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Genealogy Images of History |
Updated:07/31/07 |
* indicates pictured
STIMPSON PHOTO COLLECTION * - 1900 era railroad history entitled "The Squaw Line" by Vera Saban. Photos. When a bunch of Swedes were asked why they were riding this train. They answered "Yust to looka" and, thus the name - Toluca Railroad -- as published in this old western magazine.
STIMPSON, George Cedric * Private, (Somerville, Mass., - WW 1 Honor Roll - Died of Wounds)
STIMPSON, Henry L. (Major News Magazine - Taps for Sandino - Patriot, Bandit, or Both, 1934)
STIMSON, Henry L. - 1927 - mentioned in story of HATFIELD, G. D. *, Captain, U.S. Marine Corps - 1927 - Hero in article reported entitled "The Bloodshed in Nicaragua." Surrounded by General Sandino insurgents, without water or food, Hatfield said "With or Without Water, A Marine Nevers Surrenders. We Remain Here Until We die or Captured.
STIMSON, Henry L. (Personal Representative of President Coolidge) - 1928 - Mentioned in Feature article entitled "Sandino, of Nicaragua; Bandit or Patriot" as saved from this old American News Magazine.
STIMSON, Henry L.* - 1935 - - Pictured and written about in article entitled AN UNWILLING HEADLINER as it appeared in the FOOTNOTES ON A WEEK'S HEADLINERS and saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
STIMSON, Julia, Major * - 1925 - Named as head of the Army Nurse Corps pictured in this article entitled "WOMAN WHO HELP BOSS UP" who the author says are the women of importance in the United States in the year 1925. Many were presidential appointees and those that influence "politics behind the scenes" as saved from this old American magazine
STIMSON, Stimmy mentioned in "Ben Ash Dakota Trail Blazer", by Joe Koller
STINE, Alice * - 1860's. Site: IL, MO, MT. Named in story entitled "MANY A MICKLE MAKES A MUCKLE" by Millie Stine Talboys as told to Estelle Chrisman Laughlin who relates history of travel to Montana in the 1890's where the real hazard was the environment as found in this old, complete Western magazine.
STINE, George C. * Sergeant, ( Tower City, North Dakota -WW 1 Honor Roll - Died of Wounds)
STINE, Marion Polk * - 1860's. Site: IL, MO, MT. Subject of story entitled "MANY A MICKLE MAKES A MUCKLE" by Millie Stine Talboys as told to Estelle Chrisman Laughlin who relates history of travel to Montana in the 1890's where the real hazard was the environment as found in this old, complete Western magazine.
STINE, Mollie Leneve * - 1860's. Site: IL, MO, MT. Named in story entitled "MANY A MICKLE MAKES A MUCKLE" by Millie Stine Talboys as told to Estelle Chrisman Laughlin who relates history of travel to Montana in the 1890's where the real hazard was the environment as found in this old, complete Western magazine.
STINE, Thirza * - 1860's. Site: IL, MO, MT. Named in story entitled "MANY A MICKLE MAKES A MUCKLE" by Millie Stine Talboys as told to Estelle Chrisman Laughlin who relates history of travel to Montana in the 1890's where the real hazard was the environment as found in this old, complete Western magazine.
STINGARAEE SERIES - 1900 era - Location: United States. Rodeo named in story of Hoot Gibson entitled "THE REAL COWBOY NO MOVIE HERO COULD MATCH" by Glenn Shirley. Names movies, experiences of cowpoke who grew up punching cattle in Nebraska and his life because a series of wild adventures no Hollywood writer could dream up as found in this rare western magazine.
STINKING SPRINGS 1870 - 80 era, Named in "The Coyote Badman". by Glen Shirley. The Story of Bob Olinger who got a job as a Deputy Sheriff to make some killings he wished to make legal. Sheriff Pat Garrett gave him the job of guarding Billy The Kid. Olinger tried to get Billy The Kid to run so he could kill him but idea didn't work as exposed in this story published in complete old western magazine.
STINNES, Mr. and Mrs. * - 1921 - One of the strongest figures in Germany pictured as saved from American Pictorial Magazine.
STINSON, Buck Deputy mentioned in "Henry Plummer's Horrendous Masquerade" article from old western magazine
STINSON, Daniel C. * Private (Roxbury, Massachusetts WW 1 Honor Roll Died of Wounds)
STINSON, Edward * - 1922 - Pictured in featured article headlined AVIATORS BREAK ENDURANCE RECORD IN HOWING GALE by flying, with his co-pilot Lloyd Bertaud, 26 hours, 19 minutes and 2 seconds in the plane JL-6 invented by J. M. Larsen as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
STINSON, Jim,. - 1900 era - . Named in Colonel Jack Potter's "CATTLE TRAILS OF THE OLD WEST" with picture and maps naming pioneer experiences of the most famous and even the little known cattle trails of Texas, Kansas, Colorado. Complete description of trails while relating stories of origins, hands, drivers, drovers as published in this complete and seldom found western magazine
STIRES, Reverend Doctor - 1907 - Pastor of St. Thomas Protestant Episcopal Church named in article about the visits of Miss Laura A. Smith entitled WERE THE CHURCHES CORDIAL TO MISS SMITH who investigated the welcome of churches in the New York, Brooklyn and Boston area as saved from this old American Newsweek magazine.
