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Genealogy Images of History |
Updated:07/20/07 |
* indicates pictured
RANCE, Bill * - 1864 - 1920 ERA - Great Falls. Montana Native named in Story entitled " Charles Marion Russell - Supreme Master of Western Art by Tana Mac. Author says Russell was known and loved as a great artist throughout the world as published in this old western magazine.
RANCH , C. HAND in PINE VALLEY - 1916 era - Named in the story of "Harry W. Webb entitled "Mad-Dog Trapping in Nevada", who, with a couple of other trappers hired by the United States Government, saved the communities of the old west. Seems that wild animals ravaged by rabies threatened the west. Story after story of trapper stories -- of a different kind of conflict in the wild west as published in western magazine
RANCH - L.T.D. . Ranch - 1905 era - Named in a story entitled "Rough String Rider" by Milt Hinkle of ranch life including breaking horses in 1906 in the early west as published in this old western magazine.
RANCH - Long S. Ranch - 1905 era - Named in a story entitled "Rough String Rider" by Milt Hinkle of ranch life including breaking horses in 1906 in the early west as published in this old western magazine.
RANCH - Masked O Ranch - 1905 era - Named in a story entitled "Rough String Rider" by Milt Hinkle of ranch life including breaking horses in 1906 in the early west as published in this old western magazine.
RANCH LIFE IN THE GREAT SOUTHWEST (Movie) - Written about in "Tom Mix: Budding Western Star" By: Robert S. Birchard - the story of Tom Mix's years 1910 - 1917 at Selig-Polyscope where he achieved an authentic taste of cowboy Americana.
RANCHERO GRANDE * - 1880 era. Location, Ft. Worth, Texas. Story of Tom Waggoner entitled RANCHERO GRANDE by William CX Hancock and Wylie W. Bennett, Sr. Covers the history of this Ft. Worth Horseman who was responsible for the founding of Texas Thoroughbred Racing. He and his brother set about to develop the greatest ranch in the west only to be foiled by a detested ocean of oil as published in this seldom found western magazine.
RANCHO BOAQUEJO Wooded Place, Referred to in "Peter Lassen: The Great Chief" by Ethel Bangert - 1840 era of the story of a stubborn Dane who would not let the wilderness defeat him. Founded the Lassen Trail across the High Sierras as published in this old and rarely found Western magazine.
RANCHO de LOS YUMAS * - 1917 era. Location: Death Valley". Named in story of Explorer Harvey Hardy who was hired to find lead in Death Valley. He found an old Frenchman named John LeMoigne who discovered lead in the Cottonwood Canyon section of the Panamint Mountains and followed his tracks in an Overland Touring Car Model 75 B. This is a chronicle of that trip as published in this complete rare western magazine
RANCHO GRANDE, Written up in, "Texas Cowman 'Shanghai' Pierce" By: Oran Warder Nolen- the true western story of one of the most famous cattlemen of the 1880 era
RANCHO OMOCHUMNES - 1850 era - Location: Coloma, California Jared Shelton's land grant - Named in "Blood on the Consumnes" by Rupert Edring. In a losing battle to Central waters of the Consumnes River, armed miners far outnumbered the farmers.. As published in this old rare and complete western magazine.
RANCHO SANTE CRUZ - 1861 - 64 - TEXAS.. Named in story entitled LOST SINGER SEWING MACHINE TREASURE by Ford Green. The author claims that somewhere along the 450 year old Long White Island called Padre is the lost treasure of the fortune of John Singer as related in this complete western magazine.
RANCK, Roberta C., Miss, * - 1931 - Member of the Philadelphia Turngemeinde Team and National AAU Women's Gymnast All Around Champion pictured in article and named in published feature as saved from this old American pictorial magazine
RAND DEVELOPMENT MINING COMPANY STOCK OF CALIFORNIA * - 1890 - 1910 CIRCA - Story entitled " Getting On A Big Bonnaza" a look at the days when "dividend dreams' wound up as wallpaper but now some of these are Collector's Items as written up in this rare western magazine.
RAND MINING DISTRICT, * - 1890 era - Location CA, NV, NY - Named in story written by Roberta M. Starry about the boss of the mine, Doctor Rose La Mont Burcham who ran the Mine with a firm hand and made it successful as found in this old, rare, complete western magazine .
