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Genealogy Images of History |
Updated:07/31/07 |
* indicates pictured
J - 5 WRIGHT WHIRLWIND ENGINES * - 1927 - Historical record of first flight from mainland USA to Hawaii by Army Fliers, Lt. Alfred F. Hegenberger, Lt., Lester J. Maitland, Commanders Rogers and Civilian Pilot Ernest L. Smith who are called "Conquerors of the Pacific" as saved from this old American News Magazine.
J - A RANCH * - Pioneer West Era. Location - Western United States. Pictured in story entitled CATTLE KINGS by George A. Wallis who writes of the lives of those men who took two elements - livestock and the range - each as wild as the other and refused to quit until they established the great ranches of the west as published in this old western magazine. Part 1
J. B. JOHNSON (boat)- 1888 - Location: San Francisco, California and Artic Sea. Whaler named in story entitled "Shanghaied Out of Old 'Frisco"-- the story of an actual kidnapping of a young roust-a-bout, Joe Kirby, who had one drink to many in a San Francisco Bar and soon found himself incarcerated aboard the J. B. Johnson - an old whaler - as found in this rare and seldom read western magazine.
J. BRADGON * - 1865 - California. Paddle Wheeler named in true history entitled "DEATH ON THE SACRAMENTO" by Leo Rosenhouse - The discovery of Gold by the Forty-niners brought a demand for newly built and lavish steamboats and side-wheelers. Unfortunately, many of the boilers on these new boats were defective and here the author chronicles all the boats plying their trade --listing the ultimate explosions when caused the days of the paddle wheelers to became extinct as published in this rarely found Western magazine.
J. M. BAILEY COMPANY, CUSTER SOUTH DAKOTA - 1870 - 1930 era. Location NB, SD, WY. Named in story entitled THEY STILL REMEMBER JENNIE, the story of Jennie Ellis by Mike Clifford. In the old pioneer days, there weren’t many woman who drove a team like a man, or pop a bullwhip and while doing it, cussed like a mad cowpoke. Of of those that could, however, Jennie Wall Ellis. She was tough and wanted all to know it as found in this old western magazine.
J. E. RANCH mentioned in "Fritz Truan - Hall of Fame Cowboy", by: Joe Koller
JABLINSKE, Max R. *, Private, U. S. Army (Cleveland, Ohio.) - 1919 - WW 1 HONOR ROLL - Killed in Action)
JABLONSKY, Captain * - 1933 - (Captain Lineman, West Point Squad of 1933) pictured with team and featured in story entitled "The Army Lines Up For The Start of the Fall Offensive; the West Point Eleven" as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
JACAOBSEN, E. C...* , 1934 - (Bismarck, ND). His photo entitled "JOYFUL BABY" wins cash award in the PRIZE WINNERS IN THE AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPETITION as saved from this American Pictorial magazine
JACINTA - 1870 - 90 - Location CA, SAMOA, SCOTLAND. Named in story entitled " Robert Louis Stevenson in California " is told here by author Larry Cheek. Covers incidents of his life while in California with events simultaneous with his great writings of "Kidnapped", "Treasure Island", "The Wreckers" and "Silverado Squatters" as found in this complete and rare western magazine.
JACK AND JILL, TWIN SISTERS * - 1925 - Appearing the the "Charlot Review of 1926 which opens at the Selwyn Theatre with Beatrice Lillie, Gertrude Lawrence and Jack Buchanan as saved from this American Pictorial Magazine.
JACK OF DIAMONDS (Alias of Calamity Jane) - 1850 era - Location: VA and Western United States. Named in story entitled THE REAL CALAMITY JANE by Kathryn Wright of Martha Jane Cannary - called Calamity Jane here and the life of this legendary figure on the pioneer front of the western United States as found in this old and complete western magazine
JACK'S CANYON - 1900 era. Location: Western United. States. Named in story entitled “Wild Cows Ain’t Dairy Queens” by Maurice Kildare which explains the hazards of a former Rodeo event that probably injured more cowpokes than bull riding. Fun read as found in this complete, old western magazine.
JACK, Matthew, Photo * - 1931 - (of Macomb, Illinois) - Winner of Cash Award for photo submitted entitled YELLOWSTONE FALLS in weekly feature entitled WINNERS OF CASH AWARDS IN THE AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHIC CONTEST as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
JACK, Mustang (DIAMOND DICK IS ALIVE AND KICKING, National News Magazine 1927)
JACK, Windy cowboy mentioned in "Ranch Life In The Cattle Country" article from old magazine
JACK, Captain - 1813 era - Named in rare story seldom found in old western complete magazine entitled THE FORT MIMS MASSACRE by Vincent McGee with illustrations by B. J. McCausey which seems forgotten in history but tells of great Shawnee Indian Chief Tecumseh who declared that the U. S. A. was the property of Indians and he delegated his warrior as "Red Sticks" under Chief Red Eagle (Lamochatte) to take Fort Mims which he did.
JACKIE CREEK - Location - Montana - 1860 - 90 - location GA, MT - Named in story entitled "SAGA OF MILL FLAT" by Maurice Kildare with photos courtesy of Zula White Garino. Story's subject is Joseph A. White and his family, neighbors and kin and the area known as Mill Flat where mining and lumber camps dotted the area as written up in this complete western magazine.
JACKIE THE CROSS-EYED LION MOVIE, The * - Named in massive story entitled "MOVIE HORSES - THE TREATMENT AND TRAINING OF AS GOOD AS ACTORS AS HOLLYWOOD EVER PRODUCED" includes history of great horses in the movies as found in this very rare, complete western magazine.
JACKLING, Daniel C. "The Town That Copper Killed" by Joseph H. Porath, article about history of Bingham, Utah and world's largest open copper pit as featured in old magazine.
JACKMAN, Clarence T. * Corporal (Columbia, Kentucky – WW 1 Honor Roll – Killed in Action)
JACKMAN, Fred - Named in massive story entitled "MOVIE HORSES - THE TREATMENT AND TRAINING OF AS GOOD AS ACTORS AS HOLLYWOOD EVER PRODUCED" includes history of great horses in the movies as found in this very rare, complete western magazine.
JACKMAN, S. H. - Candidate for Superintendent of Common Schools - 1800 - 1890 era. Site: California. Named in story entitled TAPEWORM, TICKETS & SHOULDER STRIKERS by Richard Reinhardt who writes of many of the shenanigans at the polls in California in the early days and those that participated as found in this complete western magazine.
JACKS, Bill * - 1910-20 era - Location US - Named in fantastic carnival and circus history entitled HEY RUBE which covers the carnival tricks of stars who entertained customers with various tricks of the carnival trade. Includes names of little know rodeo star who performed their acts before the public as found in this complete western magazine.
