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Genealogy Images of History |
Updated:07/23/07 |
* indicates pictured
SPIEBUCK, (First name unknown) - 1830 - 1866 era. Site: KY, LA, TX. Fur trader named in story entitled PEGLEG SMITH LED A CHARMED LIFE by Xanthus Carson which covers the life of one of the greatest trapper and hunters on our western frontier and his finding of the greatest gold field in our history, the Lost Pegleg Mine as published in this complete and seldom found western magazine.
SPIEGELBERG BROTHERS - 1840 - 75 era. Location: ILLINOIS, NEW MEXICO. Named in story entitled MIDAS OF THE MOUNTAIN by Hani and Toni Chapman, authors of this biography and history of Lucien Bonaparte MAXWELL. a pioneer trapper, hunter, mountain man who lived to become one of the richest land barons and the owner of more land than any other American as found in this complete and old western magazine.
SPIEKERMANN, Frank. * - 1931 - Identified as owner and his Terrier "Rookery Repeater of Hitofa" pictured in article entitled THE BEST-OF-SCOTCH TERRIERS as headlined IN PRIZE WINNERS AT THE NATIONAL DOG SHOW IN NEW YORK as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
SPILLER RANCH - 1900 - 1920's. Location: West Central Texas - Named in story entitled COWBOYS FROM VOCA by Stella Gibson Polk which is really a chronicle of old rodeo cowboys from central Texas naming the small town rodeos, shows and carnivals they performed in. Great pictures. There is al an especially good index of great bucking horses they used as saved in this old and complete western magazine
SPILLER, Bud * - 1900 - 1920's. Location: West Central Texas - Named in story entitled COWBOYS FROM VOCA by Stella Gibson Polk which is really a chronicle of old rodeo cowboys from central Texas naming the small town rodeos, shows and carnivals they performed in. Great pictures. There is al an especially good index of great bucking horses they used as saved in this old and complete western magazine
SPILLER, E. B. - 1910 - 20 era - OK, .Secretary of Cattle Raisers Association of Texas named in story about John R. Banister - Chief Field Inspector of the the Cattle Raiser's Association by Billy B. Waldeck who said Banister could make a little old pasture or holding pen seem like Scotland Yard as found in this old and complete western magazine.
SPILLER, Jr., George * - 1900 - 1920's. Location: West Central Texas - Named in story entitled COWBOYS FROM VOCA by Stella Gibson Polk which is really a chronicle of old rodeo cowboys from central Texas naming the small town rodeos, shows and carnivals they performed in. Great pictures. There is al an especially good index of great bucking horses they used as saved in this old and complete western magazine
SPILLER, Thomas Edward "Ed" * - 1900 - 1920's. Location: West Central Texas - Named in story entitled COWBOYS FROM VOCA by Stella Gibson Polk which is really a chronicle of old rodeo cowboys from central Texas naming the small town rodeos, shows and carnivals they performed in. Great pictures. There is al an especially good index of great bucking horses they used as saved in this old and complete western magazine
SPILLER, Wade * - 1900 - 1920's. Location: West Central Texas - Named in story entitled COWBOYS FROM VOCA by Stella Gibson Polk which is really a chronicle of old rodeo cowboys from central Texas naming the small town rodeos, shows and carnivals they performed in. Great pictures. There is al an especially good index of great bucking horses they used as saved in this old and complete western magazine
SPILLER, Wayne * - 1900 - 1920's. Location: West Central Texas - Named in story entitled COWBOYS FROM VOCA by Stella Gibson Polk which is really a chronicle of old rodeo cowboys from central Texas naming the small town rodeos, shows and carnivals they performed in. Great pictures. There is al an especially good index of great bucking horses they used as saved in this old and complete western magazine
SPILLER, Wayne "Tex Banta Mountain Man of the 1880’s", by: O. W. Banta
SPIRE, William J. * Marine Sergeant from Nashville, Tenn., WW 1 Honor Roll – Killed in Action
SPIRIDONOVA, Marie * (Long identified with Russian Revolutionary activities). A double page of an old American magazine of drawings published in 1921 entitled CHARACTER SKETCHES OF THE PRINCIPAL FIGURES IN THE BOLSHEVIST REGIME THAT NOW DOMINATES RUSSIA
SPIT & WHISTLE LIARS CLUB mentioned in "Mariposa, City Of Twenty Sins" article from old western magazine
SPITLEY, Steve - 1900 era - Location: MA, MT. Maggie Pipe's uncle named in story entitled "A FRIENDSHIP TO LIFT THE HEART" by Forrest Crossen relating tales of the lifetime association of Joe Thoroughman and Charlie Russell, the noted American Western Artist as found in this issue of an old Western magazine.
SPITZ, George * - 1932 - (of New York University). Pictured and featured as THE HOLDER OF THE WORLD'S INDOOR RECORD IN THE HIGH JUMP in article entitled AMERICAN CHAMPIONS WHO WILL VIE FOR OLYMPIC HONORS as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
SPLAWN, Walter M. W. * (1938 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION, National News Mag 1938)
SPLIT ROCK - 1850 era. Location CO. KA, MT, NE, WY. Named in story entitled “Homestead Stakes” by Grace Elsie Shippen who tells of story of western pioneers from England who settled in sod houses on the prairie and later moved to the Rockies and their life on the frontier as found in this old, complete western magazine.SPRENGER, (Kapitanlt., - dead) World War I era. British Admiralty Statement of "Fate of 150 German U-Boat Commanding Officers who were killed or became prisoners at war.
