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Genealogy Images of History |
Updated:08/08/07 |
* indicates pictured
JU, Indian Chief *- 1871 era - Site: Arizona. Indian Chief named in story entitled The General and the Medicine Man that took place on western frontier which reports on the exploits of Will C. Barnes, Sergeant, U. S. Army who received the Congressional Medal of Honor for the Battle of Cibicue, a bloody battle that was the prelude for the Battle of Fort Apache as found in this complete and seldom read western magazine
JUAN DE FUCA - 1859 era, Site: British Columbia, Canada, Oregon, Washington Territory. Named in story entitled "THE PIG WAR" by C. J. Line that involved the British and U. S. Government over a disputed boundary line between Canada and Oregon - all started by a pig as told in this very rare, complete western magazine.
JUAN JOSE - 1840 era - Chief of the Tinde Indians at the Santa Rita Massacre, named in an Historical article entitled "The Day The Tinde Became Apaches" is the story of the betrayal of the peaceful "Tinde's" and how their leaders reacted by joining as Apaches to avenge their death. Published in a complete and rarely found western magazine.
JUANITA - Gypsy girl - 1900 - 1911. Location: AZ Territory, Mexico. Named in story entitled "FACE AT THE WINDOW" by Anna Payne as told to Tom Bailey who prints her story of the murder of her father and mother and the revenge she gained upon the murderer with the help of an unlikely ally, Pancho Villa as found in this 50 year old collectible western magazine in complete and mint condition.
JUANITA - woman that was hanged mentioned in "Lynch Law of the Mother Lode", by Ben T. Traywick
JUAREZ (Horse) - 1900 era - Locations: Rodeo sites in the United States. Named with owner Tad Barnes in story entitled 55 YEARS A RODEO TRAMP written by William Cy Hancock as told to him by author Hackberry Johnson which is really a rodeo history from 1917 of the stars with personal photos of their acts, circus, wild west shows including a massive photo index with story after story of the old time Rodeo Stars of the old west as found in this seldom found, complete western magazine.
JUAREZ, Benito - Mexico's First President - Mentioned in "A Curse Upon His Head" By: Norman C. Pierce, the story of the Mormon empire builder. Sam Brennan, of San Francisco. Rare.
JUAREZ, Jose Maria - circa 1877. Site: TX, Mexico. Named in story about escapade of Judge Charles Howard entitled SHOOT-OUT AT SAN ELIZARIO by Dean Lipton who tells of the unauthorized take over of the salt lakes of Guadalupe and the resultant conflict resulting in Texas Ranger deaths as found in this old, complete, western magazine.
JUAREZ, MEXICO * - 1896 era - Location: Ireland, Mexico, TX, - Named in story of Champion Fighter of Ireland named and pictured Peter Maher in story entitled THE FIGHT THAT ALMOST KAYOED BOXING by Dick King which tells of the between Maher and Robert Roy "Fighting Bob" Fitzimmons. The fight was banned but then held on an island in the Rio Grande by Judge Roy Bean as published in this complete, rare old western magazine.
JUAREZ, Pablo, 1840 Era. Written up in "El Chivero of Arizona" By: Donald N. Bentz - the story of Merejildo Grizalva, captured by Apaches who swore undying hatred for Cochise and became a scout, interpreter and civilian guide.
JUDAH, Theodore (Central Pacific Railroad In A Barn - National American Magazine)
JUDD, Johnnie - 1924 era - Location, CO, KA, NJ, NY, RI - Hollywood, California trick roper named in this great rodeo history entitled "On The Road With the K of C Rodeo" by Bill King, a rodeo sponsored by the Knights of Columbus of Denver that played it's first rodeo at the Narragansett Speedway, may 19, 1924. Names important stars and performers not usually mentioned on the rodeo circuit as saved and found in this unusual and western complete magazine
JUDD, "Yankee" * - 1880 era - Western Frontier - Named in story entitled LIVER-EATING JOHNSON'S LAST TRAIL by Raymond W. Thorp. Story of one of the west's most heroic mountain men called the boldest Anglo-Saxon who ever lifted a redskin's scalp. Known to the Indians as Dah-plh-ek Absaroka as published in this old and complete western magazine..
