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Genealogy Images of History |
Updated:07/31/07 |
* indicates pictured
H. M. S. RALEIGH FLAGSHIP * - 1922 - Pictorial with text entitled NAVAL VISITOR showing flagship of the British North Atlantic Fleet passing Quantico Marine Corp Station as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
H. M. S. ROYAL OAK *, - TORPEDOED * - 1939 - New York Herald Tribune page entitled TORPEDOED showing pictures of HMS Royal Oak being hit by torpedo from German U-Boat commanded by Commander Priens and evacuation of sailors.
H. M. S. ROYAL OAK *, British Battleship Participant, "The Jazz that Jarred the British Navy" 1928 . Story of Court Martial aboard H.M.S. Royal Oak.
H. M. S. VAMPIRE *- British Navy - 1919 - Pictured in article entitled NORTH SEA SUBMARINE BARRAGE BY WHICH OUR NAVY HELPED blockade the German Submarines in North Sea, World War I as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine. Mint condition. 11 by 16 inches
HO - 4 * - 1919 as pictured and written up in Pictorial Collage entitled "FLYING BOAT CAPABLE OF MAKING SEVENTY MILES AN HOUR". This single page is 11 by 16 inches in great condition saved from old American Magazine.
HO-WE-A., - 1874 era - Adobe Walls Area - Indian Friend of Quanah named in "Brave and the Bravest !" by Harvey H. Bowers, the story of the heroics of Mrs. William Olds during the Indian attack led by Quanah on the Adobe Trading Post as published in this complete and rare old western magazine.
HO-WE-A - 1840 - 1870's. Location TX. Indian Chief named in story entitled Comanche Chief by Zoe A. Tilghman which contains important genealogical info of family including. his daughter, Mrs. Neda Birdsong and contains facts which the author says straighten out stories of Adobe Wells and other Indian battles led by Chie Quanah Parker as published in this old, rare and complete magazine.
HOAGLAND, Lt. (1865 THE POWDER RIVER EXPEDITION by Bundy, Old Western pioneer magazine, September 1971)
HOARS, Mabel (First Wife of Larry Sullivan) - SHANGHAI HELL* by Gail McKenna. Story of Sailing Ships out of Portland, Oregon 1890 era.
HOBART MILLS, CALIFORNIA * - True story of a boom town in the early years of 1900 with lumbering and mining as entitled "A Typical Company Town" of the IWW Union.
HOBART, Archbishop of Perth * - 1920 - Pictorial review of funeral of Terence MacSwiney as Sinn Fein volunteers form a guard of honor on both side os the coffin celebrating the funeral of the late Lord Mayor of Cork who died after a hunger fast of 74 days in a Briton Prison, England as saved from this old American Pictorial double page memorabilia.
HOBART, Walter Scott founder of the true story of a boom town in the early years of 1900 with lumbering and mining as entitled "A Typical Company Town" of the IWW Union.
HOBARTH, Lowell Fletcher, Mrs., * - 1932 - Identified as Retiring President General of the Daughters of the American Republic pictured in article entitled LEADERS OF THE D. A. R. along with Mrs. Russell William Magna, a candidate for the office as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
HOBBES, Halliwell * - 1924 - Review of "The Swan" playing at the Cort Theatre, New York City and starring Phillip Nerivale, Alan Wiley, Hilda Spoong, Eva La Gallienne, Alison Skipworth, as pictured. Mint condition. 11 by 16 inches.
HOBBS * (Indiana Track Star - 1934 TRACK & FIELD STARS @ PENN & DRAKE RELAY)
HOBBS, Austin L. * Lieutenant (Vandalia, Illinois -WW 1 Honor Roll - Died from Pneumonia)
HOBBS, Clem * Sergeant (Red Oak, Iowa –WW 1 Honor Roll – Killed in Action)
HOBBS, George F., - 1880 era Chief Scout and Mormon Member of the Hole in the Wall Expedition which discovered a path for wagon trains into San Juan River County on instructions of the Mormon Church as appears in this old western magazine "Impossible Journey'" by Samuel W. Taylor
HOBBS, James, Captain - 1840 - 60's era. Location - AZ, TN, TX, Mexico. Named in story entitled "THE GREAT WESTERN" by Flora Hicks who writes of the life and times of Sarah Burdette (ne Mrs. Sarah A. Bowman) who, because of her size, was nick-named The Great Western when she served the U. S. Army in various camps and forts - receiving adulation from all - as published in this old and complete western magazine.. .
HOBBS, James * THE WEST FORGOTTEN HERO - JAMES KIRKER, Old Western pioneer Magazine 1969)
HOBBS, James - 1830 - 1866 era. Site: KY, LA, TX. Named in story entitled PEGLEG SMITH LED A CHARMED LIFE by Xanthus Carson which covers the life of one of the greatest trapper and hunters on our western frontier and his finding of the greatest gold field in our history, the Lost Pegleg Mine as published in this complete and seldom found western magazine.
HOBBS, James - 1800 - 1850. Location - Ireland, Mexico, United States. Named in Jim Kirker, King of the Scalpers, story of a man who played both sides of the western frontier. Kirker joined several American Expeditions, fur companies and ultimately the forces of Colonel A. W. Doniphan and his Missouri Volunteers and this tells of their experiences fighting the Mexicans among the Texas – Mexico border as found in this rare western magazine.
HOBBS, John Oliver mentioned in - 1902 - Article entitled "Maeterlinck's New Play "Censored" in London" as saved from this old American Magazine.
HOBO KING JEFF DAVIS * - 1924 - (American Hobo from Cincinnati, Ohio) Pictured as "King of the Hoboes" Now Traveling by Motor Car on 6th Worldwide tour.
