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Genealogy Images of History |
Updated:07/23/07 |
* indicates pictured
BORDEAUX'S TRADING POST. - 1860 era - Named in historical story entitled " Fort Laramie" , a Federal Army Outpost in Wyoming and the events that took place here and changed the outcome of the pioneer west as published in this rare of western magazine
BORDEAUX'S TRADING POST. - 1860 era - Named in historical story entitled " Fort Laramie" , a Federal Army Outpost in Wyoming and the events that took place here and changed the outcome of the pioneer west as published in this rare of western magazine
BORDEAUX, James - 1860 era - Named in this historical story entitled " Fort Laramie" , a Federal Army Outpost in Wyoming and the events that took place here and changed the outcome of the pioneer west as published in this rare of western magazine.
BORDEAUX, James - 1860 era - Named in this historical story entitled " Fort Laramie" , a Federal Army Outpost in Wyoming and the events that took place here and changed the outcome of the pioneer west as published in this rare of western magazine.
BORDEAUX, Louis mentioned in "Reporting A Gold Rush", by: Oliver Knight
BORDEN'S CONDENSED MILK - 1840 era - TX - Named in story entitled BY LAND AND SEA by Joe B. Frantz who reveals that Gail Borden made a fortune when he invented condensed milk - but that wasn't his first fling a inventing things and not nearly his wackiest as revealed in this old complete western magazine
BORDEN'S FERRY, TX *,. - 1870 era - . Described om Colonel Jack Potter's "CATTLE TRAILS OF THE OLD WEST" with picture and maps naming pioneer experiences of the most famous and even the little known cattle trails of Texas, Kansas, Colorado. Complete description of trails while relating stories of origins, hands, drivers, drovers as published in this complete and seldom found western magazine.
BORDEN, Gail * - 1840 era - TX - Story entitled BY LAND AND SEA by Joe B. Frantz who reveals that Gail Borden made a fortune when he invented condensed milk - but that wasn't his first fling a inventing things and not nearly his wackiest as revealed in this old complete western magazine...
BORDEN, Gail referred to in "Six-Guns and Printer's Ink" by Ed Repp. A history of early pioneer newspapers on the western frontier as saved from this old western magazine.
BORDEN, Gail, Jr. (1855 Scientific American Magazine - Patent Awarded - Received World Fair Medal - Meat Biscuit)
BORDEN, J. C. mentioned in "Death On The River", by: Bob Young
BORDEN, Olive * - 1927 - Pictured in article entitled THE JOY GIRL" who will take the lead in the picture of same name as produced by Fox, the item is saved from an old American Pictorial magazine.
BORDEN, Robert L. Premier * - 1919 - Canada's Delegate to the Peace Conference.
BORDEN, Robert, Sir * British Imperial Cabinet Leader pictured in "The Empire on Which the Sun Never Sets in War Council.
BORDER BRASS BAND - 1840 - 1918 era. Location, United States, Canada. Named in story entitled WHITE "MAN-DEVIL" by Glenn Shirley of the life and times of E. J. "BUCKSKIN JOE" HOYT, a pioneer Indian fighter of the old west who took his Wild West Show on the road and achieved fame as saved from this old, complete western magazine
BORDER PATROL OF UNITED STATES * - era early 1900's - Site: Mexican Border Area. Named in story of Texas Ranger Lawmen entitled HELL ON THE NUECES by Maurice Kildare who were searching for sheriff killer Gregorio Cortez near the Rio Grande. He ran, stole a fast quarter mare, eluded capture for ten days but didn't bring map and failed to cross the Rio Grande and the Texas Rangers got their man as saved from this old seldom found in this complete western magazine.
BORDER, Pete - - Named as killed in story entitled "SCOTT COOLEY'S GRAVE" by Lucille white which tells of Scott Coolie, former Texas Ranger (Frontier Battalion, Company D) who participated in a search for the murderer of TIM WILLIAMSON, a cattleman living in Mason County as saved from this old and complete western magazine.
BORDONI, Irene * - 1922 - Shown modeling in article entitled DAINTY AND MODISH HATS FASHIONED BY INGENUITY OF LEADING DESIGNERS as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
BORDONI, Irene * - 1922 starring in The French Doll in article "Scenes in Latest New York Theatrical Openings" as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
BORDONI, Irene * - 1923 - Pictured as star is Irene Bordoni of "LITTLE MISS BLUEBEARD" playing at the Lyceum Theatre in headlined ACTRESSES OF STAGE AND SCREEN as saved from this American Pictorial Magazine. Mint condition. 11 by 16 inches.
