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Genealogy Images of History |
Updated:07/23/07 |
* indicates pictured
W RANCH, "The First Rodeo" by Jimmy Walker. Names in history of the first Rodeo from June 10, 1847 in Santa Fe, New Mexico to the many Rodeos and Wild West Shows held throughout the western United States as found in this old western magazine.
W. A. DICKEY'S CIRCLE D WILD WEST SHOW 1900 - 20 era - Named in historical story entitled "Rodeo Personalities", which lists hundreds of the Rodeo Stars of the Early Western Shows with many pictured in this complete and very rare western magazine. Your granddaddy might be here.
W. K. MERWIN steamboat mentioned in "Ho, for the Klondike!", by Paul Hogarth
W. S. RANCH GRAVEYARD * - 1885 - 1899 Era. Location: New Mexico. Named and pictured in "Graveyard of Violence", story of the W. S. Ranch Graveyard near Alma, New Mexico. Many tombstones pictured along with tales fro the old west about their death as published in rare western magazine.
WAACS * - 1918 - Pictures of members of World War I Woman's Support Group entitled "Organized Women War Workers of England" as published in this national news magazine.
WABASH RIVER * - 1933 - Pictured in flood stage near Cayuga, Indiana.
WABUSKA MANGLER - 1850 1918 era. Location: CT, NE, NV. Named in story entitled "A TIP OF THE HAT TO SAM DAVIS" by Celesta Lowe who writes that Sam Davis hob-nobbed with the greatest of the old west writers yet "Nevada Sam" as he was known is not a household name as are the others but they considered him a contemporary of theirs as published in the old, complete western magazine
WACO EXAMINER, Waco, Texas - referred to in Biography of famed Texas Pioneer Captain John E. "Jack" Elgin (1890-1938) entitled "Murder at Ft. Graham" by Col. M. L. Cummings in this seldom found western magazine. Founder of the Waco Examiner, Waco Greys and famous "heart of oak" plank.
WACO GREYS - 1881 - Organization founded by famed Texas Pioneer Captain John E. "Jack" Elgin (1890-1938) entitled "Murder at Ft. Graham" by Col. M. L. Cummings in this seldom found western magazine. Founder of the Waco Examiner, Waco Greys and famous "heart of oak" plank
WACO INDIAN CHIEF Big Foot mentioned in 1865 era Mississippi River Tragedy - 1,647 died - old western magazine
WACO, TEXAS - 1860 ERA - LOCATION - TX - Mentioned in story entitled "When the ‘Ironshirt’ Clashed with ‘Old Rip’" by Neil Coleman who writes that the Indian Chief "Ironshirt" struck terror into the hearts of settlers and cavalry men alike until John S. Ford "Old Rip" led his Texas Rangers against him as found in this old and complete western magazine
WACO, TEXAS - 1890 era. Location – AZ, NY, ST. LOUIS. TX Named in story entitled “1890 Candid Cameraman” by Diane Thomas – the story of Lisle Updike who the author claims was born with a “roadmap for a heart” and tells of the travels and experiences of this pioneer photographer as found in this old and complete western magazine.
WADDEL, Bill * - 1920 era. Location: Oklahoma. Co - Named in story entitled "HOW THE PICHER DISTRICT REALLY CAME TO BE" by Dick Wills as told to by J. F. (Jim) Robinson which tells of the discovery of what was to become the greatest zinc operation in the world as reported in this complete western magazine.
WADDELL, C. L. of New York City who announced engagement to Miss Catherine HUGHES*, Daughter of Secretary of State
WADDELL, Chauncey Lockhart * - 1922 - (of New York) Wedding picture entitled WEDDING OF DAUGHTER OF SECRETARY OF STATE: MARRIAGE OF MISS HUGHES AT WASHINGTON which took place at the Sts. Peter and Paul's Cathedral as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
WADDELL, Representative of North Carolina * - 1876 - Memorial addresses on life and character of Andrew Johnson by members of the United States and House of Representatives. ORIGINAL. Some spoilage, binder frayed. Printed by order of the 44th Congress. Hard cloth cover with Gold lettering.
