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Genealogy Images of History |
Updated:07/31/07 |
* indicates pictured
SAPO, Leodegaria * - Manilla - Featured in Pictorial Collage entitled "Women Prominent in Many Realms of Social and Political Activity" as foreign delegate to Washington Convention at meeting of foreign missionaries.
SAPP, Frank E. * Corporal (Rodney, Michigan –WW 1 Honor Roll – Killed in Action)
SAPPORTAS, Mrs. Martin * - 1924 - Pictured in article entitled "Society Volunteers To Take Part in 'The Miracle'. The group of players representing the patronage of Archbishop Hayes of New York and the school of St. Jean Baptiste have pledged their services to raise funds from the production at Century.
SA-QUA-MI, Chief of the Coquille Indians - 1850 - 70 Circa. Site: CA, MI, NJ, OR, T. Named in story entitled "AN INCREDIBLE JOURNEY TO SAVE A FRIEND" by Harold Wylie who writes of experiences of the T"Vault Expedition - early in the Oregon Indian War history as found in this old, complete, different western magazine.
SARAH ANN HESTER MEMORIAL HOME, Nebraska. 1873 era. Written up in, "John Kleven-Nebraska Pioneer" by Martha E. Lambert - story of settlement of Nebraska town of Culbertson
SARAH BOWMAN'S RESTURANT, YUMA, ARIZONA - 1840 - 60's era. Location - AZ, TN, TX, Mexico. Named in story entitled "THE GREAT WESTERN" by Flora Hicks who writes of the life and times of Sarah Burdette (ne Mrs. Sarah A. Bowman) who, because of her size, was nick-named The Great Western when she served the U. S. Army in various camps and forts - receiving adulation from all - as published in this old and complete western magazine..
SARAMOUCHE * - 1923 - Pictured as star is Alice Terry of "SARAMOUCHE" playing at the George M. Cohen Theatre in headlined ACTRESSES OF STAGE AND SCREEN as saved from this American Pictorial Magazine. Mint condition. 11 by 16 inches.
SARASATE, (World of Music, Munsey's Magazine 1896 - Feature Item)
SARATOGA HANDICAP OF 1923 * - Thoroughbred horse Prince James pictured winning the Saratoga Handicap over Nedna and Dunlin as saved from this American Pictorial Magazine. Mint condition. 11 by 16 inches.
SARATOGA RACE TRACK, NEW YORK * - 1936 - (Saratoga Race Course) - Pictured and named in pictorial story entitled "The Week-End Sports Review" as Granville defeats Discovery as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine. Mint condition. Double page.22 by 14 inches.
SARATOGA RACE TRACK, NEW YORK - 1880 - 1920 - Location Ireland, NV, LA, OH. Named in horse race story entitled RAWHIDE PAYS ITS RESPECTS by Guy Mayo, the story of Riley Grannan, the King of the sport of Kings who is described as a turf plunger as noted for his imperturbability as for the large sums he bet as told in this complete, rare western magazine.
SARAZEN, Gene - 1927 - Location: ENG., SCOTLAND, U.S. Original news story entitled "BOBBY JONES CONQUERS THE GOLF WORLD" which retells the story of his "Calamity Jane" putter and the history of his conquest of St. Andrews where Golf found it's savior as saved from this old American News Magazine.
SARAZEN, Gene * - 1923 - Pictured and named in article entitled " UP AGAINST" with photo playing golf at Hiahleha, Florida with opponent Johnny Farrell as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
SARAZEN, Gene * - 1923 - Pictured in article entitled GOLF, FOOTBALL FIELD AND TRACK EVENTS with headline of Sarazen Defeats Hagen For National Pro Title as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
SARAZEN, Gene * - 1933 - Golf Champion of England and America on Tour
SARAZEN, Gene * - 1934 - Pictured with his bride, the former Miss Mary Peck as the left aboard the Mauretania for England where he will compete for the open golf championship at Hoylake as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
SARAZEN, Gene * - Pictured in Metropolitan Open Golf Championship of 1923 matches between Gene Sarazen, Joe Kirkwood, Jim Barnes and Bob McDonald at the Canoe Brook Country Club at Summit, New Jersey as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
SARCOXIE, John, Captain * - 1820 - 1890 era. Location - Western United States - Named in story entitled Captain Black Beaver (Se-ket-Tu-May-Qua - sometimes spelled Si-ki-to-ker) - by Glen Shirley calling him The Great Delaware, a much sought guide and interpreter. Honored by his tribe in that he was given custody of the famous treaty signed by William Pen and the Chief of the Delaware Tribe at Shackamaxson. as found in rare western magazine. Must read.
