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Genealogy Images of History |
Updated:07/18/07 |
* indicates pictured
L 9 * - 1919 - U. S. Submarine pictured in article entitled A FLASHLIGHT ON SOME ASPECTS OF THE WAR in photograph of United States Submarine L-9 at base on coast of Ireland as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
L'AEROPHILE, PARIS * - 1914 - Site: France. Pictured and named in story entitled TECHNICAL IMPRESSIONS OF ADOLPHE PEGOUD'S FLIGHTS as saved from this old American Scientific magazine. Three pages of technical information with pictures early flights of planes, etc. Mint condition. 11 by 16 inches.
L' AIGLON * - 1934 - The Play of the Week: Rostand's "L'Aiglon". Review showing on Broadway at the Broadhurst Theatre as saved from this American Pictorial magazine.
L'AIGLON mentioned in "The Real Molly Brown", by Louise Cheney
L'HEUREUX, Jean (Interpreter) - 1870 -90 - Location: MT, Canada. Named in story entitled THE LAST WAR PARTY by Hugh A. Dempsey of the Blood Indians last raid against the Crows as found in this complete and rare western magazine that is 50 years old.
L. D. S. Mormon Hospital (Old Deseret Hospital) - lst woman staff Doctor Martha Hughes Cannon - 1897 - Suffragette Leader - Named in article entitled "Woman-Suffrage in the West" stating status of women's rights and leaders of their movement in the west as saved from an old American Western Magazine.
L'ENGLER, Philip * - 1923 - Atlanta, Georgia - Pictured in collage entitled NOTABLE PEOPLE AND INTERESTING HAPPENINGS in shot headlined VAGARY OF GOLF BALL where he was watching a golf match and took a ball to his straw hat as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine. 11 by 16 inches.
L. F. D. RANCH Mentioned in "Some Very Early Bucking Horses Milt Knew" By: Milt Hinkle
L. F. D. Ranch - 1905 era - Named in a story entitled "Rough String Rider" by Milt Hinkle of ranch life including breaking horses in 1906 in the early west as published in this old western magazine.La CABANA * , CUBA - 1917 - Pictorial Panorama of Scenes of Cuba with cover as shown and entitled "CUBA, LAND OF BEAUTY AND POLITICAL UNREST." * The "Twelve Apostles", the famous battery on the walls of La Cabana.
L. K. or L. K with number - 1900 era. Location CA, NV. Basket number of Dat So La Lee - Weaver of Legends as found in this rare and complete western magazine telling of her basket prowess and their history and value
L;AWTON, Frank * - 1934 - Supporting star of "DAVID COPPERFIELD", in "THE MOVIE OF THE WEEK". As reviewed in this American Pictorial Magazine
LA BARGE, Joseph, Ship Captain - 1865 era - Location: DK Territory, MO, Named in story entitled NEWTON EDMONDS - TREATY MAKER OF DAKOTA reports on the life and times of Governor of Dakota Newton Edmonds who in formal clothes and silk hat, was fervently desirous of peace even it it mean losing his beautiful topper as published in this unique, old and complete western magazine.
LA BARGE, Joseph. - 1880 ERA. Location: Western United States. Captain of the the Steamer "DeSmet" Named in story entitled GENERAL DAVID STANLEY, FRONTIER SOLDER by Samuel Stanley who writes lovingly of this hard nose General David Stanley who twice tried to fire Custer. A very frank expose of Custer's weakness by this Medal of Honor winner as published in this old complete western magazine.
LA BESOGNE, FRANCE * - 1919 - Pictured as captured by the 77th Division of the United States Army with map showing successive stages f the advance of the 77th Division in the Argonne as saved from this old American pictorial magazine
LA BOHEME starring MOORE, Grace, Miss * - 1928 - Pictured on the cover entitled A SONGBIRD OF THE SOUTH who vocal career has carried her from a Tennessee Church Choir to the Metropolitan Opera house as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
LA CHARITE Indian mentioned in "Charles Chaboillez-First American Fur Trader"
LA CLAIR, Alfred * - 1929 - Featured and pictured in an article entitled A JACK-KNIFE which tells of La Clair of Biddeford, Me., who carves birds of all kinds with the Old Whittling Tools as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
LA CLEMENTINA, COLUMBIA * - 1921 - Pictorial collage entitled "PICTURESQUE CITIES AND VILLAGES OF COLOMBIA, THE MOUNTAIN REPUBLIC" with photos of various landmark scenes as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
LA CROSSE, WISCONSIN TRIBUNE - 1845 - 60 - Named in history entitled MORMONS IN TEXAS by Maury Maverick, Jr., detailing the proud settlers who broke away from the Quorum of Twelve and founded their own branch under Lyman Wight who contended that he, not Brigham Young was the rightful successor to leadership of the Mormon Church as found in this rare and complete western magazine.
LA CROSSE, WISCONSIN TRIBUNE - 1850 era - Location: VA and Western United States. Named in story entitled THE REAL CALAMITY JANE by Kathryn Wright of Martha Jane Cannary - called Calamity Jane here and the life of this legendary figure on the pioneer front of the western United States as found in this old and complete western magazine
LA CROSSE, WISCONSIN. - 1860 -1890 era - Location Denver, Colorado. The Weekly Democrat named in story about BRICK POMEROY entitled "THE WEST'S GREATEST FAILURE" by Danny V. Atchley which relates the story of this western pioneer who founded "The Weekly Democrat" a newspaper with other 100,000 circulation. He wrote several books including "Sense and Nonsense" but he usually moved on to newer ventures as published in this complete and rarely found western magazine.
La FARGE, Thomas (UP-TO-THE-MINUTE-MURAL ART, National News Magazine 1932)
LA FEMME AUX YEUX VERTA * - 1936 _ Painting featured in article about Mahmoud Said entitled ART; EGYPTIAN PAINTER TO EXHIBIT HERE with examples of his work which will be shown at the Architectural League of New York as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
La FIESTA de los VASQUEROS * - 1900 - 1930 ERA - Western United States area. Named in story entitled Skirts, Powder Puffs and Rodeos a history of the great pioneer rodeo woman of the United States Extremely rare and seldom found rodeo history as published in this western magazine
LA FLESCHE, Joseph.,* - 1868 era - Location OK, NB, INDIAN TERRITORY.. Chief of the Omaha named in historical true story entitled STANDING BEAR: ELQQUENT ADVOCATE by Carl Uhlark who write of Thomas H. Tibbles, an assistant editor of the Omaha Herals and pioneer advocate of Indian rights and his attempt to help Ponca Indian Chief Standing Bear (called Ma-chu-nah-zah) to receive justice in the courts of the United States as found in this complete, rare and seldom read western magazine.
LA FOLLETTE, "Bill" - Seaman written up - 1914 - Story of Shipping Disaster entitled "Monroe - Nantucket Shipping Disaster" as featured in old American News magazine.
LA FOLLETTE, "Fighting Bob" . Mentioned in "Defeat of a Dynasty". 1932 News magazine
LA FOLLETTE, Philip F. . * - Speaker at Fond Du Lac on first anniversary of The Progresive Party of Wisconsin as pictured in article in Pictorial magazine.
LA FOLLETTE, Philip F. Governor, Mentioned in "Defeat of a Dynasty". 1932 News magazine
LA FOLLETTE, Phillip F. * "One of Wisconsin Royal Family" - The La Follette Dynasty as published in old American News Magazine - 1930
LA FOLLETTE, Robert - 1925 - Named in story entitled "Sweetened Reds and Rebels of Yesteryear as found in this old American News Magazine. Cites leaders of the Workers of the World and their fight for better health care, freedom from want and better living wages.
LA FOLLETTE, Robert M. * Senator - LA FOLLETTE*, Phillip F., "One of Wisconsin Royal Family" - The La Follette Dynasty as published in old American News Magazine - 1930
LA FOLLETTE, Robert M. mentioned in 1934 Celebration of Wisconsin Tercentenary. . Featured News Item - American News magazine.
LA FOLLETTE, Robert * - 1925 - Pictured in article entitled "AT THE DESK OF HIS FATHER" in United States Senate seat as saved from an American Pictorial magazine.
LA GALLIENNE, Eva * - 1924 - Review of "The Swan" playing at the Cort Theatre, New York City and starring Phillip Nerivale, Alan Wiley, Hilda Spoong, Eva La Gallienne, Basil Rathbone, George Walcott as pictured. Mint condition. 11 by 16 inches.