SPLIT TOP COVE * - Early 1900 era. SITE IDAHO, KENTUCKY. Named in history entitled THE LAND OF WILD HORSES, BREATHING WELLS, AND HEARTBREAK -- the story of Ruben and Mary Claunch and their pioneer days in the area of Big Butte where they battled snow, cold, rattlesnakes, snow blindness while settling a homestead and raising a family as found in this seldom read western magazine.
SPLITTING THE BREEZE - Location: Hollywood, California. Old Movie pictured and named in story entitled "Cowboy Strongman - Tom Tyler" by Glen Shirley tells of the history and times of this versatile actor who appeared as Captain Marvel after serving as a member of the Royal National Mounted Police and Champion Weightlifter of the U. S. Navy whose life touched most of the Hollywood greats as found in this very rare western magazine
SPLIVALO, Mrs. Reba Crawford * 1936 - Her controversy at Angelus Temple covered in Story entitled "Sister Aimee Reaches Crisis for Cult Control". Featured in National News Magazine about founder of Four Square Gospel.
SPOFFARD, Captain and Chief Fire Marshal - 1850 era - Named in the historical true story entitled "Old San Francisco's Summer of Death" of vigilante uprising in San Francisco. Seems that gang with names of Sidney Ducks (Australians), Hounds, etc., weren't happy with status. Names Samuel Brannan as principal founder of the Committee of Vigilance which, in effect, returned peace and dignity to the city as published in complete slick enamel magazine.
SPOHORA CHRYSOPHYLLA SEEM, HAWAII * - 1916 Named in this Scientific American Supplement entitled THE WOODS OF HAWAII by Vaughan McCAUGHEY, Professor of Botany, College of Hawaii, Honolulu which covers reports on the trees and woods growing native in the Hawaiian Island.
SPOKANE *, (Montana Thoroughbred), (defeated Proctor Knott in Kentucky Derby 1889), "Spokane, The West's Great Horse" by H. McDonald Clarke, article from old western magazine. Montana Bred Winner of the Kentucky Derby - 1889 (Very rarely found).
SPOKANE CARY, Indian * - 1860 era - Oregon, Washington on the Western Frontier. Named in the story entitled COLONEL WRIGHT'S BLOODY REVENGE which tells of the battle known as the Massacre of Steptoe Bluffs where the U. S. Army suffered the worst defeat of the Indian War and the resultant revenge the Army extracted as published in this hard to find and complete western magazine.
SPOKANE CATHOLIC DIOCESE - Mentioned in "The Bishop's Defeat at Liberty Lake" By Jay J. Kalez The story of trying to form a boy's ranch i Washington.
Spokane Falls, - 1865 era – Location: WA Territory. Named in story entitled “The Colville Indian’s Helen Toulou” by Thelma Kimmel which relates the story of pioneer days in the Fort Spokane area as found in this complete, seldom read western magazine
SPOKANE GARRY- 1800 - 1900's era. Location: ID, MT, OR, WA. Indian boy named in story entitled "BLACK ROBES AND CIRCUIT RIDERS" by Gracey Roffey Pratt who writes that in the pioneer days it was thought that 'Sunday Would Never Cross the Mississippi" but a host of dedicated circuit riders and missionaries carried their message as relayed in this history written in this old and complete western magazine.
SPOKANE VALLEY - Mentioned in "The Bishop's Defeat at Liberty Lake" By Jay J. Kalez The story of trying to form a boy's ranch i Washington.
SPOKANES, INDIAN WARRIOR TRIBE * - 1860 era - Oregon, Washington on the Western Frontier. Named in the story entitled COLONEL WRIGHT'S BLOODY REVENGE which tells of the battle known as the Massacre of Steptoe Bluffs where the U. S. Army suffered the worst defeat of the Indian War and the resultant revenge the Army extracted as published in this hard to find and complete western magazine.
SPOLANSKY, Jacob * - 1923 - Government agent pictured and named as Spy in story of Communist William J. Foster pictured and written about in the Features "Personal Glimpses" in an article entitled SOME BRIGHT RED COMMUNISTS --AND SPY K- 97. Relates history of activities of K - 97 whose real name was Frances Morrow who gained the confidence of the leaders of the Bolshevism in America. as saved from this American News Magazine.
SPOOKS CROSSING MINE MUSEUM, JEROME, ARIZONA , - 1870 - 1930 era. Named in western study entitled "THE TOWN THAT COPPER BUILT" by Harriett Farnsworth who is pictured on scene in seldom found, rarely read old Mining Story that needs to be rediscovered as found in this complete western magazine
SPOONG, Hilda * - 1924 - Review of "The Swan" playing at the Cort Theatre, New York City and starring Phillip Nerivale, Alan Wiley, Halliwell Hobbes, Alison Skipworth, as pictured. Mint condition. 11 by 16 inches.
SPORRER, Einer (Brooklyn). Murdere by Salvatore Ossido as alleged in "Crimes Against Children" in National American Magazine.