SARDINE FISHERIES OF MAINE * - 1912 Pictorial Cover entitled "The Sardines Fisheries - A Leading Summer Industry of Maine."
SARDOU'S THEODORA * - 1921 - Movie flyer headlined THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD HAS BEEN WRITTEN IN LIVE STORIES AND THIS IS ONE OF THEM presented by GOLDWIN at the Astor Theatre, Broadway and Forty-fifth Street in New York as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
SARFATTI, Margherita * - 1934 - Pictured and written about in weekly article entitled THEY STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD as saved from an American News Magazine. She is the official biographer of Premier Mussolini and one of the original Fascists, taking part in the march of the blackshirt on Rome.
SARGEANT, Blill P., * - 1931 - of Martins Creek, Pa., Captain of the Lafayette Wrestling team is pictured in collage entitled "A COLLEGIATE WRESTLING STAR" who is nearing the end of his senior year undefeated as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine. Mint conation. 11 by 14 inches.
SERGEANT, Attorney General of the United States * - 1928 - Pictured in article entitled CABINET MEMBERS ON NEW YEAR'S DAY; HAVING ATTENDED THE PRESIDENT'S ANNUAL RECEPTION as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine
SARGENT, A. A. - Candidate for Congress- 1800 - 1890 era. Site: California. Named in story entitled TAPEWORM, TICKETS & SHOULDER STRIKERS by Richard Reinhardt who writes of many of the shenanigans at the polls in California in the early days and those that participated as found in this complete western magazine.
SARGENT, A. B.. *- 1870 era - Location; New England, NY, NB, WY, UT. Yale University student pictured and named in story entitled PROFESSOR MARSH GOES WEST: THE YALE EXPEDITION which tells of the first American specialist in paleontology, Professor O. C. Marsh and his venture in search of old dinosaur bones as found in the rare and complete western magazine.
SARGENT, - Following Civil War- "The Men in Command of Our Fighting Force". Saturday Evening Post 1901.
SARGENT, Asher, 1851 Era. Written up in, "The Wreck of the Sloop Georgianna" By: Flora Weed Hicks, story of the kidnapping of the Georgianna and crew by the Haida Indians of Queen Charlotte's Islands.
SARGENT, E. Nelson, 1851 Era. Written up in, "The Wreck of the Sloop Georgianna" By: Flora Weed Hicks, story of the kidnapping of the Georgianna and crew by the Haida Indians of Queen Charlotte's Islands.
SARGENT, G. H., - 1925 - Writer for "The Bookman's Journal of London named in American Artist story who announced a request to the executors of is estate "that such of paintings and drawings that do not come to his artistic standards should be destroyed, There follows a discussion of his work, sales, etc. of which very litle was destroyed as saved from this old American magazine
SARGENT, George and Mrs.- 1862 era. Site: Lawrence, KS. Named in story entitled THE DAY QUANTRILL BURNED LAWRENCE by an unnamed author who writes a decidedly negative narrative when Federal troops refused to protect Lawrence, Kansas from Quantrill Raiders as found in this old, rare and complete western magazine.
SARGENT, H. B. * pictured with Marsh on a survey dig in "A Bitter Feud Among the Bones " - the true story of two paleontologists (Doctor Darwin Othniel Marsh) almost fanatical fight and receive credit for discovery of prehistoric Brontops robustus bones as published in old American Magazine.
SARGENT, Harold J. * Lieutenant (Antigo, Wisconsin –WW 1 Honor Roll – Killed in Action)
SARGENT, James - (Passenger Train Conductor - 1894 era ) - " Train That Raced Death ", Hinckley, Minnesota - Old Western Pioneer Story)
SARGENT, John Singer * - 1924 - Featured is a collage of his painting entitled "Notable Portraits by John Singer Sargent, From the Collection of His Works Now on Exhibition in New York City as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
SARGENT, John Singer - 1926 - Named in story entitled "THE PAINTER OF CHILDREN" who the author says Mary Cassatt (1844 - 1926) has the eyes of a painter and in a measure - the mind of a sister of Charity. "She is devoted to her art as if it was a religion. Portraits and prints featured as saved from this old American magazine
SARGENT, John Singer * - A PORTFOLIO OF THREE EXPATRIATES * by Richard Gilman. Paintings with text of John Singer Sargent, James McNeill Whistler and Henry James as published in this old American Hardback Magazine.
SARGENT, John Singer * - Artist and Paintings included in "A Portfolio of Three Expatriates" by Richard Gilman as published in this hardback American magazine.
