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Genealogy Images of History |
Updated:07/31/07 |
* indicates pictured
BUA, Nicola * Private (Medina, New York –WW 1 Honor Roll – Killed in Action)
BUBBLE IN THE AIR ACT * - 1933 - Pictured is Madeline Angove performing her act in collage at Long Beach, California entitled "PRETTY BUBBLES IN THE AIR" as she practices her dance on the sands as saved from an American Pictorial Magazine. 11 by 14 inches. Mint Condition.
BUCH, Gustav (Kapitan Lt) (Dead) World War I era. British Admiralty Statement of "Fate of 150 German U-Boat Commanding Officers who were killed or became prisoners at war.
BUCHALTER, Samuel * Private (Colchester, Conn.) WW 1 Honor Roll – Killed in Action)
BUCHAN, John * - 1935 - New Governor General of Canada - - "Figures in the News from Abroad" as published in American Pictorial of 1935.
BUCHANAN, Dan - Engineer - STEAMBOAT SHOSHONE * - 1860 era - Portland, Oregon - " The Short and Miserable Life of the Shoshone." as published in this old western magazine.
BUCHANAN, Daniel E., , * Chief Engineer of the Shoshone, a sternwheeler which is the subject of "Take Her Down or Wreck Her" by Fritz Timmon, a historical true story of the attempt to navigate the Lower Snake River in the late 1880's as published in this old and complete and rare western magazine.
BUCHANAN, J. A. * - 1923 - Pictured attending a Bankers and Farmers Conference are Congressman of the Northwest, together with bankers and farmers who recently met with President Coolidge as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
BUCHANAN, James, Mrs. (1925 Featured National Magazine Article - First Ladies of the United States)
BUCHANAN, James, President. - 1714 - 1900 era. Location: TEXAS. Named in story entitled THE LOST BOWIE MINE (Bowie y su Tropa - 1829) by Dick Chick which tells of the finding, exploration, errant past and elusive present as told from the sightings of Rezin Bowie, brother of the famous James Bowie as found in this old and complete western magazine
BUCHANAN, James, President - 1840 - 1890. Sites: CA, MS, MO, WY, OR. Named in biography of General John Charles Freemont entitle FREEMONT; A VERY STUBBORN MAN who saved California for the Union and aptly named as a United States Pioneer Hero as found in this very rare and complete western magazine.
BUCHANAN, James, President - 1850 - 191- era. Site: Fort Churchill, Nevada, Utah. Named in this comprehensive history of FORT CHURCHILL named MILITARY GHOSTS ON THE CARSON by Neil Murbarger which relates the proud history of, arguably, the most important Fort on the pioneer western front. Great stories of the past as seldom read and published in this old western magazine.
BUCHANAN, James, President - 1859 era, Site: British Columbia, Canada, Oregon, Washington Territory. Named in story entitled "THE PIG WAR" by C. J. Line that involved the British and U. S. Government over a disputed boundary line between Canada and Oregon - all started by a pig as told in this very rare, complete western magazine.
BUCHANAN, James, President -1917 Pictorial Collage and text entitled "America's Interest In The Revolution in Cuba.
BUCHANAN, James. * - Later 1860 era. Location, Hawaii. President of the United States named in historical story entitled "WALTER MURRAY GIBSON: GREAT MORMON RASCAL" Twice in his turbulent life he narrowly escaped hanging. But in the old days, that was not uncommon. Characterized as a ex-pirate, Gibson was a Mormon who took advantage of the Church to become a prominent public figure in Hawaii politics as published in this rarely found western magazine.
BUCHANAN, James President mentioned in "Four Men Rode South"
BUCHANAN, R. R. * Private, (Big Lake, Washington -WW 1 Honor Roll - Killed in Action)
BUCHANAN, Roberdean, Mrs. * Recording Secretary. 1897 First Printing of History entitled "The Daughters of the American Revolution" by Carolyn Halstead.
BUCHANAN, Robert, Col. - Mentioned in "Sam Grant on the West Coast" by Joan Kyllo. After service in the Mexican War, 1st Lt. Ulysses S. Grant sailed with his regiment from New York to the West Coast on what became a disastrous trip.
BUCHANAN, James, President, Great White Father, 1860 era. "The Mail Stage the Apaches Wouldn't Attack" By: Leo Rosenhouse. Story of the Butterfield Stage Coach Line and winning the U. S. Mail contract.
BUCHAREST, RUMANIA * - 1919 - Pictorial collage w text entitled " Rumania "As Perplexing Problem in the Balkans" with 2 pages of officials pictures, capital and map. 2 pages, 11 by 17 inches.
BUCHER, E. E. * 1st Lieutenant (Delphi, Indiana –WW 1 Honor Roll – Killed in Action)
BUCHLEIN, E. R. * Private, (Union Hill, New Jersey –WW 1 Honor Roll – Died of Wounds)
BUCHLING, John "Dutch" - 1860's. Site: IL, MO, MT. Named in story entitled "MANY A MICKLE MAKES A MUCKLE" by Millie Stine Talboys as told to Estelle Chrisman Laughlin who relates history of travel to Montana in the 1890's where the real hazard was the environment as found in this old, complete Western magazine.
BUCHMIER, Phillip * "Nine Years Among the Indians - 1870-79" by Herman Lehmann, who was captured by the Indians and learned their ways and fought for them against the Americans, Mexicans and Texas Rangers. Fascinating old pioneer history. Editor calls this the best of all "Indian" stories every written as published in two old western magazines.
BUCK - 1865-90 - Cherokee Strip, Indian Territory, Oklahoma. Horse named in rare autobiography entitled COWBOYS AND CATTLELAND, by H. H. Halsell, the story of life of the old Cherokee Strip Riders who galloped up and down the Cimarron Strip with Halsell in the years thru 1889 as published in this rarely found and seldom opened old, complete western magazine
Buck Creek Camp, - 1900 era – Location: ID, MT, NV. Story entitled “Two Funerals For Al Hennessy” by Ernest Oberbillig who writes of the pioneer life of Albert Hennessy who founded mining claims such as the Meadow Creek Silver Mines as found in this rare, complete, seldom found western magazine
BUCK HORN MINING CAMP - Early California history. Named in story entitled "HOW CALIFORNIA GOLD CAMPS WERE NAMED" by Ben T. Traywick who names many of the old gold camps throughout California claiming they read like signposts of the past as found in this old and complete western magazine..
BUCK JONES PRODUCTIONS - 1900 era - Indiana - Hollywood. Named in story of Charles Frederick Gebhard (or Gebhart) or "Buck Jones - Bona Fide Hero" by Joseph G. Rosa. History of greatest film cowboy of all time. Cowboy, Cavalryman, movie star - it's all here in this little known and seldom found complete western magazine.
BUCK JONES RANGERS - 1900 era - Indiana - Hollywood. Named in story of Charles Frederick Gebhard (or Gebhart) or "Buck Jones - Bona Fide Hero" by Joseph G. Rosa. History of greatest film cowboy of all time. Cowboy, Cavalryman, movie star - it's all here in this little known and seldom found complete western magazine.
BUCK JONES WILD WEST SHOW - 1900 era - Indiana - Hollywood. Named in story of Charles Frederick Gebhard (or Gebhart) or "Buck Jones - Bona Fide Hero" by Joseph G. Rosa. History of greatest film cowboy of all time. Cowboy, Cavalryman, movie star - it's all here in this little known and seldom found complete western magazine.
BUCK, Bally, - 1850 era - site Western Border with Canada as named in "Sage Eater Saved Our Lives" by Bob Kennon as told to Florence B. Franklin. Cowboy Bob Kennon's memories of the Piegan Indians during the time he rode for the Seven Block Ranch.. As published in this old rare and complete western magazine.
BUCK, D., R., Private - 1874 - Named in story entitled "LAST STAND ON A TEXAS PRAIRIE" by William P. Knox which chronicles history of the Battle of Lyman's Wagon Train and the Battle of Buffalo Wallow in 1874 which resulted in 19 Medal of Honor Awards being bestowed. Battle is famous for the quote "Forward, If any man is killed, I will make him a Corporal" as found in this very rare, little known western magazine.
BUCK, Franklin A. - 1860 - 1870 Era. Lumberman named in history entitled PIOCHE, NEVADA - THE BLOODIEST TOWN IN THE OLD WEST by Charles W. Sasser who tells the story of this wild west ghost town. Covers entire spectrum where lawlessness ran rampant when gold with the discovery of silver and fights over mining claims were settled in the streets rather in the courts as found in this complete and unusual western magazine.
BUCK, Gene (GERSHWIN *, George (1934 American Song Writer's Fight entitled "Buck Keeps The Old Songs Alive").
BUCK, Mary Francis * (Mardi Gras Queen - 1933) (1933 MARDI GRAS QUEEN- MISS MARY FRANCIS BUCK - National Pictorial Magazine),
BUCK, Percy Bradley * (Seaman- Andelana Maritime Disaster - Rare Western Pioneer Feature Story, Tacoma, Washington)
BUCK, Robert, * - 1931 - (of Hillsdale, NJ) - A BOY FLYER RETURNS FROM A 2,920 MILE TRIP as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
BUCK, Rufus mentioned in "Indian Mounted Police – The Light Horse", by: Wayne T. Walker
BUCK, William - San Hosea Beekeeper - Written about in- "Bringing Honey to the Land of Milk". History of Hunting Wild Bees in the Oregon Territory circa 1850's as published in an old western magazine.
