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Genealogy Images of History |
Updated:07/04/07 |
* indicates pictured
GLACIER BAY, ALASKA * - 1890's. Location: AL, NY, WA. Story entitled "THE DISASTROUS DIETZ EXPEDITION" by William J. Betts who writes of the Alaska Gold Fever that captivated Authur A. Dietz of New York and a bunch of green volunteers who dared to tackle the Alaska artic searching for gold with terrible results as told in this old, complete, western magazine.
GLACIER NATIONAL PARK * - 1923 - Panorama entitled "Glorious Lake and Mountain in the Far West as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
GLACIER NATIONAL PARK * - 1924 - Pictured in article entitled ON THE TRAIL IN GLACIER PARK is this pictorial collage entitled THE CALL OF THE GREAT OPEN SPACES IN SUMMER as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
GLACIER NATIONAL PARK RESERVATION of AMERICAN INDIAN SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURAL MEETING. * - 1931 - Rare photo of important American Indians off the Glacier National Park Reservation attending a series of lectures on Modern Farmer at the Montana State Agricultural College as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
GLACIER PRIEST, FATHER BERNARD R. HUBBARD * - 1931 - Pictured and written about in article entitled THE GLACIER PRIEST AGAIN GOES EXPLORING IN ALASKA with pictures of his adventures in Alaska along the lid of the Crate of Aniakchak for the University of Santa Clara, California as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
GLAD, Gladys * - 1931 - Pictured and written about after receiving a contract to appear in ZIEGFELD'S 1931 FOLLIES as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
GLADDEN, Frank (father of Leslie Charles)
GLADDEN, George - Named in story entitled "SCOTT COOLEY'S GRAVE" by Lucille white which tells of Scott Coolie, former Texas Ranger (Frontier Battalion, Company D) who participated in a search for the murderer of TIM WILLIAMSON, a cattleman living in Mason County as saved from this old and complete western magazine
GLADIATOR * - 1929 - Featured and pictured in an article entitled FISHING AROUND THE WORLD is Zane Grey shown on his boat Gladiator on which he will circumnavigate the globe as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
GLADSTONE, William Ewart * - 1897 - The Grand Old Man of England - Pictured and Written up in article entitled that was saved from an old American National Magazine's feature monthly "In The Public Eye".
GLAISHER - 1907 - Balloonist who achieved record of 57,000 feet as stated in article entitled SOME RECORDS IN BALLOONING as saved from this old American pictorial magazine
GLANTON, John, Captain * - 1850 - 90 era - Location, Tucson, Arizona. Leader of Glanton gang named in story entitled "Tucson's Most Famous Saloon" by Donald N. Bentz. Author writes of Charles Owen Brown who founded the Congress Hall Saloon of which it was said, "there is no billiard, card or drinking saloon equal to it in tasty and comfortable finish...it is superb as found in this rare and complete western magazine.
GLARUS, SWITZERLAND * - 1921 - Pictorial panorama of unusual system of voting entitled "OPEN-AIR VOTING RING IN TOWN OF GLARUS, SWITZERLAND" with explanation text and picture as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
GLASER, Lulu (Actors & Actresses - The Stage 1898, Munsey Magazine)
GLASGOW TRACTOR, GUTHERIE, W., Inventor. * - 1921 - Pictured in article showing his invention of the Glasgow Tractor during the Agricultural Motor Tractor trials at Aisthorpe, England as saved from old American magazine
GLASGOW,Annie Keith * – 1850 - 90 era. Named in true historical story of Kosciuszko D. Keith who help found Texas in the early pioneer days as published in this complete western magazine.
GLASS FACTORY * - 1943 - of Chance Brothers of England and pictorial collage with text entitled BRITAIN'S OPTICAL GLASS EQUAL'S GERMANY'S: CRAFTSMAN WHO MAKE MATERIAL FOR PRECISION LENSES as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
GLASS GANG (Dick Glass) mentioned in "Indian Mounted Police – The Light Horse", by: Wayne T. Walker, as published in a complete western magazine.
GLASS, Billy. - 1865-90 - Cherokee Strip, Indian Territory, Oklahoma. Named in rare autobiography entitled COWBOYS AND CATTLELAND, by H. H. Halsell, the story of life of the old Cherokee Strip Riders who galloped up and down the Cimarron Strip with Halsell in the years thru 1889 as published in this rarely found and seldom opened old, complete western magazine.
GLASS, Carter * (Resigned as Secretary of Treasury) Changes in Wilson Cabinet Due to Resignations
GLASS, Carter, * - 1924 - Senator from Virginia and Secretary of Treasury during the second Wilson Administration pictured in article entitled WHERE PRESIDENTIAL AND VICE-PRESIDENTIAL LIGHTNING MAY STRIKE. 11 BY 16 INCHES. Mint condition.
GLASS, Carter, Senator, in ARMISTICE DAY CELEBRATION 1923 * - Page entitled IMPRESSIVE CELEBRATIONS OF ARMISTICE DAY as photographed and written about as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine. Mint condition. 11 by 16 inches.
GLASS, Carter., * - 1933 - United States Senator - Pictured in article entitled "Quiet On The Potomac; Congress Closes Its Work" as saved from this American Pictorial Magazine. Single page - 11 by 14 1/4 inches.
GLASS, Carter. * - 1931 - Nick-named Snapper is the Legislative Architect of Federal Reserve System, Senator from Virginia is pictured and featured in article entitled " DON'T TREAD ON ME" as saved from the weekly featured "FOOTNOTES ON A WEEK'S HEADLINERS" published in an American Pictorial Magazine.
GLASS, Dick mentioned in "Indian Mounted Police – The Light Horse", by: Wayne T. Walker as published in a complete western magazine.
GLASS, Hugh hunter mentioned in "Hugh Glass' Empty Revenge" article from old western magazine
GLASS, Hugh - 1860 - 80 era. Location: Named in story entitled GUN AND GHOSTS OF DEAD MEN by Raymond W. Thorp which covers weapons that have take a human life inc. guns of Liver-Eating Johnson, Pack Saddle Ben Geenough *, Espinsosa, the Mexican outlaw, Tom Tobin, Mariano Modeno's Hawken's Rifle, with picture of John Raymond Thorp holding the gun with which Jonathan Wiggins killed an Arapaho Indian Chief as published in this complete, old western magazine
GLASS, Hunter - 1850 - 1927 era, Location: MO, OK, TX, VA, WY. Named in story entitled "FRONTIER LAWMAN" by William Gardner Bell who writes of the life and times of U. S. Marshall Frank M. Canton who, in later years, was on the side of the law and earlier was known as Outlaw Joe Horner, the "Lone Highwayman of Texas" as found in this old and complete western magazine..
GLASS, Montague * - 1924 - Pictured in " American Playwrights, Producers and Directors". 11 by 17 inches.
GLASSCOCK, C. G. - 1890 -era - location Nevada. Author of story entitled "Gold Thieves in the Old West" which pictures and tells of fast shooting road agents who stole a lot of gold and of mild mannered manner, retiring high-graders who beat them at their own game as found in this very rare, complete western magazine
GLASSCOCK, William sheriff mentioned in "Nebraska's Great Train Robbery", by Leo Scherer, as published in a complete western magazine.
GLASSEL, William T. Referred to as Confederate Naval Lieutenant in history as the first Civil War Submarine to sink a ship. Recently discovered and saved from a watery grave, this story of the Civil War Submarine Hunley is entitled "The Sub That Wouldn't Come Up" by Lydel Sims containing fascinating accurate (and some inaccurate) information). Historical pictures and drawings.
GLASSEYE *, riding bucking horse of Smokey Branch 1900 - 20 era - Pictured in historical story entitled "Rodeo Personalities", which lists hundreds of the Rodeo Stars of the Early Western Shows with many pictured in this complete and very rare western magazine. Your granddaddy might be here.