SARGENT, John Singer - 1928 - Article entitled "Sargent As A Draftsman" with Sargent drawings inc. A Sketch from Nature-Engelsberg-done when Sargent was a boy.
SARGENT, John Singer, - 1840 - 1926 - Site: Western United States. Artist named in THE DUDE FROM LIMERICK, a true story written by Marshall Sprague of the Earl of Dunraven, a wealthy Lord from England who just had to experience the thrills of our pioneer west. He wanted to meet Buffalo Bill, Texas Jack, Kit Carson and lots of Indian Squaws. And he did and this recites those events as published in a rare Western Magazine
SARGENT, John Singer, - 1925 - American Painter named in story entitled THE AMERICANISM OF GEORGE BELLOWS in loving tribute upon "His early death has robbed American Art of one of its most vital forces." Admired American painter as found in this American News Magazine.
SARGENT - 1927 - Named in story entitled 'THE KING OF THE IMPRESS0NISTS GONE" which tells of the life, times, work and death of Claude Monet as it was published and saved from this old American News Magazine
SARGENT, John, Artist - 1923 - mentioned in article entitled "The New Freer Gallery As A Test of Taste" as published in old American News magazine.
SARGENT, John, Attorney-General of the United States * - 1926 - Named in article featuring Colonel William J. Donovan entitled "MORE TRUST BUSTING IN SIGHT" as the Assistant Attorney-General of the United States in charge of "trust" prosecutions under the Coolidge Administration as saved from this old American Newsweek magazine
SARGENT, Mary * - 1934 - American Actress pictured in "No More Ladies" playing at the Morosco Theatre from weekly feature entitled "Stage Attractions of the New Season on Broadway" as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
SARGENT, Winthrop. - Early 1800's - Site: Location - Author of "American State Papers" named in DISENOS, a story by Robert Becker of brave pioneers who settled California during Mexican occupation. Cites requirements - i.e. joining the Catholic Church, pledging to the Mexican Government and becoming a citizen of Mexico as saved from this old American Historical magazine
SAROSKY - 1964 era - Location Yukon River. Miner in story entitled STAMPEDE TOWNS OF THE UPPER YUKON by David Wharton and party inc. photographer Philip Hyde exploring from the Canadian border to Tanana, deep in the hears of Alaska--visiting and reporting on a few surviving relics of the great days of Klondike gold, the boom and bust stampede towns to time has passed by.
SAROYA, Bianca * - 1921 - Soprano Bianca Saroya of the San Carlo Opera Company pictured in article entitled ACTRESSES AND SCENES IN CURRENT PRODUCTION as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
SARPY, John.. - 1860 era - Named in historical story entitled " Fort Laramie" , a Federal Army Outpost in Wyoming and the events that took place here and changed the outcome of the pioneer west as published in this rare of western magazine
SARPY, Peter 1848 - 52. Location: IO, MO, MT, Dakota Territory. Owner of Trading Post named in story entitled "RUDOLPH KURZ" - THE WEST'S FORGOTTEN ARTIST by Wilfred T. Neil who writes that the author Rudolph Kurz was born in Switzerland and traveled to the United States to paint the west. His pictures lay unnoticed in a small museum in Bern until the late David L. Bushell, Jr., discovered them. Old, complete western magazine
SARTARIA - 1900 era - Indiana - Hollywood. 85 Foot Schooner named in story of Charles Frederick Gebhard (or Gebhart) or "Buck Jones - Bona Fide Hero" by Joseph G. Rosa. History of greatest film cowboy of all time. Cowboy, Cavalryman, movie star - it's all here in this little known and seldom found complete western magazine.
SARVELA, John, Blacksmith* - 1930 era. Location – Pacific Coast. Named in story entitled “The Legend of Alexander Peihle” who writes of the life and times of an old sea-faring saloon keeper who supplied his patrons with bootleg whiskey as saved from this old and complete western magazine.
SARVELA, Rudy - 1930 era. Location – Pacific Coast. Named in story entitled “The Legend of Alexander Peihle” who writes of the life and times of an old sea-faring saloon keeper who supplied his patrons with bootleg whiskey as saved from this old and complete western magazine.