SPORTSMAN CHAMPION CUP mentioned in "Man of Destiny", by: Jay F. Kay
SPORTSMAN, (Thoroughbred horse), "Spokane, The West's Great Horse" by H. McDonald Clarke, article from old western magazine. Montana Bred Winner of the Kentucky Derby - 1889 (Very rarely found)
SPORTSMAN PARK - 1925. Named in story entitled SPANKING BASEBALL'S BABY AND PETTING ITS PARAGON - the story found in the Sports and Athletics Section and saved from this old American News Magazine which relates the misadventures and fines of Babe Ruth and the exploits of Ty Cobb
SPOT * horse pictured in "We Threw Fanny To The Wolves" article from old western magazine
SPOTTED EAGLE Indian mentioned in "The Indians' Winter Count" article from old western magazine
SPOTTED TAIL (Sioux Indian) mentioned in "Reporting A Gold Rush", by: Oliver Knight
SPOTTED TAIL * (Sinte-galeska). - 1860 era - Brule Indian Chief named in historical story entitled " Fort Laramie" , a Federal Army Outpost in Wyoming and the events that took place here and changed the outcome of the pioneer west as published in this rare of western magazine
SPOTTED TAIL - 1886 era, Location South Dakota. Named in story entitled "The Cow Business and Joe Kirley" by Bill Kirley w photos by author - the pioneer story of how subject help to settle the vast and sparse area of South Dakota as published in a complete and rare western magazine
SPOTTED TAIL AGENCY mentioned in "Lake of The Pawnee Blood" article from old western magazine
SPOTTED TAIL AGENCY mentioned in "Palo Duro, canyon of the dead" article from old western magazine
SPOTTED TAIL AGENCY mentioned in "The Prodigal Gambler", by: Jay F. Kay
SPOTTED TAIL - 1846 - 1931 era. Sioux Indian Chief named in story of a cool-headed fearless Deputy Sheriff of Tombstone entitled TOMBSTONE DEPUTY SHERIFF BILL BREAKENRIDGE BY Burfee Carlson. Lawman faced the likes of Ringo Star, Johnny Ringo, "Black Jack" Ketchum and "Curly Bill" Brocius as law of the west as found in this very seldom read western publication.
SPOTTED TAIL - SIOUX INDIAN CHIEF - 1894 - 1930 - Named in fantastic story entitled SHADOW WARRIORS: REAL INDIANS IN THE MOVIES w photos courtesy of the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences. Tells the story of the making of films entitled Ghost Dance, Indian War Council and The Vanishing American using real Indians who had fought in the wars..
SPOTTED TAIL* Indian pictured in "Professor Marsh and the Thunder Horses" article from old western magazine
SPOTTED TAIL-- 1900 era - Sioux chief named in story entitled AFRED LAMBOURNE - Artist of the Salt Lake Trail by A. J. Simmons. Converted to the Mormon religion as a child in England, his life story is told here as he recorded and sketched the historic scenes and events as he traveled with his parents to Salt Lake City as found in this old western magazine.
SPOUTING HORN OF KAUAI * - 1921 - Pictorial collage entitled "HAWAII, OUR ISLAND TERRITORY, WHERE THE GROWN OF THE JAPANESE POPULATION IS ATTRACTING ATTENTION" as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
SPRADDLEY * Bill Pickett's Horse Named in - Western Black Bulldogger - Featured Article - Western Magazine entitled "101 Ranch History - Bill Pickett - Brazen Bulldogger"
SPRADLING, Roy - 1900 era - Locations: Rodeo sites in the United States. Named in story entitled 55 YEARS A RODEO TRAMP written by William Cy Hancock as told to him by author Hackberry Johnson which is really a rodeo history from 1917 of the stars with personal photos of their acts, circus, wild west shows including a massive photo index with story after story of the old time Rodeo Stars of the old west as found in this seldom found, complete western magazine.
SPRAGUE RANCH - 1880 - 1920 era - Site Western Frontier of Colorado -Named in author Victor W. Miller's THE CROSS BAR RANCH ON PICEANCE CREEK - a story of roughin it in early frontier days in the snows of Colorado taking care of sheep, eating buckskin (deer meat) and trying to stay warm as told and experienced in this very rare western magazine.
SPRAGUE, Harve - 1880 - 1920 era - Site Western Frontier of Colorado -Hunter and trapper named in author Victor W. Miller's THE CROSS BAR RANCH ON PICEANCE CREEK - a story of roughin it in early frontier days in the snows of Colorado taking care of sheep, eating buckskin (deer meat) and trying to stay warm as told and experienced in this very rare western magazine.
SPRAGUE, Marshall, - 1840 - 1926 - Site: Western United States. Author of THE DUDE FROM LIMERICK, a true story written about the Earl of Dunraven, a wealthy Lord from England who just had to experience the thrills of our pioneer west. He wanted to meet Buffalo Bill, Texas Jack, Kit Carson and lots of Indian Squaws. And he did and this recites those events as published in a rare Western Magazine
SPRAGUE, Marshall - 1850 - 1900 era. Location: CO, IN. Named in story entitled "MIDAS OF BATTLE MOUNTAIN" by James A. Long who writes of Winfield Scott Stratton who worked in the pioneer days as a carpenter while hunting gold in worthless claims in Colorado until, after 17 years, struck it rich as published in this old and complete western magazine
SPRAGUE, O. M. W., * - 1933 - Professor pictured taking oath of office as The New Director of Currency which was administered by the Chief Clerk, Frank Bergfeld in the presence of the Secretary of the Treasury, William H. Woodin as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
SPRATT, George A., * - 1935 - Coatesville, Pennsylvania native is pictured with his 200-pound plane in flight at an airport near his home.
SPRATT, George A.,, *, - 1934 - Inventor from Coatesville, Pennsylvania pictured and written about in article entitled SOMETHING NEW IN THE LINE OF AIRPLANES as it appeared in the SCIENCE AND INVENTION page as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
SPRATT, H. C. * Ku Klux Klan Imperial Kligrapp. 1934 "To Save from Communism". Featured Article in American News magazine.
SPRING CLEANING * - 1923 - Play running at the Eltinge Theatre, New York City showing stars, actors and actresses in their role with review of text and pictures as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
SPRING VALLEY COMPANY - 1880 era - California. Named in history of the advancement of pacer-mining from the puny cradle to the powerful "monitor" used in the hydraulic mines to tear down and wash off high banks of gold-bearing gravel as found in this rare western magazine. Hydraulic Mining in California by Talieslin Evans w engravings.