STIRLING, Alexa, Miss * - 1921 - Named in article about Cecil Leitch. Champion woman golfer of the world is pictured after winning the open international tournament at Ranelagh, England. Miss Alexa Sterling was named the American representative as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
STJORNA, Frieda, Miss * - 1921 - Pictured is the Swedish Soprano featured in article entitled MUSIC BY WIRELESS TELEPHONE as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
STOCK, Charley - 1880 era - Location CA, KS, IL, - Gunsmith named in story entitled AMERICA'S MIGHTIEST WILDFLOWER by Raymond W. Thorp of Fred Kemble, a man who was rejected for service in the Civil War because he was too small to carry and handle a glove and lived to invent the clay pigeon and the mechanical trap as written in this old and complete western magazine
STOCK, Friedrich A. * of Chicago - 1916 - German American Musical Conductor .. Article entitled "Sterne am Dirigentenbimmel" as saved from an old German American Magazine showing picture with text of various noted German American Stars.
STOCKBERGER, Professor Donald C. * - 1927 - (of M. I. T.) Pictured with text entitled "A WIZARD OF MODERN SCIENCE", citing his invention of Ultra -Violet Radiation or Dark Lights as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
STOCKBRIDGE, (Senator - Michigan) - 1901 Saturday Evening Post article "Men & Women of the Hour.
STOCKBRIDGE, Frank Parker * - 1934 - Pictured and written about in weekly article entitled THEY STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD as saved from an American News Magazine. He has recently been elect National Honorary President of Sigma Delta Chi, the largest national organization for journalists in the United States. He is editor of the American Press.
STOCKBURGER, Jacob C. * Sergeant, (Allentown, Pennsylvania - WW 1 Honor Roll. Killed in Action)
STOCKEL, H. Henrietta * - 1880 - 1930 ERA. SITE: United States. Co-author of history entitled HOW SEARS, ROEBUCK WON THE WEST by Bobette Perrone and H. Henrietta Stockel, reciting the exciting and factual history of Sears Roebuck Company from it's beginning with pictures of original catalog pages as found in this seldom read western magazine.
STOCKMAN, SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY - 1880 era - California. Named in history of the advancement of pacer-mining from the puny cradle to the powerful "monitor" used in the hydraulic mines to tear down and wash off high banks of gold-bearing gravel as found in this rare western magazine. Hydraulic Mining in California by Talieslin Evans w engravings.
STOCKTON and STOKES, Messrs. - 1926 - Stage Proprietors named in story entitled THE FIRST MILE-A-MINUTE RUN which is actually a history of the speed of trains through the century as saved from this old American News magazine.
STOCKTON BASEBALL TEAM - LOCATION: CA, HA, MO, NY. Named in great story entitled BALL ONE OF THE FRONTIER by Milt Riske of baseball in the early days as featured story in an old western magazine
STOCKTON, Frank * - 1913 - "One of America's Great Humorists." Original sepia gravure with biography on back.7 by 9 inches.
STOCKTON, Pauline, Mrs. * - 1928 - Women's Physical Director of the Los Angeles Elk Club pictured in article entitled DAILY GYMNASTICS: YOUNG BUSINESS WOMEN OF HOLLYWOOD instructing class on roof of the B. H. Dyas Building as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
STOCKTON, Robert F., Commodore * - 1840 - 1890. Sites: CA, MS,MO,WY,OR. Freemont ally and friend named in biography of General John Charles Freemont entitle FREEMONT; A VERY STUBBORN MAN who saved California for the Union and aptly named as a United States Pioneer Hero as found in this very rare and complete western magazine
STOCKTON, Robert F., Commodore - 1542, - 1929 era - Location California. Named in history of Los Angeles entitled The Frontier of Diablos by Norman Winski who writes that a budding Lost Angeles was by no means a City of Angels - rather - if was full of thieves but because of the integrity of the founders, it became a thriving city as told in this hard to find western magazine.
STOCKTON, Robert F.,Commodore - - Historical true story entitled "The Lost Lassen Treasure" with facts of initial find of Gold made by Lassen and subsequent attempts to find the cache ad published in this old, complete and extremely rare western magazine of which few were printed.
STOCKTON, Robert F.,Commodore - Mentioned in "A Curse Upon His Head" By: Norman C. Pierce, the story of the Mormon empire builder. Sam Brennan, of San Francisco. Rare
STODDARD, Chariels Warren . - 1880 era. Location, California. Named in story entitled 'BRET HARTE BARD OF THE 49ERS" which states that every lover of the legendary wild west owes Bred Harte eternal gratitude because this "eastern dude" dug for gold, starved a little, laughed a little and rode shotgun guard on stagecoaches before he started writing about if for all the world to share as published in this complete and rare western magazine
STODDARD, Judson L., Deputy, mentioned in "Joseph Morris, The Seventh Angel" by Earl Spendlove, and the puzzling end of the Mormon's life (circa 1850) as published in this old Western magazine.