BORDONI, Irene * - LITTLE MISS BLUE BONNET w Irene Bordoni- 1923 - Shown as star of film play as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
BORDONI, Irene * - Star pictured as appearing in "LITTLE MISS BLUEBEARD" playing at the Lyceum Theatre as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine. Mint condition. 11 by 16 inches
BOREO, Messrs.. * - 1922 - Pictured as playing in The Three Huntsman, a new edition of Balieff's Chauve-Soouris in article entitled Tense Moments and Prominent Actor and Actresses as saved from this old American pictorial magazine
BORG, Carl Oscar * - 1926 - Swedish Artist named as the Supervising Art Director of the Picture The Black Pirate as written up is star Douglas Fairbanks in article entitled "SWASHBUCKLING WITH DOUG ON A PAINTED OCEAN" in the Personal Glimpses section as saved from this old American Newsweek magazine
BORG, George (Chief Justice, 1942 Malta World War II Featured Article, National News Magazine)
BORGINNIS, Sarah * - 1840 ERA - TEXAS HAD THE FIRST WAC (1840-66 era – Location: AZ, CA, TX, Mexico), by A. A. McDonald. The story of Mrs. Sarah Borginnis “Great Western,” who won fame at Fort Brown and the Battle of Buena Vista and after the Mexican War was breveted a Colonel, as published in this complete old western magazine.
BORGLUM, Gutzon - 1878 - 1930 Era. Site: DE, IL, IO, MA, MT, NY, WY. Named in story entitled "THE WESTERN LEGACY OF W. H. D. KOERNER" by W. H. Hutchinson who writes that this famous artist spent his summers in the west and became famous for his cover illustrations of the vanishing American west as found in this old and complete western magazine.
BORGLUM, Gutzon * - 1918 - Pictured and written about is the famous sculptor who has taken a controversial role in article entitled A FLASHLIGHT ON SOME ASPECTS OF THE WAR with text describing the questionable activities of the Aircraft Production Board as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine. Mint condition. 11 by 16 inches.
BORGLUM, Gutzon * - 1924 - Sculptor of Stone Mountain celebrating the birthday of Robert E. Lee pictured in working at the Unveiling of Sculptured face of Robert E. Lee Memorial at Stone Mountain Georgia as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
BORGLUM, Gutzon * - 1926 - Photograph of Lincoln Borglum of the Menger Hotel, San Antonio, Texas won honorable mention for his photography entitled GUTZOM BORGLUM IMMORTALIZES PAWNEE BILL as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
BORGLUM, Gutzon Memorial STONE MOUNTAIN, GEORGIA *., - 1923 - Site pictured in Featured article entitled NEWS OF THE WEEK showing workman laying a pipe line up to the Stone Mountain Carving Memorial to the Confederacy by Gutzon Borglum, sculptor, as saved from this old American News Magazine.
BORGLUM, Lincoln * - 1926 - of Menger Hotel, San Antonio, Texas won honorable mention for his photography entitled GUTZOM BORGLUM IMMORTALIZES PAWNEE BILL as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
BORI, Lucrezia, Mme * - 1936 - Pictured on cover entitled BORI'S FAREWELL TO SONG is Lucrezia Bori, star of the Metropolitan Opera in her final New York Appearance.
BORI, Lucrezia, Mme. * - Shown with Russian Opera Basso Chaliapin and written up in "Challiapin-Another Thrill" in National News Magazine of 1921.
BORKOWSKI, Eustazy, Captain * - 1936 - Pictured arriving in New York, aboard his Polish motor ship The Batory put into transatlantic service by Poland. She is pictured here with her Captain - Eustazy Borkowski with Bishop Karol Niemira performing ceremonies ss saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
BORLAND, Earl - 1929 mentioned in Featured Article entitled "Dirigible Anchorages" as published in this old American News magazine.
BORLAND, Middleton S., Receiver * - 1922 - Advertisement citing Hudson River Via Night Linet as appeared in this old American Pictorial magazine..
