE OF THE MIGHTY THREE" by Bill Judge who writes of The Powder River Expedition of the U. S. Army led by Major General George Crook and Colonel Ranald S. Mackenzie and details of the battle as found in this old and complete western magazine
28th MARINES * - 1945 - Site: Iwo Jima. Named in story entitled "The FLAG-RAISING ON IWO JIMA" by Richard Wheeler who tells the true story of a simple great photograph which has become an indelible symbol of the Marine Corps heroic fight for this Japanese Island. Names of all included in this great true story seldom found as published in this old American Hardback Magazine.
TUALATIN PLAINS mentioned in 1840 era - Story entitled "The Star of Oregon" by Patrick A. Hall published in old Western Magazine. A fantastic true story about the plan, construction and sailing of the fore and after ship named The Star of Oregon. Rare history of Oregon seldom found and rarely read.
TUBAC MISSION- 1850 ERA. Location AZ, CA, KY, NY. Named in history entitled "The Father of Arizona" by A. Kinney Griffith which recites events in the life of Charles Debrille Poston in Tubec's turbulent past as found in this complete, rare, western magazine.
TUBAC PRESIDO *- 1850 ERA. Location AZ, CA, KY, NY. Pictured in history entitled "The Father of Arizona" by A. Kinney Griffith which recites events in the life of Charles Debrille Poston in Tubec's turbulent past as found in this complete, rare, western magazine.
TUBAC WEEKLY ARIZONA - 1850 ERA. Location AZ, CA, KY, NY. Named in history entitled "The Father of Arizona" by A. Kinney Griffith which recites events in the life of Charles Debrille Poston in Tubec's turbulent past as found in this complete, rare, western magazine.
TUBBS, A. L. - Candidate for Senate- 1800 - 1890 era. Site: California. Named in story entitled TAPEWORM, TICKETS & SHOULDER STRIKERS by Richard Reinhardt who writes of many of the shenanigans at the polls in California in the early days and those that participated as found in this complete western magazine.
TUBERCULOSIS COMMITTEE, BROOKLYN BUREAU OF CHARITIES * - 1923 - Children from Camp Brooklyn pictured in weekly feature "News of the Week" as they gather at the summer health resort of the Tuberculosis Committee of the Brooklyn Bureau of Charities at Lake Tiorati in Interstate Park as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
TUBERCULOSIS SANITARIUM* - 1934 - Named and written about in article entitled THE PRESIDENT AIDS IN THE 1934 CHRISTMAS SEAL CAMPAIGN as she presented to President Roosevelt a model of the famous Little Red House, a model of the First Tuberculosis Sanitarium from founder Doctor Francis B. Trudeau as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
TUBERCULOSIS SEALS * - 1923 - Cover entitled '"CHRISTMAS SEAL HERALDS REACH WASHINGTON BY PLANE as saved from this American Pictorial magazine.
TUBERCULOSIS SOCIETY OF NEW YORK * - 1923 - Pictured in feature WOMEN IN VARIED ACTIVITIES are society girls preparing Christmas tree at the Hotel Biltmore, New York as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
TUBMAN, Thomas, Father... * - 1880 - 1920 - Location Ireland, NV, LA, OH. Irish Priest from Reno who administered last rites named in horse race story entitled RAWHIDE PAYS ITS RESPECTS by Guy Mayo, the story of Riley Grannan, the King of the sport of Kings who is described as a turf plunger as noted for his imperturbability as for the large sums he bet as told in this complete, rare western magazine.
TUCKER - Early 1900 era. SITE IDAHO, KENTUCKY. Saddle horse named in history entitled THE LAND OF WILD HORSES, BREATHING WELLS, AND HEARTBREAK -- the story of Ruben and Mary Claunch and their pioneer days in the area of Big Butte where they battled snow, cold, rattlesnakes, snow blindness while settling a homestead and raising a family as found in this seldom read western magazine.
TUCKER, Allen ( * Headlands), (1932 AMERICANS FOR THE METROPOLITAN, National News Magazine1923)
TUCKER, Doctor - 1830 - 70's era - Site: MA and Martha's Vineyard. Named in history entitled OAK BLUFFS by David G. McCullough which includes text and a collage of pictures of the houses and scenes of the early times as found in this complete hardbound American magazine.
TUCKER, Ernest S.* - (of Lynn Mass) - 1930 - Received cash award for photo entitled "GOING FIFTY-FIFTY" as pictured in photo collage entitled WINNERS OF CASH PRIZES IN AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPETITION As saved from this old pictorial magazine
TUCKER, G. R. (Texan) * - 1890 - 1892 era. Location TX, WY. Named in story entitled "THE HIRED KILLERS" with rare picture of 25 Texans who the author claims were a swaggering group of deadly young men with the purpose to rid Wyoming of a group of rustler's terrorizing the territory organized by Major Frank Walcott to clean 'em out as published in the old, complete and rare western magazine.
TUCKER, George *., - 1893 era - (TEXAS RANGER LAWMAN) Frontier Battalion, Company D. and Custom Inspector. Named in Biographical history of Texas Ranger Lawman Joe Sitters entitled "Marked For Death" who was also a Customs Inspector in the early west as published in western magazine.