LA GALLIENNE, Eva * - 1931 - Pictured in a scene from the "CAMILLE", playing at the Civic Repertory Theatre in the weekly PLAYERS FEATURED IN BROADWAY ATTRACTIONS as saved from this American pictorial magazine
LA GALLIENNE, Eva * - 1931 - Pictured in the new Play "CAMILLE" opening at Civic Repertory Theatre in article entitled PLAYERS IN BROADWAY ATTRACTIONS as saved from this old American pictorial magazine
LA GLOIRE * - 1904 - French ship amed and written about in this history entitled EARLY AMORCLADS by Major C. Field of Glenmore, England with detailed text and pictures of the various type of armour used in the early days to protect ships as saved from this 101 year old American magazine
LA GRANDEUR, Emery * - 1900 circa - Pictured and named in History of Rodeo Great Addison P. Day which states that "Many a Chute Would Have Never Been Opened Without This Man". Names the Great Rodeos, Fairs, Expositions and the stars as published in old and rare magazine.
LA GRANGE (Prison Brig Barge) * - 1850 - 65. LOCATION: CA,MA. Named in story entitled "California's Floating Islands of Hell" with pictures of San Quentin Prison which took over the prisoners of the original hell-ships which were converted from whaling ships to land based prisons telling of methods of confinement and torture as found in this complete western magazine.
LA GUARDIA, F. H., Representative. * - 1932 -Called "the Little Flower, he is written about and pictured in article entitled " A REGULAR IRREGULAR.", whose resume includes a heavy dose of unconventional wisdom as a Republican and Socialist and progressive as reported in the weekly feature FOOTNOTES ON A WEEK'S HEADLINERS as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
LA GUARDIA, Fiorello * - 1933 - Pictured in article entitled "ELECTION SUMMARY: REPEAL WINS AND "INS" GO OUT" AS The New Political King takes over in New York 10 by 14. Mint.
LA GUARDIA, Florello H. * - 1939 - New York - Mayor of New York shown in Pictorial Collage of The Tribune Beneficiaries Football Game between a team of All Stars and the New York Giants held at the Polo Grounds.
LA GUARDIA, Florello H., * - 1939 - Pictorial collage of Dedication of New York Municipal Airport at North Beach, Queens as saved from this old New York Herald Tribune
LA GUARDIA, Mayor Fiorello * - 1935 - Pictured with Italian Aviator Record Holder Pictured in article entitled " The Flying Romeo" calling on the Mayor in article entitled People In The American Headlines as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
LA GUARDIA, Mayor Fiorello H., * - 1933 - (Mayor- elect of New York City ) - 1933 - pictured and featured in story entitled "Strong Man of the Fusionists" as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
LA MALQUERIDA - 1926 - Spain - Named in story entitled "Spain's Greatest Actress", Maria Guerrero who has been called the Spanish Sara Bernhardt is making her premier American engagement.
LA MARR, Barbara * "The Three Musketeers Movie Review. 1921."
LA MARR, Barbara * - 1924 - Pictured in staring role of "The Eternal City" at the Mark Strand Theater as saved from an old American Pictorial Magazine.
LA MARR, Barbara * in THY NAME IS WOMAN - 1923 - as Guerita in article entitled Actresses of Stage and Screen as saved from old American Pictorial Magazine.
La Mediteranee - 1902 - Book named in article entitled "A NEW LITERARY STAR IN FRANCE, story the daughter of the former President of France pictured and written about in a review of her books with comments by M. Ernest Daudet conclude that "she is a woman whose thought has carried her away from our modern world as saved from this 104 year old American Magazine.
LA MOTTE, Joseph Hatch (Major) 1840 era - Site: Rio Grande Country, Texas - Named in story entitled STRANGE SAGA OF FORT CLARK by Louise Cheney Aver which includes history of the Fort which author calls " The Guardian of the Rio Grande Country" and major figures i.e. General Ranald "Bad Hand" MacKenzie who played an important part in the defense of the frontier north of the river as found in this very rare and treasured western magazine.
La MOTTE, R. S., Major *- 1870 era - Location; New England, NY, NB, WY, UT. Commandant of Fort Bridger named in story entitled PROFESSOR MARSH GOES WEST: THE YALE EXPEDITION which tells of the first American specialist in paleontology, Professor O. C. Marsh and his venture in search of old dinosaur bones as found in the rare and complete western magazine.
LA MOTTE. Gorgette * - American Pianist Sensation pictured in a pictorial collage entitled "Men and Women In The News".
LA MOUSSE, Ignace - 1800 - 1900's era. Location: ID, MT, OR, WA. Named in story entitled "BLACK ROBES AND CIRCUIT RIDERS" by Gracey Roffey Pratt who writes that in the pioneer days it was thought that 'Sunday Would Never Cross the Mississippi" but a host of dedicated circuit riders and missionaries carried their message as relayed in this history written in thiw old and complete western magazine
LA PATRIE * - 1907 - French Dirigible pictured and written about as stated in article entitled SOME RECORDS IN BALLOONING as saved from this old American pictorial magazine
LA PEROUSE, French Naval Commander, Mentioned in, "The Dedication of Father Junipero" By: H. H. His voyage to the new world lasted 99 days in 1740 complicated by terrible storms, shortage of water, and starvation. Founder of the Franciscan Missions of Southern California.
LA PIERRE, Frank - Location - Montana - 1860 - 90 - location GA, MT - Half-breed Indian named in story entitled "SAGA OF MILL FLAT" by Maurice Kildare with photos courtesy of Zula White Garino. Story's subject is Joseph A. White and his family, neighbors and kin and the area known as Mill Flat where mining and lumber camps dotted the area as written up in this complete western magazine.
LA PLANTE, Laura * - 1923 - Pictured is Laura La Plante as star of the film, THE RAMBLIN' KID in article headlined ACTRESSES IN NEWEST PLAYS OF CURRENT THEATRICAL SEASON as saved from this American Pictorial Magazine..
LA PLANTE, Laura * - 1924 - Featured in pictorial collage entitled ACTRESSES OF STAGE AND SCREEN as star of Universal Films. 11 by 16 inches. Mint condition.
LA PRESNA - 1926 - New York Spanish Newspaper named in story entitled "Spain's Greatest Actress", Maria Guerrero who has been called the Spanish Sara Bernhardt is making her premier American engagement.
LA PRESSE - 1850 ERA - Site - California.- Named in great true story entitled LOLA MONTEZ - A MOST NOTORIOUS LADY who had the benefit of great looks and a royal title -- Countess of Landsfelt - conferred her by King Ludwig of Bavaria. She came to conquer hearts and to gain political power through her charms and she did according to author Louise Cheney as published in this complete and seldom found western magazine.
LA RAMEE, Jacques.. - 1860 era - Named in historical story entitled " Fort Laramie" , a Federal Army Outpost in Wyoming and the events that took place here and changed the outcome of the pioneer west as published in this rare of western magazine
LA RANCE, Alec - 1860 - 90 - location GA, MT - Half-breed named in story entitled "SAGA OF MILL FLAT" by Maurice Kildare with photos courtesy of Zula White Garino. Story's subject is Joseph A. White and his family, neighbors and kin and the area known as Mill Flat where mining and lumber camps dotted the area as written up in this complete western magazine.
LA RANCE, Batese, Mrs. * - 1860 - 90 - location GA, MT - Mother of Bill De Larmy named in story entitled "SAGA OF MILL FLAT" by Maurice Kildare with photos courtesy of Zula White Garino. Story's subject is Joseph A. White and his family, neighbors and kin and the area known as Mill Flat where mining and lumber camps dotted the area as written up in this complete western magazine.
LA REVUE des Deux Mondes, * - 1902 - French periodical named in article entitled "A NEW LITERARY STAR IN FRANCE, story the daughter of the former President of France pictured and written about in a review of her books with comments by M. Ernest Daudet conclude that "she is a woman whose thought has carried her away from our modern world as saved from this 104 year old American Magazine.
LA ROCHE, Pete - 1920 era - Site - Hollywood, California. Named in "Colonel Tim McCoy-Army Man, Movie Star", written by Pete la Roche the story of Colonel Tim McCoy, army man and movie star of "War Paint". McCoy served as Regimental Adjutant for the State of Wyoming as recorded in this very rare western magazine.
LA ROCQUE, Rod, mentioned or described in "Tom Mix Frontier Bartender" by Sam Henderson as written up in an old western magazine covering the life of Tom Mix.
LA ROCQUE, Rod - 1928 - Named as star of CAPTAIN SWAGGER is Rod La Rocque and Sue Carol in article entitled " NEWS OF MOTION PICTURES AND THEIR STARS as saved from this old American Pictorial collage.
LA ROQUE, Rod * - 1928. Actor pictured in a scene from "CAPTAIN SWAGGER" as saved from this old American Pictorial Collage entitled NOTES AND COMMENTS ON MOVIES AND TALKIES.
