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Genealogy Images of History |
Updated:08/09/07 |
* indicates pictured
STAAB, Mr. and Mrs. - 1850 - 1900 era- Site Italy, Western United States. Named in LITTLE SISTER OF COURAGE by Louise Cheney writes lovingly of Sister Blandina who, with crucifix in hand and a deep abiding faith in her heart became a part of America's great frontier as found in this very rare Western magazine
STAATS, Leo - 1927 - Pictured wit text entitled "THE PERFECT DANCING FIGURE" of Ruth Flynn, a 17 year old toe dancer as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
STABBER, Indian mentioned in "Professor Marsh and the Thunder Horses" article from old western magazine
STACEY, Minnie., - 1890 ERA. LOCATION, Texas. Named in story entitled The Man With The Silver Tongue y Glenn Shirley who writes of the mighty son of the immortal General Sam Houston who was orphaned at the age of 7 but went on to study law, become a state senator and build a legend of his own as an orator as found in this complete, rare, Western magazine.
STACKPOLE, Mrs. William * - 1924 - Pictured in collage entitled "The Seven Veils of Salome" as presented by the Junior League Ball and saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine. 80 years old - in excellent condition. The single page size is 11 by 17 inches.
STACKPOLE, Ralph, - 1934 - American Painter written about in article entitled A Frescoed Tower Clangs Shut Amid Gasps which explains that three militant Public Works of Art Project had painted Revolutionary scenes in the Coit Memorial on San Francisco's Telegraph Hill consisting of Communist emblems and insignia as saved from this old American News Magazine.
STACTON, Governor - 1840 era - Location, California. Named in story entitled "THE REBEL AUTOCRAT OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA" by Drew Andrews - a history of the life and times of Commande General Mariano Guadalupe Vallejo who ask was he a scoundrel or hero but either way, this gentleman-soldier wrote history as published in this old, complete hard to find western magazine.
STACY, Walter P., Judge * - 1934 - North Carolina native picture and featured in article entitled "TEXTILE PEACE MAKER" who has has been named by President Roosevelt to be Chairman of the Textile Labor Relations Board as mentioned in this weekly "FOOTNOTES ON A WEEK'S HEADLINERS" and saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
STAFFORD, Duncan, - 1934 - American Painter written about in article entitled A Frescoed Tower Clangs Shut Amid Gasps which explains that three militant Public Works of Art Project had painted Revolutionary scenes in the Coit Memorial on San Francisco's Telegraph Hill consisting of Communist emblems and insignia as saved from this old American News Magazine.
STAFFORD, Marie Peary * - 1933 - Daughter of Admiral Peary receives the flag that flew over the North Pole from Philip W. Henry witnessed by Dr. Isiah Bowman as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
STAG BAR ROOM, mentioned or described in "Tom Mix Frontier Bartender" by Sam Henderson as written up in an old western magazine covering the life of Tom Mix.
STAG, Amos Alonzo and wife * - 1931 - Pictured in article entitled GRAND OLD MAN OF FOOTBALL who is shown celebrating his 37th wedding anniversary while at University of Chicago as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
STAGECOACH, YELLOWSTONE PARK - 1900 era - Location: Yellowstone Park, Montana and Idaho. Named in story entitled 'LAST DAYS OF THE PARK REINSMEN" - the story of Del Jenkins dubbed "The Mormon Kid" and his adventures as a Mormon settler on the Snake River where later he became one of the last drivers of stagecoach to tour Yellowstone as published in the very rare, complete, old western magazine.
STAGECOACH 1939 MOVIE - 1894 - 1930 - Named in fantastic story entitled SHADOW WARRIORS: REAL INDIANS IN THE MOVIES w photos courtesy of the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences. Tells the story of the making of films entitled Ghost Dance, Indian War Council and The Vanishing American using real Indians who had fought in the wars..
STAGECOACH - (United Artist). Location: Hollywood, California. Old Movie pictured and named in story entitled "Cowboy Strongman - Tom Tyler" by Glen Shirley tells of the history and times of this versatile actor who appeared as Captain Marvel after serving as a member of the Royal National Mounted Police and Champion Weightlifter of the U. S. Navy whose life touched most of the Hollywood greats as found in this very rare western magazine
STAGG, Eugene - 1890 – 1940’s. Location AZ, Canada, Mexico, MT, NM, TX. Native of Floweree, Mntana named in story entitled LEGENDARY TOM THREEPERSONS by Mary’N Rosson with her photos with tales of this great American frontiersman. Threepersons excelled in everything he did – tracker, mountie, cowboy, lawman, Marshal, scout. He was an intelligent scout for Pershing chasing Pancho Villa. His was a life of adventure on the western frontier as told in the western magazine.
STAHL, C. G., - 1923 - Location: 213 Miles South of San Francisco, California. Seaman, lst Class of the U.S.S. S.P. Lee, OOD, named in article entitled "Death of Destroyer Squadron II" by Ben T. Traywick who writes that after the helmsman got the word, the U. S. S. Delphy, experienced small sound like sand moving against the hull -- then a sharp grating of tortured metal followed by chilling reverberating bumps which ended in a hard crash and ended as the worst tragedy of the U. S. Navy history as found in this seldom found western magazine.
STAHL, Jessie Pearless * - 1890 -1920 era. Location Western United States. Cowboy star pictured with bronc Glasseye in 1916 Rodeo named in story entitled THE BLACK PIONEERS by Max Prescott which says that there was almost no job, the Black Pioneer could not handle, inc. cattle drives, buffalo hunts, Indians and outlaws. Recites that they were America's unsung Black Knights, the Negro Cowboy as found in this seldom read complete western magazine listing these great names of the past frontier.
STAHL, John M. * ("Your Favorites Are Here". First National Pictures Stars and Directors of 1922 pictured and mentioned here.)
STAHL, Rose * - 1907 - American Actress Mentioned in Article entitled "Some Budding American Playwrights" reporting on best of upcoming playwrights as saved from the Letters and Art Section of this old American News Magazine.
STAHLBERG, Frederick * - 1922 - Named as Musical Conductor of the Rivoli Concert Orchestra in pictorial movie flyer entitled "NEW YORK'S TRIO OF FAMOUS MOTION PICTURE THEATRES" as saved from this old American pictorial magazine
STAINFORTH, G. H., Lieutenant * - 1932 - Pictured and named in article sub-titled AFTER THE FLIGHT THAT WAS THE FASTEST EVER ATTAINED BY MAN in a page titled THE AERIAL SPEED KINGS SMASH MANY RECORDS as saved from this American Pictorial Magazine.
STAKED PLAINS, mentioned or described in "John B. Charlton, Cavalryman By Choice" by Fred Frank Blalock, a description of the last great battle in 1874 between the U. S. Cavalry and Lone Wolf's Indians as printed in an old western magazine
STACKER LEE, STEAMBOAT . - 1913 - 1918 era. Location: IA. IL, MO. Named in story entitled WYATT EARP, A TRIPLE ACQUAINTANCE by Raymond W. Thorp as told to Gary L. Roberts with picture of Thorp * and friends in 1913 along the Mississippi River and his history with Wyatt Earp as they met and became friends as published in this old and complete western magazine.