RAND, Ayn - 1935 - Named author in Stage Review entitled "NIGHT OF JANUARY 16TH" presented at the Ambassador Theatre with picture and scenes of cast members, as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
RAND, C. R., - 1916 era - Nevada Rancher named in the story of "Harry W. Webb entitled "Mad-Dog Trapping in Nevada", who, with a couple of other trappers hired by the United States Government, saved the communities of the old west. Seems that wild animals ravaged by rabies threatened the west. Story after story of trapper stories -- of a different kind of conflict in the wild west as published in western magazine
RAND, Florence * - 1931 - Pictured with his co-stars, Roy Mace, Adele Sanderson, Norman Oberg, Gretchen Haller and Dorothy Johnson in a scene from the opera "THE VENETIAN GLASS NEPHEW", playing at the Vanderbilt Theatre in the weekly featured IN THE BROADWAY PLAYS as saved from this American pictorial magazine
RAND, Mrs. E. D. - as mentioned in - 1901 - Congressional Church Minister, George Davis Herron, Professor of Applied Christianity at Grinnell College as written up in National News Magazine.
RAND, Sally. - 1860 - 80 era. Location CO: Named in story entitled GUN AND GHOSTS OF DEAD MEN by Raymond W. Thorp which covers weapons that have take a human life inc. guns of Liver-Eating Johnson, Pack Saddle Ben Geenough *, Espinsosa, the Mexican outlaw, Tom Tobin, Mariano Modeno's Hawken's Rifle, with picture of John Raymond Thorp holding the gun with which Jonathan Wiggins killed an Arapaho Indian Chief as published in this complete, old western magazine.
RANDALL Captain mentioned in "Idaho Volunteers and the Nex Perce. 1877 era. True historical story of Colonel Edward V. McConville, Commander of Company I, First Regiment, Idaho Volunteer Militia as found in the rare, complete old western magazine.
RANDALL, Alder - Mayor of Tombstone - 1800 era. Site: AZ, MO, TN, IRELAND. Named in this story entitled 'JOHNNY BEHAN OF TOMBSTONE" by Glenn G. Boyer who writes that Sheriff "Johnny" Tombstone was in constant conflict with Wyatt Earp and the resultant story as published in this old and complete western magazine
RANDALL, Bernard * - 1925 - Pictured in Movie Review entitled "ADVENTURES IN THE MYSTIC MAZES OF CELLULOID LAND" with scenes from movie "PRETTY LADIES" coming soon with pictures and scenes of cast , as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
RANDALL, Brigadier General Made Infantry Captain Following Civil War- "The Men in Command of Our Fighting Force". Saturday Evening Post 1901.
RANDALL, Charles A., - 1800 era. Site: AZ, MO, TN, IRELAND. Named in this story entitled 'JOHNNY BEHAN OF TOMBSTONE" by Glenn G. Boyer who writes that Sheriff "Johnny" Tombstone was in constant conflict with Wyatt Earp and the resultant story as published in this old and complete western magazine
RANDALL, Glenn - Horse trainer named in massive story entitled "MOVIE HORSES - THE TREATMENT AND TRAINING OF AS GOOD AS ACTORS AS HOLLYWOOD EVER PRODUCED" includes history of great horses in the movies as found in this very rare, complete western magazine.
RANDALL, John * - 1921 - Pictured in collage entitled LITTLE OLD NEW YORK LEADING PLAYERS AND STRIKING SCENES IN NEW DRAMAS are pictures of reproduction of famous characters in the play as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
RANDALL, Marie * - 1926 - Pictured in pictorial collage entitled "Dallas, Texas, Selects Its Prettiest High School Girls" as beauty queen of Forest High School in Dallas, Texas. Mint condition. 14 by 16 inches.
RANDALL, Mrs.* - Early 1900 era. SITE IDAHO, KENTUCKY. Named in history entitled THE LAND OF WILD HORSES, BREATHING WELLS, AND HEARTBREAK -- the story of Ruben and Mary Claunch and their pioneer days in the area of Big Butte where they battled snow, cold, rattlesnakes, snow blindness while settling a homestead and raising a family as found in this seldom read western magazine.