SPRING, Helen * - 1925 - Staring in Plays holding the boards in the Metropolis and featured in the musical comedy, "Dearest Enemy" playing at the Knickerbocker Theatre as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
SPRING, John A. *, Arizona Soldier, 1880 circa. Written up in, "Tucson's Vigilante Necktie Party" By: Donald N. Bentz - a story of the vigilante "Committee of Public Safety" which brought frontier justice to Tucson.
SPRINGER, Ben - (Partner of Webb in Lady Gay Saloon) - 1888 era. Site: NM. Named in story entitled "WRETCHED WEB" by Joseph W. Snell who writes of the life and times of John J. Webb, an officer of the law and then a victim of a questionable shooting where a Judge and Jury determined him guilty of murder. Fascinating true story as found in this old, complete western magazine
SPRINGER, J. F. (SORINGER)?- 1921 - Author of article entitled "THE BIG EDDY DAM" which is highly technical text with pictures of the three stages in the building of the Big Eddy Dam, Spanish River, Ontario as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
SPRINGER SPANIELS * - 1924 - Pictured entitled "Members of the Canine 400 showing her three prize winning Springer Spaniels at the 7th annual American Spaniel Club at the Waldorf-Astoria. Pictured are Mallard, Horsford Hazard and Bell of Drew Farm.
SPRINGFIELD ARMY CARBINE mentioned in "Lost "Custer" Treasure Cache article from old western magazine
SPRINGFIELD HERALD - 1883 - 90, LOCATION: NB. Named in story entitled "The Mystery of Murphy's Canyon" by Dade Gipson w photos courtesy of author. Seems that one Kit Murphy owned a piece of land that produced some good timber. Trouble was, a band named the "Pony Boys" thought they had a claim and old Kit was strung up for protecting his own timber as told in this old complete western magazine.
SPRINGFIELD, NEBRASKA - 1883 - 90, LOCATION: NB. Named in story entitled "The Mystery of Murphy's Canyon" by Dade Gipson w photos courtesy of author. Seems that one Kit Murphy owned a piece of land that produced some good timber. Trouble was, a band named the "Pony Boys" thought they had a claim and old Kit was strung up for protecting his own timber as told in this old complete western magazine.
SPRINGS, Leroy, Mrs. * - 1924 - Lancaster, South Carolina native pictured in article entitled DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL COMMITTEE WOMAN AT THE WASHINGTON MEETING WHERE NEW YORK WAS SELECTED FOR THE NATIONAL CONVENTION. 11 BY 16 INCHES. Mint condition
SPRINGTIME FOR HENRY * - 1932 - Star, Helen Chandler, pictured in publicity pose as star of "SPRINGTIME FOR HENRY" in article entitled PLAYERS IN DRAMATIC SUCCESSES OF 1931 as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
SPRINGTOWN, TEXAS * - 1870 - 90 era. Named as site of story entitled SAVAGE DAYS IN SPRINGTOWN by Mrs. Clyde Gear Beatty who writes of a family who moved in the neighborhood and hosted famous outlaws Sam Bass and Henry Chalf --the wrong kind of folks and pretty soon, the whole tow was riled up as found in this rare and complete western magazine.
SPROWLE, H., W., Lieutenant - 1874 - as named in story entitled "LAST STAND ON A TEXAS PRAIRIE" by William P. Knox which chronicles history of the Battle of Lyman's Wagon Train and the Battle of Buffalo Wallow in 1874 which resulted in 19 Medal of Honor Awards being bestowed. Battle is famous for the quote "Forward, If any man is killed, I will make him a Corporal" as found in this very rare, western magazine
SPRY, G. * - 1922 - Canadian student is pictured in article entitled "CREAM OF AMERICAN UNIVERSITIES REPRESENTED IN RHODES SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS" who have won a course of three years' studies in Oxford, University, England as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine
SPUHN, Fred . * - 1927 - Pictured in article entitled "OUT FOR PRACTICE: CAPTAIN CHARLES HILL" of the University of Pennsylvania Varsity Crew as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
SPURGEON, Doctor - era 1863 - 74 - Site: New Mexico. Named in story of lost treasure entitled THE LOST ADAM'S DIGGINGS by Louise Cheney which legend says is second only to the Lost Dutchman mine in unfound treasures of the old west as story found in this complete American western magazine
SPURLOCK, W. * - 1922 - Nebraska University student is pictured in article entitled "CREAM OF AMERICAN UNIVERSITIES REPRESENTED IN RHODES SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS" who have won a course of three years' studies in Oxford, University, England as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine
SPY GLASSES - Blood Indian Warrior - 1870 -90 - Location: MT, Canada. Named in story entitled THE LAST WAR PARTY by Hugh A. Dempsey of the Blood Indians last raid against the Crows as found in this, complete and rare western magazine that is 50 years old.
SPYKER, Baker F. * Lieutenant (Lewisburg, Penn. – WW 1 Honor Roll – Killed in Action
SQUABBLETOWN MINING CAMP - Early California history. Named in story entitled "HOW CALIFORNIA GOLD CAMPS WERE NAMED" by Ben T. Traywick who names many of the old gold camps throughout California claiming they read like signposts of the past as found in this old and complete western magazine
SQUADRON 11, U. S. NAVY * - 1923 - Location: 213 Miles South of San Francisco, California. Story by Ben T. Traywick writes that after the helmsman got the word, the U. S. S. Delphy, experienced small sound like sand moving against the hull -- then a sharp grating of tortuned metal followed by chilling reverbrating bumps which ended in a hard crash and ended as the worst tragedy of the U. S. Navy history as found in this seldom found western magazine.