HOBOKEN, NEW JERSEY * - 1918-19 - 1919 - Pictorial collage w text entitled " BODIES OF AMERICAN SOLDIERS BROUGHT FROM RUSSIA" with 1 pages of officials pictures of parade carrying coffins of American Soldiers. Separate picture of flag draped coffins at Hoboken Pier.
HOBSON, Richmond Pearson, Captain. * - 1914 - Representative from 6th Alabama District and named in article entitled THE BLACK WARRIOR RIVER LOCK AND DAM who writes that the "Cheapness of Transportation Secured from a Center of Production to Tidewater" as saved from this old American Scientific magazine..
HOCH, Edward Governor mentioned in "I Saw The Dalton's Die" article from old western magazine
HOCH, Henry - 1933 - Representative from Kansas.
HOCH, Jean (Miss) * - 1933 - Pictorial entitled "Northwestern University's May Queen" w activities on Campus at Evanston, Ill.
HOCHARD, H. T. * Sergeant, (Somerset, Penn. -WW 1 Honor Roll -Killed in Action)
HOCHENSMIDT, Jim - Mentioned in "Happy Days and Happy Men" By: Frank B. Bryant. Story of Leesburg Mining Company in 1910 as written up in old Western magazine.
HOCHNER, Carl *, - 1893 era - (TEXAS RANGER LAWMAN) Frontier Battalion, Company D., Named in Biographical history of Texas Ranger Lawman Joe Sitters entitled "Marked For Death" who was also a Customs Inspector in the early west as published in this old western magazine.
HOCHSTEIN, David * Lieutenant (Rochester, New York-WW 1 Honor Roll - Killed in Action),
HOCKENBERRY, R. N. * Sergeant, (East Waterford, Pennsylvania, –WW 1 Honor Roll – Killed in Action)
HOCKEY TEAM OF UNITED STATES * - 1924 - Pictorial collage entitled "United States Hockey Team Off For the Olympics" identifying crew.
HOCKING, Corporal of the Northwest Mounted Police * - 1896 era - Location: Canada. Named in story “One Brave Against The North West Mounted,” by Philip H. Godsell, the story of Sergeant William Brooke Wilde, killed in the month long pursuit of outlaw Charcoal, as published in this complete old western magazine.
HOCTOR, Harrie * - 1931 - Pictured and written about in this article in a scene from the play "SIMPLE SIMON' which comes to the Majestic Theatre as reported as saved from this old American pictorial magazine
HODGE, H. L. * Sergeant, (Hazleton, Pa. –WW 1 Honor Roll – Died of Wounds)
HODGE, James W. * Private, (Athens, Texas -WW 1 Honor Roll - Killed in Action)
HODGE, Jean * - 1925 - of Springfield, Mass., pictured playing checkers with her cat Nehi as saved from this American Pictorial Magazine.
HODGE, Robert * Mentioned in "Will He Find The Lost Adams Mine?" By: Kit Carson -- full story originally in "REMINISCENCES OF A TRAIL CUTTER"
HODGE, William * - 1921 - Pictured are stars George W. Barbier, William Hodge, Edith Shayne and John Webster playing in "Beware of Dogs" as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
HODGE, William * - 1923 - Pictured in review of the play now running at the Forty-ninth Theatre entitled "FOR ALL OF US" as saved from this American Pictorial magazine.
HODGE, William - 1920 - Named as a leading actor in "Guest of Honor" as described in this Pictorial collage.
HODGE, William * - 1930 - Pictured as featured player in the comedy "THE OLD RASCAL" now playing at the Bijou Theatre as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
HODGES, A. B. * - 1923 - Veteran American Chess Player pictured in article entitled "In the News From All Parts of the United States are members participating at the Chess Master's Tournament at the Alamac Hotel, Lake Hopatocong, New Jersey.
HODGES, Ben * - 1890 -1920 era. Location Western United States. Named as confidence man and cattle thief in story entitled THE BLACK PIONEERS by Max Prescott which says that there was almost no job, the Black Pioneer could not handle, inc. cattle drives, buffalo hunts, Indians and outlaws. Recites that they were America's unsung Black Knights, the Negro Cowboy as found in this seldom read complete western magazine listing these great names of the past frontier.
HODGES, Harry F., Major General * - 1918 - Named as Commander of Camp Devens in pictorial text and map of Army Training Camps entitled WHERE THE NEW FIGHTING FORCES OF AMERICA ARE BEING TRAINED FOR WARFARE ON LAND AND SEA AND IN THE AIR with pictures of Commanders and names of Camps as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
HODGES, Henry C., Major General * - 1918 - Named as Commander of Camp Beauregard in pictorial text and map of Army Training Camps entitled WHERE THE NEW FIGHTING FORCES OF AMERICA ARE BEING TRAINED FOR WARFARE ON LAND AND SEA AND IN THE AIR with pictures of Commanders and names of Camps as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
HODGES, Mrs. Maxine (RICKARD, Mrs. "Tex" *) - 1927 - Pictured with her fencing class as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
HODGINI BROTHERS * - 1936 - listed as Circus act in Seils-Sterling Circus Brochure and program listing all performers with index of the Seils-Sterling Circus who performed and starred in their production.
HODGSON, Ralph - 1918 - Named in "The Ambassador of the Dead". Subject Lieutenant Robert Nichols who is lecturing in America on English writers as saved from this old American News Magazine.
HODIAK, John - 1930 - 70 ERA - Location USA. Named in story entitled “Behind the Creation of the Lone Ranger Legend - Who Was That Masked Man?” by Sam Henderson, who describes and names those in the extensive research of creating the Lone Ranger, as published in this complete old western magazine.
HODSON, Jean * (Miss) 1922. Pictured. San Francisco. Field Clerk, U. S. Army with rank equivalent to Sergeant Major.