GLASSFORD, Pelham D., General * - 1932 - Superintendent of Metropolitan Police in Washington pictured in article entitled "AN ARMY POLICEMAN", who thought he was amply qualified for the position until, during the Bonus Expedition Force uprising in Washington, he came across a little old lady illegally parking. After rebuking her for illegally parking, she said "And who are you?". Whereupon he showed her his little gold badge of office and her reply was, " I am parking here and i don't want to buy any of those things, either".. Since then, the Chief has worn a larger gold badge as reported in the weekly feature FOOTNOTES ON A WEEK'S HEADLINERS as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
GLASSHEIM, Charles * Private, (New York, New York -WORLD WAR 1 HONOR ROLL - Killed in Action)
GLASSWELL, Chris * - 1936 - Cedar Rapid Iowa native's painting, "Wheat Shocks" shown in pictorial collage entitled All-American Art Exhibition from 46 States as presented to the public in the First National Exhibition of American Art held at the Rockerfeller Center in New York and as saved from this American Pictorial magazine
GLATFELTER, Philip * (Columbia, Pa.) -1925 - Winner of 7th Place in the National Oratorical Contest held in Washington, D. C. in 1925. Prize awarded by President Calvin Coolidge.
GLATTON GUNSHIP * - 1904 - Named and written about in this history entitled EARLY AMORCLADS by Major C. Field of Glenmore, England with detailed text and pictures of the various type of armour used in the early days to protect ships as saved from this 101 year old American magazine.
GLAUM, Louise * - 1921 - Pictured and written about in article appearing as winisome and clever motion-picture actress in " THE LEOPARD WOMAN" as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
GLAZIER, Al Conductor mentioned in "Flora Quick, Alias Tom King" By: Leola Lehman, as published in a complete western magazine.
GLEASON * - 1840 era - One of the leaders of 15 Americans at the Santa Rita Massacre, named in an Historical article entitled "The Day The Tinde Became Apaches" is the story of the betrayal of the peaceful "Tinde's" and how their leaders reacted by joining as Apaches to avenge their death. Published in a complete and rarely found western magazine.
GLEASON, "Kid" * - 1920 - Washington American League Team - MANAGERS OF MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL * - 1920 - Various managers pictured w text entitled "Members of Major League Baseball Teams in the Thick of the Fight for the 1920 Championship Pennant as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
GLEASON, General B. H. - 1884 era - (Last Commander of Fort Selden) referred to in "MACARTHUR SLEPT HERE" by Leonard H. Boucher. . Early Fort Selden, New Mexico history with story of famed General Douglas MacArthur with picture as a boy with family as published in this old and seldom found western magazine.
GLEASON, James * - 1931 - Star of "IT'S A WISE CHILD" playing at the Capitol Theatre in article entitled STAR AND SCENES FROM THE NEW FILMS as saved from this old American pictorial magazine
GLEASON, John (deaf John Gleason) mentioned in "Silver Creek Reminiscences", by: Jean-Michael Moore, as published in a complete western magazine.
GLEASON, John E. * Corporal, (Waverly, New York - WORLD WAR 1 HONOR ROLL -Died of Wounds)
GLEASON, Lafayette B. of New York * - 1923 - Pictured are the members of the Republican National Committee and named are Officers and Notable Figures of the Convention as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine
GLEASON, Mina C.* - 1923 - Actress appearing in a play of mystery, thrills and Surprises entitled "Zeno" playing at the 48th Street Theatre, New York City is reviewed as published and saved from an American Pictorial Magazine.
GLEASON, Russell * - 1932 - Star pictured in NICE WOMEN clip entitled STARS AND SCENES FROM THE NEW FILMS as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
GLEAVES, Albert * Rear Admiral - 1918 - Pictorial Collage entitled "The Wonderful Growth of the United States Navy."
GLEDHILL, Jean* - 1931 - (New York) Pictured in article entitled "THE PICK OF THE FIRST-YEAR CLASS IN THEIR SCHOOL; FIVE FRESHIES" as selected by Wells College, Aurora, New York to complete in the Junior Promenade contest as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
GLEEN, Dick - 1900 era - Locations: Rodeo sites in the United States. Named in story entitled 55 YEARS A RODEO TRAMP written by William Cy Hancock as told to him by author Hackberry Johnson which is really a rodeo history from 1917 of the stars with personal photos of their acts, circus, wild west shows including a massive photo index with story after story of the old time Rodeo Stars of the old west as found in this seldom found, complete western magazine.
GLEEN, Will - 1900 era - Locations: Rodeo sites in the United States. Named in story entitled 55 YEARS A RODEO TRAMP written by William Cy Hancock as told to him by author Hackberry Johnson which is really a rodeo history from 1917 of the stars with personal photos of their acts, circus, wild west shows including a massive photo index with story after story of the old time Rodeo Stars of the old west as found in this seldom found, complete western magazine.
GLEESON, John - 1880's era - location - Tombstone, Arizona. Named in "Tombstone's Last Celestial" . Story of Quong Kee's whose Tombstone friends learned he had been buried at Evergreen cemetery, they immediately raised funds to bring Quong home and bury him in Boothill cemetery in Tombstone. As a Chinese immigrant, he had made friends and money in Arizona at his famous restaurant, Can - Can.. elsewhere they immediately raised funds to bring Quong home, as published in a complete western magazine.
GLEESSLIN (Wrecked Ship) * - Early 1900 era - Site: Pacific ocean - This is SHIPWRECKED by Roger Olmstead. According to the author more lives were lost to the Pacific Ocean than to Western Indians. Listed here are the major shipwrecks in the early pioneer years as saved from this American Western Magazine.
GLEIZES, Albert * (Russian Artist) - 1922 - Article entitled "Soviet Art In All It's Glory" as saved from the Letters and Art Section of an old American News Magazine.
GLEN ROGERS MINE DISASTER, W. VA. * - 1923 - Scene of the mine disaster in which twenty-five miners are known to have lost their lives. as saved from this old American Pictorial Review.
GLEN TAYLOR GRAMMAR SCHOOL FOOTBALL TEAM * - 1923 - Pictured are members of the youngest football team in the world with their coach Schofield, a graduate of the University of California as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine. 11 by 16 inches.
GLENARD, - Sailing Ship - 1900 era - written up in "The Girl Who Waited at Seaman's Rest" by Rowen L. and Gordon D. Alcorn. Story of Seaman and Ships in the Tacoma, Washington area, as published in a complete western magazine.
GLENDALE ELKS LODGE * - 1924 - Sponsor of the Float of Glendale Lodge of Elks, winner of the first price in the Rose Bowl Parade as saved from this American Pictorial Magazine.
GLENDENIN MINING AND SMELTING COMPANY mentioned in "The Rich Golden Gulches Of Montana" article from old western magazine
GLENDENNING, Ernest in LISTENING IN * - 1923 - Stars pictured and written about in critique of the play showing at the Bijeau Theatre and featured in this article entitled SCENES IN CURRENT PLAYS as saved from this old American pictorial magazine
GLENDON, Dick of NAVY VARSITY CREWMAN * - 1929 - Article entitled "HOW COLUMBIA WON SEVENTY-TWO SHIRTS" in a three page report covering the race on the Hudson River Regatta which Columbia won after most of the other boats were swamped as saved from this old American pictorial magazine
GLENN, Boss - Written about in "Tom Mix: Budding Western Star" By: Robert S. Birchard - the story of Tom Mix's years 1910 - 1917 at Selig-Polyscope where he achieved an authentic taste of cowboy Americana, as published in a complete western magazine.
GLENN, Boxx, * - Written about in "Tom Mix: Budding Western Star" By: Robert S. Birchard - the story of Tom Mix's years 1910 - 1917 at Selig-Polyscope where he achieved an authentic taste of cowboy Americana, as published in a complete western magazine.
GLENN, Edmund * - 1936 - Pictorial collage of screen review of movie, SYLVIA SCARLETT , a novel by Compton Mackenzie starring Katharine Hepburn, Brian Aherne, Edmund Glenn, Dennie Moore, Natalie Paley as saved from this old American pictorial magazine
GLENN, Goober, - Written about in "Tom Mix: Budding Western Star" By: Robert S. Birchard - the story of Tom Mix's years 1910 - 1917 at Selig-Polyscope where he achieved an authentic taste of cowboy Americana, as published in a complete western magazine.
GLENN, Jay Taylor * Sergeant, (Gregory, Michigan -WORLD WAR 1 HONOR ROLL - Killed in Action)
GLENN, Silvia, Miss * - 1929 - Native of Van Arsdale, Kansas pictured and written about as given the Title of Kansas' Most Beautiful Farm Girl. as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
GLENNON, J. H., Captain * - 1917 - Commander of the Washington Navy Yard. Featured article entitled THE LANDING FROM THE MAYFLOWER as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
GLENROCK COAL MINING COMPANY - 1850 - 70 - SITE: WY - IO - CA - Named in rare boxing story entitled GOLIATHS FROM GLENROCK by John Bonar which recites the history of what the author calls the other Great White Hope, NOAH "Sport" YOUNG, Jr., found in this old complete western magazine.