BORLING BOMBER *., - 1923 - Pictured in Featured article entitled NEWS OF THE WEEK claiming a new record in point of size as capable of carrying huge load of bombs as saved from this old American News Magazine
BORN TO BATTLE * - FBO MOVIE 1926. Location: Hollywood, California. Old Movie pictured and named in story entitled "Cowboy Strongman - Tom Tyler" by Glen Shirley tells of the history and times of this versatile actor who appeared as Captain Marvel after serving as a member of the Royal National Mounted Police and Champion Weightlifter of the U. S. Navy whose life touched most of the Hollywood greats as found in this very rare western magazine
BORN TO BATTLE * - RC RELEASED THROUGH FBO MOVIE 1926 - 27. Location: Hollywood, California. Old Movie pictured and named in story entitled "Cowboy Strongman - Tom Tyler" by Glen Shirley tells of the history and times of this versatile actor who appeared as Captain Marvel after serving as a member of the Royal National Mounted Police and Champion Weightlifter of the U. S. Navy whose life touched most of the Hollywood greats as found in this very rare western magazine
BORN, "Dutch" Henry 1884 era - Location - Dodge City, Kansas area - Horse Thief named in "Dave Mather, The West's Greatest Puzzle". Story of old west shootout and results of trial. Mather had a checkered past and had been with both sides of the law as reported in this old, rare, complete western magazine.
BOROTRA, Jean at the WIMBLEDON WORLD'S TENNIS CONGRESS * - 1933 - Star participants pictured in Pictorial article entitled "THE WORLD'S TENNIS CONGRESS; ACTION AT WIMBLEDON" as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
BOROWSKA, Olga * in EARL CARROLL'S VANITIES - w Olga Borrowska featured as pictured in American Pictorial entitled "Actresses in Current Plays".
BORRIS * Former Prince, Now Czar of Bulgaria - Pictured insert with old map of Balkan area with leaders of the countries involved in WWI - 1918.
BORREGO, Joe - (Blacksmith) - 1848 -1900 era, Site: AZ, CO, NM, UT. Named in story entitled "DON OF GANADO" by Agnes M. Pharo who writes sympathetically about Don Juan Lorenzo Hubbell, (i.e. Naakai Saani), a Navajo trader who gained the respect of his Indian customers as found in this old, complete western magazine.
BORROWE, Hallett Alsop * Captain, (New York First Volunteer Cavalry - Rough Riders - 1898 Munsey Magazine, Featured Story, War Time Snap Shots, War with Spain)
BORROWMAN, Abe, Written up in, "Disaster on the Yukon" By: Maurice Kildare - The story of the explosion of the steamer Columbian on the upper Yukon River.
BORROUM, Jim L., (of Cedar Vale, Kansas) - 1910 - 20 era - OK, .Named in story about John R. Banister - Chief Field Inspector of the the Cattle Raiser's Association by Billy B. Waldeck who said Banister could make a little old pasture or holding pen seem like Scotland Yard as found in this old and complete western magazine.
BORUFF, S. C. * - 1929 - Pictured in photo entitled UTILIZING WASTE with his Professor A. M. Buswell of the University of Illinois with experimental methane gas equipment as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
BORUS, Jack * Private (Middletown, Conn. –WW 1 Honor Roll – Killed in Action)
BOSEMAN TRAIL- 1870 - 80's era - Location CO, KS, MT, ND, PA, SD, WY. Yale Professor named in story entitled "The Great Dinosaur War" by Paul C. Day tells of the differences of Yale Professor Othniel Charles Marsh and Quaker Edward Drinker cope and their explorations of the River Basin of Montana where they hunted bones and fossils and minerals as related in this rare complete western magazine
BOSQUE GANG, (1860-1940 era – Location: TX). Mentioned in “Captain John R. Hughes – Texas Ranger,” by Carl W. Breihan who says the Rangers tagged Hughes when he chased horse-thieves. This short biography including many stories of his brilliant career as a Texas Ranger was published in this complete old western magazine
BOSQUE REDONDO - 1848 -1900 era, Site: AZ, CO, NM, UT. Named in story entitled "DON OF GANADO" by Agnes M. Pharo who writes sympathetically about Don Juan Lorenzo Hubbell, (i.e. Naakai Saani), a Navajo trader who gained the respect of his Indian customers as found in this old, complete western magazine
BOSQUE REDONDO ON PECOS RIVER, TX. *,. - 1870 era - . Described om Colonel Jack Potter's "CATTLE TRAILS OF THE OLD WEST" with picture and maps naming pioneer experiences of the most famous and even the little known cattle trails of Texas, Kansas, Colorado. Complete description of trails while relating stories of origins, hands, drivers, drovers as published in this complete and seldom found western magazine.
BOSS LADY OF THE YELLOW ASTER MINE * - 1890 era - Location CA, NV, NY - History of the Yellow Aster Mine by Roberta M. Starry and the boss of the mine, Doctor Rose La Mont Burcham who bossed the Mine with a firm hand and made it successful as found in this old, rare, complete western magazine .