HODZA, Milan * - 1936 - Pictured in article entitled "PREMIER OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA", whose resume is reported in the weekly feature FOOTNOTES ON A WEEK'S HEADLINERS as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
HOEPPNER, Andrew german mentioned in "General Vallejo, the Con Man's Delight" article from old western magazine
HOERGER, Mary * - 1935 - Pictured on cover as the National Diving Champion after defeating the pick of America's women divers in the three-meter springboard event at the A.A.U. Swimming Championships at Manhattan Beach, N. Y.
HOESTER, Dan - Named in story entitled "SCOTT COOLEY'S GRAVE" by Lucille white which tells of Scott Coolie, former Texas Ranger (Frontier Battalion, Company D) who participated in a search for the murderer of TIM WILLIAMSON, a cattleman living in Mason County as saved from this old and complete western magazine.
HOFELLER, E. D., Mrs. (of Buffalo, New York) * - 1928 - Pictured taking exercises from) the Women's Swimming Coach Aileen Allen of the American Olympic team leading Morning Calisthenics of Eastern Society Women at Pasadena, California as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine
HOFF, Max - 1929 - Named in Rare and historic article entitled "Philadelphia Justice for Chicago's Al Capone" as saved from an old American News Magazine. Fantastic look at the inside of Capone's friends and gang and the pursuit of lawman that brought him to justice.
HOFFMAN UNDERTAKING PARLORS - 1860 - 1920 era. Location: CO, KS, Named in story entitled "THE LIVE, LOVES, AND BATTLES OF MADAM MATTIE SILKS" by Louise Cheney who writes of Madam Mattie Silks in her occupation of choice but beneath the tough, dazzling opportunism of her job which was a necessary characteristic, there beat the normal heart of a woman as found in this old and complete western magazine
HOFFMAN *, All American College Football Player - 1929 - Featured in Ad of Albert Richard Glove Bilt Outerware.
HOFFMAN, Aaron * - 1921 - Featured and pictured as author of " Welcome Stranger" in page titled "WHO'S WHO IN THE DRAMATIC WORLD. PLAYWRIGHTS. as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine
HOFFMAN, Ada, Miss * - 1935 - Pictured as Queen Infanta is the daughter of New Jersey, Miss Ada Hoffman in collage entitled SEASIDE PAGEANTS as saved from this old American pictorial magazine
HOFFMAN, E. E. . * - 1936 - Pictured as member of the Rowing Crew of the U. S. Naval Academy in double page article entitled "SPORTS OF THE WEEK" as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
HOFFMAN, Eleanor * - 1924 - Pictured as skating on the crystal surface at Lake Hopatcong as named in article saved from this old American pictorial magazine. Mint condition. 11 by 16 inches
HOFFMAN, Ernest - 1905 era - Cowboy from Masked O Ranch named in a story entitled "Rough String Rider" by Milt Hinkle of ranch life including breaking horses in 1906 in the early west as published in this old western magazine.
HOFFMAN, Fred * - 1922 - New York Yankee. Member of a select American team which will be playing in Japan pictured in article BASEBALL STARS OFF FOR ORIENTS aboard ship as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
HOFFMAN, Fred treasurer of Dewey County mentioned in "The Desperado With Nine Lives" article from old western magazine
HOFFMAN, General * (Chief of Staff) - 1917 - BREST-LITOVSK ARMISTICE SIGNING * - 1917 - Large panorama picturing and naming Russian Delegates and those of the Central Powers to the signing of the Armistice, Dec. 16, 1917
HOFFMAN, John - 1903 - 09 era. Location: WA. Named in story entitled "PORT OF MISSING MEN" by C. J. Lind who tells of the Floater Fleet of missing sea men in Aberdeen, Washington and the activity of those responsible as found in this old and complete western magazine..
HOFFMAN, Josef * - 1907 - Piano virtuoso pictured and namedin article entitled PADEREWSKI AND THE YOUNGSTERS as it appeared in the Letters and Art Section of this old American Newsweek Magazine
HOFFMAN, Joseph * - 1927 - Pictured in article entitled "FROM MUSIC TO MECHANICS" as the item is saved from an old American Pictorial magazine.
HOFFMAN, Joseph * - 1927 - Amateur reporter pictured in article entitled "ROLES REVERSED; WHILE CRITICS PERFORM, MUSICIANS CRITICIZE". Art critic Olin Downes of the New York Times performs while artists judge his performance as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine
HOFFMAN,*, Medora Von Antoine Vallambrosa's - wife pictured in "The Fabulous Frenchman" article from old western magazine
HOFFMAN, Mr. - 1847 era, Location: OR. Named in story entitled DAY OF MASSACRE by Paul T. Scott who tells of the Whitman massacre at Waiilatpu Mission in Oregon - a true story of the true brutality of some of the American Indians along the Oregon trail as found in this 50 year old, complete, western magazine.
HOFFMAN, Peggy * - 1924 - Pictured as skating on the crystal surface at Lake Hopatcong as named in article saved from this old American pictorial magazine. Mint condition. 11 by 16 inches
HOFFMAN, Thomas E. M. * Lieutenant, (Chicago, Illinois -WW 1 Honor Roll - Killed in Action)
HOFFMAN, W. W., Mrs. * (nee Miss Katharine C. Miller) married March 6, 1922 to Mr. William Wickham Hoffman. Pictured.
HOFFMAN, William General Brigadier mentioned in 1865 era Mississippi River tragedy - 1,647 died - old western magazine
HOFSTADTER, (Counsel Hofstadter Legislative Committee - See Judge Samuel Seabury (Verdict of the Nation's Press on Mayor Walker, National News Magazine 1932)
HOG (7th Cavalry Horse) - 1870 era - Location: Mexico, AZ, NM, TX. Named in this historical story entitled SABRES AND COLTS by Malcolm Reiss of the old U. S. Cavalry on parade which tells of men of guts as they rode for glory on the old pioneer front as found in this very rare Western Magazine.