GLENROCK SHEEP COMPANY - 1850 - 70 - SITE: WY - IO - CA - Named in rare boxing story entitled GOLIATHS FROM GLENROCK by John Bonar which recites the history of what the author calls the other Great White Hope, NOAH "Sport" YOUNG, Jr., found in this old complete western magazine.
GLENROCK, WYOMINS - 1850 - 70 - SITE: WY - IO - CA - Home site of rare boxing story entitled GOLIATHS FROM GLENROCK by John Bonar which recites the history of what the author calls the other Great White Hope, NOAH "Sport" YOUNG, Jr., found in this old complete western magazine.
GLENROWAN, AUSTRALIA - 1840 - 1880 era. :Location: IRELAND, AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND. Named in a strange American rendition of the legend of Australia's old west hero, Edward "Ned" Kelly. GREAT READ as published in this seldom found complete western publication.
GLENVILLE, I. E., - 1904 - Author write of inventor W. E. IRISH from Little Mountain, Ohio is named in feature SCIENCE AND INVENTION in article headlined "A Flying-Machine With Real Feathers" in which his invention of an aerial sailing-craft is pictured showing one of the twenty six pairs of wings that writer I. E. Glenville explains it uses as feathers in the construction of wings on his aeroplanes as saved from this old American News Magazine.
GLENWOOD RANGES * - FURNACE ADS * OF 1893. Back cover of large old American magazine. Assorted ads of various Ranges, Furnaces, etc.
GLICK, Lewis * First Sergeant (Ogden, Utah - WORLD WAR 1 HONOR ROLL- Killed in Action)
GLICK, Mr. Governor mentioned in "The Prodigal Gambler", by: Jay F. Kay, as published in a complete western magazine.
GLIDDEN, Henry L. Representative of Lloyd's Insurance Company, New York mentioned in featured National magazine article "G-Men in Unending War", 1935.
GLIDDEN, Joseph (of DeKalb, Ilinois.) - 1884 - 84 -Location: Brown County, Texas. Named in story entitled "That Bloody Fence-Cutting War by Ruth Whitehead which tells of how a fence-cutting war which erupted near Brownwood, Texas and how the Texas Rangers had to save the day as found in this complete and rare western magazine.
GLIDER, Richard Watson * - 1915 - Pictured and Named in Memorabilia - Rare - Complete Issue - Mint condition. Story entitled Booker T. Washington Addressing A Public Gathering. Original only.
GLIDING * - 1921 - Comprehensive report on the status of Gliding in Germany and Europe as saved from an old American News Magazine.
GLIMPF, Herman (Oberit. z. S.) (Dead) World War I era. British Admiralty Statement of "Fate of 150 German U-Boat Commanding Officers who were killed or became prisoners at war.
GLINKA, Chester - Photo * - (of Donora, Pennsylvania) - 1928 - Photo of Mrs. T. J. Hoop and Marjorie. wins a cash award in pictorial collage entitled FIRST AWARDS IN MOTHER AND CHILD PORTRAIT CONTEST as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine
GLINKA, Michal Ivanovich * 87 year old Sepia Gravure. Biography on back of this Russian Musician.
GLISON, Ashley - 1900 ERA. LOCATION: CO TX WY - Ranch Foreman named in story entitled "A TEXAS PLOWBOY IN WYOMING" by D. H. Mitchell as told to Jerry S. Wilcock of his and a companion Leslie Mitchell experiences as Texas greenhorns on the western frontier as found in this old and complete western magazine.
GLOBE HOTEL, THE DALLES * - 1850 - 90 era. Location: CA, PA, NY, OR, WA. U. S. Named in story entitled "LORENZO LORAIN" - Pioneer Photographer of the Northwest by Alan Clark Miller with photos taken by Lorenzo Lorain as found in this old and complete western magazine
GLOBE IRON WORKS of G. H. Hartson and Company - 1857 - Manufacturer of HURD'S CENTRIFUGAL SUGAR MACHINE PATENT * - Original patent report and engraving .
GLOBE ISLAND BRIDGE * - 1904 Pictorial Collage and text report entitles "CONSTRUCTION OF THE GLOBE ISLAND BRIDGE, SIDNEY, NEW SOUTH WALES" with old history of the Pyrmont Bridge as it appeared in this old American Scientific Magazine.
GLORIOUS BETSY starring NAGEL, Conrad * - 1928 - Pictured in article entitled NECKWEAR IN THE DAYS OF THE FIRST EMPIRE as he appears Jerome Bonaparte, Brother of the Great Corsican in "Glorious Betsy as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
GLORY HOLE, NEVADA * - 1890 - 1900 era. Location: NV. Named in story entitled "INVISIBLE DEATH AT DELEMAR" by Donald G. Lee who tells of the death of 600 young Mormons and thousands of unidentified Chinese, Greek and Italian immigrants who were victims of Silicosis and the area gained the dubious title of Widow Maker as reported in this old and complete western magazine.
GLOSTER, E., of Toronto, Canada - 1923 - Shared fifth position to new Ice Skating Marvel, Harry Kaskey, who wins Saranac Lake Tournament in record time.
GLOUCESTER COUNTY, PA. BLOSSOM FESTIVAL * w VIDEN, Jean (Miss) * - 1933 - Pictured as Flower Queen of Gloucester County Penn. Blossom Festival with maids of honor.
GLOUCESTER, MASS., TERCENTENARY PAGEANT * - 1923 - Pictured as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
GLOVER, C. C. * Private (Keenan, West Virginia - WORLD WAR 1 HONOR ROLL - Killed in Action)
GLOVER, Dick, County Sheriff - era early 1900's - Site: Mexican Border Area. County Sheriff named in story of Texas Ranger Lawmen entitled HELL ON THE NUECES by Maurice Kildare who were searching for sheriff killer Gregorio Cortez near the Rio Grande. He ran, stole a fast quarter mare, eluded capture for ten days but didn't bring map and failed to cross the Rio Grande and the Texas Rangers got their man as saved from this old seldom found in this complete western magazine.
GLOVER, Doctor - 1860's - 1890 - LOCATION: CA, HA, MO, NY. Named as player who hit homerun in Wyoming game in great story entitled BALL ONE OF THE FRONTIER by Milt Riske of baseball in the early days including one about a home run hit that had to be measured the next day cause it was so long they had to get special equipment or the Mormon triple play where a ball landed in a tree and a player shook it out while all watched – then got the ball loose and threw it in and got three outs. Featured story in an old western magazine
GLOVER, Donna - 1924 era - Location, CO, KA, NJ, NY, RI - Trick rider named in this great rodeo history entitled "On The Road With the K of C Rodeo" by Bill King, a rodeo sponsored by the Knights of Columbus of Denver that played it's first rodeo at the Narragansett Speedway, may 19, 1924. Names important stars and performers not usually mentioned on the rodeo circuit as saved and found in this unusual and western complete magazine.
GLOVER, Jack, - 1890 era. Location AK,CA,OH. Citizen of Dawson, Alaska named in story entitled "The Scramble For Klondike Gold" by Roberta M. Starry who writes of the fascinating story of father Bert F. Starry and what it was really like to hunting for Klondike gold. It was more than expected as men froze to death, most came back empty handed but some made the most of it and lived to tell about the good old days as recaptured here in this rare, complete western magazine.
GLOVER, John A, - 1890 era. Location AK,CA,OH. Bartender at the Rochester Bar in Dawson, Alaska named in story entitled "The Scramble For Klondike Gold" by Roberta M. Starry who writes of the fascinating story of father Bert F. Starry and what it was really like to hunting for Klondike gold. It was more than expected as men froze to death, most came back empty handed but some made the most of it and lived to tell about the good old days as recaptured here in this rare, complete western magaznei
GLOVER, Warren I. * (Ass't Postmaster General pictured and mentioned in "First Group Photograph of Assistant Secretaries of U. S. Government Departments as featured in this panoramic picture from 1922).
