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Genealogy Images of History |
Updated:07/20/07 |
* indicates pictured
B. P. O. E. CONVENTION IN LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - 1936 . Each year, member of the fraternal order of Elks go to their annual conventions, installing officers, parading in elaborate uniforms. Here are those named including Governor David Scholtz of Florida who was elected Grand Elected Ruler in 1936 as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine
BRAATHEN, Christopher * - 1933 - Newspaper Reporter who will accompany Polar Explorers Sir Hubert Wilkins and Bernt Balchen on Lincoln Ellsworth Expedition.
BRABIN, Charls, Mrs. * - 1935 - Pictured is the former star who retired years ago as Theda Bara in the feature entitled Stars of Yesteryear.
BRACCIALE, Jr., Vince (Jockey) - 1974 -75. Location - NY. Named in story of the thoroughbred horse 'RUFFIAN" by Gene Smith of the greatest racing filly of all time who became a legend before and after her untimely death as found in this old, complete American magazine.
BRACCO, Roberto - 1907 - Playwright mentioned in story entitled "Courage and Versatility of Mme. Nazimova" , who is pictured and written about in this single page report as saved from the Letter and Art Section of an American News Magazine
BRACHETTS, George A. mentioned in "Dead Horse Trail" article from old western magazine
BRACIOTTI, Gloria, Miss * - 1924 - Featured in pictorial collage in article entitled ONE OF BOSTON'S PRETTIEST GIRLS who too part in a series of dances at the garden fete held on the Larz Anderson estate at Brookline as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
BRACKEN, J. W. K. - 1900's era - Site - Utah - Named in "The Different World Of Matt Warner" by Gale R. Rhoades. After living the life of outlaw, Warner became a good citizen serving as Deputy Sheriff, Justice of the Peace, detective and night watchman as published in a complete, seldom found old western magazine.
BRACKENRIDGE PARK, SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS - 1880 ERA. LOCATION: MO, TX. Named in story entitled: "Brush Country Doctor" by Oran Warder Nolen who tells tales of an old Texas Doctor J. W. Hargus and of his practice on the Texas Frontier as found in this old and complete western magazine.
BRACKETT, Albert G., Mrs. * Vice President. 1897 First Printing of History entitled "The Daughters of the American Revolution" by Carolyn Halstead.
BRADLEY & RULOFSON PHOTOGRAPHIC GALLERY - Late 1800 era. Location: Western United States. Named in story entitled MUYBRIDGE GAVE US THE MOVIES as told of the great pioneer motion picture inventor and producer Eadweard (Edward) James Muybridge who has been called "The Father of the Motion Picture Industry as found in this old and complete western magazine
BRADBROOK, William T. * Private, (Greystone, Rhode Island - WW 1 Honor Roll - Killed in Action)
BRADBURY, Mr. 1811 era - Location: MO, NE, SD. - Colleague of H. M. Breckenridge, naturalist, named in Western River Story entitled KEELBOAT MARATHON by Max von Kreisler who tells the story of Manual Lisa, a river boat captain in a race for the early fur industry on the Missouri River. His competitor was the American Fur Company headed by John Jacob Astor as found in this old and complete western magazine
BRADBURY, Sir John *, British Representative to ALLIED REPARATIONS COMMISSION IN SESSION IN BERLIN * - 1922 - Pictured are delegates meeting in Berlin and identified in this single page from an old American Pictorial magazine. Page is 11 by 16 inches in mint condition.
BRADDOCK, Carl mentioned in "Tragic Journey of the Luella Belle" article from old western magazine
BRADDOCK, James J. " - 1935 American Boxer and Heavyweight Challenger pictured w text in article entitled "Footnotes On A Week's Head
BRADEN, Lieutenant - 1870 ERA - Named in Historical story by Professor Othniel C. Marsh written before his death that covered his trips to the Great West Contains text along with pictures of his trips inc. photos of his 1871 Yale Expedition, the 1873 Expedition.
BRADFORD, A. M. - 1897 Site: Tombstone, Arizona. Named as juror in featured story entitled "Cooper King of Cananea" by Ben T. Traywick. Story of Colonel William C. Greene who killed the man he held responsible for the death of his daughter, Jim Burnett at Allen Street entrance to famed stables OK Coral as published in this rare western magazine. .
BRADFORD, B. P. * Lieutenant (Boston, Massachusetts -WW 1 Honor Roll - Killed Airplane Accident)
BRADFORD, C. C., Mrs. * (of Colorado)- 1925 - Pictured in this article entitled "WOMAN WHO HELP BOSS UP" who the author says are the women of importance in the United States in the year 1925. Many were presidential appointees and those that influence "politics behind the scenes" as saved from this old American magazine.
BRADFORD, Mr. - 1888 - Location: San Francisco, California and Artic Sea. Named in story of "Shanghied Out of Old 'Frisco"-- the story of an actual kidnapping of a young roust-a-bout, Joe Kirby, who had one drink to many in a San Francisco Bar and soon found himself incarcerated aboard the J. B. Johnson - an old whaler - as found in this rare and seldom read western magazine
BRADFORD, Mary C. I. Mrs. * - 1914 - Article entitled The Colorado Slaughter -- historical coverage of the Ludlow, Colorado Miner's Massacre as saved from this old American News magazine. Fascinating report on the Rockefeller - Miner's conflict.
BRADFORD, The. *, 1933 - Ad in the New England Resorts Section of an old American Pictorial Magazine
BRADFUTE, O E. . * - 1920 - (Xenia, Ohio) Pictured and named as one of President's appointees to Labor Conference as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine..
BRADLEY'S STORE, CANYON CITY - 1864 ERA - LOCATION Colorado - Named in historic story of the purported Confederate Invasion of Colorado by 11 soldiers supposed to be followed by 1,500 Confederates. story entitled $50,000 in Rebel Treasure Awaits You in the Colorado Wilds, by Fred Huston. as found in this complete rare western magazine.
BRADLEY, Member of the POWELL Expedition - 1869 era - Story of the famous geology professor and his trip exploring the Grand Canyon in his own words as found in this hardback American magazine.
BRADLEY, C. "George" Y., - 1869 - Named in this story entitled CONQUEROR OF THE COLORADO by John E. Bellin who claims that John Wesley Powell, the 2nd director of the U. S. Geological Survey did the impossible overcoming hardships few men ever faced and leaving an imprint of the land, filling in the blank space on the map of the Colorado River as found in this very rare western magazine.
BRADLEY, C. C., Judge who refused to halt foreclosures in - 1933 - Pictorial collage entitled "Farm Unrest and Foreclosures; Martial Law in Iowa" as saved from American Pictorial magazine.
BRADLEY, C. Y. - 1869 - Colorado River Member of the crew named in BRAVE CONQUERORS OF THE COLORADO, the story of Major John Wesley Powell and his crew who explored the Colorado River under excruciating conditions for three months traveling a thousand miles, mapping and facing danger after danger as found in this complete and rare western magazine
BRADLEY, Charlie - Named in story entitled RECOLLECTIONS OF BIXBY of early pioneer days in the Indian Territory citing descriptions and properties indexing property owners as published in this complete, old western magazine
BRADLEY, Earl - 1880 - 1930 era. Location: OK, MS, NM. Named in story entitled SAM BUTLER - COWBOY LAWMAN - written by Charles P. Sterrett and sponsored by Mrs. L. Mehlhop of the Dexter, New Mexico Historical Society and researched by by W. H. "Bill" Dearholt which is, in effect, a history of early New Mexico territory as found in this old and complete western magazine
BRADLEY, Ernest B. * Doctor, of Lexington, Kentucky and member of the American College of Physicians.
BRADLEY, F. W., - 1900 era – Location: ID, MT, NV. Story entitled “Two Funerals For Al Hennessy” by Ernest Oberbillig who writes of the pioneer life of Albert Hennessy who founded mining claims such as the Meadow Creek Silver Mines as found in this rare, complete, seldom found western magazine.