TUCKER, George Loane (Lights Out for Lon Chaney - Major News Magazine News Article on death, 1930)
TUCKER, Gerald J. * - 1880 era - Oregon. Story entitled HANK VAUGHN'S FATAL RIDE by Gerald J. Tucker who write of a trouble seeker thought to have nine lives until his horse fell on the main street of Pendleton, Oregon and did him in as found in this seldom read story published in an old western magazine
TUCKER, Harley L. * Corporal, (Concord, North Carolina -Honor Roll -Killed in Action)
TUCKER, Henry - 1895 - Named in original 110 year old pictorial historical text entitled "THE MAKING OF OUR POPULAR SONGS" by Ernest Jarrold as it was saved from an American Monthly magazine. Indexed by composer and song.
TUCKER, Jerry * - 1931 - Pictured and written about in this article entitled THE NEW CHILD STAR OF THE FILMS who has been given a long-term starring contract by Paramount Studios as noted in STAR AND SCENES FROM THE NEW FILMS as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
TUCKER, John R. - Referred to as Confederate Flag Officer in Command of Charleston in history of the first Civil War Submarine to sink a ship. Recently discovered and saved from a watery grave, this story of the Civil War Submarine Hunley is entitled "The Sub That Wouldn't Come Up" by Lydel Sims containing fascinating accurate (and some inaccurate) information). Historical pictures and drawings.
TUCKER, Marian * - 1926 - Pictured in pictorial collage entitled "Dallas, Texas, Selects Its Prettiest High School Girls" as beauty queen of Highland Park High School in Dallas, Texas. Mint condition. 14 by 16 inches.
TUCKER, Nion, Mrs (of Burlingame, California owner of CLAUS VON FURSTENWALL (Champion Schauzer Pinscher) * - 1928 - Pictured entitled TWO YEARS' TROPHIES showing the medals he has won in the United States since arrival as saved from an old American Pictorial magazine.TUCK
TUCKER, R. V. "Rock" , - 1910 - 20 era. Location: MT Coroner and Undertaker named in story entitled MISSOURI RIVER GIRL who writes of Alberta Tracey, a school teacher in the early frontier of Montana territory in the 1900's. Details life on the frontier, schooldays, pictures of classrooms and students as found in this old and complete western magazine
TUCKER, Reasen P., Captain mentioned in Across the Plains in the Donner Party (1846), by Virginia Reed Murphy
TUCKER, Richard B. * Sergeant (Lachine, Michigan – Honor Roll – Killed in Action)
TUCKER, Richard B. * Sergeant (Lachine, Michigan – Honor Roll – Killed in Action)
TUCKER, Sophie * - 1922 - Pictured with her Jazz Band giving a concert over the new medium of radio. 11 by 16 Mint condition as saved from an old American Pictorial Magazine.
TUCKER, William * Corporal (Galata, Montana– Honor Roll – Died of Wounds)
TUCKER,F. F. Private - mentioned in "The Nine Lives of Captain Frank Jones" by Tom Bailey and Ralph J. Weaver. The story of lawman and Texas Ranger Frank Jones on the western frontier in the 1870 era.
TUCKERTON, NEW JERSEY KU KLUX KLAN PARADE * - 1924 - (Banned by Ebay) - Pictorial Story entitled "The Invisible Empire Made Visible in Part" showing Klansmen on Memorial Day being led by District Kleagle L. E. Bell to unveil monument to Ensign George F. Randolph at Tuckerton, N. J.
TUCSON CITIZEN, Newspaper, 1840 Era. Written up in "El Chivero of Arizona" By: Donald N. Bentz - the story of Merejildo Grizalva, captured by Apaches who swore undying hatred for Cochise and became a scout, interpreter and civilian guide
TUCSON, ARIZONA * - 1880 era, Site of hanging of the "The Mysterious Gunman". Article by Maurice Kildare. the story of the desperado Joseph Casey who was a slippery customer, lightning fast with a gun and positively talented as an escape artist - until caught and hung as published in an old rare, complete western magazine.
TUCSON, ARIZONA *, 1880 circa. Written up in, "Tucson's Vigilante Necktie Party" By: Donald N. Bentz - a story of the vigilante "Committee of Public Safety" which brought frontier justice to Tuscon.
TUCSON, ARIZONA CONGRESS HALL SALOON * - 1850 - 90 era - Story entitled "Tucson's Most Famous Saloon" by Donald N. Bentz. Author writes of Charles Owen Brown who founded the Congress Hall Saloon of which it was said, here is no billiard, card or drinking saloon equal to it in tasty and comfortable finish...it is superb as found in this rare and complete western magazine.
TUCSON, ARIZONA - 1880 era – Location AZ, NM, TX – Named in story entitled Undercover Agent for Wells Fargo by Fred Dodge, edited by Carolyn Lake which tell of the life and times of Special Undercover Agent Fred J. Dodge who helped push the bad men out of the Southwest and establish law and order on the western frontier as found in the rare western magazine
TUCSON, ARIZONA FOURTH OF JULY * - 1890 - Tucson, Arizona. Cover picture of 13 young women in story entitled "PARADES, PARTIES, PICNICS; A REAL WESTERN FOURTH OF JULY as pictured in a collage of photos as published in this old and complete western magazine.