SARVIS, J. T. * - 1936 - North Dakota agronomist pictured on cover and identified with Resettlement Administrator Rexford Tugwell with headline entitled THE GOVERNMENT SPEEDS RELIEF FOR DROUGHT SUFFERS along with Governor Tom Welford of North Dakota as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
SASAMOTO, JIrs. Professor * - 1914 - Lecturer on mineralogynamed in article entitled "THE SAKURAJIMA ERUPTION" with a sub-titled of "A Volcanic Outburst That Will Go Down in History" by William L. Schwartz, Seventh Government High School, Kagoshima, Japan as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
SASSE, H. F. - 1923 - Location: 213 Miles South of San Francisco, California. Lieutenant aboard the U S. S. Woodbury named in article entitled "Death of Destroyer Squadron II" by Ben T. Traywick who writes that after the helmsman got the word, the U. S. S. Delphy, experienced small sound like sand moving against the hull -- then a sharp grating of tortured metal followed by chilling reverberating bumps which ended in a hard crash and ended as the worst tragedy of the U. S. Navy history as found in this seldom found western magazine.
SASSER, Charles W., - 1860 - 1870 Era. Author of history entitled PIOCHE, NEVADA - THE BLOODIEST TOWN IN THE OLD WEST who tells the story of this wild west ghost town. Covers entire spectrum where lawlessness ran rampant when gold with the discovery of silver and fights over mining claims were settled in the streets rather in the courts as found in this complete and unusual western magazine.
SASSOON, Siegfried - 1918 - Named in "The Ambassador of the Dead". Subject Lieutenant Robert Nichols who is lecturing in America on English writers as saved from this old American News Magazine.
SASTUDENE Indians,- 1910-20 Circa - Named in autobiography entitled "He Lived With The Barrens" - the life experiences of John Hornby - relates his exploration of the Barrens inc. Great Slave Lake, Baker Lake, Great Bear Lake. Old complete western magazine.
SATAM - 1900 - 1920's. Location: West Central Texas - Horse named in story entitled COWBOYS FROM VOCA by Stella Gibson Polk which is really a chronicle of old rodeo cowboys from central Texas naming the small town rodeos, shows and carnivals they performed in. Great pictures. There is al an especially good index of great bucking horses they used as saved in this old and complete western magazine
SATAN * (Horse of Calamity Jane) - 1850 era - Location: VA and Western United States. Named in story entitled THE REAL CALAMITY JANE by Kathryn Wright of Martha Jane Cannary - called Calamity Jane here and the life of this legendary figure on the pioneer front of the western United States as found in this old and complete western magazine
SATANK *, - 1874 era - Adobe Walls Area - Kiowa Indian Chief named in "Brave and the Bravest !" by Harvey H. Bowers, the story of the heroics of Mrs. William Olds during the Indian attack led by Quanah on the Adobe Trading Post as published in this complete and rare old western magazine
SATANK, Chief - 1850 - 1927 era, Location: MO, OK, TX, VA, WY. Named in story entitled "FRONTIER LAWMAN" by William Gardner Bell who writes of the life and times of U. S. Marshall Frank M. Canton who, in later years, was on the side of the law and earlier was known as Outlaw Joe Horner, the "Lone Highwayman of Texas" as found in this old and complete western magazine.
SATANK, Chief * - 1820 - 1890 era. Location - Western United States - Named in story entitled Captain Black Beaver (Se-ket-Tu-May-Qua - sometimes spelled Si-ki-to-ker) - by Glen Shirley calling him The Great Delaware, a much sought guide and interpreter. Honored by his tribe in that he was given custody of the famous treaty signed by William Pen and the Chief of the Delaware Tribe at Shackamaxson. as found in rare western magazine. Must read.
SATELLITE (Ship) - 1859 era, Site: British Columbia, Canada, Oregon, Washington Territory. Named in story entitled "THE PIG WAR" by C. J. Line that involved the British and U. S. Government over a disputed boundary line between Canada and Oregon - all started by a pig as told in this very rare, complete western magazine.
SATERLEE HOSPITAL, Philadelphia - 1890 era - Western U. S. A. Named in this biography of Captain John Wallace Crawford, entitled, "Captain Jack, The Poet Scout", and here the author, Paul T. Nolen, recites the history of this western scout and acquaintance of Buffalo Bill who went from scouting to acting to writing as published in this complete western magazine
SATILLO, MEXICO, (1840-66 era – Location: AZ, CA, TX, Mexico). Mentioned in “Texas Had The First WAC,” by A. A. McDonald. The story of Mrs. Sarah Borginnis “Great Western,” who won fame at Fort Brown and the Battle of Buena Vista and after the Mexican War was brevetted a Colonel, as published in this complete old western magazine
SATOH, Jiro * - 1933 - Japanese Davis Cup tennis player pictured defeating Germany in straights sets in Berlin in the International Tennis Competition in an American Pictorial magazine page.