WADE HAMPTON MINE , - 1870 - 1930 era. Named in western study entitled "THE TOWN THAT COPPER BUILT" by Harriett Farnsworth who is pictured on scene in seldom found, rarely read old Mining Story that needs to be rediscovered as found in this complete western magazine
WADE, "Kid" - 1883 - 90, LOCATION: NB. Named in story entitled "The Mystery of Murphy's Canyon" by Dade Gipson w photos courtesy of author. Seems that one Kit Murphy owned a piece of land that produced some good timber. Trouble was, a band named the "Pony Boys" thought they had a claim and old Kit was strung up for protecting his own timber as told in this old complete western magazine.
WADE, "KID" - 1900 era. Site; Nebraska, Cuba, United States. Named in story entitled IRON MAN LLEWELLYN - a remarkable history of one of the great pioneers of the west. Honored as a fighting man by Theodore Roosevelt and stalwart defender of the rights of all as found in this unusual western magazine.
WADE, Brigadier General Made Calvary Major Following Civil War- "The Men in Command of Our Fighting Force". Saturday Evening Post 1901.
WADE, Chauncey, Captain * 1919 - Supply Officer, 339th Infantry, Archangel, Russia pictured in Collage of Photos of group on duty following World War I. Pictured are officers and Headquarters of the Allied Forces. Three pages, 11 by 16 inches in excellent condition.
WADE, Herbert T,* - 1917 - Author of article entitled "COMPLETING THE WORLD'S BUSIEST WATERWAY" - The Fourth Lock at SDault Ste. Marie by Herbert T. White as saved from this old American Scientific magazine.
WADE, Horace.. * - 1880 - 1920 - Location Ireland, NV, LA, OH. Author of Tales of the Turf amed in horse race story entitled RAWHIDE PAYS ITS RESPECTS by Guy Mayo, the story of Riley Grannan, the King of the sport of Kings who is described as a turf plunger as noted for his imperturbability as for the large sums he bet as told in this complete, rare western magazine.
WADE, Jeptha H. - 1850 - 90 era. Site: Nebraska and Western Frontier. Named in biography entitled EDWARD CREIGHTON - SINGING WIRE CHIEF byJoe Koller describing the live of this builder of the first trans-continental telegraphy line, early Platte Valley Rancher, freighter and developer of the Northern Plains. who was elect to the Hall of Fame of Great Westerners of the National Cowboy Hall of Fame as found in this rare and complete western magazine.
WADE, Minnie Miss, ( Women Joplin dedicated songs too), (SCOTT JOPLIN & MAPLE LEAF RAG History, Black Americana American National Magazine1975)
WADE, Ora Mrs., (THE SANCTIFICATIONISTS OF BELTON, TEXAS, Feature Story of American Magazine 1965)
WADLEIGH, Andy mentioned in "Death On The River", by: Bob Young
WADLEIGH, F. L. * - 1923 - Pictorial article showing recently appointed by the President to succeed Conrad E. Spens, as Federal Fuel Administrator sas saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
WAGLEY, Marvin - 1920 era. Location: AR, OK, TX. Named as employee of People's Bank robbed by Starr in story entitled HENRY STARR AND THE ROUGH ONES by Milt Hinkle who tells of the life and times of the old cowboys of the 101 Ranch and stars of the various wild west shows that they starred in as published in this old and complete western magazine
WADSWORTH, Edward - 1916 - American Artist named in article describing type of painting of English artist Wyndham Lewis written with picture of his Vorticist and text entitled ART WHICH MAKES FOR EMOTION called "Vorticism" - a step-child of Cubism and Futurism which has made a name for itself as saved from this old American News Magazine.