BRADLEY, Governor of Kentucky - mentioned in 1903 Story entitled "Breathitt County Kentucky Feud".
BRADLEY, Grace * - 1933 - Pictured in article entitled "Be Beautiful" by Elsie Pierce as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
BRADLEY, Grace * - 1933 - Pictured in collage of photos entitled BE BEAUTIFUL by Elsie Pierce displaying a beauty spotlight focused on Coiffures of the time as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine. 10 by 14 inches. Mint condition.
BRADLEY, Grace * - 1935 - Film actress pictured in article entitled 'POOL COMFORT" in weekly feature DOING IN THE MOVIE WORLD as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
BRADLEY, J. H. - teacher mentioned in "The Indians' Winter Count" article from old western magazine
BRADLEY, J. W. "Bill" - 1880 - 1930 era. Location: OK, MS, NM. Named in story entitled SAM BUTLER - COWBOY LAWMAN - written by Charles P. Sterrett and sponsored by Mrs. L. Mehilop of the Dexter, New Mexico Historical Society and researched by by W. H. "Bill" Dearholt which is, in effect, a history of early New Mexico territory as found in this old and complete western magazine
BRADLEY, John * (Promoter and Expedition Backer - COOK*, Frederick A., Doctor, Explorer. Topics of the Day, article entitled THE STAR AND STRIPES AT THE NORTH POLE copyrighted 1909, as it appeared in this old American magazine in 1909 - SOME 93 YEARS AGO.
BRADLEY, John * - 1935 - State Senator from Hartford, Conn. pictured with headline of " At The Des Moines Gathering of Young Republicans " in weekly feature entitled People and Politics as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
BRADLEY, John H., PhM2C, Navy Hospital Corpsman, 3rd Platoon, Company E, U. S. Marine Corps - 1945 - Site: Iwo Jima. Named in story entitled "THE FIRST FLAG-RAISING ON IWO JIMA" by Richard Wheeler who tells the true story of a simple great photograph which has become an indelible symbol of the Marine Corps heroic fight for this Japanese Island. Names of all included in this great true story seldom found as published in this old American Hardback Magazine.
BRADLEY, John H., Pharmacist Mate, 2nd Class U. S. Marine Corps * - 1923 - 55 era. AZ, IWO JIMA, Washington, D. C. Native of Antigo, Wisconsin named in this wonderful story and tribute to this hero of Marines entitled TAPS FOR IRA HAYES by Maurice Kildare who has been immortalized by the famous statute of the raising of the United States flag at Mt. Surburbachi, Iwo Jima in World War II. Tells of his Pima Indian reservation life and pulls no punches as found in this extremely rare and complete Western Magazine.
BRADLEY, Joseph P. Justice ( Feature Magazine Article Ride-In A True Black American Story)
BRADLEY, S. * Corporal (Reading, Ohio -WW 1 Honor Roll - Killed in Action)
BRADLEY, Samuel E. * Private, (Pittsburgh, Penn. -WW 1 Honor Roll - Killed in Action),
BRADLEY, T. J. * Private, (Boston, Mass - WW 1 Honor Roll - Died of Wounds)
BRADLEY, W. H. - 1900 - Chief Engineer HARLEM RIVER GAS PIPE LINE * - Original article entitled "Laying A 24 - Inch Gas Main Across the Harlem River as saved from an old Scientific American Magazine.
BRADLEY, William * Lieutenant (New York City, New York -WW 1 Honor Roll - Killed in Action)
BRADSHAW MOUNTAINS, - 1850 - 90's. LOCATION: ARIZONA - Named in story entitled "Gillette's Most Legendary Citizen" by Tom Barkdull who writes of the life and time of former Lieutenant John W. (Jack) Swilling who found the Rich Hill vein, the single richest placer discovery in Arizona and covers his life thereafter as found in this old and complete western magazine.
BRADSHAW, Mr. - 1855 Era - Aide to Camp U. S. Army Named in "Short Campaign of Lt. Slaughter" ( Lieutenant, U. S. Army, 2nd Battalion, 4th Infantry Regiment) --- who wanted to put and end to Indian fighting but died trying as published in a complete and seldom found western magazine.
BRADWAY, Doris, Mayor* - 1936 - Featured and pictured in article entitled " A WOMAN MAYOR CROWNS A QUEEN" as she crown's Miss Eleanor Fulmer Queen Oceania XXVII at the Wildwood, New Jersey Annual Baby Parade as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
BRADY, "Diamond Jim" - 1880 - 1920 - Location Ireland, NV, LA, OH - Subject of horse race story entitled RAWHIDE PAYS ITS RESPECTS by Guy Mayo, the story of Riley Grannan, the King of the sport of Kings who is described as a turf plunger as noted for his imperturbability as for the large sums he bet as told in this complete, rare western magazine.
BRADY, Alice * - 1920 - Pictured in article entitled FAVORITES IN SPOKEN AND SILENT DRAMAS who is the daughter of the well known theatrical producer as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine. 11 by 16 inches. Mint.
BRADY, Alice * 1921 - Actress pictured as playing in her latest vehicle "The New York Idea" as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
BRADY, Alice * - 1922 - American Actress - Pictured in collage entitled "Actresses Prominent in the Silent Drama" - 11 by 16 inches.
BRADY, Alice * - 1927 - Pictured with text in article entitled "POPULAR PLAYERS IN LATEST BROADWAY PRODUCTIONS" for her role in "Lady Alone" now playing at the Forre Theater in New York as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
BRADY, Alice * - 1929 - Pictured as actress in "Karl and Anna" opening at the Guild Theatre as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
BRADY, Alice * - 1932 - Pictured in publicity pose as star of "MOURNING BECOMES ELECTRA" in article entitled PLAYERS IN DRAMATIC SUCCESSES OF 1931 as saved from this old American pictorial magazine
BRADY, Alice * in THE GAY DIVORCEE * - 1934 - Pictured in Movie Review with scenes of stars and players in article entitled "MOVIE OF THE WEEK" as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
BRADY, Alice * - 1931 - Star of the play, BRASS ANKLE appearing at the Masque Theatre in article entitled PLAYERS FEATURED IN BROADWAY ATTRACTIONS as saved from this old American pictorial magazine
BRADY, Buff - 1924 era - Location, CO, KA, NJ, NY, RI - Bulldogger, trick rider and calf roper named in this great rodeo history entitled "On The Road With the K of C Rodeo" by Bill King, a rodeo sponsored by the Knights of Columbus of Denver that played it's first rodeo at the Narragansett Speedway, may 19, 1924. Names important stars and performers not usually mentioned on the rodeo circuit as saved and found in this unusual and western complete magazine.
BRADY, Cyrus Townsend author "Davy Crockett and the most desperate defense in American history" by Cyrus Townsend Brady
BRADY, Eva * - (Chicago, Ill.) - 1920 - Pictured as featured in pictorial collage entitled " Charming Actresses Who Delighted Metropolitan Audiences" as saved from this American Pictorial magazine. 11 by 14. Mint Condition.
BRADY, Genevieve Garvan (Nicholas, Mrs. * - 1934 - Featured in article entitled FOOTNOTES ON A WEEK'S HEADLINERS headlined OUTSTANDING IN CHARITABLE WORK as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine
BRADY, James H., Senator * - 1860 - 1928 era. Location: Idaho, England, United States. Named in story entitled GOODING'S WHITE GOLD HARVEST by Joe Koller of FRANK ROBERT GOODING who rose from immigrant to Governor, then Senator and of his rise to honorary membership in the Hall of Fame of great Westerners of the National Cowboy Hall of Fame and Western Heritage Center as found in this seldom read and complete western magazine
BRADY, Nicholas F., Mr. and Mrs. - 1923 - New York City - Held Society Wedding at Manhasset, Long Island.