HOG CALLING CHAMPION OF GEORGIA, O'NEILL, Hilton, Mrs. * - 1927 - of Pavo, Georgia. Pictured entitled "CHAMPION HOG CALLER OF THE GEORGIA" at the Georgia Swine Growers Association at Thomasville as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
HOG CANYON MINING CAMP - Early California history. Named in story entitled "HOW CALIFORNIA GOLD CAMPS WERE NAMED" by Ben T. Traywick who names many of the old gold camps throughout California claiming they read like signposts of the past as found in this old and complete western magazine
HOG EYES (Red Thompson's[ Horse)- 1900 - 60 era. Location US. Named in " The Pale Horsed Ever Rider" by Milt Hinkle. Even wonder about how the old rodeo hands entered the pearly gates? Here, the author tells of stories of how some of them hit The End of the Trail as fund in this old western magazine
HOG ISLAND * - 1918 - A pictorial collage and text entitled "PRESIDENT WILSON WAVING HIS HAT AT THE LAUNCHING OF THE QUISTCONCK, THE FIRST SHIP LAUNCHED AT HOG ISLAND, THE WORLD LARGEST SHIPYARD" as saved from old American pictorial magazine.
HOG RANCH * - 1880 – 1900. LOCATION – MISSOURI - MONTANA . Named in story entitled Powder - The Travails of Hard Luck Smith by Walt Coburn which relates the history of a couple of freight haulers in the Little Rockies as found in this old western magazine
HOG RANCH, (Brothel) 1870 - 1890 era, Written up in, "Those Brawling Boys in Blue" By: William B. Secrest. Seldom found stories of army life and problems and quarrels in service on the western front.
HOG SHIRT * - Blood Indian Warrior - 1870 -90 - Location: MT, Canada. Named in story entitled THE LAST WAR PARTY by Hugh A. Dempsey of the Blood Indians last raid against the Crows as found in this complete and rare western magazine that is 50 years old.
HOGAN, Frank J. * - 1934 - Pictured and written about in weekly article entitled THEY STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD as saved from an American News Magazine. He is a highly respected lawyer in Washington who has won victories against the government in the Riggs National Bank Case. the Teapot Dome Scandal.
HOGAN, Han, 1873 era. Written up in, "John Kleven-Nebraska Pioneer" by Martha E. Lambert - story of settlement of Nebraska town of Culbertson.
HOGAN, John W. * Associate Justice, New York Court of Appeal, 1917.
HOGAN, Thomas - circa 1900's - Site: Columbus County, Montana. Named in historic article entitled "John Dunn-An Old-Style Lawman" by Rex Bundy. "Those who knew him admired his courage and steel-like strength. Others found out the hard way as published in this complete Western Magazine
HOGAN, Tom * - Named and pictured as Turtle Member in Historical Piece entitled " The Mighty McClures" a biographical piece about "Jake" McClure and his association with Rodeo Western Stars and their membership in an early organization called "The Turtles" as published in this complete magazine
HOGARTH, Leona in A SQUARE PEG * - 1923 - Stars pictured and written about in critique of the play showing at the Punch and Judy Theatre and featured in this article entitled SCENES FROM CURRENT PLAYS as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
HOGG, Alexander (Superintendent of Fort Worth public schools), (FT. WORTH, TEXAS SPRING PALACE HISTORY, Old Western Pioneer Story)
HOGG, Governor of Texas - Spa guest referred to in "The Swan Song of Wootan Wells", by: Peggy Joyce Florida as published in this old western magazine.
HOGG, Governor of Texas, (1860-1940 era – Location: TX). Mentioned in “Captain John R. Hughes – Texas Ranger,” by Carl W. Breihan who says the Rangers tagged Hughes when he chased horse-thieves. This short biography including many stories of his brilliant career as a Texas Ranger was published in this complete old western magazine
HOGG, Governor of Texas - 1890 - 1900 era. Location OK, TN, TX. Named in story entitled FROM NIGHT HERD TO DEPUTY MARSHAL who tells of the real western life of herding cattle on the old ranches, breaking greenhorns, roping calves and, later of keeping law and order in pioneer days as published in this old, complete western magazine
HOGG, James Stephen Attorney General mentioned in "One Man's Elusive Dream The Building of The State Capitol", by Beverly Daniel
HOGG, Quintin - Pioneer West Era. Location - Western United States. Named in story entitled CATTLE KINGS by George A. Wallis who writes of the lives of those men who took two elements - livestock and the range - each as wild as the other and refused to quit until they established the great ranches of the west as published in this old western magazine. Part 1
HOGGATT, Harry * Private, (Kansas City, Missouri -WW 1 Honor Roll -Killed in Action)
HOGUE, - 1913 - 1918 era. Location: IA. IL, MO. Deputy Sheriff of Ellsworth, Kansas named in story entitled WYATT EARP, A TRIPLE ACQUAINTANCE by Raymond W. Thorp with picture of Thorp * and friends in 1913 along the Mississippi River and his history with Wyatt Earp as they met and became friends as published in this old and complete western magazine.
HOHENZOLLERN, Frederick William V. A. E. * - 1932 - Former German Crown Prince pictured in article entitled " A VISITOR TO HOLLAND" whose extensive resume is reported in this weekly FOOTNOTES ON A WEEK'S HEADLINERS as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
HOHENZOLLERN, William, Kaiser - 1880 - 1920 era - Location: United States, Europe. Named in historical biography entitled ANNIE OAKLEY by Al Mendez detailing facts and feats of America's legendary Annie Oakley with pictures and drawing revealing little known details of her life from inception to become the legendary heroine of America as found in this complete western magazine.
