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Genealogy Images of History |
Updated:07/31/07 |
* indicates pictured
SMOKEY - 1900 - 1920's. Location: West Central Texas - Horse named in story entitled COWBOYS FROM VOCA by Stella Gibson Polk which is really a chronicle of old rodeo cowboys from central Texas naming the small town rodeos, shows and carnivals they performed in. Great pictures. There is al an especially good index of great bucking horses they used as saved in this old and complete western magazine
SMOKEY Indian mentioned in "Night of the Red Moon" article from old western magazine
SMOKEY MOVIE, The * - Named in massive story entitled "MOVIE HORSES - THE TREATMENT AND TRAINING OF AS GOOD AS ACTORS AS HOLLYWOOD EVER PRODUCED" includes history of great horses in the movies as found in this very rare, complete western magazine.
SMOKEY, Joe - 1880 era. Site Location : Jacksboro, Texas & Fort Griffin. Historian named in "The Legend of Lottie Deno" by Philip Rainman. History of a mysterious lady of the evening who set men's heart afire until one came along she couldn't resist and there the legend began as published in this old rare and seldom found western magazine..
SMOLLER, Dorothy * - 1921 - California girl, formerly with Pavlowa, now playing in "A BACHELOR'S NIGHT" pictured in article entitled ACTRESSES AND SCENES IN CURRENT PRODUCTION as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine
SMOLLER, Dorothy * - 1922 - Pictured is Dorothy Smoller as star of "Up In The Clouds" in article entitled Actresses and Climatic Scenes Occurring as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
SMOOT, Reed, * - 1920 - Pictured as a Republican Senator from Utah as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
SMOOT, Reed * - 1931 - Senator from Utah and Chairman and head of the Senate Finance Committee is pictured and featured in article entitled " PRIDE OF AUTHORSHIP" as saved from the weekly featured "FOOTNOTES ON A WEEK'S HEADLINERS" published in an American Pictorial Magazine.
SMOOT,Reed, Senator. * - 1926 - - Pictured in pictorial collage entitled "MAKING THE CUT IN LUXURY TAXES" with Senators who lowered the taxes on amusements and automobiles. Mint condition 11 by 14 inches
SMOOTH AS SILK * - 1921 - Pictured as star is Shirley Warde of "SMOOTH AS SILK" in article entitled ACTRESSES AND STRIKING SCENES IN CURRENT PLAYS as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine. 11 by 16 inches. Mint condition.
SMUGGLER'S MINE . - 1880 Era -. Named in Biographical history entitled "Midas of the Mountain" of John D. Morrisey. a mining magnet who couldn't read or write or tell the time of day but had one successful venture after another in the mine fields of Colorado as published in this complete western magazine
SMUGGLERS, Rum * - 1924 - Pictorial collage of Revenue Cutters fighting to keep America Dry as appeared in this old American News Magazine. Double page size 22 by 16 inches.
SMUGGLER-UNION MINE - 1901 - 31 era. Location: CO, NV, CA - Named in this historical mining story entitled "BULKELEY WELLS, POLITE AND LETHAL" of mining intrigue at the Smugglers Union Mine where superintendent of mines was allegedly killed by mine workers.. This is great story and one that I heartily recommend to get the flavour of mining unrest and turbulence in the old days as published in this very rare and seldom found western magazine.
SMUTS, General Jan Christian (English Delegate) * - League of Nations Draft Conference Participants - 1919 - Pictured in article entitled A FLASHLIGHT ON SOME ASPECTS OF THE WAR are those that formulated a rough draft of the proposed league as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
SMUTS, General Jan Christian * - 1919 - Pictured in Story of South Africa.
SMUTS, General Jan Christian * - 1919 - South Africa's Delegate to the Peace Conference
SMUTS, General Jan Christian. * - 1921 - Premier of South Africa pictured as involved in dispute in article entitled '' PERSONALITIES NOW IN THE PUBLIC EYE" as saved from this old American pictorial magazine
SMUTS, Jan Christaan, General * - 1931 - South African Governor General pictured with wife and featured in article entitled " SLIM JANNIE OF THE VELDT" with sub-title MAN OF MANY TALENTS as saved from the weekly featured "FOOTNOTES ON A WEEK'S HEADLINERS" published in an American Pictorial Magazine
SMUTS, Jan Christian (1933 SOUTH AFRICA GOLD - JUDGE VILLERS ROOS, National American News Magazine 1933)
SMUTS, Jan Christian * Lt. General. South African British Imperial Cabinet Leader pictured in "The Empire on Which the Sun Never Sets in War Council.
SMUTTY BEAR, Indian Chief - 1865 era - Location: DK Territory, MO, Named in story entitled NEWTON EDMONDS - TREATY MAKER OF DAKOTA reports on the life and times of Governor of Dakota Newton Edmonds who in formal clothes and silk hat, was fervently desirous of peace even it it mean losing his beautiful topper as published in this unique, old and complete western magazine.
SMYDEN, Frank J. * Private, (Kingston, Penn. –WW 1 Honor Roll – Died of Wounds)
SMYRNA * -1921 - Pictorial collage of War Pictures between Turkey and Greece.
SMYRNA ACCORD * - 1920 - Named in collage showing the accord reached at the Premiers of the Allied Nations at San Remo, Italy settling boundaries for Mesopotamia, Palestine, Syria and Armenia with map designating area as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
SMYTH, Michael, Father - 1875 Era. Subject of Historical story entitled "SACRED HEART' - OUTPOST OF RELIGION" by E. H. Brewington - the story of Benedictine Father Dom Isodore Robot who founded the Sacred Heart Mission and School in the Indian territory of Oklahoma. Rare magazine.
SMYTH, Virginia, Miss * - 1926 - RUTGERS UNIVERSITY TRACK STAR wins the hurdle event in article headlined FLYING NYMPHS OF GIRLS COLLEGES COMPETE FOR HONORS as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
SMYTHE, Frank S. * - 1931 - Identified in pictorial collage and text entitled "THE CONQUEST OF MOUNT KAMET, THE HIGHEST PEAK EVER SCALED BY MAN" relates the story of a daring adventure led by Frank S. Smythe to the frozen outposts of infinite, the Himalyas as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
SMYTHE, Roberta of MOUNT HOLYOKE COLLEGE STUDENTS * - 1925 - Pictured are the Heads of Sports inc., Lorraine Mills, Archery, Alice MacLean, Volley Ball, Roberta Smythe, Soccer, Elizabeth Rhoades, Hockey and Dorothy Tapley, Basketball as saved from this American Pictorial magazine
SNAGBOAT MISOURI, named in story entitled THE KING AND I HAVE THE BOWIE KNIFE by Raymond W. Thorp of the making of the real Bowie Knife in an obscure little blacksmith shop in Arkansas owned by James Black with pictures of weapon owned by Thorp and King Faisal II of Iraq and the history of the two men and their love for the Bowie knife as found in this old, complete western magazine.
SNAKE CHARMERS * - 1917 - Identified with cobras in a pictorial collage and text entitled India and the Alleged Plotters of Independence, Story of strange and little reported plot that originated in America against British rule in India as saved from this American Pictorial magazine
SNAKE INDIANS.. - 1860 era - Named in historical story entitled " Fort Laramie" , a Federal Army Outpost in Wyoming and the events that took place here and changed the outcome of the pioneer west as published in this rare of western magazine
SNAKE PIT, TERRITORIAL ARIZONA PRISON * - 1860 - 1900's. Site: Arizona. Named in story entitled "ARIZONA HELL HOLE" by Wick Evans who writes of a place you just want to read about. It was a prison described by the words brutal, barbarous, dreadful and inhumane - Insane Cell, Snake Pit and a Tower with a Gatling gun as found in this very rare, extremely hard to find complete western magazine.
SNAKE RIVER VALLEY - 1900 era. Location: Western United. States. Named in story entitled “Wild Cows Ain’t Dairy Queens” by Maurice Kildare which explains the hazards of a former Rodeo event that probably injured more cowpokes than bull riding. Fun read as found in this complete, old western magazine.
SNAKE RIVER, IDAHO Named in "The Great Idaho Diamond Rush" by Xanthus Carson. Did the Idaho Territory ever have an honest to goodness diamond discover. You be the judge after reading this fantastic true story in this old, seldom found western magazine.