SQUADRON OF DEATH - 1929 - Named in story of Dick Grace entitled DAREDEVILING IN AIR AND WATER FOR MOVIE FANS as it appeared in the section Personal Glimpses in an old National Magazine that relates experiences and tales of this heroic dare-devil who made his living by nearly getting killed.
SQUARE SHOOTER, THE MOVIE - 1900 era - Indiana - Hollywood. Named in story of Charles Frederick Gebhard (or Gebhart) or "Buck Jones - Bona Fide Hero" by Joseph G. Rosa. History of greatest film cowboy of all time. Cowboy, Cavalryman, movie star - it's all here in this little known and seldom found complete western magazine.
SQUASH HEAD (early 1850's) Indian Chief involved in Walker's War as related in historical story entitled "Wakara, The Mormon Menace". The Mormons tried to make peace with the Utes Indians to no avail and their chief Wakara's efforts to drive them out resulted in "Walker's War" as found in this very rare and seldom read western periodical.
SQUARE RIGGER "BLAKELY" * - 1890's. Location: AL, NY, WA. Named in story entitled "THE DISASTROUS DIETZ EXPEDITION" by William J. Betts who writes of the Alaska Gold Fever that captivated Authur A. Dietz of New York and a bunch of green volunteers who dared to tackle the Alaska artic searching for gold with terrible results as told in this old, complete, western magazine.
SQUATTER RIOTS IN CALIFORNIA * - 1850 era – Location; California Territory, Mexico. Story entitled “Squatter Riots In California” by Ethel Bangert tells of the history of pioneer settlers who made their way to California territory while under Mexican rule and received land grants which formed the basis for endless disputes creating overlapping land titles as found in this rare and seldom read western magazines.
Squatters Association, - 1850 era – Location; California Territory, Mexico. Story entitled “Squatter Riots In California” by Ethel Bangert tells of the history of pioneer settlers who made their way to California territory while under Mexican rule and received land grants which formed the basis for endless disputes creating overlapping land titles as found in this rare and seldom read western magazines.
SQUAW CREEK, TEXAS, "Nine Years Among the Indians - 1870-79" by Herman Lehmann, who was captured by the Indians and learned their ways and fought for them against the Americans, Mexicans and Texas Rangers. Fascinating old pioneer history. Editor calls this the best of all "Indian" stories every written as published in two old western magazines.
SQUAW LINE RAILROAD * - 1900 era railroad history by Vera Saban. Photos. Off-shoot of the Sheridan-Billings Line through the Crow Reservation and later called the Toluca to Cody Line.
SQUAWTAMER Mentioned in "A Visit to the Klondike" By: John Sidney Webb
SQUIER, General * - 1922 - Chief Signal Officer of the United States Army pictured with new invention of super phone that cannot be tapped as saved from this old American pictorial magazine. Mint Condition. 11 by 16 inches.
SQUIER, George O. * Major General. 1918 Chief Signal Officer of U. S. Army "Leading Men in the Work of the War Department"
SQUIER, George O., * - Brigadier General - 1917 - Chief Signal Officer of the United States Army pictured and written up in article entitled "Some of the Men Making Our Great New Fighting Machine" as saved from this old pictorial magazine. Page is in mint condition and is 11 by 16 inches.
SQUIER, W. J. - 1918 - Named in "The Ambassador of the Dead". Subject Lieutenant Robert Nichols who is lecturing in America on English writers as saved from this old American News Magazine.
SQUIRE, J. Bentley Doctor (A TRIUMPH OF WAR SURGERY - Losses from Infected Wounds Greatly Reduced by Carrel-Dakin Major News Pictorial Magazine - 1917)
SQUIRE, Yale M. * Lieutenant (Mazeppa, Minnesota - WW 1 Honor Roll - Died Airplane Accident)
SQUIRES, George * Lieutenant (St. Paul, Minnesota) WW 1 Honor Roll - Killed in Airplane Accident.
SQUIRES, H. C. , * - 1939 - Named as member of the Naval Aircraft Division, U. S. Navy charged with production at the Brewster Aeronautical Corporation Plant at Long Island, New York in pictorial collage entitled "THE NAVY ACQUIRES NEW WINGS", builder of the "fastest fighting plane ever built in this country" as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
ST. ANDREWS CLUB, SCOTLAND - 1927 - Location: ENG., SCOTLAND, U.S. Named in original news story entitled "BOBBY JONES CONQUERS THE GOLF WORLD" which retells the story of his "Calamity Jane" putter and the history of his conquest of St. Andrews where Golf found it's savior as saved from this old American News Magazine.
ST. ANDREWS UNIVERSITY * - 1923 - Pictured is the noted British author Rudyard Kipling being installed as rector of St. Andrew's University as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
ST. BAPTISTE, School of Jean - 1924 - Pictured in article entitled "Society Volunteers To Take Part in 'The Miracle'. The group of players representing the patronage of Archbishop Hayes of New York and the school of St. Jean Baptiste have pledged their services to raise funds from the production at Century
ST. BONIFACE CATHEDERAL * - 1860 era. Location: MN, ND - Named in story by Margaret Arnett MacLeod as told to Edith Patterson of the Catholic Priest Father Joseph Goiffon and his ordeal to get back to his St. Boniface Cathedral in North Dakota as written in this old and complete western magazine.