JUDD, Zadok K. - 1850 Era - Named in INCIDENT AT TRAGEDY SPRINGS by Ferol Egan showing detailed map of a group of Mormons who, under orders from Brigham Young, were returning from California to Salt Lake when their scouts were murdered as saved from this old complete and rare American western magazine.
JUDD, "Yankee" . - 1840 - 90 era. Location: Pioneer United States. Named in story entitled HERO MAKER OF THE WILD WILD WEST by Raymond W. Thorp who was a news-maker who lined up the hero's of the pioneer west, put the Indians in their sights, and made the dime novel synonymous with adventure as found in this old complete western magazine
JUDD, "Yankee" - 1880 era - Western Frontier - Frontiersman, scout and companion of White-Eye Kid named in story entitled WHITE-EYE -- LAST OF THE OLD-TIME PLAINSMEN of Jack Anderson, the "White-Eye Kid * who was the eyes for Old Bill Hickok who was going blind. He was an Indian fighter, miner, and generally happy-go-lucky horseman. Includes best story I ever read about Calamity Jane I ever found. 5 Star old and complete western magazine
JUDGE LYNCH - 1926 - Article entitled "Judge Lynch" Becomes Unpopular" w pictures and text as saved from this old American News magazine.
JUDGE ROY BEAN * - 1880 era - Story of man called The Law West of the Pecos in story entitled "The Secret Life of Judge Roy Bean" which relates the real story of his life and experiences as published in this complete western magazine.
JUDGE, Arlene * - 1931 - Pictured as stage star featured in THE PUBLIC DEFENDER, a R-K-O Picture in article entitled STARS AND SCENES FROM THE NEW FILMS as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
JUDGE, Arlene * - 1935 - Supporting Star in GEORGE WHITE'S 1935 SCANDALS pictured in article entitled THE SCREEN as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
JUDGE, Bill, Author of “The Custer Story.” – 1870s era – Location MT, SD, He goes to great lengths to explain the reasons Custer lost. A revealing and thorough account based on participants in the action and comments of first men to follow the trail as published in this complete old western magazine.
JUDGE, Bill - 1876 - Site: WY. Author of story entitled "BATTLE OF THE MIGHTY THREE" by Bill Judge who tells of The Powder River Expedition of the U. S. Army led by Major General George Crook and Colonel Ranald S. Mackenzie and details of the battle as found in this old and complete western magazine.
JUDGE, Joe (Baseball Player - 1925 BASEBALL STAR ROGER PECKINPAUGH Featured News Article, Major News Magazine)
JUDGE, Joe * - First baseman of WASHINGTON SENATORS WORLD SERIES TEAM OF 1925 * - Pictured and featured in article entitled "OUTSTANDING FIGURES OF PITTSBURGH AND WASHINGTON TEAM WHO WILL PROBABLY FACE EACH OTHER IN THE WORLD'S SERIES GAMES as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
JUDITH BASIN, TERRITORY OF MONTANA * - 1864 - 1920 ERA - Painting named in Story entitled " Charles Marion Russell - Supreme Master of Western Art by Tana Mac. Author says Russell was known and loved as a great artist throughout the world as published in this old western magazine
JUDSON, C. O., Captain, 6th Kansas Cavalry - 1830 - 1900's era. Location: AR, OK. Named in story entitled "MAYSVILLE WAS A WHISKEY RUNNER'S HEAVEN" by Olevia E. Meyers who writes that those old stories of a line drawn in the sand (or on a floor) were sure true when surveyors discovered that the state line of Arkansas ran right through the middle of the town of Maysville, Arkansas making the the other side in the unregulated town of Oklahoma territory where liquor could be sold freely as published in this complete western magazine..
JUDSON, E. Z. C., * - 1870 - 90 era (i.e. Ned Buntline) named in Biographical history of John Burrell OMOHUNDRO entitled "Texas Jack" by S. Bloom, the story of a Confederate Scout and Spy for J.E.B. Stuart and cowboy who turned showman as published in this rare western magazine.