BOSS, Lewis * Lieutenant (Washington, District of Columbia – Honor Roll – Died of Wounds)
BOSSELLI, Judith * - 1922 - Pictured as "Actress of State and Screen, With Scenes From Recent Productions" playing in Wild Oats Lane as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
BOSSERMAN, Jake - 1880 - 1890 - Location - Colorado. Named in "They Died Fast in Tin Cup" by John Mayland--a historic report of the activities of this Colorado mining town. including the swearing in of the first Marshal F. B. "Old Man" Willis who was told by the town fathers "You make an arrest and it will be your last" as published in this rare, seldom found, complete old western magazine.
BOSSI, John T. * Captain, (Arkansas City, Kansas -WW 1 Honor Roll - Died of Wounds)
BOSSIE, D. J. * Sergeant (Nashua, New Hampshire –WW 1 Honor Roll- Killed in Action)
BOSTICK, Ray E. * Lieutenant, (Manton, Michigan -WW 1 Honor Roll - Killed in Action)
BOSTON AERONAUTIC SHOW * - 1910 - Featured Article - Scientific American showing Planes of this era.
BOSTON AND MAINE RAILROAD * - 1926 - Story entitled THE FIRST MILE-A-MINUTE RUN which is actually a history of the speed of trains through the century as saved from this old American News magazine.
BOSTON AND ALBANY RAILROAD * - 1924 - Pictorial Cover of Electric Billy Goat in use hauling a coal car along with text describing same for Boston and Albany Railroad.
BOSTON BICYCLE CLUB. * - 1925 - Charles W. Reed pictured in article entitled "TRUMPETING FOR NEARLY HALF A CENTURY" as the 83 year old Bugler who has started the Annual Ride of the Boston Bicycle Club since 1878 as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine
BOSTON BULLS * OF ANWYL, R. M. - 1927 - (De-Moines, Iowa) - His Boston Bulls pictured wit text entitled "A THRIVING FAMILY OF BOSTON BULLS, MRS. BEANE as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
BOSTON-CALIFORNIA MINING COMPANY- 1850 - 60 era. Location: Atlantic and Pacific Ocean, California. Named in story entitled "DEATH RIDE OF AN ARGONAUT" by Ed Earl Repp tells of the hopes and dreams of those that challenged the sea to get to the California hills to search for gold as published in this old, complete western magazine
BOSTON CELTICS* - 1920 - Shown with Babe Ruth basketball star who captained the original Passaic team at the Seventy-First Regiment armory, N. Y. with Johnnie Beckman who is highest salaried basketball player from this old American pictorial magazine.
BOSTON COLLEGE TWINS GRADUATE * - 1925 - Pictured are TWINS KEEP STEP WHILE CLIMBING PARNASSUS GRADUATES as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine. 10 by 14 inches. Mint condition.
BOSTON GLOBE - 1929 - Named in story entitled "HOW TARZAN KEPT THE WOLF FROM THE DOOR" tells of the early life of Edgar Rice Burroughs when, after failing to sell pencil sharpeners on Chicago wyndy streets failed and started writing TARZAN with them instead as found and saved from this old American News magazine
BOSTON HARBOR * - WW I British Submarines Interned pictorial coverage.
BOSTON OUTDOORS * 1907 by Samuel Crothers. Drawings by Jules Gierom. engravings by H. C. Merrill w rare history of buildings of old Boston
BOSTON, Katherine, Miss - 1923 - Pictured in feature WOMEN IN VARIED ACTIVITIES are society girls preparing Christmas tree at the Hotel Biltmore, New York for the New York Society for Prevention and Relief of Tuberculosis as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
BOSTON, MASS. *, 1933 - Pictorial page showing an aerial view in the New England Resorts Section of an old American Pictorial Magazine
BOSTON, MASS. DRYDOCKS * - 1920 - Pictorial collage showing the U. S. S. Virginia ENTERING THE BIGGEST DRYDOCK IN AMERICA AT BOSTON, MASS.as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS - 1863 - Location: Named in story entitled "The Black Heroes of Battery Wagner" by Michael S. Colin who writes of a little known Black American War hero, Sergeant Louis "Smokejack" Douglas, of the Negro 54th Brigade and his heroic action as reported in the western magazine.
BOSTON PROFESSIONAL FOOTBALL TEAM - 1926 - Names as under Robert McKirdy, Sports Promoter in story entitled "PRO" FOOTBALL'S NEW CZAR - BIG BILL EDWARDS who aspires to place pro football on the basis of high class football as it is played in colleges and reported and saved from this old National News magazine. 3 pages.