GLUCK, Irving * - 1920 - Named as one of messenger boys for financial houses in article entitled "PRINCIPAL FIGURES IN AMAZING ARNSTEIN CASE INVOLVING THEFT OF MILLIONS" with pictorial of one of greatest swindles in Wall Street history picturing individuals involved and their sentence or fate as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
GLUCK, Joseph * - 1920 - Named as one of messenger boys for financial houses in article entitled "PRINCIPAL FIGURES IN AMAZING ARNSTEIN CASE INVOLVING THEFT OF MILLIONS" with pictorial of one of greatest swindles in Wall Street history picturing individuals involved and their sentence or fate as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
GLUTING, Charlotte * - 1936 - Members of the American Woman's Golf team is pictured as they arrived at Waterloo Station, London on their way to Gleneagles to meet the British team in the Curtis Cup as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
GLUYAS, G. K. - Late 1800 era - Location - London, California. President of California Steam Navigation Company as named in story entitled "Frederick Marriott and the Steam Aviator". Seems that long before the Wright Brothers, this enterprising inventor sponsored and flew Steam Flying Machine as described and pictured in this old and very rare complete western magazine.
GLIDING MEMORABILA * - 1928 - GERMANY - Pilot named in this article FLYING WITHOUT A MOTOR which explains how did Kites grew from giant boxes to sophisticated gliders with pilots in easy chairs surrounded by the latest of technical improvements. Well, this author says it was all because of Germany's defeat in World War I. as saved form an old American News Magazine.
GLYN, Elinor * - 1921 - Famous Novelist photographed and pictured at the wedding of his daughter, Miss Margot Glyn to Sir Edward Dawson at St. Margaret's Church, Westminster, London as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
GLYN, Elinor - (Story of Tom Tyler - alias:of Vincent Markowski) - 1920 - 50's. Location: Hollywood, California. Named in story entitled "Cowboy Strongman - Tom Tyler" by Glen Shirley tells of the history and times of this versatile actor who appeared as Captain Marvel after serving as a member of the Royal National Mounted Police and Champion Weightlifter of the U. S. Navy whose life touched most of the Hollywood greats as found in this very rare western magazine
GLYN, Elinor - 1840 - 1926 - Site: Western United States. Novelist named in THE DUDE FROM LIMERICK, a true story written by Marshall Sprague of the Earl of Dunraven, a wealthy Lord from England who just had to experience the thrills of our pioneer west. He wanted to meet Buffalo Bill, Texas Jack, Kit Carson and lots of Indian Squaws. And he did and this recites those events as published in a rare Western Magazine.
GLYN, Margot, Miss * - 1921 - Famous Novelist daughter photographed and pictured at her wedding to Sir Edward Dawson at St. Margaret's Church, Westminster, London as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine
GO-GET-'EM McQUIGG, John R., * - 1925 - (Commander of the American Legion) Article entitled "The Doughboy's Champion" as saved from this old American news magazine.
GOAD, Robert * Private, (Huntsville, Virginia -WORLD WAR 1 HONOR ROLL- Killed in Action),
GOAJIRA INDIAN FROM COLUMBIA * - 1921 - Pictorial collage entitled "PICTURESQUE CITIES AND VILLAGES OF COLOMBIA, THE MOUNTAIN REPUBLIC" with photos of various landmark scenes as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
GOBEL, Arthur, * - 1929 - Pilot named in story of Dick Grace entitled DAREDEVILING IN AIR AND WATER FOR MOVIE FANS as it appeared in the section Personal Glimpses in an old National Magazine that relates experiences and tales of this heroic dare-devil who made his living by nearly getting killed.
GOBEN, Ed, 1870 era. Written up in the "The 75,000,000 Dollar Flash", by Doris Cerveri, the stories of mining in the scenic hills of White Pine County, Nevada, as published in a complete western magazine.
GOBEY, Lawrence - ALAMO ILLUSTRATION * - 1835 - 36 era. Drawing by Lawrence Gobey of the Alamo as pictured in story entitled "TO THE RESCUE OF THE ALAMO - GONZALES 32 in this old and complete western magazine.
GOBIN, J. P. S. * Brigadier General of the Pennsylvania Militia Pictured Story of Militia involvement in Coal Wars of 1902.
GOCHNAUR, Orlando * First Lieutenant, (Marine Officer Reserve Corps -WW 1 Honor Roll - Killed in Action)
GOCKELER, Edward L.. Photo * - 1931 - (of Saranac Lake, New York) - Winner of Cash Award for photo submitted entitled A BRISK MORNING IN THE ADIRONDACKS in weekly feature entitled WINNERS OF CASH AWARDS IN THE AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHIC CONTEST as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
GOD A-5 * - 1929 - Pictured in photo entitled THE IDOL OF THE MIDSHIPMEN - also called OLD TECUMSEH on his beginning trip from Annapolis to Washington were it will be case in bronz for future Naval Officers as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine
GOD BLESS OUR HAPPY SHIP * - 1900 - Location: Aboard Ship in Atlantic and Pacific. Story entitled "GOD BLESS OUR HAPPY SHIP" by Robert A. Weinstein who tells of a round the horn cruise taken by Captain Robert Tapley and family at a time when women did not normally sail as found in this old western magazine.
GOD'S COUNTRY AND THE MAN - (1931). Location: Hollywood, California. Old Movie pictured and named in story entitled "Cowboy Strongman - Tom Tyler" by Glen Shirley tells of the history and times of this versatile actor who appeared as Captain Marvel after serving as a member of the Royal National Mounted Police and Champion Weightlifter of the U. S. Navy whose life touched most of the Hollywood greats as found in this very rare western magazine
GODDARD HOT SPRINGS - 1930 era. Location – Pacific Coast. Named in story entitled “The Legend of Alexander Peihle” who writes of the life and times of an old sea-faring saloon keeper who supplied his patrons with bootleg whiskey as saved from this old and complete western magazine.
GODDARD, C. H., Major - 1926 - Bureau of Forensic Ballistics, New York written about in article entitled THE FINGER-PRINTS OF A BULLET which is a detailed text of the :finger-prints" left by the breech face on the primer which are continuous across the superimposed squares, thereby proving that the fatal cartridge was fired in the suspect's gun as saved from this old American News Magazine.
GODDARD, Charles W. * - 1921 - Featured and pictured as co-author of "The Broken Wing" in page titled "WHO'S WHO IN THE DRAMATIC WORLD. PLAYWRIGHTS. as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
GODDARD, Fred L., Mrs., * - 1926 of 325 North Third Street, Alhambra, Californiawho won award for photo entitled "Pulling In A Shark" submitted in "Cash Prizes to Amateur Photographers" as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
GODDARD, Grant F. - 1860 - 90. Location: UT. Named as Secretary of Browning Arms in story entitled "A WIZARD WITH GUNS" by Glen Perrins who writes of a kid who grew up with the smell of gunpowder and the bright gleam of firearms to become preeminent firearm makers in the World as found in this old and complete western magazine.
GODDARD, Louis - 1907 - Balloonist who achieved record as stated in article entitled SOME RECORDS IN BALLOONING as saved from this old American pictorial magazine
GODDARD, Paulette * - 1932 - Star of "THE KID FROM SPAIN"as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
GODDARD, Paulette * - 1936 - Pictured with Charlie Chaplin and Captain Ahlin of the President Coolidge traveling in the Orient in the featured article entitled Cupid in Filmland as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine
GODDARD, Robert, Doctor (Clark University) - AMERICAN ROCKET SOCIETY - 1934 - as reported in Science and Invention Article entitled "Developing Rockets to Explore Stratosphere" as published in American News Magazine.
GODDARD, Sam * - 1890 era - Fireman, Central City Fire Department shown Historical item entitled "Nozzle Boys In Union Suits" - a true story of fireman in the Black Hills, South Dakota area in pioneer days. Names and pictures area fireman, nozzle contests, in this rare and complete old magazine.
GODDARD, Stimson W. * Corporal (St. Louis, Montana – WORLD WAR 1 HONOR ROLL– Killed in Action)
GODDBODY, L., * of the KENT SCHOOL ROWING CREW of Kent, Conn. . * - 1927 - Pictured in article entitled "PREP SCHOOLBOYS WHO WILL ROW IN ENGLAND: THE CREW OF THE KENT SCHOOL" who will take part in the Henley Regatta in England as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
GODFREY, E. S., Lieutenant (later General), – 1870s era – Location MT, SD, mentioned in “The Custer Story,” by Bill Judge who goes to great lengths to explain the reasons Custer lost. A revealing and thorough account based on participants in the action and comments of first men to follow the trail as published in this complete old western magazine.