JUDY, J. * - 1927 - Jockette pictured in article entitled "SMILING SUZANNE LENGLEN AT THE HAVANA RACES: attending the Havana Jockey Club at Oriental Park with dignitaries as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
JUG FACTORY HILL * - 1897 - 1918 - Named in the story of the Texas, Louisiana and Arkansas Railway Line entitled "THE DUMMY" written by Jim H. Porter which was the local name for the engine that ran on this line because for the first couple of years had no whistle and ran on natural gas as found in this old, rare, complete western magazine.
JUILLA, Juilla, Mlle., MISS FRANCE CONTEST OF 1931 * - Winner and Crowned Miss Europe in a Collage of portraits of various Queens of Europe competing in MISS EUROPE OF 1931 pictured with her rivals in the Paris Contest to represent Europe in the Miss Universe contest as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
JULES SINONEAU'S RESTAURANT * - 1870 - 90 - Location CA, SAMOA, SCOTLAND. Named in story entitled " Robert Louis Stevenson in California " is told here by author Larry Cheek. Covers incidents of his life while in California with events simultaneous with his great writings of "Kidnapped", "Treasure Island", "The Wreckers" and "Silverado Squatters" as found in this complete and rare western magazine
JULIA * - 1865 - California. Paddle Wheeler named in true history entitled "DEATH ON THE SACRAMENTO" by Leo Rosenhouse - The discovery of Gold by the Forty-niners brought a demand for newly built and lavish steamboats and sidewheelers. Unfortunately, many of the boilers on these new boats were defective and here the author chronicles all the boats plying their trade --listing the ultimate explosions when caused the days of the paddle wheelers to became extinct as published in this rarely found Western magazine.
JULIAN SCHOOLS OF PARIS - 1899 - Named in review in Letters and Art Section of an old American News Magazine about story of Marie Bashkirtseff in Paris as an student. She was also an accomplished portrait painter and sculptor but primarily made her name as an author.
JULIAN, Ed. J.. . 1870 - 1900 - Named in "Fighting Man" , the story of Benjamin Franklin Daniels, westerner, lawman, Rough Rider (Troop K), Sheriff of Pima County, AZ., and Bent County, CO., Deputy Marshal of Cripple Creek, U.S. Marshal of Arizona, Assistant Marshall, Guthrie, OK but he was done in by publicity of his conviction and incarceration for attempted theft of government mules as published in this complete and seldom found old magazine.
JULIAN, Louis * pictured in "Silver Creek Reminiscences", by: Jean-Michael Moore
JULIAN, Martin - 1896 era - Referred to in historic, seldom found story entitled "The Night Wyatt Earp Almost KOed Boxing" by Gary Roberts. Pictures Earp, drawing of ring of Mechanics' Pavilion in San Francisco. controversial $10,000 Check covering great fight between "Fighting" Bob Fitzsimmons and "Sailor" Tom Sharkey.
JULIA'S PLACE - 1832 - 68 - Location CA, NV. Named in story of Julia Bulette, called the Soiled Dove of Virginia City by Louis Cheney, author, who writes that she was detested by respectable women of Virginia City, Nevada and adored by the males who she serviced as found in this old western magazine.
JULIE ALLEN SHOW - 1900 era - Indiana - Hollywood. Named in story of Charles Frederick Gebhard (or Gebhart) or "Buck Jones - Bona Fide Hero" by Joseph G. Rosa. history of greatest film cowboy of all time. Cowboy, Cavalryman, movie star - it's all here in this little known and seldom found complete western magazine
JULIET, played by Katharine CORNELL * - 1933 - Pictured on cover playing Juliet which she is presenting in a Coast-to-Coast Tour as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine. 10 by 14 in. Mint.