STAFF OF RELIEF FROM THE TREE OF KNOWLEDGE - 1890 era. Location: AK, CA, OH. Named in story entitled "THE ROISTEROUS RED SHIRTS OF THE GOLD RUSH COUNTRY" - a history of the old hard nosed black-hatted miners of the old west called "Clampers" who dressed up in "Red Shirts" and initiated green horn miners in their wiley ways as published in this old and complete western magazine
STAFFORD, Ray * - N. A.- 1933 - Named in pictorial collage entitled IN THE WORLD OF ART: A FANTASY IN PORTRAITURE which lovingly portrays three of Mora's works reflecting his love for his wife over the years. The Uruguayan artist was recently honored with an exhibition at the Grand Central Art Gallery. Mint condition. 10 by 14 inches
STAHL, John M. * - 1922 - Pictured in collage are stars of screen entertainment entitled THE GREAT FALL SELECTIONS as saved. 11 by 16 inches. Mint Condition.
STAHLBERG, Frederick, - 1927 - Orchestra leader named in collage of photos entitled "ROXY" OPENS THE WORLD'S GREATEST PLAYHOUSE with picture of S. L. Rothafel and his edifice in New York City. Mint condition. 11 by 16 inches.
STALING, George W. * Captain (Deceased), (The 1899 Andelana Maritime Disaster, Old Maritime Ship Story found in western magazine)
STALKER, Doctor James mentioned in KAIL-YARD SCHOOL * - 1907 - Article in old American News magazine recording the death of the founder, Rev. John Watson (Ian Maclaren).
STALL BROTHERS mentioned in "Lost Bonanza of the Santa Rosas" by William E. Whelchel
STALL, Frank mentioned in "Lost Bonanza of the Santa Rosas" by William E. Whelchel
STALLARD, Doctor of Greenfield, New Mexico - 1880 - 1930 era. Location: OK, MS, NM. Named in story entitled SAM BUTLER - COWBOY LAWMAN - written by Charles P. Sterrett and sponsored by Mrs. L. Mehlhop of the Dexter, New Mexico Historical Society and researched by by W. H. "Bill" Dearholt which is, in effect, a history of early New Mexico territory as found in this old and complete western magazine
STALLCUP, Written up in, "Cullen Baker-First of the Gunfighters", By: Carl W. Breihan - Story of notorious Easter Texas Desperado in the 1880 era.
STALLINGS, George * - 1920 - Boston Brave National League Team - MANAGERS OF MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL * - 1920 - Various managers pictured w text entitled "Members of Major League Baseball Teams in the Thick of the Fight for the 1920 Championship Pennant as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
STALLMAN - 1923 - Location: 213 Miles South of San Francisco, California. Seaman, Crewman named in article entitled "Death of Destroyer Squadron II" by Ben T. Traywick who writes that after the helmsman got the word, the U. S. S. Delphy, experienced small sound like sand moving against the hull -- then a sharp grating of tortured metal followed by chilling reverberating bumps which ended in a hard crash and ended as the worst tragedy of the U. S. Navy history as found in this seldom found western magazine.
STAMBULISKY, Premier of Bulgaria * - 1919 as pictured and written up in Pictorial Collage entitled " Territorial Losses of Bulgaria Under Peace Treaty". This single page is 11 by 16 inches in great condition saved from old American Magazine.
STAMMERS, Kay (Miss) * - 1936. American Tennis Player pictured as saved from old American Pictorial Magazine.
STAMPEDE GHOST TOWNS OF THE UPPER YUKON * - 1964 era - Location Yukon River. Story of an expedition made by David Wharton and party inc. photographer Philip Hyde from the Canadian border to Tanana, deep in the hears of Alaska--visiting and reporting on a few surviving relics of the great days of Klondike gold, the boom and bust stampede towns to time has passed by.
STAMPS OF EUROPE AND ASIA * - 1919 as pictured and written up in Pictorial Collage entitled " History Told in Postage Stamps of E
STAMPS, D. M., Mrs *_ 1932 - Named in story entitled KIDNAPPED BY BANDITS by Joe Johns (as submitted by Eva Ball). True story of Joe Johns who was kidnapped by Clyde Barrow and Bonnie Parker and lived to tell about his harrowing experiences dodging bullets and deaths from lawman and gangsters alive as found in this rare and seldom read complete western magazine.
STANBERRY, MISSOURI - 1880-1900's era. Location: US. Site named in history of famous woman outlaw BELLE STARR entitled "When Women Held the Whip Hand" by Glen Shirley with pictures, posters, headline of newspapers, sidesaddle information on Belle Starr as published in this very rare and seldom found complete western magazine.
STANCLIFF, George "Croppy" * - Pictured and named in story entitled RECOLLECTIONS OF BIXBY of early pioneer days in the Indian Territory citing descriptions and properties indexing property owners as published in this complete, old western magazine
STANCOOK, * - 1933 - (Back, West Point Squad of 1933) pictured with team and featured in story entitled "The Army Lines Up For The Start of the Fall Offensive; the West Point Eleven" as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
STAND AND DELIVER with VELEZ, Lupe * - 1928 - Featured in STAND AND DELIVER in a collage of pictures entitled A PAGE OF MOTION PICTURE NEWS AND COMMENT as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine
STAND-OFF * - 1896 era - Location: Canada. Named in story “One Brave Against The North West Mounted,” by Philip H. Godsell, the story of Sergeant William Brooke Wilde, killed in the month long pursuit of outlaw Charcoal, as published in this complete old western magazine.
STANDARD MINE * - Circa 1850 - 1932 - Site New York, California. Named in BODIE'S FORTUNA LEGEND: Goldtown U. S.A. by Bob Hooe - the story of the history of Bodie, California and its days as the most lawless, wildest and toughest mining camp in the Far West. During it's heyday there were 10,000 people and forty saloons on Maiden Lane and Virgin Alley. Great story of a real old west mining town as saved from an old complete western magazine.
STANDARD MINE * - Era 1899 - Location - IDAHO - Named in true story entitled MARTIAL LAW IN THE COEUR D'ALENES of mining wars by Alvin Atkins involving fight between Union, Miners, State of Idaho, and United States. Fascinating true history in comprehensive study of the actual facts of the day as found in this rare western magazine.
