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Genealogy Images of History |
Updated:07/23/07 |
* indicates pictured
PRINDLE, D. R. * East Bethany, Genesee County, New York. Original Patent - Prindle's New Field Fence - 1854
PRINE, Jesse * Private, (Covington, Louisiana –WW 1 Honor Roll – Killed in Action)
Pringle Smith, - 1900 era – Location: ID, MT, NV. Named in story entitled “Two Funerals For Al Hennessy” by Ernest Oberbillig who writes of the pioneer life of Albert Hennessy who founded mining claims such as the Meadow Creek Silver Mines as found in this rare, complete, seldom found western magazine.
Pringle Smith's Hermes, - 1900 era – Location: ID, MT, NV. Named in story entitled “Two Funerals For Al Hennessy” by Ernest Oberbillig who writes of the pioneer life of Albert Hennessy who founded mining claims such as the Meadow Creek Silver Mines as found in this rare, complete, seldom found western magazine.
PRINGLE, Aileen * - 1926 - Star of THE WILDERNESS WOMAN, a screen production opening at the Strand Theatre, New York and reviewed by Mitchell Rawson in pictorial and written text whose headlines says BRINGS REAL COMEDY TO BROADWAY naming and picturing stars as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
PRINTEMPS, Yvonne * - 1934 - Star of "CONVERSATION PIECE", as reviewed in THE PLAY OF THE WEEK as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine
PRINVILLE, OREGON - 1880 era - Oregon. Named in story entitled HANK VAUGHN'S FATAL RIDE by Gerald J. Tucker who write of a trouble seeker thought to have nine lives until his horse fell on the main street of Pendleton, Oregon and did him in as found in this seldom read story published in an old western magazine.
PRINZ, Athalwin. (Kapitianlt., - dead) World War I era. British Admiralty Statement of "Fate of 150 German U-Boat Commanding Officers who were killed or became prisoners at war.
PRIOR, I. C. - 1933 - Named as President of the The Bunswick as advertised in the New England Resorts Section of an old American Pictorial Magazine
PRIOR, Ruth, Miss * - 1921 - Named "The Powder Puff Girl" at the Mardi Gras ball at the San Francisco Auditorium given for the Children's Hospital as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
PRISICILLA - Steamship * - 1827 - 97 era, Location: Hudson River, NY. Pictured in story entitled SIDE-WHEELS AND WALKING BEAMS by Oliver Jensen which includes fabulous steamboat painting by the Bard twin Brothers of prominent ships of the times as saved from this old and complete American Hardback magazine
PRITCHARD, Annie * - 1923 - Pictured in article entitled "STAGE AND SCREEN" is Annie Pritchard who stars in ARTISTS AND MODELS as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine. Mint condition. 11 by 16 inches.
PRITCHARD, Bill, U. S. Marshal - 1890 - 1900 era. Location OK, TN, TX. Named in story entitled FROM NIGHT HERD TO DEPUTY MARSHAL who tells of the real western life of herding cattle on the old ranches, breaking greenhorns, roping calves and, later of keeping law and order in pioneer days as published in this old, complete western magazine
PRIVETT, "Booger Red" - 1890 - 1930 ERA Western Rodeo Star named in the Autobiography of Milt Hinkle entitled "Dodging A Necktie Party Was 90 % of the Fun" with pictures and names of stars of the Rodeo, Circus and Western performers he starred with as published in this rare magazine.
PRIVETT, Samuel Thomas (i.e. "Booger Red") - 1900 - 60 era. Location US. Named in " The Pale Horsed Ever Rider" by Milt Hinkle. Even wonder about how the old rodeo hands entered the pearly gates? Here, the author tells of stories of how some of them hit The End of the Trail as fund in this old western magazine
PROBASCO, Edwin T, * Private, (Cedar Rapids, Iowa -WW 1 Honor Roll - Killed in Action)
PROCHNIK, Edgar A., Mrs. * - 1922 - Wife of the new Charge d'Affaires of the Austrian Legation in Washington as reported in featured article entitled 'STARS OF THE OPERA AND OTHER CELEBRITIES" as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
PROCLAMATION OF DECLARATION OF WAR, WORLD WAR I * - 1917 - Article entitled "THE OFFICIAL ENTRY OF THE UNITED STATES INTO THE WORLD WAR" as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
PROCTOR, Alfred - 1850 - 60 era. Location: Atlantic and Pacific Ocean, California. Named in story entitled "DEATH RIDE OF AN ARGONAUT" by Ed Earl Repp tells of the hopes and dreams of those that challenged the sea to get to the California hills to search for gold as published in this old, complete western magazine
PROCTOR KNOTT, (Kentucky Thoroughbred), (Ran 2nd in Kentucky Derby), "Spokane, The West's Great Horse" by H. McDonald Clarke, article from old western magazine. Montana Bred Winner of the Kentucky Derby - 1889 (Very rarely found).