BOSTON RED SOX - 1925. Named in story entitled SPANKING BASEBALL'S BABY AND PETTING ITS PARAGON - the story found in the Sports and Athletics Section and saved from this old American News Magazine which relates the misadventures and fines of Babe Ruth and the exploits of Ty Cobb
BOSTON SCHOOL OF EDUCATION CAMP at Wilton, Me. * - 1928 - Pictured in article entitled A FRIENDLY BATTLE IN CANOES. Mint Condition. 11 by 16 inches.
BOSTON SUNDAY POST - 1872 Era. Location: CT, MA, NY,. Named in story entitled "NEW LIGHT ON THE MARY CELESTE MYSTERY" as saved from an old American News Magazine which revisits the case and cause of this great mystery in the shipping industry when the brig was found abandoned.
BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA GUEST DIRECTOR - WOOD, Henry J., Sir * - 1934 - The guest director of the Boston Symphony Orchestra featured in article entitled FOOTNOTES ON A WEEK'S HEADLINERS headlined POPULARIZER OF CLASSICAL MUSIC as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
BOSTON TRANSCRIPT named in story entitled "AS BOSTON SEES ANY LOWELL' written one month before her heath. She was an American Poet of the imagist school who posthumously won the Pulitzer Prize in 1926 as saved from this old American News magazine.
BOSTONIA Steamer mentioned in 1865 era Mississippi River tragedy - 1,647 died - old western magazine
BOSTWICK, G. H. * - 1936 - (Westbury, Long Island) - Pictured and named in pictorial story entitled "The Week-End Sports Review" as Greentree winning the first game over Aurora for the national open polo championship as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine. Mint condition. Double page.22 by 14 inches.
BOSTWICK, George H.. * - 1934 - Pictured and written about in weekly article entitled THEY STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD as saved from an American News Magazine. Leading American sportsman is a five-goal player and leading amateur steeplechase rider.
BOSTWICK, Henry - 1850 era. Site: Ireland, Western United States. Named as wagon boss in story entitled THE WEST'S GREATEST GAME KILLER by Jay Scott who writes of the Irish Lord St. George, Eighth Baronet of Gore who came to our pioneer and hunted game for fun as told in this complete western magazine.
BOSWELL, Helen Varick, Miss.of New York * - 1923 - Vice President of the New York Republican County Committee and delegate from the 13th Congressional District to the Republican National Convention pictured and named are Officers and Notable Figures of the Convention as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
BOSWELL, Julia G., Miss * - Alexandria, Virginia Fingerprinting expert. 1918 -Pictured in article entitled A FLASHLIGHT ON SOME ASPECTS OF THE WAR with text describing her activities in finger printing every soldier and sailor in the World War I United Sates forces as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine. Mint condition. 11 by 16 inches.
BOSWICK, Harvey, 1854 era Wagon Boss named in "Bloody Gore and the Buffaloes". by Major Minton R. Grabill of the most fantastic hunting expedition ever held. Seems that British Lord, Sir St. George Gore, left St. Louis and hunted and fished our west for three years killing 30,000 buffalo, thousands of deer receiving name of "Bloody Gore" magazine.
BOSWORTH, Hobart * - 1922 -"Your Favorites Are Here". First National Pictures Stars and Directors of 1922 pictured and mentioned here.
BOSWORTH, Hobart *- 1928 - Anna May Wong is featured with Hobart Bosworth in pictorial collage entitled "THE CHINESE PARROT" IS ANOTHER MYSTERY PICTURE by Mitchell Rawson as saved from this old American News Magazine
BOTAY, E. G. - 1880 - 1920 - Location Ireland, NV, LA, OH - New Orleans turfman named in horse race story entitled RAWHIDE PAYS ITS RESPECTS by Guy Mayo, the story of Riley Grannan, the King of the sport of Kings who is described as a turf plunger as noted for his imperturbability as for the large sums he bet as told in this complete, rare western magazine.
BOTAYLE (EADIE-TAU-HAIN) - 1874 - Named in story entitled "LAST STAND ON A TEXAS PRAIRIE" by William P. Knox which chronicles history of the Battle of Lyman's Wagon Train and the Battle of Buffalo Wallow in 1874 which resulted in 19 Medal of Honor Awards being bestowed. Battle is famous for the quote "Forward, If any man is killed, I will make him a Corporal" as found in this very rare, little known western magazine.
BOTE-SCREW COMPANY - 1780 - 1880 era. Western Frontier of Minnesota. Named in history entitled FORT SNELLING - GIBRALTAR OF THE WEST by Joan Kyllo who recites the rich past of one of America's most valuable outposts from the days of founding by Zebulon Pike to the construction by Colonel Josiah Snelling as found in this seldom read western magazine.