TUCSON'S FIRST MERCHANT * - 1810 - 90. Location: AZ, CA, MX, NY. Story of pioneer, prospector and builder, Solomon Warner. by Donald N. Bentz. Grandson of a Revolutionary War Veteran, he left New York for the pioneer wilds and actually set the bricks for old Fort Yuma before settling down to a lifetime of work as he opened the first “American” store in Tucson. He had to leave the country when the Civil War broke out, but he returned to become one of Arizona’s leading citizens as found in this old western magazine.
TUDELA, Francis, Honorable * - 1919 - First ambassador from PERU pictured in article entitled PROMINENT FIGURES NOW CLAIMING PUBLIC INTEREST who has recently been promoted in command of the U. S. S. Texas as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine. Admiral Blue won a reputation for daring at Santiago in the Spanish-American War.
TUFT, John B., .. - 1860 era - Post Officer named in historical story entitled " Fort Laramie" , a Federal Army Outpost in Wyoming and the events that took place here and changed the outcome of the pioneer west as published in this rare of western magazine
TUFT-PENROSE-MACNEILL MILLS- 1890 -era - location Nevada. Named in story entitled "Gold Thieves in the Old West" which pictures and tells of fast shooting road agents who stole a lot of gold and of mild mannered manner, retiring high-graders who beat them at their own game as found in this very rare, complete western magazine.
TUFTS COLLEGE BROADCASTING LECTURES * - 1922 Article entitled "College Lectures by Radio" as published in American News Magazine.
TUFT'S HALFBACK - LEHAN, Ralph - 1925 * - Pictured in article entitled "GETTING THE KINKS OUT FOR DAYS TO COME" who is halfback for Tufts as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
TUFTS, Doctor - 1890 era - Western U. S. A. Named in this biography of Captain John Wallace Crawford, entitled, "Captain Jack, The Poet Scout", and here the author, Paul T. Nolen, recites the history of this western scout and acquaintance of Buffalo Bill who went from scouting to acting to writing as published in this complete western magazine.
TUG MAGIC * - 1916 - 21 - Named in story entitled WHITE COLLAR VERSUS BLACK BALL by Victor H. White, a fascinating history of a man, W. L. Gazzam who strived to improve steamboat service of Puget Sound. Names ships, ship wrecks and facts of important historical system along with those that made Seattle harbor such a dangerous place in the pioneer days as found in this complete western magazine.
TUGBOAT "AMANDA WINANTS" * - 1827 - 97 era, Location: Hudson River, NY. Sidewheeler pictured in story entitled SIDE-WHEELS AND WALKING BEAMS by Oliver Jensen which includes fabulous steamboat painting by the Bard twin Brothers of prominent ships of the times as saved from this old and complete American Hardback magazine
TUGBOAT MICKEY * - 1920 - 30 era. Location: California. Named and pictured in story entitled "BRINGING FORTH THE MOUSE" by Richard Schickel which tells of the history of Walt Disney and Mickey Mouse detailing individuals who help bring the little rodent to the screen as published in this old American hardback magazine.
TUGBOAT "SYRACUSE" * - 1827 - 97 era, Location: Hudson River, NY. Sidewheeler pictured in story entitled SIDE-WHEELS AND WALKING BEAMS by Oliver Jensen which includes fabulous steamboat painting by the Bard twin Brothers of prominent ships of the times as saved from this old and complete American Hardback magazine
TUGWELL, Rexford * - 1936 - Pictured on cover and identified as Resettlement Administrator with headline entitled THE GOVERNMENT SPEEDS RELIEF FOR DROUGHT SUFFERS along with Governor Tom Berry of South Dakota, Governor Tom Welford of North Dakota and J. F. Sarvis, North Dakota agronomist as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
TUILALIP INDIAN TRIBE – Named in story entitled "Curtis…Camera Crusader Of The Red Man" by Drew Andrews- the story of Edward S. Curtis and his life and photos where, instead of a gun, he used a camera that enabled him to win the trust of Indians as told in complete and old western magazine.
TULANE UNIVERSITY EXPEDITION TO THE MAYAS * - 1925 - An pictorial collage entitled "Striking Discoveries by the Tulane Expedition to the Kingdom of the Ancient Mayas as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
TULANE UNIVERSITY SUGAR BOWL GAME OF 1935 * - 1935 - The first Sugar Bowl game ended with Tulane 20, Temple 14-Pictured in Sports pictorial collage entitled INTERSECTIONAL CLASHES IN FOOTBALL'S FINALE as "Tulane Comes From Behind To Win The First Sugar Bowl Game" picturing Danny Tasta of Temple going around end as saved from this old American pictorial magazine
TULARE COUNTY COURTHOUSE * - 1890 ERA - CA. Pictured and named in story entitled THE SAN JOAQUIN TRAIN HOLDUPS with photos furnished by the California State Library. When a number of robberies of the Southern Pacific train occurred, there were mixed feelings. After all, the SP wasn't loved as told in this old complete western magazine..
TULE CANYON, mentioned or described in "John B. Charlton, Cavalryman By Choice" by Fred Frank Blalock, a description of the last great battle in 1874 between the U. S. Cavalry and Lone Wolf's Indians as printed in an old western magazine
TULE LAKE, 1872 era. Written up in "THE WAR THE ARMY WOULD LIKE TO FORGET" by Samuel Stanley. Story of the Modoc War and the native Indians fight for their homeland and to live in piece.