ST. CHARLES BRIDGE - 1870 - 1880. Location: Mississippi and Missouri Rivers. Ship named on the muddy Missouri in story entitled “THE BALLAD OF BUSHWHACKER BEND,” by Raymond W. Thorp. Names and pictures some the great old ships of the past and includes history of river folks of the west as found in this rare western magazine
ST. CLAIR, Dave - 1870 - 1900 - Named in "Fighting Man" , the story of Benjamin Franklin Daniels, westerner, lawman, Rough Rider (Troop K), Sheriff of Pima County, AZ., and Bent County, CO., Deputy Marshal of Cripple Creek, U.S. Marshal of Arizona, Assistant Marshall, Guthrie, OK but he was done in by publicity of his conviction and incarceration for attempted theft of government mules as published in this complete and seldom found old magazine
ST. CLAIR, General - 1870 - 1904 era, Location, Kansas. Named in "Marshal Cullinan's Iron Fist". by Dan Shannon. Story of the Marshal of Junction City of Kansas City, Tom Allen Cullinan who served for 40 years and bested with fists faster than bullets. Published in an old complete, seldom found and rarely read western magazine.
ST. CLAIR, Jack - 1895 era: Location: Leadville, Colorado. Fort Dodge Cowboy Band Leader named in history entitled "LEADVILLE'S ICE PALACE" written by Hank Givens. Seems that a leading citizen, Tingley S. Wood, felt that an ice palace similar to ones built in Russia and Canada was the answer to make Leadville a leading Winter carnival site and use the ice to make up for the winter doldrums. How it turned out was published in the rare and seldom found western magazine
ST. CLAIR, Robert * Private, (Roanoke, Virginia -WW 1 Honor Roll - Killed in Action).
ST. CLAIRE RIVER * - 1930 - Pictured in article entitled TALLY ONE FOR GAR AND MISS AMERICA X is the boat that struts her stuf in a practise run making over 125 miles per hour as saved from this old American News Magazine
ST. CLAIRE, Goldie- 1910-20 era - Location US - Named in fantastic carnival and circus history entitled HEY RUBE which covers the carnival tricks of stars who entertained customers with various tricks of the carnival trade. Includes names of little know rodeo star who performed their acts before the public as found in this complete western magazine.
ST. DAMIANO CHAPEL, Mentioned in, "The Dedication of Father Junipero" By: H. H. His voyage to the new world lasted 99 days in 1740 complicated by terrible storms, shortage of water, and starvation. Founder of the Franciscan Missions of Southern California.
ST. ELIAS RANGE, ALASKA * - 1890's. Location: AL, NY, WA. Story entitled "THE DISASTROUS DIETZ EXPEDITION" by William J. Betts who writes of the Alaska Gold Fever that captivated Authur A. Dietz of New York and a bunch of green volunteers who dared to tackle the Alaska artic searching for gold with terrible results as told in this old, complete, western magazine.
ST. GABRIEL PARK, NEW YORK * - 1926 - Pictures Joseph O'Brien, marble player representing St. Gabriel's Park, New York pictured with other contestants in pictorial article entitled AFTER THAT CHAMPIONSHIP in the Park Playground Marble Championship as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
ST. GODDARD, Emil, * - 1931 - (Of La Paz, Manitoba). Pictured and featured in article by finishing second entitled '" THE ST. GODARD FAMILY MONOPOLIZED THE PRIZES" by winning the Handicap Cup in the New England Sled-dog Championship in Laconia, New Hampshire as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
ST. GODDARD, Leo, * - 1931 - (Of L aPaz, Manitoba). Pictured and featured winning in article entitled '" THE ST. GODARD FAMILY MONOPOLIZED THE PRIZES" by winning the Handicap Cup in the New England Sled-dog Championship in Laconia, New Hampshire as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
ST. GOTHARD RAILWAY, SWITZERLAND * - 1923 - Pictorial collage entitled "ELECTRIFIED ST. GOTHARD RAILWAY IN SWITZERLAND" w pictures and text of classic pastoral scenes as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
ST. GREGORY COLLEGE -1875 Era. Named in Historical story entitled "SACRED HEART' - OUTPOST OF RELIGION" by E. H. Brewington - the story of Benedictine Father Dom Isodore Robot who founded the Sacred Heart Mission and School in the Indian territory of Oklahoma. Rare magazine.
ST. HELENA CATHEDRAL mentioned in "Silver Creek Reminiscences", by: Jean-Michael Moore
ST. JOHN THE DIVINE BISHOP, William T. Manning * - 1928 - Pictured in article entitled SPORT IS CONSECRATED BY THE Church who is shown formally assigning space for the Sportsmen's Bay in the Cathedral of St. John The Divine, New York as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
ST. JOHN, Alcide N. * Gunnery Sergeant, (Chicopee Falls, Mass. -WW 1 Honor Roll - Died of Wounds)
ST. JOHN, Clence * Private (Cleveland, Ohio - WW 1 Honor Roll - Died of Wounds)
ST. JOHN, Harvey - 1912 - 1936 era, Location: ID, NV. Author of story entitled "THE GOLDEN QUEEN" with photos courtesy of the Idaho Historical Society) who writes the cowhands hired on by a beautiful, golden-haired, blue-eyed blonde name of Kitty Wilkins who was tough as nails and ran the Wilkins Ranch with an iron fist as found in this old and complete western magazine.
ST. JOHN, Vincent - 1901 - 31 era. Location: CO, NV, CA - President of the Local Union in Telluride named in this historical mining story entitled "BULKELEY WELLS, POLITE AND LETHAL" of mining intrigue at the Smugglers Union Mine where superintendent of mines was allegedly killed by mine workers.. This is great story and one that I heartily recommend to get the flavor of mining unrest and turbulence in the old days as published in this very rare and seldom found western magazine.
ST. JOSEPH'S DAY, Mentioned in, "The Dedication of Father Junipero" By: H. H. His voyage to the new world lasted 99 days in 1740 complicated by terrible storms, shortage of water, and starvation. Founder of the Franciscan Missions of Southern California.