JACKS, Bill * - 1916 era - Rhode Island -Named in the story of "Harry W. Webb entitled "Mad-Dog Trapping in Nevada", who, with a couple of other trappers hired by the United States Government, saved the communities of the old west. Seems that wild animals ravaged by rabies threatened the west. Story after story of trapper stories -- of a different kind of conflict in the wild west as published in western magazine
JACKS, Mary * wife of Bill Jacks pictured in "Mad-Dog Trapping in Nevada" article from old magazine
JACKS, Mary * - 1916 era - Rhode Island -Named in the story of "Harry W. Webb entitled "Mad-Dog Trapping in Nevada", who, with a couple of other trappers hired by the United States Government, saved the communities of the old west. Seems that wild animals ravaged by rabies threatened the west. Story after story of trapper stories -- of a different kind of conflict in the wild west as published in western magazine
JACKSBORO, TEXAS.. - 1865-90 - Cherokee Strip, Indian Territory, Oklahoma. Named in rare autobiography entitled COWBOYS AND CATTLELAND, by H. H. Halsell, the story of life of the old Cherokee Strip Riders who galloped up and down the Cimarron Strip with Halsell in the years thru 1889 as published in this rarely found and seldom opened old, complete western magazine
JACKSON BROTHERS PHOTOGRAPHERS, OMAHA, NEBRASKA - 1843 - 92 era. Location - Yellowstone Park. Named in CONQUERING THE ROCKIES WITH A CAMERA by Raymond W. Thorp - the story of William H. Jackson - a daredevil with a tripod who hit the wilderness trail along with the first surveyors and, more than anyone else, made America aware of its new destiny as published in this old and complete western magazine
JACKSON COLLEGE * - 1933 - Representative Miss Mary Cutter, Winner of College Girls' Tournament representing Jackson College on the Longwood Course over Miss Emily Lincoln.
JACKSON COUNTY, Written up in, "Texas Cowman 'Shanghai' Pierce" By: Oran Warder Nolen- the true western story of one of the most famous cattlemen of the 1880 era
JACKSON FREIGHT WAGON, (JACKSON, MICHIGAN) - 1820 - 1880 era. Location: Western United States. Named in story entitled THE WAGON TRAIN BOSSES by J. L. Beardsley who writes of the grizzled bullwhackers and muleskinners and their trips in the early pioneer days as found in this original, complete, old western magazine.JACKSON HOTEL* pictured in "The Swan Song of Wootan Wells", by: Peggy Joyce Florida
JACKSON HOTEL, WOOTAN WELLS, TEXAS *, engraving pictured in "The Swan Song of Wootan Wells", by: Peggy Joyce Florida as published in this old magazine.
JACKSON Howdy mentioned in "They Died Fast in Tin Cup". Article from old magazine
JACKSONS. A. N. S - 1920 - Site: NY, England Antwerp Olympic Games - Named along with others in article entitled PROSPECTIVE AMERICAN CHAMPIONS IN THE OLYMPIC GAMES as featured in the Sports - and - Athletics section of this old American News Magazine. Mint Condition 5 pages.
JACKSON, Andrew, General - 1805 era. Location: KY, TN. Named in story of Andrew Jackson, or Old Hickory who was pushed into a duel he had desperately tried to avoid with story of facts and weapons of duel of Andrew Jackson- later to become President of the United States as found in this old complete western magazine
JACKSON, Andrew, General - 1813 era - Named in rare story seldom found in old western complete magazine entitled THE FORT MIMS MASSACRE by Vincent McGee with illustrations by B. J. McCausey which seems forgotten in history but tells of great Shawnee Indian Chief Tecumseh who declared that the U. S. A. was the property of Indians and he delegated his warrior as "Red Sticks" under Chief Red Eagle (Lamochatte) to take Fort Mims which he did.
JACKSON, Andrew, Mrs. (1925 - First Ladies - National News Magazine)
JACKSON, Andrew, President of the United States. 1837 - 68 era. Location TX. Named in the story of The Pied Piper of Texas. Jacob De Cordova was of the Jewish faith who had a prospering business on the island of Jamaica. Trouble was, he contacted tuberculosis and headed for Texas, where he succeeded in business ventures . Unfortunately, Texas was on the wrong end of the Civil War and his wealth dissipated and died a poor man as told in this old western magazine
JACKSON, Andrew - 1787 - 1890. Location: United States. Named as Territorial Governor of Florida in this story entitled THOSE TERRITORIAL GOVERNORS by Stephanie C. Shulsinger who records the history of those men who held this important post on the western pioneer front as published in this, old, complete western magazine.
JACKSON, Ben D., Mrs. Photo * - 1926 - (2193 Calder Avenue, Beaumont, Texas) Her photo entitled " A COMPLEAT ANGLER" wins cash award in featured contest "IN THE PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPETITION FOR AMATEURS "as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
JACKSON, Betty * (Mrs. Geoffrey Akroyd) - 1923 - New York City - Pictured at her Society Wedding at Manhasset, Long Island.
JACKSON, Bill - 1890 - 1912 Circa. Site - Missouri, Dakota Territory. Named as a half-breed scout in biography entitled SAGA OF FREDERIC GERARD by Carleton Mays. Written of a legend who the author states could whip wild grizzlies, defeat 600 Indians, escape from the Custer massacre yet compassionate enough to tend the sick Indians as though they were his flock as found in rare and complete western magazine.
JACKSON, Billy - 1860 - 76. Location DAKOTA TERRITORY, MT, WY. Indian Scout (Son of Thomas and Amelia Jackson) named in story entitled Bloody Knife – Custer’s Favorite Scout by Ernest Lisle Reedstrom who reports of the loyalty of one half-breed Indian Scout who gained Custer’s respect and ultimately his death in fighting against Custer’s foes. It is an exciting story of his fights along the pioneer western front with actual pictures showing his friendship and respect from Custer as found in this seldom opened western magazine.
JACKSON, Bob - 1860 - 76. Location DAKOTA TERRITORY, MT, WY. Indian Scout (Son of Thomas and Amelia Jackson) named in story entitled Bloody Knife – Custer’s Favorite Scout by Ernest Lisle Reedstrom who reports of the loyalty of one half-breed Indian Scout who gained Custer’s respect and ultimately his death in fighting against Custer’s foes. It is an exciting story of his fights along the pioneer western front with actual pictures showing his friendship and respect from Custer as found in this seldom opened western magazine..
JACKSON, Captain (Williston, North Dakota) - 1918 era - mentioned in story entitled "How Does The Far West Stack Up" - a study of Army Camps of World War I.
JACKSON, Chevalier, Doctor * - 1936 - Temple University Doctor pictured in article entitled "9,000 MILE FOR AN OPERATION" in which this Philadelphia Doctor is demonstrating a nail's position in an Australian boy name of Kevin Arthur Roger's lung. It was successfully removed as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
JACKSON, D. B. House - mentioned in 1900 - 1920 Era - "Port Gamble - The Company Town That's Still Working" by Roger Rappoport - an American Story of a Typical Mill Town.
JACKSON, Dale "Red" - 1929 mentioned in Featured Article entitled "Dirigible Anchorages" as published in this old American News magazine.