WADSWORTH, Elliot * - Assistant Secretary of United States Treasury - 1922 - pictured and mentioned in "Leading Figures and Events at the National Capital".VAN WIE, Florence, Mrs.. of Rochester, New York * - 1923 - Delegate at large to the Republican National Convention pictured and named are Officers and Notable Figures of the Convention as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
WADSWORTH, James W. *- 1870 era - Location; New England, NY, NB, WY, UT. Yale University student pictured and named in story entitled PROFESSOR MARSH GOES WEST: THE YALE EXPEDITION which tells of the first American specialist in paleontology, Professor O. C. Marsh and his venture in search of old dinosaur bones as found in the rare and complete western magazine.
WADSWORTH, James W., New York * - 1923 - Senator from New York and Delegate at large to the Republican National Convention pictured and named are Officers and Notable Figures of the Convention as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
WADSWORTH, James W., Jr. " - 1932 - Senator pictured w text in article entitled "Footnotes On A Week's Headliners" as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine. Page is in mint condition. 11 by 16 inches.
WADSWORTH, James W., Jr. * Republican Senator from New York in 1920. Pictured.
WADSWORTH, James W., Jr., , * - 1935 - Pictured in article entitled "JAMES W. WADSWORTH" as his resume and he, himself, mentioned as a candidate for the Republican Nomination of U.S.which appeared in "FOOTNOTES ON A WEEK'S HEADLINERS as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
WADSWORTH, Livingston * Private, (Geneseo, New York -WW 1 Honor Roll - Killed in Action)
WADSWORTH, NEVADA. - 1914 era. Location: Western United States. Named in the history of the circumstances of the construction of the transcontinental telephone system by THEODORE N. VAILl which was completed across the United States on June 17, 1914 as reported in this complete western magazine.
WADSWORTH, R. M. , - 1893 era - Inspector named in Biographical History of Texas Ranger Lawman Joe Sitters entitled "Marked For Death" who was also a Customs Inspector in the early west as published in western magazine.
WADSWORTH, R. M..- 1891 ERA - Named as Custom Inspector in Historical story entitled Tracker of Texas Ranger and customs inspector Joe Sitters who was brutally murdered and the story here retold by Kevin Michaels as published in this old western magazine
WADSWORTH, Ruth * - 1924 - Premier figure skater of the Hippodrome Skating Club, St. Paul, Minnesota pictured in article entitled "FLYING WITH SKATES INSTEAD OF WINGS" as saved from this old American pictorial magazine
WAELDIN, Madeleine * - 1931 - Pictured and written about in article entitled ANOTHER RIVAL FOR GAR WOOD'S SPEEDBOAT LAURELS where little Madeleine Waeldin is trying out the idea of hooking on an outboard motor to a washtub as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
WAGGONER, Dan * - 1880 era. Location, Ft. Worth, Texas. Brother of subject of story entitled RANCHERO GRANDE by William CX Hancock and Wylie W. Bennett, Sr. Covers the history of this Ft. Worth Horseman who was responsible for the founding of Texas Thoroughbred Racing. He and his brother set about to develop the greatest ranch in the west only to be foiled by a detested ocean of oil as published in this seldom found western magazine.
WAGGONER, Dan - Pioneer era - LOCATION, Fort Richardson, Jacksboro, Texas. Named in story entitled HOME BASE OF 6TH CAVALRY by Russell Jones of the Fort called "The Forgotten Lady of Frontier Forts which identifies units, officers and enlisted men who occupied this fort as found in this old and complete western magazine
WAGGONER, Electra - 1880 era. Location, Ft. Worth, Texas. Named in story entitled RANCHERO GRANDE by William CX Hancock and Wylie W. Bennett, Sr. Covers the history of this Ft. Worth Horseman who was responsible for the founding of Texas Thoroughbred Racing. He and his brother set about to develop the greatest ranch in the west only to be foiled by a detested ocean of oil as published in this seldom found western magazine.