BUCK. Jay Kalez Pony - Mentioned in "The Bishop's Defeat at Liberty Lake, Washington" by Jay J. Kalez--a story of an attempt to form a boy's ranch in Washington.
BUCKABLEW, Ben (Rare Story San Quentin Prison Ship. Western Magazine)
BUCKALEW, Clarence * Private, (Chester, Pennsylvania -WW 1 Honor Roll - Killed in Action)
BUCKBEE, E. W. mentioned in Story entitled "Old Wolf's Gold" by Maurince Kildare as published in this old Western Magazine. A true story of lost gold coins and the problems in finding them. Only a very few have been found but there is plenty evidence that they are out there somewhere.
BUCKBOUT * - 1928 - Named and pictured as member of the LOYOLA SCHOOL BASKETBALL TEAM entitled A STALWART ARRAY showing the members of the Catholic High School Team which lost only one game of fifteen this season as saved from an old American Pictorial magazine.
BUCKELEW, Frank "Nine Years Among the Indians - 1870-79" by Herman Lehmann, who was captured by the Indians and learned their ways and fought for them against the Americans, Mexicans and Texas Rangers. Fascinating old pioneer history. Editor calls this the best of all "Indian" stories every written as published in two old western magazines.
BUCKALEW, Frank -- 1854 - 1922 - POLAND, TX. Named in story entitled POLISH PEASANTS IN WILDERNESS COUNTRY by Constantina Adamietz with photo provided by the Institute of Texas Culture of Polish immigrants in colonial Texas history as found in old western, complete magazine.
BUCKET OF BLOOK SALOON referred to in "Six-Guns and Printer's Ink" by Ed Repp. A history of early pioneer newspapers on the western frontier as saved from this old western magazine.
BUCKET OF BLOOK SALOON referred to in "Six-Guns and Printer's Ink" by Ed Repp. A history of early pioneer newspapers on the western frontier as saved from this old western magazine.
BUCKHORN NORTHERN RAILWAY. * - 1880 Era. Location Colorado. Named in story entitled "COLORADO'S PLASTER KING" by Kenneth Jessen, who writes the story of the first man to develop the plaster industry in Colorado and the Buckhorn Plaster Company he owned as published in this complete western magazine.
BUCKHORN PLASTER COMPANY * - 1880 Era. Location Colorado. Son of ALFRED WILD named in story entitled "COLORADO'S PLASTER KING" by Kenneth Jessen, who writes the story of the first man to develop the plaster industry in Colorado and the Buckhorn Plaster Company he owned as published in this complete western magazine.
BUCKING HORSES * - 1920 era. Named as rodeo horse in featured story entitled WHEN THEY TOOK THE WEST TO LONDON by Willard H. Porter of story of First International Rodeo or Cowboy Championships organized by Charles B. Cochran as found in this seldom identified American western magazine. In mint condition, with lots of pictures of cowboy stars and index included in offering
BUCKINGHAM HOTEL - 1925. Named in story entitled SPANKING BASEBALL'S BABY AND PETTING ITS PARAGON - the story found in the Sports and Athletics Section and saved from this old American News Magazine which relates the misadventures and fines of Babe Ruth and the exploits of Ty Cobb
BUCKINGHAM PALACE, SCOTS GUARDS * - 1919 - Pictorial collage entitled FIRST BATTALION OF SCOTTS GUARD ARRIVING IN LONDON FROM FRANCE as saved from this American Pictorial magazine. 11 by 16 inches. Mint condition.
BUCKLAND, Eliza Ann * - 1850 - 191- era. Site: Fort Churchill, Nevada, Utah. Wife of Samuel E. Buckland named in this comprehensive history of FORT CHURCHILL named MILITARY GHOSTS ON THE CARSON by Neil Murbarger which relates the proud history of, arguably, the most important Fort on the pioneer western front. Great stories of the past as seldom read and published in this old western magazine.
BUCKLAND, Samuel E.- 1850 - 191- era. Site: Fort Churchill, Nevada, Utah. Ranch Owner named this comprehensive history of FORT CHURCHILL named MILITARY GHOSTS ON THE CARSON by Neil Murbager which relates the proud history of, arguably, the most important Fort on the pioneer western front. Great stories of the past as seldom read and publishsed in this old western magazine.
BUCKLEY, "Blind Chris". - Democratic Boss - 1800 - 1890 era. Site: California. Named in story entitled TAPEWORM, TICKETS & SHOULDER STRIKERS by Richard Reinhardt who writes of many of the shenanigans at the polls in California in the early days and those that participated as found in this complete western magazine.
BUCKLAND, Samuel Sanford - 1850 - 191- era. Site: Fort Churchill, Nevada, Utah. Author of this comprehensive history of FORT CHURCHILL named MILITARY GHOSTS ON THE CARSON by Neil Murbager which relates the proud history of, arguably, the most important Fort on the pioneer western front. Great stories of the past as seldom read and published in this old western magazine.
BUCKLER, * - 1933 - (Back, West Point Squad of 1933) pictured with team and featured in story entitled "The Army Lines Up For The Start of the Fall Offensive; the West Point Eleven" as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
BUCKLER, Hugh * - 1923 - Pictorial review with text of play entitled "A LESSON IN LOVE", a comedy which played at 39th Street Theatre, New York City showing pictures of stars and supporting cast as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
BUCKLER, John. * - 1934 - Supporting star of "DAVID COPPERFIELD", in "THE MOVIE OF THE WEEK". As reviewed in this American Pictorial Magazine
BUCKLER, Marie * - 1928 - Pictured displaying the Godfrey Swirl hair style at the American Society of Beauty Culturists meeting at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in America as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine
BUCKLES, Frank. - 1846 - 1931 era. Named in story of a cool-headed fearless Deputy Sheriff of Tombstone entitled TOMBSTONE DEPUTY SHERIFF BILL BREAKENRIDGE BY Burfee Carlson. Lawman faced the likes of Ringo Star, Johnny Ringo, "Black Jack" Ketchum and "Curly Bill" Brocius as law of the west as found in this very seldom read western publication.
BUCKLEY, Ann * - 1924 - Pictured in American Pictorial Collage entitled FEATURED IN LATEST STAGE AND SCREEN PRODUCTIONS. She has the leading role in "The Passing Show of 1924" playing at the Winter Garden Theatre.. 11 by 16 inches in mint condition.
BUCKLEY, C. S, Photo * - 1931 - (of Austin, Texas) - Winner of Cash Award for photo submitted entitled MATTRESS ON LEGS in weekly feature entitled WINNERS OF CASH AWARDS IN THE AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHIC CONTEST as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
BUCKLEY, John H. * Lieutenant, (Longmont, Colorado -WW 1 Honor Roll - Died from Airplane Accident), (honorrollJAN91919.jpg)
BUCKLEY, Paul - Brother to Assassinated brother candidate - 1930 DETROIT'S MURDEROUS ELECTION CLIMAX
BUCKMAN * - 1933 - (Lineman, West Point Squad of 1933) pictured with team and featured in story entitled "The Army Lines Up For The Start of the Fall Offensive; the West Point Eleven" as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine
BUCKNALL, Leslie - 1907 - Balloonist who achieved record in 11906 as stated in article entitled SOME RECORDS IN BALLOONING as saved from this old American pictorial magazine..
BUCKNAM, Alvan W. * Corporal, (Showhegan, Maine –WW 1 Honor Roll – Died of Wound)
BUCKNELL, William - Captain of Pack Train - 1820 - 1880 era. Location: Western United States. Named in story entitled THE WAGON TRAIN BOSSES by J. L. Beardsley who writes of the grizzled bullwhackers and muleskinners and their trips in the early pioneer days as found in this original, complete, old western magazine.
BUCKNER, Simon Bolivar - Mentioned in "Sam Grant on the West Coast" by Joan Kyllo. After service in the Mexican War, 1st Lt. Ulysses S. Grant sailed with his regiment from New York to the West Coast on what became a disastrous trip.
BUCKSKIN JOE * - 1847 - 1901 Era. Location Colorado, Ohio.. Named in story entitled FATHER DYER - THE SNOWSHOE ITINERANT by Harry E. Chatfield of a circuit preacher outfitted in buffalo-skin and snowshoes carrying his message over the gigantic mountains and deep gorges of the frontier west as here related as found in this complete western magazine
BUCKSKIN JOE - 1870 - 1940 ERA - Location: Western United States. Named in Biography of Gordon W., Lillie, referred to in history as "Pawnee Bill". Popular wild west showman, often confused with Buffalo Bill but, really, a legend of his own. Great tales of his feats and associates as published in this complete and seldom found western magazine.
BUCKSKIN JOE, (HOYT, E. Jonathan.) * - 1840 - 1918 era. Location, United States, Canada. Subject of story entitled WHITE "MAN-DEVIL" by Glenn Shirley of the life and times of E. J. "BUCKSKIN JOE" HOYT, a pioneer Indian fighter of the old west who took his Wild West Show on the road and achieved fame as saved from this old, complete western magazine.