JULIME INDIANS - 1540 - 1770 ERA. Location: NM, TX, MEXICO. Named in story entitled CAME THE BAREFOOTED PRIESTS by Frieda and Samuel Hyatt - the story of the humble priests who braved danger to bring their Christian religion to the "heathen" Indians as told in this old, complete western magazine
JULIO OF THE FOUR HORSEMEN OF THE APOCALYPSE * - 1920 - Pictorial collage review of this version of THE FOUR HORSEMEN OF THE APOCALYPSE showing stars and scenes as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
JULIUS, William * - (Dirigible) - 1921- Crewman of the Z R 2 who lost his life as pictured in this pictorial collage entitled "IMPRESSIVE FUNERAL SERVICES OVER THE BODIES OF AMERICANS WHO PERISHED IN Z R 2 DISASTER w PORTRAITS OF VICTIMS" who are individually shown in moving tribute to those who lost their life as saved from this old American pictorial magazine..
JULY, Jim - 1850 - 80. Site - Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas . Real name of Creek Indian whose name was changed to Jim Starr as named in the story entitled BELLE STARR, QUEEN BANDIT written by Vera Holding of America's most famous female bandit as found in this very unusual western magazine
JUMBO MINE - 1890 -era - location Nevada. Story entitled "Gold Thieves in the Old West" which pictures and tells of fast shooting road agents who stole a lot of gold and of mild mannered manner, retiring high-graders who beat them at their own game as found in this very rare, complete western magazinr.
JUNCTION CITY, KANSAS* - 1870 - 1904 era, Location, Kansas. Pictured and named in "Marshal Cullinan's Iron Fist". by Dan Shannon. Story of the Marshal of Junction City of Kansas City, Tom Allen Cullinan who served for 40 years and bested with fists faster than bullets. Published in an old complete, seldom found and rarely read western magazine.
JUNE IN GAYLORDSVILLE * N. A.- 1933 - Seen in a pictorial collage entitled IN THE WORLD OF ART: A FANTASY IN PORTRAITURE which lovingly portrays three of Mora's works reflecting his love for his wife over the years. The Uruguayan artist was recently honored with an exhibition at the Grand Central Art Gallery. Mint condition. 10 by 14 inches.
JUNE LOVE * - 1921 - Star Eva Hackett, soprano singer as featured in the musical production June Love in article entitled ACTRESSES AND STRIKING SCENES IN CURRENT PLAYS as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
JUNE LOVE with BEAUMONTE, Bertee * - 1921 - of Memphis, Tennessee who plays the part of the dancing "vamp" in "June's Love" as published in this pictorial story entitled "Scenes From Current Theatrical Productions".
JUNE, Harold Irving * - 1933 - Byrd expedition pilot pictured and written about in featured collage of pictures entitled ANTARCTIC BOUND; THE SECOND BYRD EXPEDITION with photos of the specially built giant Curtis-Wright Condor airplane, Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd and pilots Harold Irving June and William Bowlin as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
JUNE, Mildred * - 1922 - Pictured in collage entitled First National Attractions Advertisement are stars of screen entertainment entitled THE GREAT FALL SELECTIONS as saved. 11 by 16 inches. Mint Condition.
Juneau, Alaska, - 1900 era – Location: ID, MT, NV. Named in story entitled “Two Funerals For Al Hennessy” by Ernest Oberbillig who writes of the pioneer life of Albert Hennessy who founded mining claims such as the Meadow Creek Silver Mines as found in this rare, complete, seldom found western magazine.
JUNEAU, Laurent Solomon mentioned in 1934 Celebration of Wisconsin Tercentenary. . Featured News Item - American News magazine.
JUNG, - 1890's. Location: AL, NY, WA. First mate of the "Blakely" named in story entitled "THE DISASTROUS DIETZ EXPEDITION" by William J. Betts who writes of the Alaska Gold Fever that captivated Authur A. Dietz of New York and a bunch of green volunteers who dared to tackle the Alaska artic searching for gold with terrible results as told in this old, complete, western magazine
JUNGLE MYSTERY - (Frank Buck, 1932). Location: Hollywood, California. Old Movie pictured and named in story entitled "Cowboy Strongman - Tom Tyler" by Glen Shirley tells of the history and times of this versatile actor who appeared as Captain Marvel after serving as a member of the Royal National Mounted Police and Champion Weightlifter of the U. S. Navy whose life touched most of the Hollywood greats as found in this very rare western magazine
JUNIOR LEAGUE OPERA BALL * - 1924 - Collage of Society girls impressing Spanish Dancers entitled "Carmen's Friends At The Astor" as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine. 80 years old. In excellent condition. The single page is 11 by 17 inches.