STODDARD, Judson L., - 1860 era - Deputy Territorial Marshal named in story of Mormon Church struggle with Joseph Morris who refused to abide by Church rules, upsetting Brigham Young and his followers. Very detailed as published entitled "The Morrisite War; Insurrection by a Self-Styled Prophet with engravings printed on slick paper in rare western magazine.
STODDARD, Lillian * - Briarcliff College - 1924 - Pictured in article entitled "Some of Mermaids Who Aspire to Represent Their Country Abroad" in Olympic Trials. Saved from an old American Pictorial magazine, the page is 11 by 16 inches in pristine condition.
STODDARD, Lorimer - 1897 - Mentioned in American Actress Minnie Maddern Fiske - Article and review entitled "Tess of the D'Urbevilles" - a comprehensive review of the stage adaptin of Thomas Hardy's novel as saved from this old American Theater magazine.
STODDARD, Louis * - 1921 - Pictured with polo team member Devereux Milburn as they brought home Polo Cup in article entitled NOTABLE PEOPLE WHO HAVE RECENTLY SAILED FOR EUROPE OR ARRIVED IN AMERICA as saved from this old American pictorial magazine
STODDART, J. H. (Jean Towquenie), (1892 PALMER THEATRE PRODUCTION "BROKEN SEAL, Illustrated American Mag March 26, 1892)
STOECKEL, Carl (1909 GEORGE W. CHADWICK WINS FOR NOEL, Literary Digest Mag, 1909)
STOECKEL, Carl, Mrs. (1909 GEORGE W. CHADWICK WINS FOR NOEL, Literary Digest Mag, 1909)
STOECKL, Edoouard, De * - 1867 era - Location: Alaska Territory. Russian Minister named in story entitled "The Fabulous $7,200,000 Icebox" by John M. Hurdy who writes that William Henry Seward was ridiculed and reviled in his own lifetime for the buy of the century. Today, he's considered a hero as found in this old and seldom read western magazine.
STOFAN, Jr., J. M, Photo * - 1931 - (of Garfield, New Jersey) - Winner of Cash Award for photo submitted entitled YULETIDE REFLECTIONS in weekly feature entitled WINNERS OF CASH AWARDS IN THE AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHIC CONTEST as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
STOKES and LEWIS, Sergeants - 1927 - Named in Story of exploits of Lawrence of Arabia entitled "Wrecking Turkish rains with Lawrence of Arabia" as published and saved from the Personal Glimpses Section of this old American News Magazine. Great pictures and text.
STOKES, E. C., , Ex-Governor of New Jersey * - 1923 - Delegate at large to the Republican National Convention as pictured and written about and saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
STOKES, George J. * Sergeant (New York City WW 1 Honor Roll Killed in Action)
STOKES, George, Sir. - 1914 - Named in article entitled 'WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY" reported in the Scientific American which details pictures and text of usage of this instrument. Extensive technical review inc. experiments of scientists as saved from this old American Scientific magazine.
STOKES, Helen * - 1924 - Pictured with brother, Walter Stokes, who is Individual free rifle champion of the world and pictured in collage entitled "Good Shooting Runs In The Family" of the Central High School of Central High School of Washington.
STOKES, Isaac Newton Phelps * - Paintings shown in A PORTFOLIO OF THREE EXPATRIATES * by Richard Gilman. Paintings with text of John Singer Sargent, James McNeill Whistler and Henry James as published in this old American Hardback Magazine.
STOKES, Jr., Sylvannus, Mrs., * - 1923 - Pictured in article entitled STARTLING COSTUME AT WASHINGTON SOCIETY PAGEANT as she appeared as one of Washington's well-known society woman in the Child's Welfare Ball as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
STOKES, Marie - 1890 era - Western U. S. A. Named in this biography as the wife of Captain John Wallace Crawford, entitled, "Captain Jack, The Poet Scout", and here the author, Paul T. Nolen, recites the history of this western scout and acquaintance of Buffalo Bill who went from scouting to acting to writing as published in this complete western magazine.
STOKES, Mrs. Isaac Newton Phelps * - Paintings shown in A PORTFOLIO OF THREE EXPATRIATES * by Richard Gilman. Paintings with text of John Singer Sargent, James McNeill Whistler and Henry James as published in this old American Hardback Magazine.
STOKES, Mrs. James Brett . * - 1924 - Picture entitled "Far From The Biting Winds of Winter".
STOKES, Olive (Tom Mix's First Wife ) - Written about in "Tom Mix: Budding Western Star" By: Robert S. Birchard - the story of Tomthe story of Tom Mix's years 1910 - 1917 at Selig-Polyscope where he achieved an authentic taste of cowboy Americana.