BRADY, Nicholas F., PRESIDENT OF THE NEW YORK EDISON COMPANY * - 1923 - Pictured is the electrical wizard Thomas Alva Edison receiving an official welcome from Nicholas Brady, President of the New York Edison Company as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
BRADY, Nicholas, Mrs. * - 1932 -Chairman of the Board of the Girl Scouts of America is pictured in article entitled " A PAPAL DUCHESS", who has been named A Papal Duchess and received the Belgian Order of the Knight of the Crown from King Albert has now been appointed as the Honorary Chairman of the National women's Committee of the Welfare and Relief Mobilization as reported in the weekly feature FOOTNOTES ON A WEEK'S HEADLINERS as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
BRADY, Nicholas, Mrs. * - 1934 - Featured in article entitled FOOTNOTES ON A WEEK'S HEADLINERS headlined OUTSTANDING IN CHARITABLE WORK as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
BRADY, Olive * - 1923 - Actress pictured in Musical Comedy entitled "GIRL CRAZY" playing at the Alvin Theatre, New York City as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
BRADY, Sam - 1900's - Location: CA, OK, TX, - Restaurant owner nnamed in THE RETURN OF JIM McKINNEY - Co authored by Raymond Thorpe and William B. Secrest. Story of a sadistic and unpredictable man name of Jim McKinney who eluded his pursers and reached freedom in Mexico but came back to California. and folks braced himself for their return as published in this old, complete western magazine
BRADY, Sheriff of Lincoln County named in "The Horrell War", (1877 - 1881) a story of the five Harrell brothers who brought strife, discord and murder with them when the came to Lincoln County and the strife continued for many years as published in this complete western magazine.
BRADY, Sr., "Buff" * - Named and pictured as Turtle Member in Historical Piece entitled " The Mighty McClures" a biographical piece about "Jake" McClure and his association with Rodeo Western Stars and their membership in an early organization called "The Turtles" as published in this magazine
BRADY, Sr., Buff - 1900 ERA - Named in this great piece of rodeo history entitled WINNING OR LOSING by Milt Hinkle. Hinkle was a champion bull-dogger who took home many a ribbon. Of course, he also took home a gal named Mildred who even rivaled his take among the goodies and prizes of the rodeo. Indexed as found in old Western magazine.
BRADY, Walter, - 1865-90 - Cherokee Strip, Indian Territory, Oklahoma. Texas Ranger Lawman named in rare autobiography entitled COWBOYS AND CATTLELAND, by H. H. Halsell, the story of life of the old Cherokee Strip Riders who galloped up and down the Cimarron Strip with Halsell in the years thru 1889 as published in this rarely found and seldom opened old, complete western magazine
BRADY, William, Sheriff - 1870 - 80 era. Location: New Mexico. Named in story by Philip J. Rasch who writes claiming his story gives an impartial and more accurate account of this historic New Mexico Gunfight which included BILLY THE KID as found in this old, complete western magazine.
BRADY, William, Sheriff - Pioneer West Era. Location - Western United States. Named in story entitled CATTLE KINGS by George A. Wallis who writes of the lives of those men who took two elements - livestock and the range - each as wild as the other and refused to quit until they established the great ranches of the west as published in this old western magazine. Part 1..
BRADY, William - Sheriff of Lincoln County - 1870 - 80 era, Named in in "The Coyote Badman". by Glen Shirley. Story of Bob Olinger who got a job as a Deputy Sheriff to make some killings he wished to do legal. Sheriff Pat Garrett gave him the job of guarding Billy The Kid. Olinger tried to get Billy The Kid to run so he could kill him but idea didn't work as exposed in this story published in complete old western magazine.
BRADY, William A. * - 1922 - Theatrical Manager joined in debate with Dr. Stratton of the Calvary Baptist Church of New York in argument over the morality of stage people as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
BRADY, William sheriff mentioned in "The Coyote Badman"
BRADY, William, assistant Marshall named in "The Horrell War", (1877 - 1881) a story of the five Horrell brothers who brought strife, discord and murder with them when the came to Lincoln County and the strife continued for many years as published in this complete western magazine.
BRADY, William, Sheriff - 1880 era - Named in Biographical story entitled "From Outlaw to Marshal to Corpse" story of Hendry "Bullet Proof" Brown, Kansas Lawmen who the author says, " Couldn't resist the exciting life and the gains of crime as published in this rare magazine
BRAGG and Mosley, England 1918 - Reported in Highly technical paper on study of X - Rays.
BRAGGS, Frank mentioned in "Bloody Ingalls Under Siege", by: Joe Koller
BRAHAN, Robert W. * Lieutenant (Plainview, Texas –WW 1 Honor Roll – Killed in Action)
BRAHMS, Johannes * - 1917 - Pictured and written about in article entitled "The Author of the Ten Symphony" which was published 15 days after his death by this American News magazine and as saved there from.
BRAID, James - 1927 - Location: ENG., SCOTLAND, U.S. Original news story entitled "BOBBY JONES CONQUERS THE GOLF WORLD" which retells the story of his "Calamity Jane" putter and the history of his conquest of St. Andrews where Golf found it's savior as saved from this old American News Magazine.
BRAILLE for BLINDED SOLDERS., * - U. S. Army - 1919 - Featured in article entitled A FLASHLIGHT ON SOME ASPECTS OF THE WAR in series of photographs in article entitled OCCUPATIONS FOR BLINDED SOLDIERS as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
BRAILLE TRANSCRIBERS * - 1928 Featured Article National American Magazine entitled "MORE READING FOR THE BLIND".
BRAINARD of the CINCINNATI RED STOCKINGS BASEBALL TEAM * - Pitcher shown in pictorial collage entitled "FAMOUS TEAMS OF EARLY DAYS AND NOTED VETERANS" and named as "the greatest team of their time, who went through a whole season without a defeat" as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
BRAINARD, A. H. , 90 Utica Street, Boston, Mass., 1857 - Engraving - Assignee of W. W. Wilmot, Inventor "Boot Crimping Machine Patent" as granted by U. S. Government.
BRAINARD, C. H. , 90 Utica Street, Boston, Mass., 1857 - Engraving - Assignee of W. W. Wilmot, Inventor "Boot Crimping Machine Patent" as granted by U. S. Government.
BRAINARD, David L. * Lt. Colonel, (Troop L, 2nd Cavalry, late hero of General Greely's Artic Expedition - 1898 Munsey Magazine Article - War Time Snap Shots - Spanish-American War)
BRAINERD, David,, Colonel - 1926 - Named in The Greeley Expedition in story entitled MEN WHO HAVE FELT THE DARK ANGEL'S BREATH as story was saved from the Personal Glimpses section of an old National News magazine. Fitzhugh Green is pictured as "A Connoisseur of Thrills" from his career of exploration and adventure..
BRAINERD, Robert L. * Private, (Ashtabula, Ohio -WW 1 Honor Roll - Died of Wounds)
BRAISTED, W. C. Rear Admiral, U. S. Navy* - 1918 - Location, United States. Surgeon General pictured in article entitled PROVIDING FOR THE SPIRITUAL AND BODILY NEEDS OF AMERICA'S SOLDIERS with text and pictured are members of The Executive Committee, General Medical Board, Council of National Defense, World War I as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine. Mint condition.
BRAITHWAITE, Lillian * - 1925 - Pictured in Movie Review of "The Vortex" along with Noel Coward, Allan Hollis, Molly Kerr, as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
BRAKETTVILLE Mentioned in "6 Medals of Honor" By: Jack Lafferty
BRAMAN, Molly 1870 - 1890 era, Written up in, "Those Brawling Boys in Blue" By: William B. Secrest. Seldom found stories of army life and problems and quarrels in service on the western front.