BUCKSKIN JOE WILD WEST SHOW - 1870 - 1940 ERA - Location: Western United States. Named in Biography of Gordon W., Lillie, referred to in history as "Pawnee Bill". Popular wild west showman, often confused with Buffalo Bill but, really, a legend of his own. Great tales of his feaths and associates as publidhed in this complete and seldom found western magazine.
BUCKSKIN JOE'S STAGE LINE - 1864 ERA - LOCATION Colorado - Named in historic story of the purported Confederate Invasion of Colorado by 11 soldiers supposed to be followed by 1,500 Confederates. story entitled $50,000 in Rebel Treasure Awaits You in the Colorado Wilds, by Fred Huston. as found in this complete rare western magazine.
BUD ATKINSON WILD WEST SHOW * - 1910 - 1960 Era - Site: TX NY, Australia, England. Participants are pictured and named in early history of Rodeo, rodeo acts, circus wild west shows entitled FAR ROAMIN' TEX MCLEOD, written by Jerry Armstrong about Tex's life becoming and performing as the World Champion Trick Roper as found in complete and seldom found western magazine.
BUD LEONARD'S RODEO - 1920 era. Location: AR, OK, TX. Named in story entitled HENRY STARR AND THE ROUGH ONES by Milt Hinkle who tells of the life and times of the old cowboys of the 101 Ranch and stars of the various wild west shows that they starred in as published in this old and complete western magazine
BUDD INLET, PUGET SOUND - early 1800’s. Location ID, MO, MT, WA. Site in story entitled "THE EMANCIPATION OF GEORGE WASHINGTON BUSH" about a mulatto who Indians treated like a blood brother. As an early American pioneer, he was highly successful and loaned money to the needy without their having to ask. He helped pave the way for others to follow into Washington, Idaho and Montana. as found in this old western magazine
BUDD. Charles - 1870 - 1890 - Location - United States. Named in story entitled RIFLE KING by Raymond W. Thorp of one of the greatest rifle shots of the old west, William F. "Doc" Carver * and his feats and exploits with the Winchester Rifle he had made a household word and received the accolade of "Champion Shot of th World and Our Best Salesman" from Oliver F. Winchester as published in this old and complete western magazine
BUDD, Charles Bentinck, Mrs. * - 1924 - Pictured in article entitled "Billy Gets An Airing" as she goes for a walk with her strange pet, a Madagascar lemur as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
BUDD, Grace - Murdered. Albert H. Fish was electrocuted 1936 for crime. Story entitled "CRIMES AGAINST CHILDREN", National Magazine.
BUDD, Ralph * Regional Chairman, Chicago Federal Reserve District. Featured article entitled Business Plans to Provide the Jobs, National Magazine, 1945.
BUDD, Ralph 1900 era -owner of Oregon Trunk Railroad mentioned in "Battle of Deschutes" named in "Battle of Deschutes" where railway sabotage prevailed in a war for the key route to San Francisco through the Deschutes River Canyon in Oregon as found in this complete, rare and seldom found western magazine..
BUDDINGTON, - 1891. Location: Artic. Expedition leader of 1873 named in story entitled "THE PEARY RELIEF EXPEDITION" by Angelo Heilprin with drawing by Frank W. Stokes citing the facts and details of the expedition inc. crew members and their duties as published in this unusual, complete western magazine
BUDDY - 5TH CAVALRY HORSE - 1920 era - Fort Bliss, El Paso, Texas. Named in story entitled "Garry Owen, The Pride of Fort Bliss" by Knowles-Peterson. Seldom found history of the best of the 5th Cavalry Horses with personal testimony by handlers as published in this rarely found history published in out of the way western magazine.
BUDGE, Donald * - 1935 - Pictured in article entitled "Two Tennis Stars Help In a San Francisco Civic Campaign" along with Mrs. Helen Wills Moody as featured in article entitled People In The American Headlines as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
BUDGE, Donald * - 1936 featured in pictorial text entitled "NORTH-SOUTH TENNIS WINNERS AND RIVALS"" which relates and pictures winners and losers of 4 - Set Final Tennis Double s Match at Piinehurst. Saved from Pictorial Magazine.
BUDNIK, A. A. *- 1880 - 1920 - Names as a freight officer cashier in the story of the heroic men who braved the narrow gauges entitled "THE TANANA VALLEY NARROW GAUGE RAILWAY" that extended from Fairbanks, Alaska down to Chena Slough. Names, stops, engines, pictures all here as found in this complete western magazine.
BUDZYNSKI, John S. * Private (Toledo, Ohio –WW 1 Honor Roll – Killed in Action)
BUECKEBERG, GERMANY * - 1933 - (Banned by EBay) - A collage of photos entitled GERMANY GIVES THANKS FOR A BOUNTIFUL HARVEST with pictures of celebrations in Germany as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine. 10 by 14 inches. Mint condition.
BUEL, Colonel- 1890 -era - location Nevada. Named in story entitled "Gold Thieves in the Old West" which pictures and tells of fast shooting road agents who stole a lot of gold and of mild mannered manner, retiring high-graders who beat them at their own game as found in this very rare, complete western magazine.
BUELL, Colonel of the 11th Infantry, U. S. Army - 1867 - 78 era. Location: TX. Named in story entitled "FORT RICHARDSON - THE WHITE'S MAN HOPE" by Louise Cheney who writes of the history of a U. S. Army fort in the pioneer country which only lasted 11 year but was one of the most important in our history as found in this old and complete western magazine.
BUELL Colonel mentioned in Western Frontier Era Story entitled Six Medals of Honor by Jack Lafferty
BUELL, of ARMY FOOTBALL TEAM * - 1925 - Pictured and named in double page article entitled LONG RUNS and FRENZIED SCRIMMAGES FEATURE GRIDIRON BATTLES NORTH, SOUTH, EAST and WEST pictorial story headlined THE ARMY TAKES ADVANCING ORDERS as Buell makes a short gain against Yale which they lost 28 - 7 as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
BUELL, Jed (Producer 1937 - Review of Harlem on the Prairie Movie)
BUENA VISTA FILM DISTRIBUTORS * - 1958 - Named in original Movie Ad of OLD YELLER displaying stars and scenes from mot popular movie based on the book by Fred Gipson as found in this complete collector's issue western magazine.
BUENTE, R. L.*, Sergeant, New York City - WWI Honor Roll - Killed in Action.
BUELL, J. W. - 1840 - 90 era. Location: Pioneer United States. Named in story entitled HERO MAKER OF THE WILD WILD WEST by Raymond W. Thorp who was a news-maker who lined up the hero's of the pioneer west, put the Indians in their sights, and made the dime novel synonymous with adventure as found in this old complete western magazine
BUERGERBRAU BEER CELLAR * - 1939 - (Banned from EBay) - Chancellor of German Republic pictured with text in a page entitled "SEQUENCE OF THE ATTEMPTED HITLER ASSASSINATION" " taken in Munich moments before the explosion as saved from this pictorial gravure magazine.
BUERMEYER, Herbert A. * Lieutenant, (Brooklyn, New York –WW 1 Honor Roll – Killed in Action)
BUFFA, Joseph * Private (Brooklyn, New York –WW 1 Honor Roll – Killed in Action)
BUFFALO BILL (Wild Bill Cody), 1900 - 20 era - Named in historical story entitled "Rodeo Personalities", which lists hundreds of the Rodeo Stars of the Early Western Shows with many pictured in this complete and very rare western magazine. Your granddaddy might be here.
BUFFALO BILL (Wild Bill Cody), 1900 - 20 era - Named in historical story entitled "Rodeo Personalities", which lists hundreds of the Rodeo Stars of the Early Western Shows with many pictured in this complete and very rare western magazine. Your granddaddy might be here.
BUFFALO BILL - 1850 - 90 era. Location: KS MT, OR. Named in story entitled CHIEF JOSEPH - INDIAN STATESMAN by Stephanie Cooper Shulsinger of the Chief of the Nez Perce Indians who led his people in war and peace - courageous in battle - wise and patient in defeat as found in this old, complete, western magazine.
BUFFALO BILL (William F. Cody) * - 1880 - 1920 era - Location: United States, Europe. Named in historical biography entitled ANNIE OAKLEY by Al Mendez detailing facts and feats of America's legendary Annie Oakley with pictures and drawing revealing little known details of her life from inception to become the legendary heroine of America as found in this complete western magazine.
BUFFALO BILL (William F., Cody) - 1870 era - Location; New England, NY, NB, WY, UT. Named in story entitled PROFESSOR MARSH GOES WEST: THE YALE EXPEDITION which tells of the first American specialist in paleontology, Professor O. C. Marsh and his venture in search of old dinosaur bones as found in the rare and complete western magazine.
BUFFALO BILL - 1879 - 1930 era. Location: OK. Named in story entitled "CHEROKEE KID FROM OOLOGAH" by G. L. Savage who writes of the early life of Will Rogers, American's beloved cowboy comedian in OOLOGAH and his days at Kemper Military Academy as published in this old and complete western magazine.