STOKES, Thomas L. * - 1934 - Pictured and written about in article entitled THEY STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD as saved from a National American News Magazine. This Washington Correspondent for the New York World-World Telegram has been elected Chairman of the Correspondents' standing committee which governs the Congressional Press Galleries.
STOKES, Walter * - 1924 - Individual free rifle champion of the world pictured in collage entitled "Good Shooting Runs In The Family" along with his sister, Helen Stokes of the Central High School of Central High School of Washington.
STOKOWSKI, Leopold - 1933 - Conductor of the Philadelphia Orchestra named as is legendary singer Kate Smith pictured and written up in article entitled "CROONING TO SAVE AN ORCHESTRA" which highlights the effort of Kate and others to raise money for the Philadelphia Orchestra as saved from this old American News Magazine.
STOLL, Alice Speed, Mrs., Kidnapping Victim - 1936 FBI PUBLIC ENEMY NO. 1 - ALVIN KARPIS)
STOLL, W. R. * (Prosecuting Attorney) - 1861 era - Location: WY. Named in story entitled WAS TOM HORN TWO MEN? by Dean Krakel who reports on one of the most argued about trials in frontier history as found in this old, complete western magazine.
STONE ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, LAKE DENMARK EXPLOSION * - 1926 - Pictured in story entitled "Death and Havoc in New Jersey Ammunition Explosion" with pictures and text of catastrophe where arsenal collapsed from the force of an explosion. Mint Condition. 11 by 14 inches.Archaeological Expedition at Solutre, France, MACCURDY, James Grant * as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
STONE AGE ARCHAEOLOGICAL EXPEDITION SOLUTRE, FRANCE * - 1933 - Collage with pictured head of the Yale University
STONE CALF - Era 1874 - Area: Kansas. Indian Chief named in true story entitled Charge of the Wagon Train, which tells of the winning of a Congressional Medal of Honor by Captain Frank D. Baldwin, 5th United States Infantry in the rescue of two white girl captives and the defeat of 450 warriors of Chief Gray Beard in which our Army troops were outnumbered 9 to 1 but Baldwin devised a plan to attack them with wagon trains and it worked as found in this very rare and complete western American magazine.
STONE CALF mentioned in "Red Lightning Struck Twice", by Curtis Bishop
STONE CALF - 1874 - Location: Monument Station, Kansas. Cheyenne Indian named in story entitled A PRISONER OF THE CHEYENNE, tale of the John German family who were struck by a Cheyenne War Party and five were slaughtered and four of their girls were taken prisoners. Story relates their fate and the action of the 19th U. S. Army Infantry as published in this complete western magazine.
STONE CALF - 1874 era - Adobe Walls Area - Named in "Brave and the Bravest !" by Harvey H. Bowers, the story of the heroics of Mrs. William Olds during the Indian attack led by Quanah on the Adobe Trading Post as published in this complete and rare old western magazine
STONE CALF (Indian) .- 1870 era, Location: OK, TX. Named in story entitled DEATH ON THE SAND HILLS as author writes the story of Calf Woman, who was a Cheyenne warrior who killed the whites as a male Indian would to carry on her grandfather's tradition as found in this very rare, old, complete western magazine.
STONE GIANT * - Location: Vallecito, Calaveras County, California - One of many fantaforms shown and named in article entitled MOANING CAVE OF LOST SOULS by Ben Traywick. A cave discovered in 1863 by a group of Frenchmen who found more than 300 petrified skeletons of prehistoric man in this cave and written about in this article found in this complete and rare western magazine.
STONE MOUNTAIN MEETING OF THE KU KLUX KLAN * (Banned by Ebay) - 1919 - Pictured is the Ku Klux Klan in pictorial collage of Klan activities over the nations in article entitled KU KLUX KLAN GATHERINGS AND CEREMONIES as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
STONE MOUNTAIN, Georgia * - 1923 article entitled " Turning A Mountain Into a Monument" - the story of the dream of Gutzon Borghum as saved from an old American News Magazine.
STONE MOUNTAIN, GEORGIA *., - 1923 - Site pictured in Featured article entitled NEWS OF THE WEEK showing workman laying a pipe line up to the Stone Mountain Carving Memorial to the Confederacy by Gutzon Borglum, scul;tor, as saved from this old American News Magazine.
STONE SHIPS * - 1918 - Pictured in article entitled A FLASHLIGHT ON SOME ASPECTS OF THE WAR with text describing The Coming of the "Stone" Ships inc. picture of ship The Faith which was launched at Redwood, California as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine. Mint condition. 11 by 16 inches.
STONE, (first name unknown) of City House Hotel, Lawrence, Kansas - 1862 era. Site: Lawrence, KS. Named in story entitled THE DAY QUANTRILL BURNED LAWRENCE by an unnamed author who writes a decidedly negative narrative when Federal troops refused to protect Lawrence, Kansas from Quantrill Raiders as found in this old, rare and complete western magazine.