BRAMBLE, "Cyanide" - 1860 - 90 - location GA, MT - Named in story entitled "SAGA OF MILL FLAT" by Maurice Kildare with photos courtesy of Zula White Garino. Story's subject is Joseph A. White and his family, neighbors and kin and the area known as Mill Flat where mining and lumber camps dotted the area as written up in this complete western magazine.
BRAMLEY, Flora * - 1928 - Pictured in article entitled MARY PICKFORD ENTERTAINS THE WAMPAS BABY STARS; ELEVEN OF THE LUCKY THIRTEEN who were chose for 1928 by America's Sweetheart as saved old American Pictorial magazine
BRAMMER. Leo I. * Private (Rockville, Nebraska -WW 1 Honor Roll - Killed in Action)
BRAMS, Magnus M. * Private, (Scotts Bluff, Nebraska –WW 1 Honor Roll – Killed in Action)
BRANCATO, Rose Marie * - 1934 - Young Chicago Grand Opera star pictured in article entitled "SUCCESSOR TO MARION TALLEY" who when Talley failed to reached terms with the Opera Company, received the appointment as reported in the weekly feature FOOTNOTES ON A WEEK'S HEADLINERS as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
BRANCH, Alex - 1799 - 1850's era. Location: Ireland, Western United States. Author of story entitled "BROKEN HAND FITZPATRICK, MOUNTAIN MAN EXTRAORDINARY" who says that even Kit Carson and Jim Bridger could not match the exploits of Thomas "Broken Hand" Fitzpatrick in the perilous Rocky Mountains as published in the old and complete western magazine
BRANCH , Smokey *, riding bucking horse "Glasseye *" 1900 - 20 era - Named in historical story entitled "Rodeo Personalities", which lists hundreds of the Rodeo Stars of the Early Western Shows with many pictured in this complete and very rare western magazine. Your granddaddy might be here.
BRANCKER, Sefton, General Sir * - 1927 - Great Britain's Air Marshal pictured in article entitled JOBS AHEAD FOR BIRD-WOMEN IN PEACE AND WAR with stories of these lady pilots who challenged the Air and the men back in 1927. Lady Bailey did not help the cause when her plane ran out of fuel and she had to land on the grounds of a lunatic asylum as saved from this old American News Magazine in their Personal Glimpses feature.
BRAND, A. M. Farm of Fairbault, Minn. * - 1933 - Pictured is Miss Marguerite Franz in pictorial collage entitled "THE FARR GOLD MEDAL PEONY OF THE WORLD'S FAIR COMPETITION as she displayed the Blossom grown by the A. M. Brand Farm which took first honors. Mint Condition. 10 by 14 inches.
BRAND, Ben * Private (Logan, North Dakota –WW 1 Honor Roll – Killed in Action)
BRAND, William J. * Major (Kansas City, Missouri -WW 1 Honor Roll - Killed in Action)
BRANDEGEE, Senator* - 1921 - Pictorial collage which includes article entitled SENATE INQUIRY INTO WATSON CHARGES that many American Expeditionary Forces were executed without court-martial as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
BRANDEIS, Louis D., Justice. * - 1932 -Oldest member of the Supreme Court is pictured in article entitled " OUR LEADING DISSENTER.", whose decisions from the Court continue the tradition of memorable minority opinions as reported in the weekly feature FOOTNOTES ON A WEEK'S HEADLINERS as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
BRANDES, Eddie O. * Private, (Tillameck, Oregon -WW 1 Honor Roll -Died of Wounds)
BRANDES, George - 1907 - Named in article and pictorial cover entitled " HENRY WADSWORTH LONGFELLOW - A CHURCHGOING POET - as saved from this old American New Magazine
BRANDING CALVES IN CORRAL * (postcard image), "The Cardboard Cowboy" by Cy Martin, history of old post cards with pictures of the best.
BRANDON, George - 1900 era - Location: Yellowstone Park, Montana and Idaho. Stage Coach Drive named in story entitled 'LAST DAYS OF THE PARK REINSMEN" - the story of Del Jenkins dubbed "The Mormon Kid" and his adventures as a Mormon settler on the Snake River where later he became one of the last drivers of stagecoach to tour Yellowstone as published in the very rare, complete, old western magazine.
BRANDON, GOVERNOR OF ALABAMA * - 1926 - Featured in article entitled ALABAMA'S CONVICT SYSTEM UNDER FIRE following Attorney-General of Alabama Harwell G. Davis's report on the death of convict James Knox at Flat Top Prison near Birmingham as saved from this old American Newsweek magazine
BRANDON, Henry - author - "We've Licked the U-Boat". 1943
BRANDRETH, William mentioned in "Mystery of the Ghost Diamond Mine" article from old western magazine
BRANDSTROM, Elsa, Miss * - 1923 - Swedish Red Cross Nurse nominated for and pictured in article entitled NOBEL PRIZE WINNER as published in weekly feature MEN AND WOMEN IN THE NEWS as saved from this old American pictorial magazine
BRANDT, Ernie- 1908 - 1920 era. Location: New Mexico. Named in story entitled "THE BLACK COWBOY WHO MADE THE FOLSOM DISCOVERIES" by Mary F. Germond who tells of George McJunkin, a son of slaves and one of about 5,000 black cowboys in the west who found the fossils of a prehistoric bison which had been killed by a spearpoint10,000 years ago as published in this old, complete western magazine
BRANDT, Nina, Miss * - 1922 - (to be wed to Mr. L Raubel) pictured with announcement of marriage in article entitled "Bevy of June Brides In Their Wedding Raiment" as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
BRANHAM, J. G., * (TEXAS RANGER LAWMAN) - Pictured and written about in story entitled "Ambush in the Chaparral", a story of the exploits of Texas Ranger Lawmen of Company C and the capture and killing of western outlaws as published in this old & complete western magazine.
BRANN, Louis J. * - 1934 - Featured in text and pictured in article entitled "As Goes Maine" as saved from "Footnotes on a Week's Headliners" by Omar Hite. Single Page is 9 3/4 by 13 1/4 inches. Excellent condition.
BRANNAN, Mr. - (Editor, "State Capitol Gazette", Harrisburg, Pennsylvania) - 1850 - 80 era. Location: CA PA Canada. Named in story entitled CALIFORNIA'S PRINCE OF RASCALS by William B. Secrest who writes of the sordid hisoty of old time San Francisco, California politics - naming many characters involved as published in this old and complete western magazine.
BRANNAN, General in Civil War - Refused Demotion -Following Civil War- "The Men in Command of Our Fighting Force". Saturday Evening Post 1901.
BRANNAN, Sam - 1850 Era - Named in INCIDENT AT TRAGEDY SPRINGS by Ferol Egan showing detailed map of a group of Mormons who, under orders from Brigham Young, were returning from California to Salt Lake when their scouts were murdered as saved from this old complete and rare American western magazine.
BRANNAN, Sam - 1860 - 1870's - Location: California - Named in "The San Francisco Diamond Hoax". Seems Asbury Harpending was a central figure in the attempt fo bring California into the Confederacy but he made more news as an accomplish in the Great Diamond Hope as found in this complete old western magazine.
BRANNAN, Sam, * Subject of "A Curse Upon His Head" By: Norman C. Pierce, the story of the Mormon empire builder of San Francisco. Rare.
BRANNAN, Sam, famous 49er, - 1850 era – Location; California Territory, Mexico. Story entitled “Squatter Riots In California” by Ethel Bangert tells of the history of pioneer settlers who made their way to California territory while under Mexican rule and received land grants which formed the basis for endless disputes creating overlapping land titles as found in this rare and seldom read western magazines.