SNAPPING TURTLE, (Indian), "Nine Years Among the Indians - 1870-79" by Herman Lehmann, who was captured by the Indians and learned their ways and fought for them against the Americans, Mexicans and Texas Rangers. Fascinating old pioneer history. Editor calls this the best of all "Indian" stories every written as published in two old western magazines.
SNAPSHOTS OF 1921 * - 1921 - Pictured are stars Nora Bayes, Lew Fields and De Wolf Hoper, in article entitled "Actors, Actresses and Scenes From Summer Plays" playing a trio of funmakers in the new Summer Review "SNAPSHOTS OF 1921" as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine..
SNAVELY, Carl G. * - 1936 - Pictured in article entitled "CORNELL'S NEW COACH", whose resume is offered including the fact that he has served 20 years and has a won lost record of ninety-sight games won as reported in the weekly feature FOOTNOTES ON A WEEK'S HEADLINERS as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
SNEAD, W. T. (English Spiritualist) - mentioned in featured Article, "Jail-Breaking With Houdini, The Escape King." National American News Magazine. 1928 (rare)
SNEED, Pete * - 1880 era. Location, Ft. Worth, Texas. Horse trainer named in story entitled RANCHERO GRANDE by William CX Hancock and Wylie W. Bennett, Sr. Covers the history of this Ft. Worth Horseman who was responsible for the founding of Texas Thoroughbred Racing. He and his brother set about to develop the greatest ranch in the west only to be foiled by a detested ocean of oil as published in this seldom found western magazine.
SNELL, Mrs., - 1880 era - Western Frontier - Owner of Oyster Palace, North Platte named in story entitled WHITE-EYE -- LAST OF THE OLD-TIME PLAINSMEN of Jack Anderson, the "White-Eye Kid * who was the eyes for Old Bill Hickok who was going blind. He was an Indian fighter, miner, and generally happy-go-lucky horseman. Includes best story I ever read about Calamity Jane I ever found. 5 Star old and complete western magazine
SNELL, Bertrand H. * - 1935 - Elected permanent Republican Chairman is pictured and written about in article entitled G. O. P. CONVENTION HEAD as it appeared in the FOOTNOTES ON A WEEK'S HEADLINERS and saved from this old American pictorial magazine
SNELL, Bertrand H.., *- 1923 - Representative from the Thirty-First, New York District and delegate to the Republican National Convention pictured and named are Officers and Notable Figures of the Convention as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
SNELL, Bertrand Hollis * - 1931 - Potsdam, New York native and candidate for Vice-President of the United States pictured named and written about in article entitled "AN UNORTHODOX REGULAR" has announced his decision to seek nomination in article titled FOOTNOTES ON A WEEK'S HEADLINE as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
SNELL, Burton - 1925 - Writer for "The Railway Age" named in story entitled "HOW HENRY FORD MAKES HIS RAILROAD PAY" - the story of the Detroit, Toledo and Irontown Railroad which was organized in 1905 and later through a merger with the Detroit and Lima Northern Railway and the Ohio Southern Railway became Henry Ford's little baby as saved from this old American pictorial magazine
SNELL, Joseph W,. - 1860 - 80 - era: Site - Kansas - Colorado. Author of story entitled LAYING TRACK ON THE HIGH PLAINS by Joseph W. Snell with photos provided by the Kansas State Historical Society of Topeka. History - a history of the times when the Pacific Railroad Act of 1862 provided impetus to expand our railway system and enable coast to coast travel as saved from this rare and complete western magazine
SNELL, Joseph W. - 1888 era. Site: NM. Author of story entitled "WRETCHED WEB" who writes of the life and times of John J. Webb, an officer of the law and then a victim of a questionable shooting where a Judge and Jury determined him guilty of murder. Fascinating true story as found in this old, complete western magazine.
SNELL, Joseph W., - U. S. Indian War Era. Location, Western U. S. Author of story entitled "MESSENGER TO THE INDIANS" by Joseph W. Snell whom the author says was called by General George Custer the perfect scout in horsemanship, fearless in manner, a splendid hunter and a gentleman by instinct as found in this old and complete western magazine.
SNELL, Mr. * - 1860 - 1870 Era. Murdered man named in history entitled PIOCHE, NEVADA - THE BLOODIEST TOWN IN THE OLD WEST by Charles W. Sasser who tells the story of this wild west ghost town. Covers entire spectrum where lawlessness ran rampant when gold with the discovery of silver and fights over mining claims were settled in the streets rather in the courts as found in this complete and unusual western magazine.
SNELLING, Boston - 1780 - 1880 era. Western Frontier of Minnesota. Father of Colonel Josiah Snelling named in history entitled FORT SNELLING - GIBRALTAR OF THE WEST by Joan Kyllo who recites the rich past of one of America's most valuable outposts from the days of founding by Zebulon Pike to the construction by Colonel Josiah Snelling as found in this seldom read western magazine.
SNELLING, Henry - 1780 - 1880 era. Western Frontier of Minnesota. Son of Colonel Josiah Snelling named in history entitled FORT SNELLING - GIBRALTAR OF THE WEST by Joan Kyllo who recites the rich past of one of America's most valuable outposts from the days of founding by Zebulon Pike to the construction by Colonel Josiah Snelling as found in this seldom read western magazine.
SNELLING, Johnny Bliss - 1780 - 1880 era. Western Frontier of Minnesota. Son of Colonel Josiah Snelling named in history entitled FORT SNELLING - GIBRALTAR OF THE WEST by Joan Kyllo who recites the rich past of one of America's most valuable outposts from the days of founding by Zebulon Pike to the construction by Colonel Josiah Snelling as found in this seldom read western magazine.
SNELLING, Josiah, Colonel and Mrs. * - 1780 - 1880 era. Western Frontier of Minnesota. Commandant named in history entitled FORT SNELLING - GIBRALTAR OF THE WEST by Joan Kyllo who recites the rich past of one of America's most valuable outposts from the days of founding by Zebulon Pike to the construction by Colonel Josiah Snelling as found in this seldom read western magazine.
SNIFFEN, Harold S. - (Co-Author of pamphlet "James and John Bard") - 1827 - 97 era, Location: NY. Named in story entitled SIDE-WHEELS AND WALKING BEAMS by Oliver Jensen which includes fabulous steamboat painting by the Bard twin Brothers of prominent ships of the times as saved from this old and complete American Hardback magazine
SNIP - 1924 era - Location, CO, KA, NJ, NY, RI - Bucking horse named in this great rodeo history entitled "On The Road With the K of C Rodeo" by Bill King, a rodeo sponsored by the Knights of Columbus of Denver that played it's first rodeo at the Narragansett Speedway, may 19, 1924. Names important stars and performers not usually mentioned on the rodeo circuit as saved and found in this unusual and western complete magazine.
SNIVELY, Jacob - 1850 era - Site - Arizona Territory - Named as killed by Apaches in article entitled "The Impossible Jack Swelling" by Elliott West who reports that Swilling in his lucid and sober moments contributed to the development of the irrigation of the Arizona Dessert as published in this old and rare and complete western magazine.
Snively, Jacob, Col. - Mentioned in - "Lost Golden Ledge of Eagles" by Steve Wilson,. Named in the story of Colonel Jacob Snively's 100 man army that left from Coleman County, Texas for the largest single gold expedition in Texas. This is what they did not find as published in this old and rarely found western magazine.
SNIVELY, Jacob, Colonel - 1850 - 90's. LOCATION: ARIZONA - Friend of Jack Swilling (killed by Apaches) named in story entitled "Gillette's Most Legendary Citizen" by Tom Barkdull who writes of the life and time of former Lieutenant John W. (Jack) Swilling who found the Rich Hill vein, the single richest placer discovery in Arizona and covers his life thereafter as found in this old and complete western magazine.
SNODGRASS, Frank L., - 1907 ERA. Location - TX. Named in story entitled "Poor Charlie McBride Is Dead" by Walter Gann which tells of a country dance gone bad which erupted into a gunfight ending in killing as found in this rare, complete western magazine.
SNOOKS *, "BABY" (i.e. Fanny "Florence" Brice - Borach) Life Story as taken from American Magazine 1935.
SNOQUALMIE SKI PARK, SEATTLE, WASHINGTON * - Article entitled THE OPENING OF A PUBLIC SKIING COURSE IN THE IN THE MOUNTAINS OF WASHINGTON at the Seattle Ski Club as saved from this American Pictorial magazine.