STONE, Benjamin L. * Corporal, (Sanville, Virginia -WW 1 Honor Roll - Killed in Action)
STONE, Bill - 1799 - 1850's era. Location: Ireland, Western United States. Named in story entitled "BROKEN HAND FITZPATRICK, MOUNTAIN MAN EXTRAORDINARY" who says that even Kit Carson and Jim Bridger could not match the exploits of Thomas "Broken Hand" Fitzpatrick in the perilous Rocky Mountains as published in the old and complete western magazine
STONE, C. P., General- 1850 ERA. Location AZ, CA, KY, NY. Named in history entitled "The Father of Arizona" by A. Kinney Griffith which recites events in the life of Charles Debrille Poston in Tubec's turbulent past as found in this complete, rare, western magazine. STONE, Doctor * - 1921 - Pictured in article as Surgeon and deathbed witness entitled STOOD AT DEATHBED OF LINCOLN which includes the famous deathbed drawing of Lincoln's deathbed as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
STONE, Carol * - 1934 - Supporting Star pictured in Review entitled "THE PLAY OF THE WEEK" with scenes from the THE JAYHAWKER as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
STONE, Dorothy * - 1928 - Pictured as featured in "DANGER" in article entitled PLAYERS IN THE NEWEST BROADWAY ATTRACTIONS as saved from this old American pictorial magazine
STONE, Dorothy * - 1933 - Pictured in article entitled "Be Beautiful" by Elsie Pierce
STONE, Dorothy, * - Daughter of Fred Stone, the comedian, is pictured as she leaps to stardom in article headlined WOMEN IN PROFESSIONAL AND SOCIAL SPHERES as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine. Mint condition. 11 by 16 inches.
STONE, Dorothy. * - 1932 - Pictured as co-star of "SMILING FACES" as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
STONE, E. F. Lieutenant* - 1919 Pictured and named as Pilot of the U. S. Navy Seaplane N C-4 crew with those flyers who are named to make a non-stop aerial flight from America to Europe along with plane and blimp identification and name as saved from this old American pictorial magazine
STONE, E. W. (First Lieutenant, U. S. Army) mentioned in "Sword of Revenge" by: Donald N. Bentz
STONE, Edward L. * - (of Roanoke, Virginia) - 1928 - Pictured as winner of first prize and cash award in pictorial collage entitled THE HOME GARDEN CONTEST for his picture named A GARDEN IN THE OLD DOMINION. 11 by 16 inches. Mint condition..
STONE, Elbert * Private, (Ida Grove, Iowa WW 1 Honor Roll Died of Wounds)
STONE, Fred (ANNIE OAKLEY - LITTLE MISS SURESHOT, Beautiful Old Western Magazine w Fantastic Cover)
STONE, Fred * - 1922 - Pictured is star Fred Stone who plays opposite Vola Vale in "The Duke of Chimney Stone" as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
STONE, Fred * - 1928 - Pictured as featured in "THREE CHEERS" at the Globe Theatre in article entitled PLAYERS IN THE NEWEST BROADWAY ATTRACTIONS as saved from this old American pictorial magazine
STONE, Fred * - 1934 - Star pictured in Review entitled "THE PLAY OF THE WEEK" with scenes from the THE JAYHAWKER as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
STONE, Fred - 1920 - Pictured as star is Gladys Caldwell who appear in Fred Stone's play TIP TOP in article entitled Stars of the Stage as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
STONE, Fred, * - This comedian's daughter, Dorothy Stone is pictured as she leaps to stardom in article headlined WOMEN IN PROFESSIONAL AND SOCIAL SPHERES as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine. Mint condition. 11 by 16 inches
STONE, Gordon - 1932 - Pictured and named as co-pilot of Peggy Salaman called the Flying Debutante in article entitled GREAT AIRPLANE HIGHLIGHTS OF A YEAR OF GREAT AERIAL FEATS as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
STONE, Harvey - 1900 - 1911. Location: AZ Territory, Mexico. Named in story entitled "FACE AT THE WINDOW" by Anna Payne as told to Tom Bailey who prints her story of the murder of her father and mother and the revenge she gained upon the murderer with the help of an unlikely ally, Pancho Villa as found in this 50 year old collectible western magazine in complete and mint condition.
STONE, Imogene Laura * - 1933 - Pictured presenting the first of the 1933 Buddy Poppies To President Roosevelt with Imogene Laura Stone and James E. Van Zandt, Vice-Commander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars.
STONE, Irving * - 1934 - Pictured and written about in article entitled THEY STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD as saved from a National American News Magazine. He has just complete "Lust For Life" about the painter Vincent Van Gough. His wrote his first novel, while a vegetable peeler aboard the U. S. S. Pennsylvania.
STONE, James C., * - 1931 - - New Chairman of the Federal Farm Bureau pictured and written about in article entitled BURLEY STONE in the weekly FOOTNOTES ON A WEEK'S HEADLINERS, as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
STONE, John * Lieutenant (Philadelphia, Penn. - WW 1 onor Roll - Died of Airplane Accident)
STONE, Kit Author - 1820 - 1870 era, Location Western United States. "Jim Bridger: The Blanket Chief" by Kit Stone. The story of Jim Bridger - a hunter, trapper, fur trader, guide and explorer whose "keen intelligence and courage was respected by whites and Indians equally as published in this rare and complete old western magazine.