STANDARD OIL BUILDING * - 1923 - Pictured in article entitled NEW YORK'S NEWEST SKYSCRAPER shown being erected at Broadway and Beaver Street as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
STANDARD OIL mentioned in "The Great Galveston Flood" article from old western magazine
STANDARD OIL TANKER SWIFT ARROW * - 1924 -Pictured in article entitled MUTE WITNESS OF COLLISION THAT TOOK TOLL OF LIVE after crash with the sound steamer Boston as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
STANDER, Antone Mentioned in "A Visit to the Klondike" By: John Sidney Webb
STANDIFER, Tom (Bledsoe, TX) - Named and pictured as Turtle Member in Historical Piece entitled " The Mighty McClures" a biographical piece about "Jake" McClure and his association with Rodeo Western Stars and their membership in an early organization called "The Turtles" as published.
STANDING BEAR, (Indian Chief), (1885 MRS. HELEN HUNT JACKSON (RAMONA), Century Magazine, December, 1885)
STANDING BEAR- 1924 era - Location, CO, KA, NJ, NY, RI - Named in this great rodeo history entitled "On The Road With the K of C Rodeo" by Bill King, a rodeo sponsored by the Knights of Columbus of Denver that played it's first rodeo at the Narragansett Speedway, may 19, 1924. Names important stars and performers not usually mentioned on the rodeo circuit as saved and found in this unusual and western complete magazine.
STANDING BEAR, Chief * - 1928 - Native American Indian actor and former Chief of the Arapahoe Tribe pictured and named in pictorial collage entitled REAL INDIANS ARE NOW USE IN MOTION PICTURES which features real Indians in scenes from old movies as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine
STANDING BEAR: ELOQUENT ADVOCATE * - 1868 era - Location OK, NB, INDIAN TERRITORY.. Historical true story entitled STANDING BEAR: ELOQUENT ADVOCATE by Carl Uhlark who write of Thomas H. Tibbles, an assistant editor of the Omaha Herald and pioneer advocate of Indian rights and his attempt to help Ponca Indian Chief Standing Bear (called Ma-chu-nah-zah) to receive justice in the courts of the United States as found in this complete, rare and seldom read western magazine.
STANDING ROCK AGENCY mentioned in "Ben Ash Dakota Trail Blazer", by Joe Koller
STANDING, A. J. (QUAKER TEACHER),- 1890 era - Location - Indian Territory, Oklahoma. Named in story entitled "A QUAKER MISSIONARY AMONG THE KIOWAS" by Thomas A. Frasier, the story of the life and adventure of Thomas C. Battey, a Vermont-born Quaker schoolteacher and his experiences attempting to convert the Kiowa Indians as published in a very seldom found complete western magazine.
STANDING, Guy, Sir * - 1928 - Featured in article BEHIND THE FOOTLIGHTS in a collage of pictures entitled POPULAR PLAYERS OF THE METROPOLITAN THEATRE as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine
STANDING, Guy, Jr. * (Actor), (1936 WPA LAUNCHES BROADWAY HIT, Pictorial Review 1936)
STANDING, Katherine * - 1928 - Pictured as star of THE MONEY LENDER which will open in New York soon in American Pictorial Collage entitled WELL-KNOWN PLAYERS IN BROADWAY PRODUCTIONS as saved from this old magazine. 11 by 16 mint condition
STANDISH, J. * - 1924 - Pictured in article entitled Cyril Walker, THE WINNING OF THE 1924 NATIONAL OPEN GOLF CHAMPIONSHIP along with officials of the Oakland Hill Club who made the presentation speech as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
STANDISH, John (successor), (1942 BRITISH IN MALTA WORLD WAR II HISTORY, American National News Magazine,1942)
STANDLEY, Admiral William H. * - 1933 - (Chief of Naval Operations) - pictured.
STANDLEY, Admiral William H., * - 1933 - (Chief of Naval Operations) - pictured and featured in story entitled "The Navy's Master Builder" as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine
STANFIELD, Robert N. - Senator from Oregon - circa 1910 = 1930. Site: Canada, ID, NV, OK, OR. Named in "FIRST KING OF THE BULL DOGGERS" by Milt Hinkle and Claude Keema who relate the life and times of this rodeo wizard with a rope who appeared at countless western shows as told in this old and complete western magazine
STANFORD 13, ALABAMA 29 * - 1935 - Pictured in Sports pictorial collage entitled INTERSECTIONAL CLASHES IN FOOTBALL'S FINALE as "Stanford Power fails to match Alabama's passing skill in the Rose Bowl Game as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
STANFORD UNIVERSITY MUSEUM - Mentioned in "A Curse Upon His Head" By: Norman C. Pierce, the story of the Mormon empire builder. Sam Brennan, of San Francisco. Rare
STANFORD UNIVERSITY MUSEUM - Mentioned in "A Curse Upon His Head" By: Norman C. Pierce, the story of the Mormon empire builder. Sam Brennan, of San Francisco. Rare
STANFORD UNIVERSITY THEATRE * - 1924 - Pictured is Miss Ruth Maybe in collage entitled. "BEAUTY OF THE GOLDEN STATE" who appears in "THE ROYAL NONSUCH" at the Stanford University Greek Theatre at Berkley, California. Mint Condition, 11 by 16 inches
STANFORD, Leland - 1864 era - Location CA. MA. Named in true story entitled THE PREACHER WHO SAVED CALIFORNIA'S SOUL by William Wingfield who writes that California was going the way of the Confederacy but a Boston preacher had left the Hollis Street Unitarian Church for a similar position in San Francisco and what he found there, disgusted him to the point of taking on the Confederate sympathizers and really, saving California for the Union as related in this extremely rare, complete seldom found western magazine.
STANFORD, Leland * - Late 1800 era. Location: Western United States. Named in story entitled MUYBRIDGE GAVE US THE MOVIES as told of the great pioneer motion picture inventor and producer Eadweard (Edward) James Muybridge who has been called "The Father of the Motion Picture Industry as found in this old and complete western magazine.
STANFORD, Leland, Governor * - 1860 era. Location: CA, NV, UT. Named in story entitled "TUNNELING THE SIERRA WITH NITROGLYCERINE" by Lawrence Doorley who writes of the real heroes of the Central Pacific Railroad and their conquests while building the railroad line between Sacramento, CA and the Nevada line as found in this old and complete western magazine.
STANFORD, Leland THE SECRET OF THE GROSCHES by Peter J Kaltenback, Old Western Pioneer Story)
STANFURSKY, George * Private (Mayfield, Pennsylvania – WW 1 Honor Roll – Killed in Action)
STANISLAUS COUNTY - 1880 era - California. Named in history of the advancement of pacer-mining from the puny cradle to the powerful "monitor" used in the hydraulic mines to tear down and wash off high banks of gold-bearing gravel as found in this rare western magazine. Hydraulic Mining in California by Talieslin Evans w engravings.
STANLEY *, Captain of the California. Shown with Jim Jeffries, Former Heavyweight Champion Pugilist aboard the U. S. S. California 1922.
STANLEY - Major-General of Volunteers - Demoted to Colonel - "The Men in Command of Our Fighting Force". Saturday Evening Post 1901.