ST. LAWRENCE RIVER * - Picture of statute of Madeline de Vercheres facing the St. Lawrence River who saved the city of Vercheres, Canada from an attack by Indians in 1692 as shown on page from an American Pictorial magazine.
ST. LAWRENCE, Joseph C. * Corporal. Braintree, Mass. WW I Honor Roll - Killed in Action.
ST. LOUIS ARGUS - 1923 - Newspaper named in article entitled " FOR AND AGAINST THE BLACK MAMMY'S MONUMENT" as published in the old American News Magazine which relates dispute over the Daughters of the Confederacy receiving permission for the erection of a monument to the Black Mammy's of the South as saved herein.
ST. LOUIS BROWNS - 1925. Named in story entitled SPANKING BASEBALL'S BABY AND PETTING ITS PARAGON - the story found in the Sports and Athletics Section and saved from this old American News Magazine which relates the misadventures and fines of Babe Ruth and the exploits of Ty Cobb
ST. LOUIS BRIDGE *, 1871 - Cover Story entitled "The Caisson For the East River Pier of the St. Louis Bridge.
ST. LOUIS CARDINALS STAR BLADES - 1926 - Named as member of the St. Louis Cardinals baseball team in featured story entitled "ROGERS HORNSBY'S MOTTO: PICK OUT THE GOOD ONES".- winner of the National League Batting Championship as saved from this old American Newsweek magazine. Four pages
ST. LOUIS CARDINALS STAR JIM BOTTOMLEY - 1926 - Named as member of the St. Louis Cardinals baseball team in featured story entitled "ROGERS HORNSBY'S MOTTO: PICK OUT THE GOOD ONES".- winner of the National League Batting Championship as saved from this old American Newsweek magazine. Four pages
ST. LOUIS CARDINALS STAR THEVENOW - 1926 - Named as shortstop of the St. Louis Cardinals baseball team in featured story entitled "ROGERS HORNSBY'S MOTTO: PICK OUT THE GOOD ONES".- winner of the National League Batting Championship as saved from this old American Newsweek magazine. Four pages
ST. LOUIS CARDINALS STAR TOPORCER - 1926 - Named as member of the St. Louis Cardinals baseball team in featured story entitled "ROGERS HORNSBY'S MOTTO: PICK OUT THE GOOD ONES".- winner of the National League Batting Championship as saved from this old American Newsweek magazine. Four pages
ST. LOUIS DEPRESSION DAYS * - 1931 - Picture entitled TA MAKESHIFT HOME IN A VILLAGE OF UNFORTUNATES made up of old boards and tar paper adjoining the Mississippi River as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
ST. LOUIS ENGINEER'S CLUB - 1928 - Article entitled "Tornado Proof Buildings" as published and saved from this old American magazine
ST. LOUIS GLOVE DEMOCRAT- 1870 - Location: MT, WY. Named in story entitled "Another Survivor of the Custer Battle" by Harry J. Owen who states that overlooked by history, there were some 140 horses that survived the famous 7th Cavalry massacre. Here he cites interesting facts and figures seldom found as published in this old, complete, western magazine.
ST. LOUIS TORNADO - 1928 - Article entitled "Tornado Proof Buildings" as published and saved from this old American magazine of 1928.
ST. LOUIS WORLD'S FAIR OF 1904 - 1890 - 1940 era. Location: U.S. Named in story entitled " LUCILE MULHALL, FABULOUS COWGIRL " who writes of the life and times of The First American Cowgirl, Lucile Mulhall who has become a legend all over the world for her skill and rodeo ability as written in this old and complete western magazine.
ST. LOUIS WORLD'S FAIR OF 1904 * - 1843 - 1900 era. Location: International. Named in story entitled THOSE THRILLING WILD WEST YESTERDAYS of the great showman Zack Mulhall at the St. Louis World's Fair by Sam Henderson where he managed to bring the Wild West alive. Names performers and pictures stars as found in this old and complete western magazine
ST. LOUIS WORLD FAIR - 1800 - 1914 era. Location: California. Named in story entitled ALL THE DARING YOUNG MEN by Joseph F. Hood which recites the ingenuity of the young men who studied, planned, and performed in planes, balloons of unusual contraptions with history of each as found in this, of all places, complete western magazine.
ST. LOUIS WORLD'S FAIR - 1890 era. Location – AZ, NY, ST. LOUIS. TX Named in story entitled “1890 Candid Cameraman” by Diane Thomas – the story of Lisle Updike who the author claims was born with a “roadmap for a heart” and tells of the travels and experiences of this pioneer photographer as found in this old and complete western magazine.
ST. LOUIS WORLD'S FAIR, mentioned or described in "Tom Mix Frontier Bartender" by Sam Henderson as written up in an old western magazine covering the life of Tom Mix.
ST. LOUIS, MO. FOREST PARK THEATRE * - 1923 - Queen Snow pictured in article entitled "BEAUTY REIGNS IN COLORFUL PAGEANT AND CARNIVAL" at the 9th Annual Pageant at the Municipal Open-Air Theatre in Forrest Park, St. Louis, Missouri as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine
ST. MARY'S ACADEMY. - 1880 Era -. Named in Biographical history entitled "Midas of the Mountain" of John D. Morrisey. a mining magnet who couldn't read or write or tell the time of day but had one successful venture after another in the mine fields of Colorado as published in this complete western magazine
ST. MARY'S MISSION, BITTERROTT BALLEY * - 1800 - 1900's era. Location: ID, MT, OR, WA. Named in story entitled "BLACK ROBES AND CIRCUIT RIDERS" by Gracey Roffey Pratt who writes that in the pioneer days it was thought that 'Sunday Would Never Cross the Mississippi" but a host of dedicated circuit riders and missionaries carried their message as relayed in this history written in this old and complete western magazine
ST. MORITZ, SWITZERLAND, * - 1931 - . Pictured and featured in article entitled '" ST. MORITZ STAGES ITS INTERNATIONAL SKI-JORING RACES as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
ST. PANCRAS STATIOIN, LONDON, SCOTS GUARDS * - 1919 - Pictorial collage entitled FIRST BATTALION OF SCOTTS GUARD ARRIVING IN LONDON FROM FRANCE as saved from this American Pictorial magazine. 11 by 16 inches. Mint condition.