JACKSON, David - 1799 - 1850's era. Location: Ireland, Western United States. Named in story entitled "BROKEN HAND FITZPATRICK, MOUNTAIN MAN EXTRAORDINARY" who says that even Kit Carson and Jim Bridger could not match the exploits of Thomas "Broken Hand" Fitzpatrick in the perilous Rocky Mountains as published in the old and complete western magazine
JACKSON, Dorothy Jane * - 1929 - Pictured with her dad, New York Giant third baseman, Travis Jackson in picture entitled A TINY DIAMOND FAN as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
JACKSON, Edith M * - 1926 - of 147 Clarkson Avenue, Brooklyn, New York who submitted 2nd prize photo award entitle "Ma and Pa And Their Quarrelsome Kids" in the Weekly Camera Competition as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
JACKSON, Ethel Actors & Actresses, (The Stage 1898, Munsey Magazine)
JACKSON, Favis - 1799 - 1850's era. Location: Ireland, Western United States. Named in story entitled "BROKEN HAND FITZPATRICK, MOUNTAIN MAN EXTRAORDINARY" who says that even Kit Carson and Jim Bridger could not match the exploits of Thomas "Broken Hand" Fitzpatrick in the perilous Rocky Mountains as published in the old and complete western magazine
JACKSON, Franklyn J. * Lieutenant (New York City, New York -WW 1 Honor Roll - Killed in Action)
JACKSON, Fred - Deputy Marshal - 1890 era - Location: California. Named in story entitled "THE LAST OF THE WEST'S DESPERADOES" by Edward Sullivan which explains some of the anger and hatred that the old settlers had for the railways. When the railroad took the settler's land, their answer was to begin a spate of train robberies as published in this old and complete western magazine
JACKSON, George D. * Lieutenant. Kingwood, West Virginia WW 1 Honor Roll - Died of Wounds
JACKSON, H. G. * (Fort Monmouth, New Jersey) - 1933 - His photo of "Field Gun Artillery in Action" wins cash award in photo contest.
JACKSON, Harold A. * Corporal. Bryant's Pond, Maine. W 1 Honor Roll – Died of Wounds.
JACKSON, Harvey (Oliver Banta’s Nephew) mentioned in "Tex Banta Mountain Man of the 1880’s", by: O. W. Banta, Submitted By: Wayne Spiller
JACKSON, Helen Hunt - 1880's era - Location: CA - Named in story entitled THE TRAGEDY OF RAMONA by Gary L. Roberts and Raymond W. Thorp which retells the story Sam Temple and Helen Hunt Jackson of Century Magazine. He was the killer of Juan Diego, the "Alessandro" of her famous book, "Ramona" and the story here is as published in this old and complete western magazine.
JACKSON, Helen Hunt - Late 1800 era. Location: Western United States. Writer named in story entitled MUYBRIDGE GAVE US THE MOVIES as told of the great pioneer motion picture inventor and producer Eadweard (Edward) James Muybridge who has been called "The Father of the Motion Picture Industry as found in this old and complete western magazine.
JACKSON, Helen Maria Fiske Hunt * (1885 MRS. HELEN HUNT JACKSON (RAMONA), Century Magazine, 1885)
JACKSON, Henry * - Private U. S. Army 1879 era -(Black Americana Memorabilia) Subject of historical story entitled "The BLACK PRIVATE WHOSE BATTLE PLAN SMASHED THE UTES" and in doing so, won the Congressional Medal of Honor as found in the rare, old, complete western magazine.
JACKSON, Herbert L. * - 1928 - Named as Radio Expert at Radio Station KFWO, Los Angeles, California in pictured entitled "RECORDING A RADIO PROGRAM" picture at the microphone with this new invention in pictorial collage titled FIGURING IN THE MAGIC REALM OF RADIO as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine. 11 by 16 inches. Mint condition.
JACKSON, Howdy - 1880 - 1890 - Location - Colorado. Named in "They Died Fast in Tin Cup" by John Mayland--a historic report of the activities of this Colorado mining town. including the swearing in of the first Marshal F. B. "Old Man" Willis who was told by the town fathers "You make an arrest and it will be your last" as published in this rare, seldom found, complete old western magazine.
JACKSON, James, Captain * - 1870 era - Location: Lava Bed, Northern California - Captain who ordered the Modocs to surrender named in true historical story of the Modoc Indian war entitled SLAUGHTER ON THE LAVA BEDS by E. L. Zohan which was, man for man, the costliest one in American history. The sides came together under a flag of truce which both sides knew was a farce which quickly proved true as Captain Jack, leader of the Modocs, took the life of General E. R. S. Canby and all hell broke loose thereafter as related in this complete and seldom found western magazine.
JACKSON, James, Captain, 1872 era. Written up in "THE WAR THE ARMY WOULD LIKE TO FORGET" by Samuel Stanley. Story of the Modoc War and the native Indians fight for their homeland and to live in piece.
JACKSON, John A.* -(and Mrs. John A. Jackson) - 1923 - New York City - Pictured at daughter's Society Wedding at Manhasset, Long Island.
JACKSON, John G. * - 1935 - (President of the United States Golf Association) pictured and featured in story entitled "Golf Association Head"
JACKSON, Leonard * Lieutenant, (New Centre, Mass. -WW 1 Honor Roll - Killed in Action)
JACKSON, Lola * - 1928 - Pictured in article entitled SCALING A BOULDER; THE HUMAN CHAIN METHOD as this hiker and her companion Lila Jennings scale rock in Zion National Park, Utah. Mint Condition. 11 by 16 inches.
JACKSON, M. * Captain - 370th Colored Regiment of Chicago , American Infantry sepia pictorial 1919. Received Croix de Guerre for heroism in action.
JACKSON, Mel., - 1844 era - Location, Sierra Nevada Mountains - Freight Wagon Driver named in "Wagons Over the Sierras", the actual true story of hauling the freight to the gold miners describing the fine art of jerklining via the Hangtown Road from St. Joe, Missouri as published in the complete, rare and seldom found western magazine
JACKSON, Mister - 1854. LOCATION: AK AZ CA LA PA. Mentioned in story entitled "BIG ED McGOWAN'S MANY FEUDS" w photos courtesy of California State Library tell of Judge Edward McGowan of San Francisco who was dynamic, forceful and adventurous, with the thick skin of a rhinoceros where his own interests were concerned; but whether he was on the side of chicanery or justice he made the same raucous outcry for immediate attention as found in the old and rare western magazine
JACKSON PHOTOGRAPHERS, OMAHA, NEBRASKA - 1843 - 92 era. Location - Yellowstone Park. Named in CONQUERING THE ROCKIES WITH A CAMERA by Raymond W. Thorp - the story of William H. Jackson - a daredevil with a tripod who hit the wilderness trail along with the first surveyors and, more than anyone else, made America aware of its new destiny as published in this old and complete western magazine
JACKSON, Rachel Donelson Robards - 1805 era. Location: KY, TN. Named as wife of Andrew Jackson, or Old Hickory who was pushed into a duel he had desperately tried to avoid with story of facts and weapons of duel of Andrew Jackson- later to become President of the United States as found in this old complete western magazine
JACKSON, Roland * Lieutenant, (Colorado Springs, Colorado -WW 1 Honor Roll - Killed in Action),
JACKSON, Seldon - 1890 era - General Agent, Education for Alaska) Story entitled 'The Year The Klondike Almost Starved" - the story of how the people of Dawson, Alaska were starving and the United States government organized expeditions to supply relief as published in this rare western magazine.