BRANNAN, Samuel * - 1850 era - Historical true story entitled "Old San Francisco's Summer of Death" of vigilante uprising in San Francisco. Seems that gang with names of Sidney Ducks (Australians), Hounds, etc., weren't happy with status. Names Samuel Brannan as principal founder of the Committee of Vigilance which, in effect, returned peace and dignity to the city as published in this complete slick enamel pioneer magazine
BRANNAN, Samuel * - 1850 era - Historical true story entitled "Old San Francisco's Summer of Death" of vigilante uprising in San Francisco. Seems that gang with names of Sidney Ducks (Australians), Hounds, etc., weren't happy with status. Names Samuel Brannan as principal founder of the Committee of Vigilance which, in effect, returned peace and dignity to the city as published in this complete slick enamel pioneer magazine.
BRANNAN, Samuel - Later 1860 era. Location, Hawaii. Named in historical story entitled "WALTER MURRAY GIBSON: GREAT MORMON RASCAL" Twice in his turbulent life he narrowly escaped hanging. But in the old days, that was not uncommon. Characterized as a ex-pirate, Gibson was a Mormon who took advantage of the Church to become a prominent public figure in Hawaii politics as published in this rarely found western magazine.
BRANNAN, Samuel and Mrs. - 1850 ERA - Site - California. Civic leader named in great true story entitled LOLA MONTEZ - A MOST NOTORIOUS LADY who had the benefit of great looks and a royal title -- Countess of Landfelt - conferred her by King Ludwig of Bavaria. She came to conquer hearts and to gain political power through her charms and she did according to author Louise Cheney as published in this complete and seldom found western magazine.
BRANNING, Christine * - 1926 - Pictured with other "Heroines of the Switchboard" in story entitled "Death and Havoc in New Jersey Ammunition Explosion" with pictures and text of catastrophe where arsenal collapsed from the force of an explosion. Mint Condition. 11 by 14 inches
BRANNING, Christine * - 1926 - Pictured with other "Heroines of the Switchboard" in story entitled "Death and Havoc in New Jersey Ammunition Explosion" with pictures and text of catastrophe where arsenal collapsed from the force of an explosion. Mint Condition. 11 by 14 inches.
BRANNON, John, Mrs. * (White House Pickets' Parade of Suffragettes "People of More that National Interest" Pictorial Review 1918)
BRANNON, Sam referred to in "Six-Guns and Printer's Ink" by Ed Repp. A history of early pioneer newspapers on the western frontier as saved from this old western magazine.
BRANSCHELD, Albert - (Oberlt.zs.) (Dead) World War I era. British Admiralty Statement of "Fate of 150 German U-Boat Commanding Officers who were killed or became prisoners at war.
BRANT, Abraham B. Private, 26 years of age, A Troop 7th Cavalry 1876 Congressional Medal of Honor Winner and Hero of Battle of Medal of Honor Point written up in "Under A Most Calling Fire" by Howard Peterson. History of the Congressional Medal of Honor. Old and rarely found Western magazine.
BRANTLEY, Hobson * Private, (Atlanta Georgia –WW 1 Honor Roll – Killed in Action)
BRANTLEY, Nell, Miss * - 1924 - Pictured in article entitled "Prize-Winning Beauties of the Golden West" and declared a winner in this pictorial collage as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
BRANTON Clarence son of Mrs. S. C. Branton , Eugene, Oregon - 1898 - 99 era. Location: Oregon. Named in "They're Hanging Claude Branton" by A. J. Fitzerald. When a a ghastly murder shocked the entire northwest, the killer became the first to be executed in Lane County, Oregon as published in the very rare, seldom read or found, complete western magazine.
BRANTON Claude son of Mrs. S. C. Branton Eugene, Oregon - 1898 - 99 era. Location: Oregon. Named in "They're Hanging Claude Branton" by A. J. Fitzerald. When a a ghastly murder shocked the entire northwest, the killer became the first to be executed in Lane County, Oregon as published in the very rare, seldom read or found, complete western magazine.
BRANTON S. C. Mrs. Eugene, Oregon - 1898 - 99 era. Location: Oregon. Named in "They're Hanging Claude Branton" by A. J. Fitzgerald. When a a ghastly murder shocked the entire northwest, the killer became the first to be executed in Lane County, Oregon as published in the very rare, seldom read or found, complete western magazine.
BRANTOME - (French historian) - 1868 era. Site: United States, Europe, Mexico. Named in story by Ann Hall entitled "ELEGANT WAS THE WORD FOR GREAT-GRANDMA" who writes of the history of Side Saddle riding along with tack terms described as found in this old, complete western magazine.
BRANUM, Len "Rufie" - New Mexico Rancher referred to in this Mining History entitled "Trapped Alive" by Zero Vail of the Leadville Mining Claim near White Oaks, New Mexico saving "Square John" Keith from death.
BRAODWELL*, Dick member of the Dalton gang pictured in "I Saw The Dalton's Die" article from old western magazine
BRASCH, Arno 1934 - Engineer of the German General Electric Company - named in feature article entitled "The Finders of The Atom" Story of early Atom seekers.
BRASHEAR, John – 1850 - 90 era. Named in true historical story of Kosciuszko D. Keith who help found Texas in the early pioneer days as published in this complete western magazine.
BRASK, Richard * - 1931 - Boy Scout, injured in accident is pictured and written about in article entitled "IMPROVING LONG HOURS OF ENFORCED LEISURE", he is pictured teaching 4 - year old Edgar Barnard the intricacies of the art of knot making as saved from this old American pictorial magazine
BRASS BRAIN of the LABORATORY OF THE COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY * - 1925 - Pictured is the Washington, D. C. Off containing A BRASS BRAIN DEVICE as saved from this old American pictorial magazine
BRASSFIELD, A. - 1890 - 1930 ERA Western Star named in the Autobiography of World's Lady Champion Bucking Bronc Horse Rider with pictures and names of stars of the Rodeo she performed with as published in this rare and complete western magazine.
BRATIANO, Jean J. C. * - Prime Minister of Rumania - 1919 - Pictorial collage w text entitled " Rumania "As Perplexing Problem in the Balkans" with 2 pages of officials pictures, capital and map.
BRATTHAUER, William * Private (Soldier, Iowa –WW 1 Honor Roll – Died of Wounds)
BRATTLE STREET, CRAIG HOUSE * - 1935 - Pictured in pictorial collage entitled LANDMARKS OF AMERICAN HISTORY picturing The Old Craig House as one of "Wealth and Taste in Colonial Massachusetts. as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
BRATTLEBORO PAGENT * 1912 Pictorial Collage of Scenes of "The Brattleboro Pagent"
BRATTLEBORO, VERMONT - BRUERE, Martha Bensley - Author 1925 "What has She Done With It".- Brattleboro, Vermont
BRATTON, Leslie, Lieutenant Commander - 1923 - Location: 213 Miles South of San Francisco, California. Captain of the U. S. S. Stoddert, DD302 named in article entitled "Death of Destroyer Squadron II" by Ben T. Traywick who writes that after the helmsman got the word, the U. S. S. Delphy, experienced small sound like sand moving against the hull -- then a sharp grating of tortured metal followed by chilling reverberating bumps which ended in a hard crash and ended as the worst tragedy of the U. S. Navy history as found in this seldom found western magazine
BRAUD, Charles - (Oberlt.zs.) (Dead) World War I era. British Admiralty Statement of "Fate of 150 German U-Boat Commanding Officers who were killed or became prisoners at war.
BRAUER, Ingeborg, Fraulein. * - 1931 - Wins Queen of Berlin contest at Luna Park is show receiving the Insignia of Victory from Fraulein Ingeborg Richard (Miss Germany) as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
BRAUM, Mark Right Reverend - 1875 Era. Historical story entitled "SACRED HEART' - OUTPOST OF RELIGION" by E. H. Brewington - the story of Beneditine Father Dom Isodore Robot who founded the Sacred Heart Mission and School in the Indian territory of Oklahoma. Rare magazine.
BRAUMBAUGH, Mr. * - 1880 - 1920 era - Location: United States, Europe. Stepfather of Annie Oakley named in historical biography entitled ANNIE OAKLEY by Al Mendez detailing facts and feats of America's legendary Annie Oakley with pictures and drawing revealing little known details of her life from inception to become the legendary heroine of America as found in this complete western magazine.