GODFREY, Edward S. Captain mentioned in 1876 era - Story entitled "Was It Only Custer's Folly?" by Carl W. Breihan published in old Western Magazine. Seldom found Custer story i.e. "the great Indian Campaign campaign of 1876, remains the most romantic, epochal, tragic, mystical and mysterious of all the rare conflicts known in the history of the world." Highly technical with controversial theories of battle.
GODFREY, Edward S. Lieutenant 7th Cavalry Regiment under Custer 1876. Congressional Medal of Honor Winner written up in "Under A Most Calling Fire" by Howard Peterson. History of the Congressional Medal of Honor. Old and rarely found Western magazine.
GODFREY, Edward S., Lieutenant - 1870 era - Location - Dakota Territory, MT. Named in history entitled "FT .LINCOLN'S PHANTOM FORGER" by Tom Bailey which the author claims that the Seventh Cavalry might have been saved had Custer heeded a forged order not to march to a rendezvous with death on the Little Big Horn as found in a very rare and complete western magazine.
GODFREY, Mr. Lieutenant mentioned in "Night of the Red Moon" , as published in a complete western magazine.
GODFREY, Mr. "Preacher " mentioned in "The Desperado With Nine Lives" as published in a complete western magazine.
GODFREY, Rob. * - 1936 -Former teacher with the WPA Federal Art Project, he is pictured in article entitled " LUCK FOR A WPA ARTIST", whose major painting has been purchased by the Metropolitan Museum of Art as reported in the weekly feature FOOTNOTES ON A WEEK'S HEADLINERS as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine
GODFROY, Frederick C., Indian Agent - 1870 - 80 era. Location: New Mexico. Named in story by Philip J. Rasch who writes claiming his story gives an impartial and more accurate account of this historic New Mexico Gunfight which included BILLY THE KID as found in this old, complete western magazine.
GODFROY, Frederick C., Mrs., Wife of Indian Agent - 1870 - 80 era. Location: New Mexico. Named in story by Philip J. Rasch who writes claiming his story gives an impartial and more accurate account of this historic New Mexico Gunfight which included BILLY THE KID as found in this old, complete western magazine.
GODHAVEN - (DISKO)- 1891. Location: Artic. Named as Capital of the Northern Inspectorate of Greenland in story of "THE PEARY RELIEF EXPEDITION" by Angelo Heilprin with drawing by Frank W. Stokes citing the facts and details of the expedition inc. crew members and their duties as published in this unusual, complete western magazine
GODOWKY, Dagmar * - 1924 - The daughter of the famous Russian Pianist is pictured in American Pictorial Collage entitled FEATURED IN LATEST STAGE AND SCREEN PRODUCTIONS. She has the leading role in screen adaptation of "THE LOST CHORD". 11 by 16 inches in mint condition.
GODOWSKY, Leopold - 1907 - Chicago's piano virtuoso named in article entitled " A HUDSON RIVER SCHOOL OF ORCHESTRA " which announces Lillian Nordica's plans for an American Institute of Music combining a school of operatic instruction with the features of a great Wagner Theatre at Balreuth as saved from this old American News Magazine.
GODOY, Boxer * " Will the Louis-Godoy Battle be Joe's Last Fight?" - Featured Article. National Magazine. 1940
GODREAU, Ernest * Private, (Derry, New Hampshire – WW 1 Honor Roll – Died of Wounds)
GODSELL, Philip H. * - 1896 era - Location: Canada. Author of Story “One Brave Against The North West Mounted,” by Philip H. Godsell, the story of Sergeant William Brooke Wilde, killed in the month long pursuit of outlaw Charcoal, as published in this complete old western magazine.
GODWIN, Helene . * - 1936 - Pictured as member of the Tulsa "Steno" Women AAU Title in double page article entitled "SPORTS OF THE WEEK" as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
GOEBAL*, William E. Democratic Candidate for Governor of Kentucky as written up in "A Party War in Kentucky" in National News Magazine of 1899.
GOEBBELS, Joseph, Dr. * - 1933 - (Banned by EBay) - Pictured in a collage of photos entitled GERMANY GIVES THANKS FOR A BOUNTIFUL HARVEST with pictures of celebrations in Germany as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine. 10 by 14 inches. Mint condition.
GOEBBELS, Joseph - 1939 - Written about in SEQUENCE OF THE ATTEMPTED HITLER ASSASSINATION plot taken at the funeral of eight Munich victims killed in the explosion he was charged with creating as saved from this old American pictorial Newspaper section
GOEBEL, Arthur C. Colonel, (Aviator, U. S. Army) 1929 - His exploits written up and pictured in article entitled "A Week In The Sky" which records the record non-stop plane aloft record over Metropolitan Airport, Los Angeles
GOELET, Robert W. * - 1899 era - Location: AZ, NM, Mexico. Named in story entitled INSTANT MILLIONAIRE by C. L. Sonnichsen who writes of the life and times of William C. Greene and the development of his great Cananea Mountain Copper Mine as found in this complete western magazine.
GOEMBOES, Julius * - 1934 - Premier of Hungary featured in article entitled FOOTNOTES ON A WEEK'S HEADLINERS headlined HUNGARY'S MILITANT PREMIER whose meetings with Premier Mussolini are making headlines as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
GOERGE, Joe - 1846 - 1931 era. Named in story of a cool-headed fearless Deputy Sheriff of Tombstone entitled TOMBSTONE DEPUTY SHERIFF BILL BREAKENRIDGE BY Burfee Carlson. Lawman faced the likes of Ringo Star, Johnny Ringo, "Black Jack" Ketchum and "Curly Bill" Brocius as law of the west as found in this very seldom read western publication.
GOERING, EMMY SONNEMAN * - Prussian Actress (banned from Ebay) - Picture of her state wedding w Hitler in backgroumd 1935.
GOERING, Hermann * - 1923 - Pictured in photo of General Ludendorff talking with Rumanian Army Attache with (it appears) Herman Goering in foregound as Nazi Guard as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
GOERING, REICH AIR MASTER HERMANN * (banned from Ebay) - Picture of his state wedding w Hitler in backgroumd 1935.
GOES-AHEAD * Indian pictured in 1876 era - Story entitled "Was It Only Custer's Folly?" by Carl W. Breihan published in old Western Magazine. Seldom found Custer story i.e. "the great Indian Campaign campaign of 1876, remains the most romantic, epochal, tragic, mystical and mysterious of all the rare conflicts known in the history of the world." Highly technical with controversial theories of battle.
GOES-AHEAD (Custer's Crow Scout) * - 1876 era - Location: Montana. Named in story entitled WE KILLED CUSTER by Norman Wiltsey of RUNNING FOX, Indian brave's eyewitness report of The Battle of Little Big Horn who says "Our hearts sang when Custer let our women and children get away - now we could fight" as found in this old, complete, western magazine.
GOES-AHEAD, – 1870s era – Location MT, SD, Crow Scout for Custer, mentioned in “The Custer Story,” by Bill Judge who goes to great lengths to explain the reasons Custer lost. A revealing and thorough account based on participants in the action and comments of first men to follow the trail as published in this complete old western magazine
GOETHALS *, Colonel - 1915. Pictorial Article entitled "Where Goethals Labors to Free the (Panama) Canal from a Mountain-side of Earth."
GOETHALS, George W. * Major General, 1918 Quartermaster General "Leading Men in the Work of the War Department"
GOETTLER, Harold E. * Lieutenant Aviator (Chicago, Illinois - WORLD WAR 1 HONOR ROLL - Shot Down and Killed in Action)
GOETZINGER, William * Private (Detroit, Michigan – WORLD WAR 1 HONOR ROLL – Killed in Action)
GOETZL, Anselm - 1920 - Named as Music Director in theatre ad and flyer touting "APHRODITE", the greatest artistic and most sensational triumph every achieved in any theatre in the history of the World as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
GOFF, M. A., Captain * 1919 - Adjutant, 339th Infantry, Archangel, Russia pictured in Collage of Photos of group on duty following World War I. Pictured are officers and Headquarters of the Allied Forces. Three pages, 11 by 16 inches in excellent condition.
GOFF, Marie * - 1922 - Pictured as playing in "Danger" in article entitled Actresses and Climatic Scenes Occurring as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
GOFF, Ples - 1890 era - Site-0 - Kittie, Oklahoma. Founder of town named in Christmas story entitled CHRISTMAS IN OLD KITTIE by Maurice Kildare which tells of Christmas celebration in the old frontier days of a little town seldom found or heard of as published in this old western magazine.