PROCTOR, John C. A. * Corporal (Watertown, Massachusetts –WW 1 Honor Roll – Died of Wounds)
PROCTOR, Redfied Secretary of War, (WOUNDED KNEE - MEDAL OF HONOR WINNER WEINERT, Western Pioneer Magazine1983)
PROCTOR, Thomas * - 1921 - Pictured and featured as deathbed witness in article entitled STOOD AT DEATHBED OF LINCOLN which includes the famous deathbed drawing of Lincoln's deathbed and a current photo of Proctor, the last survivor of the scene as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
PROCTOR, Warren * - 1921 - Star of Musical comedy Phoebe of Quality Street pictured as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
PROFESSOR MARSH GOES WEST: THE YALE EXPEDITION * - 1870 era - Location; New England, NY, NB, WY, UT. Story of the first American specialist in paleontology and his venture in search of old dinosaur bones as found in the rare and complete western magazine.
Profile Creek, - 1900 era – Location: ID, MT, NV. Named in story entitled “Two Funerals For Al Hennessy” by Ernest Oberbillig who writes of the pioneer life of Albert Hennessy who founded mining claims such as the Meadow Creek Silver Mines as found in this rare, complete, seldom found western magazine.
PRO FOOTBALL CZAR, EDWARDS, "Big Bill" * - 1926 - Subject of story entitled "PRO" FOOTBALL'S NEW CZAR - BIG BILL EDWARDS who aspires to place pro football on the basis of high class football as it is played in colleges and reported and saved from this old National News magazine. 2 pages.
PROHIBITION * - 1932 - A collage of pictures of parades around the country to bring back beer.
PROHIBITION DIRECTOR ROY A. HAYNES., * - 1921 - Pictured with New York man, E. C. YELLOWLEY who has been appointed New York State Prohibition Director and will supervise the application of the Volstead law to New York City as pictured and written about and saved from this old American pictorial magazine
PROHIBITION ELECTION OF GORE, Thomas P., Senator of Oklahoma * - 1907 - Blind Senator-elect of Oklahoma pictured and written about in article entitled "THE SALOON IN POLITICS" who was elected on a prohibition platform as saved from this old American News Magazine.
PROHIBITION FATHER * - 1920 = Pictured and written about is the Republican Representative from Minnesota, Representative Andrew J. Volstead, father of the bill to enforce wartime prohibition that has been upheld by the Supreme Court in pictorial collage entitled VARIOUS PHASES OF TEMPERANCE AGITATION as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
PROHIBITION LEADER ASTOR, Vincent, Mrs. * - 1932 - Pictured in article entitled A SOCIETY LEADER COLLECTS NICKELS FOR REPEAL OF PROHIBITION as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
PROHIBITION MEMORABILIA* - 1920 - Pictured is Carrie Nation in article entitled PROGRESSIVE STEPS BY WHICH TEMPERANCE MOVEMENT HAS CULMINATED IN PROHIBITION includes Map of the United States showing the dates on which the various states adopted prohibition laws as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
PROHIBITION PICTURES * - 1922 - in pictorial collage entitled "Baseball and the Turf--Confiscated Stills and Liquors", includes pictures and government efforts to enforce prohibition.
PROHIBITION PROTEST, DENVER, COLORADO * - 1920 = Pictured and written about is the Republican Representative from Minnesota, Representative Andrew J. Volstead, father of the bill to enforce wartime prohibition that has been upheld by the Supreme Court in pictorial collage entitled VARIOUS PHASES OF TEMPERANCE AGITATION as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
PROHIBITION RAID * - 1920 - Pictured showing raid on moonshine whiskey at Hurley, Wisconsinas saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
PROHIBITION RAID, BRISTOL, RHODE ISLAND * - 1921 - A collage of pictures taken during Prohibition Days in article entitled RAIDING OF STILLS AND SEIZURE OF LIQUORS as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
PROHIBITION RAID, CINCINNATI, OHIO * - 1921 - A collage of pictures taken during Prohibition Days in article entitled RAIDING OF STILLS AND SEIZURE OF LIQUORS as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
PROHIBITION RAID, SEATTLE, WASHINGTON * - 1920 = Pictured and written about is a raid on a drug store which was a front for selling bootleg whiskey to avoid the law the Republican Representative from Minnesota, Representative Andrew J. Volstead, father of the bill to enforce wartime prohibition that has been upheld by the Supreme Court in pictorial collage entitled VARIOUS PHASES OF TEMPERANCE AGITATION as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
PROHIBITION RAID, WAUKEGAN, MICHIGAN * - 1921 - Scene pictured of law enforcement dumping 32,000 gallons of bootleg liquor being emptied from barrels as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
PROHIBITION 'S BINGHAM BEER BILL * - 1932 - Article entitled THE UPROAR OVER THE BINGHAM BEER BILL with picture titled "The We Want Beer Plane Which Is Touring the Nation in Behalf of Modification as saved from this old American News Magazine.