RANDALL, Representative * - 1921 - Representative in Congress from the Pacific Coast debating the Japanese immigration question as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
RANDALL, Sam (First Officer) mentioned in "Death On The River", by: Bob Young
RANDALL, Victor * - Early 1900 era. SITE IDAHO, KENTUCKY. Named in history entitled THE LAND OF WILD HORSES, BREATHING WELLS, AND HEARTBREAK -- the story of Ruben and Mary Claunch and their pioneer days in the area of Big Butte where they battled snow, cold, rattlesnakes, snow blindness while settling a homestead and raising a family as found in this seldom read western magazine.
RANDALL, Jr., W. D., - Named in story entitled THE KING AND I HAVE THE BOWIE KNIFE by Raymond W. Thorp of the making of the real Bowie Knife in an obscure little blacksmith shop in Arkansas owned by James Black with pictures of weapon owned by Thorp and King Faisal II of Iraq and the history of the two men and their love for the Bowie knife as found in this old, complete western magazine
RANDALL, Walt - 1890 - 1900's era. Location - AZ, KA, OK.- Named in story entitled "STRAWBERRY, ARIZONA" by Dave Hopkins whose family help to settle Strawberry, Arizona and recites here the history and genealogy of the early pioneers as published in this old, complete western magazine
RANDALL, Winifred, Miss * (of England) - 1921 - Pictured and named in article entitled "BEAUTY CONTEST WINNERS AND STAGE AND OPERATIC NOTABLES NOW IN THE NEWS" as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
RANDALLS ISLAND MUNICIPAL STADIUM * - 1936 - Story entitled New York's $60,300,000 Triborough Bridge dedicated by the President of the United Stats. Double page. 22 by 14 Collage of pictures and text.
RANDLE, E. B. Attorney, Named in FT. WORTH, TEXAS SPRING PALACE HISTORY, as found in this complete western magazine.
RANDLES, Thomas B. * - 1928 - Pictured in article entitled "THE GOVERNMENT'S NEW STAMP-SELLING Machine" is Thomas B. Randles, Assistant Postmaster as saved old American Pictorial magazine
RANDOLF, Anders * in SEVEN KEYS TO BALDPATE * - 1925 - Pictured in Movie Review entitled "DOUGLAS MACLEAN ROMPS THROUGH SEVEN KEYS TO BALDPATE" with scenes from movie of cast members, a caricature by Fowler as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
RANDOLPH MACON WOMEN'S COLLEGE, Lynchburg, Virginia * - 1926 - Pictured in article entitled "May Day In The Old Dominion; The Queen and Her Court as saved from this American Pictorial magazine.
RANDOLPH, Asa Philip -1942 - "White Man's War - Black Hero" as published in this National News Magazine. (President of Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters).
RANDOLPH, Edmond - 1860 - 1870's - Location: California - Named in "The San Francisco Diamond Hoax". Seems Asbury Harpending was a central figure in the attempt fo bring California into the Confederacy but he made more news as an accomplish in the Great Diamond Hope as found in this complete old western magazine.
RANDOLPH, Ensign George F., - 1924 - (Banned by Ebay) - Pictorial Story entitled "The Invisible Empire Made Visible in Part" showing Klansmen on Memorial Day being led by District Kleagle L. E. Bell to unveil monument to Ensign George F. Randolph at Tuckerton, N. J.
RANDOLPH, Percilla L., Mrs. * - 1934. Pictured and written about in weekly article entitled THEY STAND OUR FROM THE CROWD as saved from this national American News magazine. She has been newly-elected as the President of the National Association of Women Lawyer. She was raised on a farm in Ohio, graduated from the University of Southern California Law School and is campaigner for women's rights.
RANDON, Ensign - 1813 era - Survivor of massacre named in rare story seldom found in old western complete magazine entitled THE FORT MIMS MASSACRE by Vincent McGee with illustrations by B. J. McCausey which seems forgotten in history but tells of great Shawnee Indian Chief Tecumseh who declared that the U. S. A. was the property of Indians and he delegated his warrior as "Red Sticks" under Chief Red Eagle (Lamochatte) to take Fort Mims which he did.
RANGELAND JUSTICE WAS WITHOUT MERCY * - 1872 - Location Montana - True story entitled RANGELAND JUSTICE WAS WITHOUT MERCY by Delbert G. Volk of Montana settlers who had to hang their cannibal friend, guide Ross Tatum, quickly to prevent unspeakable slaughter as published in this very rare and unusual complete western magazine.