HOHL, Arthur * - 1923 - Star playing at the Ritz Theatre in New York in article showing stars and scenes of the play "IT IS THE LAW" entitled INTERESTING PROBLEM VIEWED FROM A NEW ANGLE as saved from this old American pictorial magazine
HOIRIIS, Holger, Sir, * - 1931 - Pilots pictured in article entitled THE COPENHAGEN FLIERS RETURN TO AMERICA pictured, with his partner, Otto Hillig as saved from this old American pictorial magazine
HOIRIIS, Holger, Sir * - 1931 - Pictured in collage of photos entitled NEW ENTRANTS IN THE RACE FOR TRANSATLANTIC LAURELS as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
HOIRIIS, Holger, Sir - 1931 - Liberty, New York turns out to hail it transatlantic hero, Otto Hillig as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
HOISHOLT, Arne K. B. * Lieutenant, (Berkeley, California –WW 1 Honor Roll – Died Airplane Accident)
HOISTING ENGINE CONTROL. - 1900 -30 era, Location: Montna, South Dakota. Homestake Mine Master Mechanic named in story entitled 'LIFE-LINES OF THE MINES by Mildred Fielder - the story of the invention of William J. Lilly who developed the Lilly Hoist Controller which was and is responsible for saving thousands of miners' lives as found in this rare and seldom found complete western magazine.
HOKANSON, John * Private (Portland, Oregon -WW 1 Honor Roll - Killed in Action)
HOKE, John C. *, Private, U. S. Marine (Green Sulphur Springs, Virginia.) - 1919 - WW 1 HONOR ROLL - Killed in Action)
HOLAND * - 1914 - Named in original article entitled ENCLOSING AND PARTIAL DRAINING OF THE ZUIDER ZEE W. J. L. Kiehl who interviewed the Netherlands Minister of Waterways, Doctor C. LELY who furnished details, text, maps and photos of his plan for the rclamation of the Zuider Zee as saved from this old American Scientific magazine
HOLBROKK, Monty - Early Pioneer America - Location: American West. Professional mustanger named in story entitled "THE SPANISH BARB" by Leo Gaudreau with photos courtesy of author who tells the history of the "American Mustang Horse" - its birth and breeding from beginning as found in this old complete western magazine.
HOLBROOK *, General - Awarded Chevalier of the Legion of Honor at Chaumont, France .WWI 1919.
HOLBROOK, Alfred - 1900 era - Idaho - Named in story entitled "Elijah Schofield, Pioneer Without a Gun" by Ethel Kimball of old Mormon pioneer who walked from New York to Utah and followed wagon train to Idaho where he became a storied figure as published in this complete and rare old western magazine.
HOLBROOK, ARIZONA , * - Pioneer era - Named in story entitled "THE SECRET ARIZONA RANGERS" with listings of famous lawmen and their "outlaw" subjects. Many stories of captures, escapes, some funny and other tragic as published in this Special Issue of an old seldom found and rare western magazine.
HOLBROOK, C. E. - Candidate for Coroner - 1800 - 1890 era. Site: California. Named in story entitled TAPEWORM, TICKETS & SHOULDER STRIKERS by Richard Reinhardt who writes of many of the shenanigans at the polls in California in the early days and those that participated as found in this complete western magazine.
HOLBROOK, Clara - 1900 era - Idaho - Named in story entitled "Elijah Schofield, Pioneer Without a Gun" by Ethel Kimball of old Mormon pioneer who walked from New York to Utah and followed wagon train to Idaho where he became a storied figure as published in this complete and rare old western magazine.
HOLBROOK, Elizabeth Crawford - 1900 era - Idaho - Named in story entitled "Elijah Schofield, Pioneer Without a Gun" by Ethel Kimball of old Mormon pioneer who walked from New York to Utah and followed wagon train to Idaho where he became a storied figure as published in this complete and rare old western magazine.
HOLBROOK, John - 1900 era - Idaho - Named in story entitled "Elijah Schofield, Pioneer Without a Gun" by Ethel Kimball of old Mormon pioneer who walked from New York to Utah and followed wagon train to Idaho where he became a storied figure as published in this complete and rare old western magazine.
HOLBROOK, Marion - 1830 - 90 era. Site: Ireland, CT, NV. Author of story entitled "NO NEED TO TALK RELIGION" who writes of this Catholic Priest and his experiences as Father, Priest and Bishop as found in this old. complete western magazine.
HOLBROOK, Marion R., 1850 – 90’s –Author of "Cable Car Genius" who showed Bay area residents how to climb. Called a screwball and laughed at when he dreamed up the little tram, it's still working today and the subject of this great old report as told in this complete western magazine.
HOLBROOK, Mary - 1900 era - Idaho - Named in story entitled "Elijah Schofield, Pioneer Without a Gun" by Ethel Kimball of old Mormon pioneer who walked from New York to Utah and followed wagon train to Idaho where he became a storied figure as published in this complete and rare old western magazine.
HOLBROOK, Mrs. Florence ( Leader, Chicago Teacher's Federation0 - 1914 - History of election fight for Superintendent of Schools of Chicago entitled "The Women's Fight for Mrs. Young" as saved from an old American News magazine.
HOLBROOK, Stewart Author mentioned in "The Remarkable Dr. Keil" By: Art Free
HOLCOMB, H. P. * - 1857 -- Civil Engineer (Winchester, Georgia) issued Original PATENT entitled "Holcomb's Submarine Carriage Way" with picturing engraving and detailed text of workings.