TULLOCKS CREEK mentioned in 1876 era - Story entitled "Was It Only Custer's Folly?" by Carl W. Breihan published in old Western Magazine. Seldom found Custer story i.e. "the great Indian Campaign campaign of 1876, remains the most romantic, epochal, tragic, mystical and mysterious of all the rare conflicts known in the history of the world." Highly technical with controversial theories of battle.
TULLY, (Dartmouth College Football Player) - mentioned in 1925 Review of Eastern College Football Stars.
TULLY, Andrew - 1780 - 1880 era. Western Frontier of Minnesota. Named in history entitled FORT SNELLING - GIBRALTAR OF THE WEST by Joan Kyllo who recites the rich past of one of America's most valuable outposts from the days of founding by Zebulon Pike to the construction by Colonel Josiah Snelling as found in this seldom read western magazine.
TULLY, John - 1780 - 1880 era. Western Frontier of Minnesota. Named in history entitled FORT SNELLING - GIBRALTAR OF THE WEST by Joan Kyllo who recites the rich past of one of America's most valuable outposts from the days of founding by Zebulon Pike to the construction by Colonel Josiah Snelling as found in this seldom read western magazine
TULLY, Richard Walton * - 1922 - Pictured in collage are stars of screen entertainment entitled THE GREAT FALL SELECTIONS as saved. 11 by 16 inches. Mint Condition.
TULLY, Richard Walton * - 1922 - Pictured in collage are stars of screen entertainment entitled THE GREAT FALL SELECTIONS as saved. 11 by 16 inches. Mint Condition.
TULSA "STENOS". * - 1936 - Members pictured of the Tulsa "Steno" Women AAU Title in double page article entitled "SPORTS OF THE WEEK" as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
TULSA JACK member of Zip Wyatt gang mentioned in "The Desperado With Nine Lives" article from old western magazine
TULSA, OKLAHOMA - 1923 - 55 era. AZ, IWO JIMA, Washington, D. C. Identified in this wonderful story and tribute to this hero of Marines entitled TAPS FOR IRA HAYES by Maurice Kildare who has been immortalized by the famous statute of the raising of the United States flag at Mt. Surburbachi, Iwo Jima in World War II. Tells of his Pima Indian reservation life and pulls no punches as found in this extremely rare and complete Western Magazine.
TUMACACORI MISSION * - 1850 ERA. Location AZ, CA, KY, NY. Named in history entitled "The Father of Arizona" by A. Kinney Griffith which recites events in the life of Charles Debrille Poston in Tubec's turbulent past as found in this complete, rare, western magazine.
TUMBLEWEEDS MOVIE, The * - Named in massive story entitled "MOVIE HORSES - THE TREATMENT AND TRAINING OF AS GOOD AS ACTORS AS HOLLYWOOD EVER PRODUCED" includes history of great horses in the movies as found in this very rare, complete western magazine.
TUMLIN, Ludy C. * Corporal (Fountain Inn, South Carolina - Honor Roll - Died of Wounds)
TUMLINSON, Absolom Tidwell * - 1820 – 1900’s. TX – Rare history naming son of Captain Peter Tumlinson and Tinnie entitled “THE TUMLINSONS – TEXAS RANGERS” by Lucille Latham White. Story involves the Tumlinson family history in early pioneer days of Texas. Seldom found unusual facts, names and pictures of the Texas Ranger lawman organization as found in this old western magazine.
TUMLINSON, Andrew - 1820 – 1900’s. TX – Rare history naming son of John Jackson Tumlinson as killed by Indians in story entitled “THE TUMLINSONS – TEXAS RANGERS” by Lucille Latham White. Story involves the Tumlinson family history in early pioneer days of Texas. Seldom found unusual facts, names and pictures of the Texas Ranger lawman organization as found in this old western magazine.
TUMLINSON, Ben * - 1820 – 1900’s. TX – Rare history naming son of Joseph W. Tumlinson named in story entitled “THE TUMLINSONS – TEXAS RANGERS” by Lucille Latham White. Story involves the Tumlinson family history in early pioneer days of Texas. Seldom found unusual facts, names and pictures of the Texas Ranger lawman organization as found in this old western magazine.
TUMLINSON, David - 1820 – 1900’s. TX – Rare history naming son of James Tumlinson named in story entitled “THE TUMLINSONS – TEXAS RANGERS” by Lucille Latham White. Story involves the Tumlinson family history in early pioneer days of Texas. Seldom found unusual facts, names and pictures of the Texas Ranger lawman organization as found in this old western magazine.
TUMLINSON, Elizabeth - 1820 – 1900’s. TX – Rare history naming widow of John Jackson Tumlinson named in story entitled “THE TUMLINSONS – TEXAS RANGERS” by Lucille Latham White. Story involves the Tumlinson family history in early pioneer days of Texas. Seldom found unusual facts, names and pictures of the Texas Ranger lawman organization as found in this old western magazine.
TUMLINSON, George - 1820 – 1900’s. TX – Rare history naming son of James Tumlinson named in story entitled “THE TUMLINSONS – TEXAS RANGERS” by Lucille Latham White. Story involves the Tumlinson family history in early pioneer days of Texas. Seldom found unusual facts, names and pictures of the Texas Ranger lawman organization as found in this old western magazine
TUMLINSON, George- 1835 - 36 era. South Carolina native and honored member of the Gonzales 32 as written in story entitled "TO THE RESCUE OF THE ALAMO - GONZALES 32 in this old and complete western magazine.