LA RUFFA, Joseph., * - 1921 - Pictured entitled BUST OF HARDING shown by this young sculptor who has made this bust out of toothbrush handles as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
LA SALLE, Robert Cvalier de - 1672 - 1900 era, Locations of Forts of the United States. Named in story entitled VANISHING FORTRESS by Charles V. Mathis who gives a rare look at the old forts east of the Mississippi and their remains from the frontier days as found in this old and complete western magazine.
La SANADORA *. - 1850 -1900 era - LOCATION NM. Named in historical story entitled THE SHERIFFS OF SAN MIGUEL by Milton W. Callon who writes that for almost fifty years one family ran Las Vegas, New Mexico and passed the torch from brother to brother, father to son and they became one of the most powerful dynasties on the western frontier as found in this complete western magazine.
LA TOSCA * - 1922 - Viennese songbird Marie Zerita starring in the role of 'LA TOSCA" who has received a four year contract by the Metropolitan Opera House as reported in featured article entitled 'STARS OF THE OPERA AND OTHER CELEBRITIES" as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
LA TOURETTE, Charles - 1880 - 1890 - Location - Colorado. Named in "They Died Fast in Tin Cup" by John Mayland--a historic report of the activities of this Colorado mining town. including the swearing in of the first Marshal F. B. "Old Man" Willis who was told by the town fathers "You make an arrest and it will be your last" as published in this rare, seldom found, complete old western magazine.
La VARRE, Lucille * (Miss) Washington, D. C. Traveled with her brother to the British Guiana bush country. He is a Collector of specimens for American Scientific Institutions.
La VARRE, Lucille * (Miss) Washington, D. C. Traveled with her brother to the British Guiana bush country. He is a Collector of specimens for American Scientific Institutions.
LA VENGIANCE (French Sloop) - 1797 Era. History of the Battleship Constellation as published in an old Youth Companion Magazine of 1891
LABERTEAUX, Frank (Texan) * - 1890 - 1892 era. Location TX, WY. Named in story entitled "THE HIRED KILLERS" with rare picture of 25 Texans who the author claims were a swaggering group of deadly young men with the purpose to rid Wyoming of a group of rustler's terrorizing the territory organized by Major Frank Walcott to clean 'em out as published in the old, complete and rare western magazine.
LABETTE COUNTY, Kansas - 1870 era - Location: Kansas Territory. Named in "The Read Headed Witch of Labette County" by Fred Harrison, the story of Katie Benders who had a death factory going as she enticed the victims and her Pa " whanged them over the head" as reported in feature story of this rare, complete old western magazine.
LABOLT, Lettie *t The Friends of Brother Van by Grayce R. Webb article from old western magazine
LABOR CONFERENCE OF 1920 * - Pictured and named are President's appointees to Labor Conference as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
LABORATORY OF THE COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY * - 1925 - Pictured is the Washington, D. C. Off containing A BRASS BRAIN DEVICE as saved from this old American pictorial magazine
LACEY, J. W. *( Chief Counsel for the Defense) - 1861 era - Location: WY. Named in story entitled WAS TOM HORN TWO MEN? by Dean Krakel who reports on one of the most argued about trials in frontier history as found in this old, complete western magazine.
LACEY, Lewis - Polo player - 1930 - written up in "American King of the Sport of Kings" as published in the Sports and Athletics section of American News magazine.
LACHAMP, Adrienne. * - 1932 - Pictured as star of Hungarian Play as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
LACHS, Morton * - 1923 - First prize winner in largest baby show held in Bronx.
LACKMAN and LEWIS WILD WEST SHOW OF TEXAS * - 1900 ERA - Named in this great piece of rodeo history entitled WINNING OR LOSING by Milt Hinkle. Hinkle was a champion bull-dogger who took home many a ribbon. Of course, he also took home a gal named Mildred who even rivaled his take among the goodies and prizes of the rodeo. Indexed as found in old Western magazine
LACKMAN, Thos. N. * Private (Seagoville, Texas –WW 1 Honor Roll – Died of Wounds)
LACHRYMA MONTIS (TEAR OF THE MOUNTAIN) - 1840 era - Location, California. Named in story entitled "THE REBEL AUTOCRAT OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA" by Drew Andrews - a history of the life and times of Commande General Mariano Guadalupe Vallejo who ask was he a scoundrel or hero but either way, this gentleman-soldier wrote history as published in this old, complete hard to find western magazine.
LACONIA, NEW HAMPSHIRE NEW ENGLAND DOG SLED CHAMPIONSHIP * - 1931 - (Of L Paz, Manitoba)Pictured and featured in article entitled '" THE ST. GODARD FAMILY MONOPOLIZED THE PRIZES" by winning the Handicap Cup in the New England Sled-dog Championship in Laconia, New Hampshire as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
LACORE, Suzzanne * - 1936 - Woman elected to the Cabinet made news by questioning whether they should wear hats in article in old National News Magazine.
LACROIX, M.1856 Patent for Cutting Files. Scientific American Cover w text description.
LACROSSE, L. Alf – 1850 - 90 era. Named in true historical story of Kosciuszko D. Keith who help found Texas in the early pioneer days as published in this complete western magazine.
LADD, Charlie - 1890 -era - location Nevada. Named in story entitled "Gold Thieves in the Old West" which pictures and tells of fast shooting road agents who stole a lot of gold and of mild mannered manner, retiring high-graders who beat them at their own game as found in this very rare, complete western magazine
LADD, E. F. * - 1921 - Pictured as Republican from North Dakota who took office as Senator on March 4, 1921.
LADD, Gabriella of Vassar * - 1931 - Identified,and written about in article entitled '"A NEW WOMEN'S NATIONAL INTERCOLLEGIATE RECORD" set by Washington University of St. Louis native, Miss Helen Schgardus as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine
LADD, Goldie E. Ladd - Photo * - (of Muskegon, Michigan) - 1928 - Photo by Ladd and Son Studio of Muskegon, Michigan wins second prize award in pictorial collage entitled FIRST AWARDS IN MOTHER AND CHILD PORTRAIT CONTEST as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine
LADD and Son Studio - Photo * - (of Muskegon, Michigan) - 1928 - Photo of Mrs. Goldie E. Ladd and Son wins a cash award in pictorial collage entitled FIRST AWARDS IN MOTHER AND CHILD PORTRAIT CONTEST as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine
LADDIE BUCK * - 1923 - (of Atlanta, Georgia) Gift of Laddie Buck by Mss Margaret Calhoun of Atlanta, Georgia, a three year Airdale who was given to President Coolidge as saved from this American Pictorial Magazine.
LADE, Bill * - 1890 - 1920 - LOCATION: British Columbia - (Killed in Snow slide) - Father of Fred L. Lade named in story entitled "Forgotten Goldrush" by Fred l. Lade who writes of the camps in British Columbia's magnificent, mountainous Lardeau country are now ghost towns but at the turn of the century thousands of men were mining riches told by one that was there as saved in this old complete western magazine
LADE, Fred L. * - 1890 - 1920 - LOCATION: British Columbia - Author of story entitled "Forgotten Goldrush" by Fred l. Lade who writes of the camps in British Columbia's magnificent, mountainous Lardeau country are now ghost towns but at the turn of the century thousands of men were mining riches told by one that was there as saved in this old complete western magazine
LADE, Jim * - 1890 - 1920 - LOCATION: British Columbia - Brother of Fred L. Lade named in story entitled "Forgotten Goldrush" by Fred l. Lade who writes of the camps in British Columbia's magnificent, mountainous Lardeau country are now ghost towns but at the turn of the century thousands of men were mining riches told by one that was there as saved in this old complete western magazine
LADE, Vince * - 1890 - 1920 - LOCATION: British Columbia - Brother of Fred L. Lade named in story entitled "Forgotten Goldrush" by Fred l. Lade who writes of the camps in British Columbia's magnificent, mountainous Lardeau country are now ghost towns but at the turn of the century thousands of men were mining riches told by one that was there as saved in this old complete western magazine
LADENBURG, Adolph, Mrs. * - 1924 - Pictured in article entitled HOSTESSES FOR THE ENTERTAINMENT OF THE WOMEN AT THE CONVENTION as being a member of the Open House Committee.. 11 by 16 inches in mint condition as saved from old American Pictorial Mag.
LADIES' NIGHT with DORE, Diane * - 1921 - pictured appearing in " Ladies' Night " in an article entitled Actresses Playing in Current Theatrical Productions as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
LADUE, Antoine, Army Scout, circa 1866 mentioned in "Powder River Expedition", by: Greg Smith as published in old western magazine.