HOLCOMB, Rolly, 1866 era - Site: Western Frontier Trail to California and Oregon. Named in THE SILENT DEATH THAT STALKED THE PLAINS EMIGRANT - a true story of the early hardships that faced travelers who dared cross the western frontier as published in this complete and extremely hard to find western magazine
HOLCOMBE, Commander - 1926 - Named in story entitled "IT'S ONLY ONE OF THOSE LITTLE THINGS THAT HAPPEN AT SEA" , the story of the 1926 rescue at sea of the British Freighter Antinoe by Captain George Fried -- a true saga of the heroism and gallantry of the U. S. Navy as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
HOLCOMBE, Lynn S. * Corporal, ( Mascott, Tennessee -WW 1 Honor Roll - Killed in Action)
HOLDEN, Edward S. * (1896 Munsey's Magazine, Featured Story entitled Literary Workers of the Pacific Coast)
HOLDEN, Ernest H. * Lieutenant (New York City – WW 1 Honor Roll – Killed in Action)
HOLDEN, Frank * Lieutenant (Oakfield, Maine -WW 1 Honor Roll - Died of Wounds)
HOLDEN, Hale * - 1921 - Pictured as Railroad Executive and President of Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railway Company in article entitled "Threatened Railroad Strike - Railroad Executives Called to the White House" as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
HOLDEN, Hale, * - 1918 - President of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad now adviser to Director General of Railroads, McAdoo as pictured in article entitled WAR CHANGES IN THE MANAGEMENT OF THE NATION'S RAILROADS AND INDUSTRY as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
HOLDEN, Mr. - 1890 - 1920 - LOCATION: British Columbia - Prospector named in story entitled "Forgotten Goldrush" by Fred l. Lade who writes of the camps in British Columbia's magnificent, mountainous Lardeau country are now ghost towns but at the turn of the century thousands of men were mining riches told by one that was there as saved in this old complete western magazine.
HOLDEN, Mr. Deputy mentioned in "The West's Greatest Detective" article from old western magazine
HOLDEN, Thomas A. * Captain. Lancaster, Penn. WW I Honor Roll - Killed in Action.
HOLDEN, William * - 1923 - Pictured in Scenes and Review of THE NERVOUS WRECK, a comedy playing at the Sam H. Harris Theatre in New York as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
HOLDING, Vera - 1850 - 80. Site - Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas . Author of story entitled BELLE STARR, QUEEN BANDIT written by Vera Holding of America's most famous female bandit as found in this very unusual western magazine
HOLDING, Vera author mentioned in "He Bagged 'Em Bare-Handed", by Vera Holding -- full story originally in "REMINISCENCES OF A TRAIL CUTTER"
HOLDREDGE, Helen - 1850 ERA - Site - California.- Author of "The Woman in Black" named in great true story entitled LOLA MONTEZ - A MOST NOTORIOUS LADY who had the benefit of great looks and a royal title -- Countess of Landsfelt - conferred her by King Ludwig of Bavaria. She came to conquer hearts and to gain political power through her charms and she did according to author Louise Cheney as published in this complete and seldom found western magazine.
HOLE IN THE WALL GANG mentioned in "Harry Tracy, The West's Mad Killer" article from old western magazine
HOLE, Kelby, * - 1926 - of Wilmington, Ohio whose photo entitled I SURE GOT DAT FOX won an award in this week's winner in Photographic Contest as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
HOLE-IN-THE-WALL GANG - 1890 - 1902 era. Location - United States, Argentina and Uruguay. Named in "The Mysterious Etta Place". by N. Sparks who states that Etta Place was known as a "She-Hellion" as she ruled the Wild Bunch leader, Harry Longbaugh, accomplice of Butch Cassidy and the Hole-in-the-Wall gang as published in this old, seldom found, complete rare western magazine.
HOLEN, Alvin * Lieutenant (Big Rapids, Michigan -WW 1 Honor Roll - Killed in Action)
HOLEN, Nils * Lieutenant (Brooklyn, New York –WW 1 Honor Roll – Killed in Action)
HOLFORD, Matthew - 1860 Era - Father of subject Referred to in story entitled "The Hero Of The Battle Of The Lightning Bugs" by E. H. Brewington, the story of the reputed first engagement of the battle of Civil War in Oklahoma territory. A complete western magazine that is very rare and hard to find.
HOLFORD, Walter Alley * - 1860 Era - ( 11TH TEXAS CAVALRY) - Principal subject in story entitled "The Hero Of The Battle Of The Lightning Bugs" by E. H. Brewington, the story of the reputed first engagement of the battle of Civil War in Oklahoma territory. A complete western magazine that is very rare
HOLIDAY, Glip - Wild Steer Rider - Circa 1910 - 20 - Wild West Show Performer referred to in this massive detailed history entitled The Way A Wild West Show Operated. Includes rare listings of old circus, shows, and the men and women who starred as performers. Rare old Western Magazine
HOLLA, Charles A., Reverend* - 1907 - Reverend of the Union Methodist Episcopal Church named in article about the visits of Miss Laura A. Smith entitled WERE THE CHURCHES CORDIAL TO MISS SMITH who investigated the welcome of churches in the New York, Brooklyn and Boston area as saved from this old American Newsweek magazine
HOLLADAY STAGE LINE - 1860 era - Named in story of an heroic pioneer, John Gardner Tims who survived an arduous trip from England after conversion to Mormonism to Salt Lake City. Entitled "Jack Mormon", a true tale of the pioneer west as published in this complete and rare western magazine.