GOFF, W. L., Doctor , 1870 - 90 era - Missouri, Kansas - Named in historical story entitled "Bob Dalton's Bandit 'Bride'". Story of Florence Quick and her lover, Bob Dalton, and their ride in life of banditry and danger as published in this very rare and complete western magazine..
GOFF, William - Location - Montana - 1860 - 90 - location GA, MT - Settler in Smith Creek Canyon named in story entitled "SAGA OF MILL FLAT" by Maurice Kildare with photos courtesy of Zula White Garino. Story's subject is Joseph A. White and his family, neighbors and kin and the area known as Mill Flat where mining and lumber camps dotted the area as written up in this complete western magazine.
GOFFORD, Brida - 1900 ERA - Named in this great piece of rodeo history entitled WINNING OR LOSING by Milt Hinkle. Hinkle was a champion bull-dogger who took home many a ribbon. Of course, he also took home a gal named Mildred who even rivaled his take among the goodies and prizes of the rodeo. Indexed as found in old Western magazine.
GOFORTH, Thomas A. * Private (New Haven, Illinois – WORLD WAR 1 HONOR ROLL– Killed in Action)
GOGGINS, Ruth, Miss * - 1934 - Pictured is Ft. Worth, Texas native with her new husband Elliott Roosevelt following their wedding on July 22 in Burlington, Iowa. Mint condition. 10 by 14 inches.
GOGGLE-EYED ED (Thief - 1860 - 1880 era) mentioned in "The Bane of Thieves", by: Ralph McCarroll. Colorado's Militia General Dave Cook's story of his life as a frontier lawman as published in a complete western magazine.
GOGOLIN, Jacob P. * - 1960 - 80 - era: Site - Kansas - Colorado. Cover painting by Jacob P. Gogolin describing story entitled LAYING TRACK ON THE HIGH PLAINS by Joseph W. Snell with photos provided by the Kansas State Historical Society of Topeka. History - a history of the times when the Pacific Railroad Act of 1862 provided impetus to expand our railway system and enable coast to coast travel as saved from this rare and complete western magazine
GOGOLIN, Jacob P. * - (German Artist) - 1867 era. Location: NB. His painting in story entitled THE PLUM CREEK INCIDENT by Carl Uhlarik who writes of the only documented time the Western Plains Indians were successful in wrecking a train - Union Pacific Engine 53 at Plum Creek, NB as found in this old and complete western magazine.
GOGOLIN, Jacob P.. Painting pictured in "Way-Laying The Iron Horse" by Lee Ryland. Story of Golden Spike Centennial Celebration. Union Pacific Railroad.
GOGOLIN, Jakob * - 1850 - 1900 era - German artist's work pictured and named in story of Adolph Roenigk entitled THE FIGHT AT FOSSIL CREEK by J. L. Beardsley who tells of the attacks of Cheyenne Chiefs Tall Bull and Roman Nose on the workmen of the Union Pacific Railway in Kansas as found in this old western magazine.
GOHEST, Emily * - member of the WELLESLEY COLLEGE Boating Crew - 1925 - Pictured in article entitled " READY FOR JOLLY BOATING WEATHER". The title of the page is AMERICAN GIRLS Rival the Huskier Sex in College Games". saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
GOHL, Billy * - 1903 - 09 era. Location: WA. Subject of story entitled "PORT OF MISSING MEN" by C. J. Lind who tells of the Floater Fleet of missing sea men in Aberdeen, Washington and the activity of those responsible as found in this old and complete western magazine.
GHOST * - 1931 - Pictured as star is William Boyd of THE PAINTED DESERT with his horse "Ghost" in Pathe Movie in article entitled STARS AND SCENES FROM THE NEW FILMS as saved from this old American pictorial magazine
GOHRAM, George C. - Candidate for Governor - 1867 - 1800 - 1890 era. Site: California. Named in story entitled TAPEWORM, TICKETS & SHOULDER STRIKERS by Richard Reinhardt who writes of many of the shenanigans at the polls in California in the early days and those that participated as found in this complete western magazine.
GOING SOME (BUCKING HORSE) - Early 1900's - Site: Oregon and California. Named in NEGRO COWBOY, the story of George Fletcher by Charles C. Patch, a story of a rough and tumbling rodeo cowboy who was denied, time after time, access to rodeo and, when allowed to enter, suffered the brunt of prejudiced Judges. This is his true story of how he prevailed and came to be recognized for his superior talent as found in this very rare western magazine.
GOING UP - 1923 - with Majorie Daw in article entitled Actresses of Stage and Screen as saved from old American Pictorial Magazine.
GOING, Professor Remedy for Horse Disease * - 1883 - Great horse ad to decorate your Barn Office. Lists 15 or so horse tack ads. In excellent condition. 11 by 16 inches.
GOLD and CURRY MINE, COMSTOCK LODE, NEVADA * - 1850 - 75 era. Location: CA. Named in story entitled "AN END TO INNOCENCE" by David Lavender who writes of the life and times of William C. Ralston, co-founder and president of The Bank of California and his fortune and demise as found in the old and complete western magazine.
GOLD BRICKS. * - 1921 - Pictured in article entitled MAKING REAL GOLD BRICKS at the U. S. Assay Offices, New York City as saved from old American magazine.
GOLD CANYON DISTRICT, Nevada. 1870 era. Written up in the "The 75,000,000 Dollar Flash", by Doris Cerveri, the stories of mining in the scenic hills of White Pine County, Nevada, as published in a complete western magazine.
GOLD COIN MINE - 1860 - 1900 era. Location: Oregon. Named in story entitled "OREGON'S BOHEMIA MINES" by Nancy Dorman Anderson who writes of James "Bohemia" Johnson rand the discovery of a mystery claim on the Williamson River and the frenzy it started as found in the old, complete western magazine.
GOLD COINS OF THE LOST SINGER RANCH - 1861 - 64 - TEXAS.. Named in story entitled LOST SINGER SEWING MACHINE TREASURE by Ford Green. The author claims that somewhere along the 450 year old Long White Island called Padre is the lost treasure of the fortune of John Singer as related in this complete western magazine.
GOLD CREEK MINING COMPANY STOCK * - 1890 - 1910 CIRCA - Story entitled " Getting On A Big Bonnaza" a look at the days when "dividend dreams' wound up as wallpaper but now some of these are Collector's Items as written up in this rare western magazine.
GOLD DIGGERS * - 1920 - Pictured as star is Ina Claire in article entitled STRIKING SITUATION IN CURRENT DRAMATIC SUCCESSES as the star of the comedy GOLD DIGGERS with Bruce McRae as saved from this old American pictorial magazine. 11 by 16 inches. Mint.
GOLD DIGGERS * - 1922 - Pictured are Mabel and Suzanne Frenyears playing a group of gay girls with few scruples in page entitled Striking Scenes From Latest Theatrical Openings" as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
GOLD DUST RECEIVER - 1890 era. Location: AK, CA, OH. Named in story entitled "THE ROISTEROUS RED SHIRTS OF THE GOLD RUSH COUNTRY" - a history of the old hard nosed black-hatted miners of the old west called "Clampers" who dressed up in "Red Shirts" and initiated green horn miners in their wiley ways as published in this old and complete western magazine
GOLD FINCH MINE - 1890 - 1920 - LOCATION: British Columbia - Mine named in story entitled "Forgotten Goldrush" by Fred l. Lade who writes of the camps in British Columbia's magnificent, mountainous Lardeau country are now ghost towns but at the turn of the century thousands of men were mining riches told by one that was there as saved in this old complete western magazine.
GOLD HARBOR, 1851 Era. Written up in, "The Wreck of the Sloop Georgianna" By: Flora Weed Hicks, story of the kidnapping of the Georgianna and crew by the Haida Indians of Queen Charlotte's Islands.
GOLD HILL *, "Comstock Country Land of Promises", historic article from old western magazine covering Virginia City, Sutro, Gold Hill and Silver City with lots of picture and map printed on slick enamel paper. Rarely found. Early pioneer day, as published in a complete western magazine.
GOLD HILL FIRE COMPANY mentioned in - 1890 era true western story entitled "Early Day Fire Departments" by D. Cerneri - a history of "hook and ladder" fire stations and their competition around the west.