BUFFALO BILL - 1830 - 1890. Location, New York, Michigan. Named in story entitled "LEGEND MAKER OF THE WEST - ERASTUS F. BEADLE" by John C. Kunzog who writes of the life and times of this legendary figure who brought the wild west alive for readers through his dime novels as saved from this old and complete western magazine.
BUFFALO BILL * - 1910-20 era - Location US - Pictured and named in fantastic carnival and circus history entitled HEY RUBE which covers the carnival tricks of stars who entertained customers with various tricks of the carnival trade. Includes names of little know rodeo star who performed their acts before the public as found in this complete western magazine.
BUFFALO BILL * pictured in "Cowboy Artist", by WOLFE, Byron B. * b. 1904 - Lakewood, Kansas. Author and Artist named in "Cowboy Artist", an article which reproduces five of his paintings in this old western magazine.
BUFFALO BILL *. 1890 era - Location, DeWitt County, Texas - Owner of N-Bar Ranch named and described in "Nebraska's Dahlman", the story of a wanted man Jim Dahlman who left his past, changed his name to Jim Murray and found success and fortune in Nebraska as described in this old rare complete western magazine.
BUFFALO BILL - 1850 era - Location: VA and Western United States. Named in story entitled THE REAL CALAMITY JANE by Kathryn Wright of Martha Jane Cannary - called Calamity Jane here and the life of this legendary figure on the pioneer front of the western United States as found in this old and complete western magazine
BUFFALO BILL * (WILD BILL CODY) - 1890 era - Western U. S. A. Named in this biography of Captain John Wallace Crawford, entitled, "Captain Jack,The Poet Scout", and here the author, Paul T. Nolen, recites the history of this western scout and acquaintance of Buffalo Bill who went from scouting to acting to writing as published in this complete western magazine.
BUFFALO BILL 1944 MOVIE - 1894 - 1930 - Named in fantastic story entitled SHADOW WARRIORS: REAL INDIANS IN THE MOVIES w photos courtesy of the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences. Tells the story of the making of films entitled Ghost Dance, Indian War Council and The Vanishing American using real Indians who had fought in the wars..
BUFFALO BILL CODY * - 1940 era - Named in story entitled TOM MIX'S LAST SUNDOWN by Walt Coburn who was witness to events leading up to death of Tom Mix as he tells of friends and events of importance in star's life as found in this rare and complete western magazine.
BUFFALO BILL CODY'S WILD WEST SHOW Mentioned in "Yuma Hell Hole" By: Ruth Molthan
BUFFALO BILL DRAWING SCALPING YELLOW HAND * - 1890 era - Western U. S. A. Named in this biography of Captain John Wallace Crawford, entitled, "Captain Jack, The Poet Scout", and here the author, Paul T. Nolen, recites the history of this western scout and acquaintance of Buffalo Bill who went from scouting to acting to writing as published in this complete western magazine.
BUFFALO HILL HISTORICAL CENTER, CODY, WYOMING * - 1878 - 1930 Era. Site: DE, IL, IO, MA, MT, NY, WY. Shown in story entitled "THE WESTERN LEGACY OF W. H. D. KOERNER" by W. H. Hutchinson who writes that this famous artist spent his summers in the west and became famous for his cover illustrations of the vanishing American west as found in this old and complete western magazine.
BUFFALO BILL STATUE * - 1923 - Pictorial article showing proposed Cody, Wyoming statute of the great western plainsman. The statute will be sculptured by Mrs. Harry Payne Whitney as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
BUFFALO BILL WILD WEST SHOW - 1870 era - Location; New England, NY, NB, WY, UT. Named in story entitled PROFESSOR MARSH GOES WEST: THE YALE EXPEDITION which tells of the first American specialist in paleontology, Professor O. C. Marsh and his venture in search of old dinosaur bones as found in the rare and complete western magazine.
BUFFALO BILL WILD WEST SHOW - 1880 - 1920 era - Location: United States, Europe. Named in historical biography entitled ANNIE OAKLEY by Al Mendez detailing facts and feats of America's legendary Annie Oakley with pictures and drawing revealing little known details of her life from inception to become the legendary heroine of America as found in this complete western magazine.
BUFFALO BILL WILD WEST SHOW - 1900's - Location: Berryville, Arkansas. Subject of "The Guns of Colonel Saunders" by Carl W. Breihan. Description and pictures of item of the Charles Burton Saunders' gun collection which can also be seen at the Saunders Memorial Museum in Berryville, Arkansas. As published in this old rare and complete western magazine.
BUFFALO BILL WILD WEST SHOW -- 1924 era - Location, CO, KA, NJ, NY, RI - Named in this great rodeo history entitled "On The Road With the K of C Rodeo" by Bill King, a rodeo sponsored by the Knights of Columbus of Denver that played it's first rodeo at the Narragansett Speedway, may 19, 1924. Names important stars and performers not usually mentioned on the rodeo circuit as saved and found in this unusual and western complete magazine.
BUFFALO BILL'S BUICK AND WHITE STEAMER * - 1900 - 30 era - Location - OK, SD, TX - Named in story entitled "It's A Horseless Carriage" by Sam Henderson covering the changing effect of the west by the charging auto. Covers the introduction of the car and pictures of famous autos of persons of importance in our American culture as found in a seldom read western magazine.
BUFFALO BILL'S INDIANS * - 1910-20 era - Location US - Pictured and named in fantastic carnival and circus history entitled HEY RUBE which covers the carnival tricks of stars who entertained customers with various tricks of the carnival trade. Includes names of little know rodeo star who performed their acts before the public as found in this complete western magazine.
BUFFALO BILL'S OLDTOWN INDIAN TRADING POST- 1880 - 1930 Era. Location Oklahoma, Kansas, Illinois. Named in story entitled PAWNEE BILL - OKLAHOMA LEGEND by J. L. Beardsley of pioneer legend who history has been relegated to second billing below Buffalo Bill but whose accomplishments are recognized by his peers and his feats are here related as found in this complete western magazine.
BUFFALO BILL'S WILD WEST POSTER DISPLAY * - 1890 era - Western U. S. A. Named in this biography of Captain John Wallace Crawford, entitled, "Captain Jack, The Poet Scout", and here the author, Paul T. Nolen, recites the history of this western scout and acquaintance of Buffalo Bill who went from scouting to acting to writing as published in this complete western magazine.
BUFFALO BILL'S WILD WEST SHOW - 1912 - 1936 era, Location: ID, NV. Named in story entitled "THE GOLDEN QUEEN" by Harvey St. John (with photos courtesy of the Idaho Historical Society) who writes the cowhands hired on by a beautiful, golden-haired, blue-eyed blonde name of Kitty Wilkins who was tough as nails and ran the Wilkins Ranch with an iron fist as found in this old and complete western magazine.
BUFFALO BILL'S WILD WEST SHOW * - Massive detailed history entitled The Way A Wild West Show Operated. Includes rare listings of old circus, shows, and the men and women who starred as performers. Rare old Western Magazine.
BUFFALO BILL'S WILD WEST SHOW - 1880 - 1930 Era. Location Oklahoma, Kansas, Illinois. Named in story entitled PAWNEE BILL - OKLAHOMA LEGEND by J. L. Beardsley of pioneer legend who history has been relegated to second billing below Buffalo Bill but whose accomplishments are recognized by his peers and his feats are here related as found in this complete western magazine.
BUFFALO BILL'S WILD WEST SHOW - 1900 era: Location: CUBA & WESTERN STATES. Named in story of Indian born native, William Pollock who was an artist whose works hangs in the Smithsonian but his real fame was on the battlefield. Called "Pawnee Pollock" by Teddy Roosevelt, he displayed bravery during the Spanish American War as a member of the Oklahoma Riders' Troop D as found in this complete western magazine.
BUFFALO BILL'S Wild West Show, "Why Annie Oakley Hated Guns" by Gressley O'Brien, a true history of the life of Annie Oakley as seldom found and published in an old out of the way western magazine.
BUFFALO BILL'S WILD WEST SHOW, mentioned or described in "Tom Mix Frontier Bartender" by Sam Henderson as written up in an old western magazine covering the life of Tom Mix.
BUFFALO BILL'S WILD WEST SHOWS - 1910-20 era - Location US -Named in carnival and circus history entitled HEY RUBE which covers the carnival tricks of stars who entertained customers with various tricks of the carnival trade. Includes names of little know rodeo star who performed their acts before the public as found in this complete western magazine
BUFFALO BILL'S WILD WEST SHOW - 1880 - 1910. LOCATION - DAKOTAS. Named in story entitled "The High Cost of Competent Mourners" by Mary Collins Rexroth which is a compilation of letters written by her great aunt, Auntie May or Mary Clementine Collins, a medical doctor and a minister in the Congregational Church called Princess Winona by the Sioux Indians she ministered to as found in this old and very rare western magazine.
BUFFALO BILL* pictured in "Last Days of Buffalo Bill"
BUFFALO BILL CODY WILD WEST SHOW - 1894 - 1930 - Named in fantastic story entitled SHADOW WARRIORS: REAL INDIANS IN THE MOVIES w photos courtesy of the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences. Tells the story of the making of films entitled Ghost Dance, Indian War Council and The Vanishing American using real Indians who had fought in the wars..