JUNIORI, Valaurez * Leading French Actress as featured in The Stage Section of this old American magazine published in 1896.
JUNIPERO, FATHER * - His voyage to the new world lasted 99 days in 1740 complicated by terrible storms, shortage of water, and starvation. Founder of the Franciscan Missions of Southern California.
JUNKER, Isaiah – 1850 - 90 era. Blacksmith named in true historical story of Kosciuszko D. Keith who help found Texas in the early pioneer days as published in this complete western magazine.
JUNKERS, Doctor Hugo -(Plane Builder) -1928 - Featured Article entitled "Rescuing the Three Musketeers of the Air" reciting story of attempted Bremen rescue, last picture of Floyd Bennett, frantic flight of Lindbergh to deliver serum to death of bed of Bennett and pictures w text of Bremen aviators and their expedition.
JUNKERS, Hugo - 1929 mentioned in Featured Article entitled "Dirigible Anchorages" as published in this old American News magazine.
JUNKERS, Hugo * - 1934 - Famous German Plane builder pictured and featured in article entitled " DEAN OF AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERS" as saved from the weekly featured "FOOTNOTES ON A WEEK'S HEADLINERS" published in an American Pictorial Magazine.
JUNKERS, Isle - 1929 mentioned in Featured Article entitled "Dirigible Anchorages" as published in this old American News magazine.
JUNKERS, Jr., Erhard * - 1929 pictured and mentioned in Featured Article entitled "Dirigible Anchorages" as published in this old American News magazine.
JUNKERS, Miss Herta *- (Daughter of Plane Builder) - 1928 - Featured Article entitled "Rescuing the Three Musketeers of the Air" reciting story of attempted Bremen rescue, last picture of Floyd Bennett, frantic flight of Lindbergh to deliver serum to death of bed of Bennett and pictures w text of Bremen aviators and their expedition.
JURADO FAMILY (Mexican Family who Ran Canutilio Ranch) mentioned in "Pancho Villa's Assassination" by Elias L. Torres with translation by Doctor I. J. Bush. Strange story here of Mexican version of Villa's death (1923) translated into English as published in this old western magazine many years ago
JURADO, Jose* - 1932 - Pictured and written about in article entitled AN AMERICAN OF SCOTCH BIRTH WHO TRIUMPHED IN THE BRITISH OPEN is shown as accepted trophy from Lord Airlie at Carnoustie, Scotland, after defeating Jose Jurado of Argentina in the final in weekly featured article entitled GOLF'S TOP-NOTCHERS IN THE PLAY OF 1931 as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
JURECZKI, Frank (family) -- 1854 - 1922 - POLAND, TX. Named in story entitled POLISH PEASANTS IN WILDERNESS COUNTRY by Constantina Adamietz with photo provided by the Institute of Texas Culture of Polish immigrants in colonial Texas history as found in old western, complete magazine
ZURECZKI, Jacob -- 1854 - 1922 - POLAND, TX. Named in story entitled POLISH PEASANTS IN WILDERNESS COUNTRY by Constantina Adamietz with photo provided by the Institute of Texas Culture of Polish immigrants in colonial Texas history as found in old western, complete magazine
JUSES * - 1890 - Location South Dakota - Named in historic story entitled THE TRIBE THAT DANCED ITSELF TO DEATH by B. Hale Pinot which tells of the strange and tragic steps to the Battle of Wounded Knee - the last of the Indian wars as found in this very rare and complete western magazine.