WAGGONER, Ella Halsell * - 1880 era. Location, Ft. Worth, Texas. Wife of subject of story entitled RANCHERO GRANDE by William CX Hancock and Wylie W. Bennett, Sr. Covers the history of this Ft. Worth Horseman who was responsible for the founding of Texas Thoroughbred Racing. He and his brother set about to develop the greatest ranch in the west only to be foiled by a detested ocean of oil as published in this seldom found western magazine.
WAGGONER, Tom - 1850 - 1927 era, Location: MO, OK, TX, VA, WY. Named in story entitled "FRONTIER LAWMAN" by William Gardner Bell who writes of the life and times of U. S. Marshall Frank M. Canton who, in later years, was on the side of the law and earlier was known as Outlaw Joe Horner, the "Lone Highwayman of Texas" as found in this old and complete western magazine
WAGGONER, W. T. "Tom" * - 1880 era. Location, Ft. Worth, Texas. Subject of story entitled RANCHERO GRANDE by William CX Hancock and Wylie W. Bennett, Sr. Covers the history of this Ft. Worth Horseman who was responsible for the founding of Texas Thoroughbred Racing. He and his brother set about to develop the greatest ranch in the west only to be foiled by a detested ocean of oil as published in this seldom found western magazine.
WAGGONER, Tom mentioned in "He Bagged 'Em Bare-Handed", by Vera Holding
WAGNER, Beatrice * - 1924 - Pictured in article entitled BEATRICE WAGNER w text reading New York native dancing at the Theatre Cora Laparcerie in Paris under the name of Nadja as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
WAGNER, Elsa * - 1934 - (Stars as Napoleon's mother Laetitia). Movie Review of Mussolini's Drama "HUNDRED DAYS" in Film Form as history is re-enacted in the most authentic of settings as saved from this old American Pictorial magazines.
WAGNER, H. A. * Mr. and Mrs., Veterans and wives of the Civil War who celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversaries in San Francisco, 1922.
WAGNER, H. Van * Private (Locust Valley, New York -WW 1 Honor Roll - Died of Wounds)
WAGNER, Hans- 1926 - Named in featured story entitled "ROGERS HORNSBY'S MOTTO: PICK OUT THE GOOD ONES".- winner of the National League Batting Championship as saved from this old American Newsweek magazine. Four pages
WAGNER, Hans * - 1929 - Featured and pictured with Harry Powley, the Star pitcher and home-run hitter of the Verona Community Team given a tryout by Hans Wagner and John McGraw in article entitled TIPS TO A ROOKIE FROM ONE WHO KNOWS as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
WAGNER, Cable - Photo * - (of Sidney, Ohio) - 1928. Winner of Second Prize Cash Award for picture of Mrs. R. J. Wagner and daughter Ann Mary entered in "MOTHERS AND CHILDREN: THE PRIZE PORTRAIT CONTEST in this Pictorial collage. 11 by 16. Mint.
WAGNER, John Deputy mentioned in "Henry Plummer's Horrendous Masquerade" article from old western magazine
WAGNER, Julius * Private (Stamford, Conn., -WW 1 Honor Roll - Lost in the Sinking of the Tuscania)
WAGNER, R. J., Mrs. and Ann Mary * - (of Sidney, Ohio) - 1928. Winner of Second Prize Cash Award for picture entered in "MOTHERS AND CHILDREN: THE PRIZE PORTRAIT CONTEST in this Pictorial collage. 11 by 16. Mint.
WAGNER, Richard FESTIVAL OPERA HOUSE * - 1907 - Pictured and written about in article entitled " A HUDSON RIVER SCHOOL OF ORCHESTRA " which announces Lillian Nordica's plans for an American Institute of Music combining a school of operatic instruction with the features of a great Wagner Theatre at Balreuth as saved from this old American News Magazine.