JACKSON, Sheldon, Reverend - ESKIMO HISTORIC PHOTOS * - 1900 ERA - Article entitled "Eskimo" consisting of photos of photographers E A. Hegg and F. H. Nowell as published in this complete American Hardback Magazine. Heavy.
JACKSON, Sheldon Reverend; Missionary mentioned in - 1890 era - Story entitled "When The Lapp Ladies Came to Seattle" by John Hilton as published in old Magazine. A fantastic true story about the Alaskan Gold Strike and the rush in Seattle to cash in. Seattle and the Alaskan Gold Strike history.
JACKSON, Smokey * - 1900 - 1920's. Location: West Central Texas - Named in story entitled COWBOYS FROM VOCA by Stella Gibson Polk which is really a chronicle of old rodeo cowboys from central Texas naming the small town rodeos, shows and carnivals they performed in. Great pictures. There is al an especially good index of great bucking horses they used as saved in this old and complete western magazine
JACKSON, Stonewall - written up in 1893 "The Bravest Deed I Ever Saw" by Brig. General John Gibbon - rare story of acts of courage by soldiers on the Indian front.
JACKSON, Stonewall, Confederate General as portrayed by WYETH, N. C. - Illustrator of THE LONG ROLL * - 1911 - by Mary Johnston, with original illustrations by N. C. WYETH. First Edition. Mint Condition. No Dust Jacket. Historical novel by daughter of John William Johnson, Major of Artillery, Confederate States of America and kin of Joseph Eggleston Johnston, General, Confederate States of America.
JACKSON, TETOR - 1850 - 1927 era, Location: MO, OK, TX, VA, WY. Named in story entitled "FRONTIER LAWMAN" by William Gardner Bell who writes of the life and times of U. S. Marshall Frank M. Canton who, in later years, was on the side of the law and earlier was known as Outlaw Joe Horner, the "Lone Highwayman of Texas" as found in this old and complete western magazine.
JACKSON, Thomas - 1835 - 36 era. Former sailor of Ireland named as one of the honored heroes of the Gonzales 32 who rode to try to rescue the Alamo as written in story entitled "TO THE RESCUE OF THE ALAMO - GONZALES 32 in this old and complete western magazine.
JACKSON, Thomas E. * - 1922 - Pictured are star James Rennie, Frances Starr and Thomas E. Jackson in the seagoing comedy SHORE LEAVE at the Lyceum Theatre in article headlined STRIKING SCENES AND LEADING PLAYERS IN PROMINENT PLAYS as saved from this old American Pictorial Revue Magazine. Mint condition. 11 by 16 inches.
JACKSON, Tony (Pick-It-Boy), (SCOTT JOPLIN & MAPLE LEAF RAG history, American Magazine 1975)
JACKSON, Travis * - 1929 - Pictured with his daughter, Dorothy Jane Jackson is New York Giant third baseman, Travis Jackson in picture entitled A TINY DIAMOND FAN as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
JACKSON, Travis * - 1933 - New York Giants Captain and shortstop pictured in collage of photos entitled "THE NATIONAL LEAGUE SURPRISE; STARS OF THE GIANTS" as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
JACKSON, Turner - 1890 era: Location: Alaska, Colorado. Named in story entitled HE DIED TO SAVE SKAGWAY by Cy Martin. Part 1 tells of the rough and ready times of the western frontier of Alaska and of the "Soapy Smith" gang that took over the town which was saved by the heroic action of a vigilante and ex-school teacher named Frank Reid as found in this seldom read complete western magazine.
JACKSON, Turner. - 1890 era: Location: Alaska, Colorado. Named in story entitled HE DIED TO SAVE SKAGWAY by Cy Martin. Part 2 tells of the rough and ready times of the western frontier of Alaska and of the "Soapy Smith" gang that took over the town which was saved by the heroic action of a vigilante and ex-school teacher named Frank Reid as found in this seldom read complete western magazine
JACKSON, W. H. * - Era 1861 – Location: Pioneer West - Artist drawing pictured in historic story of the Pony Express by Mark Sufrin. "Pony" Bob Haslam rode 120 miles from Smith Creek to Fort Churchill with Abraham Lincoln’s inaugural address, fought off Piutes on two occasions and was injured both times. He is credited with getting message to west coast and the news keeping California in the Union as appeared in this old and rare western magazine.
JACKSON, Wilfred. - 1920 - 30 era. Location: California. Named as Chief Assistant in story entitled "BRINGING FORTH THE MOUSE" by Richard Schickel which tells of the history of Walt Disney and Mickey Mouse detailing individuals who help bring the little rodent to the screen as published in this old American hardback magazine.
JACKSON, William H. - 1840 - 1926 - Site: Western United States. Photographer named in THE DUDE FROM LIMERICK, a true story written by Marshall Sprague of the Earl of Dunraven, a wealthy Lord from England who just had to experience the thrills of our pioneer west. He wanted to meet Buffalo Bill, Texas Jack, Kit Carson and lots of Indian Squaws. And he did and this recites those events as published in a rare Western Magazine.
JACKSON, William H., * - 1843 - 92 era. Location - Yellowstone Park. Pioneer photographer subject of story entitled CONQUERING THE ROCKIES WITH A CAMERA by Raymond W. Thorp - the story of William H. Jackson - a daredevil with a tripod who hit the wilderness trail along with the first surveyors and, more than anyone else, made America aware of its new destiny as published in this old and complete western magazine.
JACKSON, William Sharpless (1885 MRS. HELEN HUNT JACKSON (RAMONA), Century Magazine, 1885)
JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA " - 1920 - Team members pictured w text in article entitled "Baseball Training on Southern Fields" as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine. Page is in mint condition. 11 by 16 inches.
JACKSON LAKE - 1900 era - Location: Yellowstone Park, Montana and Idaho. Named in story entitled 'LAST DAYS OF THE PARK REINSMEN" - the story of Del Jenkins dubbed "The Mormon Kid" and his adventures as a Mormon settler on the Snake River where later he became one of the last drivers of stagecoach to tour Yellowstone as published in the very rare, complete, old western magazine.
JACKSON Lieutenant Colonel mentioned in 1840 era - Story entitled "Alexander William Doniphan - Fighting Missourian" by Ben T. Traywick as published in this old magazine. Actually, a history of early Missouri and this courageous western pioneer--his life story.
JACOB AND THE MORMON MURDER - 1860's era - Site: Arizona. by Earl Spendlove. The story of Jacob Hamblin's mission to take missionaries to spend a year with the Hopi Indians which ended in tragedy as published in this old, rare, seldom found and complete western magazine
JACOB RUPPERT ON BYRD EXPEDITION (Second) * - 1933 - Pictured in collage entitled BOVINE VOYAGERS TO THE SOUTH POLAR REGIONS show the Dairy herd being milked. 10 by 14. Mint..