SNOW DRIFT MINE mentioned in "Silver Creek Reminiscences", by: Jean-Michael Moore
SNOW, Alice M. Photo * - 1931 - (of Washington, Conn.). Cash award winner entitled "SUNSET OVER A CONNECTICUT LAKE" in WINNERS OF CASH AWARDS IN THE AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPETITION as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
SNOW, Frank Hamilton * Private (Anniston, Alabama -WW 1 Honor Roll - Killed in Action)
SNOW, George, Captain mentioned in "Lynch Law of the Mother Lode", by Ben T. Traywick
SNOW, Leslie B., (Deputy Sheriff, Laramie County) - 1861 era - Location: WY. Named in story entitled WAS TOM HORN TWO MEN? by Dean Krakel who reports on one of the most argued about trials in frontier history as found in this old, complete western magazine.
SNOW, Lorenzo - Deceased President of the Mormon Church - 1901 - Author of "Land of Sunshine" original article entitled "The Message of Mormonism" as saved from an old American News Magazine.
SNOW, Lorenzo... - Later 1860 era. Location, Hawaii. Named in historical story entitled "WALTER MURRAY GIBSON: GREAT MORMON RASCAL" Twice in his turbulent life he narrowly escaped hanging. But in the old days, that was not uncommon. Characterized as a ex-pirate, Gibson was a Mormon who took advantage of the Church to become a prominent public figure in Hawaii politics as published in this rare western magazine
SNOW, Mr. - 1898 - 1902 era. Member of Hegg's photographic team written about in true story of Eric Hegg, a photographer who document the Gold Rush of the Klondike in a story entitled THE MAN WHO CAPTURED THE KLONDIKE by Max Prescott as found in this very rare and seldom found western magazine
SNOW WHITE - 1920 - 30 era. Location: California. Named in story entitled "BRINGING FORTH THE MOUSE" by Richard Schickel which tells of the history of Walt Disney and Mickey Mouse detailing individuals who help bring the little rodent to the screen as published in this old American hardback magazine
SNOWMOBILE INVENTION * - 1925 - Pictorial collage and text entitled "THE SNOW MOTOR MAKES ITS DEBUT ON SWITZERLAND PEAKS". Called a "Snow-Motor", this was the invention of G. Scott of Detroit and began the current innovation of travel by snow-mobiles as pictured and saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
SNOWSHOE CLUB * - 1895 era: Location: Leadville, Colorado. History entitled "LEADVILLE'S ICE PALACE" written by Hank Givens. Seems that a leading citizen, Tingley S. Wood, felt that an ice palace similar to ones built in Russia and Canada was the answer to make Leadville a leading Winter carnival site and use the ice to make up for the winter doldrums. How it turned out was published in the rare and seldom found western magazine.
SNOWSHOE JOHNSON - Mentioned in "Happy Days and Happy Men" By: Frank B. Bryant. Story of Leesburg Mining Company in 1910 as written up in old Western magazine.
SNOWSLIDE AT WOODSTOCK, COLORADO- 1884 - Location: Colorado. Named in article entitled "THE WOODSTOCK DISASTER" by R. L. Lowe, story of a snow slide that wiped out the tunnel and 3 gague tracks of the Denver, South Park and Pacific Railroad as found in this rare complete western magazine
SNYDER *, New York Giant Catcher pictured in "Sparkling Plays and Notable Figures That Feature the Opening Game of Championship Series of 1922.
SNYDER RANCH, Jack County, Texas., - 1894 - Nmed in story entitled "A CASE OF DOUBLE CROSS" by Fred Harrison relates Ranger John L. Sullivan and his efforts to capture Bill Cook, a train robber and the strange twist of fate that occurred as published in this complete and rare western magazine.
SNYDER, "Dot" - 1910-20 era - Location US - Trick rider named in fantastic carnival and circus history entitled HEY RUBE which covers the carnival tricks of stars who entertained customers with various tricks of the carnival trade. Includes names of little know rodeo star who performed their acts before the public as found in this complete western magazine.
SNYDER, "Smokey". - 1900 - 60 era. Location US. Named in " The Pale Horsed Ever Rider" by Milt Hinkle. Even wonder about how the old rodeo hands entered the pearly gates? Here, the author tells of stories of how some of them hit The End of the Trail as fund in this old western magazine
SNYDER, F. W. * - 1926 - of 3252 Leland Avenue, Chicago, Illinois whose photo "BR'ER PORCUPINE ADS ICE CREAM CONES TO HIS MENU" was awarded top prize in the Winners of the Week in Amateur Photographic Contest as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
SNYDER, H. U. * Corporal (South Bend, Indiana -WW1 Honor Roll - Killed in Action)
SNYDER, Howard M., Sergeant, Company E, U. S. Marine Corps - 1945 - Site: Iwo Jima. Named in story entitled "The FLAG-RAISING ON IWO JIMA" by Richard Wheeler who tells the true story of a simple great photograph which has become an indelible symbol of the Marine Corps heroic fight for this Japanese Island. Names of all included in this great true story seldom found as published in this old American Hardback Magazine.
SNYDER, John rancher/Roy Snyder's father mentioned in "The West's Greatest Detective" article from old western magazine
SNYDER, John Donner Party mentioned in Across the Plains in the Donner Party (1846), by Virginia Reed Murphy
SNYDER, Mr. and Mrs., - 1894 - Named in story entitled "A CASE OF DOUBLE CROSS" by Fred Harrison relates Ranger John L. Sullivan and his efforts to capture Bill Cook, a train robber and the strange twist of fate that occurred as published in this complete and rare western magazine.
SNYDER, Paul W, * - 1924 - Member of the Reptile Study Society of America in a pictorial collage entitled CHOCK FULL OF POISON showing members of the society in the Rockland County woods as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
SNYDER, Ross * Capt. 47th Regiment Inf. (Los Angeles, California -WW 1 Honor Roll - Killed in Action on Sergy Heights)
SNYDER, Roy * pictured in "The West's Greatest Detective" article from old western magazine
SNYDER, S. S., Reverend- 1862 era. Site: Lawrence, KS. Named in story entitled THE DAY QUANTRILL BURNED LAWRENCE by an unnamed author who writes a decidedly negative narrative when Federal troops refused to protect Lawrence, Kansas from Quantrill Raiders as found in this old, rare and complete western magazine.
SNYDER, William F. - 1860 - 1900's - Location - UT. Named in story entitled "QUEEN OF THE UTAH GOLD CAMPS" by George A. Thompson citing names of individuals and the mines of the old Gold camp. Important mine research tool as found in this old Western magazine.
SOAPSUDS * (Will Roger's horse) - 1879 - 1930 era. Location: OK. Named in story entitled "CHEROKEE KID FROM OOLOGAH" by G. L. Savage who writes of the early life of Will Rogers, American's beloved cowboy comedian in OOLOGAH and his days at Kemper Military Academy as published in this old and complete western magazine.
SOAPY'S LAMB - 1890 era: Location: Alaska, Colorado. Named in story entitled HE DIED TO SAVE SKAGWAY by Cy Martin. Part 1 tells of the rough and ready times of the western frontier of Alaska and of the "Soapy Smith" gang that took over the town which was saved by the heroic action of a vigilante and ex-school teacher named Frank Reid as found in this seldom read complete western magazine
SOAPY'S LAMB - 1890 era: Location: Alaska, Colorado. Named in story entitled HE DIED TO SAVE SKAGWAY by Cy Martin. Part 2 tells of the rough and ready times of the western frontier of Alaska and of the "Soapy Smith" gang that took over the town which was saved by the heroic action of a vigilante and ex-school teacher named Frank Reid as found in this seldom read complete western magazine
SOARE, W. F. * - 1929 -Artist Illustration of "D'Artangan of the Musketers" for cover of Youth's Companion and American Boy.