ST. PATRICK DAY PARADE * - 1922 - Part of the 25,000 marchers of Irish birth, desent or sympathies who paraded up up Fifth ave., New York as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
ST. PAUL & DULUTH "FAST LIMITED NO.69" - - (Passenger Train - 1894 era ) - " Train That Raced Death ", Hinckley, Minnesota - Old Western Pioneer Story)
ST. PAUL & DULUTH "TRAIN NO. 13" - - (Passenger Train - 1894 era ) - " Train That Raced Death ", Hinckley, Minnesota - Old Western Pioneer Story)
ST. PAUL & DULUTH "TRAIN NO. 4" - - (Passenger Train - 1894 era ) - " Train That Raced Death ", Hinckley, Minnesota - Old Western Pioneer Story)
ST. PAUL BOARD OF TRADE - 1895 era: Location: Leadville, Colorado. History entitled "LEADVILLE'S ICE PALACE" written by Hank Givens. Seems that a leading citizen, Tingley S. Wood, felt that an ice palace similar to ones built in Russia and Canada was the answer to make Leadville a leading Winter carnival site and use the ice to make up for the winter doldrums. How it turned out was published in the rare and seldom found western magazine.
ST. PAUL PIONEER (newspaper) mentioned in "Reporting A Gold Rush", by: Oliver Knight
ST. PAUL PRESS (newspaper) mentioned in "Reporting A Gold Rush", by: Oliver Knight
ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH, VIRGINIA CITY, MONTANA * - 1800 - 1900's era. Location: ID, MT, OR, WA. Named in story entitled "BLACK ROBES AND CIRCUIT RIDERS" by Gracey Roffey Pratt who writes that in the pioneer days it was thought that 'Sunday Would Never Cross the Mississippi" but a host of dedicated circuit riders and missionaries carried their message as relayed in this history written in this old and complete western magazine
ST. PETER'S * - 1922 - Pictorial collage of important scenes entitled "CORONATION OF POPE PIUS XI" -- first shots of a
ST. SEINE, French Naval Attaché * - Pictured awarding the French Legion of Honor Award to Admiral Mayo on board the U.S.S. Pennsylvania in an American Pictorial Magazine article entitled "American Naval Officers Decorated by France" as saved. Page in mint condition, 11 by 16 inches.
ST. SOPHIA * - 1915 "The Church of Sacred Wisdom"
ST. SOPHIA MOSQUE * - CONSTANTINOPLE* - 1922 - Panorama entitled "Constantinople, at Junction of Europe and Asia, Which Has Once More Become the Storm Centre of the World" - great picture of Mosque of St. Sophia.
ST THOMAS PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH - 1907 - Reverend Doctor Wasson named in article about the visits of Miss Laura A. Smith entitled WERE THE CHURCHES CORDIAL TO MISS SMITH who investigated the welcome of churches in the New York, Brooklyn and Boston area as saved from this old American Newsweek magazine
ST. THOMAS, Virgin Islands * - 1920 - Pictorial collage of entitled "LATEST U. S. ISLAND POSSESSION" of scenes of the Virgina as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
ST. VALENTINE'S BALL * - 1921 - Pictured is Reba Owen as she led the Grand March at the St. Valentine's Ball at the Hotel Plaza, New York as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
ST. VITUS - 1890 era. Location: AK, CA, OH. Named in story entitled "THE ROISTEROUS RED SHIRTS OF THE GOLD RUSH COUNTRY" - a history of the old hard nosed black-hatted miners of the old west called "Clampers" who dressed up in "Red Shirts" and initiated green horn miners in their wiley ways as published in this old and complete western magazine
ST. VRAIN, Ceran - 1800's era - Colorado - Named in "Tom Tobin, Reluctant Hero" by Edith L. Watson, the story of Tom Tobin, who at great personal danger, collected outlaw's heads, guided explorers through the Rockies and found and rescued a couple of youngsters given up for lost as published in this rare and complete old western magazine.
ST. VRAIN, Ceran * - 1799 - 1850's era. Location: Ireland, Western United States. Named in story entitled "BROKEN HAND FITZPATRICK, MOUNTAIN MAN EXTRAORDINARY" who says that even Kit Carson and Jim Bridger could not match the exploits of Thomas "Broken Hand" Fitzpatrick in the perilous Rocky Mountains as published in the old and complete western magazine
ST. VRAIN, Ceran - 1840 - 75 era. Location: ILLINOIS, NEW MEXICO. Named in story entitled MIDAS OF THE MOUNTAIN by Hani and Toni Chapman, authors of this biography and history of Lucien Bonaparte MAXWELL. a pioneer trapper, hunter, mountain man who lived to become one of the richest land barons and the owner of more land than any other American as found in this complete and old western magazine
ST. VRAIN, Ceran - 1830 - 1866 era. Site: KY, LA, TX. Famous trapper and hunter named in story entitled PEGLEG SMITH LED A CHARMED LIFE by Xanthus Carson which covers the life of one of the greatest trapper and hunters on our western frontier and his finding of the greatest gold field in our history, the Lost Pegleg Mine as published in this complete and seldom found western magazine.
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