SATOH, Jiro at the WIMBLEDON WORLD'S TENNIS CONGRESS * - 1933 - Japanese Tennis Star participant pictured in Pictorial article entitled "THE WORLD'S TENNIS CONGRESS; ACTION AT WIMBLEDON" as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
SATTLER, Otto Voit H Troop - 7th Cavalry Regiment under Custer 1876. Congressional Medal of Honor Winner written up in "Under A Most Calling Fire" by Howard Peterson. History of the Congressional Medal of Honor. Old and rarely found Western magazine.
SATURDAY EVENING POST Ads - 1902 -As saved from an old American News Magazine soliciting boys to sell magazines.
SATURN OBSERVER, Doctor Anton WEBER * - (of Germany) 1933 - Pictured in article entitled THE SPOT ON SATURN: AN ASTRONOMICAL WONDER who was "THE GERMAN OBSERVER OF THE PHENOMENON" to observe the white spot on the the Planet. Mint condition. 10 by 14 inches.
SAUCER, William A. * Corporal (Kansas City, Montana –WW 1 Honor Roll – Killed in Action)
SAUFLEY, W. P., Written up in, "Cullen Baker-First of the Gunfighters", By: Carl W. Breihan - Story of notorious Easter Texas Desperado in the 1880 era.
SAULICH, Milo - 1880 - 1920 - and his woodchoppers (Mile 451) named in this story of the heroic men who braved the narrow gauges entitled "THE TANANA VALLEY NARROW GAUGE RAILWAY" that extended from Fairbanks, Alaska down to Chena Slough. Names, stops, engines, pictures all here as found in this complete western magazine.
SAULS, Mrs. M. L. * (SC) - 1927 - Pictured with her dad, the Governor of South Carolina, her mother and siblings on the day of his Inauguration as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
SAULT, STE. MARIE, SOO CANAL * - 1917 - Article entitled "COMPLETING THE WORLD'S BUSIEST WATERWAY" - The Fourth Lock at SDault Ste. Marie by Herbert T. White as saved from this old American Scientific magazine.
SAUNDERS MEMORIAL MUSEUM - 1900's - Location: Berryville, Arkansas. Subject of "The Guns of Colonel Saunders" by Carl W. Breihan. Description and pictures of item of the Charles Burton Saunders' gun collection which can also be seen at the Saunders Memorial Museum in Berryville, Arkansas. As published in this old rare and complete western magazine.
SAUNDERS, Ab. - Pioneer West Era. Location - Western United States. Named in story entitled CATTLE KINGS by George A. Wallis who writes of the lives of those men who took two elements - livestock and the range - each as wild as the other and refused to quit until they established the great ranches of the west as published in this old western magazine. Part 1
SAUNDERS, Big John mentioned in "The Rich Golden Gulches Of Montana" article from old western magazine
SAUNDERS, Charles Burton,* "Buck" - 1900's - Location: Berryville, Arkansas. Subject of "The Guns of Colonel Saunders" by Carl W. Breihan. Description and pictures of item of the Charles Burton Saunders' gun collection which can also be seen at the Saunders Memorial Museum in Berryville, Arkansas. As published in this old rare and complete western magazine.
SAUNDERS, George "Jerry" - Judge * and family (sons George and daughter Polly , - 1870 era - "AN INTERRUPTED LYNCHING" as saved from this old American magazine of 1894. Eye witness report as authored by J. G. FOWLER (Chairman of the Jumped Claim Committee). Story about the Osage City Club of Osage, Kansas. The club was formed about 1870 as the primary settlers who ran the town through the Club "Sheriff" and "Judge".
SAUNDERS, George. - 1900 era - . President of the Trail Drivers Association named in Colonel Jack Potter's "CATTLE TRAILS OF THE OLD WEST" with picture and maps naming pioneer experiences of the most famous and even the little known cattle trails of Texas, Kansas, Colorado. Complete description of trails while relating stories of origins, hands, drivers, drovers as published in this complete and seldom found western magazine.
SAUNDERS, Gertrude Bowers, Wife of Charles B. Saunders - 1900's - Location: Berryville, Arkansas. Subject of "The Guns of Colonel Saunders" by Carl W. Breihan. Description and pictures of item of the Charles Burton Saunders' gun collection which can also be seen at the Saunders Memorial Museum in Berryville, Arkansas. As published in this old rare and complete western magazine.
SAUNDERS, Helen - 1847 era, Location: OR. Named in story entitled DAY OF MASSACRE by Paul T. Scott who tells of the Whitman massacre at Waiilatpu Mission in Oregon - a true story of the true brutality of some of the American Indians along the Oregon trail as found in this 50 year old, complete, western magazine.