RANGELEY LAKES, MAINE. *, 1933 - Pictorial page showing an aerial view in the New England Resorts Section of an old American Pictorial Magazine
RANGER (steamboat) mentioned in "Death On The River", by: Bob Young
RANGER PEAK mentioned in NANCY PARKER - A LADY BACKED TO THE WALL", by Juanita Daniel Zachry
RANGER, Captain Richard * - (Inventor of Perfecting Scratchless Phonograph Records) - 1936 - Pictorial collage entitled "News of Scientific and Engineer Progress" showing inventions of the times.
RANGER, Jim Gillett * - 1870 -80 era. Location TX, NM - Story entitled "RANGER JIM GILLETTE - TEXAS TOWN TAMER" by Wayne T. Walker who writes the history of this great Texas Ranger Lawman, Jim Gillette and his exploits that made him respected by many and feared by the bad guy as published in this rare and seldom found complete western magazine.
RANGERS AND SOVEREIGNTY, (book reference), "Nine Years Among the Indians - 1870-79" by Herman Lehmann, article from old western magazine, 2 parts
RANIER, Al. - 1900's era - Site - Utah - Named in "The Different World Of Matt Warner" by Gale R. Rhoades. After living the life of outlaw, Warner became a good citizen serving as Deputy Sheriff, Justice of the Peace, detective and night watchman as published in a complete, seldom found old western magazine.
RANK, Joseph * - 1934 - Britain's Rags-to-Richest Man featured in picture and text entitled " England's Richest Man" as saved from an old American Pictorial Magazine feature, "Footnotes On A Week's Headliners" by Omar Hite. Single page is 9 3/4 by 13 1/4 inches in mint condition.
RANK, Mary (Miss) * - 1933 - Picture entitled "There's Many A Slip" as she takes a tumble in the Drexel Institute Olympic Day as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
RANK, Judge mentioned in "The Enigmatic Ferd Patterson" article from old western magazine
RANKIN - 1900's - Location: CA, OK, TX, - Member of Kelly and Collins Posse named in THE RETURN OF JIM McKINNEY - Co authored by Raymond Thorpe and William B. Secrest. Story of a sadistic and unpredictable man name of Jim McKinney who eluded his pursers and reached freedom in Mexico but came back to California. and folks braced himself for their return as published in this old, complete western magazine
RANKIN, David * Perdue End All American Football Team's National Magazine Ranking. 1939
RANKIN, Doris * 1921 - Wife of John Barrymore appearing in "Jim The Penman as saved from this old American News Magazine Article entitled Actresses and Striking Scenes in Current Plays.. Page is in mint condition and is 11 by 16 inches in size.
RANKIN, Ira P. - Candidate for Congress - 1856 - 1800 - 1890 era. Site: California. Named in story entitled TAPEWORM, TICKETS & SHOULDER STRIKERS by Richard Reinhardt who writes of many of the shenanigans at the polls in California in the early days and those that participated as found in this complete western magazine.
RANKIN, Jeanette (of Montana) - 1925 - Pictured in this article entitled "WOMAN WHO HELP BOSS UP" who the author says are the women of importance in the United States in the year 1925. Many were presidential appointees and those that influence "politics behind the scenes" as saved from this old American magazine
RANKIN, Lucinda* - 1847 - 1901 Era. Location Colorado, Ohio.. Named in story entitled FATHER DYER - THE SNOWSHOE ITINERANT by Harry E. Chatfield of a circuit preacher outfitted in buffalo-skin and snowshoes carrying his message over the gigantic mountains and deep gorges of the frontier west as here related as found in this complete western magazine
RANKIN, Mr. - (Foreman)1890 - 1900 era. Location: ID. Named in story entitled HELL RAISERS ON THE PAYETTE CANAL by Alma Hanson who writes of the construction by the Payette irrigation and Water Power company and history of the trouble involved in the construction as found in this old, complete western magazine
RANNY, Bob, Sheriff - 1890 -era - location Nevada. Named in story entitled "Gold Thieves in the Old West" which pictures and tells of fast shooting road agents who stole a lot of gold and of mild mannered manner, retiring high-graders who beat them at their own game as found in this very rare, complete western magazine.