GOLD IN THEM HILLS - 1890 -era - location Nevada. Named in story entitled "Gold Thieves in the Old West" which pictures and tells of fast shooting road agents who stole a lot of gold and of mild mannered manner, retiring high-graders who beat them at their own game as found in this very rare, complete western magazine
GOLD LEAF mentioned in "Silver Creek Reminiscences", by: Jean-Michael Moore
GOLD MINING CAMP OF Skidoo * - 1917 era. Location: Death Valley". Named in story of Explorer Harvey Hardy who was hired to find lead in Death Valley. He found an old Frenchman named John LeMoigne who discovered lead in the Cottonwood Canyon section of the Panamint Mountains and followed his tracks in an Overland Touring Car Model 75 B. This is a chronicle of that trip as published in this complete rare western magazine
GOLD MOUNTAIN DISTRICT - 1860 - 1900's - Location - UT. Named in story entitled "QUEEN OF THE UTAH GOLD CAMPS" by George A. Thompson citing names of individuals and the mines of the old Gold camp. Important mine research tool as found in this old Western magazine.
GOLD ORE WASHING MACHINE PATENT * - 1871 - Ore-washing Machine Patent of Edwin Platt of Charleston, S. C.
GOLD RUSH INN - THE MAGNET, KLONDIKE, ALASKA * - 1898 - 1902 era. Pictured in true story of Eric Hegg, a photographer who document the Gold Rush of the Klondike in a story entitled THE MAN WHO CAPTURED THE KLONDIKE by Max Prescott as found in this very rare and seldom found western magazine
GOLD SEPARATING APPARATUS PATENT * - 1855 - KENT, Edward N., Chemist 116 John Street, Fulton, New York. His invention pictured entitled KENT'S APPARATUS FOR SEPARATING GOLD AND OTHER PRECIOUS METALS with detailed text is invention explaining in three pages the composition and working operation of this mechanical process that no amalgamator alone is sufficient to remove all the precious metals contained in earthy or stony substances.
GOLD THIEVES IN THE OLD WEST - 1890 -era - location Nevada. Story entitled "Gold Thieves in the Old West" which pictures and tells of fast shooting road agents who stole a lot of gold and of mild mannered manner, retiring high-graders who beat them at their own game as found in this very rare, complete western magazine.
GOLD, Rose * - 1923 - Pictures two New York Girls, Misses Rose Gold and Idalle Free who walked from New York City to the Nation's Capital of Washington, D. C. as saved from this old American pictorial magazine. Mint condition. 11 by 16 inches
GOLDBERG, Israel F. * Sergeant, (Yonkers, New York – WORLD WAR 1 HONOR ROLL– Killed in Action)
GOLDBERG, Marshall * - 1937 - Pittsburgh Halfback shown in "The Rose Bowl Game Starts New Year" against Washington.
GOLDBERG, Rube - 1929 - San Francisco cartoonist Named in Life Story of Tex Rickard entitled "Yes, Tex Gave Them a Great Show To The End" as saved from this old American News magazine. Great Pictures from the past
GOLDBERG, Rube Exhibitor. Museum of Modern Art Exhibit, 1936. New York.
GOLDCAMP, Frank J. * Private, (Ironton, Ohio – WORLD WAR 1 HONOR ROLL – Killed in Action)
GOLDEN (or GOLDING), Johnny - 1880 era. Site Location : Jacksboro, Texas & Fort Griffin. Named in "The Legend of Lottie Deno" by Philip Rainman. History of a mysterious lady of the evening who set men's heart afire until one came along she couldn't resist and there the legend began as published in this old rare and seldom found western magazine..
GOLDEN EAGLE HOTEL - 1850 - 65. LOCATION: CA, MA. Named in story entitled "California's Floating Islands of Hell" with pictures of San Quentin Prison which took over the prisoners of the original hell-ships which were converted from whaling ships to land based prisons telling of methods of confinement and torture as found in this complete western magazine
GOLDEN ERA - 1850 ERA - Site - California.- Weekly named in great true story entitled LOLA MONTEZ - A MOST NOTORIOUS LADY who had the benefit of great looks and a royal title -- Countess of Landsfelt - conferred her by King Ludwig of Bavaria. She came to conquer hearts and to gain political power through her charms and she did according to author Louise Cheney as published in this complete and seldom found western magazine.
GOLDEN ERA - 1880 era. Location, California. Literary Weekly named in story entitled 'BRET HARTE BARD OF THE 49ERS" which states that every lover of the legendary wild west owes Bred Harte eternal gratitude because this "eastern dude" dug for gold, starved a little, laughed a little and rode shotgun guard on stagecoaches before he started writing about if for all the world to share as published in this complete and rare western magazine
GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE - Mentioned in "A Curse Upon His Head" By: Norman C. Pierce, the story of the Mormon empire builder. Sam Brennan, of San Francisco. Rare, as published in a complete western magazine.
GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE referred to in "Six-Guns and Printer's Ink" by Ed Repp. A history of early pioneer newspapers on the western frontier as published in a complete western magazine.
GOLDEN GATE CITY - 1854. LOCATION: AK AZ CA LA PA. Mentioned in story entitled "BIG ED McGOWAN'S MANY FEUDS" w photos courtesy of California State Library tell of Judge Edward McGowan of San Francisco who was dynamic, forceful and adventurous, with the thick skin of a rhinoceros where his own interests were concerned; but whether he was on the side of chicanery or justice he made the same raucous outcry for immediate attention as found in the old and rare western magazine.
GOLDEN GATE FIRE HOSE TEAM - 1890 era - South Dakota Firemen shown in Historical item entitled "Nozzle Boys In Union Suits" - a true story of fireman in the Black Hills, South Dakota area in pioneer days. Your great grand-daddy might be here
GOLDEN GATE HARBOR mentioned in "Kill Them All…Kill Them Fast!", by: A. Fitzgerald, as published in a complete western magazine.
GOLDEN GATE mentioned in "Amadeo Peter Giannini, Banking Genius" By: Joe Koller, as published in a complete western magazine.
GOLDEN GATE STEAMER * - Early 1900 era - Site: Pacific ocean - This is SHIPWRECKED by Roger Olmstead. According to the author more lives were lost to the Pacific Ocean than to Western Indians. Listed here are the major shipwrecks in the early pioneer years as saved from this American Western Magazine.
GOLDEN GATE STORE and CIRCULATING LIBRARY - ESKIMO HISTORIC PHOTOS * - 1900 ERA - Article entitled "Eskimo" consisting of photos of photographers E A. Hegg and F. H. Nowell as published in this complete American Hardback Magazine. Heavy.
GOLDEN GATE sailing steamer - CIRCA 1850'S - Site : Pacifica Coast - Named and pictured in drawing in article entitled "Hidden Treasure off the Pacific Coast" by Leo Rosenhouse. Story of the sidewheel steamer, Brother Jonathan whose Captain went to his death railin against greedy profiteers who overloaded us. Most of the passengers an crew died. Treasure in the hold has never been recovered as described in rare western magazine.
GOLDEN GATE, Steamer - 1850's. Location: CA, MA. Named in Maverick Before The Mast. Here is Biography of the life and times of Richard Henry Dana, Jr. by Stephanie Cooper Shulsinger who reports that Dana sailed from Boston to San Francisco when the life of a seaman on a sailing was little better than that of a dog. Later he wrote Two Years Before the Mast and it was an instant success and then begin his career as a lawyer as found in this unusual western magazine.
GOLDEN GATE,1876 era. "Mystery of the Log Cabin Gold Mine" By: Mildred Fielder - Mining hunt of the Big Horn Expedition searching for the lost mine.
GOLDEN GLOVES INTER-CITY FIGHTS, * - 1939 - (of Chicago, Illinois) - Jimmy Reeves pictured in winning light heavyweight fight with Henry Jones of New York at the Golden Gloves Inter-City fights in Chicago as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
GOLDEN RULE FOUNDATION - 1929 - Named in article entitled PORTO RICO'S HUNGARY CHILDREN showing picture of Col. Theodore Roosevelt, new Governor of Porto Rico revealing the story of starving children and their need for help from the United States as saved from this old American Newsweek magazine
GOLDEN SPIKE * - 1860 era. Location: CA, NV, UT. Named in story entitled "TUNNELING THE SIERRA WITH NITROGLYCERINE" by Lawrence Doorley who writes of the real heroes of the Central Pacific Railroad and their conquests while building the railroad line between Sacramento, CA and the Nevada line as found in this old and complete western magazine.