SAUNDERS, J. H. SNOWMOBILE INVENTION * - 1925 - Pictorial collage and text entitled "THE SNOW MOTOR MAKES ITS DEBUT ON SWITZERLAND PEAKS". Called a "Snow-Motor", this was the invention of G. Scott of Detroit and began the current innovation of travel by snow-mobiles as pictured and saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
SAUNDERS, J. W. Private - mentioned in "The Nine Lives of Captain Frank Jones" by Tom Bailey and Ralph J. Weaver. The story of lawman and Texas Ranger Frank Jones on the western frontier in the 1870 era.
SAUNDERS, Lloyd - 1890 - 1930 ERA Indian Chief named in the Autobiography of Milt Hinkle entitled "Dodging A Necktie Party Was 90 % of the Fun" with pictures and names of stars of the Rodeo, Circus and Western performers he starred with as published in this rare magazine.
SAGER, Mr. - (Schoolteacher father of Helen Saunders) - 1847 era, Location: OR. Named in story entitled DAY OF MASSACRE by Paul T. Scott who tells of the Whitman massacre at Waiilatpu Mission in Oregon - a true story of the true brutality of some of the American Indians along the Oregon trail as found in this 50 year old, complete, western magazine.
SAUNDERS, PETER * - 1926 - Artist named in pictorial collage entitled "American Painters Found New Art Colony in Cagnes, France" with collage of local scenes and American painters. Mint condition. 11 by 14 inches.
SAUNDERS, William H. * Private (Garvin, Iowa WW 1 Honor Roll - Died of Wounds)
SAUNDERS, William * - 1931 - Pictured on cover entitled THE 1931 HEALTH CHAMPIONS OF THE COUNTRY are Miss Gertrude Heikes of Dakota County, Nebraska and William Sanders of Johnson County, Indiana who took first honors at the 4-H Club Congress in Chicago as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
SAUSALITO, Battle of * - 1840 - 1890. Sites: CA, MS,MO,WY,OR. Named in biography of General John Charles Freemont entitle FREEMONT; A VERY STUBBORN MAN who saved California for the Union and aptly named as a United States Pioneer Hero as found in this very rare and complete western magazine
SAUTER, Lawrence * - 1934 - (of Hopkins, Minnesota) Picture entitled "A COMMUNITY OBSERVATORY AT A COST OF $35" " as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
SAUVIE'S ISLAND mentioned in 1840 era - Story entitled "The Star of Oregon" by Patrick A. Hall published in old Western Magazine. A fantastic true story about the plan, construction and sailing of the fore and after ship named The Star of Oregon. Rare history of Oregon seldom found and rarely read.
SAVAGE MINES, VIRGINIA CITY. - 1914 era. Location: Western United States. Named in the history of the circumstances of the construction of the transcontinental telephone system by THEODORE N. VAILl which was completed across the United States on June 17, 1914 as reported in this complete western magazine.
SAVAGE SAM - Austin, Texas. Book written by Fred Gipson named in publication entitled GOODBYE FRED of graveside tribute by Frank Wardlaw, Director of the University of Texas Press upon the death of legendary western author, - as found in this old and complete western magazine
SAVAGE, Eliza James Savage's wife mentioned in "Mariposa, City Of Twenty Sins" article from old western magazine
SAVAGE, G. L. - 1879 - 1930 era. Location: OK. Author of story entitled "CHEROKEE KID FROM OOLOGAH" who writes of the early life of Will Rogers, American's beloved cowboy comedian in OOLOGAH and his days at Kemper Military Academy as published in this old and complete western magazine
SAVAGE G. L. * - 1860 - 1900 era. Site: IL, KA, OK. Author of story entitled PAWNEE BILL "LITTLE GIANT OF OKLAHOMA" who writes of the personal experiences of Major Gordon W. "Pawnee Bill" Lillie as a western legend of the pioneer era as found in this old and complete western magazine.
SAVAGE, James D. Major mentioned in "Mariposa, City Of Twenty Sins" article from old western magazine
SAVAGE, James W., Judge - 1880 - 1900 - Site WESTERN STATES. Named in biography entitled THE FLOWER CHILD IN THE WEST where this gay actor lectured in fancy black velvet knee breeches and black silk hose to the rowdies of the western frontier as told in this western magazine
SAVAGE, Joe - 1862 era. Site: Lawrence, KS. Named in story entitled THE DAY QUANTRILL BURNED LAWRENCE by an unnamed author who writes a decidedly negative narrative when Federal troops refused to protect Lawrence, Kansas from Quantrill Raiders as found in this old, rare and complete western magazine.
SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, ELBA ISLAND LIGHTHOUSE * - 1931 - Miss Florence Martus identified in article entitled "THE FAMOUS WAVING GIRL OF SAVANNAH HARBOR QUITS HER POST" who, it is claimed waved her lamp for 41 years to every ship that entered or left the Georgia Port passing by Elba Island Lighthouse as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
SAVOLDI, "Jumping Joe" * - 1931 - Former Notre Dame All American pictured and named in article entitled "AN ALL-AMERICAN BEAUTY IN THE CAULIFLOWER PATCH" who made his Professional Wrestling Debut over Abie Coleman in Los Angeles as saved from this old American pictorial magazine
SAVOLDI, '"Jumping Joe" * - 1931 - Pictured written about in article entitled ""JUMPING JOE" SHOWS HOW HE GOT HIS NAME", Star Fullback of the 1930 Notre Dame Football Team giving some pointers to his younger brother, Clem as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
SAVOLDI, 'Clay * - 1931 - Brother of "Jumping Joe" Savoldi, he is pictured written about in article entitled ""JUMPING JOE" SHOWS HOW HE GOT HIS NAME", Star Fullback of the 1930 Notre Dame Football Team gaining some pointers as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
SAVOLDI, Joe * - 1931 - Famed Notre Dame fullback will try his hand at wrestling as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
SAWICKI, Judy Sanders - Author - A SELDOM SEEN AND RARELY READ history entitled "Bill Pickett-Brazen Bulldogger"- a black man for whom color was no barrier. 101 Ranch History.
SAWING MACHINE PATENT * of WILLSON, H. F. - 1857 - Elyria, Ohio - Patent awarded entitled "WILLSON'S SAWING MACHINE" with text explanation of workings and engraving.
SAWNG MACHINE PATENT * of BATCHELDER, J. H. - 1858 - Rome, Michigan - Patent awarded entitled "BATCHELDER'S SAWING MACHINE" with massive text and engraving.
SAWKEE INDIANS - 1811 era - Location: MO, NE, SD. - Named in Western River Story entitled KEELBOAT MARATHON by Max von Kreisler who tells the story of Manual Lisa, a river boat captain in a race for the early fur industry on the Missouri River. His competitor was the American Fur Company headed by John Jacob Astor as found in this old and complete western magazine
SAWTELLE, CALIFORNIA GRAVESITE OF NICHOLAS PORTER EARP * - 1870 era - Named in THOSE MARRYIN' EARP MEN - a family history of one of the pioneer families of the old west as found in this complete western magazine
SAWTOOTH Mountains, Texas - site of true story entitled "STALKING THE UNKNOWN" by C. O. Finley about the discovery of a rare species of bear (named the Ursus Harriaelus Texensis or Texas Grizzly discovered in 1900 in the Davis Mountains of Texas.
SAWYER of the FOREST CITY TEAM OF ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS OF 1870 * - Center fielder shown in pictorial collage entitled "FAMOUS TEAMS OF EARLY DAYS AND NOTED VETERANS" and named as one of the celebrated teams of the 70's as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
SAWYER, A. P., Jr. * Private, (Brookfield, Mass. -WW 1 Honor Roll -Died of Wounds)
SAWYER, Arthur B. * Private. Key West, Florida. WW 1 Honor Roll – Killed in Action
SAWYER, Charles A., - 1875 - Location: West Coast. Captain of the "ORPHEUS" named in story entitled "THE MYSTERIOUS RAMMING OF THE PACIFIC" by T. W. Patterson of a floating coffin named the "Pacific" which was rammed by an unidentified steamer (later named as the American Ship Orpheus) which left the scene and passengers to die as found in this old and complete western magazine.
SAWYER, Charles P., - Art Critic, New York Evening Post - mentioned in 1920 Theatre Ad for "A Musical Extravaganza of the Orient" as appeared in a American Periodical.
SAWYER, Claude - 1900 ERA - Named in this great piece of rodeo history entitled WINNING OR LOSING by Milt Hinkle. Hinkle was a champion bull-dogger who took home many a ribbon. Of course, he also took home a gal named Mildred who even rivaled his take among the goodies and prizes of the rodeo. Indexed as found in old Western magazine.
SAWYER, Eugene T. * - 1902 - Pictured and featured in article entitled THE CONFESSIONS OF A DIME NOVELIST. Called "the king of dime novelists", the author Mr. Gelett Burgess of San Francisco, California for exploring his method and explanation of his work as saved from this American News Magazine.