LADY ALEXANDRA * - 1923 - Pictured are members of the wedding of Her Royal Highness Princess Maud and Lord Carnegie along with bridesmaid and attendants as saved from this American Pictorial Magazine. Mint condition. 11 by 16 inches
LADY ANNE HOPE, * - 1923 - Pictured are members of the wedding of Her Royal Highness Princess Maud and Lord Carnegie along with bridesmaid and attendants as saved from this American Pictorial Magazine. Mint condition. 11 by 16 inches
LADY ASTOR * - 1932 - Viscountess Astor of Cliveden and Richmond is pictured in article entitled " RUM'S GAYEST ENEMY.", whose pronounced "that the election was not a wet victory, but a protest against too much drinking under prohibition" as reported in the weekly feature FOOTNOTES ON A WEEK'S HEADLINERS as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
LADY AT TEA *- 1926 - Pictured in story entitled "THE PAINTER OF CHILDREN" who the author says Mary Cassatt (1844 - 1926) has the eyes of a painter and in a measure - the mind of a sister of Charity. "She is devoted to her art as if it was a religion. Portraits and prints featured as saved from this old American magazine
LADY AT THE PIANO * - 1926 - Shown in Article entitled "AN AMERICAN IN THE CLASSIC TRADITION - the story of Charles Sheeler paintings which are an important American Art Treasure with examples of his art work as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
LADY BAILEY * - 1927 - Wife of a South African millionaire pictured with her family in article entitled JOBS AHEAD FOR BIRD-WOMEN IN PEACE AND WAR with stories of these lady pilots who challenged the Air and the men back in 1927. Lady Bailey did not help the cause when her plane ran out of fuel and she had to land on the grounds of a lunatic asylum as saved from this old American News Magazine in their Personal Glimpses feature.
LADY BILLY with CONSTANCE, Beatrice * - 1923 - Star pictured and written about as appearing in "LADY BILLY" and featured in this article entitled ACTRESSES PLAYING IN CURRENT THEATRICAL PRODUCTIONS as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
LADY BILLY WITH MITZI * - 1921 - Pictured as star of the musical, "Lady Billy" which recently opened as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
LADY DIANA MANNERS * - 1924 - Featured in pictorial collage entitled ACTRESSES OF STAGE AND SCREEN as star of "The Miracle". 11 by 16 inches. Mint condition.
LADY DIANA BRIDGEMAN * - 1922 - Pictured as one of Bridesmaids Chose For Wedding of Princess Mary.
LADY DORIS GODON LENNOX * - 1922 - Daughter of the Earl of March pictured as one of Bridesmaids Chose For Wedding of Princess Mary.
LADY ELIZABETH BOWES-LYON * - 1922 - Daughter of the Earl of Strathmore pictured as one of Bridesmaids Chose For Wedding of Princess Mary.
LADY GAME BEACH GOLD CUP of the BONDI TEAM * - 1933 - Pictured in collage at New South Wales, Sidney, Australia entitled "SUMMER BATHING BEAUTIES OF THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE" as winners of the Lady Game Beach Gold Cup as saved from an American Pictorial Magazine. 11 by 14 inches. Mint Condition.
LADY HELEN, * - 1931 - . Smallest Shetland Pony pictured and featured in article entitled '" THE LARGEST AND SMALLEST ENTRIES IN THE SHOW" as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
LADY HUNTER ON THE PLATTE * - 1850 - 1880 - Colorado - Martha Maxwell, subject of story entitled "Lady Hunter on the Platte", first lady hunter of the pioneer west. This is her story as published in this rare and complete western magazine.
LADY JASON BEAR * - 1922 - Mascot pictured with handlers in article entitled 'LADY BEAR COURT-MARTIALED AND DISCHARGED following being found guilty of unlawful removal of an ear from the ship's dog as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
LADY JOAN HOPE, * - 1923 - Pictured are members of the wedding of Her Royal Highness Princess Maud and Lord Carnegie along with bridesmaid and attendants as saved from this American Pictorial Magazine. Mint condition. 11 by 16 inches
LADY LEE OF FAREHAM * - 1922 - Pictured after presentation of key to Sulgrave Manor was presented to Mrs Harding in article entitled Prominent People at National Capital as saved from this old American pictorial magazine
LADY LUCK - Early 1900 era. SITE IDAHO, KENTUCKY. Horse named in history entitled THE LAND OF WILD HORSES, BREATHING WELLS, AND HEARTBREAK -- the story of Ruben and Mary Claunch and their pioneer days in the area of Big Butte where they battled snow, cold, rattlesnakes, snow blindness while settling a homestead and raising a family as found in this seldom read western magazine.
LADY MacBETH * - 1921 - Julia Arthur plays the part of Lady Macbeth as pictured in "Scenes in Current Theatrical Productions" as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
LADY MARY CARNEGIE, * - 1923 - Pictured are members of the wedding of Her Royal Highness Princess Maud and Lord Carnegie along with bridesmaid and attendants as saved from this American Pictorial Magazine. Mint condition. 11 by 16 inches
LADY MARY THYNNE * - 1922 - Third Daughter of Marquis of Bath pictured as one of Bridesmaids Chose For Wedding of Princess Mary.
LADY MAY CAMBRIDGE * - 1922 - Daughter of the Duke of Devonshire pictured as one of Bridesmaids Chose For Wedding of Princess Mary.
LADY MILLICENT HAWES * - Pictured as one who has achieved great economic benefits for workers in the potteries as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine which is 11 by 16 in mint condition.
LADY RACHEL CAVENDISH * - 1922 - Daughter of the Earl of Bradford pictured as one of Bridesmaids Chose For Wedding of Princess Mary.
LADY RAFFLES * - 1928 - Pictured is WINIFRED LANDIS in LADY RAFFLES as STAR OF THE SILVER SCREEN in pictorial collage entitled NEWS AND COMMENT RELATING TO MOTION PICTURES as saved from this American Pictorial Magazine.
LADY RICHMOND BROWN * - 1923 - Pictured is the prominent English society woman who will accompany the Mitchell Hedges Exploring Expedition on a trip to Central America as saved from this American Pictorial Revue Magazine. Mint condition.11 by 16 inches.
LADY TEAZLE- 1850 ERA - Site - California.- Named in great true story entitled LOLA MONTEZ - A MOST NOTORIOUS LADY who had the benefit of great looks and a royal title -- Countess of Landsfelt - conferred her by King Ludwig of Bavaria. She came to conquer hearts and to gain political power through her charms and she did according to author Louise Cheney as published in this complete and seldom found western magazine.
LADY VICTORIA CAVENDISH-BENTICK, * - 1923 - Pictured are members of the wedding of Her Royal Highness Princess Maud and Lord Carnegie along with bridesmaid and attendants as saved from this American Pictorial Magazine. Mint condition. 11 by 16 inches
LAEMMLE, Carl - Under Two Flags. Picture of The Year. Movie Star Poster. 1922
LAEMMLE, Carl. - 1920 - 30 era. Location: California. Named in story entitled "BRINGING FORTH THE MOUSE" by Richard Schickel which tells of the history of Walt Disney and Mickey Mouse detailing individuals who help bring the little rodent to the screen as published in this old American hardback magazine.
LAFARGE, Oliver * - 1925 - TULANE UNIVERSITY EXPEDITION TO THE MAYAS * - 1925 - An pictorial collage entitled "Striking Discoveries by the Tulane Expedition to the Kingdom of the Ancient Mayas as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
LAFARGE, Oliver - 1878 - 1930 Era. Site: DE, IL, IO, MA, MT, NY, WY. Subject of story entitled "THE WESTERN LEGACY OF W. H. D. KOERNER" by W. H. Hutchinson who writes that this famous artist spent his summers in the west and became famous for his cover illustrations of the vanishing American west as found in this old and complete western magazine.
LAFAYETTE BAKERY owned by Henry Plummer mentioned in "Henry Plummer's Horrendous Masquerade" article from old western magazine
LAFAYETTE UNIVERSITY SPRING RELAY TEAM * - 1921 - Pictured in a track collage of events held at Franklin Field, Philadelphia entitled "GREATEST TRACK AND FIELD MEET EVER HELD IN AMERICA" with pictures of Medley, Sprints, Hurdles, Pole Vault and High Jump Winners as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
LaFAYETTE WIRELESS PLANT, CROIX d'HINS, FRANCE * - 1921- Pictorial collage entitled WORLD'S LARGEST WIRELESS STATION IN FRANCE with great photos of the 1,000 wyatt generator, the switchboard and the mammoth aerial inductance and manipulating relays as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
LAFAYETTE WRESTLING TEAM * - 1931 - Bliss P. Sargant of Martins Creek, Pa., Captain of the Lafayette Wrestling team is pictured in collage entitled "A COLLEGIATE WRESTLING STAR" who is nearing the end of his senior year undefeated as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine. Mint conation. 11 by 14 inches.
LAFAYETTE, Andree * - 1923 - French actress pictured as appearing "TRILBY" playing at the Strand Theatre as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine. 11 by 16 inches.