SOBEL, Doctor. * - 1922 - Shown with noted Austrian Doctor and Surgeon Dr. Lorenz pictured receiving license in order to comply with legal formalities to practice medicine in New York State as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
SOBERANES, Marino. - Early 1800's - Site: Location - Owner of Rancho de Los Ojitos named in DISENOS, a story by Robert Becker of brave pioneers who settled California during Mexican occupation. Cites requirements - i.e. joining the Catholic Church, pledging to the Mexican Government and becoming a citizen of Mexico as saved from this old American Historical magazine
SOBRERO, Ascanio - 1860 era. Location: CA, NV, UT. Named in story entitled "TUNNELING THE SIERRA WITH NITROGLYCERINE" by Lawrence Doorley who writes of the real heroes of the Central Pacific Railroad and their conquests while building the railroad line between Sacramento, CA and the Nevada line as found in this old and complete western magazine.
SOCIALIST CANDIDATE - MCLEVY, Jasper * - 1933 - Featured in article entitled FOOTNOTES ON A WEEK'S HEADLINERS headlined A "PERPETUAL CANDIDATE" WINS who finally won an election as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
SOCIALIST NEW YORK LEGISLATORS * - 1920 - Pictured and written about in article entitled SOCIALIST MEMBERS BARRED FROM SEATS IN NEW YORK ASSEMBLY as saved from this American Pictorial Magazine.
SOCIALIST RADICALS OF GERMANY * - 1920 - Pictured as the Cigar manufacturer who succeeded Hugo Hasse, the recently assassinate leader of radical Socialists in article entitled GERMANY'S LIBERATED MARSHAL, POLITICAL LEADERS AND FORTS DEMOLISHED AT ALLIES' COMMAND as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
SOCIEDAD de BANDIDOS de NUEVO MEJICO *. - 1850 -1900 era - LOCATION NM. Named in historical story entitled THE SHERIFFS OF SAN MIGUEL by Milton W. Callon who writes that for almost fifty years one family ran Las Vegas, New Mexico and passed the torch from brother to brother, father to son and they became one of the most powerful dynasties on the western frontier as found in this complete western magazine.
SOCIEDAD de MUTUAL PROTECCION. - 1850 -1900 era - LOCATION NM. Named in historical story entitled THE SHERIFFS OF SAN MIGUEL by Milton W. Callon who writes that for almost fifty years one family ran Las Vegas, New Mexico and passed the torch from brother to brother, father to son and they became one of the most powerful dynasties on the western frontier as found in this complete western magazine.
SOCIETY OF AMERICAN INDIANS - Named in fantastic story entitled SHADOW WARRIORS: REAL INDIANS IN THE MOVIES w photos courtesy of the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences. Tells the story of the making of films entitled Ghost Dance, Indian War Council and The Vanishing American using real Indians who had fought in the wars
SOCIETY OF AMERICAN INDIANS - 1894 - 1930 - Named in fantastic story entitled SHADOW WARRIORS: REAL INDIANS IN THE MOVIES w photos courtesy of the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences. Tells the story of the making of films entitled Ghost Dance, Indian War Council and The Vanishing American using real Indians who had fought in the wars..
SOCIETY OF INDEPENDENT ARTIST SHOW IN NEW YORK * - 1931 - Pictured in pictorial collage as artist is Clyde A. Copson, who was "Once Blind, He Wins A Place In An Art Exhibit" at the Annual Show of the Society of Independent Artists in New York as saved from this old American pictorial magazine
SOCIETY OF PREVENTION AND RELIEF OF TUBERCULOSIS* - 1923 - Pictured in article is Miss Shelia Burder entitled SOCIETY APPLE VENDOR who sold apples for the benefit of the Society as saved from an old American Pictorial Magazine. Mint condition. 11 by 16 inches.
SOCORRO, NEW MEXICO *. - 1870 -80 era. Location TX, NM - Site named in story entitled "RANGER JIM GILLETTE - TEXAS TOWN TAMER" by Wayne T. Walker who writes the history of this great Texas Ranger Lawman, Jim Gillette and his exploits that made him respected by many and feared by the bad guy as published in this rare and seldom found complete western magazine
SOCORRO, NEW MEXICO *. - 1870 -80 era. Location TX, NM - Texas Ranger Lawman named in story entitled "RANGER JIM GILLETTE - TEXAS TOWN TAMER" by Wayne T. Walker who writes the history of this great Texas Ranger Lawman, Jim Gillette and his exploits that made him respected by many and feared by the bad guy as published in this rare and seldom found complete western magazine
SODA WATER, William Gee * (New York, New York) Inventor of Gee's Soda Water Apparatus- Patent of 1856.
SODEMANN, Clarence J. * Captain 138th Infantry (St. Louis, Missouri -WW 1 Honor Roll - Killed in Action in Argonne Forest)
SOERGEL, Hans. (Oberlt., - dead) World War I era. British Admiralty Statement of "Fate of 150 German U-Boat Commanding Officers who were killed or became prisoners at war.
SOJIN starring as The Chinese Detective - 1928 - Anna May Wong is featured with Hobart Bosworth in pictorial collage entitled "THE CHINESE PARROT" IS ANOTHER MYSTERY PICTURE by Mitchell Rawson as saved from this old American News Magazine
SOKOLL,, Mike J., Colonel * - Author of Limited Edition, Autographed No. 114, a story entitled "101 RANCH STARS I HAVE KNOWN" with rare pictures and text of stars of wild west rodeos, movies including names and pictures of cowboys, cowgirls, clowns and announcers.
SOKOLNIKOV *, Commissary for Finances. A double page of an old American magazine of drawings published in 1921 entitled CHARACTER SKETCHES OF THE PRINCIPAL FIGURES IN THE BOLSHEVIST REGIME THAT NOW DOMINATES RUSSIA.
SOKOLOFF, John. * - of New York City - 1925. Awarded prize in article entitled "Amateur Winners of the Week in Photographic Contest" as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine
SOLANDET * ( Sailing Ship) - 1933 - Norwegian Training Ship on Official Visit to Chicago World's Fair.
SOLARI, Arthur J. * Private, 101st Infantry (Boston, Mass. -WW1 Honor Roll - Died from Gunshot wound, Feb. 6th)
SOLDIER CREEK - Mentioned in "Happy Days and Happy Men" By: Frank B. Bryant. Story of Leesburg Mining Company in 1910 as written up in old Western magazine.
SOLDIERS' AND SAILORS' MONUMENT * at Goshen, New York - 1916 - Article entitled "The Manner of Casting Bronze Monuments" with pictures and text as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
SOLDIER'S CAMP IN THE COEUR D'ALENES * - Era 1899 - Location - IDAHO - Named in true story entitled MARTIAL LAW IN THE COEUR D'ALENES of mining wars by Alvin Atkins involving fight between Union, Miners, State of Idaho, and United States. Fascinating true history in comprehensive study of the actual facts of the day as found in this rare western magazine.
SOLDIER'S LODGE (Secret Indian Society) - 1868 era - Location OK, NB, INDIAN TERRITORY.. Named in historical true story entitled STANDING BEAR: ELQQUENT ADVOCATE by Carl Uhlark who write of Thomas H. Tibbles, an assistant editor of the Omaha Herals and pioneer advocate of Indian rights and his attempt to help Ponca Indian Chief Standing Bear (called Ma-chu-nah-zah) to receive justice in the courts of the United States as found in this complete, rare and seldom read western magazine.
SOLEDAD SIPHON, LOS ANGELES AQUEDUCT * - 1913 - Article entitled NINE MILES OF SIPHONS which is subject of the 246 miles in Los Angeles' new aqueduct of huge inverted siphons, carrying water to the city as saved from this old American News Magazine.
SOLF, W. S. * Doctor - German Secretary of Foreign Affairs - "Leaders Whom German Defeat has brought to the Front". 1919
SOLMS-BRAUNFELS, Prince Carl- 1714 - 1900 era. Location: TEXAS. Named in story entitled THE LOST BOWIE MINE (Bowie y su Tropa - 1829) by Dick Chick which tells of the finding, exploration, errant past and elusive present as told from the sightings of Rezin Bowie, brother of the famous James Bowie as found in this old and complete western magazine
SOLOMON AND SHEBA MOVIE, The * - Named in massive story entitled "MOVIE HORSES - THE TREATMENT AND TRAINING OF AS GOOD AS ACTORS AS HOLLYWOOD EVER PRODUCED" includes history of great horses in the movies as found in this very rare, complete western magazine.
SOLOMON BEACH, ALASKA * - 1931 - Named in pictured in pictorial collage entitled AROUND THE WORLD WITH POST AND GATTY IN PICTURES as saved from this old American pictorial magazine which includes map of flight with Wiley Post and Howard Gatty. 11 by 14 mint condition.