.TUMLINSON, Harriet West McEnvale - 1820 – 1900’s. TX – Rare history naming 2nd wife Captain Peter Tumlinson named in story entitled “THE TUMLINSONS – TEXAS RANGERS” by Lucille Latham White. Story involves the Tumlinson family history in early pioneer days of Texas. Seldom found unusual facts, names and pictures of the Texas Ranger lawman organization as found in this old western magazine.
TUMLINSON, James - 1820 – 1900’s. TX – Rare history naming brother of John Jackson Tumlinson in story entitled “THE TUMLINSONS – TEXAS RANGERS” by Lucille Latham White. Story involves the Tumlinson family history in early pioneer days of Texas. Seldom found unusual facts, names and pictures of the Texas Ranger lawman organization as found in this old western magazine.
TUMLINSON, James W. :"Jim" - 1820 – 1900’s. TX – Rare history naming son of Captain Peter W. Tumlinson in story entitled “THE TUMLINSONS – TEXAS RANGERS” by Lucille Latham White. Story involves the Tumlinson family history in early pioneer days of Texas. Seldom found unusual facts, names and pictures of the Texas Ranger lawman organization as found in this old western magazine.
TUMLINSON, Joda * - 1820 – 1900’s. TX – Rare history picturing daughter of Joseph W. Tumlinson in story entitled “THE TUMLINSONS – TEXAS RANGERS” by Lucille Latham White. Story involves the Tumlinson family history in early pioneer days of Texas. Seldom found unusual facts, names and pictures of the Texas Ranger lawman organization as found in this old western magazine.
TUMLINSON, Joe - 1820 – 1900’s. TX – Rare history naming son of John Jackson
TUMLINSON, Joel Walker - 1820 – 1900’s. TX – Named in story as son of Captain Peter Tumlinson and Harriet entitled “THE TUMLINSONS – TEXAS RANGERS” by Lucille Latham White. Story involves the Tumlinson family history in early pioneer days of Texas. Seldom found unusual facts, names and pictures of the Texas Ranger lawman organization as found in this old western magazine.
TUMLINSON, John - 1820 – 1900’s. TX – Rare history naming son of James Tumlinson in story entitled “THE TUMLINSONS – TEXAS RANGERS” by Lucille Latham White. Story involves the Tumlinson family history in early pioneer days of Texas. Seldom found unusual facts, names and pictures of the Texas Ranger lawman organization as found in this old western magazine.
TUMLINSON, John - 1820 – 1900’s. TX – Rare history naming son of Jpseph W. Tumlinson in story entitled “THE TUMLINSONS – TEXAS RANGERS” by Lucille Latham White. Story involves the Tumlinson family history in early pioneer days of Texas. Seldom found unusual facts, names and pictures of the Texas Ranger lawman organization as found in this old western magazine.
TUMLINSON, John Jackson - 1820 – 1900’s. TX – Rare history naming him as killed by Indians in 1823 in story entitled “THE TUMLINSONS – TEXAS RANGERS” by Lucille Latham White. Story involves the Tumlinson family history in early pioneer days of Texas. Seldom found unusual facts, names and pictures of the Texas Ranger lawman organization as found in this old western magazine.
TUMLINSON, Joseph ,* - 1820 – 1900’s. TX – Rare history naming son of Captain Peter W. Tumlinson and Harriet in story entitled “THE TUMLINSONS – TEXAS RANGERS” by Lucille Latham White. Story involves the Tumlinson family history in early pioneer days of Texas. Seldom found unusual facts, names and pictures of the Texas Ranger lawman organization as found in this old western magazine.
TUMLINSON, Joseph W.,* - 1820 – 1900’s. TX – Rare history naming son of Captain Peter W. Tumlinson in story entitled “THE TUMLINSONS – TEXAS RANGERS” by Lucille Latham White. Story involves the Tumlinson family history in early pioneer days of Texas. Seldom found unusual facts, names and pictures of the Texas Ranger lawman organization as found in this old western magazine.
TUMLINSON, Jr., John Jackson - 1820 – 1900’s. TX – Rare history naming son of Texas Ranger Captain John Jackson Tumlinson in story entitled “THE TUMLINSONS – TEXAS RANGERS” by Lucille Latham White. Story involves the Tumlinson family history in early pioneer days of Texas. Seldom found unusual facts, names and pictures of the Texas Ranger lawman organization as found in this old western magazine.
TUMLINSON, Littleton,* - 1820 – 1900’s. TX – Rare history naming son of James Tumlinson in story entitled “THE TUMLINSONS – TEXAS RANGERS” by Lucille Latham White. Story involves the Tumlinson family history in early pioneer days of Texas. Seldom found unusual facts, names and pictures of the Texas Ranger lawman organization as found in this old western magazine.
TUMLIINSON, Lott,* - 1820 – 1900’s. TX – Rare history naming son of Joseph Tumlinson as killed in Honduras in story entitled “THE TUMLINSONS – TEXAS RANGERS” by Lucille Latham White. Story involves the Tumlinson family history in early pioneer days of Texas. Seldom found unusual facts, names and pictures of the Texas Ranger lawman organization as found in this old western magazine.