BUFFALO BILL, MOVIE, The * - Named in massive story entitled "MOVIE HORSES - THE TREATMENT AND TRAINING OF AS GOOD AS ACTORS AS HOLLYWOOD EVER PRODUCED" includes history of great horses in the movies as found in this very rare, complete western magazine.
BUFFALO BILL - 1880 - 1910. LOCATION - DAKOTAS. Named in story entitled "The High Cost of Competent Mourners" by Mary Collins Rexroth which is a compilation of letters written by her great aunt, Auntie May or Mary Clementine Collins, a medical doctor and a minister in the Congregational Church called Princess Winona by the Sioux Indians she ministered to as found in this old and very rare western magazine
BUFFALO BILL - 1880 - 1920's era. Location: CO, IL. Named in story entitled "BATHHOUSE JOHN'S COLORADO COME-DOWN" by A. J. Breuning who tells of a Chicago politician named John J. Coughlin who went west for his health - bought a sick elephant - named her Princess Alice - fed her booze and nursed her back to health and she ended up the main attraction in his amusement park in Colorado Springs, Colorado as published in this old and complete western magazine..
BUFFALO BILL CODY - 1870 era. Location: AZ, OK TERRITORY, TX. Named in story entitled "COMANCHE JACK STILWELL" by Robert F. Turpin of this storied character of the Old West. He traveled with many inc., Buffalo Bill, Quanah Parker, William Grimes and he was a delegate to the Frisco convention which was important in Oklahoma becoming a state as found in this western magazine.
BUFFALO BILL CODY * - 1860 - 1900 era. Site: IL, KA, OK. Named in story entitled PAWNEE BILL "LITTLE GIANT OF OKLAHOMA" by G. L. Savage which tells of the personal experience of Major Gordon W. "Pawnee Bill" Lillie as a western legend of the pioneer era as found in this old and complete western magazine.
BUFFALO BILL CODY'S WILD WEST SHOW. - 1860 - 90 era, Location: FRANCE, NORTH AFRICA, NORTH DAKOTA. Named in story entitled "THE MOST DEBONAIR ADVENTURER IN THE WEST" by Wayne T. Walker who writes of the life and times of The Marquis de Mores - a dashing millionaire who had great visions of settling an empire in our American west until he made the mistake of fencing out an old cattle trail as found in this old and complete western magazine
BUFFALO BILL AND PAWNEE BILL WILD WEST SHOW - circa 1910 = 1930. Site: Canada, ID, NV, OK, OR. Named in "FIRST KING OF THE BULL DOGGERS" by Milt Hinkle and Claude Keema who relate the life and times of this rodeo wizard with a rope who appeared at countless western shows as told in this old and complete western magazine
BUFFALO BILL'S WILD WEST SHOW, 1900 - 20 era - Named in story entitled "Rodeo Personalities", of this complete and very rare western magazine. Your granddaddy might be here
BUFFALO BILL'S WILD WEST SHOW - 1850 era - Location: VA and Western United States. Named in story entitled THE REAL CALAMITY JANE by Kathryn Wright of Martha Jane Cannary - called Calamity Jane here and the life of this legendary figure on the pioneer front of the western United States as found in this old and complete western magazine
BUFFALO BILL'S DOG ROBBER, WHITE, Bill - 1880 era - Western Frontier - Called the Shadow of Buffalo Bill in story entitled WHITE-EYE -- LAST OF THE OLD-TIME PLAINSMEN of Jack Anderson, the "White-Eye Kid * who was the eyes for Old Bill Hickok who was going blind. He was an Indian fighter, miner, and generally happy-go-lucky horseman. Includes best story I ever read about Calamity Jane I ever found. 5 Star old and complete western magazine
BUFFALO CALF PIPE Medicine Man mentioned in 1876 era - Story entitled "Was It Only Custer's Folly?" by Carl W. Breihan published in old Western Magazine. Seldom found Custer story i.e. "the great Indian Campaign campaign of 1876, remains the most romantic, epochal, tragic, mystical and mysterious of all the rare conflicts known in the history of the world." Highly technical with controversial theories of battle.
BUFFALO COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER - 1830 - 1890. Location, New York, Michigan. Beadle's Dime Novel cover pictured in story entitled "LEGEND MAKER OF THE WEST - ERASTUS F. BEADLE" by John C. Kunzog who writes of the life and times of this legendary figure who brought the wild west alive for readers through his dime novels as saved from this old and complete western magazine.
BUFFALO DANCE 1848 - 52. Location: U.S. Named in story entitled "RUDOLPH KURZ" - THE WEST'S FORGOTTEN ARTIST by Wilfred T. Neil Old, complete western magazine
BUFFALO GUNS ALONG THE ADOBE WALLS * - 1874 Era - LOCATION: KS,TX - Story by Shelly Lowenkoph who reports that two shots started one of the most critical of the innumerable battles between the paleface and red men as written up in this exciting old and complete western magazine
BUFFALO HORN Bannock War Leader , Named in "Sarah Winnemucca, Paiute Princess" . She learned the white man's magic and how to use the white man's tongue to plead for her people as published in the old and seldom found western magazine."
BUFFALO RANCH - 1870 - 1940 ERA - Location: Western United States. Named in Biography of Gordon W., Lillie, referred to in history as "Pawnee Bill". Popular wild west showman, often confused with Buffalo Bill but, really, a legend of his own. Great tales of his feaths and associates as publidhed in this complete and seldom found western magazine.
BUFFALO, ROCHESTER & PITTSBURGH RAILWAY COMPANY - 1926 - Named in story entitled THE FIRST MILE-A-MINUTE RUN which is actually a history of the speed of trains through the century as saved from this old American News magazine.
BUFFALO SOLDIER (MILES, Nelson A., General) - 1870 era - Location: Mexico, AZ, NM, TX. 5th Infantry U. S. Army Commander named in this historical story entitled SABRES AND COLTS by Malcolm Reiss of the old U. S. Cavalry on parade which tells of men of guts as they rode for glory on the old pioneer front as found in this very rare Western Magazine
BUFFALO SOLDIERS (GUARD DETAIL, U. S. EXPRESS & OVERLAND STAGE * - 1860 - 80 - era: Site - Kansas - Colorado. Named in story entitled LAYING TRACK ON THE HIGH PLAINS by Joseph W. Snell with photos provided by the Kansas State Historical Society of Topeka. History - a history of the times when the Pacific Railroad Act of 1862 provided impetus to expand our railway system and enable coast to coast travel as saved from this rare and complete western magazine
BUFFALO SOLDIERS * - 1868 ERA - Location: KA, NB, CO. Named in story entitled "Thunder On The Arickaree" by Raymond W. and Mary Lund Settle which tell of Buffalo Soldiers of the 10th Cavalry saving troops of Colonel George A. Forsyth of the 9th Cavalry which is one of the great reads of our early pioneer days as found in this rare, complete, western magazine.
BUFFALO SOLDIERS * - 1870 era - (Black Americana Memorabilia)Frederick Remington, Author and engravings pictured in A Scout With the Buffalo Soldiers in rarely found Western Magazine.
BUFFALO SOLDIERS -- 1879 era -(Black Americana Memorabilia) Troop D, 9th Cavalry of Fort Frederick Steele Named in historical story entitled "The BLACK PRIVATE WHOSE BATTLE PLAN SMASHED THE UTES" and in doing so, Pvt. Henry Jackson won the Congressional Medal of Honor as found in the rare, old, complete magazine
BUFFALO SOLDIERS, 10TH REGIMENT - 1860 - 80 - era: Site - Kansas - Colorado. Named in story entitled LAYING TRACK ON THE HIGH PLAINS by Joseph W. Snell with photos provided by the Kansas State Historical Society of Topeka. History - a history of the times when the Pacific Railroad Act of 1862 provided impetus to expand our railway system and enable coast to coast travel as saved from this rare and complete western magazine
BUFFALO SOLDIERS * - 1890 -1920 era. Location Western United States. Story entitled THE BLACK PIONEERS by Max Prescott which says that there was almost no job, the Black Pioneer could not handle, inc. cattle drives, buffalo hunts, Indians and outlaws. Recites that they were America's unsung Black Knights, the Negro Cowboy as found in this seldom read complete western magazine listing these great names of the past frontier.
BUFFALO SPRINGS, CLAY COUNTY, TEXAS- 1867 - 78 era. Location: TX. Named in story entitled "FORT RICHARDSON - THE WHITE'S MAN HOPE" by Louise Cheney who writes of the history of a U. S. Army fort in the pioneer country which only lasted 11 year but was one of the most important in our history as found in this old and complete western magazine.
BUFFALO STATION, KANSAS mentioned in "Nebraska's Great Train Robbery", by Leo Scherer
BUFFALO VERNON * - circa 1910 = 1930. Site: Canada, ID, OK, NV. Also named Jesse B. Shishler and known as "Buff", "The Buffalo Kid" of "FIRST KING OF THE BULL DOGGERS" by Milt Hinkle and Claude Keema who relate the life and times of this rodeo wizard with a rope who appeared at countless western shows as told in this old and complete western magazine.