STANLEY General Seventh Cavalry mentioned in "Ben Ash Dakota Trail Blazer", by Joe Koller
STANLEY STEAMER mentioned in "John Brisben Walker, Dynamic Dreamer" By: Helen Seeley Phillips
STANLEY - 1891. Location: Artic. Explorer named in story entitled "THE PEARY RELIEF EXPEDITION" by Angelo Heilprin with drawing by Frank W. Stokes citing the facts and details of the expedition inc. crew members and their duties as published in this unusual, complete western magazine
STANLEY, A. O. * 1920 Democratic Senator from Kentucky. "Prominent Senatorial Debaters at Washington".
STANLEY, Anna Maria Wright - 1880 ERA. Location: Western United States. Wife of subject named in story entitled GENERAL DAVID STANLEY, FRONTIER SOLDER by Samuel Stanley who writes lovingly of this hard nose General David Stanley who twice tried to fire Custer. A very frank expose of Custer's weakness by this Medal of Honor winner as published in this old complete western magazine.
STANLEY, C. M. * - of Ogden, Utah - 1925. Awarded prize in article entitled "Amateur Winners of the Week in Photographic Contest" as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine
STANLEY, David S., General of the U. S. Army - 1860 - 76. Location DAKOTA TERRITORY, MT, WY. Named in story entitled Bloody Knife – Custer’s Favorite Scout by Ernest Lisle Reedstrom who reports of the loyalty of one half-breed Indian Scout who gained Custer’s respect and ultimately his death in fighting against Custer’s foes. It is an exciting story of his fights along the pioneer western front with actual pictures showing his friendship and respect from Custer as found in this seldom opened western magazine
STANLEY, David, General, Medal of Honor Winner * - 1880 ERA. Location: Western United States. Subject named in story entitled GENERAL DAVID STANLEY, FRONTIER SOLDER by Samuel Stanley who writes lovingly of this hard nose General David Stanley who twice tried to fire Custer. A very frank expose of Custer's weakness by this Medal of Honor winner as published in this old complete western magazine.
STANLEY, Dick * - Pioneer Rodeo Days - Named in history entitled "THE AMERICAN RODEO SPORT AND SPECTACLE" by Willard H. Porter. If your granddaddy made the rodeos, he is probably named here. Lots of pictures and photos of the greatest cowboys, cowgirls and their feats of prowess as appeared in this slick enameled paper complete western magazine.
STANLEY, Dick - 1900 ERA. LOCATION: CO TX WY - Bronco rider aboard Steamboat named in story entitled "A TEXAS PLOWBOY IN WYOMING" by D. H. Mitchell as told to Jerry S. Wilcock of his and a companion Leslie Mitchell experiences as Texas greenhorns on the western frontier as found in this old and complete western magazine
STANLEY, Dick - Bud Atkinson Wild West Show - 1900 era - Location: United States. Rodeo named in story of Hoot Gibson entitled "THE REAL COWBOY NO MOVIE HERO COULD MATCH" by Glenn Shirley. Names movies, experiences of cowpoke who grew up punching cattle in Nebraska and his life because a series of wild adventures no Hollywood writer could dream up as found in this rare western magazine.
STANLEY, Elmer * Sergeant (St. Joseph, Missouri - WW 1 Honor Roll - Killed in Action)
STANLEY, F. E. - 1907 - Original Item entitled "Flying Machine Economics" by F. D. Stanley and "A Proposed Competition For Inventors of Flying Machines" by J. F. Lawson.
STANLEY, Freelan O., - 1840 - 1926 - Site: Western United States. Inventor of the Stanley Steamer named in THE DUDE FROM LIMERICK, a true story written about the Earl of Dunraven, a wealthy Lord from England who just had to experience the thrills of our pioneer west. He wanted to meet Buffalo Bill, Texas Jack, Kit Carson and lots of Indian Squaws. And he did and this recites those events as published in a rare Western Magazine
STANLEY, Governor of Kansas - 1880-1900's era. Location: US. Named in history of famous woman outlaw BELLE STARR entitled "When Women Held the Whip Hand" by Glen Shirley with pictures, posters, headline of newspapers, sidesaddle information on Belle Starr as published in this very rare and seldom found complete western magazine
STANLEY, Harold * - 1928 - Chosen as MAN OF THE WEEK for receiving a highly prized post as a partner of the banking firm of J. P. Morgan * Company. History of his achievements and pictured as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
STANLEY, Henry M. - 1860 - 80 - era: Site - Kansas - Colorado. Named in story entitled LAYING TRACK ON THE HIGH PLAINS by Joseph W. Snell with photos provided by the Kansas State Historical Society of Topeka. History - a history of the times when the Pacific Railroad Act of 1862 provided impetus to expand our railway system and enable coast to coast travel as saved from this rare and complete western magazine
STANLEY, Henry M., English explorer - 1850 era. Location CO. KA, MT, NE, WY. Named in story entitled “Homestead Stakes” by Grace Elsie Shippen who tells of story of western pioneers from England who settled in sod houses on the prairie and later moved to the Rockies and their life on the frontier as found in this old, complete western magazine.
STANLEY, Jason - Early 1900's - Site: Oregon and California. Named in NEGRO COWBOY, the story of George Fletcher by Charles C. Patch, a story of a rough and tumbling rodeo cowboy who was denied, time after time, access to rodeo and, when allowed to enter, suffered the brunt of prejudiced Judges. This is his true story of how he prevailed and came to be recognized for his superior talent as found in this very rare western magazine
STANLEY, Louise, Doctor.* (of Tennessee) - 1925 - Pictured in this article entitled "WOMAN WHO HELP BOSS UP" who the author says are the women of importance in the United States in the year 1925. Many were presidential appointees and those that influence "politics behind the scenes" as saved from this old American magazine
STANLEY, Murray District Judge, (RIDE-IN. A BLACK AMERICANA TRUE STORY OF 1870, American National Magazine1962)
STANLEY, Robert - 1860 - 90 - location GA, MT - Prospector from London, England named in story entitled "SAGA OF MILL FLAT" by Maurice Kildare with photos courtesy of Zula White Garino. Story's subject is Joseph A. White and his family, neighbors and kin and the area known as Mill Flat where mining and lumber camps dotted the area as written up in this complete western magazine
STANLEY, Samuel, Author, 1872 era. "THE WAR THE ARMY WOULD LIKE TO FORGET" by Samuel Stanley. Story of the Modoc War and the native Indians fight for their homeland and to live in piece.
STANLEY, Samuel- 1880 ERA. Location: Western United States. Grandson of subject named in story entitled GENERAL DAVID STANLEY, FRONTIER SOLDER by Samuel Stanley who writes lovingly of this hard nose General David Stanley who twice tried to fire Custer. A very frank expose of Custer's weakness by this Medal of Honor winner as published in this old complete western magazine.