JACOB'S WELL - Era 1861 – Location: Pioneer West - Named in historic story of the Pony Express by Mark Sufrin. "Pony" Bob Haslam rode 120 miles from Smith Creek to Fort Churchill with Abraham Lincoln’s inaugural address, fought off Piutes on two occasions and was injured both times. He is credited with getting message to west coast and the news keeping California in the Union as appeared in this old and rare western magazine.
JACOB, Slalts - 1900 era - Locations: Rodeo sites in the United States. Named in story entitled 55 YEARS A RODEO TRAMP written by William Cy Hancock as told to him by author Hackberry Johnson which is really a rodeo history from 1917 of the stars with personal photos of their acts, circus, wild west shows including a massive photo index with story after story of the old time Rodeo Stars of the old west as found in this seldom found, complete western magazine.
JACOB, Slalts - 1900 era - Locations: Rodeo sites in the United States. Named in story entitled 55 YEARS A RODEO TRAMP written by William Cy Hancock as told to him by author Hackberry Johnson which is really a rodeo history from 1917 of the stars with personal photos of their acts, circus, wild west shows including a massive photo index with story after story of the old time Rodeo Stars of the old west as found in this seldom found, complete western magazine.
JACOBS, C. E. * - Engineer for the EAST RIVER BRIDGE * - 1895 - Engraving entitled "The New Bridge Over the East River at Blackwell's Island, New York as pictured in this old Scientific American.
JACOBS, Charles M., * - 1904 - Chief Engineer of the Hudson River tunnel pictured in article entitled "TUNNEL-BUILDING EXTRAORDINARY" courtesy of Engineer News which relates the problems and progress of construction activity of the Hudson River Tunnel as saved from this American News Magazine 102 years old.
JACOBS, Donald E. * pictured in Story entitled "Old Wolf's Gold" by Maurince Kildare as published in this old Magazine. A true story of lost gold coins and the problems in finding them. Only a very few have been found but there is plenty evidence that they are out there somewhere.
JACOBS, Helen * (Miss) - 1936 - Pictured aboard the Empress of Britain sailing for Europe for a ten-month tour and saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine. Single page is 11 by 16 inches in mint condition.
. * - 1929 - Photos and story of the story, WIGHTMAN CUP RETURNS TO AMERICAN with pictures of winners and losers as it appeared of action in the Wightman Cup at Forest Hills, New York as saved from this American Pictorial Magazine
JACOBS, Joseph - Candidate for Sheriff - 1800 - 1890 era. Site: California. Named in story entitled TAPEWORM, TICKETS & SHOULDER STRIKERS by Richard Reinhardt who writes of many of the shenanigans at the polls in California in the early days and those that participated as found in this complete western magazine.
JACOBS, Joseph * (Detroit). Sentenced to Life Imprisonment for murder of Evelyn Mack as alleged in "Crimes Against Children" in National Magazine of 1937.
JACOBS, Martel, Fraulein, * - 1931 - Pictured in article entitled THE GRACE OF A CHAMPION shown as the premier woman field star of Germany as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
JACOBS, Mike - 1942 - Sports story about (World's Champion Boxer) Joe Louis's victory over Buddy Bear and donation of title to Charity.
JACOBS, Mike - mentioned in 1942 article about Boxing Champion Joe Louis Barrow "Goes to War".
JACOBS, Miss Helen * and FRIEND, Miss Alona * - 1933 - (Tennis Playing Partner of Helen Jacobs - 1933) pictured with team and featured in story entitled "The Women's Tennis Champion Tries Her Hand At A Slower Game" as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
JACOBS, Richard O. * - 1935 - Minnesota. Pictured as first place winner in air meet spot landing contest representing University Of Minnesota in collage entitled "THE FIRST INTERCOLLEGIATE AIR MEET" includes pictures of stars and winners of the event held at Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana with winners representing Universities of Purdue, Minnesota, Amherst, naming and picturing officers of group as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
JACOBS, W. S. 1920 - 40 era. Location AR. Casino owner in Hot Springs, Arkansas in this true story entitled "Hell In Hot Springs" by Frederick L. Collins tells of the lurid past of Hot Springs, Arkansas and the sins and omissions along Bath House Row as found in this rare, seldom read story as saved from an old American News magazine
JACOBSEN, Elizabeth * - (Brooklyn, N.Y.) -1933 - Pictorial Cover of National News Magazine.
- 1903 - 09 era. Location: WA. Named in story entitled "PORT OF MISSING MEN" by C. J. Lind who tells of the Floater Fleet of missing sea men in Aberdeen, Washington and the activity of those responsible as found in this old and complete western magazine.
JACOBSON, Andy - 1903 - 09 era. Location: WA. Named in story entitled "PORT OF MISSING MEN" by C. J. Lind who tells of the Floater Fleet of missing sea men in Aberdeen, Washington and the activity of those responsible as found in this old and complete western magazine.
JACOBSON, Grace, Miss * - 1923 - Pictured in article entitled CHEESE AS A DANCING PLATFORM who appeared on the Badger States Wisconsin Products Exposition in Milwaukee posing on one of the world's largest cheese platforms as saved from an old American Pictorial Magazine. Mint condition. 11 by 16 inches.
JACOBSON, William * - 1920 - Pictured in article entitled "Pitchers and Fielders Playing First-Class Ball as St. Louis Brown Center Fielder.
JACOBY, Henry A. * Bugler (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania –WW 1 Honor Roll – Killed in Action)
JACOBY, Melvlle - Author of story about 1942 - Winner of the First Congressional Medal of Honor awarded in the Philippines in World War II.
JACQUES - 1860 era - Oregon, Washington on the Western Frontier. Coeur d'Alenes native in the story entitled COLONEL WRIGHT'S BLOODY REVENGE which tells of the battle known as the Massacre of Steptoe Bluffs where the U. S. Army suffered the worst defeat of the Indian War and the resultant revenge the Army extracted as published in this hard to find and complete western magazine.
JACQUES, Herbert * - 1934 Pictured as President of the United States Golf Association with winner Virginia Van Wie receiving Trophy in article entitled "WOMEN'S GOLF CHAMPION FOR THE THIRD CONSECUTIVE YEAR as saved from this old American pictorial magazine
JACQUES, Laurie * - 1931 - Co-Starred with Reed Brown, Jr., who are shown in a scene from THE HOUSE BEAUTIFUL appearing at the Apollo Theatre in article entitled PLAYERS FEATURED IN BROADWAY ATTRACTIONS as saved from this old American pictorial magazine
JACQUET, H. Maurice - 1927 - Orchestra leader named in collage of photos entitled "ROXY" OPENS THE WORLD'S GREATEST PLAYHOUSE with picture of S. L. Rothafel and his edifice in New York City. Mint condition. 11 by 16 inches.