BUFFALO VERNON (SHISHLER, Jesse B.) - 1900 - 60 era. Location US. Named in " The Pale Horsed Ever Rider" by Milt Hinkle. Even wonder about how the old rodeo hands entered the pearly gates? Here, the author tells of stories of how some of them hit The End of the Trail as fund in this old western magazine
BUFFALO WALLOW FIGHT OF 1874 mentioned in Western Frontier Era Story entitled Six Medals of Honor by Jack Lafferty.
BUFFALO, NEW YORK BUFFALOS BASAR * - 1916 German American Magazine history of prominent German Americans of Buffalo, New York.
BUFFALO, NEW YORK SINCLAIR OIL REFINERY EXPLOSION * - 1922 - Pictured is the great oil fire entitled OIL CONFLAGRATION IN BUFFALO where nearly one-half million gallon of oil and gasoline went up in fire as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
BUFFALO -Cheyenne scout for Colonel Richard Dodge - 1870-80 -- Site: Western United States. Named in "Indian Men Made Fashion News". by Colonel Richard Dodge who witnessed and wrote of Indians whom he met over 125 years ago as found in this rare, old, complete and seldom read western magazine.
BUFFORD *, United States Transport - Carried 259 Communist "Reds" who had been deported for advocacy of the overthrown of the United States Government. 1921
BUFFINGTON, J. M., - Candidate for Superintendent of Public Instruction - 1856 - 1800 - 1890 era. Site: California. Named in story entitled TAPEWORM, TICKETS & SHOULDER STRIKERS by Richard Reinhardt who writes of many of the shenanigans at the polls in California in the early days and those that participated as found in this complete western magazine.
BUFFINGTON, Joseph, Judge * - 1922 - Named as member of the U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals who addressed the BOY SCOUT MOVEMENT OF AMERICA entitled LEADING FIGURES AND INTERESTING PHASES OF THE BOY SCOUT MOVEMENT as saved from this pictorial magazine. 11 by 16 in.
BUFORD, John H., * - 1890 ERA. LOCATION, Texas. Judge named in story entitled The Man With The Silver Tongue y Glenn Shirley who writes of the mighty son of the immortal General Sam Houston who was orphaned at the age of 7 but went on to study law, become a state senator and build a legend of his own as an orator as found in this complete, rare, Western magazine.
BUFORD, Nelson M. * Corporal (Kiowa, Kansas –WW 1 Honor Roll – Killed in Action)
BUFORD, Sam - circa 1900's - Site: Carbon County, Montana. Named in historic article entitled "John Dunn-An Old-Style Lawman" by Rex Bundy. "Those who knew him admired his courage and steel-like strength. Others found out the hard way as published in this complete Western Magazine.
BUFORD. David L. * Sergeant (Frankston, Texas –WW 1 Honor Roll – Killed in Action)
BUG EATERS BASEBALL TEAM - 1880 - LOCATION: CA, HA, MO, NY. Named in great story entitled BALL ONE OF THE FRONTIER by Milt Riske of baseball in the early days as featured story in an old western magazine
BUGBEE, S. C. - Candidate for Assemblyman - 1800 - 1890 era. Site: California. Named in story entitled TAPEWORM, TICKETS & SHOULDER STRIKERS by Richard Reinhardt who writes of many of the shenanigans at the polls in California in the early days and those that participated as found in this complete western magazine.
BUGER, Hulda E., Doctor * - 1931 - New York native pictured as the Women's Junior Championship of the United States in article entitled THE MOST GRACEFUL OF THE FIGURE SKATERS as she appeared on ice at Lake Placid as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
BUGGY PATENT of LUCAS, J. G. *, - 1857 - Poughkeepsie, New York. Patent awarded entitled "LUCAS' IMPROVED BUGGY" with working text and engraving.
BUGLES, BANNERS AND WAR BONNETS - 1870 - Location: MT, WY. Named in story entitled "Another Survivor of the Custer Battle" by Harry J. Owen who states that overlooked by history, there were some 140 horses that survived the famous 7th Cavalry massacre. Here he cites interesting facts and figures seldom found as published in this old, complete, western magazine.
BUHL, IDAHO * - 1921 - Destination about article entitled AUTO CARAVAN STARTING WESTWARD from Brooklyn, New York telling and showing cars of twenty-five families en route where they will clear and cultivate a tract of 5,000 acres as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
BUHL, IDAHO * - 1924 - Picture of Earl Beeman entitled "A Western Adonis" who was chosen by vote of student body as the handsomest man at Whitman College, Walla Walla, Washington saved from a pictorial collage saved from an old National News Magazine. (Page is 11 by 16 inches)
BUHLIG, Richard - 1907 - Piano virtuoso named in article entitled PADEREWSKI AND THE YOUNGSTERS as it appeared in the Letters and Art Section of this old American Newsweek Magazine
BUICK TOURING CAR - 1925 * - 1924 era - Location, CO, KA, NJ, NY, RI - Pictured in this great rodeo history entitled "On The Road With the K of C Rodeo" by Bill King, a rodeo sponsored by the Knights of Columbus of Denver that played it's first rodeo at the Narragansett Speedway, may 19, 1924. Names important stars and performers not usually mentioned on the rodeo circuit as saved and found in this unusual and western complete magazine.
BUICK WHITE STREAK AUTOMOBILE - Mentioned in "Frontier In Transition: California’s Redwood Coast" as photographed by August William. Ericson published in old slick paper western magazine.
BUKHANOV, Thomas * - 1920 -Deported aboard United States Transport Buford - Carried 259 Communist "Reds" who had been deported for advocacy of the overthrown of the United States Government. 1921
BUKKYOKAI, Toa - 1902 - Buddhist Missionary as mentioned in article relating the activity of Christian to convert Japanese into their Evangelical movement.
BULETTE, Julia * - 1832 - 68 - Location CA, NV. Story of Julia Bulette, called the Soiled Dove of Virginia City by Louis Cheney, author, who writes that she was detested by respectable women of Virginia City, Nevada and adored by the males who she serviced as found in this old western magazine.
BULETTE, Julia - Queen of the Red Light District of Virginia City mentioned in - 1890 era true western story entitled "Early Day Fire Departments" by D. Cerneri - a history of "hook and ladder" fire stations and their competition around the west.
BULETTE, Julia 1860 - 70 - Site: Nevada. Named in "Virginia City-Town That Wouldn't Die". A history of the rip roaring days of Virginia City and the intrigue and political in-fighting that occurred article as recorded in this rare, seldom found, complete old western magazine
BULETTE, Julia - 1860 - 1920 era. Location: CO, KS, Named in story entitled "THE LIVE, LOVES, AND BATTLES OF MADAM MATTIE SILKS" by Louise Cheney who writes of Madam Mattie Silks in her occupation of choice but beneath the tough, dazzling opportunism of her job which was a necessary characteristic, there beat the normal heart of a woman as found in this old and complete western magazine
BULETTE, Julia C., - 1890 era. Location: AK, CA, OH. Madame of a brothel named in story entitled "THE ROISTEROUS RED SHIRTS OF THE GOLD RUSH COUNTRY" - a history of the old hard nosed black-hatted miners of the old west called "Clampers" who dressed up in "Red Shirts" and initiated green horn miners in their wiley ways as published in this old and complete western magazine.
BULGAKOVA, Barbara * - 1931 - Pictured and written as starring in Leonid Andreieff's DEVIL IN THE MIND at the Fulton Theater as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
BULGARIA CZAR FERDINAND* 1915 as pictured on Cover of old American magazine.
BULGARIA LEADERS WITH MAP * - 1919 as pictured and written up in Pictorial Collage entitled " Territorial Losses of Bulgaria Under Peace Treaty". This single page is 11 by 16 inches in great condition saved from old American Magazine.
BULGARIAN PASS - BELOGRATCHIK PASS *. 1915 Bulgarian Territory Occupied by the Serbians as mentioned in FERDINAND* Bulgarian Czar. 1915 as pictured on Cover of old American magazine.
BULKA, M., * - 1921 - Chicago, Ill. native named showing invention of an improved astronomical clock which hs a multiplicity of functions as saved from old American magazine
BULKELEY WELLS * - 1901 - 31 era. Location: CO, NV, CA - Historical mining story entitled "BULKELEY WELLS, POLITE AND LETHAL" of mining intrigue at the Smugglers Union Mine where superintendent of mines was allegedly killed by workers who were members of the Western Federation of Miners. This is great story and one that I heartily recommend to get the flavor of mining unrest and turbulence in the old days as published in this very rare and seldom found western magazine.
BULKLEY, Charles S. * Colonel, (Chief Engineer - Proposed Russian American Telegraph Featured Story, American Magazine)
BULKLEY, Harold K. * Lieutenant, (Englewood, New Jersey -WW 1 Honor Roll -Died - Airplane Accident)
BULL-BOATS * - 1848 - 52. Location: U.S. Named in story entitled "RUDOLPH KURZ" - THE WEST'S FORGOTTEN ARTIST by Wilfred T. Neil Old, complete western magazine
BULL CREEK, LANDUSKY, MONTANA *, - 1910 - 20 era. Location: MT Named in story entitled MISSOURI RIVER GIRL who writes of Alberta Tracey, a school teacher in the early frontier of Montana territory in the 1900's. Details life on the frontier, schooldays, pictures of classrooms and students as found in this old and complete western magazine
BULL DURHAM - 1930 era - Named in biography entitled "WILL ROGERS ' INTERNATIONAL COWPOKE" as written by John W. Devine that is seldom found as published in an unusual western magazine with is complete and in mint condition.