STANLEY, Steve, killed by Horrell gang named in "The Horrell War", (1877 - 1881) a story of the five Horrell brothers who brought strife, discord and murder with them when the came to Lincoln County and the strife continued for many years as published in this complete western magazine.
STANLEY, Steve,Mrs., killed by Horrell gang named in "The Horrell War", (1877 - 1881) a story of the five Horrell brothers who brought strife, discord and murder with them when the came to Lincoln County and the strife continued for many years as published in this complete western magazine.
STANLEY, Virginia mentioned in I WAS A FUGITIVE FROM A CHAIN GANG, Featured article entitled "Two Governors Battle for a Chain Gang Fugitive", National Magazine, 1933.
STANLEY, W. E.. - 1895 era - Named in historical murder story entitled "Murderess", the true story of the life and trial of Nellie C. Bailey who was tried for the murder of her wealthy English husband, Clement Bothamley. Trial was held at the Opera House in Wichita, Kansas.
STANLEY, Wyn, Mentioned in, "Disaster on the Yukon" By: Maurice Kildare - The story of the explosion of the steamer Columbian on the upper Yukon River.
STANSBURY, , Blanche, Miss * - Alexandria, Virginia Fingerprinting expert. 1918 -Pictured in article entitled A FLASHLIGHT ON SOME ASPECTS OF THE WAR with text describing her activities in finger printing every soldier and sailor in the World War I United Sates forces as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine. Mint condition. 11 by 16 inches.
STANSBURY, Howard Captain - 1820 - 1870 era, Location Western United States. Named in "Jim Bridger: The Blanket Chief" by Kit Stone. The story of Jim Bridger - a hunter, trapper, fur trader, guide and explorer whose "keen intelligence and courage was respected by whites and Indians equally as published in this rare and complete old western magazine.
STANSBURY, John, Captain. - 1850 - Location: UT. U. S. Tropographical Engineer named in story entitled REBELLION OF THE LAMANITES by Earl Spendlove which details the difficulties between the Ute Indians (Lamanites) and pioneers of the Church of Later Day Saints (Mormons) ending in warfare which practically annihilated a band of the warring Indians as found in this complete western magazine which includes map.
STANSELL, George * (Chicago, Ill.) -1925 - Winner of the Sixth Place in the National Oratorical Contest held in Washington, D. C. in 1925. Prize awarded by President Calvin Coolidge.
STANTON, ARIZONA * pictured in "Stanton's Most Notorious Citizen". True story of the rule of Charles P. Stanton over Stanton, Arizona that included cruelty, vice and corruption. Of course, he paid in the end as related in this old and rare western magazine.
STANTON, C. T. Donner Party mentioned in Across the Plains in the Donner Party (1846), by Virginia Reed Murphy
STANTON, Charles P. * store owner in Stanton, Arizona and henchman of a Venezuela gang pictured in "Stanton's Most Notorious Citizen". True story of the rule of Charles P. Stanton over Stanton, Arizona that included cruelty, vice and corruption. Of course, he paid in the end as related in this old and rare western magazine.
STANTON, Edward M., - 1860 - 80 - era: Site - Kansas - Colorado. Secretary of State named in story entitled LAYING TRACK ON THE HIGH PLAINS by Joseph W. Snell with photos provided by the Kansas State Historical Society of Topeka. History - a history of the times when the Pacific Railroad Act of 1862 provided impetus to expand our railway system and enable coast to coast travel as saved from this rare and complete western magazine
STANTON, Edwin M. Honorable mentioned in "Sword of Revenge" by: Donald N. Bentz
STANTON, Elizabeth Cady * - 1901 - Featured in "The Century's Progress of the American Woman" in National News Magazine.
STANTON, Engineer on No. 999 - 1896 era - Location: TX. Named in history entitled " TRAIN WRECK" by Frank Barnes of real stunt of crashing two railroad trains together. It was some kind of event. Thousands came to witness the collision of two trains crashing head on. Tremendous success so much so that movie is being made as we speak. Items from crash appeared on Antique Road Show. Great Story and hard to find as published in this old, seldom found, complete western magazine.
STANTON, Guy Morris * Private, (Millbrook, Michigan -WW 1 Honor Roll - Died of Wounds)
STANTON, J. M. C.. - 1914 - Named in article entitled 'WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY" reported in the Scientific American which details pictures and text of usage of this instrument. Extensive technical review inc. experiments of scientists as saved from this old American Scientific magazine.
STANTON, Lieutenant - 1871 era - Site: Arizona. Named in story entitled The General and the Medicine Man that took place on western frontier which reports on the exploits of Will C. Barnes, Sergeant, U. S. Army who received the Congressional Medal of Honor for the Battle of Cibicue, a bloody battle that was the prelude for the Battle of Fort Apache as found in this complete and seldom read western magazine
STANTON, O. B., * - 1890 era - Location CA, NV, NY - Bakersfield, California native who is named as a speculator in Yellow Aster Mine written by Roberta M. Starry about the boss of the mine, Doctor Rose La Mont Burcham who ran the Mine with a firm hand and made it successful as found in this old, rare, complete western magazine .
STANTON, T. H. Colonel mentioned in "Professor Marsh and the Thunder Horses" article from old western magazine
STANWOOD Colonel mentioned in "Sword of Revenge" by: Donald N. Bentz
STANWOOD, C. F. * - Bowdin College in Maine - winner of the 120 yard High Hurdle -PRINCETON - CORNELL* VS. OXFORD - CAMBRIDGE TRACK MEET * - Pictorial collage of events of 1934.
STANWOOD, Charles * - 1933 - ANGLO-AMERICAN TRACK MEET - Representing Oxford University- Pictured winning the 120 yard high hurdles at the Anglo-American Track Meet. Pictures a collage of track events that occurred in the Harvard Stadium Track and Field Meet. Yale-Harvard won over the Oxford-Cambridge Representatives.
STANWYCK, Barbara * - 1935 - American Actress starring and pictured in Movie Flyer with Preston Forrest, Moroni Olsen and Melvyn Douglas in "Annie Oakley" as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
STANWYCK, Barbara * - 1931 - Stars pictured in Movie "NIGHT NURSE" in article entitled STARS AND SCENES FROM THE NEW FILMS as saved from this old American pictorial magazine
STANWYCK, Barbara * - 1933 - Pictured as co-star with Frank Fay in "Tattle Tales" playing at the Broadhurst Theatre.
STANWYCK, Barbara - 1937 – 64. Named in story entitled HERO OF OLD WEST MOVIES by Jim Hitt - a history of one of our most beloved figures. Actor, Governor, President, Legend – he was all things to all men – still idolized in death as he was in life as found in this old western magazine.
STANWYCK, Barbvara * - 1931 - Pictured and written about in this article entitled "TEN CENTS A DANCE" in a scene from Columbia's Pictures as reported in this weekly featured article STAR AND SCENES FROM THE NEW FILMS as saved from this old American pictorial magazine
STANZ, Otis G.*, of Terre Haute, Indiana 1925 - Chief Radio Operator named in Article entitled "The Odyssey of the PN-9, No. 1". The romantic true story recited here as saved from an old American News Magazine of 1925.