JAEGAR, Amelia, Mrs. - 1880 - 1920's. Site: CA. Named in story entitled THE MOCKER by Don Freeman who writes that Jesse Shepard was known as a Spiritualist who owned a home that brought misfortune to all. His strange life in the United States is related in this old and complete western magazine.
JAEGER'S MUSIC HALL - THEY'VE DONE WRONG BY OUR NELL * - 1934 - Pictured in article entitled IN NEW PLAYS OF THE BROADWAY STAGE with Konstance Kelley and Frank M'Kee who appeared with the original company from the Golden Gate Showboat in a scene from "They've Done Wrong by Our Neil" playing at Jaeger's Music Hall.
JAEGER, Charles * Private (Brooklyn New York –WW 1 Honor Roll – Killed in Action)
JAENICKE, Kurt * Private (Portland, Oregon -WW 1 Honor Roll - Died of Disease)
JAFFA - JEWISH IMMIGRATION * - 1934 - Pictured entitled STRIFE AND BLOODSHED IN THE HOLY LAND in article entitled WAR REVOLUTION AND UNREST IN A TURBULENT YEAR as saved from this American Pictorial Magazine. Mint condition. 10 by 14 inches
JAFFE, Oscar * - 1935 - Pictured in Stage Review entitled "20th CENTURY"" with picture and scenes of cast members, as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
JAFFEE, Mortimer * - 1929 - Pictured as member of the THE NEW YORK FOUR who won the PUBLIC LINKS GOLD CHAMPIONSHIP defeating the Louisville Team for the Championship at the Municipal Links, St. Louis, Missouri as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine
JAFFERY, Madeline, Miss * - 1918 - American, Polish, English and Cuban Nurses pictured in "Courage and Service" as published in this old National News Magazine
JAILED FOR VIOLENCE * - 1925 - Photo of Frank Tannenbaum in story entitled "Sweetened Reds and Rebels of Yesteryear as found in this old American News Magazine. Cites leaders of the Workers of the World and their fight for better health care, freedom from want and better living wages.
JAKE'S RESTAURANT mentioned in "The West's Greatest Detective" article from old magazine
JAMES, PITCHER FOR THE ST. LOUIS CLUB - 1925. Named in story entitled SPANKING BASEBALL'S BABY AND PETTING ITS PARAGON - the story found in the Sports and Athletics Section and saved from this old American News Magazine which relates the misadventures and fines of Babe Ruth and the exploits of Ty Cobb.
JAMES BOYS mentioned in "Henry Plummer's Horrendous Masquerade" article from old magazine
JAMES Duke of York Mentioned in "The Gallant Voyageurs of Rupert's Land" By: Wayne Darwin
JAMES GOOLD COACH COMPANY, ALBANY, NEW YORK * - 1817 - 90 era. Site: Western United States. Named in story entitled "STAGECOACH" by Thomas G. Bredlow who writes of the history, constructions and the rocking and rambling across western trails that the Concord stagecoach had outrunning floods, Indians and outlaws as found in this old complete western magazine.
JAMES GORDON BENNETT INTERNATIONAL BALLOON RACE * - 1928 - Pictured are Captain William Kepner and Lieutenant William O. Eareckson - winners of the James Gordon Bennett International Balloon Race. Kemper also won the Distinguished Service Cross during WWI as saved from this old American pictorial magazine
JAMES GORDON BENNETT INTERNATIONAL BALLOON RACE * - 1933 - Pictured is Lieutenant Commander T. G. W. Settle in article entitled SIX BALLOONS, REPRESENTING FIVE NATIONS, COMPETE IN THE ANNUAL JAMES GORDON BENNETT RACE from Chicago.. Mint condition. 10 by 14 inches.
JAMES* Jesse pictured in "Gun-Toting Female Killer". Article from old magazine.
JAMES, Bessie R. Author mentioned in "Amadeo Peter Giannini, Banking Genius" By: Joe Koller
JAMES, Byrne * - 1933 - New York Giants utility man pictured in collage of photos entitled "THE NATIONAL LEAGUE SURPRISE; STARS OF THE GIANTS" as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
JAMES, Curtis - 1930 - Mentioned in Old Sailing Cup history of Sir Harold Vanderbilt's Enterprise over Sir Thomas Lipton.
JAMES, Doctor - 1900 era - Location: MA, MT. Named in story entitled "A FRIENDSHIP TO LIFT THE HEART" by Forrest Crossen relating tales of the lifetime association of Joe Thoroughman and Charlie Russell, the noted American Western Artist as found in this issue of an old Western magazine.
JAMES, David - 1890 - 1930 era. United States. Brother of Annie Sylvester named by Weldon D. Woodson in life story of Annie Sylvester as one who received the Bicycle Club Title of WORLD'S CHAMPION TRICK AND FANCY RIDER as found in this complete old western
JAMES, Ed - 1890 - 1920 Era - Named in Historical true story entitled "Molly Maguires In The Southwest by L. Dils - the tale of an Irish enforcement organization that was popular and feared in the pioneer west as published in this complete rare western magazine.
JAMES, Edna * - 1922 - Plays principle part in "The Pigeon" as pictured in "Actresses and Scenes in Recent Theatrical Openings".
JAMES, Elton M. * Lieutenant (Port Huron, Michigan –WW 1 Honor Roll – Killed in Action)
JAMES, F. * (Miss) Member, Featured Article. National News Magazine covering Women Tennis Players of the British Wightman Cup Team.1933
JAMES, Forrest * - 1927 - Star pictured and featured in "A WONDERFUL MOVIE ENACTED BY SOUTHERN MOUNTAINEERS" who plays one of leading role in "Stark Love" as saved from this American Pictorial Magazine.
JAMES, Frank * - 1862 era. Site: Lawrence, KS. Named in story entitled THE DAY QUANTRILL BURNED LAWRENCE by an unnamed author who writes a decidedly negative narrative when Federal troops refused to protect Lawrence, Kansas from Quantrill Raiders as found in this old, rare and complete western magazine.
JAMES, Frank * - 1870 - 80: Location, MO, TN - Named in story entitled RABBIT-MAN OF HUMPHREYS COUNTY by author Raymond W. Thorp tells of finding manuscripts in an old trunk. with picture of famous outlaws of the old west inc., Jesse James *, Frank James * and Fletcher Taylor * which story he wrote in article he published here in this complete western magazine
JAMES, Frank , Mentioned in, "Cullen Baker-First of the Gunfighters", By: Carl W. Breihan
JAMES, Frank - 1843 - 1900 era. Location: International. Named in story entitled THOSE THRILLING WILD WEST YESTERDAYS of the great showman Zack Mulhall at the St. Louis World's Fair by Sam Henderson where he managed to bring the Wild West alive. Names performers and pictures stars as found in this old and complete western magazine
JAMES, Frank - 1850 - 80's. Location: MO Named in story entitled GAMBLING KINGS by Raymond W. Thorp which pictures and names the old Faro players who flew high for awhile but in the end Lady Luck turned her back and Fate rolled snake-eyes for the lot of them naming some of the greats of the their time as found in this old and complete western magazine
JAMES, Frank - 1900's - Location: CA, OK, TX, - Named in THE RETURN OF JIM McKINNEY - Co authored by Raymond Thorpe and William B. Secrest. Story of a sadistic and unpredictable man name of Jim McKinney who eluded his pursers and reached freedom in Mexico but came back to California. and folks braced himself for their return as published in this old, complete western magazine
JAMES, Frank - 1930 - 70 ERA - Location USA. Named in story entitled “Behind the Creation of the Lone Ranger Legend - Who Was That Masked Man?” by Sam Henderson, who describes and names those in the extensive research of creating the Lone Ranger, as published in this complete old western magazine.