JUSSERAND, J. J. * - 1921 - French Ambassador pictured in collage entitled ENTHUSIASTIC WELCOME ACCORDED TO MARSHALL FOCH ON HIS ARRIVAL IN NEW YORK CITY, OCTOBER 28 with a collage of pictures of the welcoming as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
JUSSERAND, J. J. * - 1919 - Pictured is French Ambassador to the United States in article entitled "A FLASHLIGHT ON SOME ASPECTS OF THE WAR" with President Wilson at Chaumont, France on Christmas Day, 1918 with American Expeditionary Forces dignitaries saved from this old American Pictorial magazine
JUSSERAND, J. J. * - French Ambassador to United States - Shown as he celebrated Lafayette Day, September 6, 1919.
JUSSERLAND, Ambassador * - 1917 - Named in featured article entitled THE LANDING FROM THE MAYFLOWER as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
JUSSERAND, J. J., Madame * - 1919 - Pictured with French Ambassador to the United States in article entitled "A FLASHLIGHT ON SOME ASPECTS OF THE WAR" with President Wilson at Chaumont, France on Christmas Day, 1918 with American Expeditionary Forces dignitaries saved from this old American Pictorial magazine
JUST BECAUSE - 1922 - BROUGHTON, Betty * pictured as playing a principal part in the musical comedy "Just Because" as saved from an old American Pictorial Magazine
JUST SUPPOSE * - 1920 - Pictured is Patricia Collinge, star of the new comedy by A. E. Thomas, "JUST SUPPOSE" as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine. Mint condition. 11 by 16 inches.
JUST TONY MOVIE, The * - Named in massive story entitled "MOVIE HORSES - THE TREATMENT AND TRAINING OF AS GOOD AS ACTORS AS HOLLYWOOD EVER PRODUCED" includes history of great horses in the movies as found in this very rare, complete western magazine.
JUSTESON, Barney T. * Lieutenant, (Gridley, California - Honor Roll -Died from Airplane Accident)
JUSTICE, Ira H. * Private, (Trimble, Tenn. - Honor Roll -Killed in Action)
JUSTICE, James, Colonel * - 1924 - His daughter Janet featured in pictorial collage as she appeared at the opening performance of "The Miracle" at the Century Roof, New York. She is knows as the TOAST OF THE ARMY and is the daughter of Colonel James Justice as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
JUSTICE, Janet * - 1924 - Featured in pictorial collage as she appeared at the opening performance of "The Miracle" at the Century Roof, New York. She is knows as the TOAST OF THE ARMY and is the daughter of Colonel James Justice as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
JUSTICE, Janet * - 1925 - Pictured in collage entitled A FLYING VENUS is the daughter of colonel James Justice in birthday of Army Relief Society as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine. 10 by 14 inches. Mint condition.
JUSTICE, Lillian . * - 1936 - Pictured as member of the Tulsa "Steno" Women AAU Title in double page article entitled "SPORTS OF THE WEEK" as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
JUSTINIANA, Cayentano, Colonel - 1800 - 1850. Location - Ireland, Mexico, United States. Named in Jim Kirker, King of the Scalpers, story of a man who played both sides of the western frontier. Kirker joined several American Expeditions, fur companies and ultimately the forces of Colonel A. W. Doniphan and his Missouri Volunteers and this tells of their experiences fighting the Mexicans among the Texas – Mexico border as found in this rare western magazine.
JUSTIS * Private, (New York City – Honor Roll – Died of Wounds)
JUSTUS, Roy Braxton * - 1934 - Pictured and written about in weekly article THEY STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD as saved from an old American News Magazine. Featured in Cartoonists As They See Themselves, he hails from South Dakota and has been syndicating cartoons with the Sioux City Tribune.
JUTLAND, Battle of written up in "The Real Story Of Jutland" as published in 1926 in this American News Mag.
JUTLAND, Battle, Battle Cruiser Action No. 2 as of written up in "The Real Story Of Jutland" as published in 1926 in this American News Mag.
JUTLAND, Battle, Main Engagement as written up in "The Real Story Of Jutland" as published in 1926 in this American News Mag.
JUTZ, Reverend Father, (Wounded Knee - A Different View - Old Western Pioneer Magazine)
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Copyright © [Tom Russell]. All rights reserved