STAPLE, Sydney J..,. - 1900 -30 era, Location: Montana, South Dakota. Homestake Mine Master Mechanic named in story entitled 'LIFE-LINES OF THE MINES by Mildred Fielder - the story of the invention of William J. Lilly who developed the Lilly Hoist Controller which was and is responsible for saving thousands of miners' lives as found in this rare and seldom found complete western magazine.
STAPLES, Captain mentioned in "The Enigmatic Ferd Patterson" article from old western magazine
STAPLES, Norris President Bank of Commerce mentioned in 1922 Great Conflagration Sweeps Oregon's Oldest City, Astoria.
STAR AND MOON. - 1865-90 - Cherokee Strip, Indian Territory, Oklahoma. Named in rare autobiography entitled COWBOYS AND CATTLELAND, by H. H. Halsell, the story of life of the old Cherokee Strip Riders who galloped up and down the Cimarron Strip with Halsell in the years thru 1889 as published in this rarely found and seldom opened old, complete western magazine
STAR CHILD - Blood Indian and Mounted Police Scout - 1870 -90 - Location: MT, Canada. Named in story entitled THE LAST WAR PARTY by Hugh A. Dempsey of the Blood Indians last raid against the Crows as found in this, complete and rare western magazine that is 50 years old.
STAR CITY,, ALASKA " - 1964 era - Location Yukon River. Pictured in story entitled STAMPEDE TOWNS OF THE UPPER YUKON by David Wharton and party inc. photographer Philip Hyde exploring from the Canadian border to Tanana, deep in the hears of Alaska--visiting and reporting on a few surviving relics of the great days of Klondike gold, the boom and bust stampede towns to time has passed by.
STAR OF OREGON Sailing Craft mentioned in 1840 era - Story entitled "The Star of Oregon" by Patrick A. Hall published in old Western Magazine. A fantastic true story about the plan, constuction and sailing of the fore and after ship named The Star of Oregon. Rare history of Oregon seldom found and rarely read.
STARBUCK, Kathryn Ryn, Miss * - 1921 - Named in pictorial collage as practicing Attorney in New York State entitled WOMEN PROMINENT IN SPHERES OF LAW, ART, and Politics as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
STARHILL, Madeline, Miss * (of Philadelphia) - 1921 - Pictured and named as most beautiful girl in beauty contest in article entitled "BEAUTY CONTEST WINNERS AND STAGE AND OPERATIC NOTABLES NOW IN THE NEWS" as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
STARK LOVE * - 1927 - Review pictured and featured in "A WONDERFUL MOVIE ENACTED BY SOUTHERN MOUNTAINEERS" who plays one of leading role in "Stark Love" as saved from this American Pictorial Magazine
STARK, "North Dakota", 1900 era - Named in story entitled "CAMPAIGN TO SAVE RUSSELL'S HOME" by Helen Clark which is an appeal to friends of Charles Russell, called "The White Indian" and America's Greatest Frontier Western Artist to assist in the preservation of his homesite.
STARK, Jack - 1864 ERA - LOCATION Colorado - Leader of Posse named in historic story of the purported Confederate Invasion of Colorado by 11 soldiers supposed to be followed by 1,500 Confederates. story entitled $50,000 in Rebel Treasure Awaits You in the Colorado Wilds, by Fred Huston. as found in this complete rare western magazine.
STARK, John * (SCOTT JOPLIN & MAPLE LEAF RAG History, Black Americana - American National Magazine)
STARK, John * (SCOTT JOPLIN & MAPLE LEAF RAG History, Black Americana - American National Magazine)
STARK, John D. * Corporal (West Pittston, Pennsylvania – WW 1 Honor Roll – Killed in Action)
STARK, Louis - 1860 Era - Prominent Black American called the "Black Johnny Appleseed" mentioned in History of Salt Spring Island or "Chu-An" as the Indians and Black Natives called their home in Vancouver in an story entitled "A Color-Blind Island" by Robert M. Herberg as published in magazine.
STARK, Mister - 1910-20 era - Location US - Named in fantastic carnival and circus history entitled HEY RUBE which covers the carnival tricks of stars who entertained customers with various tricks of the carnival trade. Includes names of little know rodeo star who performed their acts before the public as found in this complete western magazine.
STARK, Slyvia * - 1860 Era - Member of Prominent Black American in History of Salt Spring Island or "Chu-An" as the Indians and Black Natives called their home in Vancouver in an story entitled "A Color-Blind Island" by Robert M. Herberg as published in this rare old western magazine.
STARK, Willis - 1860 Era - Member of Prominent Black American Murdered mentioned in History of Salt Spring Island or "Chu-An" as the Indians and Black Natives called their home in Vancouver in an story entitled "A Color-Blind Island" by Robert M. Herberg as published in old western magazine.
STARKE, Pauline * - 1923 - Featured in pictorial collage entitled PROMINENT ACTRESSES OF THE SILENT DRAMA as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine. Mint. 11 by 16 inches.
STARKE, Pauline * - 1925 - Pictured in article entitled "UNDER THE STAR-SPANGLED SKY OF MOVIEDOM" in featured role of "WOMEN LOVE DIAMONDS", a Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer film as saved from an old American Pictorial Magazine.
STARKE, Pauline * - 1925 -Pictured in article entitled "ADVENTURINGS IN THE MYSTIC MAZES OF CELLULOID LAND" as star who will be seen in "A Little Bit of Braodway" coming soon.
STARKEY, Fred * Corporal (Clitherall, Minnesota – WW 1 Honor Roll – Killed in Action)
STARKEY, William Harold * Sergeant, (Bustleton, Penn. WW 1 Honor Roll - Killed in Action)
STARLING, E. W. * Colonel, "Protector of the President" article in National News Magazine of 1935.
STARLING, Edward, Colonel * - 1935 - Pictured and written about in weekly feature entitled THEY STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD as saved from this old American National News magazine. He has been promoted to Chief of the White House Secret Service.
STARMER, William, 1870 - 90 era - Missouri, Kansas - Named in historical story entitled "Bob Dalton's Bandit 'Bride'". Story of Florence Quick and her lover, Bob Dalton, and their ride in life of banditry and danger as published in this very rare and complete western magazine
STARNES, Fred - 1918 - 22 - New Mexico - .Named in story entitled THE CHENNAULT PLANE CRASH. As a Flying Tiger, he was practically invincible but - at another time - another day. he was just a pilot of an old rusted Liberty Airplane who crash landed in the Gila National Forest as written up in this old, complete western magazine...