JAMES, Frank - Named in story entitled THE FIRST DAYLIGHT BANK HOLDUP of the robbery of the Liberty, Clay County, Missouri Bank thought to be robbed by Jesse and Frank James. James took credit for the robbery but not the killing of the boy, Jolly Wymore as published in this complete, old western magazine
JAMES, Frank mentioned in "I Saw The Dalton's Die" article from old magazine
JAMES, Frank - 1880 - 1900 era. Location - Idaho. Named in story entitled WHO WAS GEORGE MATICS by Don Martin who writes of a fellow outlaw friend of Jesse James named George Matics who settled in the backwoods of Idaho to live out his remaining days as published in this seldom found western magazine.
JAMES, Frank. - 1875 era. Location: MI, TN. Named in story entitled "The Trial of Jessie James, Jr." by Richard Patterson. Deeds of the father sometime make it tough on the son who was put on trial for the robbing of a train. True story of the trail at the Kansas City Courthouse is recorded in this rare and seldom found complete western magazine.
JAMES, George C. * Colonel, (Commander, Union Veteran League - 1896 - Patriotic Societies of the Civil War, Munsey's Magazine)
JAMES, Harry - 1890 - 1920 Era - Named in Historical true story entitled "Molly Maguires In The Southwest by L. Dils - the tale of an Irish enforcement organization that was popular and feared in the pioneer west as published in this complete rare western magazine.
JAMES, Harry * 1942 written up in national News Magazine entitled "Horn of Plenty"
JAMES, Henry - 1899 - Named in story entitled THE LETTERS AND THE PERSONALITY OF ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON as published and saved from this old American News Magazine
JAMES, Henry - 1926 - Named in story entitled "THE PAINTER OF CHILDREN" who the author says Mary Cassatt (1844 - 1926) has the eyes of a painter and in a measure - the mind of a sister of Charity. "She is devoted to her art as if it was a religion. Portraits and prints featured as saved from this old American magazine
JAMES, James H. * - 1918 - Pathe Phonograph Dealer of 244 North Broad Stree, Elizabeth, New Jersey ad pictures with the singing star MURATORE who sings exclusively for Pathe Records in an old ad entitled FOR YOUR MOST IMPORTANT GIFT with pictures of Pathe Model no. 10 and the Pathe Art Model as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine ad. Mint. 11 by 16 in.
JAMES, Jesse - 1866 - 68, Location, IN, MO. Named in story entitled "AMERICA'S FIRST TRAIN ROBBERIES" by Carl W. Breihan who reports that before anyone realized what happened, train robbers boarded the Jefferson, Madison and Indianapolis Flyer and started a trend that captivated pioneer America for many years as found in this old, complete, western magazine.
JAMES, Jesse. - Named in story entitled THE KING AND I HAVE THE BOWIE KNIFE by Raymond W. Thorp of the making of the real Bowie Knife in an obscure little blacksmith shop in Arkansas owned by James Black with pictures of weapon owned by Thorp and King Faisal II of Iraq and the history of the two men and their love for the Bowie knife as found in this old, complete western magazine
JAMES, Jesse - (Famous Outlaw of the West) - 1870 era. Subject of "A Stranger Rode With The Posse" by Fred M. Truett. Fascinating tale of law's run in with Jesse James as published in this old magazine.
JAMES, Jesse * - 1862 era. Site: Lawrence, KS. Named in story entitled THE DAY QUANTRILL BURNED LAWRENCE by an unnamed author who writes a decidedly negative narrative when Federal troops refused to protect Lawrence, Kansas from Quantrill Raiders as found in this old, rare and complete western magazine.
JAMES, Jesse - 1850 - 80's. Location: MO Named in story entitled GAMBLING KINGS by Raymond W. Thorp which pictures and names the old Faro players who flew high for awhile but in the end Lady Luck turned her back and Fate rolled snake-eyes for the lot of them naming some of the greats of the their time as found in this old and complete western magazine
JAMES, Jesse mentioned in "Harry Tracy, The West's Mad Killer" article from old magazine
JAMES, Jesse mentioned in "Nebraska's Great Train Robbery", by Leo Scherer
JAMES, Jesse - 1850 - 80. Site - Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas . Named in the story entitled BELLE STARR, QUEEN BANDIT written by Vera Holding of America's most famous female bandit as found in this very unusual western magazine
JAMES, Jesse * - 1870 - 80: Location, MO, TN - Named in story entitled RABBIT-MAN OF HUMPHREYS COUNTY by author Raymond W. Thorp tells of finding manuscripts in an old trunk. with picture of famous outlaws of the old west inc., Jesse James *, Frank James * and Fletcher Taylor * which story he wrote in article he published here in this complete western magazine
JAMES, Jesse - 1880 - 1900 era. Location - Idaho. Named in story entitled WHO WAS GEORGE MATICS by Don Martin who writes of a fellow outlaw friend of Jesse James named George Matics who settled in the backwoods of Idaho to live out his remaining days as published in this seldom found western magazine
JAMES, Jesse - 1890 - 1900's. . Named in story entitled “Outlaw Lady: Pearl Hart,” by Carl W. Breihan which relates some of Pearl Hart experiences, her arrest, jail time and especially the publicity and crowds that gathered to see her. She was a young, pretty, finishing school student, who committed the last stagecoach robbery in the West as found in the seldom read western magazine.
JAMES, Jesse - 1900's - Location: CA, OK, TX, - Named in THE RETURN OF JIM McKINNEY - Co authored by Raymond Thorpe and William B. Secrest. Story of a sadistic and unpredictable man name of Jim McKinney who eluded his pursers and reached freedom in Mexico but came back to California. and folks braced himself for their return as published in this old, complete western magazine
JAMES, Jesse, Mentioned in, "Cullen Baker-First of the Gunfighters", By: Carl W. Breihan
JAMES, Jesse, mentioned or described in "Tom Mix Frontier Bartender" by Sam Henderson as written up in an old magazine covering the life of Tom Mix.
JAMES, Jesse mentioned in "The Sad Saga of Big Anne"
JAMES, Jessie - 1890's - LOCATION: Eureka Springs, Arkansas Named in story entitled "AUS ARCS - YESTERDAY'S WORLD by Pearl Anoe with photos courtesy of author. Tells of history of Eureka Springs inc. story of Miss Wixt who came to Eureka Springs on a strecher, blind and deaf and nobody - but nobody expected her to live but the magic waters healed her to have a merry old life at 80 as found in this complete western magazine.