SAWYER, Grant - 1890 era. Location: AK, CA, OH. Clamper named in story entitled "THE ROISTEROUS RED SHIRTS OF THE GOLD RUSH COUNTRY" - a history of the old hard nosed black-hatted miners of the old west called "Clampers" who dressed up in "Red Shirts" and initiated green horn miners in their wiley ways as published in this old and complete western magazine
SAWYER, H. J. - 1890 era - Named in "The Chile Line is Dead, the official name of the Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad was affectionately called the "Chile Line" and is still remember as God's gift to the Sangre De Christo.. Here is it's history as found in this unusual and complete western magazine in mint condition
SAWYER, Ivy * - 1925 - Named as the co-star of the new musical comedy, MAYFLOWERS and pictured in article entitled STAGE STARS GLEAMING BEHIND THE FOOTLIGHTS OF YULETIDE as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
SAWYER, John B.,. - 1900 - Site: Galveston, Texas. Father of Mrs. Clarence Howth named in story entitled WHEN THE HURRICANE STRUCK, a compelling recital of the Hurricane that wrecked Galveston. Details that were not available before when a Galveston weatherman, John D. Blagden, had become increasingly concerned about a tropical cyclone over the tepid Gulf of Mexico. Fascinating. Hard back complete magazine
SAWYER, L. S. B. - 1830 - 1860 - Named in story entitled GUN KING OF THE WEST by Lee A. Silva who says Sam Colt could've had it all - the entire U.S. Gun Making business - except for one fateful day in 1855 when he picked the wrong man to throw out of his office. Fantastic true story as found in the complete and seldom found Western Magazine.
SAWYER, Lemuel - 1800 - 1840's era. Location: NC, TX.- Named in story entitled "THE ENIGMA OF TEXAS BOB PORTER by Calvin Jarrett who writes of the left and times of Robert "Bob" Porter who was a politician and legislator in North Carolina and Texas as published in this old and complete western magazine
SAWYER, Ova Lee Peery Author "The Tarkington's of Tennessee". Genealogy of John G. Tarkington.
SAWYER, Ruth Alger, Miss * - 1922 - to wed Mr. A. M. Cochran, is pictured with announcement of marriage in article entitled "Bevy of June Brides In Their Wedding Raiment" as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine
SAXON, Marie * - 1924 - Pictured and named as star of "MR. BATTLING BUTLER" appearing at the Selwyn Theatre as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
SAXON, Marie * - 1926 - Featured as leading actress in musical comedty "The Ramblers" playing at the Lyric Theatre as written up in article entitled WHERE ALL THE WORLD IS MIRRORED ON THE NEW YORK STAGE as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
SAXON, Marie * - 1923 featured in "Battling Butler" pictured in article entitled "Actresses in Current Place" as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
SAXONY, GERMANY * - 1920 - Pictured and story entitled MODERN GERMAN ROBBER BARON FINALLY CAPTURED as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
SAY WHEN starring VINTON, Doris * - 1928 - Pictured is the star Doris Vinton of "SAY WHEN", playing at the Morosco Theatre in a pictorial page entitled BROADWAY'S SUMMER THEATRE SEASON IN FULL SWING as saved from this old American pictorial magazine
SAY WHEN starring ALDEN, Jane * - 1928 - Pictured is the star Jane Alden appearing in "SAY WHEN", playing at the Morosco Theatre in a pictorial page entitled BROADWAY'S SUMMER THEATRE SEASON IN FULL SWING as saved from this old American pictorial magazine
SAYER, Daniel J. . - 1880 Era -. Named in Biographical history entitled "Midas of the Mountain" of John D. Morrisey. a mining magnet who couldn't read or write or tell the time of day but had one successful venture after another in the mine fields of Colorado as published in this complete western magazine
SAYER, Louis C. * Private (Vergas, Minn.) WW 1 Honor Roll – Died of Wounds)
SAYERS, Evelyn * - 1925 - Pictured in Review entitled " PLAYERS FEATURED IN THE NEWEST BROADWAY OFFERINGS" with scenes from movie "LEAVE IT TO ME", a musical comedy version of William Collier's Never Say Die which will open Broadway soon as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
SAYRE, Theodore Burt * - 1907 - Article entitled "Some Budding American Playwrights" reporting on best of upcoming playwrights as saved from the Letters and Art Section of this old American News Magazine.
SAZERAC SALOON, Virginia City owned by Tom Peasley who was foreman of Hook and Ladder Com. No. 1- 1890 era true western story entitled "Early Day Fire Departments" by D. Cerneri - a history of "hook and ladder" fire stations and their competition around the west.
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