STARR *, Colonel. Heroes of the TWENTY SEVENTH DIVISION*, U.S. Army 1919 New York Welcome Home
STARR KING SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY - 1864 era - Location CA. MA. Named and pictured in true story entitled THE PREACHER WHO SAVED CALIFORNIA'S SOUL by William Wingfield who writes that California was going the way of the Confederacy but a Boston preacher had left the Hollis Street Unitarian Church for a similar position in San Francisco and what he found there, disgusted him to the point of taking on the Confederate sympathizers and really, saving California for the Union as related in this extremely rare, complete seldom found western magazine.
STARR, Bart - - 1961 - Green Bay Packers Football Story pictured and written about in "Paul Hornung; Green Bay Fans Made Him A Star" as published in an old Pictorial Magazine.
STARR, Belle * (OUTLAW BELLE STARR RIDING SIDESADDLE- 1886 era, old outlaw Magazine)
STARR, Belle * - 1850 - 80. Site - Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas . Subject of story entitled BELLE STARR, QUEEN BANDIT written by Vera Holding of America's most famous female bandit as found in this very unusual western magazine
STARR, Belle * - 1880-1900's era. Location: US. History of famous woman outlaw BELLE STARR entitled "When Women Held the Whip Hand" by Glen Shirley with pictures, posters, headline of newspapers, sidesaddle information on Belle Starr as published in this very rare and seldom found complete western magazine.
STARR. Belle - 1840 - 1910, Location: AR, OK. Named in story entitled BASS REEVES, BLACK DEPUTY, U. S. MARSHAL written by Charles W. Mooney who tells the story of a Black American who rose from slavery to becoming one of the most respected Marshals on the western frontier as found in this old and complete western magazine.
STARR, Belle mentioned in "Clarintha's Long Ride" article from old western magazine
STARR, Belle mentioned in "Indian Mounted Police – The Light Horse", by: Wayne T. Walker
STARR, Belle Mentioned in "Yuma Hell Hole" By: Ruth Molthan
STARR, Belle.* - Her grandson Arthur E. Erback (father Cole Younger) who is named and gravesite pictured in a Frontier times Scrapbook Collage of Early American Pioneer Paintings and photographs as pictured and identified in index in old and complete western magazine
STARR, Belle - 1920 era. Location: AR, OK, TX. Named in story entitled HENRY STARR AND THE ROUGH ONES by Milt Hinkle who tells of the life and times of the old cowboys of the 101 Ranch and stars of the various wild west shows that they starred in as published in this old and complete western magazine.
STARR, Donna Mitchell * 1900 era - :Location: OR. Named in true story entitled JOSHUA CREFFIELD - Death of a Prophet by Roberta O. McKern is a fascinating story of old Salvation Army History of Corvallis, Oregon where the leader took himself a little too seriously and deserted the Army and formed his own church which he called Church of the Brides Christ and proclaimed himself the true saviour while searching through his flock for the mother to be of his son as saved from this old, complete and rare western magazine.
STARR, Ellen Gates * - 1930 - Named as co-founder in article entitled HAIL TO HULL HOUSE with picture of Jane Addams who founded the famous social settlement as saved from this old American News Magazine.
STARR, Frances * - 1922 - American Actress - Pictured in collage entitled "Actresses of Note in the American Drama" - 11by 17 inches.
STARR, Frances * - 1922 - Pictured are star James Rennie, Frances Starr and Thomas E. Jackson in the seagoing comedy SHORE LEAVE at the Lyceum Theatre in article headlined STRIKING SCENES AND LEADING PLAYERS IN PROMINENT PLAYS as saved from this old American Pictorial Revue Magazine. Mint condition. 11 by 16 inches.
STARR, Frances * - 1923 - Featured in pictorial collage entitled LEADING ACTRESSES OF THE AMERICAN STAGE as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine. Mint. 11 by 16 inches.
STARR, Frances * - 1926 - Featured as leading actress in "The Shelf" playing at the Morosco Theatre as written up in article entitled WHERE ALL THE WORLD IS MIRRORED ON THE NEW YORK STAGE as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
STARR, Frank - 1840 - 90 era. Location: Pioneer United States. Beadle competitor named in story entitled HERO MAKER OF THE WILD WILD WEST by Raymond W. Thorp who was a news-maker who lined up the hero's of the pioneer west, put the Indians in their sights, and made the dime novel synonymous with adventure as found in this old complete western magazine
STARR, George * - (of Buffalo, New York) - 1923 - Site: IL, OH, NY. Pictorial story entitled "DARING FEATS WITH PARACHUTES" which pictorially records feats of early parachutists as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
STARR, Henry - Candidate for District Attorney 1800 - 1890 era. Site: California. Named in story entitled TAPEWORM, TICKETS & SHOULDER STRIKERS by Richard Reinhardt who writes of many of the shenanigans at the polls in California in the early days and those that participated as found in this complete western magazine.
STARR, Henry * - 1850 - 80. Site - Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas . Subject of story entitled BELLE STARR, QUEEN BANDIT written by Vera Holding of America's most famous female bandit as found in this very unusual western magazine
STARR, Henry - 1830 - 1900's era. Location: AR, OK. Named in story entitled "MAYSVILLE WAS A WHISKEY RUNNER'S HEAVEN" by Olevia E. Meyers who writes that those old stories of a line drawn in the sand (or on a floor) were sure true when surveyors discovered that the state line of Arkansas ran right through the middle of the town of Maysville, Arkansas making the the other side in the unregulated town of Oklahoma territory where liquor could be sold freely as published in this complete western magazine
STARR, Henry * - 1920 era. Location: AR, OK, TX. Named in story entitled HENRY STARR AND THE ROUGH ONES by Milt Hinkle who tells of the life and times of the old cowboys of the 101 Ranch and stars of the various wild west shows that they starred in as published in this old and complete western magazine.
STARR, Henry- 1890 - 1930 ERA Indian Chief named in the Autobiography of Milt Hinkle entitled "Dodging A Necktie Party Was 90 % of the Fun" with pictures and names of stars of the Rodeo, Circus and Western performers he starred with as published in this rare magazine.
STARR, Jim - 1850 - 80. Site - Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas . Real name of Creek Indian whose name was changed from Jim July named in the story entitled BELLE STARR, QUEEN BANDIT written by Vera Holding of America's most famous female bandit as found in this very unusual western magazine
STARR, S. H., Major and Brevet Colonel - Pioneer era - LOCATION, Fort Richardson, Jacksboro, Texas. Named in story entitled HOME BASE OF 6TH CAVALRY by Russell Jones of the Fort called "The Forgotten Lady of Frontier Forts which identifies units, officers and enlisted men who occupied this fort as found in this old and complete western magazine.
STARR, S. H., "Old Paddy", Commanding Officer, U. S. Army - 1867 - 78 era. Location: TX. Named in story entitled "FORT RICHARDSON - THE WHITE'S MAN HOPE" by Louise Cheney who writes of the history of a U. S. Army fort in the pioneer country which only lasted 11 year but was one of the most important in our history as found in this old and complete western magazine.