SOLOMON of the NEW YORK GIANTS * - 1923 - Pictured as Minor League Home Run King purchased from the Hutchinson Kansas League Team in article saved from an old American Pictorial Magazine.
SOLOMON, Charles * - ( Suspended Representative, New York Assembly) - 1920 - Pictorial Collage entitled "Socialist Members Barred from Seats in New York Assembly". 84 year old single page, 11 by 16 inches in good condition.
SOLOMON, Charles * - 1920 - Representative from New York Assembly pictured and written about in Article entitled "Disfranchising Socialism" - the history of New York duly elected legislatures thrown out of the body as saved from this old American News Magazine.
SOLOMON, Will, Mrs. * - 1924 - Pictured in American Magazine collage entitled "IN LIVING TABLEAUX OF FAMOUS PAINTINGS" as The Blue Boy, Gainsborough noted painting.. Mint condition. 11 by 16 inches.
SOLOMONVILLE, A. T., 1840 Era. Written up in "El Chivero of Arizona" By: Donald N. Bentz - the story of Merejildo Grizalva, captured by Apaches who swore undying hatred for Cochise and became a scout, interpreter and civilian guide.
SOLORZANO, Carlos President, Nicaragua. NICARAGUA*, 1926 - Article entitled "Our Marines Return to Nicaragua" with map of area.
SOLSO, Michael * - 1921 - Father from New Haven, Conn., is pictured with his quadruplets which are healthy and together weigh over 20 pounds as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
SOLUTRE, FRANCE * - 1933 - Collage with pictured head of the Yale University Archaeological Expedition at Solutre, France, MACCURDY, James Grant * as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
SOMERS, Jim- 1886 era, Location South Dakota. Government beef contractors named in story entitled "The Cow Business and Joe Kirley" by Bill Kirley w photos by author - the pioneer story of how subject help to settle the vast and sparse area of South Dakota as published in a complete and rare western magazine
SOMERSET, Pat * - 1922 - " Now Taking Part in Current Theatrical Productions" citing his leading part in "Orange Blossoms."
SOMERVELL, Alexander - 1830 - 40 era, Site: TX, Mexico. Named in story entitled "HE MADE THE COLT PISTOL WORK" by Curtis Bishop was writes that Sam Colt was a struggling, unknown gunsmith until Sam Walker submitted plans to improve his gun that became famous throughout the west as found in this old and complete western magazine.
SOMERVELL, T. H. - 1922 - 27 era. Site: Tibet, India. Named in story of Captain J. B. L. Noel, - Cinematic Photographer and Producer of film entitled "FILMING THE EPIC OF EVEREST, the personal story recited of the filming of one of the most important documentary mountain expeditions of all time as saved from this 80 year old American News Magazine. 5 pages. Mint condition.
SOMERVILLE EXPEDITION. - 1850-90 CIRCA. Named in Biographical history entitled "The Lubbock Brothers Changed Texas" of two young adventures from South Carolina who followed different stars to destiny in the Republic of Texas as published in this complete western magazine
SOMMERVILLE, Maxwell * - 1907 - Pictured and written about in article entitled GULLIBILITY OF AMERICAN COLLECTORS is Maxwell Sommerville and his collation of antique engraved gems and tablets along with comments about the collections as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
SOMEWHERE IN SONORA * starring MAYNARD, Ken * - 1927 - Pictured in review entitled "STARS THAT GLITTER IN THE MOVIE FIRMAMENT" IN "SOMEWHERE IN SONORA", A First National Production as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine
SOMIERS, Marine Lieutenant* - Illustrated history of the United States Marine Corps entitled "The Marine Corps Tradition" by Bruce Catton. Multi numbered pictures and engravings of events at Tripoli, Chapultepec, Civil War, Uniforms, Posters, etc. as published in this old American Hardback magazine.
SON OF FLICKA MOVIE, The * - Named in massive story entitled "MOVIE HORSES - THE TREATMENT AND TRAINING OF AS GOOD AS ACTORS AS HOLLYWOOD EVER PRODUCED" includes history of great horses in the movies as found in this very rare, complete western magazine.
SONG OF EMILIANO ZAPOTA * 1929 - Feature Article w pictures entitled "Mexico's Revolutionary Art " as saved from this old American News Magazine.
SON OF ITALY - PICK AND SHOVEL POET, D'ANGELO, Pascal * - 1925 -.Pictured and featured in rare article entitled THE TRIUMPH OF D'ANGELO, "PICK AND SHOVEL" Poet as an Abruzzese Poet whose verses appear in leading magazines but who still gains his live by manual labor saved from this old American Newsweek magazine
SON OF PALEFACE MOVIE - 1894 - 1930 - Named in fantastic story entitled SHADOW WARRIORS: REAL INDIANS IN THE MOVIES w photos courtesy of the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences. Tells the story of the making of films entitled Ghost Dance, Indian War Council and The Vanishing American using real Indians who had fought in the wars..
SONG OF SONGS * - 1933 - A collage of pictures entitled "The Movie of the Week; The Song of Songs" including pictures of Marlene Dietrich, Alison Skipworth, Brian Aherne, Lionel Atwill as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
SONGLU - 1922 - 27 era. Site: Tibet, India. Named as Sherpa Servant in story of Captain J. B. L. Noel, - Cinematic Photographer and Producer of film entitled "FILMING THE EPIC OF EVEREST, the personal story recited of the filming of one of the most important documentary mountain expeditions of all time as saved from this 80 year old American News Magazine. 5 pages. Mint condition.
SONKEY, Pete - 1890 - 1900 era. Location: ID. Named in story entitled HELL RAISERS ON THE PAYETTE CANAL by Alma Hanson who writes of the construction by the Payette irrigation and Water Power company and history of the trouble involved in the construction as found in this old, complete western magazine
SONNEGAARD, Gale * - 1934 - Pictured in article entitled IN NEW PLAYS OF THE BROADWAY STAGE with Walter Abel in a scene from "Invitation to a Murder playing at the Masque Theatre.
SONNICHSEN, C. L. * - 1899 era - Location: AZ, NM, Mexico. Author of story entitled INSTANT MILLIONAIRE who writes of the life and times of William C. Greene and the development of his great Cananea Mountain Copper Mine as found in this complete western magazine.
SONNINO, Baron Sidney * - 1919 - Italy's Delegate to the Peace Conference
SONNINO, Baron Sidney * Died 1922. He was noted Italian Statesman and Foreign Minister of Italy at outbreak of war and delegate to Paris Peace Conference.
SON-OF-THE-MORNING-STAR, – 1870s era – Location MT, SD, mentioned in “The Custer Story,” by Bill Judge who goes to great lengths to explain the reasons Custer lost. A revealing and thorough account based on participants in the action and comments of first men to follow the trail as published in this complete old western magazine.
SONORA KID - Location: Hollywood, California. Old Movie pictured and named in story entitled "Cowboy Strongman - Tom Tyler" by Glen Shirley tells of the history and times of this versatile actor who appeared as Captain Marvel after serving as a member of the Royal National Mounted Police and Champion Weightlifter of the U. S. Navy whose life touched most of the Hollywood greats as found in this very rare western magazine
SONORA MINING AND EXPLORING COMPANY- 1850 ERA. Location AZ, CA, KY, NY. Named in history entitled "The Father of Arizona" by A. Kinney Griffith which recites events in the life of Charles Debrille Poston in Tubec's turbulent past as found in this complete, rare, western magazine.
SONORA, MEXICO - 1880 era – Location AZ, NM, TX – Named in story entitled Undercover Agent for Wells Fargo by Fred Dodge, edited by Carolyn Lake which tell of the life and times of Special Undercover Agent Fred J. Dodge who helped push the bad men out of the Southwest and establish law and order on the western frontier as found in the rare western magazine.
SONORA, TULUMA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA * - 1864 - Location - Montana Territory - Named in story entitled THE ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY FIVE ROUND FIST FIGHT by J. M. Moore which recites the history of what was probably the longest, bloodiest boxing match in history as found in this rare, complete western magazine.