LAFAYETTE, Andree *- 1923 - Featured in pictorial collage entitled PROMINENT ACTRESSES OF THE SILENT DRAMA as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine. Mint. 11 by 16 inches.
LAFAYETTE, INDIANA NTERCOLLEGIATE AIR MEET * - 1935 - Lafayette, Indiana. Pictorial collage entitled "THE FIRST INTERCOLLEGIATE AIR MEET" includes pictures of stars and winners of the event held at Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana with winners representing Universities of Purdue, Minnesota, Amherst, naming and picturing officers of group as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
LAFFER, Mrs. Walter B. * -1921 - General Chairman of the National League of Women Voters as pictured and written about in article entitled "Persons and Fashions of Interest to Women" as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
LAFFERTY, E. * Sergeant, (Easton, Penn. –WW 1 Honor Roll – Killed in Action)
LAFFERTY, Herbert A. F. * (2nd. Lt., Seventh Cavalry - Wounded at El Caney - 1898 RARE CASUALTIES OF SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR, Munsey's Magazine, September 1898)
LAFFERTY, Jack - Author "6 Medals of Honor"
LAFITTE, Jean- Era: 1815 - 1837 - Site: Mississippi, Texas. Pirate written about in true story of western pioneer JANE, LONG, MOTHER OF TEXAS by Louise Cheney who participated in and was witness of the most important development of the Republic and later State of Texas as published in this complete and seldom found, western magazine.
LAFITTE, John - (of Boston Sunday Post) - 1872 Era. Location: CT, MA, NY,. Story entitled "NEW LIGHT ON THE MARY CELESTE MYSTERY" as saved from an old American News Magazine which revisits the case and cause of this great mystery in the shipping industry when the brig was found abandoned.
LAFLIN and RAND * 1902 Ammunition Ad entitled "Makers of Powder for the U. S. Government".
LAFOLLETTE, Robert M. * - Senator from Wisconsin - 1922 - pictured and mentioned in "Leading Figures and Events at the National Capital".
LAFRENZ, Claus P. (Kapitanit., prisoner)) World War I era. British Admiralty Statement of "Fate of 150 German U-Boat Commanding Officers who were killed or became prisoners at war.
LAGERLOF, Selma - "A Poet Pursued by Honors" 1914 as published tribute in old American News Magazine.
LAHANASH Indian mentioned in "Charles Chaboillez-First American Fur Trader"
LAHN, Lieutenant - 1907 - Balloonist who won the Gordon Bennett Trophy in1906 era as stated in article entitled SOME RECORDS IN BALLOONING as saved from this old American pictorial magazine
LAIBLE, Judge George * - pictured at 1934 Century of Progress Exposition in Chicago. Collage of pictures of Midget Village.
LAIDLAW, Doris Miss * - 1924 - Pictured playing the part in the South Sea Dance, "Ingenuousness" in pictorial collage entitled "Musical Revue of the Best Sellers", presented by the Spence School Alumnae of New York as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
LAIR, Benjamin F. * Private, (New York City –WW 1 Honor Roll – Killed in Action)
LAIRD, Jim referred to in "Six-Guns and Printer's Ink" by Ed Repp. A history of early pioneer newspapers on the western frontier as saved from this old western magazine.
LAITE, Charles * - 1921 - Star pictured in striking scenes of William Gillette's new play "The Dream Maker" as pictured here in shots of casts as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine
LAKE ARROWHEAD, CALIFORNIA * - 1933 - Pictured on the cover is entitled QUEEN OF THE SNOWS is Miss Betty Edwards as the Queen of the Winter Sports Tournament at Lake Arrowhead, California.
LAKE BENNETT *, (drawing), referred to in story "Over The Chilkoot Pass to the Yukon" by Frederick Funston, w map and pictures of expedition in 1893 to the gold mining camp at Forty Mile Creek as written in rarely found western magazine article.
LAKE CITY, MINNESOTA , * - Pioneer era - Named in story entitled "THE SECRET ARIZONA RANGERS" with listings of famous lawmen and their "outlaw" subjects. Many stories of captures, escapes, some funny and other tragic as published in this Special Issue of an old seldom found and rare western magazine.
Lake Coeur d'Alene, - 1865 era – Location: WA Territory. Named in story entitled “The Colville Indian’s Helen Toulou” by Thelma Kimmel which relates the story of pioneer days in the Fort Spokane area as found in this complete, seldom read western magazine.
LAKE DENMARK EXPLOSION * - 1926 - Pictured in story entitled "Death and Havoc in New Jersey Ammunition Explosion" with pictures and text of catastrophe where arsenal collapsed from the force of an explosion. Mint Condition. 11 by 14 inches.
LAKE DRAGNA - U. S. Steamer mentioned in - 1918-19 - carried home Pictorial collage w text entitled " BODIES OF AMERICAN SOLDIERS BROUGHT FROM RUSSIA" with 1 pages of officials pictures of parade carrying coffins of American Soldiers. Separate picture of flag draped cofins at Hoboken Pier.
LAKE ELEANOR, in Yosemite Valley * (1914 era – Location, California). Named in “Honeymoon in Hetch Hetchy.” Dorothy and Robert Duryea’s trip to Hetch Hetchy Valley at the time of America’s first major conservation crusade as published in this very expensively printed complete old western magazine
LAKE ERIE, GEORGIAN BAY SHIP CANAL * - 1921 - Pictorial Panorama entitled GREAT TRADE ROUTE OF THE PROPOSED ALL-CANADIAN GEORGIAN BAY SHIP CANAL outlining the rouge from the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean through Canada as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
LAKE GRACE, ALASKA * - 1926 - Named as commander of the Alaskan Naval Aerial Survey Expedition is Lt. B. H. Wyatt, U. S. Navy of the expedition pictured in collage entitled "Navy Flyers Photograph Unknown Sections of Alaska" as pictured and written about as saved from an old American Pictorial magazine. Mint condition. 11 by 16 inches.
LAKE HOPACONG, NEW JERSEY, NORTH AMERICAN CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP * - 1923 - Pictured in article entitled "In the News From All Parts of the United States are members participating at the Chess Master's Tournament at the Alamac Hotel, Lake Hopatocong, New Jersey.
LAKE HOPATCONG, NEW JERSEY KNOCKABOUT FLEET .* - 1931 - Pictured in article headlined "WHEN BATHING SUITS ARE PROPER YACHTING ATTIRE and which shows ONE OF THE SAILING BOATS in the race at Lake Hopatcong, New Jersey overturned as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
LAKE HOUSE, referred to in "Comstock Country Land of Promises", historic article from old western magazine covering Virginia City, Sutro, Gold Hill and Silver City with lots of picture and map printed on slick enamel paper. Rarely found. Early pioneer days.
LAKE HURON, GEORGIAN BAY SHIP CANAL * - 1921 - Pictorial Panorama entitled GREAT TRADE ROUTE OF THE PROPOSED ALL-CANADIAN GEORGIAN BAY SHIP CANAL outlining the rouge from the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean through Canada as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
LAKE LEATHERWOOD- 1890's - LOCATION: Eureka Springs, Arkansas Named in story entitled "AUS ARCS - YESTERDAY'S WORLD by Pearl Anoe with photos courtesy of author. Tells of history of Eureka Springs inc. story of Miss Wixt who came to Eureka Springs on a strecher, blind and deaf and nobody - but nobody expected her to live but the magic waters healed her to have a merry old life at 80 as found in this complete western magazine.
LAKE LEBARGE, referred to in story "Over The Chilkoot Pass to the Yukon" by Frederick Funston, w map and pictures of expedition in 1893 to the gold mining camp at Forty Mile Creek as written in rarely found western magazine article.
LAKE LINDERMAN, referred to in story "Over The Chilkoot Pass to the Yukon" by Frederick Funston, w map and pictures of expedition in 1893 to the gold mining camp at Forty Mile Creek as written in rarely found western magazine article.
LAKE MICHIGAN - 1924 - Article entitled "Turning Some of Lake Michigan into More Chicago" as saved from an American News Magazine.
LAKE MICHIGAN * - 1923 - Pictured in article entitled ARTIC CONDITIONS ON LAKE MICHIGAN as published in story entitled VESSEL HELD IN GRIP OF ICE FLOES ON LAKE MICHIGAN as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
LAKE NARES, referred to in story "Over The Chilkoot Pass to the Yukon" by Frederick Funston, w map and pictures of expedition in 1893 to the gold mining camp at Forty Mile Creek as written in rarely found western magazine article.