HOLLADAY STREET HOUSE * - 1860 - 1920 era. Location: CO, KS, Named in story entitled "THE LIVE, LOVES, AND BATTLES OF MADAM MATTIE SILKS" by Louise Cheney who writes of Madam Mattie Silks in her occupation of choice but beneath the tough, dazzling opportunism of her job which was a necessary characteristic, there beat the normal heart of a woman as found in this old and complete western magazine
HOLLADAY, Ben - 1890 - 1930 era. United States. Brother of Louis W. Holladay, 3rd husband of Annie Sylvester named by Weldon D. Woodson in her life story as one who received the Bicycle Club Title of WORLD'S CHAMPION TRICK AND FANCY RIDER as found in this complete old western
HOLLADAY, Ben - 1890 - 1930 era. United States. Brother of Louis W. Holladay, 3rd husband of Annie Sylvester named by Weldon D. Woodson in her life story as one who received the Bicycle Club Title of WORLD'S CHAMPION TRICK AND FANCY RIDER as found in this complete old western
HOLLADAY, "Doc" - 1860 - 1920 era. Location: CO, KS, Named in story entitled "THE LIVE, LOVES, AND BATTLES OF MADAM MATTIE SILKS" by Louise Cheney who writes of Madam Mattie Silks in her occupation of choice but beneath the tough, dazzling opportunism of her job which was a necessary characteristic, there beat the normal heart of a woman as found in this old and complete western magazine.
HOLLADAY, Jess W. - 1890 - 1930 era. United States. Father of Louis W. Holladay, named by Weldon D. Woodson in life story of Annie Sylvester as one who received the Bicycle Club Title of WORLD'S CHAMPION TRICK AND FANCY RIDER as found in this complete old western
HOLLADAY, Louis W. - 1890 - 1930 era. United States. Third husband of Annie Sylvester, named by Weldon D. Woodson in life story of Annie Sylvester as one who received the Bicycle Club Title of WORLD'S CHAMPION TRICK AND FANCY RIDER as found in this complete old western
HOLLADAY, Louvine Ewing - 1890 - 1930 era. United States. Sister of Louis W. Holladay, father of Louis W. Holladay named by Weldon D. Woodson in life story of Annie Sylvester as one who received the Bicycle Club Title of WORLD'S CHAMPION TRICK AND FANCY RIDER as found in this complete old western
HOLLADAY, Maude - 1890 - 1930 era. United States. Father of Louis W. Holladay, father of Louis W. Holladay named by Weldon D. Woodson in life story of Annie Sylvester as one who received the Bicycle Club Title of WORLD'S CHAMPION TRICK AND FANCY RIDER as found in this complete old western
HOLLADAY, Tom - 1890 - 1930 era. United States. Brother of Louis W. Holladay, father of Louis W. Holladay named by Weldon D. Woodson in life story of Annie Sylvester as one who received the Bicycle Club Title of WORLD'S CHAMPION TRICK AND FANCY RIDER as found in this complete old western
HOLLAND DUTCH STOCK, 1880 era. Written up in, "The School Teacher who Arrested Geronimo" By: Ed Earl Repp Story of John P. Clum who tamed the wild Apaches and arrested the cunning Geronimo.
HOLLAND, E. I. * - 1864 - 1920 ERA - Philipsburg pioneer named in Story entitled " Charles Marion Russell - Supreme Master of Western Art by Tana Mac. Author says Russell was known and loved as a great artist throughout the world as published in this old western magazine.
HOLLAND, Heng mentioned in "Memoirs of My Rodeo Days" article from old western magazine
HOLLAND, James C. * Private, (Villa Rica, Georgia –WW 1 Honor Roll – Killed in Action)
HOLLAND, James L. (President, Santa Anita Race Track) - 1880 - 1910 era - Named in True Story of Race Tracks, Horses and Gamblers of early racing days in the United States. Outlandish tales of thoroughbred race fixes and the Damon Runyon characters who frequent the race tracks as published in this complete and rare western magazine.
HOLLAND, John * - 1930 - Pictured in a collage of photos in the current production of "HELL HARBOR" , as saved from this old American magazine
HOLLAND, John P. - 1850 - 70 Circa. Site: CA, MI, NJ, OR, T. Named in story entitled "AN INCREDIBLE JOURNEY TO SAVE A FRIEND" by Harold Wylie who writes of experiences of the T"Vault Expedition - early in the Oregon Indian War history as found in this old, complete, different western magazine.
HOLLAND, Lou President, Holland Engr. Co., Kansas City, Missouri and Member of Board of CED featured article entitled Business Plans to Provide the Jobs, National Magazine, 1945.
HOLLAND, Mildred Actors & Actresses, (The Stage 1898, Munsey's Magazine)
HOLLAND, P. C. * - 1860 - 1900. Location, United States. Pictured in story entitled "SPECIAL AGENTS" by George E. Virgines of those railway special agents that followed the lonsesome whistle of a train to stop robbers of the old west. Index as saved from this old and complete western magazine.
HOLLBERG, C. A. * Corporal, (Newburgh, New York –WW 1 Honor Roll- Killed in Action)
HOLLEY, Chester A. * Private (Guyandotte, West Virginia –WW 1 Honor Roll – Killed in Action)
HOLLIDAY STAGE COACH LINE mentioned in "Denver and the Mountains of Gold" By: Barron Kemp
HOLLIDAY, "Doc" - 1882 era - Site - Tombstone, Arizona - Named in "Gomorrah On Goose Flats", the real story of the wild days of Tombstone, Arizona, a town bloodier than Dodge City, richer than Virginia City and Leadville, where men too violent to call home stayed as published in this very rare and old and complete Western magazine.
HOLLIDAY, "Doc" - Pioneer era - LOCATION, Fort Richardson, Jacksboro, Texas. Named in story entitled HOME BASE OF 6TH CAVALRY by Russell Jones of the Fort called "The Forgotten Lady of Frontier Forts which identifies units, officers and enlisted men who occupied this fort as found in this old and complete western magazine.