BULL ELK sub-chief of Blackfeet mentioned in "The Northwest Mounted Police of Canada"
BULL ELK - Blackfeet Chief- 1870 -90 - Location: MT, Canada. Named in story entitled THE LAST WAR PARTY by Hugh A. Dempsey of the Blood Indians last raid against the Crows as found in this complete and rare western magazine that is 50 years old.
BULL FROG, CALIFORNIA, - 1936 - Location - Death Valley - Sometimes called "Rhyolite" as named in story entitled "DEATH VALLEY COMES ALIVE" as saved from this old American news magazine in 1936. There follows a detailed and graphic explanation and history of the resurgence of Death Valley as saved from this old American News magazine
BULL HEAD LODGE (CABIN OF CHARLIE M. RUSSELL) ., 1920 era - Yellowstone Park location - Named in story about famous Cowboy artist, Charles M. Russell who is the subject entitled " The Duncans and Charlie Russell", a remembrance of activities, paintings and relationship of artist and John "Dunc" Duncan as found in this complete and seldom read western
BULL HEAD * - 1890 - Location South Dakota - Lieutenant of the Indian Police named in historic story entitled THE TRIBE THAT DANCED ITSELF TO DEATH by B. Hale Pinot which tells of the strange and tragic steps to the Battle of Wounded Knee - the last of the Indian wars as found in this very rare and complete western magazine.
BULL HORN COULEE * - 1896 era - Location: Canada. Brother of Charcoal named in story “One Brave Against The North West Mounted,” by Philip H. Godsell, the story of Sergeant William Brooke Wilde, killed in the month long pursuit of outlaw Charcoal, as published in this complete old western magazine.
BULL MOOSE Freak Saddle Mentioned in "Some Very Early Bucking Horses Milt Knew" By: Milt Hinkle.
BULL NECK - 1860 - 76. Location DAKOTA TERRITORY, MT, WY. Indian scout named in story entitled Bloody Knife – Custer’s Favorite Scout by Ernest Lisle Reedstrom who reports of the loyalty of one half-breed Indian Scout who gained Custer’s respect and ultimately his death in fighting against Custer’s foes. It is an exciting story of his fights along the pioneer western front with actual pictures showing his friendship and respect from Custer as found in this seldom opened western magazine
BULL PEN * , - Era 1899 - Location - IDAHO - Named in story entitled MARTIAL LAW IN THE COEUR D'ALENES a true story of mining wars by Alvin Atkins involving fight between Union, Miners, State of Idaho, and United States. Fascinating true history in comprehensive study of the actual facts of the day as found in this rare western magazine
BULL'S HEAD LODGE, GLACIER PARK, MONTANA * - 1864 - 1920 ERA - Painting named in Story entitled " Charles Marion Russell - Supreme Master of Western Art by Tana Mac. Author says Russell was known and loved as a great artist throughout the world as published in this old western magazine.
BULL'S HEAD LODGE, LAKE MCCONALD , 1900 era - Named in story entitled "CAMPAIGN TO SAVE RUSSELL'S HOME" by Helen Clark which is an appeal to friends of Charles Russell, called "The White Indian" and America's Greatest Frontier Western Artist to assist in the preservation of his homesite.
BULL, Aleck - 1890 - 1920 Era - Named in Historical true story entitled "Molly Maguires In The Southwest by L. Dils - the tale of an Irish enforcement organization that was popular and feared in the pioneer west as published in this complete rare western magazine.
BULL, Charles 1880 Circa _ Site: Sun River, Montana - Named in "The Friends of Brother Van" by Grayce R. Webb. Chaplin McCabe, the popular lecturer who had endured much hardship during the War Between the States, was a man of depth and understanding. "Go West," he urged the young William Wesley Van Orsdel. "Go west until you come to where you can build on no other man's foundations!" published in this complete, magazine.
BULL, H. * - 1905 - of NORWAY. Article entitled "Scandinavia's Future" with history of the fight for independence by Norway and pictures of members of the The Norwegian Council of State, as published in this old American News Magazine.
BULL, J. C., * - Mentioned in "Frontier In Transition: California’s Redwood Coast as photographed" by August William. Ericson published in old western magazine.
BULL, Ole, Mrs - 1912 - Cambridge, Mass. benefactor of The Vedantist Society named in article entitled "WHAT DO WOMEN OF CHRISTIAN AMERICA MEAN" which writes and asks about the practice of American women following religious leaders and cults that are questioned by some and regaled by others as saved from this old American News Magazine.
BULLARD, Bill - 1900 era - Location: MA, MT. Named in story entitled "A FRIENDSHIP TO LIFT THE HEART" by Forrest Crossen relating tales of the lifetime association of Joe Thoroughman and Charlie Russell, the noted American Western Artist as found in this issue of an old Western magazine.
BULLARD, G. C.. * - 1936 - Pictured as member of the Rowing Crew of the U. S. Naval Academy in double page article entitled "SPORTS OF THE WEEK" as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
BULLARD, General * - 1918 - Picture entitled AT AMERICAN HEADQUARTERS IN FRANCE as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
BULLARD, Lieutenant General Robert Lee * - World War I, Commander, American Second Army as pictured in collage of pictures from old American Pictorial Magazine.
BULLARD, Mr., 1873 era. Written up in, "John Kleven -Nebraska Pioneer" by Martha E. Lambert - story of settlement of Nebraska town of Culbertson.
BULLARD, Robert L. * - Lieutenant General, Commander of the Department of the East and pictured here in article entitled "Prominent Figures Now Claiming Public Attention" as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
BULLARD, Robert L. * Lieutenant General (Commander - Second Army - World War I - "Imperishable Deeds of American Fighters in the Argonne". 1919
BULLARD, Robert L. * Lieutenant General -- Awarded the Legion of Honor by Marshal Petain at Chaumont, France, 1919.
BULLARD, W. H. G. * - Admiral 1918 - U. S. Navy assigned to the formalities attendant on the Austrian Fleet as pictured in article entitled "Prominent Men Now Claiming A Share of Public Attention" as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine. The single page is in mint condition. It is 11 by 16
BULLDOG DRUMMOND * - 1922 - Pictured in review entitled "CLIMATIC SCENES IN RECENT THEATRICAL OPENINGS" of "Bulldog Drummond as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine. 11 by 16 mint condition.
BULLDOGGING with Oral Zumwalt *- 1900 - 60 era. Location US. Named in " The Pale Horsed Ever Rider" by Milt Hinkle. Even wonder about how the old rodeo hands entered the pearly gates? Here, the author tells of stories of how some of them hit The End of the Trail as fund in this old western magazine .
BULLEN, Percy S.. * - 1934 - Pictured and written about in weekly article THEY STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD as saved from an old American News Magazine. He is retiring as the senior foreign correspondent in the United States for the London Daily Telegraph.
BULLENE, Mr. and Mrs. - 1862 era. Site: Lawrence, KS. Named in story entitled THE DAY QUANTRILL BURNED LAWRENCE by an unnamed author who writes a decidedly negative narrative when Federal troops refused to protect Lawrence, Kansas from Quantrill Raiders as found in this old, rare and complete western magazine.
BULLENNE, William - 1862 era. Site: Lawrence, KS. Named in story entitled THE DAY QUANTRILL BURNED LAWRENCE by an unnamed author who writes a decidedly negative narrative when Federal troops refused to protect Lawrence, Kansas from Quantrill Raiders as found in this old, rare and complete western magazine.
BULLET FINGERPRINTING * - 1926 - Major C.H. Goddard of the bureau of Forensic Ballistics, New York is written about in article entitled THE FINGER-PRINTS OF A BULLET which is a detailed text of the :finger-prints" left by the breech face on the primer which are continuous across the superimposed squares, thereby proving that the fatal cartridge was fired in the suspect's gun as saved from this old American News Magazine.
BULLFROG RED MOUNTAIN MINING COMPANY STOCK OF GOLD, NEVADA * - 1890 - 1910 CIRCA - Story entitled " Getting On A Big Bonnaza" a look at the days when "dividend dreams' wound up as wallpaper but now some of these are Collector's Items as written up in this rare western magazine.
BULLION - (Sternwheeler) - 1850 - 75 era. Location: CA. Named in story entitled "AN END TO INNOCENCE" by David Lavender who writes of the life and times of William C. Ralston, co-founder and president of The Bank of California and his fortune and demise as found in the old and complete western magazine
BULLION Laura - 1890 - 1902 era. Location - United States, Argentina and Uruguay. Named in "The Mysterious Etta Place". by N. Sparks who states that Etta Place was known as a "She-Hellion" as she ruled the Wild Bunch leader, Harry Longbaugh, accomplice of Butch Cassidy and the Hole-in-the-Wall gang as published in this old, seldom found, complete rare western magazine.