STONE, Lewis * - 1923 - Featured in pictorial collage entitled PROMINENT ACTORS OF THE SILENT DRAMA as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine. Mint. 11 by 16 inches.
STONE, Lewis * - 1927 - . Featured and pictured in a review entitled Affairs of the Follies playing at the First National, the article appearing in " BILLIE DOVE GLORIFIED IN AN AFFAIR OF THE FOLLIES ". along with other stars as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine
STONE, Lewis * - 1932 - Pictured clip of movie GRAND HOTEL entitled STARS AND SCENES FROM THE NEW FILMS as saved from this old American pictorial magazine
STONE, Lewis * - 1934 - Supporting star of "TREASURE ISLAND", in "THE MOVIE OF THE WEEK". As reviewed in this American Pictorial Magazine
STONE, Lucy (Press Correspondent -1885 MRS. HELEN HUNT JACKSON (RAMONA), Century Magazine, December, 1885)
STONE, Melville E. (Counselor of the Associated Press) * - 1924 - Pictured as receiving Doctor Of Laws Award at the Class Day in article entitled BRILLIANT SONS OF COLUMBIA where other dignitaries are pictured as published and saved from this old American Pictorial magazine. Mint condition. 11 by 16 inches
STONE, Melville E.. * - Counselor to the governing board of the Associated Press for 1924 photographed at the Waldorf Astoria immediately after their election. Mint condition. 11 by 16 inches
STONE, Milburn, 1900 era - Named in story entitled "CAMPAIGN TO SAVE RUSSELL'S HOME" by Helen Clark which is an appeal to friends of Charles Russell, called "The White Indian" and America's Greatest Frontier Western Artist to assist in the preservation of his homesite.
STONE, Mildred * 1922. Pictured. (Sister in law of Rudolph Polk, violinist) engaged to Mischa Elman (famous violinist virtuoso).
STONE, Rene (1909) written about in "Cowboy King and Sidesaddle Queen Wife" in old western magazine.
STONE, Rodney - circa 1900's - Site: Montana. Named in historic article entitled "John Dunn-An Old-Style Lawman" by Rex Bundy. "Those who knew him admired his courage and steel-like strength. Others found out the hard way as published in this complete Western Magazine
STONE, Rosa, D. Miss * - - 1923 - pictured in the garden of the Pan-American Building in Washington, D. C. as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
STONE, Warren S. * - 1921 - Head of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers whose salary has recently been increased and is named in article entitled "Personalities at Present Claiming Public Attention" as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
STONE, Warren S., * - 1924 - Pictured and featured headlined NEWS OF THE WEEK in the Pictorial Collage article entitled HEAD OF LABOR BANK who is the Grand Chief of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and President of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers Cooperative Trust Company as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
STONE, William J. * Senator of Missouri. Large Portrait Cover.
STONE CRUSHERS OF CONCARNEAU * - 1928 - Shown in a pictorial collage entitled "QUAINT FRENCH CHARACTER STUDIES BY AN AMERICAN ARTIST" showing paintings by Sigurd Skou as saved from this old American Pictorial Mag.
STONEHAM, Charles. - 1925 - Owner of the New York Giants named in story entitled BIG TOM FOLEY, LAST OF THE OLD-TIME TAMMANY BOSSES in New York as found and saved from this old American News Magazine.
STONEMAN - Major-General of Volunteers - Demoted to Colonel - "The Men in Command of Our Fighting Force". Saturday Evening Post 1901.
STONEMAN, George Colonel mentioned in "Sword of Revenge" by: Donald N. Bentz
STONEMAN, George W., General - 1871 era - Location Arizona Territory - Military Commander , Department of Arizona named in "What Was the Truth About the Aravaipa Massacre". by James A. Long where 100 woman, children and old men, all Aravaipa Apaches Indians, and the gruesome details of the whole slaughter became known as published in this very rare and seldom found complete old western magazine..
STONEWALL COUNTY - 1876 ERA. LOCATION: AZ, TX. Named in story entitled "Jim Downs' Tramp Across the Plains" by Don H. Biggers is true story of old western pioneer Jim Downs who unknowingly got ensnarled with a bunch of thieving cattle bandits and barely escaped with his life as found in this old and complete western magazine.
STORCH, William E. * Corporal, (New York, New York -WW 1 Honor Roll - Died of Wounds)
STORDON, Mr. Judge mentioned in "The Prodigal Gambler", by: Jay F. Kay
STOREM, Harry Police Officer mentioned in featured National magazine article "G-Men in Unending War", 1935.