BRAUN , Heinz, mentioned or described in "Tom Mix Frontier Bartender" by Sam Henderson as written up in an old western magazine covering the life of Tom Mix.
BRAVE AS THE BRAVEST, - 1874 era - Adobe Walls Area - by Harvey H. Bowers, the story of the heroics of Mrs. William Olds during the Indian attack led by Quanah on the Adobe Trading Post as published in this complete and rare old western magazine.
BRAVE CONQUERORS OF THE COLORADO * - 1869 - The story by Earl Spendlove of Major John Wesley Powell and his crew who explored the Colorado River under excruciating conditions for three months traveling a thousand miles, mapping and facing danger after danger as found in this complete and rare western magazine.
BRAVIN, - Pioneer era - Jailer killed by Bill Harding named in story entitled "THE SECRET ARIZONA RANGERS" with listings of famous lawmen and their "outlaw" subjects. Many stories of captures, escapes, some funny and other tragic as published in this Special Issue of an old seldom found and rare western magazine.
BRAWN OF THE NORTH * - 1922 - Pictured is STRONGHEART in collage are stars of screen entertainment entitled THE GREAT FALL SELECTIONS as saved. 11 by 16 inches. Mint Condition
BRAXTON PRISON, ENGLAND * - 1920 - Pictorial review of funeral of Terence Mac Swiney as Sinn Fein volunteers form a guard of honor on both side os the coffin celebrating the funeral of the late Lord Mayor of Cork who died after a hunger fast of 74 days in a Briton Prison, England as saved from this old American Pictorial double page memorabilia.
BRAXTON, E. M., Jr. * First Lieutenant, (Newport News, Virginia -Honor Roll - Killed in Action)
BRAY, Brocky. - 1890 - 1900 era. Location AK, Canada, MI. Named in "King Of The Klondike" where author Nornan B. Wiltsey tells the strange but true story of a Canadian rowdie, Mike Mahoney. who took on the future champion of the World, Tommy Burns in a bout for the Boxing Championship of Alaska promoted by Tex Rickard before they all hit the big time. It’s a story of intrigue, fascination, and history as found in this very early western magazine.
BRAY, Harry - 1900 circa - Named in History of Rodeo Great Addison P. Day which states that "Many a Chute Would Have Never Been Opened Without This Man". Names the Great Rodeos, Fairs, Expositions and the stars as published in old and rare western magazine.
BRAY, Harry - 1900 circa - Named in History of Rodeo Great Addison P. Day which states that "Many a Chute Would Have Never Been Opened Without This Man". Names the Great Rodeos, Fairs, Expositions and the stars as published in old and rare western magazine.
BRAYMEN, Mason Governor of Idaho Territory mentioned in "Idaho Volunteers and the Nez Perce. 1877 era. True historical story of Colonel Edward V. McConville, Commander of Company I, First Regiment, Idaho Volunteer Militia as found in the rare, complete old western magazine.
BRAYTON, George A. mentioned in "The Real Molly Brown", by Louise Cheney
BRAZ, Wenceslau * - 1917 - President of Brazil pictured in article entitled "Latin American Leaders Who Support President Wilson" as saved from old American Pictorial magazine
BRAZ, Wenceslau * Doctor of Brazil (Latin American Leaders Who Support President Wilson in WWI).
BRAZEAL, Thomas - 1867 - 78 era. Location: TX. Named in story entitled "FORT RICHARDSON - THE WHITE'S MAN HOPE" by Louise Cheney who writes of the history of a U. S. Army fort in the pioneer country which only lasted 11 year but was one of the most important in our history as found in this old and complete western magazine.
BRAZEAL, Thomas - Pioneer era - LOCATION, Fort Richardson, Jacksboro, Texas. Named in story entitled HOME BASE OF 6TH CAVALRY by Russell Jones of the Fort called "The Forgotten Lady of Frontier Forts which identifies units, officers and enlisted men who occupied this fort as found in this old and complete western magazine.
BRAZELL, Mister - 1870 - 90 era. Named in story entitled SAVAGE DAYS IN SPRINGTOWN by Mrs. Clyde Gear Beatty who writes of a family who moved in the neighborhood and hosted famous outlaws Sam Bass and Henry Chalf --the wrong kind of folks and pretty soon, the whole tow was riled up as found in this rare and complete western magazine
BRAZIEL, Bud, - Deputy Sheriff * - 1919 - 22. Location: OK. Featured in story entitled SHOOT-OUT AT THE CALIFORNIA CAFE, ARDMORE, OKLAHOMA by Louise Riotte who writes of the life and times of U. S. Marshal Dow Braziel as found in this old, complete western magazine.
BRAZIEL, Dow * - U. S. Marshal - 1919 - 22. Location: OK. Featured in story entitled SHOOT-OUT AT THE CALIFORNIA CAFE, ARDMORE, OKLAHOMA by Louise Riotte who writes of the life and times of U. S. Marshal Dow Braziel as found in this old, complete western magazine.
BRAZIEL, Don - 1919 - 22. Location: OK. Brother of Dow Braziel named in story entitled SHOOT-OUT AT THE CALIFORNIA CAFE, ARDMORE, OKLAHOMA by Louise Riotte who writes of the life and times of U. S. Marshal Dow Braziel as found in this old, complete western magazine.
BRAZIEL, R. H. - 1919 - 22. Location: OK. Brother of Dow Braziel named in story entitled SHOOT-OUT AT THE CALIFORNIA CAFE, ARDMORE, OKLAHOMA by Louise Riotte who writes of the life and times of U. S. Marshal Dow Braziel as found in this old, complete western magazine.
BRAZIL * - Brazil's Dictatorship Era Ends. Doctor Getulio Vargas elected first President of Brazil under the new Constitution. Featured Article, National News Magazine, 1934.
BRAZIL AND IT'S MOST BEAUTIFUL CAPITAL * - 1917 - Impressive pictorial collage of Brazil's capital - Rio de Janeiro, the World's 15th largest city with views and scenes from Rio in 1917 as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
BRAZIL BOTTOMS, OKLAHOMA - 1890 - 1900 era. Location OK, TN, TX. Named in story entitled FROM NIGHT HERD TO DEPUTY MARSHAL who tells of the real western life of herding cattle on the old ranches, breaking greenhorns, roping calves and, later of keeping law and order in pioneer days as published in this old, complete western magazine
BRAZILIAN SOCIETY PARADE * - 1931 - Pictured and written about in pictorial article entitled BRAZILIAN SOCIETY IN A PARADE OF PULCHRITUDE GIRLS at Copacabana Beach as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
BRAZO, "Bee" - Circus Horse Act -Circa 1900's - Wild West Show Performer referred to in this massive detailed history entitled The Way A Wild West Show Operated. Includes rare listings of old circus, shows, and the men and women who starred as performers. Rare old Western Magazine
BRAZOS BILL - Circa 1910 - 20 - Wild West Show Performer referred to in this massive detailed history entitled The Way A Wild West Show Operated. Includes rare listings of old circus, shows, and the men and women who starred as performers. Rare old Western Magazine
BRAZOS RIVER - 1860 ERA - LOCATION - TX - Mentioned in story entitled "When the ‘Ironshirt’ Clashed with ‘Old Rip’" by Neil Coleman who writes that the Indian Chief "Ironshirt" struck terror into the hearts of settlers and cavalry men alike until John S. Ford "Old Rip" led his Texas Rangers against him as found in this old and complete western magazine
BRAZOS RIVER .. - 1865-90 - Cherokee Strip, Indian Territory, Oklahoma. Named in rare autobiography entitled COWBOYS AND CATTLELAND, by H. H. Halsell, the story of life of the old Cherokee Strip Riders who galloped up and down the Cimarron Strip with Halsell in the years thru 1889 as published in this rarely found and seldom opened old, complete western magazine
BREAK NECK MINING CAMP - Early California history. Named in story entitled "HOW CALIFORNIA GOLD CAMPS WERE NAMED" by Ben T. Traywick who names many of the old gold camps throughout California claiming they read like signposts of the past as found in this old and complete western magazine
BREADON, Sam * Pictured and mentioned "The Smartest Man in Baseball". Featured article, National Magazine 1940.