SONORAN DESERT Mentioned in "Yuma Hell Hole" By: Ruth Molthan
SONS O' GUN * - 1930 - Pictured is Gwendolyn Milne as featured player in the musical show "SONS O' GUN" now playing at the Imperial Theatre as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
SONTAG, George - 1890 ERA - CA. Named in story entitled THE SAN JOAQUIN TRAIN HOLDUPS with photos furnished by the California State Library. When a number of robberies of the Southern Pacific train occurred, there were mixed feelings. After all, the SP wasn't loved as told in this old complete western magazine
SONTAG, George (formerly named Contant) - 1890 era - Location: California. Named in story entitled "THE LAST OF THE WEST'S DESPERADOES" by Edward Sullivan which explains some of the anger and hatred that the old settlers had for the railways. When the railroad took the settler's land, their answer was to begin a spate of train robberies as published in this old and complete western magazine.
SONTAG, John * - 1890 ERA - CA. Outlaw pictured and named in story entitled THE SAN JOAQUIN TRAIN HOLDUPS with photos furnished by the California State Library. When a number of robberies of the Southern Pacific train occurred, there were mixed feelings. After all, the SP wasn't loved as told in this old complete western magazine.
SONTAG, John * (formerly named Contant) - 1890 era - Location: California. Desperadoe named in story entitled "THE LAST OF THE WEST'S DESPERADOES" by Edward Sullivan which explains some of the anger and hatred that the old settlers had for the railways. When the railroad took the settler's land, their answer was to begin a spate of train robberies as published in this old and complete western magazine
SOO CANAL * - 1917 - Herbert T. Wade, Author of article entitled "COMPLETING THE WORLD'S BUSIEST WATERWAY" - The Fourth Lock at SDault Ste. Marie by Herbert T. White as saved from this old American Scientific magazine
SOPER, Ellis - (1900-40 era – Location: CO, KS, OK, PA, TN). Subject of “Tom Mix: Frontier Lawman,” by Sam Henderson, history of Mix’s early days as a soldier in the Boxer Rebellion, at 101 Ranch and Wild West Performer and a documentary of his experiences as a Frontier Lawman, as published in this complete old western magazine
SOPER, Ellis Clark, - 1900 - 20 era - - Named in story entitled "Tom Mix - Soldier of Fortune" by Joe Koller includes coverage of his service in Cuba (wounded at Santiago), Philippines and China and his days in the Wild West Shows before he became Hollywood's most famous Cowboy star as published in this complete western magazine.
SOPER, Ellis. - 1900' era. Site: TN CA KA NJ TX OK. Chief Engineer of Hunt Construction Company named and written about in massive feature story entitled THE FILM COWBOY HEROES WHO WERE FOR REAL listing movie stars, acts, animals, stuntmen, singers -- a real history of the early film pioneers who made the roles of cowboy heroes as saved from this very old, complete, seldom found or read western magazine
SOPER, J. Dewey * - 1929 - Pictured in photo is the Canadian Explorer and Scientist who recently returned from the Artic with the firt specimens of Eggs, the Blue Goose as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine
SOPHIE CHRISTENSON - (SCHOONER) - 1903 - 09 era. Location: WA. Named in story entitled "PORT OF MISSING MEN" by C. J. Lind who tells of the Floater Fleet of missing sea men in Aberdeen, Washington and the activity of those responsible as found in this old and complete western magazine.
SOPHIE TUCKER * - 1922 - Pictured with her Jazz Band giving a concert over the new medium of radio. 11 by 16 Mint condition as saved from an old American Pictorial Magazine.
SOPWITH, T. O. M. - His boat Endeavour shown in article entitled THE HULL THAT CARRIES THE HOPES OF BRITISH YACHTSMEN as saved from this American Pictorial magazine
SOPWITH, T. O. M. (Yacht Owner) 1930 era mentioned in - 1962 Challenger to the The Yacht Gretel which had been chosen to lead the AUSTRALIA CHALLENGES FOR THE AMERICA CUP - Story as written up in a National News Magazine entitled "Grim Duel in Newport".
SOPWITH, T. O. M. * - 1934 - Pictured and written about in weekly feature entitled THEY STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD as saved from this old American National News magazine. He is the latest challenger for the America's Cup.
SOPWITH, T. O. M. * - 1934 - Pictured on cover entitled THE AMERICA'S CUP CHALLENGER OUTSTRIPS HER RIVALS showing T. O. M. Sopwith's Yacht racing before a stiff breeze in competition with the Velsheda.
SOPWITH, Thomas Octave Murdock. * - 1933 - Featured in article entitled FOOTNOTES ON A WEEK'S HEADLINERS headlined AN AIR EXPERT TAKES UP SAILING as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine
SORA, ITALY EARTHQUAKE * - 1915 - A pictorial collage of damage done by an earthquake which hit the town of Sora, Italy and surrounding territory as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
SORBONNE COMMITTEE OF THE ALLIANCE - 1926 - Named in story entitled The Suffragist Fight Over Industrial Equality seeking equal jobs as saved from this old American News Magazine.
SORENSON, Harald * - 1931 - Pictured as he set a new record on the Slide at Salisbury Mills, New York to take first honors in article entitled UP IN THE AIR FOR A LEAP OF 181 FEET appeared at the Metropolitan Ski Tournament as saved from this old American pictorial magazine..
SORINE, Savely * - 1934 - Russian Artist who is making his first one-man show at the Wildenstein Galleries in New York. Paintings shown include IVAN, LILLIAN GISH, and NEW ENGLANDER as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
SORINGER, J. F. - 1921 - Author of article entitled "THE BIG EDDY DAM" which is highly technical text with pictures of the three stages in the building of the Big Eddy Dam, Spanish River, Ontario as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
SORLEY, Charles - 1918 - Named in "The Ambassador of the Dead". Subject Lieutenant Robert Nichols who is lecturing in America on English writers as saved from this old American News Magazine.
SORRELS, "Buckshot" - 1940 era - Named in story entitled TOM MIX'S LAST SUNDOWN by Walt Coburn who was witness to events leading up to death of Tom Mix as he tells of friends and events of importance in star's life as found in this rare and complete western magazine.
SORSYTH, George A., General, 1870 - 1890 era, Written up in, "Those Brawling Boys in Blue" By: William B. Secrest. Seldom found stories of army life and problems and quarrels in service on the western front.
SOTHERN, E. H. - 1920 - Names as star of 'HAMLET" with Julia Marlowe in a pictorial collage entitled FAVORITES OF THE STAGE IN RECENT NOTABLE PRODUCTIONS as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine
SOTHERN, E. H. * - 1921 - Pictured as staring in "Taming of the Shrew" are E. H. Sothern and Julia Marlowe in article entitled "Actresses and Climactic Scenes in Current Dramas" as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine. 11 by 17 inches
SOTO, Canute - 1860 - 1900's. Site: Arizona. Named in story entitled "ARIZONA HELL HOLE" by Wick Evans who writes of a place you just want to read about. It was a prison described by the words brutal, barbarous, dreadful and inhumane - Insane Cell, Snake Pit and a Tower with a Gatling gun as found in this very rare, extremely hard to find complete western magazine.
SOUTHERN, E. H. * - 1923 - Featured in pictorial collage entitled LEADING ACTORS OF THE AMERICAN STAGE as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine. Mint. 11 by 16 inches.
SOTHERN, E. H. * - 1924 - Pictured in " Actors of Note in the America Drama". 11 by 17 inches.
SOTHERN, E. H. - 1926 - Named in article entitled THE SHAKESPEARE MEMORIAL THEATER BURNED as saved from this old American Newsweek magazine with picture labeled Vanished From Stratford-On-Avon.
SOTHERN, Harry * - 1936 - Pictured and named as actor in pictorial collage entitled "The WPA Launches A Broadway Hit" of The Popular Price Theatre, a Federal Theatre Project covering a review of T. S. Eliot's "Murder in the Cathedral". Mint Condition. 11 by 14 inches.
SOTHWELL, Charles M. - 1870 - 1940 ERA - Location: Western United States. Named in Biography of Gordon W., Lillie, referred to in history as "Pawnee Bill". Popular wild west showman, often confused with Buffalo Bill but, really, a legend of his own. Great tales of his feaths and associates as publidhed in this complete and seldom found western magazine.
SOTO, Juan,* - 1850 era - Location: High Sierras of California - "the Human Wildcat" - Pictured in "How to Foil a Stage Robber" by Ed Earl Repp. James B. Hume, head of Wells Fargo Police Service, had gold cast in balls so heavy the robbers couldn't move them.. As published in this old rare and complete western magazine.