WAGNER, Siegfried * (1896 Munseys' Magazine Feature Story World of Music)
WAGNER, Victor * - 1922 - Named as Musical Conductor of the Intimate Criterior Orchestra in pictorial movie flyer entitled "NEW YORK'S TRIO OF FAMOUS MOTION PICTURE THEATRES" as saved from this old American pictorial magazine
WAGON BOX FIGHT. - 1860 era - Named in historical story entitled " Fort Laramie" , a Federal Army Outpost in Wyoming and the events that took place here and changed the outcome of the pioneer west as published in this rare of western magazine
WAGON OVER THE SIERRAS *., - 1844 era - Location, Sierra Nevada Mountains - Freight Wagon Driver named in "Wagons Over the Sierras", the actual true story of hauling the freight to the gold miners describing the fine art of jerklining via the Hangtown Road from St. Joe, Missouri as published in the complete, rare and seldom found western magazine
WAGON WESTWARD, THE MOVIE - 1900 era - Indiana - Hollywood. Named in story of Charles Frederick Gebhard (or Gebhart) or "Buck Jones - Bona Fide Hero" by Joseph G. Rosa. History of greatest film cowboy of all time. Cowboy, Cavalryman, movie star - it's all here in this little known and seldom found complete western magazine.
WAGON-BOX FIGHT - era: Late 1880's - Named in article entitled SCOTTY PHILIP - LIVING LEGEND by Joe Koller, elected to the Hall of Fame of Great Westerner of the National Cowboy Hall of Fame and the Western Heritage Center at Oklahoma City and his story of how he became a dyed-in the wool pioneer, starting as a gold miner, becoming an Army Scout, freighter and rancher. Organized the Missouri River Stockmen Association as told in this rare magazine
WAGSTAFF, J. B. - Special Agent of the Treasury Department - 1800 era. Site: AZ, MO, TN, IRELAND. Named in this story entitled 'JOHNNY BEHAN OF TOMBSTONE" by Glenn G. Boyer who writes that Sheriff "Johnny" Tombstone was in constant conflict with Wyatt Earp and the resultant story as published in this old and complete western magazine
WAH SHO SHA *. Indian Chief pictured and mentioned in "Indian Chiefs in Washington Carrying Peace Pipes".
WAH SUN - 1850 - 75 era. Site: CHINA, CA., MT, NV., SD, ND, TX. Named as Chinese Laundry owner in history of Chinese immigrant workers on the western frontier and the prejudice they endured as entitled MANPOWER, CHINESE STYLE by Doris Cerveri and reported in this complete and seldom found western magazine
WAH-CON-DAH great spirit mentioned in "Mystery of The Lost Lemon Mine" article from old western magazine
WAHACANKA - Indian Name (ie. Luke Shield) - 1880 - 1910. LOCATION - DAKOTAS. Indian named in story entitled "The High Cost of Competent Mourners" by Mary Collins Rexroth which is a compilation of letters written by her great aunt, Auntie May or Mary Clementine Collins, a medical doctor and a minister in the Congregational Church called Princess Winona by the Sioux Indians she ministered to as found in this old and very rare western magazine
WAHAZEE - 1790 - 1820 era. Location KY, MO, WY. Osage Indian named in story entitled COLTER'S BOONE by Raymond W. Thorpe whose relations with John Colter and Daniel Boone is here retraced as they whipped the early pioneer country and longed for a "Far Country" as found in this old and complete western magazine
WAIILATPU MISSION, WALLA WALLA, WASHINGTON - 1800 - 1900's era. Location: ID, MT, OR, WA. Named in story entitled "BLACK ROBES AND CIRCUIT RIDERS" by Gracey Roffey Pratt who writes that in the pioneer days it was thought that 'Sunday Would Never Cross the Mississippi" but a host of dedicated circuit riders and missionaries carried their message as relayed in this history written in this old and complete western magazine.