RANSDELL, Joseph E.,, * - 1920 Era - Democratic Senator from Louisiana and member of the Sugar Equalization Board as published in article entitled PROMINENT LEGISLATORS AND MEMBER OF CABINET as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
RANSDELL, Senator. * - 1926 - - Pictured in pictorial collage entitled "MAKING THE CUT IN LUXURY TAXES" with Senators who lowered the taxes on amusements and automobiles. Mint condition 11 by 14 inches
RANSDELL, Thomas F., Mrs. *, and daughter * - 1928 (Michigan City, Indiana). Awarded First prize for her portrait entitled "Mrs. Thomas F. Ransdell and Daughter: as featured in article entitled "MOTHERS AND CHILDREN - THE PRIZE PORTRAIT CONTEST" as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
RANSOM, Edith and her MALLISON'S SILK de LUXE * 1922 - Fashion ad featuring Edith Ransom's, Crofut & Knapp, Schroder & Worth clothing model as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
RANSOM, Glenn D. * Lieutenant (Hamilton, Indiana –WW 1 Honor Roll – Died of Wounds)
RANSOME (Old Man Ransome) mentioned in "Bloody Ingalls Under Siege", by: Joe Koller
RANSOME, J. B. * - 1912 era. Location US. Brother-in-law of George W. Beck named in story entitled SADDLED, BRIDLED, READY TO RIDE by C. A. Osier tells of group of cowpokes from West Coast who made a determination to ride horseback and visit every state capital in the United States - which they did - riding over 20,000 miles as told in this old, complete, western magazine.
RANSOME’S SALOON mentioned in "Bloody Ingalls Under Siege", by: Joe Koller
RAPALJE & COMPANY of Rochester. Combine entered in ROCHESTER TRIAL OF MOWING MACHINES* 1855 - Featured Article covering races of Mowing Machines in Rochester, N. Y.
RAPEE, Erno * - 1918 - Pictured in theatrical flyer entitled "THE MASTER MUSICIANS WHO DIRECT AT THE RIVOLI AND THE RIALTO THEATERS", both under direction of S. L. Rothapfel and sponsored by Paramount and Artcraft Motion Pictures as saved from this pictorial magazine.
RAPELJE - Sheriff of Fresno, California - 1890 era - Location: California. Named in story entitled "THE LAST OF THE WEST'S DESPERADOES" by Edward Sullivan which explains some of the anger and hatred that the old settlers had for the railways. When the railroad took the settler's land, their answer was to begin a spate of train robberies as published in this old and complete western magazine
RAPHAEL SKETCH OF DANTE * - 1921 - Sepia page entitled FAMOUS PORTRAITS OF ITALY'S GREATEST POET with sketches, drawings and fresco by Raphael, Orcagna, Michelino, Gaddi and Giotto as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
RAPID CITY JOURNAL COMPANY - 1880 era - Location: SD. Named in story entitled "The Fabulous Homestake Mine" by Louis Cheney of an exciting pioneer history of the richest gold strike in America with all the intrigues of a couple of broke miners staking a claim, finding a little vein and the interesting results as found in this rare and complete western magazine.
RAPOPORT, Philip *, Sergeant, Brooklyn, New York - WWI Honor Roll - Killed in Action).
RAPPOLD, Mariam, Miss * -1918 - W. S. N. League member as pictured in this old American News Publication.
RAPPS CREEK - Mentioned in "Happy Days and Happy Men" By: Frank B. Bryant. Story of Leesburg Mining Company in 1910 as written up in old Western magazine.
RAROTONGA ISLANDS - 1870-1915 era - Location: CA, Cook Islands. Mentioned in “The Man Who ‘Took’ Wells Fargo.” A story of Charles Wells Banks, who both he and his bosses at Wells Fargo knew was the best accountant in San Francisco, as published in this complete old western magazine.
RAS GUGUA QUE * - 1930 - Named in Article entitled "Abyssinia's King of Kings" as saved from this old American News Magazine.
RAS TAFARI * - 1930 - Article entitled "Abyssinia's King of Kings" as saved from this old American News Magazine.
RASCH, Philip J. Author. - 1870 - 80 era. Location: New Mexico. Author who writes claiming his story gives an impartial and more accurate account of this historic New Mexico Gunfight which included BILLY THE KID as found in this old, complete western magazine.
RASCHKE, Waldemar * - 1926 - of P. O. Box 284, Peterborough, New Hampshire whose photo "THE TOWN CHRISTMAS TREE' was awarded a prize in the Winners of the Week in Amateur Photographic Contest as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
RASKOB, John J. Named as Director CHATHAM and PHOENIX NATIONAL BANK* - 1920 - Great old ad entitled "A Banking Service that Covers Manhattan".