STARR, Sally * - 1927 - of Pictured in article entitled "ULTRA-ARTISTIC MAKE-UP" - Russian artist, Constantine Davielvsky who is pictured in article entitled "ULTRA-ARTISTIC MAKE-UP" - painting the eyebrows of female stars in "LeMaire's Affairs" now playing in Philadelphia as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
STARR, Sally * 1928 - Pictured as star of "The Optimists" playing at the Century Roof in a collage of stars pictured in article entitled WHERE THE LIGHTS OF BROADWAY THEATRE GLEAM as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
STARR, Sam (Cherokee Outlaw) mentioned in "Indian Mounted Police – The Light Horse", by: Wayne T. Walker
STARR. Sam - 1840 - 1910, Location: AR, OK. Named in story entitled BASS REEVES, BLACK DEPUTY, U. S. MARSHAL written by Charles W. Mooney who tells the story of a Black American who rose from slavery to becoming one of the most respected Marshals on the western frontier as found in this old and complete western magazine.
STARR, Tom - 1850 - 80. Site - Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas . Subject of story entitled BELLE STARR, QUEEN BANDIT written by Vera Holding of America's most famous female bandit as found in this very unusual western magazine
STARRY, Alice "Allie" - 1890 era. Location AK,CA,OH. Wife of subject of story entitled "The Scramble For Klondike Gold" by Roberta M. Starry who writes of the fascinating story of father Bert F. Starry and what it was really like to hunting for Klondike gold. It was more than expected as men froze to death, most came back empty handed but some made the most of it and lived to tell about the good old days as recaptured here in this rare, complete western magazine.
STARRY, Bert F. *. - 1890 era. Location AK,CA,OH. Klondike pioneer who is subject of story entitled "The Scramble For Klondike Gold" by Roberta M. Starry who writes of the fascinating story of her father Bert F. Starry and what it was really like to hunting for Klondike gold. It was more than expected as men froze to death, most came back empty handed but some made the most of it and lived to tell about the good old days as recaptured here in this rare, complete western magazine
STARRY, Frank - 1890 era. Location AK,CA,OH. Son of subject of story entitled "The Scramble For Klondike Gold" by Roberta M. Starry who writes of the fascinating story of father Bert F. Starry and what it was really like to hunting for Klondike gold. It was more than expected as men froze to death, most came back empty handed but some made the most of it and lived to tell about the good old days as recaptured here in this rare, complete western magazine.
STARRY, Jack - 1890 era. Location AK,CA,OH. Son of subject of story entitled "The Scramble For Klondike Gold" by Roberta M. Starry who writes of the fascinating story of father Bert F. Starry and what it was really like to hunting for Klondike gold. It was more than expected as men froze to death, most came back empty handed but some made the most of it and lived to tell about the good old days as recaptured here in this rare, complete western magazine.
STARRY, Jr., Bert F. *- 1890 era. Location AK,CA,OH. Son of subject of story entitled "The Scramble For Klondike Gold" by Roberta M. Starry who writes of the fascinating story of father Bert F. Starry and what it was really like to hunting for Klondike gold. It was more than expected as men froze to death, most came back empty handed but some made the most of it and lived to tell about the good old days as recaptured here in this rare, complete western magazine.
STARRY, Lem - 1890 era. Location AK,CA,OH. Son of subject of story entitled "The Scramble For Klondike Gold" by Roberta M. Starry who writes of the fascinating story of father Bert F. Starry and what it was really like to hunting for Klondike gold. It was more than expected as men froze to death, most came back empty handed but some made the most of it and lived to tell about the good old days as recaptured here in this rare, complete western maine.
STARRY, Loren - 1890 era. Location AK,CA,OH. Son of subject of story entitled "The Scramble For Klondike Gold" by Roberta M. Starry who writes of the fascinating story of father Bert F. Starry and what it was really like to hunting for Klondike gold. It was more than expected as men froze to death, most came back empty handed but some made the most of it and lived to tell about the good old days as recaptured here in this rare, complete western magazine.
STARRY, Ralph - 1890 era. Location AK,CA,OH. Son of subject of story entitled "The Scramble For Klondike Gold" by Roberta M. Starry who writes of the fascinating story of father Bert F. Starry and what it was really like to hunting for Klondike gold. It was more than expected as men froze to death, most came back empty handed but some made the most of it and lived to tell about the good old days as recaptured here in this rare, complete western magazine.
STARRY, Roberta M. - 1900 - California Sierras, Mohave Desert, Los Angeles, California. Author of story entitled NO MEDALS FOR MEN OR BEASTS - a picture story of the Los Angeles aqueduct whose construction was one area's salvation and another's doom as found in this old and complete western mag.
STARRY, Roberta M. * , author - 1890 era. Location – CA, MT, UT. Author of story entitled “The Freighters’ Bells” by Roberta M. Starry. My great granddad ran a transport line from Temple-Belton to Ft Worth, Texas so I was especially interested in this story which relates the history of the mule teams and their drivers that plied their trade in the early west as saved from this old and complete western magazine.
STARRY, Roberta M. * - 1890 - 1910 CIRCA - author of story entitled " Getting On A Big Bonanza" a look at the days when "dividend dreams' wound up as wallpaper but now some of these are Collector's Items as written up in this rare western magazine..
STARRY, Roberta M. - 1890 era. Location AK,CA,OH. Author of story entitled "The Scramble For Klondike Gold" by Roberta M. Starry who writes of the fascinating story of her father Bert F. Starry and what it was really like to hunting for Klondike gold. It was more than expected as men froze to death, most came back empty handed but some made the most of it and lived to tell about the good old days as recaptured here in this rare, complete western magazine.
STARRY, Roberta M., * - 1890 era - Location CA, NV, NY - Author of history of the Yellow Aster Mine by Roberta M. Starry and the boss of the mine, Doctor Rose La Mont Burcham who bossed the Mine with a firm hand and made it successful as found in this old, rare, complete western magazine STARS gang mentioned in "The Desperado With Nine Lives" article from old western magazine
STAR OF THE SILVER SCREEN, BOW, Clara * -1928 - Pictured and featured in STARS OF THE SILVER SCREEN in a collage of stars pictured in article entitled LATEST NEWS OF MOVIE PLAYS AND PLAYERS as saved from this old American pictorial magazine
STARS OF THE SPORTING WORLD * - 1928 - Picture entitled AN UNPRECEDENTED GATHERING OF CHAMPIONS as Guests of Honors at a Dinner given at the Hotel Commodore, New York by the Madison Square Garden Sporting Club as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
START, Joe, of the BROOKLYN ATLANTICS of 1910 * - First Baseman shown in pictorial collage entitled "FAMOUS TEAMS OF EARLY DAYS AND NOTED VETERANS" and named as "This aggregation of athletes was the first to halt the conquering progress of the Cincinnatti Red Stockings as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
STARVED CAMP mentioned in Across the Plains in the Donner Party (1846), by Virginia Reed Murphy
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