BREAK OF HEARTS * - 1935 - Movie reviewed with scenes of stars in article entitled THE SCREEN as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
BREAKFAST AT SUNRISE - 1928. Appearing is actress ALICE WHITE who is written up and pictured in an article entitled STARS OF THE SILVER SCREEN as saved from this old American Pictorial Collage entitled NOTES AND COMMENTS ON MOVIES AND TALKIES.
BREAKENRIDGE GOLD CAMP* - 1847 - 1901 Era. Location Colorado, Ohio.. Story entitled FATHER DYER - THE SNOWSHOE ITINERANT by Harry E. Chatfield of a circuit preacher outfitted in buffalo-skin and snowshoes carrying his message over the gigantic mountains and deep gorges of the frontier west as here related as found in this complete western magazine
BREAKENRIDGE-LANE PRESIDENTIAL TICKET - 1850 - 90 era. Location: CA, PA, NY, OR, WA. U. S. Named in story entitled "LORENZO LORAIN" - Pioneer Photographer of the Northwest by Alan Clark Miller with photos taken by Lorenzo Lorain as found in this old and complete western magazine
BREAKENRIDGE, Elizabeth Ross - 1846 - 1931 era. Mother of subject named in story of a cool-headed fearless Deputy Sheriff of Tombstone entitled TOMBSTONE DEPUTY SHERIFF BILL BREAKENRIDGE BY Burfee Carlson. Lawman faced the likes of Ringo Star, Johnny Ringo, "Black Jack" Ketchum and "Curly Bill" Brocius as law of the west as found in this very seldom read western publication.
BREAKENRIDGE, George - 1846 - 1931 era. Father of subject named in story of a cool-headed fearless Deputy Sheriff of Tombstone entitled TOMBSTONE DEPUTY SHERIFF BILL BREAKENRIDGE BY Burfee Carlson. Lawman faced the likes of Ringo Star, Johnny Ringo, "Black Jack" Ketchum and "Curly Bill" Brocius as law of the west as found in this very seldom read western publication.
BREAKENRIDGE, George - 1846 - 1931 era.Brother of subject named in story of a cool-headed fearless Deputy Sheriff of Tombstone entitled TOMBSTONE DEPUTY SHERIFF BILL BREAKENRIDGE BY Burfee Carlson. Lawman faced the likes of Ringo Star, Johnny Ringo, "Black Jack" Ketchum and "Curly Bill" Brocius as law of the west as found in this very seldom read western publication.
BREAKENRIDGE. Willian Milton "Colonel Bill" * - 1846 - 1931 era. Story of a cool-headed fearless Deputy Sheriff of Tombstone entitled TOMBSTONE DEPUTY SHERIFF BILL BREAKENRIDGE BY Burfee Carlson. Lawman faced the likes of Ringo Star, Johnny Ringo, "Black Jack" Ketchum and "Curly Bill" Brocius as law of the west as found in this very seldom read western publication.
BREAKSTONE, George * - 1934 - Supporting star of "GREAT EXPECTATIONS", as reviewed in THE MOVIE OF THE WEEK as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine
BREAL, Michael mentioned in Frederick Mistral's "A Poet Pursued by Honors" 1914 as published tribute in old American News Magazine
BREASLAIN, Ferdinand - Early Pioneer America - Location: American West. Painting by Frederick Remington named in story entitled "THE SPANISH BARB" by Leo Gaudreau with photos courtesy of author who tells the history of the "American Mustang Horse" - its birth and breeding from beginning as found in this old complete western magazine.
BREASLAIN, Jr., Robert E., - Early Pioneer America - Location: American West. President of the Spanish Mustang Registry, Inc., named in story entitled "THE SPANISH BARB" by Leo Gaudreau with photos courtesy of author who tells the history of the "American Mustang Horse" - its birth and breeding from beginning as found in this old complete western magazine.
BREASLAIN, Jr., Robert E., - Early Pioneer America - Location: American West. Vice-President of the Spanish Mustang Registry, Inc., named in story entitled "THE SPANISH BARB" by Leo Gaudreau with photos courtesy of author who tells the history of the "American Mustang Horse" - its birth and breeding from beginning as found in this old complete western magazine.
BREASLAIN, Kitty Ui - Early Pioneer America - Location: American West. Named in story entitled "THE SPANISH BARB" by Leo Gaudreau with photos courtesy of author who tells the history of the "American Mustang Horse" - its birth and breeding from beginning as found in this old complete western magazine.
BREASTEV, James Henry * (1933 ARCHEOLOGIST HERZFELD DISCOVERY - Featured Article - Major News Magazine)
BREATHITT COUNTY, KENTUCKY - - site of 1903 Story entitled "Breathitt County Kentucky Feud".
BRECKENRIDGE, TEXAS ELK'S LODGE - 1900 era - Locations: Rodeo sites in the United States. Named in story entitled 55 YEARS A RODEO TRAMP written by William Cy Hancock as told to him by author Hackberry Johnson which is really a rodeo history from 1917 of the stars with personal photos of their acts, circus, wild west shows including a massive photo index with story after story of the old time Rodeo Stars of the old west as found in this seldom found, complete western magazine.
BRECKENRIDGE. - 1850 - 90 era. Location: CA, PA, NY, OR, WA. Presidential Candidate on the Pro-Southern Ticket named inf story entitled "LORENZO LORAIN" - Pioneer Photographer of the Northwest by Alan Clark Miller with photos taken by Lorenzo Lorain as found in this old and complete western magazine
BRECKENRIDGE, H. M. 1811 era - Location: MO, NE, SD. - Naturalist named in Western River Story entitled KEELBOAT MARATHON by Max von Kreisler who tells the story of Manual Lisa, a river boat captain in a race for the early fur industry on the Missouri River. His competitor was the American Fur Company headed by John Jacob Astor as found in this old and complete western magazine
BRECKENRIDGE, Hugh* - 1878 - 1930 Era. Site: DE, IL, IO, MA, MT, NY, WY. Subject of story entitled "THE WESTERN LEGACY OF W. H. D. KOERNER" by W. H. Hutchinson who writes that this famous artist spent his summers in the west and became famous for his cover illustrations of the vanishing American west as found in this old and complete western magazine.
BRECKENRIDGE, Webb * - Pioneer Days - Location Montana - Colonel and Commandant at Fort Halstead named in true story entitled RANGELAND JUSTICE WAS WITHOUT MERCY by Delbert G. Volk of Montana settlers who had to hang their cannibal friend, guide Ross Tatum, quickly to prevent unspeakable slaughter as published in this very rare and unusual complete western magazine.
BRECKINRIDGE, Cabell * 2nd Lieutenant, (Ten Eyck, New York City –WW 1 Honor Roll – Died of Disease)
BRECKINRIDGE, Colonel Henry . * - 1932 - Named as the the lawyer for Charles Lindbergh in the kidnapping case and pictured and featured in article entitled " ANOTHER FLYING COLONEL" as saved from the weekly featured "FOOTNOTES ON A WEEK'S HEADLINERS" published in an American Pictorial Magazine.
BRECKENRIDGE, Fred - 1900 - 1911. Location: AZ Territory, Mexico. Named in story entitled "FACE AT THE WINDOW" by Anna Payne as told to Tom Bailey who prints her story of the murder of her father and mother and the revenge she gained upon the murderer with the help of an unlikely ally, Pancho Villa as found in this 50 year old collectible western magazine in complete and mint condition.