HOLLIDAY, "Doc" mentioned in "The Prodigal Gambler", by: Jay F. Kay
HOLLIDAY, "Doc" referred to in "Six-Guns and Printer's Ink" by Ed Repp. A history of early pioneer newspapers on the western frontier as saved from this old western magazine.
HOLLIDAY, "Doc" - (Story of Tom Tyler - alias: of Vincent Markowski) - 1920 - 50's. Location: Hollywood, California. Named in story entitled "Cowboy Strongman - Tom Tyler" by Glen Shirley tells of the history and times of this versatile actor who appeared as Captain Marvel after serving as a member of the Royal National Mounted Police and Champion Weightlifter of the U. S. Navy whose life touched most of the Hollywood greats as found in this very rare western magazine
HOLLIDAY, "Doc" - 1846 - 1931 era. Named in story of a cool-headed fearless Deputy Sheriff of Tombstone entitled TOMBSTONE DEPUTY SHERIFF BILL BREAKENRIDGE BY Burfee Carlson. Lawman faced the likes of Ringo Star, Johnny Ringo, "Black Jack" Ketchum and "Curly Bill" Brocius as law of the west as found in this very seldom read western publication.
HOLLIDAY, "Doc" - 1900 - 1911. Location: AZ Territory, Mexico. Named in story entitled "FACE AT THE WINDOW" by Anna Payne as told to Tom Bailey who prints her story of the murder of her father and mother and the revenge she gained upon the murderer with the help of an unlikely ally, Pancho Villa as found in this 50 year old collectible western magazine in complete and mint condition.
HOLLIDAY, "Doc" - 1800 era. Site: AZ, MO, TN, IRELAND. Named in this story entitled 'JOHNNY BEHAN OF TOMBSTONE" by Glenn G. Boyer who writes that Sheriff "Johnny" Tombstone was in constant conflict with Wyatt Earp and the resultant story as published in this old and complete western magazine
HOLLIDAY, Ben. - 1850 Era; Site: New England and State of Washington. Owner of Stagecoach and overland mail lines named in story of The Mercer Girls by L.C. Auer, an American historical story that was the basis of the ABC - TV program "Here Comes The Brides" which was featured on ABC and as written here and as saved from this old and complete western magazine
HOLLIDAY, Fred - 1870 era - Named in THOSE MARRYIN' EARP MEN - a family history of one of the pioneer families of the old west as found in this complete western magazine
HOLLIDAY, John * - 1922 - Pictured is John Holliday as playing the leading role in "East of Suez" in article entitled News of the Drama as saved from this old American pictorial magazine
HOLLIDAY, John D., Captain. -- 1900 era - Named as head of wagon train as named in story entitled AFRED LAMBOURNE - Artist of the Salt Lake Trail by A. J. Simmons. Converted to the Mormon religion as a child in England, his life story is told here as he recorded and sketched the historic scenes and events as he traveled with his parents to Salt Lake City as found in this old western magazine.
HOLLINGSHEAD, Lowell R. - 1918 - First time published "Document Bearing On So-Called "Lost Battalion" written by German Officer demanding surrender of the 2nd Battalion, 308th of the 77th Division as saved from this American Pictorial magazine.
HOLLINGSHEAD, Charles * Sergeant, (Derry, New Hampshire -WW 1 Honor Roll -Died of Wounds)
HOLLINGSWORTH, Mr. & Mrs. mentioned in "I Saw The Dalton's Die" article from old western magazine
HOLLINS COLLEGE * - 1926 - Pictured in article Miss Mary Monroe Penick as May Queen Receives Homage of Their Subjects on a Throne in Virginia as Queen of the May at Hollins College with Miss Lucy Poulnot and Miss Rose Buidd Chamberlin as saved from this American Pictorial magazine.
HOLLIS STREET UNITARIAN CHURCH, BOSTON, MASS. * - 1864 era - Location CA. MA. Named and pictured in true story entitled THE PREACHER WHO SAVED CALIFORNIA'S SOUL by William Wingfield who writes that California was going the way of the Confederacy but a Boston preacher had left the Hollis Street Unitarian Church for a similar position in San Francisco and what he found there, disgusted him to the point of taking on the Confederate sympathizers and really, saving California for the Union as related in this extremely rare, complete seldom found western magazine.
HOLLIS, Allan * - 1925 - Pictured in Movie Review of "The Vortex" along with Noel Coward, Lillian Braithwaite, Allan Hollis, Molly Kerr, as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
HOLLIS, Mr. mentioned in "Memoirs of My Rodeo Days" article from old western magazine
HOLLISTER, "Cash" - 1895 era - Deputy, U. S. Marshal named in historical murder story entitled "Murderess", the true story of the life and trial of Nellie C. Bailey who was tried for the murder of her wealthy English husband, Clement Bothamley. Trial was held at the Opera House in Wichita, Kansas.
HOLLOWAY, H. H., Pilot * - 1921 - Pictured swimming away from his burning aircraft with his mechanic, Vance Cresmer also swimming away from craft off of Avalon, Catalina Island on June 29 in article entitled "Narrow Escape of Aviators From Burning Plane.
HOLLOWAY, J. Fred * - 1922 - Member of Cast pictured of "7th Heaven" in article entitled "Actresses and Scenes in Recent Productions as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine. Page is 11 by 16 inches. Mint.
Holloway, Jack - - "Lost Golden Ledge of Eagles" by Steve Wilson,. Named in the story of Colonel Jacob Snively's 100 man army that left from Coleman County, Texas for the largest single gold expedition in Texas. This is what they did not find as published in this old and rarely found western magazine.
HOLLOWAY, W. O. (author of “Wild Life on the Plains”) mentioned in "Man of Destiny", by: Jay F. Kay
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