STOREY, Bobby * - 1924 - Pictured as seen in photoplay "Charlot's Rview" as saved from an American Pictorial Magazine. 11 by 16 inches. Mint condition
STOREY, W. B. * - 1921 - Pictured as Railroad Executive and President of Atcheson, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company in article entitled "Threatened Railroad Strike - Railroad Executives Called to the White House" as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
STORM KING MOUNTAIN ROAD * - 1921 - New York Highway pictured with text in article entitled "BLASTING THE ROAD ALONG THE FACE OF STORM KING MOUNTAIN" citing details of construction the great engineering project on the banks of the Hudson with a collage of pastoral scenes as saved from this American Pictorial Magazine.
STORM, Charley mentioned in "The Prodigal Gambler", by: Jay F. Kay
STORMS, Charley "Killer in Fancy Pants" by Wayne T. Walker. Famous gambler of the old West who was also one of the most feared shots on the frontier in 1880 era that he was called "The Undertaker's Friend". Prominent citizen of Ft. Worth, Texas and owner of the White Elephant Saloon. Killed Jim Courtright in shootout in Cow town.
STORMY MOVIE, The * - Named in massive story entitled "MOVIE HORSES - THE TREATMENT AND TRAINING OF AS GOOD AS ACTORS AS HOLLYWOOD EVER PRODUCED" includes history of great horses in the movies as found in this very rare, complete western magazine.
STORRS, Sir Raymond * - 1932 - Named as legendary leader scheduled to take over the expanse of Northern Rhodesia and pictured and featured in article entitled " STORRS OF THE EAST" as saved from the weekly featured "FOOTNOTES ON A WEEK'S HEADLINERS" published in an American Pictorial Magazine.
STORY, Belle * - 1920 - Belle Story is pictured as playing a leading part in the Hippodrome production "GOOD TIMES" in article entitled Leading Plays of the Opening Fall Season as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
STORY, Professor * - 1900 era - Site - Cody, Nebraska -Pictured and named in "School Daze at Cody" - the true story of a school house with three rooms for the teachers to wrestle 90 kids, Hilarious tales of western school pranks and hy-jinks as told in this old and complete western magazine.
STOSBERG, Arthur. (Oberlt., - prisoner) World War I era. British Admiralty Statement of "Fate of 150 German U-Boat Commanding Officers who were killed or became prisoners at war
STOSE, Clem, Commondore * - 1926 - San Diego's native yawl winning the Annual Southern California Regatta pictured in article entitled WHIZZING OVER THE WAVES: THE TEVA as saved from this old American pictorial magazine...
STOSS, Alfred. (Kapitanlt., - dead) World War I era. British Admiralty Statement of "Fate of 150 German U-Boat Commanding Officers who were killed or became prisoners at war.
STOTER, Karl. (Oberlt., - dead) World War I era. British Admiralty Statement of "Fate of 150 German U-Boat Commanding Officers who were killed or became prisoners at war.
STOTESBURY, E. T. * 1928 - Pictured entitled A GREAT NEW PLANT IS DEDICATED; (of Baldwin Locomotive Works) THREE PROMINENT FIGURES at the Official Ceremonies at Baldwin, near Eddystone, Pa., 11 by 16 inches. Mint.
STOTT, Gerald R. * Lieutenant, (Oakland, Maine -WW 1 Honor Roll - Killed in Action)
STOTT, James F. * Private (Cleveland, Ohio WW 1 Honor Roll Killed in Action)
STOTTS, Jack - 1900 era - Site - Cody, Nebraska -Named in "School Daze at Cody" - the true story of a school house with three rooms for the teachers to wrestle 90 kids, Hilarious tales of western school pranks and hy-jinks as told in this old and complete western magazine.
STOTTS, L. Fred * - 1900 era - Site - Cody, Nebraska -Named in "School Daze at Cody" - the true story of a school house with three rooms for the teachers to wrestle 90 kids, Hilarious tales of western school pranks and hy-jinks as told in this old and complete western magazine.
STOTTS, Luke - 1900 era - Site - Cody, Nebraska -Named in "School Daze at Cody" - the true story of a school house with three rooms for the teachers to wrestle 90 kids, Hilarious tales of western school pranks and hy-jinks as told in this old and complete western magazine.
STOTTS, Mary - 1900 era - Site - Cody, Nebraska -Named in "School Daze at Cody" - the true story of a school house with three rooms for the teachers to wrestle 90 kids, Hilarious tales of western school pranks and hy-jinks as told in this old and complete western magazine.
STOUDEMIRE, Dallas, Marshall of El Paso . - 1870 -80 era. Location TX, NM - Lawman named in story entitled "RANGER JIM GILLETTE - TEXAS TOWN TAMER" by Wayne T. Walker who writes the history of this great Texas Ranger Lawman, Jim Gillette and his exploits that made him respected by many and feared by the bad guy as published in this rare and seldom found complete western magazine
STOUDENMIRE, Dallas * - 1880 era, City Marshall, El Paso, Texas named as responsible for capture of the "The Mysterious Gunman". Article by Maurice Kildare. the story of the desperado Joseph Casey who was a slippery customer, lightning fast with a gun and positively talented as an escape artist - until caught and hung as published in an old rare, complete magazine.