WAIKIKI BEACH, HAWAII * - 1927 - Pictorial collage with text by Ethel C. McDonald entitled Rugged and Placid Features of Paradise of the Pacific showing scenes of Hawaii in the early 1931's inc., Waikiki Beach, Hilo, and Kiluauea as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
WAINWRIGHT *, Colonel. Heroes of the TWENTY SEVENTH DIVISION*, U.S. Army 1919 New York Welcome Home
WAINWRIGHT, Helen (Miss) *- 1923 - Featured in " Leading Figures in Various Fields of Sport". Winner, National Diving Championship.
WAINWRIGHT, J. M. * Colonel Asst. Secretary of War pictured and mentioned in "First Group Photograph of Assistant Secretaries of U. S. Government Departments as featured in this panoramic picture from 1922
WAINWRIGHT, Jonathan M., General 1840 era - Site: Rio Grande Country, Texas - Named in story entitled STRANGE SAGA OF FORT CLARK by Louise Cheney Aver which includes history of the Fort which author calls " The Guardian of the Rio Grande Country" and major figures i.e. General Ranald "Bad Hand" MacKenzie who played an important part in the defense of the frontier north of the river as found in this very rare and treasured western magazine.
WAITE, Davis H. - (Governor of Colorado) -1859 - 1893 era. Site: Colorado. Named in story entitled "REQUIEM FOR THE FEDERATION" by T. H. Watkins who writes of the class warfare struggle challenging the power of organized capital in violent confrontation between miners and mine owners as found in this complete, western magazine.
WAITE, Dick - 1870 - 1890 - Location - United States. Named in story entitled RIFLE KING by Raymond W. Thorp of one of the greatest rifle shots of the old west, William F. "Doc" Carver * and his feats and exploits with the Winchester Rifle he had made a household word and received the accolade of "Champion Shot of the World and Our Best Salesman" from Oliver F. Winchester as published in this old and complete western magazine
WAITE, E. G. - Candidate for Clerk of the Supreme Court - 1867 - 1800 - 1890 era. Site: California. Named in story entitled TAPEWORM, TICKETS & SHOULDER STRIKERS by Richard Reinhardt who writes of many of the shenanigans at the polls in California in the early days and those that participated as found in this complete western magazine.
WAITE, Fred - 1870 - 80 era. Location: New Mexico. Named in story by Philip J. Rasch who writes claiming his story gives an impartial and more accurate account of this historic New Mexico Gunfight which included BILLY THE KID as found in this old, complete western magazine.
WAITE, George. - 1860 - 80 - era: Site - Kansas - Colorado. Named in story entitled LAYING TRACK ON THE HIGH PLAINS by Joseph W. Snell with photos provided by the Kansas State Historical Society of Topeka. History - a history of the times when the Pacific Railroad Act of 1862 provided impetus to expand our railway system and enable coast to coast travel as saved from this rare and complete western magazine
WAITE, Henry M., * - 1935 -Deputy of the Public Works Administrator for the New Deal pictured in article entitled WASHINGTON'S BIG SPENDER as reported in the weekly feature FOOTNOTES ON A WEEK'S HEADLINERS as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
WAITE, Morrison R. Supreme Court Chief Justice, (RIDE-IN. A BLACK AMERICANA TRUE STORY OF 1870, American National Magazine 1962)
WAITE, Mr. Mentioned in "Undersea Treasure" By: Anonymous
WAKAMBA NATIVE DOLLS * - 1929 - Article entitled "AFRICAN FASHIONS FOR AMERICAN WOMEN" reporting the interests of Miss Ethel Traphagen in Debutante Nubian Style and Nkikuya and Wakamba native dolls as saved from this old American Newsweek magazine
WAKARA Indian war chief mentioned in "Four Men Rode South" article from old western magazine
WAKARA * (early 1850's) Ute Indian Chief involved in Walker's War as related in historical story entitled "Wakara, The Mormon Menace". The Mormons tried to make peace with the Utes Indians to no avail and their chief Wakara's efforts to drive them out resulted in "Walker's War" as found in this very rare and seldom read western periodical.