RASKOB, John J., * - 1931 - Chairman of the Democratic party identified, pictured and written about in article entitled "STENOGRAPHER" citing as saved from this old American pictorial magazine
RASMUSSEN, Axel * Major, Sherwood, Oregon, -WW 1 Honor Roll - Killed in Action)
RASMUSSEN, John * Corporal (Portage, Wisconsin –WW 1 Honor Roll – Died of Wounds)
RASOR, Clarence - Late 1800 era. Location: CA, NV, WI. Associate named in history of Francis Marion "Borax" Smith which is really tells of the finding of the "WHITE TREASURE OF THE DESERT" and the hazards and experiences in the discovery as published in this old and complete western magazine
RASPUTIN * - 1923 -.Named in story aboutt Russian Prince, Felix Youssoupoff who seeks to recover from Mr. Joseph Weidner of Philadelphia as pictured and saved from this old American Pictorial Review magazine..
RATCLIFF, Billy Mr. Brothers' uncle mentioned in "Saga Of Millie Durgan" article from old western magazine
RATCLIFF, Marshall - 1900 era - Locations: Rodeo sites in the United States. Named in story entitled 55 YEARS A RODEO TRAMP written by William Cy Hancock as told to him by author Hackberry Johnson which is really a rodeo history from 1917 of the stars with personal photos of their acts, circus, wild west shows including a massive photo index with story after story of the old time Rodeo Stars of the old west as found in this seldom found, complete western magazine.
RATH, Charles Trader mentioned in "Red Lightning Struck Twice", by Curtis Bishop
RATH, Charlie 1870 - 1900 - Operated buffalo hunters camp at Rath City, Texas named in "Fighting Man" , the story of Benjamin Franklin Daniels, westerner, lawman, Rough Rider (Troop K), Sheriff of Pima County, AZ., and Bent County, CO., Deputy Marshal of Cripple Creek, U.S. Marshal of Arizona, Assistant Marshall, Guthrie, OK but he was done in by publicity of his conviction and incarceration for attempted theft of government mules as published in this complete and seldom found old magazine.
RATH, Peter, Private - 1874 - Trooper of Company A named in story entitled "LAST STAND ON A TEXAS PRAIRIE" by William P. Knox which chronicles history of the Battle of Lyman's Wagon Train and the Battle of Buffalo Wallow in 1874 which resulted in 19 Medal of Honor Awards being bestowed. Battle is famous for the quote "Forward, If any man is killed, I will make him a Corporal" as found in this very rare, little known western magazine.
RATH, Private - mentioned in Western Frontier Story "6 Medals of Honor" by Jack Lafferty
RATHBONE, Albert * - 1918 - Pictured in article entitled "A FLASHLIGHT ON SOME ASPECTS OF THE WAR" is Albert Rathbone of New York who has been appointed Assistant Secretary of the Treasury as featured in this pictorial collage. Mint condition. 11 by 16 inches.
RATHBONE, Basil * - 1924 - Review of "The Swan" playing at the Cort Theatre, New York City and starring Phillip Nerivale, Alan Wiley, Hilda Spoong, Eva La Gallienne, Basil Rathbone, George Walcott as pictured. Mint condition. 11 by 16 inches.
RATHBONE, Basil * - 1936 - Collage entitled THE SCREEN - a review of "THE GARDEN OF ALLAH" a Selznick production of the Robert Hichens' novel released through United Artists starring Marlene Dietrich, Basis Rathbone, John Carradine, Charles Boyer and Alan Marshal as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
RATHBUN, Guy * Sergeant (Kelso, Washington –WW 1 Honor Roll – Killed in Action)
RATHBURN, Stephen * - 1921 Art Critic of the New York Sun pictured in articled headlined entitled "Who's Who In The Dramatic World. No. V: Critics" as saved from this old American News Magazine. Page is in mint condition and is 11 by 16 inches in size.
RATHBURN, Stephen - Art Critic, New York Sun - mentioned in 1920 Theatre Ad for "A Musical Extravaganza of the Orient" as appeared in a American Periodical.