BRECKINRIDGE, Henry * 1936 Pictured. "Opponent of the New Deal" Short Bio.
BRECKINRIDGE, John Cabell - 1864 era - Location CA. MA. Vice-President of the United States named in true story entitled THE PREACHER WHO SAVED CALIFORNIA'S SOUL by William Wingfield who writes that California was going the way of the Confederacy but a Boston preacher had left the Hollis Street Unitarian Church for a similar position in San Francisco and what he found there, disgusted him to the point of taking on the Confederate sympathizers and really, saving California for the Union as related in this extremely rare, complete seldom found western magazine.
BREDFELDT, William F. * Corporal (Davenport, Iowa –WW 1 Honor Roll – Died of Wounds)
BREDLOW, Thomas G. * - 1817 - 90 era. Site: Western United States. Author of story entitled "STAGECOACH" who writes of the history, constructions and the rocking and rambling across western trails that the Concord stagecoach had outrunning floods, Indians and outlaws as found in this old complete western magazine.
BREECE, Frank policeman mentioned in "Harry Tracy, The West's Mad Killer" article from old western magazine
BREED CAMP, MONTANA - 1860 - 90 - location GA, MT - Named in story entitled "SAGA OF MILL FLAT" by Maurice Kildare with photos courtesy of Zula White Garino. Story's subject is Joseph A. White and his family, neighbors and kin and the area known as Mill Flat where mining and lumber camps dotted the area as written up in this complete western magazine.
BREED, William C. of New York * - 1923 - Delegate to the Republican National Convention pictured and named are Officers and Notable Figures of the Convention as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
BREEDEN, Tom * - Named and pictured as Turtle Member in Historical Piece entitled " The Mighty McClures" a biographical piece about "Jake" McClure and his association with Rodeo Western Stars and their membership in an early organization called "The Turtles" as published in this complete magazine
BREED'S BOOK STORE, BUFFALO, NEW YORK - 1830 - 1890. Location, New York, Michigan. Named in story entitled "LEGEND MAKER OF THE WEST - ERASTUS F. BEADLE" by John C. Kunzog who writes of the life and times of this legendary figure who brought the wild west alive for readers through his dime novels as saved from this old and complete western magazine.
BREEN, Kathleen * - 1926 - Pictured with other "Heroines of the Switchboard" in story entitled "Death and Havoc in New Jersey Ammunition Explosion" with pictures and text of catastrophe where arsenal collapsed from the force of an explosion. Mint Condition. 11 by 14 inches.
BREEN, Nellie * - 1922 - Pictured as one of the "Beauties of The Passing Show at Winter Garden: in an article entitled " Prominent Actresses in the Silent Drama" as saved from this old Pictorial Magazine. Mint condition, 11 by 16 inches.
BREENS Donner Party mentioned in Across the Plains in the Donner Party (1846), by Virginia Reed Murphy
BREESE, Edmund * - 1935 - Pictured in Stage Review entitled "NIGHT OF JANUARY 16TH" presented at the Ambassador Theatre with picture and scenes of cast members, as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
BREESE, Jr., J. L. Pilot, * - 1919 Pictured and named as pilot of the U. S. Navy Seaplane N C - 4 crew with those flyers who are named to make a non-stop aerial flight from America to Europe along with plane and blimp identification and name as saved from this old American pictorial magazine
BREEZE, Beatrice * - 1924 - Pictured in article entitled "Junior Philadelphians in Florida For Winter" along with young Buddy Woodward, Tony Biddle Duke and Angier Biddle Duke as saved from old American Pictorial Magazine. Page size 11 by 16 inches.
BREGUET AIRPLANE, * - 1920 - Unique air machines pictured while on exhibition at THE AERONAUTIC EXPOSITION, PARIS - largest of it's kind in the world and headlined GREAT EUROPEAN STRIDES IN AIRPLANE MANUFACTURE as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
BREIHAN, Carl W. - 1860 - 80 era. Location: Western Frontier. Author of "Younger Brothers" named in story entitled GUN AND GHOSTS OF DEAD MEN by Raymond W. Thorp which covers weapons that have take a human life inc. guns of Liver-Eating Johnson, Pack Saddle Ben Geenough *, Espinsosa, the Mexican outlaw, Tom Tobin, Mariano Modeno's Hawken's Rifle, with picture of John Raymond Thorp holding the gun with which Jonathan Wiggins killed an Arapaho Indian Chief as published in this complete, old western magazine.
BREIHAN, Carl W. 1870 - Author of story of Indian War Chief, Chief of Dog Soldiers and Guardian of Secret Medicine Arrows story entitled "Little Wolf's Dog Soldiers". General Miles was so impressed with the Cheyenne War Soldiers, he asked them join the U. S. Army. Great stories and pictures relating the truth and realities of the Indian Wars on the western pioneer front as published in this rare magazine
BREIHAN, Carl W.l - 1882 - 1854 era. Site: Texas. Author of true story entitled JOHN FISHER, KING OF TEXAS who was a first class outlaw with an appetite for dandy clothes, silver plated pistols and leather boots. He had one other passion, Leopard Chaps and to get them he and his gang raided a circus, kidnapped the owner, killed the leopard and proceeded to have his chaps prepared for using as found in the unusual western magazine.
BREIHAN, Carl W. Author - 1940's - Location: Berryville, Arkansas. Author of "The Guns of Colonel Saunders" by Carl W. Breihan. Description and pictures of item of the Charles Burton Saunders' gun collection which can also be seen at the Saunders Memorial Museum in Berryville, Arkansas. As published in this old rare and complete western magazine.
BREIHAN, Carl W. * - 1890 - 1900's. . Author of story entitled “Outlaw Lady: Pearl Hart,” by Carl W. Breihan which relates some of Pearl Hart experiences, her arrest, jail time and especially the publicity and crowds that gathered to see her. She was a young, pretty, finishing school student, who committed the last stagecoach robbery in the West as found in the seldom read western magazine.
BREIHAN, Carl W. - 1866 - 68, Location, IN, MO. Author of story entitled "AMERICA'S FIRST TRAIN ROBBERIES" who reports that before anyone realized what happened, train robbers boarded the Jefferson, Madison and Indianapolis Flyer and started a trend that captivated pioneer America for many years as found in this old, complete, western magazine.
BREIHAN, Carl W., (1860-1940 era – Location: TX). Author of “Captain John R. Hughes – Texas Ranger,” by Carl W. Breihan who says the Rangers tagged Hughes when he chased horse-thieves. This short biography including many stories of his brilliant career as a Texas Ranger was published in this complete old western magazine
BREIHAN, Carl W., Author, "Cullen Baker-First of the Gunfighters", By: Carl W. Breihan - - a daring outlaw of the Old West in the era 1870's.
BREIHAN, Carl W., 1882 era - Site - Tombstone, Arizona - Author of "Gomorrah On Goose Flats", the real story of the wild days of Tombstone, Arizona, a town bloodier than Dodge City, richer than Virginia City and Leadville, where men too violent to call home stayed as published in this very rare and old and complete Western magazine.
BREITBART, Sigmunc * - 1924 - Pictured in article entitled "Throwing Sampson In The Shade" holding 3,500 pounds at the Hippodrome as saved from an old American Pictorial Magazine. Page is 11 by 16 inches in mint condition.
BREITBART, Sigmunc Mentioned in SANDOW, Eugene * - 1925 - Featured story entitled "How The World Went Mad Over Sandow" as saved from a special feature in the Sports and Athletics section of an old American News Magazine. Sandow referred to as "The Admired Thews of a Modern Hercules.
BREITENBURCHER, Miss Isabel * of the JUNIOR LEAGUE TEA ROOM OF ATLANTA, GEORGIA * - 1927 - Pictured in article entitled "DEBUTANTES AS WAITRESSES" as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
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