PROJECTION MACHINE - 1925 - Named in article about Jean A. Le Roy entitled "A FILM PIONEER WHO HELPED MAKE THE MOVIES POSSIBLE" with picture of America's First Projection Machine which actually threw the image upon a screen as described and saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
PROMISE LAND mentioned in "The Remarkable Dr. Keil" By: Art Free
PROMISED LAND, Mormon - Mentioned in "A Curse Upon His Head" By: Norman C. Pierce, the story of the Mormon empire builder. Sam Brennan, of San Francisco. Rare
PROMONTORY * - 1860 era. Location: CA, NV, UT. Story entitled "TUNNELING THE SIERRA WITH NITROGLYCERINE" by Lawrence Doorley who writes of the real heroes of the Central Pacific Railroad and their conquests while building the railroad line between Sacramento, CA and the Nevada line as found in this old and complete western magazine.
PROMYSHLENNIKI - 1780 era Location: Russian Territory of Alaska. Named in history entitled "Women of Culture in Alaska of Russian America" by Melody W. Grauman which details reports of the noblewomen and natives alike that made distinctive contribution to the survival of Alaska's first permanent white settlements as found in this rare magazine.
PROPELLER, Adjustable * - 1857 -GRIFFITH, Robert (London, England) - Patent issued on his "Improved Adjustable Propeller" with engraving and explanation of workings.
PROPPER, John C. * Private, (Gracemont, Oklahoma –WW 1 Honor Roll – Died of Wounds)
PROPST, Nell Brown - 1910 era - AZ, CA, CO, OK, OR, WY - Author of this remarkable true story of Rodeo Queen Bertha Kaepernik Blancett - one of the first women rodeo stars who made a mark for herself and her sex with such outfits as the 101 Wild West Ranch Show, the Cheyenne Frontier Day Rodeo and shows all over the United States as recorded in this rare, complete seldom found western magazine.
PROSPECTING IN CALIFORNIA IN 1851 by A. C. Redwood * - 1891 - History entitled Pioneer Mining in California of how Gold was mined in early days with engravings and lithographics with indexed titles and names as saved from this old American Magazine publication that is 114 years old.
PROSPER - 1880 Era -. Horse named in Biographical history entitled "Midas of the Mountain" of John D. Morrisey. a mining magnet written about in this old and complete western magazine.
PROSSER, Mrs., (Sister of Tom Horn) - 1861 era - Location: WY. Named in story entitled WAS TOM HORN TWO MEN? by Dean Krakel who reports on one of the most argued about trials in frontier history as found in this old, complete western magazine.
PROTEAU, Jeremiah, 1854 era named in "Bloody Gore and the Buffaloes". by Major Minton R. Grabill of the most fantastic hunting expedition ever held. Seems that British Lord, Sir St. George Gore, left St. Louis and hunted and fished our west for three years killing 30,000 buffalo, thousands of deer receiving name of "Bloody Gore" Complete magazine
PROTEAU, "Jerry" - 1850 era. Site: Ireland, Western United States. Named in story entitled THE WEST'S GREATEST GAME KILLER by Jay Scott who writes of the Irish Lord St. George, Eighth Baronet of Gore who came to our pioneer and hunted game for fun as told in this complete western magazine.
Protector of Hungary, Nicholas Horthy * - 1920 - Pictorial review of events of leaders of the Revolutionary Movement in Hungary pictured with Archduke Joseph, and wife as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
PROTEUS, U. S. S. - 1925 - Relief Ship of America's most gallant craft, THE BEAR, written about in an article entitled "THE SHIP THAT SAVED THE GREELY EXPEDITION COMES INTO PORT" as saved from this American Pictorial Magazine
PROTOHIPPUS (ancestor of the horse)- 1870 era - Location; New England, NY, NB, WY, UT. Named in story entitled PROFESSOR MARSH GOES WEST: THE YALE EXPEDITION which tells of the first American specialist in paleontology, Professor O. C. Marsh and his venture in search of old dinosaur bones as found in the rare and complete western magazine.