TUMLINSON, Marelda J. English * - 1820 – 1900’s. TX – Rare history naming wife of Joseph W. Tumlinson in story entitled “THE TUMLINSONS – TEXAS RANGERS” by Lucille Latham White. Story involves the Tumlinson family history in early pioneer days of Texas. Seldom found unusual facts, names and pictures of the Texas Ranger lawman organization as found in this old western magazine.
TUMLINSON, "Peg Leg" - 1880 ERA. LOCATION: MO, TX. Named in story entitled: "Brush Country Doctor" by Oran Warder Nolen who tells tales of an old Texas Doctor J. W. Hargus and of his practice on the Texas Frontier as found in this old and complete western magazine.
TUMLINSON, Peter - 1820 – 1900’s. TX – Rare history naming son of Joseph W. Tumlinson in story entitled “THE TUMLINSONS – TEXAS RANGERS” by Lucille Latham White. Story involves the Tumlinson family history in early pioneer days of Texas. Seldom found unusual facts, names and pictures of the Texas Ranger lawman organization as found in this old western magazine.
TUMLINSON, Peter * - 1820 – 1900’s. TX – Rare history naming son of Captain Peter W. Tumlinson in story entitled “THE TUMLINSONS – TEXAS RANGERS” by Lucille Latham White. Story involves the Tumlinson family history in early pioneer days of Texas. Seldom found unusual facts, names and pictures of the Texas Ranger lawman organization as found in this old western magazine.
TUMLINSON, Peter F.* - 1820 – 1900’s. TX – Rare history naming son of Peter and Harriet Tumlinson in story entitled “THE TUMLINSONS – TEXAS RANGERS” by Lucille Latham White. Story involves the Tumlinson family history in early pioneer days of Texas. Seldom found unusual facts, names and pictures of the Texas Ranger lawman organization as found in this old western magazine.
TUMLINSON, Peter,* - 1820 – 1900’s. TX – Named in story entitled “THE TUMLINSONS – TEXAS RANGERS” by Lucille Latham White. Story involves the Tumlinson family history in early pioneer days of Texas. Seldom found unusual facts, names and pictures of the Texas Ranger lawman organization as found in this old western magazine.
TUMLINSON, Thomas* - 1820 – 1900’s. TX – Rare history naming son of John Jackson Tumlinson who was killed by Indians in Arkansas in story entitled “THE TUMLINSONS – TEXAS RANGERS” by Lucille Latham White. Story involves the Tumlinson family history in early pioneer days of Texas. Seldom found unusual facts, names and pictures of the Texas Ranger lawman organization as found in this old western magazine.
TUMLINSON, Tinnie Tidwell - 1820 – 1900’s. TX – Rare history named as lst wife of Captain Peter Tumlinson in story entitled “THE TUMLINSONS – TEXAS RANGERS” by Lucille Latham White. Story involves the Tumlinson family history in early pioneer days of Texas. Seldom found unusual facts, names and pictures of the Texas Ranger lawman organization as found in this old western magazine.
TUMLINSON, William Ormand "Button",* - 1820 – 1900’s. TX – Rare history naming son of Captain Peter W. Tumlinson and Tinnie in story entitled “THE TUMLINSONS – TEXAS RANGERS” by Lucille Latham White. Story involves the Tumlinson family history in early pioneer days of Texas. Seldom found unusual facts, names and pictures of the Texas Ranger lawman organization as found in this old western magazine.
TUMLINSON, Jr., James: - 1820 – 1900’s. TX – Rare history naming son of James Tumlinson in story entitled “THE TUMLINSONS – TEXAS RANGERS” by Lucille Latham White. Story involves the Tumlinson family history in early pioneer days of Texas. Seldom found unusual facts, names and pictures of the Texas Ranger lawman organization as found in this old western magazine.
TUMLINSON, Captain Peter Company of Mounted Volunteers - 1820 – 1900’s. TX – Named in rare history chronicled in story entitled “THE TUMLINSONS – TEXAS RANGERS” by Lucille Latham White. Story involves the Tumlinson family history in early pioneer days of Texas. Seldom found unusual facts, names and pictures of the Texas Ranger lawman organization as found in this old western magazine.
TUMLINSONS – TEXAS RANGERS * - 1820 – 1900’s. TX – Rare history entitled “THE TUMLINSONS – TEXAS RANGERS” by Lucille Latham White. Story involves the Tumlinson family history in early pioneer days of Texas. Rare and unusual facts, names and pictures of the Texas Ranger lawman organization as found in this old western magazine.
TUMWATER, WASHINGTON (Newmarket) - early 1800’s. Location ID, MO, MT, WA. Site in story entitled "THE EMANCIPATION OF GEORGE WASHINGTON BUSH" about a mulatto who Indians treated like a blood brother. As an early American pioneer, he was highly successful and loaned money to the needy without their having to ask. He helped pave the way for others to follow into Washington, Idaho and Montana. as found in this old western magazine
TUNA CATCH * - 1921 - Fishermen unloading tuna from smacks at St. Margaret's Bay, Nova Scotia as saved from old American magazine.
TUNNEL STATION CAMP, NEWHALL.* - 1900 - California Sierras, Mohave Desert, Los Angeles, California. Named in story entitled NO MEDALS FOR MEN OR BEASTS - a picture story of the Los Angeles aqueduct whose construction was one area's salvation and another's doom as found in this old and complete western mag.