JAMES, Jesse - Named in story entitled THE FIRST DAYLIGHT BANK HOLDUP of the robbery of the Liberty, Clay County, Missouri Bank thought to be robbed by Jesse and Frank James. James took credit for the robbery but not the killing of the boy, Jolly Wymore as published in this complete, old western magazine.
JAMES, Jessie - 1904 -1934 era. Location: OK, TX. Named in story entitled THE OKLAHOMA ROBIN HOOD by Kent L. Steckmesser who tells of the many starving farmers whose mortgage was paid by Charles Arthur "Pretty Boy" Floyd in a different interpretation of the live of Oklahoma's most famous bandit as found in this rear western magazine
JAMES, Jessie Woodson. - 1875 era. Location: MI, TN. Named in story entitled "The Trial of Jessie James, Jr." by Richard Patterson. Deeds of the father sometime make it tough on the son who was put on trial for the robbing of a train. True story of the trail at the Kansas City Courthouse is recorded in this rare and seldom found complete western magazine.
JAMES, Jo Frances. - 1875 era. Location: MI, TN. Named in story entitled "The Trial of Jessie James, Jr." by Richard Patterson. Deeds of the father sometime make it tough on the son who was put on trial for the robbing of a train. True story of the trail at the Kansas City Courthouse is recorded in this rare and seldom found complete western magazine.
JAMES, John - 1890 - 1920 Era - Named in Historical true story entitled "Molly Maguires In The Southwest by L. Dils - the tale of an Irish enforcement organization that was popular and feared in the pioneer west as published in this complete rare western magazine.
JAMES, Jr., Jessie * - 1875 era. Location: MI, TN. Subject of story entitled "The Trial of Jessie James, Jr." by Richard Patterson. Deeds of the father (Jessie James) sometime make it tough on the son who was put on trial for the robbing of a train. True story of the trail at the Kansas City Courthouse is recorded in this rare and seldom found complete western magazine.
JAMES, Julia Bell Miss, (THE SANCTIFICATIONISTS OF BELTON, TEXAS, old American western magazine, 1965)
JAMES, Lee Cowboy mentioned in Story entitled "Old Wolf's Gold" by Maurince Kildare as published in this old Magazine. A true story of lost gold coins and the problems in finding them. Only a very few have been found but there is plenty evidence that they are out there somewhere.
JAMES, Major (typewrite owner) WWI - - 1919 - . Mentioned in a pictorial text and essay entitled "Edwin Ralph Estep - Killed in Action". Letters and stories from World War I about the death of the War Correspondent, Lieutenant, Signal Corps, U. S. Army Edwin Ralph Estep as saved from this Leslie's Weekly.
JAMES, Nellie (ALLEN, W. J., Mrs.) - 1890 era. Location AK,CA,OH. Wife of Fire Chief of Dawson, Alaska named in story entitled "The Scramble For Klondike Gold" by Roberta M. Starry who writes of the fascinating story of father Bert F. Starry and what it was really like to hunting for Klondike gold. It was more than expected as men froze to death, most came back empty handed but some made the most of it and lived to tell about the good old days as recaptured here in this rare, complete western magazine
JAMES, Stella. - 1875 era. Location: MI, TN. Wife of Jessie James Jr., named in story entitled "The Trial of Jessie James, Jr." by Richard Patterson. Deeds of the father sometime make it tough on the son who was put on trial for the robbing of a train. True story of the trail at the Kansas City Courthouse is recorded in this rare and seldom found complete western magazine.
JAMES, Tom - 1896 era - Referred to in historic, seldom found story entitled "The Night Wyatt Earp Almost KOed Boxing" by Gary Roberts. Pictures Earp, drawing of ring of Mechanics' Pavillion in San Francisco. controversial $10,000 Check covering great fight between "Fighting" Bob Fitzsimmons and "Sailor" Tom Sharkey.
JAMES, W. A., (Clerk of Court, Laramie County, Wyoming) - 1861 era - Location: WY. Named in story entitled WAS TOM HORN TWO MEN? by Dean Krakel who reports on one of the most argued about trials in frontier history as found in this old, complete western magazine.
JAMES, Will - Movie horse shown in Will James "Smokey" named in massive story entitled "MOVIE HORSES - THE TREATMENT AND TRAINING OF AS GOOD AS ACTORS AS HOLLYWOOD EVER PRODUCED" includes history of great horses in the movies as found in this very rare, complete western magazine.
JAMES, William - Reverend - 1800 - 1900's era. Location: ID, MT, OR, WA. Named in story entitled "BLACK ROBES AND CIRCUIT RIDERS" by Gracey Roffey Pratt who writes that in the pioneer days it was thought that 'Sunday Would Never Cross the Mississippi" but a host of dedicated circuit riders and missionaries carried their message as relayed in this history written in this old and complete western magazine
JAMES, Wilt Deputy Sheriff mentioned in "The Three Trials of Killer Smith" article from old magazine
JAMES, Zee. - 1875 era. Location: MI, TN. Named in story entitled "The Trial of Jessie James, Jr." by Richard Patterson. Deeds of the father sometime make it tough on the son who was put on trial for the robbing of a train. True story of the trail at the Kansas City Courthouse is recorded in this rare and seldom found complete western magazine.
JAMES, Zee - 1870 - 80: Location, MO, TN - Wife of Jesse James named in story entitled RABBIT-MAN OF HUMPHREYS COUNTY by author Raymond W. Thorp tells of finding manuscripts in an old trunk. with picture of famous outlaws of the old west inc., Jesse James *, Frank James * and Fletcher Taylor * which story he wrote in article he published here in this complete western magazine
JAMESON, Bud - 1870 - 80: Location, MO, TN - Named in story entitled RABBIT-MAN OF HUMPHREYS COUNTY by author Raymond W. Thorp tells of finding manuscripts in an old trunk. with picture of famous outlaws of the old west inc., Jesse James *, Frank James * and Fletcher Taylor * which story he wrote in article he published here in this complete western magazine
JAMESTOWN EXPOSITION (1907) - 1843 - 1900 era. Location: International. Named in story entitled THOSE THRILLING WILD WEST YESTERDAYS of the great showman Zack Mulhall at the St. Louis World's Fair by Sam Henderson where he managed to bring the Wild West alive. Names performers and pictures stars as found in this old and complete western magazine
JAMESTOWN, NEW YORK * - 1922 - Pictorial Record Entitled "Havoc Wrought by Fire, Tornado and Mine Explosion" where fire cause Two Million Dollar Damage.
JAMIESON, William D. * - 1919 - Director of Finance for the Democratic National Committee pictured entitled "Men Whose Activities Are Attracting Attention at Washington" as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
JAMORA, Niceto Alcala of Spain * - 1931 - First President of the Republic of Spain pictured and written about in a collage of royal pictures entitled "KING ALFONSO GOES INTO EXILE" as saved as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
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