PROUD, Dean *., 1936, Harvard University Three Hundredth Birthday Celebration - Pictorial brochure including photo collage of various remembrances of Harvard as saved from this old American pictorial magazine
PROUSE, William * - 1890 era - Fire Chief shown in Historical item entitled "Nozzle Boys In Union Suits" - a true story of fireman in the Black Hills, South Dakota area in pioneer days. Names and pictures area fireman, nozzle contests, in this rare and complete old magazine. Your grand-daddy might be here
PROVENCHER, Bishop - 1860 era. Location: MN, ND - Named in story by Margaret Arnett MacLeod as told to Edith Patterson of the Catholic Priest Father Joseph Goiffon and his ordeal to get back to his St. Boniface Cathedral in North Dakota as written in this old and complete western magazine
PROVENCHER, Lawrence * - 1928 - Player of the CENTRAL FALLS, RHODE ISLAND AMERICAN LEGION JUNIOR BASEBALL TEAM Pictured in article entitled BEFORE THE GAME: CAPTAINS OF RIVAL TEAMS PICTURED as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine
PROVENCHER, Leo * - 1928 - Player of the CENTRAL FALLS, RHODE ISLAND AMERICAN LEGION JUNIOR BASEBALL TEAM Pictured in article entitled BEFORE THE GAME: CAPTAINS OF RIVAL TEAMS PICTURED as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine
PROVENSEN, Herluf * - 1931 - Pictured entitled CRACKEL-PROOF PAPER FOR RADIO USE; as HERLUF PROVENSEN, Supervisor of announcers at Station WRC in Washington tries to hear paper wrinkling by Miss Phebe Gale as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
PROVETT, Booger Red mentioned in "Fritz Truan - Hall of Fame Cowboy", by: Joe Koller
PROVINCETOWN GROUP - 1924 - w Helen Freeman as leading feminine role in "The Saint", playing at Greenwich Village Theatre as published in this American Pictorial magazine
PROVINCETOWN, MASS. - 1931 - Pictured on the cover entitled Helen Kaiser, THE SUMMER GIRL as she prepares for sailing off Provincetown, Mass. as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
PROVIDENCE, RHODE ISLAND * - 1840 - 1918 era. Location, United States, Canada. Named in story entitled WHITE "MAN-DEVIL" by Glenn Shirley of the life and times of E. J. "BUCKSKIN JOE" HOYT, a pioneer Indian fighter of the old west who took his Wild West Show on the road and achieved fame as saved from this old, complete western magazine
PROVO RIVER FORT. - 1850 - Location: UT. Named in story entitled REBELLION OF THE LAMANITES by Earl Spendlove which details the difficulties between the Ute Indians (Lamanites) and pioneers of the Church of Later Day Saints (Mormons) ending in warfare which practically annihilated a band of the warring Indians as found in this complete western magazine which includes map.
PROVO, UTAH Territory - 1862 Era - Identified in story entitled "Brigham Young and the Saints Went Marching". Only this time, they were ready to leave Salt Lake City rather than suffer the indignity of U. S. troops occupying their sacred city as found in rare old western magazine.
PRUDOR, Victor - 1840 era - Location, California. Named as aide to Commande Vallejo in story entitled "THE REBEL AUTOCRAT OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA" by Drew Andrews - a history of the life and times of Commande General Mariano Guadalupe Vallejo who ask was he a scoundrel or hero but either way, this gentleman-soldier wrote history as published in this old, complete hard to find western magazine.
PRUETT, Herb * - 1931 - Pictured entitled A MOUNDSMAN WHO QUALIFIED AS A RADIO EXPERT who has a radio repairman in his St. Louis shop when not pitching for the New York Giants as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
PRUITT, Gene mentioned in "Fritz Truan - Hall of Fame Cowboy", by: Joe Koller.
PRUSSING, Louise * - 1932 - Pictured in publicity pose as star of "COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW" in article entitled PLAYERS IN DRAMATIC SUCCESSES OF 1931 as saved from this old American pictorial magazine
PRYOR, Cliff *, Player on the GORDON INSTITUTE FOOTBALL TEAM OF 1925 * - Pictured in article entitled "GETTING THE KINKS OUT FOR DAYS TO COME" who , after finding that their coach liked red hair players, dyed their hair before reporting for practice at the Barnesville, Georgia field as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
PSHITA, Japanese Right Fielder* - 1921 - Pictorial collage entitled "CRACK BASEBALL NINE OF WASEDA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN" which pictures and identifies players of Japanese team while on tour in the United States. Includes picture of H. Tamaka, call the Babe Ruth of Japan as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
PTARMIGAN, ALASKA " - 1964 era - Location Yukon River. Now called Chicken pictured in story entitled STAMPEDE TOWNS OF THE UPPER YUKON by David Wharton and party inc. photographer Philip Hyde exploring from the Canadian border to Tanana, deep in the hears of Alaska--visiting and reporting on a few surviving relics of the great days of Klondike gold, the boom and bust stampede towns to time has passed by.
PTERODACTYL - 1870 ERA - Named in Historical story by Professor Othniel C. Marsh written before his death that covered his trips to the Great West Contains text along with pictures of his trips inc. photos of his 1871 Yale Expedition, the 1873 Expedition.
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Copyright © [Tom Russell]. All rights reserved