TUNNEL GULCH - 1884 - Location: Colorado. Named in article entitled "THE WOODSTOCK DISASTER" by R. L. Lowe, story of a snow slide that wiped out the tunnel and 3 gague tracks of the Denver, South Park and Pacific Railroad as found in this rare complete western magazine.
TUNNELING THE SIERRA WITH NITROGLYCERINE * - 1860 era. Location: CA, NV, UT. Story by Lawrence Doorley who writes of the real heroes of the Central Pacific Railroad and their conquests while building the railroad line between Sacramento, CA and the Nevada line as found in this old and complete western magazine.
TUNNEY, "Gene" James Joseph, Lieutenant * - U. S. Marine Corps Boxing Champ - 1926 - Pictured in story entitled "Lieutenant Tunney, The Pride of the Marines" from an old National News magazine.
TUNNEY, Gene * - 1926 - Pictured as new actor in "The Fighting Marine", a Pathe production in article entitled FLASHES AND FLICKERS FROM THE MOTION PICTURE WORLD as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine
TUNNEY, Gene * - 1927 - Fighter named in story entitled CAN DEMPSEY COME BACK is one that they don't write boxing stories like this one anymore. It's a million dollar query as saved from this old American News magazine.
TUNNEY, Gene * - 1928 - Heavy Weight Champion Boxer of the World pictured in article entitled AN UNPRECEDENTED GATHERING OF CHAMPIONS as Guests of Honors at a Dinner given at the Hotel Commodore, New York by the Madison Square Garden Sporting Club as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine
TUNNEY, Gene * - 1931 - Pictured in collage entitled THE FORMER CHAMPION FINDS A PLACE WHERE THE RULE OF SWIM OR SINK DOEN NOT HOLD floating on the Dead Sea as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
TUNNEY, Gene * - 1933 - Pictured in article entitled "A FORMER HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION SERVES AS SUBSTITUTE FOR THE PRESIDENT" as he is pictured throwing out the first ball for the annual Congressional Game as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
TUNNEY, Gene * Champion Boxer (The Tunney-Dempsey Fight - A World Spectacle at Soldiers* Field, Chicago, Ill.- National News Coverage Article, 1927
TUNNEY, James J., "Gene" * - 1929 - Pictured and written about in article entitled Man of The Week as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
TURNER, - 1925 - American Artist named in story about Willard L. Metcalf who announced a request to the executors of is estate "that such of paintings and drawings that do not come to his artistic standards should be destroyed, There follows a discussion of his work, sales, etc. of which very litle was destroyed as saved from this old American magazine
TUNSTALL RANCH, NEW MEXICO - 1870 - 80 era. Location: New Mexico. Named in story by Philip J. Rasch who writes claiming his story gives an impartial and more accurate account of this historic New Mexico Gunfight which included BILLY THE KID as found in this old, complete western magazine.
TUNSTALL, (First name unknown)- 1860 - 1900's era - Site: British Columbia. Constable named in CANADA'S MURDERING McLEANS by T. W. Patterson - a history of one the most onery families in the old west and the eventual hanging of the principles as saved from this old and complete seldom found western magazine.
TUNSTALL, Florida - - Ranald Mackenzie's wife mentioned in "Palo Duro, canyon of the dead" article from old western magazine
TUNSTALL, John. 1870 - 80 era, Location: Oklahoma and New Mexico Named ain story of Seven Rivers gang named in "The Coyote Badman". by Glen Shirley. The Story of Bob Olinger who got a job as a Deputy Sheriff to make some killings he wished to make legal. Sheriff Pat Garrett gave him the job of guarding Billy The Kid. Olinger tried to get Billy The Kid to run so he could kill him but idea didn't work as exposed in this story published in complete old western magazine
TUNSTALL, John - 1908 - Location: NM. Named in story entitled "KEDINCHIN" by Eva Ball who writes compellingly of a greenhorn, his old timer and much wiser brother and a deaf Mescalero Indian. The greenhorn did not know the ways or customs of the west and lack of knowledge ended up in the hanging of a deaf Indian as found in this old and complete western magazine.
TUNSTALL, John H. *, - Rancher killed who was pictured and named in "The Horrell War", (1877 - 1881) a story of the five Horrell brothers who brought strife, discord and murder with them when the came to Lincoln County and the strife continued for many years as published in this complete western magazine..
TUNSTALL, John H. - Pioneer West Era. Location - Western United States. Named in story entitled CATTLE KINGS by George A. Wallis who writes of the lives of those men who took two elements - livestock and the range - each as wild as the other and refused to quit until they established the great ranches of the west as published in this old western magazine. Part 1
TUNSTALL, John H. - 1870 - 80 era. Location: New Mexico. Englishman named in story by Philip J. Rasch who writes claiming his story gives an impartial and more accurate account of this historic New Mexico Gunfight which included BILLY THE KID as found in this old, complete western magazine.
TUOLUMME COUNTY- 1853 Era - LOCATION: CA. Named in story entitled SEVERED HEAD OF CANTU CREEK by William B. Secrest who explores the questions whether the California Rangers actually captured and decapitated the head of noted bandit, Joaquin Valancuela Murrieta. True story backed by newspaper clips as found in this old and complete western magazine.