BOTELER, Fred - 1840 - 1926 - Site: Western United States. Ranch Owner named in THE DUDE FROM LIMERICK, a true story written by Marshall Sprague of the Earl of Dunraven, a wealthy Lord from England who just had to experience the thrills of our pioneer west. He wanted to meet Buffalo Bill, Texas Jack, Kit Carson and lots of Indian Squaws. And he did and this recites those events as published in a rare Western Magazine.
BOTELER, James E. * Lieutenant (Remington, Virginia -WW 1 Honor Roll - Killed in Action)
BOTH, Emil * Private, (Jersey City, New Jersey - WW 1Honor Roll - Killed in Action)
BOTHA, General Louis * - 1919 - South Africa's Delegate to the Peace Conference
BOTHA, General Louis * - 1919 Premier of South Africa (1863 - 1919) Pictured in Story of South Africa.
BOTHNER, H. * 1905 - of NORWAY. Article entitled "Scandinavia's Future" with history of the fight for independence by Norway and pictures the members of the Norwegian Council of State, as published in this old American News Magazine.
BOTSFORD, Arnold * Private (Hasbrouck Heights, New Jersey WW 1 Honor Roll - Killed in Action)
BOTTA, Mrs. (1885 Helen Hunt Jackson Article. Major National News Magazine)
BOTTLE WAHER PATENT OF DE GRAW, H. N. - 1857 - Green Island, Albany County, New York. . Patent awarded entitled "DE GRAW'S BOTTLE WASHER" with detailed explanations of working and engraving.
BOTTOMLEY, Jim - 1926 - Named as member of the St. Louis Cardinals baseball team in featured story entitled "ROGERS HORNSBY'S MOTTO: PICK OUT THE GOOD ONES".- winner of the National League Batting Championship as saved from this old American Newsweek magazine. Four pages
BOTTOMLEY, Jim mentioned "The Smartest Man in Baseball". Featured article, National Magazine 1940.
BOUCHARD, Oliver * Private, (Rochester, New York -WW 1 Honor Roll - Died of Acciden
BOUCHER, Leonard H. (Author) - 1884 era - MACARTHUR SLEPT HERE. Early Fort Selden, New Mexico history with story of famed General Douglas Mac Arthur with picture as a boy with family as published in this old and seldom found western magazine.
BOUCHER, Leonard H. (Author) – 1904 -05 – LOCATION, Alberta CA, England. Story entitled BUTTON AND BOWS by Leonard H. Boucher who writes that the Mounties Always Get Their Man – the story of Sgt. Kristjan Anderson who solved a murder as published in this western magazine
BOUCHER, Leonard H. (Author) * - 1860 circa. Site: NM, TX. Story entitled THE BATTLE OF THE NO KISSIN' KIN - (WHEN THE RIO GRANDE RAN RED) by Leonard H. Boucher who writes of a battle when the South won a shallow victory under the leadership of Confederate Army General H. H. Sibley against General E R.S. Canby of the Union Army which is reported here in detail as found in this old and complete western magazine.
BOUCHEROT, Paul - 1927 - His design entitled "LIKE A VISION OF JULES VERNE OR H. G. WELLS: A FLOATING ISLAND" with drawing and explanation as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
BOUGAINVILLE - 1923 - 55 era. AZ, IWO JIMA, Washington, D. C. Identified in this wonderful story and tribute to this hero of Marines entitled TAPS FOR IRA HAYES by Maurice Kildare who has been immortalized by the famous statute of the raising of the United States flag at Mt. Surburbachi, Iwo Jima in World War II. Tells of his Pima Indian reservation life and pulls no punches as found in this extremely rare and complete Western Magazine.
BOUGARD, Pierre - Father - circa 1877. Site: TX, Mexico. Named in story about escapade of Judge Charles Howard entitled SHOOT-OUT AT SAN ELIZARIO by Dean Lipton who tells of the unauthorized take over of the salt lakes of Guadalupe and the resultant conflict resulting in Texas Ranger deaths as found in this old, complete, western magazine.
BOUGH, Dorothy * 1922. Equaled Sprint Record in 75 yard hurdle dash in Philadelphia.