WAKEAH - 1884 - 90 era. Location: OK, TX. Named as wife of Chief Quanah Parker in story entitled CHIEF CAUSE AND QUANAH PARKER by Janice Wilks Orlov with Olive Wilks Horton and Claude Wilks. Relates the story of a white man drifting between two ways of life, unable to make a clear choice and, finally, at home nowhere. as published in the old, complete western magazine
WAKEENEY, KANSAS - 1880 Era History entitled "Nicodemus - "The Promised Land" - the story of a Kansas town founded by a Tennessee Black Slave named Benjamin "Pap" Singleton - called the "Moses of the Colored Exodus". This is lost Black American History in this rediscovered magazine.
WAKEFIELD, Doctor 1810 - 90. Location: AZ, CA, MX, NY. Named in story of pioneer, prospector and builder, Solomon Warner. by Donald N. Bentz. Grandson of a Revolutionary War Veteran, he left New York for the pioneer wilds and actually set the bricks for old Fort Yuma before settling down to a lifetime of work as he opened the first “American” store in Tucson. He had to leave the country when the Civil War broke out, but he returned to become one of Arizona’s leading citizens as found in this old western magazine
WAKEFIELD, Charles, Sir * - 1922 - Pictured are those attending this bust given to the American people by SIR Charles C. Wakefield for the Sulgrave Institution of Great Britain as published in article entitled PEOPLE FIGURING PROMINENTLY IN THE NEWS as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine. Mint. 11 by 16 inches.
WAKEFORD, O. * Major, Royal Garrison Artillery ( For King and Country; Officers on the Roll of Honour- Died of Wounds)
WAAKELEY, Eleazar (Husband of Sarah Comstock) - U. S. Indian War Era. Location, Western U. S. Named in story entitled "MESSENGER TO THE INDIANS" by Joseph W. Snell whom the author says was called by General George Custer the perfect scout in horsemanship, fearless in manner, a splendid hunter and a gentleman by instinct as found in this old and complete western magazine.
WAKELIN, Buddy - 1920 - 40 era. Location AR. Son of Superior Chief of Police of Hot Springs named in this true story entitled "Hell In Hot Springs" by Frederick L. Collins tells of the lurid past of Hot Springs, Arkansas and the sins and omissions along Bath House Row as found in this rare, seldom read story as saved from an old American News magazine
WAKELIN, Joe * - 1920 - 40 era. Location AR. Superior Chief of Police of Hot Springs named in this true story entitled "Hell In Hot Springs" by Frederick L. Collins tells of the lurid past of Hot Springs, Arkansas and the sins and omissions along Bath House Row as found in this rare, seldom read story as saved from an old American News magazine
WALAPAI INDIAN CHIEF * - 1883 Era - Site: Grand Canyon. Captain Jack named and pictured in pictorial history and text entitled AN 1883 EXPEDITION TO THE GRAND CANYON by Tom Wittick of his father record breaking and breathtaking trip down the Grand Canyon as found in this rarely found and seldom read complete American western magazine.
WALAPAI INDIAN WICKEUP DWELLINGS * - 1883 Era - Site: Grand Canyon. Named and pictured in pictorial history and text entitled AN 1883 EXPEDITION TO THE GRAND CANYON by Tom Wittick of his father record breaking and breathtaking trip down the Grand Canyon as found in this rarely found and seldom read complete American western magazine.