GOLDEN SPIKE CEREMONY - Mentioned in "A Curse Upon His Head" By: Norman C. Pierce, the story of the Mormon empire builder. Sam Brennan, of San Francisco. Rare, as published in a complete western magazine.
GOLDEN STAR SHAFT. - 1900 -30 era, Location: Montna, South Dakota. Homestake Mine Master Mechanic named in story entitled 'LIFE-LINES OF THE MINES by Mildred Fielder - the story of the invention of William J. Lilly who developed the Lilly Hoist Controller which was and is responsible for saving thousands of miners' lives as found in this rare and seldom found complete western magazine.
GOLDEN, John * - 1923 - New York theatrical manager received a commission as Major is shown as saved from this old American News Magazine.
GOLDEN, John * - 1924 - Pictured in " American Playwrights, Producers and Directors". 11 by 17 inches
GOLDEN, Patrick M. Private, U. S. Army. D Troop, Custer's 7th Cavalry, "Under A Most Galling Fire" by Howard Peterson. Old Western Magazine reciting history of Congressional Medal of Honor Winners and heroes of Medal of Honor Point on the Reno-Benteen Battlefield 1876
GOLDEN, Thomas M. * Lieutenant. Philadelphia, Penn. WORLD WAR 1 HONOR ROLL– Killed in Action
GOLDEN, Tom Founder of Golden City mentioned in "Denver and the Mountains of Gold" By: Barron Kemp, as published in a complete western magazine.
GOLDFIELD CONSOLIDATED MINING COMPANY - 1900 era - Named in story entitled "Bloodstained Ghost Town" by James A. Long covering history of Ruby, Arizona, a mining town in Santa Cruz County that lasted until 1941 as written up in this complete western magazine.
GOLDFIELD MEAT COMPANY, TONOPAH, NEVADA * - Ghost Town story entitled "Taken By The Wind" by Stanley W. Paher. A photographic portrait of some formerly prosperous boomtowns along with text and history as found in this complete western magazine.
GOLDFIELD, NEVADA * - Ghost Town story entitled "Taken By The Wind" by Stanley W. Paher. A photographic portrait of some formerly prosperous boomtowns along with text and history as found in this complete western magazine.
GOLDFIELD, NEVADA - 1880 - 1920 - Location Ireland, NV, LA, OH. Named in horse race story entitled RAWHIDE PAYS ITS RESPECTS by Guy Mayo, the story of Riley Grannan, the King of the sport of Kings who is described as a turf plunger as noted for his imperturbability as for the large sums he bet as told in this complete, rare western magazine.
GOLDFIELD, NEVADA - 1917 era. Location: Death Valley". Named in story of Explorer Harvey Hardy who was hired to find lead in Death Valley. He found an old Frenchman named John LeMoigne who discovered lead in the Cottonwood Canyon section of the Panamint Mountains and followed his tracks in an Overland Touring Car Model 75 B. This is a chronicle of that trip as published in this complete rare western magazine
GOLDFIELDS of CALIFORNIA * - 1891 - History entitled Pioneer Mining in California of how Gold was mined in early days with engravings and lithographics with indexed titles and names as saved from this old American Magazine publication that is 114 years old.
GOLDFINCH, George mentioned in "Harry Tracy, The West's Mad Killer" as published in a complete western magazine.
GOLDMAN, A. G. Inventor for Device for blind to read a book. Pictorial of 1935 "Science and Invention", American Magazine.
GOLDMAN, Emma * - 1920 -Received Stay from being deported aboard United States Transport Buford - Carried 259 Communist "Reds" who had been deported for advocacy of the overthrown of the United States Government. 1921
GOLDMAN, Emma * - 1925 - Featured in story entitled "Sweetened Reds and Rebels of Yesteryear as found in this old American News Magazine. Cites leaders of the Workers of the World and their fight for better health care, freedom from want and better living wages.
GOLDMAN, Emma . * - 1934 - Pictured and written about in weekly article entitled THEY STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD as saved from an American News Magazine. After exiled to Russia, she has been given permission to reenter the United States for a short visit.
GOLDMAN, Jerome L. * Lieutenant. St. Louis, Missouri. WORLD WAR 1 HONOR ROLL - Killed in Action.
GOLDRICK, Mr. Professor mentioned in "Harrison's Rendevous With Fate" as published in a complete western magazine.
GOLDSBY, Crawford mentioned in "Indian Mounted Police – The Light Horse", by: Wayne T. Walker
GOLDSMITH, END of GEORGIA TECH football team - * - 1931 - Pictorial collage of annual game which Pennsylvania won by 13 to 12 score as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
GOLDSMITH, Captain. - 1926 - Named in story entitled "IT'S ONLY ONE OF THOSE LITTLE THINGS THAT HAPPEN AT SEA" , the story of the 1926 rescue at sea of the British Freighter Antinoe by Captain George Fried -- a true saga of the heroism and gallantry of the U. S. Navy as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
GOLDSMITH, Carl * Lieutenant 328th Infantry (Atlanta, Georgia - WORLD WAR 1 HONOR ROLL- Killed in Action in Argonne Forest)
GOLDSMITH, Hugo B, Photo * - 1926 - (187 Jordan Ave., San Francisco, CA) His photo entitled " MAY DAY" wins cash award in featured contest "IN THE PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPETITION FOR AMATEURS "as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
GOLDSMITH, Oliver - 1830 - 1912. Location: IL, OR. Named in story of the life of ABIGAIL DUNIWAY entitled "BY NO MEANS EXCLUDING WOMAN" by Elizabeth F. Chittenden who writes of the life and time of this indefatigable worker and gallant fighter for the women's suffrage movement as found in this old and complete western magazine
GOLDSTEIN, David J., Photo *, - 1931 (New York, New York). Awarded cash prize for photo entitled "A TINY SUPPLICANT" as featured in article entitled "WINNERS OF CASH AWARDS IN THE AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPETITION" as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
GOLDSTEIN, Doctor Israel * - 1934 - Pictured with text in article entitled A TESTIMONIAL OF APPRECIATION FOR A FAMOUS CONDUCTOR: Arturo Toscanini who was honored for his anti-Nazi stand as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
GOLDSTEIN, Grace - 1920 - 40 era. Location AR. Madame of Hot Springs as named in this true story entitled "Hell In Hot Springs" by Frederick L. Collins tells of the lurid past of Hot Springs, Arkansas and the sins and omissions along Bath House Row as found in this rare, seldom read story as saved from an old American News magazine
GOLDSTEIN, Herb (writer for the Racing Form) - 1974 -75. Location - NY. Named in story of the thoroughbred horse 'RUFFIAN" by Gene Smith of the greatest racing filly of all time who became a legend before and after her untimely death as found in this old, complete American magazine.
GOLDSTEIN, Julius * Sergeant (New York City, New York - WORLD WAR 1 HONOR ROLL - Killed in Action)
GOLDWAITE, Hank, Mrs. * - 1936 - Members of the American Woman's Golf team is pictured as they arrived at Waterloo Station, London on their way to Gleneagles to meet the British team in the Curtis Cup as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
GOLDWAITHE, Robert * Captain Medical Corps (Montgomery, Alabama -WW 1 Honor Roll - Killed in Action)
GOLDWYN PRESENTS THEODORA * - 1921 - Movie flyer headlined THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD HAS BEEN WRITTEN IN LIVE STORIES AND THIS IS ONE OF THEM presented by GOLDWIN at the Astor Theatre, Broadway and Forty-fifth Street in New York as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
GOLDWYN, Sam - 1890 era - Western U. S. A. Newspaper Editor named in this biography of Captain John Wallace Crawford, entitled, "Captain Jack, The Poet Scout", and here the author, Paul T. Nolen, recites the history of this western scout and acquaintance of Buffalo Bill who went from scouting to acting to writing as published in this complete western magazine.
GOLDWYN, Samuel, Mr. and Mrs. * - 1935 - Picture in article headlined MOVIE FOLK with sub-title PLANNING A LASTING RECORD OF THE MOVIE INDUSTRY shown with other picture executives to lay groundwork for a Film Library for the Museum of Modern Art in New York with Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Goldwyn. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Abbott and Miss Mary Pickford as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
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Copyright © [Tom Russell]. All rights reserved