LAKE OF THE WOODS * -1870 era - U. S. A. - Canada Boundary - Named and pictured in story entitled "STRANGE LETTERS AND A BOUNDARY SURVEY by Roy P. Johnson. Seems there was a dispute in Pembina, Dakota Territory over the location of a Hudson Bay Company trading post and the smuggling of whiskey through a “No Man’s Land” which led to confirmation of the U.S.-Canadian boundary as told in the old and complete western magazine
LAKE ORMOC MOTOR SHIP *- 1928. Pictured in article entitled "A LINK IN THE CHAIN OF HENRY FORD'S WORLD WIDE ACTIVITY as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
LAKE ONTARIO, GEORGIAN BAY SHIP CANAL * - 1921 - Pictorial Panorama entitled GREAT TRADE ROUTE OF THE PROPOSED ALL-CANADIAN GEORGIAN BAY SHIP CANAL outlining the rouge from the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean through Canada as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
LAKE PLACID * - 1922 - Pictured in sports pictorial collage entitled DEVOTEES OF WINTER SPORTS THRONG FROZEN LAKES AND RIVERS IN NEW YORK, NEWBURGH AND LAKE PLACID as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
LAKE PLACID * - 1924 - Pictured in Sports Collage entitled WINNER SPORTS AT LAKE PLACID featuring various celebrities and sports figures at play as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
LAKE PLACID DOG SLED DERBY * - 1931 - Pictured is Walter Channing of Boston in article entitled "The Winner of the Lake Placid Dog Sled Derby" over a 32 mile course as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
LAKE PLACID SKING STAR * - 1935 - picture of Rolf Monsen entitled A STAR OF THE AMERICAN OLYMPIC SKI TEAM IN ACTION at Lake Placid, Garmisch-Partendirchen, Germany as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
Lake Roosevelt, - 1865 era – Location: WA Territory. Named in story entitled “The Colville Indian’s Helen Toulou” by Thelma Kimmel which relates the story of pioneer days in the Fort Spokane area as found in this complete, seldom read western magazine.
LAKE TAGISH, referred to in story "Over The Chilkoot Pass to the Yukon" by Frederick Funston, w map and pictures of expedition in 1893 to the gold mining camp at Forty Mile Creek as written in rarely found western magazine article.
LAKE TAHOE *, Nevada, (Railroad), referred to in "Comstock Country Land of Promises", historic article from old western magazine covering Virginia City, Sutro, Gold Hill and Silver City with lots of picture and map printed on slick enamel paper. Rarely found. Early pioneer days.
LAKE TAHOE STATION. - 1914 era. Location: Western United States. Named in the history of the circumstances of the construction of the transcontinental telephone system by THEODORE N. VAILl which was completed across the United States on June 17, 1914 as reported in this complete western magazine.
LAKE TEXCOCO - 1840 Era - Location MX, LA, TX. Named in story entitled "When Lee and Grant Were Allies" by Norman Winski where author tells that Lee once came to Grant's rescue and of their service in the American-Mexican War's most important battle - Chapultepec as found in this old and complete western magazine
LAKE TIORATI * - 1933 - Pictured with Marian Tinker, Camp Director in pictorial story entitled "IN AN EXPERIMENTAL CAMP FOR UNEMPLOYED WOMEN" - a project of the Federal Government. 11 by 14 in mint condition.
LAKE TORPEDO COMPANY * 1920 - Pictorial collage entitled U. S. SUBMARINE - 16 - LAUNCHING OF LARGEST UNITED STATES SUBMARINE as she appeared at Bridgeport, Conn., built at the plant of the Lake Torpedo Company, it is the largest vessel of her type in our Navy as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
LAKE'S CROSSING, referred to in "Comstock Country Land of Promises", historic article from old western magazine covering Virginia City, Sutro, Gold Hill and Silver City with lots of picture and map printed on slick enamel paper. Rarely found. Early pioneer days
LAKE, Agnes (2nd wife of "Wild Bill" Hickok) - 1850 era - Location: VA and Western United States. Named in story entitled THE REAL CALAMITY JANE by Kathryn Wright of Martha Jane Cannary - called Calamity Jane here and the life of this legendary figure on the pioneer front of the western United States as found in this old and complete western magazine.
LAKE, Alice * (Metro Star) Leading Actresses of the Photo Drama as published in a collage in a Pictorial Magazine of 1921.
LAKE, Alice * - 1923 - Featured in pictorial collage entitled PROMINENT ACTRESSES OF THE SILENT DRAMA as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine. Mint. 11 by 16 inches.
LAKE, Carolyn * - 1880 era – Location AZ, NM, TX – Editor of story entitled Undercover Agent for Wells Fargo by Fred Dodge, which tells of the life and times of Special Undercover Agent Fred J. Dodge who helped push the badmen out of the Southwest and establish law and order on the western frontier as found in the rare western magazine.
LAKE, Frank, Sheriff of Pawnee County, Oklahoma - 1850 - 1927 era, Location: MO, OK, TX, VA, WY. Named in story entitled "FRONTIER LAWMAN" by William Gardner Bell who writes of the life and times of U. S. Marshall Frank M. Canton who, in later years, was on the side of the law and earlier was known as Outlaw Joe Horner, the "Lone Highwayman of Texas" as found in this old and complete western magazine
LAKE, Harriette * - 1931 - Pictured with her co-star, Jack Whiting in a scene from AMERICA'S SWEETHEART, a musical comedy playing at the New Broadhurst Theatre in the weekly featured IN THE BROADWAY PLAYS as saved from this American pictorial magazine
LAKE, James - 1880 era - location Western United States. Named in story about Annie Powers (i.e. Buffalo Woman) entitled "BUFFALO WOMAN, TERROR OF THE PLAINS" by Maurice Kildare and tells of this widow riding the vengeance trail on a black horse, clad in black seeking her husband's killers as published in this rare, seldom found complete western magazine.
LAKE, Myron C. referred to in "Comstock Country Land of Promises", historic article from old western magazine covering Virginia City, Sutro, Gold Hill and Silver City with lots of picture and map printed on slick enamel paper. Rarely found. Early pioneer days.
LAKE, Simon Submarine * - 1935 -Underwater innovator and inventor of submarines pictured in article entitled " UNDERWATER LAKE", who had experimented for 20 years on underwater vessels joined with Dr. William Bathysphere Beebe in the demonstration of a "baby submarine" as reported in the weekly feature FOOTNOTES ON A WEEK'S HEADLINERS as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
LAKE, Simon - 1890 era - Central City, Colorado location. Named in fantastic true story entitled "Submarines of the Rockies" by Agnes M. Pharo, the unbelievable tale of inventor R. T. Owens who dreamed of building a submarine in the 1890's and convinced financial backers that it would swim before it would sink. He was wrong but he escaped with his life to offer the sub plans to the U. S. Government who laughed. Owens went to Germany and sold the plans to the Kaiser who realized the potential and thus, the German Wolf Pack as found in this very rare complete western magazine.
LAKE, Stuart N. . - 1896 era - Referred to in historic, seldom found story entitled "The Night Wyatt Earp Almost KOed Boxing" by Gary Roberts. Pictures Earp, drawing of ring of Mechanics' Pavillion in San Francisco. controversial $10,000 Check covering great fight between "Fighting" Bob Fitzsimmons and "Sailor" Tom Sharkey.
LAKE, Stuart N. - 1800 era. Site: AZ, MO, TN, IRELAND. Named in this story entitled 'JOHNNY BEHAN OF TOMBSTONE" by Glenn G. Boyer who writes that Sheriff "Johnny" Tombstone was in constant conflict with Wyatt Earp and the resultant story as published in this old and complete western magazine
LAKE, Stuart N. - (Story of Tom Tyler - alias:of Vincent Markowski) - 1920 - 50's. Location: Hollywood, California. Named in story entitled "Cowboy Strongman - Tom Tyler" by Glen Shirley tells of the history and times of this versatile actor who appeared as Captain Marvel after serving as a member of the Royal National Mounted Police and Champion Weightlifter of the U. S. Navy whose life touched most of the Hollywood greats as found in this very rare western magazine
LAKE, Stuart N. - 1880 era – Location AZ, NM, TX – Father of Editor of story entitled Undercover Agent for Wells Fargo by Fred Dodge, which tells of the life and times of Special Undercover Agent Fred J. Dodge who helped push the badmen out of the Southwest and establish law and order on the western frontier as found in the rare western magazine.
LAKE, Thomas D., Jr. * Lieutenant, (Laurens, South Carolina -WW 1 Honor Roll - Killed in Action)
LAKES OF GUADALUPE * - circa 1877. Site: TX, Mexico. Named in story about escapade of Judge Charles Howard entitled SHOOT-OUT AT SAN ELIZARIO by Dean Lipton who tells of the unauthorized take over of the salt lakes of Guadalupe and the resultant conflict resulting in Texas Ranger deaths as found in this old, complete, western magazine.