RATPACK * - 1961 - Article entitled "Peter Lawford & the Clan" by Richard Gehman featuring members of the Ratpack including: LAWFORD, Peter * and wife LAWFORD, Patricia *; LUFT, Sid *; BACALL, Lauren *; GARLAND, Judy *; SINATRA, Frank *; KENNEDY, Jackie *; NIVEN, David and Mrs. *; BOGART, Humphrey *. DAVIS, Sammy *; BISHOP *, Jerry; MARTIN, Dean *; GEHMAN, Richard (author); KENNEDY, President John F.; PREMINGER, Otto; EBBINS, Milton; SAHL, Mort; CONSIGLIO, Tony; CAGNEY, James; O'BRIEN, Pat; McHUGH, Frank; WAYNE, John; FORD, John; BOND, Ward; ROMANOFF, Mike; CURTIS, Tony; WOOD, Natalie; D'AMATO, Skinny; FISHER, Eddie; KING, Sonny.
RATSALL, Benjamin M. - (Author) - 1859 - 1893. Site: Colorado. Named in story entitled "REQUIEM FOR THE FEDERATION" by T. H. Watkins who writes of the class warfare struggle challenging the power of organized capital in violent confrontation between miners and mine owners as found in this complete, western magazine.
RATTI, Achille, Former Cardinal, * Cover photo of the Archbishop of Milan who has been chosen as the Supreme Pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
RATTLESNAKE DICK - Early California history. Named as "The Pirate of the Pladcers" in story entitled "HOW CALIFORNIA GOLD CAMPS WERE NAMED" by Ben T. Traywick who names many of the old gold camps throughout California claiming they read like signposts of the past as found in this old and complete western magazine
RATTLESNAKE GALL CURE of Central Pacific Chinese railroad workers 1890 - 1910 era - referred to in "Two Years On The Desert" by K. E. Covington as published in an old western magazine.
RAUBEL, L. * - 1922 - (to be wed to Miss Nina Brandt) who is pictured with announcement of marriage in article entitled "Bevy of June Brides In Their Wedding Raiment" as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
RAUBEL, L., Mrs. * - 1922 - (formerly Miss Nina Brandt) who is pictured with announcement of marriage in article entitled "Bevy of June Brides In Their Wedding Raiment" as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
RAUGE, Fritz J. * Corporal (Yorktown, Texas –WW 1 Honor Roll – Killed in Action)
RAUSHENBUSH, Stephen * - 1934 - Noted researcher featured in picture and text entitled " Nye Committee Investigator" as saved from an old American Pictorial Magazine feature, "Footnotes On A Week's Headliners" by Omar Hite. Single page is 9 3/4 by 13 1/4 inches.
RAVALLI, Father - 1800 - 1900's era. Location: ID, MT, OR, WA. Named in story entitled "BLACK ROBES AND CIRCUIT RIDERS" by Gracey Roffey Pratt who writes that in the pioneer days it was thought that 'Sunday Would Never Cross the Mississippi" but a host of dedicated circuit riders and missionaries carried their message as relayed in this history written in thi old and complete western magazine
RAVALLI, Anthony, Reverend, S. J. * - 1875 - 84 ERA. Location: Montana. Named in story entitled The Red Napoleon of the West by Helen Clark tells of the trials and tribulation of those involved in the fight at the battle of Big Hole. There were heroes here aplenty but one wore a Black Robe – Father Reverend Anthony Ravalli, S. J. of St. Mary’s mission at Stevensville in the Bitterroot Valley and this rare western magazine tells the story.
RAVEL, Maurice * (1938 HEADLINER MAURICE RAVEL (BOLERO), National News Magazine 1938)
RAVEN DICK - 1880 era - location Western United States. Black Mustang of Annie Powers (i.e. Buffalo Woman) entitled "BUFFALO WOMAN, TERROR OF THE PLAINS" by Maurice Kildare and tells of this widow riding the vengeance trail on a black horse, clad in black seeking her husband's killers as published in this rare, seldom found complete western magazine.
RAVIOR, Margaret, Miss - 1927 - Named in article entitled THIS WEEK'S SPORTING CELEBRITY after Miss Martha Norelius had established herself as a World Record Holder of A. A. U. indoor Swimming Meet in article entitled ATHLETIC SPORTS ON ICE AND SNOW AND WATER as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine. 11 by 16 inches. Mint condition.
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Copyright © [Genealogy Images of History], All rights reserved.
Copyright © [Tom Russell]. All rights reserved