STOUT SKY CAR., * - 1931 - Pictured in article entitled DESIGNED TO BE THE AUTOMOBILE OF THE AIR is the noted Detroit Aeronautical Engineer Sky Car as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
STOUT, Dave * - Pioneer Rodeo Days - Executive Secretary of the Rodeo Cowboys Association named in history entitled "THE AMERICAN RODEO SPORT AND SPECTACLE" by Willard H. Porter. If your granddaddy made the rodeos, he is probably named here. Lots of pictures and photos of the greatest cowboys, cowgirls and their feats of prowess as appeared in this slick enameled paper complete western magazine.
STOUT, Eliza - Pioneer era. Location: UT. Named in story entitled "LIKE A HAWK FLYING!" by Earl Spendlove - the story of a prophecy of Brigham Young that was unfulfilled until an inventive Irishman named David Alma Flannigan came along as published in this old and complete western magazine.
STOUT, Lionel - Pioneer era. Location: UT. Named in story entitled "LIKE A HAWK FLYING!" by Earl Spendlove - the story of a prophecy of Brigham Young that was unfulfilled until an inventive Irishman named David Alma Flannigan came along as published in this old and complete western magazine.
STOUT, Mrion of Petty Sawmill Crew * - Pioneer era. Location: UT. Pictured in story entitled "LIKE A HAWK FLYING!" by Earl Spendlove - the story of a prophecy of Brigham Young that was unfulfilled until an inventive Irishman named David Alma Flannigan came along as published in this old and complete western magazine.
STOUT, Peggy * - 1924 - Pictured playing the part Alkaline Ryder in burlesque "Where Men Are Men" in pictorial collage entitled "Musical Revue of the Best Sellers", presented by the Spence School Alumnae of New York as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
STOUT, S. F. * - 1928 - Photographer of Fort Bayard, New Mexico who won Cash award for photo entitled "AN INTERESTED BYSTANDER" as reported in weekly feature entitled CASH PRIZES TO AMATEUR CAMERA ARTISTS as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
STOUT, Walter * Private (Des Arc, Montana WW 1 Honor Roll Died of Wounds)
STOUT, William - 1929 mentioned in Featured Article entitled "Dirigible Anchorages" as published in this old American News magazine.
STOUT, William B., * - 1931 - Pictured in article entitled A PLANE FOR THE NON-PROFESSIONAL FLIER, this noted Detroit Aeronautical Engineer is show at the control of his Sky Car as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
STOVEPIPE WELLS * - 1850 era - Named in historical true story of the journey across Death Valley by the expedition of William L. Manly and John Roger's to save survivors of the Bennett - Arcane Party as published in this rare, complete western magazine.
STOVEPIPE WELLS TRAIL * - 1917 era. Location: Death Valley". Named in story of Explorer Harvey Hardy who was hired to find lead in Death Valley. He found an old Frenchman named John LeMoigne who discovered lead in the Cottonwood Canyon section of the Panamint Mountains and followed his tracks in an Overland Touring Car Model 75 B. This is a chronicle of that trip as published in this complete rare western magazine
STOVER, C. N. * Private (Emlenton, Pennsylvania WW 1 Honor Roll Killed in Action)
STOVER, Isaac A. * Corporal, (Paragould, Arkansas WW 1 Honor Roll Killed in Action)
STOVER, J. C. - Collector of Customs at Pembina -1870 era - U. S. A. - Canada Boundary - Named in story entitled "STRANGE LETTERS AND A BOUNDARY SURVEY by Roy P. Johnson. Seems there was a dispute in Pembina, Dakota Territory over the location of a Hudson Bay Company trading post and the smuggling of whiskey through a No Mans Land which led to confirmation of the U.S.-Canadian boundary as told in the old and complete western magazine
STOWE, Harriet Beecher (A Generation of Women Authors, Munsey's Mag. 1896)
STOWE, Harriet Beecher -1901 - Mentioned in "The Century's Progress of the American Woman" in National News Magazine.
STOWE, Jack - 1864 ERA - LOCATION Colorado - Member of Reynolds gang named in historic story of the purported Confederate Invasion of Colorado by 11 soldiers supposed to be followed by 1,500 Confederates. story entitled $50,000 in Rebel Treasure Awaits You in the Colorado Wilds, by Fred Huston. as found in this complete rare western magazine.
STOWE, James, Mrs. - 1890 - 1930 era. United States. Named in story entitled THE TROUBLED LIFE OF A BICYCLIENNE as named by Weldon D. Woodson in life story of Annie Sylvester as one who received the Bicycle Club Title of WORLD'S CHAMPION TRICK AND FANCY RIDER as found in this complete old western
STOYANOVSKY, Messrs.. * - 1922 - Pictured as playing in The Three Huntsman, a new edition of Balieff's Chauve-Soouris in article entitled Tense Moments and Prominent Actor and Actresses as saved from this old American pictorial magazine
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