WALBURN, Raymond * - 1931 - Stars pictured in a scene from the "THE HOUSE BEAUTIFUL" opening at the Apollo Theatre in article entitled PLAYERS PROMINENT IN BROADWAY ATTRACTIONS as saved from this old American pictorial magazine
WALCOTT, Charles D., Doctor. - 1914 - Smithsonian Institute named in article entitled DR. LANGLEY, DISCOVERER OF THE AIR which states that "others believe that the experiment at Hammondsport firmly and finally establishes Samuel Pierpont Langley as the inventor of the heavier-than-air machine. Glen Curtis flew "Langley's Folly", as the plane was previously called, for ten minutes over Lake Keuka. Important documentation of early American aircraft flights as saved from this old American magazine
WALCOTT, Frank, Major * - 1850 - 1927 era, Location: MO, OK, TX, VA, WY. Named in story entitled "FRONTIER LAWMAN" by William Gardner Bell who writes of the life and times of U. S. Marshall Frank M. Canton who, in later years, was on the side of the law and earlier was known as Outlaw Joe Horner, the "Lone Highwayman of Texas" as found in this old and complete western magazine.
WALCOTT, Frank, Major * - 1890 - 1892 era. Location TX, WY. Story entitled "THE HIRED KILLERS" with rare picture of 25 Texans who the author claims were a swaggering group of deadly young men with the purpose to rid Wyoming of a group of rustler's terrorizing the territory organized by Major Frank Walcott to clean 'em out as published in the old, complete and rare western magazine.
WALCOTT, Josiah O. * Senator, (Delaware - D) 1919 -New Faces in the Sixty-fifth Congress of the United States.
WALDA, Clinton C. * Private (Fort Wayne, Indiana –WW 1 Honor Roll – Died from Wounds received in Action)
WALDECK, Billy B. - 1910 - 20 era - OK, TX. .Story entitled TERROR TO THE RUSTLERS about John R. Banister - Chief Field Inspector of the the Cattle Raiser's Association by Billy B. Waldeck who said Banister could make a little old pasture or holding pen seem like Scotland Yard as found in this old and complete western magazine.
WALDMAN, Louis * - ( Suspended Representative, New York Assembly) - 1920 - Pictorial Collage entitled "Socialist Members Barred from Seats in New York Assembly". 84 year old single page, 11 by 16 inches in good condition.
WALDMAN, Louis * - 1920 - Representative from New York Assembly pictured and written about in Article entitled "Disfranchising Socialism" - the History of New York duly elected legislatures thrown out of the body as saved from this old American News Magazine.
WALDRON, Charles * - 1921 - Pictured are stars Clare Eames, Frank Reicher and Charles Waldron, appearing in prominent roles in the John Drinkwater's play " Mary Stuart" as saved from this old American Pictorial magazine.
WALDRON, Mr. * - 1933 - Pictured with world record Black Marlin caught off Kona, T. H., as saved from this old American Pictorial Magazine.
WALDSTEIN, Estelle, Mrs., * - 1931 - (Detroit, Michigan), Pictured as homemaker who found that a plumber had switched her pipes from water to Ginger Ale as saved from this old American pictorial magazine.
WALES *, Prince of, (1916 THE PRINCE OF WALES-BACK FROM THE WAR, Pictorial Review April 20, 1916)
WALES, Marguerite A., Miss.. * - 1935 - Pictured and written about in weekly feature entitled THEY STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD as saved from this old American National News magazine. She is the General Director of the Henry Street Visiting Nurse Service in New York where she heads a staff of 265 graduate registered nures who make more than 500,000 thousand visits to the homes of patients annually.
WALES, Thomas Henry * Sergeant, (Weston, West Virginia –WW 1 Honor Roll – Killed in Action)
WALES, Wally * - 1930 - 70 ERA - Location USA. Named in story entitled “Behind the Creation of the Lone Ranger Legend - Who Was That Masked Man?” by Sam Henderson, who describes and names those in the extensive research of creating the Lone Ranger, as published in this complete old western magazine.
WALEY, Harmon and wife. Principal Accusers mentioned in featured National magazine article "G-Men in Unending War", 1935.
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Copyright © [Genealogy Images of History], All rights reserved.
Copyright © [Tom Russell]. All rights reserved