LAKES, Arthur - 1870 - 80's era - Location CO, KS, MT, ND, PA, SD, WY. Teacher named in story entitled "The Great Dinosaur War" by Paul C. Day tells of the differences of Yale Professor Othniel Charles Marsh and Quaker Edward Drinker cope and their explorations of the River Basin of Montana where they hunted bones and fossils and minerals as related in this rare complete western magazine.
LAKESIDE MONTHLY. - 1880 era. Location, California. Chicago newspaper named in story entitled 'BRET HARTE BARD OF THE 49ERS" which states that every lover of the legendary wild west owes Bred Harte eternal gratitude because this "eastern dude" dug for gold, starved a little, laughed a little and rode shotgun guard on stagecoaches before he started writing about if for all the world to share as published in this complete and rare western magazine
LAKESIDE, Alvin. - 1895 era - Named in historical murder story entitled "Murderess", the true story of the life and trial of Nellie C. Bailey who was tried for the murder of her wealthy English husband, Clement Bothamley. Trial was held at the Opera House in Wichita, Kansas.
LAKEVIEW HILL mentioned in "Waybills of the Virginia & Truckee RR."
LALLY * starring BARCLAY, Patricia * - 1927 - Pictured in article entitled " PLAYERS FEATURED IN THE LATEST BROADWAY PRODUCTIONS " appearing in leading feminine role of "Lally" at the Greenwich Village Theater, as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
LALOLAMAY * (Moqui Indian Chief of Oraibi Pueblo) 1890 era - "Julian's Scott's Indians" by Wilfred Neill as published an illustrated in this old western magazine.
LAMA River Steamer , Jefferson, Texas Mentioned in "Queen of the West" By: Al Eason, the history of the founding of Jefferson, Texas
LAMALCHI INDIANS - 1850 era - Names as among many of the tales herein about Indians attacking ships on the Pacific Coast entitled "Bad Water and Bad Indians" as found in this rare western magazine.
LAMANITES * - 1850 - Location: UT. Story entitled REBELLION OF THE LAMANITES by Earl Spendlove which details the difficulties between the Ute Indians (Lamanites) and pioneers of the Church of Later Day Saints (Mormons) ending in warfare which practically annihilated a band of the warring Indians as found in this complete western magazine which includes map.
LAMANITES.. - Later 1860 era. Location, Hawaii. Named in historical story entitled "WALTER MURRAY GIBSON: GREAT MORMON RASCAL" Twice in his turbulent life he narrowly escaped hanging. But in the old days, that was not uncommon. Characterized as a ex-pirate, Gibson was a Mormon who took advantage of the Church to become a prominent public figure in Hawaii politics as published in this rare western magazine
LAMAR, COLORADO * - 1931 - Article entitled TRAGEDY AND HEROISM IN A COLORADO BLIZZARD which is a collage of photos of a school bus accident where twenty children were stranded and five children eventually froze to death in a blizzard as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
LAMAR, Jean * - 1923 - Pictured are Jean Lamar and Astrid Ohlson, stars of "GREENWICH VILLAGE FOLLIES" playing at the Winter Garden Theatre as saved from this American Pictorial Magazine. Mint condition. 11 by 16 inches.
LAMAR, Joseph R., Jr. * 1918 - Member - Woman's Committee Council of national Defense, WWI - United States.
LAMAR, Mirabeau B., (President of the Republic of Texas) - 1845 Era. Southwest Texas - New Mexico location. Named in story entitled "Reporter On The Spot", the story of reporter George Wilkins Kendall who took part in the ill-fated Texas-Santa Fe Expedition which almost cost his life as the New Orleans Picayune reporter wrote in his diary. Published in complete and rare western magazine
LAMAR, Mirabeau B., (President of the Republic of Texas- Era: 1815 - 1837 - Site: Mississippi, Texas. Written about in true story of western pioneer JANE, LONG, MOTHER OF TEXAS by Louise Cheney who participated in and was witness of the most important development of the Republic and later State of Texas as published in this complete and seldom found, western magazine.
LAMAR, Mirabeau B. (Governor of Texas) "Lords of the South Plains" by Norman B. Wiltsey, history of the Comanche experience with horses and, according to U. S. Military officers became the best light cavalry the world has ever seen.
LAMAR, Mirabeau Bonaparte, (Governor of Texas). - 1800 - 1840's era. Location: NC, TX.- Named in story entitled "THE ENIGMA OF TEXAS BOB PORTER by Calvin Jarrett who writes of the left and times of Robert "Bob" Porter who was a politician and legislator in North Carolina and Texas as published in this old and complete western magazine.
LAMAR, Mirabeau B., * (President of the Republic of Texas) - 1830 - 40 era, Site: TX, Mexico. Named in story entitled "HE MADE THE COLT PISTOL WORK" by Curtis Bishop was writes that Sam Colt was a struggling, unknown gunsmith until Sam Walker submitted plans to improve his gun that became famous throughout the west as found in this old and complete western magazine.
LAMAR, Mr., Written up in, "Cullen Baker-First of the Gunfighters", By: Carl W. Breihan - Story of notorious Easter Texas Desperado in the 1880 era.
LAMAR, Mirabeau B., (President of the Republic of Texas) - 1850-90 CIRCA. Named in Biographical history entitled "The Lubbock Brothers Changed Texas" of two young adventures from South Carolina who followed different stars to destiny in the Republic of Texas as published in this complete western magazine
LAMARTINE - Mentioned in "A Poet Pursued by Honors" 1914 as published tribute in old American News Magazine.
LAMAS, Carlos Salvadora *1936 - Argentina's Foreign Minister.
LAMAYURA, TIBET painting by NICHOLAS ROERICH * - 1929 - Cover painting entitled "LAMAYURA, TIBET" with text which relates the capture of his family in Mongolia and held prisoner for five months. He has recently returned from his trip to Tibet after four years in Central Asia where he went to paint a panorama for the new Roerich Museum. Complete American magazine. Mint condition.
LAMB, Abraham (MURDER IN CLACKAMAS COUNTY - OREGON CITY, OREGON, Hardly Ever Found FRONTIER Story in Western Magazine)
LAMB, Bill mentioned in "Tex Banta Mountain Man of the 1880’s", by: O. W. Banta, Submitted By: Wayne Spiller
LAMB, Charity (MURDER IN CLACKAMAS COUNTY - OREGON CITY, OREGON, Hardly Ever Found FRONTIER Story in Western Magazine)
LAMB, Frederick S. *, 1902 - Secretary, Municipal Art Society of New York and President of the Architectural League of America.
LAMB, Joseph * (SCOTT JOPLIN & MAPLE LEAF RAG History, American Hardback Magazine)
LAMB, Joseph * - 1925 - Pictured in article stating that he walked four miles in forty seven minutes as saved from an American Pictorial magazine.
LAMB, Mary Ann (MURDER IN CLACKAMAS COUNTY - OREGON CITY, OREGON, Hardly Ever Found FRONTIER Story in Western Magazine)
LAMB, Merritt Udell * Captain (Rockford, Michigan - Honor Roll - Killed in Action)
LAMB, Nathaniel (MURDER IN CLACKAMAS COUNTY - OREGON CITY, OREGON, Hardly Ever Found FRONTIER Story in Western Magazine)
LAMB, Ralph * Private (Seaforth, Minnesota – Honor Roll –Killed in Action)
LAMB, Tom * Defendants and counsel The Wham Robbery by Donald N Bentz article from old western magazine
LAMB, Tommy (MURDER IN CLACKAMAS COUNTY - OREGON CITY, OREGON, Hardly Ever Found FRONTIER Story in Western Magazine)
LAMB, William *, Colonel and Confederate Commander of Fort Fisher mentioned in 1916 Article entitled "Blockcade Runners of Other Days" by Walter B. Hayward.
LAMB, William F., (Empire State Building) * - A collage of photos of winners of awards in the NEW YORK ARCHITECTURAL SHOW OF 1931 as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
LAMBERT, Charles Frederick * (Rare INDIAN MOTORCYCLE STORY W PICS - circa 1914 , Old Western Magazine)
LAMBERT, Doniinic - 1875 Era. Lay brother named in Historical story entitled "SACRED HEART' - OUTPOST OF RELIGION" by E. H. Brewington - the story of Benedictine Father Dom Isodore Robot who founded the Sacred Heart Mission and School in the Indian territory of Oklahoma. Rare magazine.