TUOLUMNE COUNTY mentioned in "Lynch Law of the Mother Lode", by Ben T. Traywick
TUOLUMNE RIVER, * 1914 era – Location, California). Named in “Honeymoon in Hetch Hetchy.” Dorothy and Robert Duryea’s trip to Hetch Hetchy Valley at the time of America’s first major conservation crusade as published in this very expensively printed complete old western magazine.
TUPPER, Paul Y. - 1890 - 1930 era. United States. Named in story entitled THE TROUBLED LIFE OF A BICYCLIENNE as named by Weldon D. Woodson in life story of Annie Sylvester as one who received the Bicycle Club Title of WORLD'S CHAMPION TRICK AND FANCY RIDER as found in this complete old western
TURBULENT - British Ship lost as written up in "The Real Story Of Jutland" as published in 1926 in this American News Mag.
TURF SALOON mentioned in "The Sad Saga of Big Anne" article from old western magazine
TURK AT THE GATE * - 1922 - Article entitled "The Turk At The Gate" pictured and written about and saved from this old American News magazine.
TURK, James "Jim" SHANGHAI HELL* by Gail McKenna. Story of Sailing Ships out of Portland, Oregon 1890 era.
TURKEY AT WAR * - 1912 - Articled headlined under FOREIGN COMMENTS entitled PRESS OF TURKEY ON THE WAR picturing the Turkish route and fleeing soldiers before the victorious Buglars and a train load of Turkish wounded arriving at Tchataldja with text of the situation in 1912 as saved from this old American News magazine.
TURKEY FAT MINE - 1920 era. Location: Oklahoma. Co - Named in story entitled "HOW THE PICHER DISTRICT REALLY CAME TO BE" by Dick Wills as told to by J. F. (Jim) Robinson which tells of the discovery of what was to become the greatest zinc operation in the world as reported in this complete western magazine.
TURKEY LEG - 1870-80 -- Site: Western United States. Cheyenne Indian Chief named in "Indian Men Made Fashion News". by Colonel Richard Dodge who witnessed and wrote of Indians whom he met
TURKEY LEG (Indian Chief) - U. S. Indian War Era. Location, Western U. S. Named in story entitled "MESSENGER TO THE INDIANS" by Joseph W. Snell whom the author says was called by General George Custer the perfect scout in horsemanship, fearless in manner, a splendid hunter and a gentleman by instinct as found in this old and complete western magazine.
TURKEY OTTOMAN WOMEN LEADER * - 1914 - Woman's Rights Leader of Turkey pictured unveiled and featured in article entitled AWAKENING OF TURKISH WOMAN. Principal of organization called Defense of the Rights of Ottoman women as saved from this old American News Magazine.
TURKEY TRACK RANCH - 1900 circa - Named in History of Rodeo Great Addison P. Day which states that "Many a Chute Would Have Never Been Opened Without This Man". Names the Great Rodeos, Fairs, Expositions and the stars as published in old and rare western magazine.
TURKEY TRACK RANCH.. - 1865-90 - Cherokee Strip, Indian Territory, Oklahoma. Named in rare autobiography entitled COWBOYS AND CATTLELAND, by H. H. Halsell, the story of life of the old Cherokee Strip Riders who galloped up and down the Cimarron Strip with Halsell in the years thru 1889 as published in this rarely found and seldom opened old, complete western magazine
TURKEY, SULTAN MOHAMMED VI, SULTAN * - 1920 -American Photographer, Major Davis Arnold took first photos of MOHAMMED VI, SULTAN OF TURKEY and his Palace and Mosques as saved from this extremely rare American Pictorial Magazine.
TURKHVATIN, * (Member of the Bolshevist Army Staff) COMMUNISTS LEADERS - 1921 era - Fantastic review entitled "Leading Figures and Salient Features of the Bolshevist Regime inc., Martens, Tchitcherin, Trotzky, Moses Uritzky w pictures of Soviet Russia in formative days as pictured in American Mag.
TURKISH ARMY 1922 article "Thanksgiving of Turks for the Victories in Asia Minor".
TURKISH BASHI-BAZOUKS * - 1926 - Named instory which pictured and named Reza Khan Pahlevi as the dictator who became king in story entitled REZA TAKES THE SCEPTER OF CYRUS as took over the famous Peacock Throne as story is told and saved from this old American News Magazine
TURKISH OCCUPATION OF THRACE * - 1923 - Pictured and written up in article entitled TURKISH OCCUPATION OF THRACE entitled "Welcome for the Kemalists in Adrianople" as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
TURLEY, "Frenchy" - 1840 - 75 era. Location: ILLINOIS, NEW MEXICO. Named in story entitled MIDAS OF THE MOUNTAIN by Hani and Toni Chapman, authors of this biography and history of Lucien Bonaparte MAXWELL. a pioneer trapper, hunter, mountain man who lived to become one of the richest land barons and the owner of more land than any other American as found in this complete and old western magazine.
TURLOCK, CALIFORNIA - 1880-1900's era. Location: US. Site named in history of famous woman outlaw BELLE STARR entitled "When Women Held the Whip Hand" by Glen Shirley with pictures, posters, headline of newspapers, sidesaddle information on Belle Starr as published in this very rare and seldom found complete western magazine.
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