BOUGHTON, Albert - Inventor, Malone, New York - Machinery for Polishing Stone - List of Patent Claims-November 7, 1854)
BOUILLON, Franklin, * - 1917 - Pictured as the Minister of Missions Abroad in the French Cabinet in article entitled MEN AND WOMEN PROMINENT IN WAR-TIME ACTIVITIES as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
BOULDEN, Alice * - 1931 - Co-Starred with Joe Cook who are shown in a scene from FINE AND DANDY appearing at the Erlanger Theatre in article entitled PLAYERS FEATURED IN BROADWAY ATTRACTIONS as saved from this old American pictorial magazine
BOULDER CAMERA - 1861 era - Location: WY. Named in story entitled WAS TOM HORN TWO MEN? by Dean Krakel who reports on one of the most argued about trials in frontier history as found in this old, complete western magazine.
BOULDER DAM * - 1929 Featured article entitled Discord over the Colorado Dam.
BOULDER DAM mentioned in "Amadeo Peter Giannini, Banking Genius" By: Joe Koller
BOULDER LAKE * - 1935 - Colorado River era. Article entitled "Boulder Lake In The Making" as pictured and saved from an old American Pictorial Magazine. Page is 9 3/4 by 13 3/4 inches.
BOULDER PEAK CAMP, LELITER.* - 1900 - California Sierras, Mohave Desert, Los Angeles, California. Named in story entitled NO MEDALS FOR MEN OR BEASTS - a picture story of the Los Angeles aqueduct whose construction was one area's salvation and another's doom as found in this old and complete western mag.
BOULDER, COLORADO HISTORICAL SOCIETY MUSEUM - 1850 - 1880 - Colorado - Story entitled "Lady Hunter on the Platte", first lady hunter of the pioneer west. This is her story as published in this rare and complete western magazine.
BOULEVARD RASPAIL * - 1925 - American Artist who frequented this place - 1925 - Pictured in their Paris Studio in a Pictorial collage with extensive text of American Artists studying in Paris as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
BOULIER, Sol - 1900 circa - Named in History of Rodeo Great Addison P. Day which states that "Many a Chute Would Have Never Been Opened Without This Man". Names the Great Rodeos, Fairs, Expositions and the stars as published in old and rare western magazine.
BOULIER, Sol - 1900 circa - Named in History of Rodeo Great Addison P. Day which states that "Many a Chute Would Have Never Been Opened Without This Man". Names the Great Rodeos, Fairs, Expositions and the stars as published in old and rare western magazine.
BOULTER'S LOCK ON THE THAMES AT ASCOT SUNDAY * - 1921 - Published page entitled RECORD CROWD THRONGS BOULTER'S LOCK ON ASCOT SUNDAY where the Ascot Races are held at Ascot Heath and riding the punt to their destination as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
BOULTS WOOD CARVING & MOLDING MACHINE *. BOLTS*, M. T., 1870 Inventor - Featured Cover and article on granting of Patent for Molding, Carving and Paneling Machine.
BOULTS, M. T. * 1870 Inventor - Featured Cover and article on granting of Patent for Molding, Carving and Paneling Machine.
BOURDEAUX, Army Scout, circa 1866 mentioned in "Powder River Expedition", by: Greg Smith as published in old western magazine.
BOURDELLE *, Emile-Antoine. 1929. "The Greek Spirit Lived Again in Bourdelle" as published in national American News Magazine.
BOURET, Joe W. * Private, (Cheyenne, North Dakota - WW 1Honor Roll - Killed in Action)
BOURGEOIS, Leon (French Delegate) * - League of Nations Draft Conference Participants - 1919 - Pictured in article entitled A FLASHLIGHT ON SOME ASPECTS OF THE WAR are those that formulated a rough draft of the proposed league as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
BOURGEOIS, Leon * - 1920 - Named as French delegate to Peace Conference in Pictorial collage and text of article entitled "INITIAL SESSION OF THE LEAGUE F NATIONS AT QUAI D'ORSAY, PARIS" as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
BOURKE, Cptain - Era: 1880's: Location: Pioneer West (Author - Raymond W. Thorp) Named in the Story of Pete Kitchen * whose son was scalped, his employees killed, his stock driven away or slaughtered but there he stayed - unconquered and unconquerable. Although he killed and scalped many Indians, he later befriended many as reported in this old and complete western magazine
BOURKE Captain (second Lieutenant under Cushing) mentioned in "Sword of Revenge" by: Donald N. Bentz
BOURKE, John - Deputy Sheriff of Yavapai County - 1800 era. Site: AZ, MO, TN, IRELAND. Named in this story entitled 'JOHNNY BEHAN OF TOMBSTONE" by Glenn G. Boyer who writes that Sheriff "Johnny" Tombstone was in constant conflict with Wyatt Earp and the resultant story as published in this old and complete western magazine
BOURKE, John Gregory, Lieutenant * - Late 1800 era - Site: America, Ireland, England. Named in story entitled THE FIGHTING IRISHMAN by Donald N. Bentz, the true story of Captain Gerald "Jerry" Russell of the 3rd Cavalry, U. S. Army who was known for his unmercifully hard treatment of his soldiers but gained their respect by riding beside them so much so that they took the name of RUSSELL'S RAGGED ROGUES as related in this complete and hard to find western magazine.