LAMBERT, Fred - U. S. Deputy Special Officer in the Indian Service * - 1800 era, Site: AZ, CO, NM, UT. Author of story entitled "THE PENITENTES - A RELIGIOUS SECT OF NEW MEXICO who reveals some of the information, misinformation, rites, rituals of this unusual folks who believe and practice self-flagellation to seek atonement for theirs sins and transgressions as found in this old, complete western magazine,
LAMBERT, John mentioned in "The Curse at Black Rock" article from old western magazine
LAMBERT, John W. * Private, (Newnan, Georgia -WW 1 Honor Roll - Died of Wounds)
LAMBERT, Katie * (Rare INDIAN MOTORCYCLE STORY W PICS -circa 1914 , Old Western Magazine)
LAMBERT, Lady Elizabeth * - 1927 - Featured in article entitled "CAMERA STUDIES OF ENGLISH CHILDHOOD BY MARCUS ADAMS" as saved from this collage from an old American Pictorial Magazine
LAMBERT, Martha E., Author, 1873 era. "John Kleven-Nebraska Pioneer" by Martha E. Lambert - story of settlement of Nebraska town of Culbertson.
LAMBERTON, G. M..,* - 1868 era - Location OK, NB, INDIAN TERRITORY.. United States District Attorney named in historical true story entitled STANDING BEAR: ELQQUENT ADVOCATE by Carl Uhlark who write of Thomas H. Tibbles, an assistant editor of the Omaha Herals and pioneer advocate of Indian rights and his attempt to help Ponca Indian Chief Standing Bear (called Ma-chu-nah-zah) to receive justice in the courts of the United States as found in this complete, rare and seldom read western magazine.
LAMBOURNE, Alfred * -- 1900 era - Famous artist of the old west written up in story entitled AFRED LAMBOURNE - Artist of the Salt Lake Trail by A. J. Simmons. Converted to the Mormon religion as a child in England, his life story is told here as he recorded and sketched the historic scenes and events as he traveled with his parents to Salt Lake City as found in this old western magazine.
LAMBOURNE, Lilly J., -- 1900 era - Famous artist's baby sister who died on trail as named in story entitled AFRED LAMBOURNE - Artist of the Salt Lake Trail by A. J. Simmons. Converted to the Mormon religion as a child in England, his life story is told here as he recorded and sketched the historic scenes and events as he traveled with his parents to Salt Lake City as found in this old western magazine.
LAMBOURNE, Martha -- 1900 era - Mother of famous artist of the old west written up in story entitled AFRED LAMBOURNE - Artist of the Salt Lake Trail by A. J. Simmons. Converted to the Mormon religion as a child in England, his life story is told here as he recorded and sketched the historic scenes and events as he traveled with his parents to Salt Lake City as found in this old western magazine.
LAMBOURNE, Wilhelmina Marie * -- 1900 era - Wife of famous artist of the old west written up in story entitled AFRED LAMBOURNE - Artist of the Salt Lake Trail by A. J. Simmons. Converted to the Mormon religion as a child in England, his life story is told here as he recorded and sketched the historic scenes and events as he traveled with his parents to Salt Lake City as found in this old western magazine.
LAMBOURNE, William* -- 1900 era - Father of famous artist of the old west written up in story entitled AFRED LAMBOURNE - Artist of the Salt Lake Trail by A. J. Simmons. Converted to the Mormon religion as a child in England, his life story is told here as he recorded and sketched the historic scenes and events as he traveled with his parents to Salt Lake City as found in this old western magazine.
LAME BULL - Indian Chief of the Gros Ventres Tribe- 1870 -90 - Location: MT, Canada. Named in story entitled THE LAST WAR PARTY by Hugh A. Dempsey of the Blood Indians last raid against the Crows as found in this, complete and rare western magazine that is 50 years old.
LAME DEER - 1870 - Location: MT, WY. Indian Chief named in story entitled "Another Survivor of the Custer Battle" by Harry J. Owen who states that overlooked by history, there were some 140 horses that survived the famous 7th Cavalry massacre. Here he cites interesting facts and figures seldom found as published in this old, complete, western magazine.
LAME WHITE MAN, Cheyenne, – 1870s era – Location MT, SD, mentioned in “The Custer Story,” by Bill Judge who goes to great lengths to explain the reasons Custer lost. A revealing and thorough account based on participants in the action and comments of first men to follow the trail as published in this complete old western magazine.
LAME WHITE MAN Cheyenne War Chief mentioned in 1876 era - Story entitled "Was It Only Custer's Folly?" by Carl W. Breihan published in old Western Magazine. Seldom found Custer story i.e. "the great Indian Campaign campaign of 1876, remains the most romantic, epochal, tragic, mystical and mysterious of all the rare conflicts known in the history of the world." Highly technical with controversial theories of battle.
LAMKIN, Margaret * - 1926 - Picture entitled "FRESHMAN ARE INTRODUCED AT WELLESLEY; EACH CARRIES A CARD" as they are pictured on Welcoming Day. as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine
LAMM, Oscar J. (Newspaperman) - 1861 era - Location: WY. Named in story entitled WAS TOM HORN TWO MEN? by Dean Krakel who reports on one of the most argued about trials in frontier history as found in this old, complete western magazine.
LAMMERDOFF, Charlie - 1860 - 1900's - Location - UT. Named in story entitled "QUEEN OF THE UTAH GOLD CAMPS" by George A. Thompson citing names of individuals and the mines of the old Gold camp. Important mine research tool as found in this old Western magazine.
LAMOCHATTEE (THE RED EAGLE) - 1813 era - Named in rare story seldom found in old western complete magazine entitled THE FORT MIMS MASSACRE by Vincent McGee with illustrations by B. J. McCausey which seems forgotten in history but tells of great Shawnee Indian Chief Tecumseh who declared that the U. S. A. was the property of Indians and he delegated his warrior as "Red Sticks" under Chief Red Eagle (Lamochatte) to take Fort Mims which he did.
LAMADRID, Teodora, - 1926 - Spain - Actress named in story entitled "Spain's Greatest Actress", Maria Guerrero who has been called the Spanish Sara Bernhardt is making her premier American engagement.
LAMONT, Billy - 1890 era - Central City, Colorado location. Named in fantastic true story entitled "Submarines of the Rockies" by Agnes M. Pharo, the unbelievable tale of inventor R. T. Owens who dreamed of building a submarine in the 1890's and convinced financial backers that it would swim before it would sink. He was wrong but he escaped with his life to offer the sub plans to the U. S. Government who laughed. Owens went to Germany and sold the plans to the Kaiser who realized the potential and thus, the German Wolf Pack as found in this very rare complete western magazine.
LAMONT, Corlis * - 1934 - Pictured and written about in weekly article THEY STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD as saved from an old American News Magazine. He was recently arrested for picketing on behalf of the American Civil Liberties Union and testing the rights of local authorities to suspend constitutional guaranties.
LAMONT, T. E. * Sergeant (Yuma, Michigan –WW 1 Honor Roll- Killed in Action)
LAMONT, Thomas W. * - 1921 - Pictured as New York Banker and member of the firm, J. P. Morgan and Company who has been assigned a position in Mexico as stated in article entitled "Prominent Personages Now Claiming Public Attention" as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
LAMONT, Thomas W. * Banker with J. P. Morgan. Ardent Advocate of League Covenant. 1919
LAMPHIER, Monita (Miss) * -New Orleans, Louisiana - 1924 - Pictured in "Girls Chosen as the Most Beautiful Winners in Children's Contests" after being selected by Howard Chandler Christy as most beautiful girl in the South.
LAMPHIN, Ray * - 1923 -Dirt Track Driver wins in Chicago's big auto race at Hawthorne Park as pictured and saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
LOWELL OBSERVATORY'S LAMPLAND, C.O. Doctor * - 1930 - Pictured in article entitled "WHEN A NEW PLANET SWIMS INTO HIS KEN" THE RECENTLY DISCOVERED TRANS-NEPTUNIAN PLANET" as a young photographer at Lowell Observatory discovers Pluto as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
LAMPMAN FAMILY - 1886 - 1903 era - Site: Texas to Colorado to Wyoming - Named in True Pioneer story entitled A DREAM OF LUSH VALLEYS of William Thomas Wiley who took his family in a wagon train to Oregon but settled for the Big Horn country of Montana, accompanied by the Allen family as found in this rare, complete western magazine.
LAMPMAN, Archibald * - 1895 era - Featured in "The Singers of Canada" as published in old American News Magazine.
LAMPSON, Nathan mentioned in "Man of Destiny", by: Jay F. Kay
LAMU - 1902 - Site named in article entitled THE BOY SULTAN OF ZANZIBAR, story of Ali Ben Hamud, officially known as Seyyid Ali, whose new dominion will be Zanzibar, Pemba, Mafia and Lamu which are British protectortes and a part of British East Africa as saved from this American News Magazine.
LAMY, Claude * - 1921 - Pictured doing one his barrel jumps on skates at Lake Placid, New York in article entitled "Champions and Leading Events in the Field of Sports" as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
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