SOUDEKEINE of CHAUVE-SOURIS * - 1922 - Scene showing the beloved Wooden Soldiers as saved from an old American Pictorial Collage entitled Actresses and Scenes in Current Productions
SOULE, Frank - 1849 - 77 - Location: San Francisco, California. Named in major story entitled Frisco's Harlot Queen by Louis Cheney who reports on the life and time of this undisputed Queen of all madams who offered the ablest Oriental dolls in the business as found in this extremely rare Western magazine.
SOULE, George * - 1934 - Pictured and written about in weekly article THEY STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD as saved from an old American News Magazine. He is the economic editor of the New Republic and has a new book coming out, "The Coming American Revolution".
SOULE, William W. * Private (Helena, Montana -WW 1 Honor Roll - Died of Wounds)
SOULTRE, FRANCE * - YALE UNIVERSITY ARCHAEOLOGICAL EXPEDITION to SOLUTRE, FRANCE * - 1924 - Article entitled "American Scientists Unearth Relics of the Stone Age" headed by Professor James Grant MacCurdy as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
SOUND VIEW LINKS, GREAT NECK, LONG ISLAND * - 1921 - Pictured winner of the American Golf Championship Jim Barnes is shown playing a specially arranged match with Jock Hutchinson, the conqueror of the best players of Great Britain, at Sound View Links. Great Neck, Long Island, New York as saved from this old American pictorial magazine
SOUNDING GUARD FOR VESSELS PATENT * - 1856 - NEW SOUNDING GUARD FOR VESSELS pictured with detailed text is invention of Lieutenant Jno. Guest, U. S. Navy, Washington D. C. describing the working of the apparatus
SOUR DOUGH SALOON - 1860 - 1920 era. Location: CO, KS, Named in story entitled "THE LIVE, LOVES, AND BATTLES OF MADAM MATTIE SILKS" by Louise Cheney who writes of Madam Mattie Silks in her occupation of choice but beneath the tough, dazzling opportunism of her job which was a necessary characteristic, there beat the normal heart of a woman as found in this old and complete western magazine
SOURDOUGH EXPRESS and ART HERRING- 1880 - 1920 - Named in this story of the heroic men who braved the narrow gauges entitled "THE TANANA VALLEY NARROW GAUGE RAILWAY" that extended from Fairbanks, Alaska down to Chena Slough. Names, stops, engines, pictures all here as found in this complete western magazine.
SOUSA, John Phillip - 1880 - 1930 Era. Location Oklahoma, Kansas, Illinois. Named in story entitled PAWNEE BILL - OKLAHOMA LEGEND by J. L. Beardsley of pioneer legend who history has been relegated to second billing below Buffalo Bill but whose accomplishments are recognized by his peers and his feats are here related as found in this complete western magazine.
SOUSLEY, Frank R., U. S. Marine Corps * - 1923 - 55 era. AZ, IWO JIMA, Washington, D. C. Marine killed in action on Iwo Jima named in this wonderful story and tribute to this hero of Marines entitled TAPS FOR IRA HAYES by Maurice Kildare who has been immortalized by the famous statute of the raising of the United States flag at Mt. Surburbachi, Iwo Jima in World War II. Tells of his Pima Indian reservation life and pulls no punches as found in this extremely rare and complete Western Magazine.
SOUTAR, Jack * - 1921 - Pictured as winner of the professional court tennis champion after defeating C. J. Fairs in a collage entitled LEADING FIGURES IN VARIOUS FIELDS OF SPORTS as saved from this old American pictorial magazine
SOUTH EMIGRANT TRAIL- 1850 - 80 - Location - Oregon. Named in story about Ben Wright entitled Good Man Turned Rogue" by Marie Schlotfeldt which relates story of one of the greatest of Indian killers. From the time he joined wagon train for Oregon, his name is mentioned as the heroes of a hundred bloody battles and the greatest Indian fighter the Pacific Northwest had ever known as found in this seldom found western magazine.
South Fork, - 1900 era – Location: ID, MT, NV. Story entitled “Two Funerals For Al Hennessy” by Ernest Oberbillig who writes of the pioneer life of Albert Hennessy who founded mining claims such as the Meadow Creek Silver Mines as found in this rare, complete, seldom found western magazine.
SOUTH KOREAN PRINCE MUN-YUN-HUAN * - 1904 - Commander-in-chief of the Korean Army pictured and written about in article entitled "RUSSIAN BITTERNESS TOWARD THE UNITED STATES'". Seems this was the start of the Cold War and Count Cassnii who had labored for good relations was provoked as saved from this American News magazine.
SOUTH LEAD FIRE HOSE TEAM NO. 4 - 1890 era - South Dakota Firemen shown in Historical item entitled "Nozzle Boys In Union Suits" - a true story of fireman in the Black Hills, South Dakota area in pioneer days. Your great grand-daddy might be here
SOUTH PARK STAGE ROAD * - 1864 ERA - LOCATION Colorado - Named in historic story of the purported Confederate Invasion of Colorado by 11 soldiers supposed to be followed by 1,500 Confederates. story entitled $50,000 in Rebel Treasure Awaits You in the Colorado Wilds, by Fred Huston. as found in this complete rare western magazine.
SOUTH PASS - 1850 era. Location CO. KA, MT, NE, WY. Named in story entitled “Homestead Stakes” by Grace Elsie Shippen who tells of story of western pioneers from England who settled in sod houses on the prairie and later moved to the Rockies and their life on the frontier as found in this old, complete western magazine.
SOUTH PASS - 1855 - 61 era. Location MO NE, UT. Site named in story entitled "MARCHING TO ZION IN A CART" by Jackson Moss which states "in the history of the old west, there were no more dedicated settlers than the Mormons in their wild hope to get to Zion. How they did it is related in this old, seldom found complete and unusual western magazine
SOUTH PASS, WYOMING, * - 1830 - 50 era. Location: Ill, NY UT, WY. Named in YOUNG JOSEPH'S STRANGE DREAM by Budington Swanson which details the founding and origination of history of Mormon Church from Western New York and on to Missouri. Rare details of the Mormon religion told in an exciting manner as saved from this rare old complete western magazine.
SOUTH PLATTE RIVER, Colorado Territory - DATE - Indian Wars - SITE - Colorado. Named in story entitled Triangle of Death by Col. Philip M. Schockley which was written as "The Kidder Episode" of tragic end to a mission gallantly attempted but by green officers whose first Indian battle was to be their last as Custer discovered and as found in this old Western Magazine
SOUTH POLE EXPEDITION * - 1922 - Collage and panorama entitled "Artic Expeditions by Discoverer of the South Pole" w pictures of Captain Raold Amundsen of Norway.
SOUTH SIDE RACE TRACK- 1880 - 1910 era - Named in True Story of Race Tracks, Horses and Gamblers of early racing days in the United States. Outlandish tales of thoroughbred race fixes and the Damon Runyon characters who frequent the race tracks as published in this complete and rare western magazine.
SOUTH SIDE SPORTSMAN CLUB * - 1923 - Client named in treasured ad entitled "WHAT IS REAL TREE SURGERY", an ad of the Davey Tree Surgery Company of 2557 Elm Street, Kent, Ohio as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
SOUTH TABLE MOUNTAINS mentioned in "Denver and the Mountains of Gold" By: Barron Kemp
SOUTH ST. LOUIS RACE TRACKS - 1880 - 1910 era - Named in True Story of Race Tracks, Horses and Gamblers of early racing days in the United States. Outlandish tales of thoroughbred race fixes and the Damon Runyon characters who frequent the race tracks as published in this complete and rare western magazine.
SOUTH, John Oliver, Mrs., * - 1920 Era - Recently appointed Chairman of the Woman's Division of the Republican National Committee as published in article entitled PROMINENT LEGISLATORS AND MEMBER OF CABINET as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
SOUTH, Tom reporter from Houston post mentioned in "The Great Galveston Flood" article from old western magazine
SOUTHARD, Henry * Corporal, (Kenly, North Carolina -WW 1 Honor Roll – Killed in Action)
SOUTHBALL MOONSTONE * - Pictured as declared Champion.and best sport dog class in the hounds class in article entitled "Champions" at the Westminster Kennel Club Show in New York. From the Halcyon Kennels of Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Clark of Goshen, New York.