BULLIONVILLE MILL - 1890 - 1900 era. Location: NV. Named in story entitled "INVISIBLE DEATH AT DELEMAR" by Donald G. Lee who tells of the death of 600 young Mormons and thousands of unidentified Chinese, Greek and Italian immigrants who were victims of Silicosis and the area gained the dubious title of Widow Maker as reported in this old and complete western magazine.
BULLIS, John Lieutenant (Seminole Scout ) - Featured in Western pioneer Story Vol 1. No. 1. - Rarely Found - When Bad Hand Rode to Oblivion by Carl Alexander.
BULLIS, John, Lieutenant (Later General) * 1840 era - Site: Rio Grande Country, Texas - Named in story entitled STRANGE SAGA OF FORT CLARK by Louise Cheney Aver which includes history of the Fort which author calls " The Guardian of the Rio Grande Country" and major figures i.e. General Ranald "Bad Hand" MacKenzie who played an important part in the defense of the frontier north of the river as found in rare western magazine.
BULLITT, William C., * - 1934 - Pictured along with TROYANOVSKY, Ambassador Alexander A., with text in article entitled THE SOVIET AMBASSADOR AND THE AMERICAN AMBASSADOR as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
Bullock CowboyS * 1900 -20 era. (dakotas) Rode in Teddy Roosevelt Parade and pictured and subject of story entitled "Tom Mix - Soldier of Fortune" by Joe Koller includes coverage of his service in Cuba (wounded at Santiago), Philippines and China and his days in the Wild West Shows before he became Hollywood's most famous Cowboy star as published in this complete western magazine.
BULLOCK, Harry A. * Captain, ( Cambridge, Mass. -WW 1 Honor Roll - Killed in Action)
BULLOCK, Hugh, Mrs. * - 1934 - Pictured and written about in article entitled THEY STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD as saved from a National American News Magazine. She is sponsoring the plan of the Academy of American Poets to provide scholarships for young poets of promise.
BULLOCK, James C. C. ,- 1910-20 Circa - Named in autobiography entitled "He Lived With The Barrens" - the life experiences of John Hornby - relates his exploration of the Barrens inc. Great Slave Lake, Baker Lake, Great Bear Lake. Old complete western magazine.
BULLOCK, James C. C. ,- 1910-20 Circa - Named in autobiography entitled "He Lived With The Barrens" - the life experiences of John Hornby - relates his exploration of the Barrens inc. Great Slave Lake, Baker Lake, Great Bear Lake. Old complete western magazine.
BULLOCK, Seth * - 1900 era. Site; Nebraska, Cuba, United States. Named in story entitled IRON MAN LLEWELLYN - a remarkable history of one of the great pioneers of the west. Honored as a fighting man by Theodore Roosevelt and stalwart defender of the rights of all as found in this unusual western magazine.
BULLWHACKERS prairie schooners mentioned in "Ranch Life In The Cattle Country" article from old western magazine
BULLY BOY MINE - 1860 - 1900's - Location - UT. Named in story entitled "QUEEN OF THE UTAH GOLD CAMPS" by George A. Thompson citing names of individuals and the mines of the old Gold camp. Important mine research tool as found in this old Western magazine.
BULTON, D.C. mentioned in "Murder Names A Capital" article from old western magazine
BULWINKLE, Alred. Lee., * - 1934 - Chairman of the House Committee investigating Communistic plotting pictured in article entitled "HEAD OF THE WIRT COMMITTEE" who started as a lawyer in North Carolina and now of national fame, as reported in the weekly feature FOOTNOTES ON A WEEK'S HEADLINERS as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
BUMMERS mentioned in "Harrison's Rendezvous With Fate" article from old western magazine
BUNCE, Alan * 1922 Starring in "The First Man".
BUNCE, Alan * - 1922 - Pictured as star in THE FIRST MAN in pictorial collage review entitled. PLAYERS ON STAGE AND SCREEN AND CLIMACTIC SCENES IN LATEST THEATRICAL OPENINGS. 16 BY 22. Mint.
BUNCH, D. D., cowman - 1900 era. Location: Western United. States. Named in story entitled “Wild Cows Ain’t Dairy Queens” by Maurice Kildare which explains the hazards of a former Rodeo event that probably injured more cowpokes than bull riding. Fun read as found in this complete, old western magazine
BUNCH, Miss Lorraine * - 1923 - Pictured as representative Miss Washington, D. C. in an article entitled " Aspirant for Beauty Prize at Atlantic City Pageant as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
BUNCH, William T. * Private (Doloroso, Mississippi –WW 1 Honor Roll – Killed in Action)
BUNCH (Actor, Palmer Productions, The Broken Seal, 1892 Illustrated American Magazine Stage Review)
BUNDA, George * Private (Valentine, Nebraska –WW 1 Honor Roll – Killed in Action)
BUNDY, Fanny Forreston, Mrs. * - 1921 - Pictured as her crocheted table cloth won first price for "Rare Needlework" as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
BUNDY, G. E., Photo * - 1931 - (of Pasadena, California) - Winner of Cash Award for photo submitted entitled A FAMILY OF QUAIL ENTERS THE WORLD in weekly feature entitled WINNERS OF CASH AWARDS IN THE AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHIC CONTEST as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
BUNDY, Rex - ERA 1866 -67 – Location: Highland City, Montana. Author of true story entitled The Crib Girl Who Finally Found Love, by Rex Bundy. To her customers, she was a Hurdy-Gurdy girl nicknamed "Shotgun Lulu" or Lulu the Russian but to Gold miner John Kern she was Lubabriga KONSTANOVICH, a woman far different from others and it was a story of love endured for 50 years as found in this complete and very rare western magazine.
BUNDY, Rex - circa 1900's - Site: Carbon County, Montana. Author of historic article entitled "John Dunn-An Old-Style Lawman" by Rex Bundy. "Those who knew him admired his courage and steel-like strength. Others found out the hard way as published in this complete Western Magazine
BUNIN, Ivan * - 1933 - Featured in article entitled FOOTNOTES ON A WEEK'S HEADLINERS headlined A RUSSIAN HONORED IN EXILE who received the Nobel Prize for Literature as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
BUNKER HILL and SULLIVAN MINES * , - Era 1899 - Location - IDAHO - Named in story entitled MARTIAL LAW IN THE COEUR D'ALENES a true story of mining wars by Alvin Atkins involving fight between Union, Miners, State of Idaho, and United States. Fascinating true history in comprehensive study of the actual facts of the day as found in this rare western magazine
Bunker Hill, - 1900 era – Location: ID, MT, NV. Story entitled “Two Funerals For Al Hennessy” by Ernest Oberbillig who writes of the pioneer life of Albert Hennessy who founded mining claims such as the Meadow Creek Silver Mines as found in this rare, complete, seldom found western magazine.
BUNKER HILL, MASS. *, 1933 - Cover page showing an aerial view in the New England Resorts Section of an old American Pictorial Magazine
BUNKER. - 1880 Era -. Horse named in Biographical history entitled "Midas of the Mountain" of John D. Morrisey. a mining magnet who couldn't read or write or tell the time of day but had one successful venture after another in the mine fields of Colorado as published in this complete western magazine
BUNTING, Roy H. * Private (Olney, Illinois –WW 1 Honor Roll – Killed in Action)
BUNTLINE, Ned * (real name - W. Edward Carol Judson). Featured Story old Western Magazine. entitled "Love, War, Liquor, and Rebellion". Rare pictures of Old West Pioneer Heroes.
BUNTLINE, Ned * - 1890 era - Western U. S. A. Novelist named in this biography of Captain John Wallace Crawford, entitled, "Captain Jack, The Poet Scout", and here the author, Paul T. Nolen, recites the history of this western scout and acquaintance of Buffalo Bill who went from scouting to acting to writing as published in this complete western magazine.
BUNTLINE, Ned (writer) - 1820 - 1870 era, Location Western United States. Named in "Jim Bridger: The Blanket Chief" by Kit Stone. The story of Jim Bridger - a hunter, trapper, fur trader, guide and explorer whose "keen intelligence and courage was respected by whites and Indians equally as published in this rare and complete old western magazine.
BUNTLINE, Ned (Colonel Judson). - 1840 - 90 era. Location: Pioneer United States. Named in story entitled HERO MAKER OF THE WILD WILD WEST by Raymond W. Thorp who was a news-maker who lined up the hero's of the pioneer west, put the Indians in their sights, and made the dime novel synonymous with adventure as found in this old complete western magazine
BUNTLINE, Ned * - 1870 - 90 era - Biographical history of John Burrell OMOHUNDRO entitled "Texas Jack" by S. Bloom, the story of a Confederate Scout and Spy for J. E. B. Stuart and cowboy who turned showman as published in this rare western magazine.
BUNYAN, Charles O.* Sergeant (Keokuk, Iowa -WW 1 Honor Roll - Killed in Action)
BUNYAN, Paul - 1883 - 1910 era - Texas. Blue Ox named in story of the last recognized Chief of the Comanche's entitled A HOUSE FOR QUANAH PARKER by Albert S. Gilles, Sr., who writes of the trials and tribulation of the construction of the house for Quanah and his wives as as saved from this old western magazine.
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