BOURKE, John T. * (Cleveland News Leader), Report on the Ku Klux Klan Population and strength in American News Magazine - 1923
BOURLAND, James, Colonel * - Oct. 1862 - Acting Commander named in story entitled The Great Hanging at Gainesville, Texas, October, 1862 by L. D. Clark of a Community Turned Into A Death Camp and brother against brother. Picture main subject, Nathaniel Clark and wife as found in this complete and rare western magazine.
BOURN *, Jr., G. W., Private, U. S. Army (Templeton, Mass.) - 1919 - WW 1 HONOR ROLL - Killed in Action)
BOURNE, D. A., Mr. and Mrs. - 1870 era - Location: Nevada. Named in story of the LOST SHEEPHERDER MINE by Neil Murbarger of the old mining town of Jarbidge, Nevada and the golden bonanza that was just a shovel away as found in this old complete, western magazine.
BOURNE, Whitney * - 1936 - Pictured as star of the stage show "O EVENING STAR" by Zoe Atkins playing at the Empire Theatre starring Whitney Bourne as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
BOUSTEAD, Jack, Photo * - 1931 - (of San Diego, California) - Winner of Cash Award for photo submitted entitled THE PACIFIC BELIES ITS NAME: WAVES BREAKING OVER THE DECK in weekly feature entitled WINNERS OF CASH AWARDS IN THE AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHIC CONTEST as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
BOUTELLE, F. A. - 1870 era - Location: Lava Bed, Northern California - Captain, U. S. Army involved in Modoc fight named in true historical story of the Modoc Indian war entitled SLAUGHTER ON THE LAVA BEDS by E. L. Zohan which was, man for man, the costliest one in American history. The sides came together under a flag of truce which both sides knew was a farce which quickly proved true as Captain Jack, leader of the Modocs, took the life of General E. R. S. Canby and all hell broke loose thereafter as related in this complete and seldom found western magazine.
BOUTELLE, Lieutenant, 1872 era. Written up in "THE WAR THE ARMY WOULD LIKE TO FORGET" by Samuel Stanley. Story of the Modoc War and the native Indians fight for their homeland and to live in piece.
BOUTWELL, Alexander, (ex-Sheriff) * - Oct. 1862 - Confederate sympathizer named in story entitled The Great Hanging at Gainesville, Texas, October, 1862 by L. D. Clark of a Community Turned Into A Death Camp and brother against brother. Picture main subject, Nathaniel Clark and wife as found in this complete and rare western magazine.
BOUYEA, Louis A. * Private (McDougal, Arkansas -WW 1 Honor Roll - Killed in Action)
BOUYER, "Mitch", Army Scout - 1860 - 76. Location DAKOTA TERRITORY, MT, WY. Named in story entitled Bloody Knife – Custer’s Favorite Scout by Ernest Lisle Reedstrom who reports of the loyalty of one half-breed Indian Scout who gained Custer’s respect and ultimately his death in fighting against Custer’s foes. It is an exciting story of his fights along the pioneer western front with actual pictures showing his friendship and respect from Custer as found in this seldom opened western magazine
BOUYER, "Mitch", Army Scout, circa 1866 mentioned in "Powder River Expedition", by: Greg Smith as published in old western magazine.
BOUYER, Mitch, Sioux Scout, – 1870s era – Location MT, SD, mentioned in “The Custer Story,” by Bill Judge who goes to great lengths to explain the reasons Custer lost. A revealing and thorough account based on participants in the action and comments of first men to follow the trail as published in this complete old western magazine.
BOVEE, Jim - (San Francisco Policeman) - 1850 - 80 era. Location: CA PA Canada. Named in story entitled CALIFORNIA'S PRINCE OF RASCALS by William B. Secrest who writes of the sordid hisoty of old time San Francisco, California politics - naming many characters involved as published in this old and complete western magazine.
BOVY, Vina * - 1937 - Belgium Sorprano written up in featured story of American Metropolitan Opera in National Newsweek Magazine entitled "Wagner In Modern Dress."
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