SOUTHERN BEAUTIES OF THE OLDEN TIMES * - 1924 - Ladies celebrating the birthday of Robert E. Lee pictured in group who was represented at the Unveiling of Sculptured face of Robert E. Lee Memorial at Stone Mountain Georgia as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY, * - 1923 - (Dog Team) Pictured as probably the only corporation in the States which employs dog teams for taking supplies to outposts in the high Sierras in article entitled ODD AND AMUSING PHASES OF ANIMAL LIFE as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TRACK STAR MEADOWS, Earle * - 1936 - (of University of Southern California) Track Star pictured SMASHING A STADIUM RECORD as he soars over the bar at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum setting a new record as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, UNIVERSITY FOOTBALL TEAM * - 1932 -Pictorial Article entitled "Southern California 13 - to - 0 Defeat of Notre Dame
SOUTHERN HOTEL, ST. LOUIS - 1880 - 1910 era - Named in True Story of Race Tracks, Horses and Gamblers of early racing days in the United States. Outlandish tales of thoroughbred race fixes and the Damon Runyon characters who frequent the race tracks as published in this complete and rare western magazine.
SOUTHERN PACIFIC EXPRESS - 1880 era, Wrecked in Indian attack as mentioned in the "The Mysterious Gunman". Article by Maurice Kildare. the story of the desperado Joseph Casey who was a slippery customer, lightning fast with a gun and positively talented as an escape artist - until caught and hung as published in an old rare, complete western magazine.
SOUTHERN PACIFIC R.R. COMPANY, 1880 era. Written up in, "The School Teacher who Arrested Geronimo" By: Ed Earl Repp Story of John P. Clum who tamed the wild Apaches and arrested the cunning Geronimo.
SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD - 1880 era – Location AZ, NM, TX – Named in story entitled Undercover Agent for Wells Fargo by Fred Dodge, edited by Carolyn Lake which tell of the life and times of Special Undercover Agent Fred J. Dodge who helped push the bad men out of the Southwest and establish law and order on the western frontier as found in the rare western magazine
SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD * - 1925 - Pictured in article entitled FULL STEAM SIXTY YEARS AGO AND NOW, the first locomotive, C. P. Huntington No. 1 as saved from this old American pictorial magazine
SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY (formerly the H&TC Railroad) referred to in "The Swan Song of Wootan Wells", by: Peggy Joyce Florida as published in this old western magazine
SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY LOCOMOTIVE * - 1890 era - Location: California. Named in story entitled "THE LAST OF THE WEST'S DESPERADOES" by Edward Sullivan which explains some of the anger and hatred that the old settlers had for the railways. When the railroad took the settler's land, their answer was to begin a spate of train robberies as published in this old and complete western magazine.
SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD OREGONIAN * -1923 - Locomotive pictured taking a dive in San Francisco Bay as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD Reno, Nevada mentioned in "Waybills of the Virginia & Truckee RR."
SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD, Written up in, "Texas Cowman 'Shanghai' Pierce" By: Oran Warder Nolen- the true western story of one of the most famous cattlemen of the 1880 era
SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD - 1912 - Location: Ozona, Texas. Named in story entitled "GUNFIGHT ON THE SUNSET LIMITED" by Xanthus Carson- the record of the last attempted train holdup of the Southern and Pacific Railway line and the heroic exploits of David Andred Trousdale, Express manager as published in this old and complete western magazine
SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY mentioned in "The Man Who Made the Salton Sea", by: Leo Rosenhouse
SOUTHERN PACIFIC SAN JOAQUIN TRAIN HOLDUPS * - 1890 ERA - CA. Story entitled THE SAN JOAQUIN TRAIN HOLDUPS with photos furnished by the California State Library. When a number of robberies of the Southern Pacific train occurred, there were mixed feelings. After all, the SP wasn't loved as told in this old complete western magazine.
SOUTHERN, Ann * Movie Star Full Portrait Cover.
SOUTHERN, Peter - 1900 - 1911. Location: AZ Territory, Mexico. Named in story entitled "FACE AT THE WINDOW" by Anna Payne as told to Tom Bailey who prints her story of the murder of her father and mother and the revenge she gained upon the murderer with the help of an unlikely ally, Pancho Villa as found in this 50 year old collectible western magazine in complete and mint condition.
SOUTHERNER, Trade ship CIRCA 1886 - Site : Pacific Coast - Named and pictured in drawing in article entitled "Hidden Treasure off the Pacific Coast" by Leo Rosenhouse. Story of the sidewheel steamer, Brother Jonathan whose Captain went to his death railing against greedy profiteers who overloaded us. Most of the passengers an crew died. Treasure in the hold has never been recovered as described in rare western magazine.
SOUTHHAMPTON, LONG ISLAND * - Pictured as flower seller is little Miss Nora Potter at the Southampton, Long Island Street fair as saved from this American Pictorial Magazine. Mint condition. 11 by 16 inches.
SOUTHWARD, Hazel, Miss. * - 1923 - Shown with her co-pilot, William H. Connor of Topeka, Kansas with airplane they fly daily to work as taken from "News of the Week". as saved from this old American Pictorial Review.
SOUTHWARK CATHEDERAL - 1920 - Pictorial review of funeral of Terence Mac Swiney as Sinn Fein volunteers form a guard of honor on both side of the coffin celebrating the funeral of the late Lord Mayor of Cork who died after a hunger fast of 74 days in a Briton Prison, England as saved from this old American Pictorial double page memorabilia.
SOUTHWESTERN EXPOSITION AND FAT STOCK SHOW * - Pioneer Rodeo Days - Ft. Worth, Texas Rodeo named in history entitled "THE AMERICAN RODEO SPORT AND SPECTACLE" by Willard H. Porter. If your granddaddy made the rodeos, he is probably named here. Lots of pictures and photos of the greatest cowboys, cowgirls and their feats of prowess as appeared in this slick enameled paper complete western magazine.
SOUTHWESTERN RAILROAD mentioned in "The Day The Tombstone Drowned", by Arizona Bob Kubista
SOUTHWICK, James W., Sheriff of Dona Ann County - 1870 - 80 era. Location: New Mexico. Named in story by Philip J. Rasch who writes claiming his story gives an impartial and more accurate account of this historic New Mexico Gunfight which included BILLY THE KID as found in this old, complete western magazine.
SOUYACK, Linda (Librarian for the The Daily Racing Form) - 1974 -75. Location - NY. Named in story of the thoroughbred horse 'RUFFIAN" by Gene Smith of the greatest racing filly of all time who became a legend before and after her untimely death as found in this old, complete American magazine.
SOVIET AND COMMUNISTS LEADERS * - 1921 era - Fantastic review entitled "Leading Figures and Salient Features of the Bolshevist Regime inc., Martens, Tchitcherin, Trotzky, Moses Uritzky w pictures of Soviet Russia in formative days as pictured in American Mag.
SOVIET AND RED ANARCHISTS IN AMERICA * - 1919 as pictured and written up in Pictorial Collage entitled " Raid Upon Headquarters of Radical Elements Charged With Aiming at Overthrow of United States Government". This double page is 22 by 16 inches in great condition saved from old American Magazine.
SOVIET ART * - 1922 - Article entitled "Soviet Art In All It's Glory" as saved from the Letters and Art Section of an old American News Magazine.
SOVIET RUSSIA HELIO STATION * - 1931 - (Samarkand, Russan Turkey) Soviet Russian Helio-Technical Engineer M. Kosmind-Yushenko pictured and written about in story entitled "Soviet Rusia Seeks To Harness the Sunbeam" as saved from an old American Pictorial magazine.
SOWARD, Glen * - Named and pictured as Turtle Member in Historical Piece entitled " The Mighty McClures" a biographical piece about "Jake" McClure and his association with Rodeo Western Stars and their membership in an early organization called "The Turtles" as published in this complete magazine
SOWDER, Clarence * Seaman (Coeur D’ Alene, Idaho –WW 1 Honor Roll – Died of Disease)
SOWEETTE (early 1850's) Brother of Wakara, involved in Walker's War as related in historical story entitled "Wakara, The Mormon Menace". The Mormons tried to make peace with the Utes Indians to no avail and their chief Wakara's efforts to drive them out resulted in "Walker's War" as found in this very rare and seldom read western periodical.
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